============================================================================= Run Date: OCT 02, 2013 Designation: YS*5.01*105 Package : YS - MENTAL HEALTH Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.01 SEQ #91 Status: Released Compliance Date: NOV 02, 2013 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)YS*5.01*83 <<= must be installed BEFORE `YS*5.01*105' (v)YS*5.01*103 <<= must be installed BEFORE `YS*5.01*105' Subject: ADD NEW INSTRUMENTS TO MENTAL HEALTH ASSISTANT Category: - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Data Dictionary - Routine - Other Description: ============ The Outcomes Monitoring (OM) project's main focus in this patch is to add new instruments to the Mental Health Assistant (MHA). Outcomes Monitoring refers to the evaluation of the treatment provided patients in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). These new instruments will help clinicians and administrators analyze the effectiveness of treatment, help clarify diagnoses and provide empirical measures for treatment outcomes. New Mental Health Instruments: ============================== The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-2) AAQ-2 Brief Addiction Monitor - Consumption Items BAM-C Brief Addiction Monitor - IOP version BAM-IOP Brief Addiction Monitor - Revised BAM-R Barthel Index of Activities of Daily Living BARTHEL INDEX Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire FFMQ General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition GPCOG Lawton-Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale IADL Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic--Bariatric Norms (This test is already in the package.) MBMD Multidimensional Health Locus of Control: Form C MHLC-C Mini-Cog MINICOG Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form MMPI-2-RF Montreal Cognitive Assessment MOCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Alternate 1 MOCA ALT 1 Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Alternate 2 MOCA ALT 2 NEO Personality Inventory-3 NEO-PI-3 PTSD Checklist Stressor Specific PCLS Patient Health Questionnaire 15-Item Somatic Symptom Severity Scale PHQ-15 Quality of Life Inventory QOLI Status of Suicide Form SSF Short Test of Mental Status STMS Veterans Rand 12 Item Health Survey VR-12 Veteran Recovery Assessment VRA World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 WHODAS 2 Inactivated Mental Health Instruments: ====================================== PTSD Checklist Stressor Specific - PCL-SZ After consultation with several Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) experts involved in performance measure, joint Veterans Administration-Department of Defense (VA-DoD) initiatives, the National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (NC-PTSD), and the Evidence-Based Psychotherapy (EBP) dissemination project, the PTSD Checklist Stressor, Specific (PCL-SZ) instrument released in Patch YS*5.01*103 is inactivated because of its negative effects on the Evidence-Based Psychotherapy (EBP) initiative. MMPI 2 Short Form - MMP2S This test is outdated and no longer supported by the test publisher. It has been replaced by the new version, MMPI2-RF. Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II - MCMI2 This test is outdated and no longer supported by the test publisher. It has been replaced by the new version, MCMI3. Files: ====== The following files are re-released in this patch to support the new instruments. All entries are exported with an internal entry number (IEN) less than 100000, which are the 'national entries' of the files. MH TESTS AND SURVEYS file (#601.71) MH QUESTIONS file (#601.72) MH INTRODUCTIONS file (#601.73) MH RESPONSE TYPES file (#601.74) MH CHOICES file (#601.75) MH CHOICETYPES file (#601.751) This file is re-introduced and the data is handled specifically in the post-install portion of the build. MH INSTRUMENT CONTENT file (#601.76) MH SKIPPED QUESTIONS file (#601.79) MH SECTIONS file (#601.81) MH RULES file (#601.82) MH INSTRUMENTRULES file (#601.83) MH SCALEGROUPS file (#601.86) MH SCALES file (#601.87) MH DISPLAY file (#601.88) MH CHOICEIDENTIFIERS file (#601.89) MH SCORING KEYS file (#601.91) MH REPORT file (#601.93) Data Dictionary Changes: ======================== MH TESTS AND SURVEYS file (#601.71) The file DESCRIPTION was updated. This file defines the interviews, surveys and tests available in the Mental Health Assistant. Attributes of the instruments include authoring credits, target populations, normative samples and copyright information. Actions available including privileging, reporting of full item content and transmission to the Mental Health National Database are also specified. Direct entry via FileMan is prohibited. The NAME field (#.01) has an updated DESCRIPTION. 601.71,.01 NAME 0;1 FREE TEXT (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>50!($L(X)<3)!'(X'?1P.E) X LAST EDITED: JUN 26, 2012 HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 3-50 characters in length. DESCRIPTION: Name of the interview, survey or test. Often its abbreviation is used here, e.g. "BDI2" instead of "Beck Depression Inventory-2". Each entry has a unique name. CROSS-REFERENCE: 601.71^B^MUMPS 1)= S ^YTT(601.71,"B",X,DA)="" 2)= K ^YTT(601.71,"B",X,DA) The PRINT TITLE field (#2) has an updated DESCRIPTION. 601.71,2 PRINT TITLE 0;3 FREE TEXT INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>100!($L(X)<3) X LAST EDITED: DEC 13, 2002 HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 3-100 characters in length. DESCRIPTION: This is the full formal name of the interview, survey or test. It is used on printed reports. The R PRIVILEGE field (#9) now allows up to 27 characters. The HELP-PROMPT was updated. The TITLE and TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION values were added. 601.71,9 R PRIVILEGE 2;1 FREE TEXT REPORT PRIVILEGE INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>27!($L(X)<3) X LAST EDITED: MAR 30, 2012 HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 3-27 characters. DESCRIPTION: A key name from the SECURITY KEY file (#19.1). Only those users holding the specified key can produce a report of the instrument. TECHNICAL DESCR: A free text name that must match a SECURITY KEY The REQUIRES LICENSE field (#11) has an updated DESCRIPTION and a HELP-PROMPT was added. 601.71,11 REQUIRES LICENSE 2;3 SET (Required) 'Y' FOR Yes; 'N' FOR No; LAST EDITED: JAN 27, 2004 HELP-PROMPT: Indicate whether rights need to be granted by a copyright holder. DESCRIPTION: This indicates whether a copyright holder must grant the rights to use this Mental Health instrument. The SUBMIT TO NATIONAL DATABASE field (#24) has an updated DESCRIPTION and HELP-PROMPT. A TITLE value and TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION were added. 601.71,24 SUBMIT TO NATIONAL DB 8;4 SET SUBMIT TO NATIONAL DATABASE 'Y' FOR Yes; 'N' FOR No; LAST EDITED: MAR 27, 2012 HELP-PROMPT: Indicate if the results are to be sent to a national database. DESCRIPTION: Boolean indicating to send results to the national MHSHG database. Set only by MHSHG. TECHNICAL DESCR: If Yes, the results are to be transmitted to a national database. The GENERATE PNOTE field (#28) has a TITLE added. 601.71,28 GENERATE PNOTE 8;8 SET GENERATE PROGRESS NOTE 'Y' FOR Yes; 'N' FOR No; LAST EDITED: MAR 21, 2012 HELP-PROMPT: Should the TIU note be created? DESCRIPTION: Select No (or leave null) to stop MHA3 from generating a TIU note. Clinical Reminders do not read this flag. TIU notes are never generated for a test that has an R_Privilege set. The TIU TITLE field (#29) has an updated DESCRIPTION and a TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION was added. 601.71,29 TIU TITLE 8;9 POINTER TO TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION FILE (#8925.1) LAST EDITED: JUN 28, 2010 HELP-PROMPT: Select the progress note title. DESCRIPTION: Title of the TIU note used to identify the progress note for this instrument. TECHNICAL DESCR: MENTAL HEALTH DIAGNOSTIC STUDY NOTE is the approved title for additional instruments. Other titles need approval by the Standards Group before they can be used. The following four fields (#100.01, #100.02, #100.03 and #100.04) are new. There are used to verify the workstation environment. 601.71,100.01 YS_MHA_B.DLL VERSION VER;1 FREE TEXT INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>12!($L(X)<7)!'(X?1.2N1"."1.2N1"."1.2N1"."1.3N) X LAST EDITED: MAR 16, 2012 HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 7-12 characters in length. DESCRIPTION: Version number of YS_MHA_B.DLL from the Host File System (HFS). It is used to verify the software configuration on a user's workstation. It should only be edited by Mental Health software. TECHNICAL DESCR: File Version Number in the format "nn.nn.nn.nnn" 601.71,100.02 YS_MHA_B.DLL DATE/TIME VER;2 DATE INPUT TRANSFORM: S %DT="ESTX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X LAST EDITED: MAR 16, 2012 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the date/time the file was modified (time is optional). DESCRIPTION: Modified date/time of YS_MHA_B.DLL from the Host File System (HFS). It is used to verify the software configuration on a user's workstation. It should only be edited by Mental Health software. TECHNICAL DESCR: File Modified date/time from the Host File System. Time is optional. 601.71,100.03 YS_MHA_AUX.DLL VERSION VER;3 FREE TEXT INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>12!($L(X)<7)!'(X?1.2N1"."1.2N1"."1.2N1"."1.3N) X LAST EDITED: MAR 16, 2012 HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 7-12 characters in length. DESCRIPTION: Version number of YS_MHA_AUX.DLL from the Host File System (HFS). It is used to verify the software configuration on a user's workstation. It should only be edited by Mental Health software. TECHNICAL DESCR: File Version Number in the format "nn.nn.nn.nnn" 601.71,100.04 YS_MHA_AUX.DLL DATE/TIME VER;4 DATE INPUT TRANSFORM: S %DT="ESTX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X LAST EDITED: MAR 16, 2012 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the date/time the file was modified (time is optional). DESCRIPTION: Modified date/time of YYS_MHA_AUX.DLL from the Host File System (HFS). It is used to verify the software configuration on a user's workstation. It should only be edited by Mental Health software. TECHNICAL DESCR: File Modified date/time from the Host File System. Time is optional. MH CHOICETYPES file (#601.751) In the CHOICETYPE field (#.01) a bogus value of '-1' was removed from the fourth piece of the ^DD(601.751,.01,1,0) node. This value is visible using the global lister only. Before: ^DD(601.751,.01,1,0)="^.1^^-1" After: ^DD(601.751,.01,1,0)="^.1" MH SCALEGROUPS file (#601.86) The ORDINATEMIN field (#5) definition now permits negative values. The HELP-PROMPT was updated. 601.86,5 ORDINATEMIN 0;6 NUMBER INPUT TRANSFORM: K:+X'=X!(X>9999)!(X<-9999)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X LAST EDITED: FEB 28, 2012 HELP-PROMPT: Type a number between -9999 and 9999, 0 decimal digits. DESCRIPTION: This is the ordinate minimum. SECLUSION/RESTRAINT file (#615.2) A spelling error was corrected in the PATIENT SEARCHED field (#.08). Before: Was the Patinet Searched After: Was the patient searched? 615.2,.08 PATIENT SEARCHED 0;8 SET Was the patient searched? 'Y' FOR YES; 'N' FOR NO; LAST EDITED: MAR 27, 2012 DESCRIPTION: Question as to whether or not a patient was searched for possible harmful objects on his/her person. Option: ======= The MENU TEXT field (#1) of the [YS BROKER1] option in OPTION file (#19) is re-named. This change is important because the version numbers listed in the MENU TEXT value are used by the MHA graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to determine if the GUI software invoked by the user is current. Before patch: YS BROKER1 version After patch: YS BROKER1 version Data Changes: ============= The following changes were made to existing file entries. MH TESTS AND SURVEYS (601.71) The value of the LAST EDIT DATE (Field #18) is modified for each instrument. The first time a user logs into the MHA, the resource files (rsc extension) on their workstation will be rebuilt for each instrument. The user will see a progress bar while the files are rebuilt. It should not take more than 1 or 2 minutes to rebuild. The value of the WRITE FULL TEXT (Field #26) is set to YES for the following active instruments: ASI DOMG GAF IEQ MHLA MHLB PCLC PCLM RLOC SAI MH QUESTIONS (601.72) Entries 3349, 3366, 5169 and 5410: QUESTION TEXT (Field #1) Before: Feeling DISTANT OR CUT OFF from other people? After: Feeling DISTANT or CUT OFF from other people? Entry 3924: QUESTION TEXT (Field #1) Before: Fecal Incontinence (occasional or more frequently over the past week). After: Fecal incontinence occasional or more frequently over the past week. MH CHOICES (601.75) Entry 2914: CHOICE TEXT (Field #3) Before: Maintains house alone or with occasional assistance (e.g. heavy work domestic help. After: Maintains house alone or with occasional assistance (e.g. heavy work domestic help). MH SCALEGROUPS (601.86) Entry: 50: SCALEGROUP NAME (Field #2) Before: Prevalence Scores After: Management Guides MH REPORT (601.93) Entries: 11 and 38: RPT (Field #2) Before: Feeling DISTANT OR CUT OFF from other people? After: Feeling DISTANT or CUT OFF from other people? Entry: 2 RPT (Field #2) Before: Unable to bathe properly; e.g., difficulty adjusting . After: Unable to bathe properly; (e.g., difficulty adjusting . Before: Fecal Incontinence, (occasional or more over the past week). After: Fecal incontinence, occasional or more over the past week. MH INSTRUMENT (601) ^YTT(601,241,"Q",9,"T",1,0) Before: "LOSS OF INTEREST in activities that you used to enjoy?" After: "LOSS of INTEREST in activities that you used to enjoy?" ^YTT(601,241,"Q",10,"T",1,0) Before: "Feeling DISTANT OR CUT OFF from other people?" After: "Feeling DISTANT or CUT OFF from other people?" ^YTT(601,242,"Q",9,"T",1,0) Before: "LOSS OF INTEREST in activities that you used to enjoy?" After: "LOSS of INTEREST in activities that you used to enjoy?" ^YTT(601,242,"Q",10,"T",1,0)= Before: "Feeling DISTANT OR CUT OFF from other people?" After: "Feeling DISTANT or CUT OFF from other people?" TEST SCALE NUMBER (Field #16) (multiple) Entries 40 through 97 are added to the MBMD instrument. Routine Deletions: ================== The following routines are no longer needed and deleted: YSGAF3 YSKFASI3 YSKFASIK YSKFASIP Associated Remedy Ticket(s): ============================ HD0000000290418 - The bariatric norm has been added to the MBMD (Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic). HD0000000721216 - The scoring issue with two digit values is fixed in the YS_MHA_AUX.dll file included in this patch. HD0000000739365 - The BAI (Beck Anxiety Index) report display has been changed to more clearly explain the results. (Patient Safety Issue 2299) HD0000000738279 - The BDI2 (Beck Depression Inventory - Second Edition) report display has been changed to more clearly explain the results. In addition, the BSI (Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation) and the BHS (Beck Hopelessness Scale) report displays have been changed to more clearly explain the results. HD0000000722890 - The problem with the ASI exam changing from Lite to Full when edited has been fixed. HD0000000537915 - The PHQ-2 (Patient Health Questionnaire-2) and PC PTSD (Primary Care PTSD Screen) report displays have been changed to include the verbiage requested. HD0000000507076 - An error occurred at BDI2+1^YTBI because a global node was missing. HD0000000754691, HD0000000779663, HD0000000805126, HD0000000824422 - Instruments with more than 200 questions were not displaying completely on workstations running Windows 7 operating system. Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ============================= PSPO 2299 - The scoring for the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) instrument is causing confusion. There are 21 questions each with 4 choice numbers ranging from 1 to 4. Some users who score it by hand count the choice number as the score (i.e., choice 1 is worth 1 point and so on). However, the score is the choice number minus 1 (i.e., choice 1 is worth no points, choice 2 is worth 1 point and so on). With this patch, the report for the BAI will clearly document the patient's answers and their point value. New Service Requests (NSRs): ============================ N/A Test Site(s): ============= Boston HCS Durham, NC VAMC Upstate New York HCS (Albany, NY) SOFTWARE RETRIEVAL: =================== The following software and documentation files are exported as part of this patch: File Name Contents Format --------- -------- ------ YS_501_105.ZIP All software and Binary manuals for this patch ------------------------------------------------------------------ Software included in the YS_501_105.ZIP is as follows: YS_501_105.KID MHA Server Components ASCII YS_501_105_Setup.exe Mental Health Assistant Binary This file is the complete install for the Mental Health Assistant GUI Version YS_MHA.exe YS_MHA_A.dll YS_MHA_AUX.dll borlndmm.dll YS501105_MHA3_IG.PDF MHA3 Installation Guide Binary YS501105_MHA3_IG.DOC MHA3 Installation Guide Binary YS501105_MHA3_UM.PDF MHA3 User Manual Binary YS501105_MHA3_UM.DOC MHA3 User Manual Binary YS501105_MHA3_RN.PDF MHA3 Release Notes Binary YS501105_MHA3_RN.DOC MHA3 Release Notes Binary The software files are available on the following OI Field Offices' ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directories. All sites are encouraged to use their FTP capability to obtain these files. Use the FTP address "download.vista.domain.ext" (without the quotes) to connect to the first available FTP server where the files are located. OI FIELD OFFICE FTP ADDRESS DIRECTORY =============== =========== ========= ALBANY ftp.fo-albany.domain.ext [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE] HINES ftp.fo-hines.domain.ext [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE] SALT LAKE ftp.fo-slc.domain.ext [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE] Documentation can also be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www4.domain.ext/vdl/ Installation Instructions: ========================== 1. Use the 'LOAD A DISTRIBUTION' option. The Host File name is YS_501_105.KID. Answer YES to the question: "Want to Continue with Load? YES//" 2. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your system. You now need to install the Transport global. [Optional] On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following options: Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Backup a Transport Global 3. Users may remain on the system, but installation should be done during off-peak hours. 4. Installation will take less than ten minutes. 5. From the 'Installation Menu' of the KIDS menu, run the option 'Install Package(s)' Select the package 'YS*5.01*105' and proceed with install. 6. Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO// Please answer according to your site's policy. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install//? NO', respond NO. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//', respond YES Place the following options out of order: YS BROKER1 7. Please refer to the INSTALL WINDOWS ILLUSTRATION section of the MENTAL HEALTH ASSISTANT VERSION 3 INSTALLATION GUIDE to install the MHA graphical user interface files. 8. Ensure that the option YS BROKER1 [YS BROKER1] is on the Mental Health user's secondary menu, if it is not already there. 9. Place the MHA3 application on the CPRS Tools menu, if it is not already there. For instructions on how to add the MHA3 application to the CPRS Tools menu, see the "Setting up VistA MHA3 on CPRS GUI Tools Menu" section in the Installation Guide. 10. Delete the YS105PRE routine when the installation is complete. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**[Patch List]**;Dec 30, 1994;Build 76 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: YS105PRE Before: n/a After: B27488665 **105** Routine Name: YSGAF3 Routine Name: YSKFASI3 Routine Name: YSKFASIK Routine Name: YSKFASIP Routine Name: YTMBMD Before: B20606864 After: B25599071 **76,83,105** Routine Name: YTMBMD1 Before: n/a After: B8510909 **105** Routine Name: YTMBMD2 Before: n/a After: B4080859 **105** Routine list of preceding patches: 83 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : TRAXLER,FRANK Date Entered : MAY 26, 2011 Completed By: ORAZIO,LONGO Date Completed: SEP 10, 2013 Released By : MONTGOMERY,ALAN Date Released : OCT 02, 2013 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included