$TXT Created by MCCLENAHAN,MARGARET E E at DEVCUR.FO-SLC.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Tuesday, 12/11/07 at 15:07 ============================================================================= Run Date: JAN 28, 2008 Designation: TIU*1*234 Package : TIU - TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #221 Status: Released Compliance Date: FEB 28, 2008 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)TIU*1*184 <<= must be installed BEFORE `TIU*1*234' (v)TIU*1*220 <<= must be installed BEFORE `TIU*1*234' (v)TIU*1*222 <<= must be installed BEFORE `TIU*1*234' (v)TIU*1*235 <<= must be installed BEFORE `TIU*1*234' (v)TIU*1*236 <<= must be installed BEFORE `TIU*1*234' Subject: PROHIBIT EDIT OF SIGNED DOCMTS; LIMIT AMEND; ALLOW CP CO-SIGNER EDIT Category: - Routine - Informational Description: ============ Patch TIU*1*234 makes 4 changes: First, it prevents the text of ALL signed documents from being edited. Second, it prohibits all users except Privacy Act Officers or MIS/HIM Chiefs from AMENDING ALL documents. These 2 changes are required by the OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL and by HIMS. The prohibitions function regardless of business rules and apply in both VISTA and the CPRS GUI. ****** IMPORTANT BUSINESS RULE NOTE ****** All business rules mentioned in USR*1*31 except the one AMEND rule must STILL be changed as required by patch USR*1*31. See section II on Business Rules. ************************* Third, this patch adds Clinical Procedures (CP) to the types of documents whose Expected Cosigners can be changed using VISTA option EDIT COSIGNER (EC), which was sent out in TIU*1*220. Fourth, it corrects an error by which National Standard Titles were inadvertently removed from the CPRS GUI Document Display. I. DESCRIPTION: =============== ****** IMPORTANT PRE-INSTALLATION NOTE ****** Site User Class managers must check several User Classes BEFORE this patch can be installed. If sites do not have at least one of User Classes CHIEF, MIS CHIEF, HIM or PRIVACY ACT OFFICER exactly as named, the patch will not install. See paragraphs AMENDING DOCUMENTS IS LIMITED TO SPECIFIC USER CLASSES and PRE-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, below. ************************* 1. TEXT EDIT OF SIGNED DOCUMENTS IS PROHIBITED TIU*1*234 prevents the text of signed documents from being edited. This is accomplished by adding status UNCOSIGNED to existing prohibitions. Users who attempt to edit the text of signed documents will receive the message, 'You may not edit uncosigned or completed documents.' 2. AMENDING DOCUMENTS IS LIMITED TO SPECIFIC USER CLASSES Action AMEND is limited to members of User Classes CHIEF, MIS; CHIEF, HIM; or PRIVACY ACT OFFICER. Other users who attempt to AMEND documents will receive the message, 'Only Privacy Act Officers or MIS/HIM Chiefs may amend documents.' In order to ensure that sites are prepared for this change, the patch cannot be installed until the necessary User Classes for action AMEND exist at the site. See PRE-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. These changes are required by the OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL and by HIMS. The prohibition/limitations function regardless of business rules. They apply in both VISTA and CPRS GUI options. ****** IMPORTANT BUSINESS RULE NOTE ****** All business rules mentioned in USR*1*31 except the one AMEND rule must STILL be changed as required by patch USR*1*31. See section II on Business Rules. ************************* 3. CP and VISTA option EDIT COSIGNER (EC) Expected Cosigners of CP can now be edited using hidden VISTA option EC. See the NPM entry for TIU*1*220 for details regarding other document types. Note that this is a separate option from the general EDIT option, which is no longer permitted for signed documents. VISTA option EDIT COSIGNER (EC) also adds a new requirement for Discharge Summary Attending Physicians (DS Attendings). Until future patches are released this applies in Option EC ONLY. Option EC does not accept a DS Attending if they require cosignature for the document. They must also be in USER CLASS PROVIDER. See Section NEW ATTENDING REQUIREMENT DETAILS. 4. DISPLAY LACKS STANDARD TITLES TIU*1*234 also corrects an error by which National Standard Titles were inadvertently removed from CPRS GUI Document Displays. NEW ATTENDING REQUIREMENT DETAILS In anticipation of later patches, TIU*1*234 changes option EC (only) to apply new requirements for selecting DS Attendings. The change is currently operative only in the EC option. The new Attending Requirement was made by the Clinical Workgroup. It dictates that Attendings for DS must be in User Class PROVIDER, may not be terminated, and may not themselves require cosignature. This change will be made in TIU*1*219 and in CPRS GUI V27. These are scheduled to be released together sometime after TIU*1*234. Whether someone is active in a particular User Class is date-dependent. The date used here to determine active membership is the Date of Dictation (not the current date). In TIU*1*234 the LIST of possible selections in VISTA option EC when the user enters '??' when selecting an Attending does not eliminate users who require cosignature. In the future, this list WILL eliminate these users from the list in VISTA option EC. This change will take place automatically when patches TIU*1*219 and CPRS GUI V27 are released. II. Business Rules ================== 1. ACTION EDIT Business Rules for action EDIT RECORD for **SIGNED** documents are irrelevant as of TIU*1*234. If sites still have such rules, they should remove any such rules. This will prevent confusion in the future for inspections and reviews.(Sites should have removed these rules when USR*1*26 was released.) 2. ACTION AMEND Business Rules for action AMEND are irrelevant as of TIU*1*234. Sites should remove any AMEND rules. This will prevent confusion in the future for inspections and reviews. 3. All business rules mentioned in USR*1*31 must STILL be changed as required by patch USR*1*31. The one exception is the one AMEND rule for LR ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY documents, which must be removed, not changed. 4. EDIT COSIGNER for CP If current rules for action EDIT COSIGNER do not include CP, you will need to add them. See TIU*1*220 for details. III. E3Rs and Remedy Tickets ============================ E3Rs ==== The following E3R is resolved by this patch: E3R No.: 17062, EXPECTED CO-SIGNER CAN BE CHANGED WITHOUT AUDIT This E3R describes a situation in which the text of a signed note can be edited without the signature being scrambled. TIU*1*234 prevents this scenario by prohibiting the Expected Cosigner from editing the note text in the first place. Other aspects of this E3R have been resolved in previous patches. REMEDY TICKETS ============== The following Remedy tickets are fully or partially satisfied by this patch: HD0000000186686 TIU*1*152 did not include 'uncosigned' state HD000000069237 DUR-0300-31223 inconsistency in expected co-signer HD0000000213674 Cannot edit un-cosigned clinical procedure notes HD0000000173762 CAC'S have concerns with patch TIU*1*220 HD0000000190241 Edit cosigner option does not work HD0000000188617 Cannot edit expected cosigner in results HD0000000205643 Edit Expected Cosigner HD0000000176501 COSIGNATURE NOT REQUIRED MESSAGE AFTER 220 IV. New Service Request 20070921 ================================ NSR 20070921 - Automate Steps from Informational Patch Outlined in USR*1*31 This NSR is resolved by TIU*1*234, but in a more robust way than the NSR title indicates. The NSR concern is that users be prevented from changing the text of a TIU document once the document has been signed. This includes actions EDIT and AMEND. The NSR is resolved as follows: First, TIU*1*234 prevents the text of signed documents from being edited. Second, it prohibits all users except Privacy Act Officers or MIS/HIM Chiefs from AMENDING documents. These prohibitions/limitations disregard Business Rules. V. DOCUMENTATION RETRIEVAL ========================== Several TIU Manuals have been updated to reflect the enhancements provided by this patch. The updated documentation is available in the form of (.PDF) files, as follows: TIUUM.PDF TIU User Manual TIUIM.PDF TIU Implementation Guide TIUIG.PDF TIU Installation Guide The files can be retrieved in BINARY format by FTP. The preferred method is to FTP the files from: download.vista.med.va.gov which will transmit the files from the first available FTP server. The files may also be downloaded directly from a particular FTP location at the following locations: CIO FIELD OFFICE FTP ADDRESS DIRECTORY ---------------- ------------------------- -------------------- Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov [anonymous.software] Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov [anonymous.software] Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov [anonymous.software] Documentation can also be found at: http://www.va.gov/vdl VI. PRE-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS This patch checks the environment before permitting installation. If the site does not have at least one of the 3 User Classes CHIEF, MIS; CHIEF, HIM; or PRIVACY ACT OFFICER, or if none is populated, the patch will not install. Sites who do not have at least one of these User Classes by the exact name listed here will need to change the name of an existing class or create a new class that exactly matches one of these. Please make sure that these classes are appropriately populated. VII. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ============================== This patch requires TIU*1*184, TIU*1*220, TIU*1*222, TIU*1*235, and TIU*1*236. Installation of this patch will take less than 5 minutes. Users need not be off the system when applying this patch, but it should be installed at a non-peak time of day to minimize disruption to users. 1. Use PackMan option, INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE to load the transport global. If the site has the necessary User Classes, you will see message TIU*1.0*234 Will first run the Environment Check Routine, TIUEN234 User Classes look ok. If not, you will see message: Documents cannot be amended except by members of class CHIEF, MIS, CHIEF, HIM, or PRIVACY ACT OFFICER. (Classes must be named exactly as listed.) I can't find any users in these classes. Please check with the person who maintains User Classes at your site. Aborting install. TIU*1.0*234 Build will not be installed, Transport Global deleted! If you receive this message, you will need to contact the person who maintains User Classes at your site and they will need to follow the PRE-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS before you attempt to load the transport global. Assuming you have successfully loaded the transport global, continue as follows: On the KIDS menu under the 'INSTALLATION' menu, use the following options as desired: Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Backup a Transport Global 2. On the KIDS menu under the 'INSTALLATION' menu, use option Install Package(s) to install the patch. When prompted for INSTALL NAME enter TIU*1.0*234. 3. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//", respond 'NO'. 4. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//', respond 'YES', and DISABLE the TIU* Options and Protocols. 5. When prompted 'Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60): 0//; respond '0'. VIII. POST-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Business Rules See section II on Business Rules above for more detail. 1. ACTION EDIT If sites still have any rules for action EDIT RECORD for SIGNED documents they should remove them. (Sites should have removed these rules when USR*1*26 was released.) 2. ACTION AMEND Sites should remove any AMEND rules. 3. Sites must STILL change business rules mentioned in USR*1*31. The one exception is the AMEND rule for LR ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY documents, which must be removed as in step 2. 4. EDIT COSIGNER for CP In order to use CP, sites will need to add Business Rules for CP similar to those described in TIU*1*220 if current rules for action EDIT COSIGNER do not include CP. Environment Check Routine 5. When the patch has been installed successfully the site may delete routine TIUEN234 after checking the checksum. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;1.0;Text Integration Utilities;**[Patch List]**;Jun 20, 1997;Build 6 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: TIUEN234 Before: n/a After: B2843730 **234** Routine Name: TIULP Before: B47310116 After: B48499805 **98,100,116,109,138,152,175, 157,182,184,217,236,234** Routine Name: TIUPRPN1 Before: B53973292 After: B54770889 **45,52,87,100,162,182,211,222,234** Routine Name: TIURA3 Before: B23238249 After: B38623337 **220,234** Routine Name: TIURB Before: B44977489 After: B46724354 **4,32,52,78,58,100,109,155,184,234** Routine Name: TIUSRVA Before: B22071569 After: B23503804 **19,28,47,80,100,116,152,160, 178,175,157,236,234** Routine Name: TIUSRVR2 Before: B31534657 After: B31602592 **100,109,162,222,234** Routine list of preceding patches: 220, 222, 236 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : MCCLENAHAN,MARGARET Date Entered : AUG 07, 2007 Completed By: GRAZIANI,ROBERT Date Completed: JAN 28, 2008 Released By : SCHMIT,BECKY Date Released : JAN 28, 2008 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT