$TXT Created by FORT,WALLY at NXT.FO-OAKLAND.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Tuesday, 10/14/08 at 14:34 ============================================================================= Run Date: NOV 10, 2008 Designation: XU*8*499 Package : XU - KERNEL Priority: Mandatory Version : 8 SEQ #407 Status: Released Compliance Date: DEC 11, 2008 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)XU*8*120 <<= must be installed BEFORE `XU*8*499' (v)XU*8*385 <<= must be installed BEFORE `XU*8*499' (v)XU*8*440 <<= must be installed BEFORE `XU*8*499' Subject: Get Client IP when connecting via SSH. Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Other Description: ============ Patch Tracking #: 48752273 Test Sites: Puget Sound HCS, Minneapolis VAMC, Dublin, GA VAMC, Bedford VAMC, Detroit VAMC, COLUMBUS, OH Blood Bank Clearance: 9/3/2008 HD245595 With the use of SSH to get a secure connection from the client to the server, $ZIO no longer holds the IP address of the client. The SSH service does put it in the local VMS job table. The fix is to have %ZIS4 check and get this value. To test: connect with Reflections thru a SECURE SHELL then from programmer mode enter the following: K S %ZIS="L" D ^%ZIS ZW IO Before IO("IP") will be empty, after it will have the client IP address. HD261231 When queuing across OS systems the device handler would setup the HFS path for the current system and this bad path would get saved by TaskMan. This would cause the task to fail to open the device. Fix: Don't set IO("HFSIO") if IO("Q") is set. Build it a run time. HD254027 Cache changed the text returned by the $ZV variable between 5.0 and 5.2. This causes Cache on Windows to not add the default HFS directory in Cache 5.2. Fix: Have %ZISF just look for "Windows" instead of "NT" as it did before. Only Minneapolis or the other sites in Minnesota, North and South Dakota. can test. HD252856, HD249607 The form for editing the Kernel system parameters (8989.3) had the Secondary HFS field (320.2) set as required when the form started. Unless the curser was moved to the MIXED OS field (.05) the form could not be saved. Fix: Do not have the Secondary HFS field set as required. To test run the "Enter/Edit Kernel Site Parameters" [XUSITEPARM] option, just change any field on the first page and E to save and exit. Before it will say that the Secondary HFS field is required. After it will just save and exit. HD247402 The %Z editor would not setup the correct IO variables if started with a empty symbol table. Fix: Setup the correct IO variables. To test "K ZL ZTEDIT X ^%Z" edit line % it will use a replace/with format. After it will do line editing. Internal testing. We found that CCOW authentication did not work through a SSH tunnel because the peer IP address was now Made a change to use the IP address sent by the client if the peer address is in a table. Added a check for the client name if the IP address is not the same. To Test: Connect with a CCOW application, Start a second CCOW application and see if you have to sign-on again. New field PEER (#250) in the Kernel System Parameters file (#8989.3) that holds a list of TCP IP peer addresses not to switch to. It is used by the GETPEER^%ZOSV function. This was added during the transition from the 152.*.*.* to 10.*.*.* addresses. The option "Where am I?" [XUSERWHERE] was changed to show the IP address. ========================================================================= Installation: >>>Users may remain on the system. >>>***** Allow KIDS to INHIBIT new sign-ons. ***** >>>TaskMan does *not* need to be stopped. 1. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This option will load the KIDS package onto your system. 2. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your system. You now need to use KIDS to install the Transport global. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following options: Verify Checksums in Transport Global Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Backup a Transport Global 3. Users can remain on the system. This patch can be loaded any non-peak time. This patch CAN NOT be queued. TaskMan can remain running. 4. Installation will take less than 2 minutes. In a client/server environment Install Package(s) 'XU*8.0*499' ========== Accept the following defaults: Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO// Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO// RELOAD^ZTMGRSET will automatically run as part of the post-init. Patch number to load: 499 === EXAMPLE of RELOAD^ZTMGRSET: ========================== Running Post-Install Routine: POST^XU8P499 ZTMGRSET Version 8.0 Patch level **34,36,69,94,121,127,136,191,275,355** HELLO! I exist to assist you in correctly initializing the current account. This is namespace or uci ISC,ISC. Should I continue? N//y = I think you are using OpenM-NT Which MUMPS system should I install? 1 = VAX DSM(V6), VAX DSM(V7) 2 = MSM-PC/PLUS, MSM for NT or UNIX 3 = Cache (VMS, NT, Linux), OpenM-NT 4 = Datatree, DTM-PC, DT-MAX 5 = 6 = 7 = GT.M (VMS) 8 = GT.M (Unix) System: 3// (accept default for Cache, OpenM-NT) = Patch number to load: 499 === I will now rename a group of routines specific to your operating system. Routine: ZOSVONT Loaded, Saved as %ZOSV Routine: Routine: ZIS4ONT Loaded, Saved as %ZIS4 Routine: ZISFONT Loaded, Saved as %ZISF Routine: ZISHONT Routine: XUCIONT Routine: Routine: ZISTCPS Routine: ZTMDCL Routine: ZOSVKRO Routine: ZOSVKSOE Routine: ZOSVKSOS Routine: ZOSVKSD Now to load routines common to all systems. Routine: ZTLOAD Routine: ZTLOAD1 Routine: ZTLOAD2 Routine: ZTLOAD3 Routine: ZTLOAD4 Routine: ZTLOAD5 Routine: ZTLOAD6 Routine: ZTLOAD7 Routine: ZTM Routine: ZTM0 Routine: ZTM1 Routine: ZTM2 Routine: ZTM3 Routine: ZTM4 Routine: ZTM5 Routine: ZTM6 Routine: ZTMS Routine: ZTMS0 Routine: ZTMS1 Routine: ZTMS2 Routine: ZTMS3 Routine: ZTMS4 Routine: ZTMS5 Routine: ZTMS7 Routine: ZTMSH Routine: ZTER Routine: ZTER1 Routine: ZIS Loaded, Saved as %ZIS Routine: ZIS1 Loaded, Saved as %ZIS1 Routine: ZIS2 Routine: ZIS3 Loaded, Saved as %ZIS3 Routine: ZIS5 Loaded, Saved as %ZIS5 Routine: ZIS6 Routine: ZIS7 Routine: ZISC Routine: ZISP Routine: ZISS Routine: ZISS1 Routine: ZISS2 Routine: ZISTCP Routine: ZISUTL Routine: ZTPP Routine: ZTP1 Routine: ZTPTCH Routine: ZTRDEL Routine: ZTMOVE Installing ^%Z editor ALL DONE Updating Routine file... Updating KIDS files... XU*8.0*499 Installed. Oct 16, 2008@14:58:13 ...... ========================================================================== Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;8.0;KERNEL;**[Patch List]**;Jul 10, 1995;Build 14 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: XU8P499 Before: n/a After: B213938 **499** Routine Name: XUSRB4 Before: B12816308 After: B15887142 **150,337,395,419,437,499** Routine Name: ZIS Before: B20530056 After: B20827574 **18,23,69,112,199,191,275,363, 440,499** Routine Name: ZIS1 Before: B24679317 After: B26102976 **18,49,69,104,112,199,391,440,499** Routine Name: ZIS3 Before: B13908684 After: B14236085 **18,36,69,104,391,440,499** Routine Name: ZIS4GTM Before: B19862476 After: B20384143 **275,425,440,499** Routine Name: ZIS4ONT Before: B27677822 After: B29872561 **34,59,69,191,278,293,440,499** Routine Name: ZIS5 Before: B13100730 After: B13269875 **18,24,69,499** Routine Name: ZISFGTM Before: B9168627 After: B8623260 **275,499** Routine Name: ZISFONT Before: B9426543 After: B9782391 **34,191,271,385,499** Routine Name: ZOSVGTM Before: B14594340 After: B14876188 **275,425,499** Routine Name: ZOSVGUX Before: B36401450 After: B33819105 **275,425,499** Routine Name: ZOSVONT Before: B22002850 After: B22340698 **34,94,107,118,136,215,293, 284,385,425,440,499** Routine Name: ZTEDIT2 Before: B16132418 After: B16339351 **9,16,120,499** Routine list of preceding patches: 120, 437, 440 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : FORT,WALLY Date Entered : APR 16, 2008 Completed By: SINGH,GURBIR Date Completed: NOV 03, 2008 Released By : TILLIS,LEWIS Date Released : NOV 10, 2008 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT