============================================================================= Run Date: AUG 20, 2008 Designation: TIU*1*219 Package : TIU - TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #225 Status: Released Compliance Date: OCT 06, 2008 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)TIU*1*98 <<= must be installed BEFORE `TIU*1*219' (v)TIU*1*112 <<= must be installed BEFORE `TIU*1*219' (v)TIU*1*136 <<= must be installed BEFORE `TIU*1*219' Subject: DS Attending Requirements, Graphing - CPRS GUI 27 Category: - Routine - Other - Data Dictionary - Informational Description: ============ I. DESCRIPTION: ============ This patch is being released in conjunction with CPRS GUI v27. CPRS GUI version 27 consists of two host files: OR_PSJ_PSO_27.KID and CPRS_BUNDLE_GUI_27_REQ_REL.KID. These two host files contain software patches that support CPRS GUI v27 functionality. The host files were created to simplify installation at Veterans Health Administration (VHA) facilities. Please refer to the "CPRS GUI v.27 and Associated Patches Installation Guide" for installation sequence information. This document is exported as OR_30_243IG.doc and OR_30_243IG.pdf and is included in OR_30_243.ZIP. Installation and set-up information specific to TIU*1*219 is included in this patch description. OR_PSJ_PSO_27.KID includes the CPRS and Pharmacy patches required for CPRS GUI v27. It includes builds for the following patches: OR*3*243 PSJ*5*134 PSO*7*225 CPRS_BUNDLE_GUI_27_REQ_REL.KID includes the related and required patches needed to support CPRS GUI v27 functionality. It includes builds for the following patches: GMRA*4*38 GMPL*2*35 GMTS*2.7*80 LR*5.2*365 TIU*1*219 WV*1*23 *** NOTE *** TIU*1*219 makes DD changes. If you wish to compare the new DDs with your current DDs, be sure to do so BEFORE installing host file CPRS_BUNDLE_GUI_27_REQ_REL.KID. See INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS below. Changes in TIU*1*219 ==================== 1. This patch changes the requirements for a user to be selected as an Attending FOR DISCHARGE SUMMARIES ONLY. Users who themselves require cosignature may no longer be selected. (See TIU DOCUMENT PARAMETER 'USERS REQUIRING COSIGNATURE'.) NOTE: In order for this parameter to be respected under all circumstances, it should be set for CLASS Discharge Summary. Lower settings are usually respected, but not always. Also, users are now required to have User Class PROVIDER in the USR Authorization/Subscription Utility in order to be selected as Attendings. Person Class in the New Person file [#200] is no longer checked when selecting Attendings FOR DISCHARGE SUMMARIES. These changes hold in both the CPRS GUI V27 and TIU VISTA. NOTE: While the TIU VISTA list of selectable Attendings does enforce these new requirements, it differs from the CPRS GUI list in that the TIU VISTA list fails to omit Attendings who have been disusered. This problem will be addressed in a future TIU patch and will ensure that the VISTA list matches the CPRS GUI list exactly. 2. Changes are made to facilitate CPRS GUI Graphing as it looks up TIU documents. These changes are transparent to the user. ClearQuest ========== These APIs satisfy ClearQuest: HDS00010834 - DBIA's graphing with TIU HDS00010833 - DBIA's for TIU 8925.1 and 8925. New DBIAs have been written for these APIs, to replace temporary IAs 4477 and 4478. HDS00011666 - Remedy 69237: Users can cosign their own notes HDS00016231 - PTM 874: Change Help Text for USERS REQUIRING COSIGNATURE to be consistent with software changes HDS00016262 - St. Louis: Resident Physician can sign DS; Business Rule requires Resident to have Co-signer Remedy ====== 69237 DUR-0300-31223 inconsistency in expected co-signer II. TECHNICAL COMPONENTS: ===================== DATA DICTIONARY (DD) Changes: ============================ TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION file [#8925]: The screen on the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION file [#8925], field ATTENDING PHYSICIAN [#1209] is changed to prohibit persons requiring cosignature from being designated as Attendings for Discharge Summaries. The new screen also requires such persons to be in User Class PROVIDER. The screen no longer checks Person Class in the NEW PERSON file [#200}. These changes apply to Discharge Summaries ONLY. New Screen on ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: ================================= 8925,1209 ATTENDING PHYSICIAN 12;9 POINTER TO NEW PERSON FILE (#200) HELP-PROMPT: Enter the name of the Attending Physician. INPUT TRANSFORM: S DIC("S")="I +$G(DA), +$$SCRATT^TIULA3(+DA,+Y) D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X SCREEN: S DIC("S")="I +$G(DA), +$$SCRATT^TIULA3(+DA,+Y) EXPLANATION: DS Attendings may not be terminated, must be in USR Class PROVIDER, and may not require cosignature. Other Attendings must be active providers. Previous Screen for your information: ===================================== 8925,1209 ATTENDING PHYSICIAN 12;9 POINTER TO NEW PERSON FILE (#200) INPUT TRANSFORM: S DIC("S")="I '+$$ISTERM^USRLM(+Y), +$$PROVIDER^TIUPXAP1(+Y,DT)" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K: Y<0 X LAST EDITED: JAN 13, 1999 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the name of the Attending Physician. SCREEN: S DIC("S")="I '+$$ISTERM^USRLM(+Y), +$$PROVIDER^TIUPXAP1(+Y,DT)" EXPLANATION: Only active PROVIDERS may be selected. New Description for field REFERENCE DATE [#1301] ================================================ The Description for field 1301 REFERENCE DATE in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE [#8925} has been updated to more accurately describe its values for Discharge Summaries. New Description: =============== 8925,1301 REFERENCE DATE 13;1 DATE DESCRIPTION: This is the Date (and time) by which the clinician will reference the document. For Progress Notes, this will likely be the date of the provider's encounter with the patient. For Discharge Summaries, it will correspond to the Discharge Date of the Admission referenced in the document. (If there is no Discharge Date when dictated, it will correspond to the dictation date of the record instead.) Old Description for your information: ==================================== DESCRIPTION: This is the Date (and time) by which the clinician will reference the document. For Progress Notes, this will likely be the date of the provider's encounter with the patient. For documents which have been dictated, and transcribed (e.g., discharge summaries), it will correspond to the dictation date of the record. In all cases, this is the date by which the document will be referenced and sorted. TIU DOCUMENT PARAMETERS FILE [#8925.95} New Description for field USERS REQUIRING COSIGNATURE [#5] ========================================================== The Description for field USERS REQUIRING COSIGNATURE in the TIU DOCUMENT PARAMETERS FILE [#8925.95} has been updated to describe the field's new use for Discharge Summaries. New Description: =============== 8925.95,5 USERS REQUIRING COSIGNATURE 5;0 POINTER Multiple #8925.955 DESCRIPTION: Please indicate which groups of users (i.e., User Classes) require cosignature for the type of document in question. For example, STUDENTS, INTERNS, LPNs, and other user classes may be identified as requiring a cosignature for PROGRESS NOTES. NOTE: Users specified as requiring a cosignature for DISCHARGE SUMMARY documents cannot be selected as Attending Physicians for these documents. This ensures that users who require a cosignature cannot cosign these documents. Old Description for your information: ==================================== DESCRIPTION: Applies to all types of documents EXCEPT DISCHARGE SUMMARIES. Please indicate which groups of users (i.e., User Classes) require cosignature for the type of document in question. For example, STUDENTS, INTERNS, LPNs, and other user classes may be identified as requiring a cosignature for PROGRESS NOTES. NOTE: Independent of this parameter, DISCHARGE SUMMARIES ALWAYS require cosignature by the ATTENDING PHYSICIAN, EXCEPT when the ATTENDING PHYSICIAN dictates the summary himself. Remote Procedure Call ===================== New RPC: TIU IS USER A USR PROVIDER III. TIU DOCUMENTATION RETRIEVAL: ============================ Several TIU Manuals have been updated to reflect the enhancements provided by this patch. The updated documentation is available in the form of (.PDF) files, as follows: TIUUM.PDF TIU User Manual TIUIM.PDF TIU Implementation Guide The files can be retrieved in BINARY format by FTP. The preferred method is to FTP the files from: download.vista.med.va.gov which will transmit the files from the first available FTP server. The files may also be downloaded directly from a particular FTP location at the following locations: CIO FIELD OFFICE FTP ADDRESS DIRECTORY ---------------- ------------------------- -------------------- Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov [anonymous.software] Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov [anonymous.software] Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov [anonymous.software] Documentation can also be found at: http://www.va.gov/vdl IV. TIU*1*219 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ==================================== TIU*1*219 is installed as part CPRS GUI version 27. It does not itself contain any software. NOTE: TIU*1*219 contains TIU DD changes. If you wish to compare new and current DDs for TIU*1*219, do so BEFORE Installing Host File CPRS_BUNDLE_GUI_27_REQ_REL.KID 1. UP TO THE POINT of installing host file CPRS_BUNDLE_GUI_27_REQ_REL.KID, carry out all of the general instructions in "CPRS GUI v.27 and Associated Patches Installation Guide" mentioned at the top of this patch description. Also check other included patches separately for additional instructions. 2. When you are ready to install CPRS_BUNDLE_GUI_27_REQ_REL.KID, use option Load a Distribution under the KIDS 'INSTALLATION' menu and load host file CPRS_BUNDLE_GUI_27_REQ_REL.KID 3. After loading the host file but BEFORE installing it, follow these specific instructions for the particular installation of TIU*1*219. (See other patches for their parts of the installation.) 4. *** If you wish to compare TIU DD changes with your current DDs, do so BEFORE INSTALLING the Host File but AFTER loading it. *** Use Option Compare Transport Global to Current System on the KIDS Installation menu and do a full comparison. Capture the output to a file so that you can search for the relevant parts. 5. You may also use other Pre-Installation options as desired: Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System [already mentioned] Verify Checksums in Transport Global Backup a Transport Global 6. TIU*1*219 itself does not require users to be off the system. It does require the installation to be performed at a non-peak time of day to minimize disruption to users. However other builds in the host file may have more stringent requirements. Please follow the most stringent requirements when choosing an install time. 7. When you are ready to install the host file, use option INSTALL under the KIDS 'INSTALLATION' menu and install CPRS_BUNDLE_GUI_27_REQ_REL.KID a. Patch TIU*1*219 itself should take less than 5 minutes of the total host file installation time. b. For TIU*1*219 itself, for prompt "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install?" YES//", respond 'NO'. c. For TIU*1*219 itself, when prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//', respond 'YES', and DISABLE the TIU* Options and Protocols. d. For TIU*1*219 itself, when prompted 'Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60): 0//; respond '0'. V. TIU*1*219 POST-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================================= 1. The TIU*1*219 Post-Installation Routine recompiles the Discharge Summary Input Template as part of the DD change. (Other templates are not compiled and do not require recompilation.) You should see a section of the install beginning 'Compiling TIU ENTER/EDIT DS Input Template of File 8925.' followed by a list of routines that were filed. (You will also see routines generated when recompiling cross-references.) 2. Please check the Install File and confirm that the Discharge Summary Input Template was successfully recompiled. 3. After confirming the recompilation and checking the checksum of POST- INSTALL routine TIUPS219 to confirm that you have the correct routine, please delete routine TIUPS219. 4. The change in requirements for DS Attendings is NOT retroactive. To find and change incorrect Attendings entered before this patch is installed, please use VISTA hidden option EC EDIT COSIGNER. This option questions incorrect existing Attendings and permits Attendings to be changed. Option EC was enhanced to provide this functionality in released patch TIU*1*234. VI. ROUTINE SUMMARY: **Old Checksums** ================================== The following is a list of the routine(s) included in Patch TIU*1*219. The second line of each of these routine(s) will look like: ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**[patch list]**;Jun 20, 1997 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ============ ============ =========== ========== TIULX 9410962 9668454 1,28,79,100,136,219 TIUSRVP1 9252695 9558206 19,59,89,100,109, 167,113,112,219 TIULA3 4433749 5761499 50,79,98,219 TIUPS219 NA 759269 219 Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**[Patch List]**;Jun 20, 1997;Build 11 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: TIULA3 Before: B10926325 After: B16648234 **50,79,98,219** Routine Name: TIULX Before: B41667839 After: B45161741 **1,28,79,100,136,219** Routine Name: TIUPS219 Before: n/a After: B947121 **219** Routine Name: TIUSRVP1 Before: B37579653 After: B41331651 **19,59,89,100,109,167,113,112,219** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : MCCLENAHAN,MARGARET Date Entered : JUN 19, 2006 Completed By: OLSEN,JAMES Date Completed: AUG 07, 2008 Released By : BOYER,EDWARD Date Released : AUG 20, 2008 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: =====================