$TXT Created by at SPPNXT.DEVSLC.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Friday, 01/14/22 at 12:31 ============================================================================= Run Date: FEB 16, 2022 Designation: YS*5.01*187 Package : YS - MENTAL HEALTH Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.01 SEQ #148 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAR 19, 2022 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)YS*5.01*181 <<= must be installed BEFORE `YS*5.01*187' (v)YS*5.01*151 <<= must be installed BEFORE `YS*5.01*187' (v)YS*5.01*174 <<= must be installed BEFORE `YS*5.01*187' Subject: MHA WEB UPDATES Category: - Routine - Other Description: ============ The MHA Web application is a web-based application that allows users to view patient instrument results, create new instrument Assignments for a patient, and administer instruments to a patient using the Staff Entry function. This patch enhances the MHA Web application with a several updates. These updates include: - Add the ability to save and get Instrument Report preferences - Add Delete Instrument Administration for users with administrative access - Add instrument full name and description - Add user interface to configure and view Special Graph Reports - Add the ability to configure batteries - Display Assignment Date in the Active Assignments - Update the High Risk/Positive response flags for instrument administrations so that they are only active for 90 days. - Add High Risk flag for BDI2 and CCSA-DSM5 instruments - Instrument graph enhancements - Security updates - 508 Defect fixes - Update MCMI4 to handle case where three or less Elevated Personality scales in the Grossman Facet section - Update MCMI4 to remove extraneous logging - Update BASIS-24 to fix type-o in MH REPORT. Liability should be Lability. - Update Assignment handling for compatibility with legacy MHA. - Fix wrapping of MH Administration report display. Report display is 512 characters, progress note wrapping is 79 characters. - Instances where the full social security number was showing (primarily in the Addiction Severity Index) have been updated to show last four. - The CASE MIX has been updated to use the progress note title, PERSONAL CARE SERVICES CASE MIX TOOL. Scoring errors for CASE MIX have also been corrected. - The Status of Suicide Form (SSF) and Zung Depression Scale (ZUNG) instruments are inactivated. - Update graphing to properly handle legacy instruments with subscales. - Replace call to VPRJSON with newer XLFJSON in utility program. - **Launch MHA Web from CPRS in a new browser instance.** Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------ -------------------- MH ADMINISTRATIONS (601.84) SUICIDE RISK (16) Modified MH TESTS AND SURVEYS (601.71) ROUTINE FOR SUICIDE Modified RISK (95) Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Modified/Deleted --------- ------ -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- N/A Parameters Associated: Parameter Definition Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------------------- -------------------- YS MHA_WEB REPORT PREFS New Additional Information: New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- N/A Test Sites: ---------- Clement J. Zablocki VAMC (Milwaukee, WI) Orlando VAMC (Orlando, FL) Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ---------------------------------------------- The software for this patch is being released in a PackMan message. Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/. Documentation Title File Name ------------------------------------------------------------ Deployment, Installation, YS_5_01_187_DIBRG.DOCX Back-Out and Rollback Guide- YS_5_01_187_DIBRG.PDF YS*5.01*187 Mental Health Assistant MHA_WEB_UM.DOCX User Manual MHA_WEB_UM.PDF Patch Installation: ------------------- Pre/Post Installation Overview: The Pre-Installation consists of the normal checks to ensure the integrity of the PackMan message. An important Post-Installation step will configure the CPRS Tools Menu to launch MHA Web in a new browser instance. A post-install routine will run to remove the extraneous logging for the MCMI4 instrument, update the TAG FOR SUICIDE RISK and ROUTINE FOR SUICIDE RISK in the BDI2 and CCSA-DMS5 instruments, and install instrument updates through the Instrument Exchange. Pre-Installation Instructions: This patch can be loaded with users in the system, but it is recommended that it be installed when user activity is low. Installation time will be less than 5 minutes. Installation Instructions: 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this build. Then select the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option to load the build. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, A. Select the Verify Checksums in Transport Global option to confirm the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME enter the patch or build name. (YS*5.01*187) NOTE: Using will not bring up a Multi-Package build even if it was loaded immediately before this step. It will only bring up the last patch in the build. B. Select the Backup a Transport Global option to create a backup message. You must use this option and specify what to backup; the entire Build or just Routines. The backup message can be used to restore the routines and components of the build to the pre-patch condition. i. At the Installation option menu, select Backup a Transport Global ii. At the Select INSTALL NAME prompt, enter your build (YS*5.01*187) iii. When prompted for the following, enter "R" for Routines or "B" for Build. Select one of the following: B Build R Routines Enter response: Build iv. When prompted "Do you wish to secure this message? NO//", press and take the default response of "NO". v. When prompted with, "Send mail to: Last name, First Name", press to take default recipient. Add any additional recipients. vi. When prompted with "Select basket to send to: IN//", press and take the default IN mailbox or select a different mailbox. C. You may also elect to use the following options: i. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. ii. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all of the components of this patch, such as routines, DDs, templates, etc. D. Select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. i. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', answer NO. ii. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', answer NO. iii. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', answer NO. Post-Installation Instructions: A critical step is to configure the CPRS Tools Menu to launch MHA Web. MHA Web must be started from the CPRS Tools Menu and should launch in a new browser window rather than appear as an additional tab on an existing browser session if one exists. Each site must decide if Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome will be used for MHA Web. NOTE: If you already have MHA Web on the CPRS Tools Menu, still look carefully at the command as it has changed to launch MHA Web in its own browser instance. Go to the GUI TOOL Menu, Select 4 for System. At the Select Sequence prompt, enter a question mark to see if MHA Web has already been set up in the Tools Menu. If it has, then select that sequence number. If it has not, then select a new sequence number to assign for MHA Web. -If using Microsoft Edge The Name=Command is MHA Web=cmd /c start msedge.exe -new-window "https://mha.domain.ext/app/home?station=&poi=%DFN" You need to substitute with your three-digit VistA instance station number. NOTE: there is only a single space between -new-window and the quoted URL. -If using Google Chrome The Name=Command is MHA Web=cmd /c start chrome.exe -new-window "https://mha.domain.ext/app/home?station=&poi=%DFN" You need to substitute with your three-digit VistA instance station number. NOTE: there is only a single space between -new-window and the quoted URL. A post-install routine will run to remove the extraneous logging for the MCMI4 instrument, update the TAG FOR SUICIDE RISK and ROUTINE FOR SUICIDE RISK in the BDI2 and CCSA-DMS5 instruments, and install instrument updates through the Instrument Exchange. Back-Out/Roll Back Plan: ------------------------ For information about back-out steps, see this document: YS_5_01_187_DIBRG.DOCX in the VistA Documentation Library at: http://www.domain.ext/vdl/ Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**[Patch List]**;Dec 30, 1994;Build 73 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: YS187CMT Before: n/a After: B7570637 **187** Routine Name: YS187PST Before: n/a After: B8454569 **187** Routine Name: YSASNAR Before: B38698089 After: B38821550 **24,30,37,38,44,55,67,76,103, 60,187** Routine Name: YSASOSR Before: B6613119 After: B7119753 **24,187** Routine Name: YSASPNT Before: B10291993 After: B10403708 **39,73,88,60,187** Routine Name: YSFORM Before: B2883557 After: B3310530 **187** Routine Name: YSGAF Before: B41186678 After: B41616030 **33,37,40,42,43,51,49,187** Routine Name: YSGAF1 Before: B15299192 After: B15570034 **33,187** Routine Name: YSMTI Before: B16384688 After: B16708501 **53,187** Routine Name: YSMTI0 Before: B6160997 After: B6369202 **53,187** Routine Name: YSUTL Before: B11413377 After: B11548628 **23,187** Routine Name: YTAUIRR Before: B14880327 After: B15197340 **37,85,187** Routine Name: YTEXT Before: B21919848 After: B22607057 **37,187** Routine Name: YTMMPI2C Before: B11210369 After: B11799927 **187** Routine Name: YTONLY Before: B29076478 After: B29879837 **19,37,60,187** Routine Name: YTQAPI11 Before: B30048720 After: B30662317 **85,96,123,187** Routine Name: YTQCONS Before: B21604190 After: B21976379 **103,123,187** Routine Name: YTQREST Before: B23655037 After: B25078079 **158,178,182,181,187** Routine Name: YTQREST0 Before: B8623741 After: B10648530 **130,178,182,187** Routine Name: YTQRQAD Before: B70777761 After: B72764146 **130,141,158,181,187** Routine Name: YTQRQAD1 Before:B134763205 After:B114449279 **130,141,178,182,181,187** Routine Name: YTQRQAD3 Before: B65510833 After: B67358428 **130,141,158,178,182,181,187** Routine Name: YTQRQAD4 Before:B127987458 After:B180074687 **158,178,182,181,187** Routine Name: YTQRQAD5 Before: B36011649 After: B54349494 **158,178,182,181,187** Routine Name: YTQRQAD6 Before: B45259094 After: B58497664 **158,181,187** Routine Name: YTQRQAD7 Before: B23989288 After: B59545179 **181,187** Routine Name: YTQRUTL Before: B68641180 After: B68637876 **130,158,187** Routine Name: YTQTIU Before: B23135815 After: B23272019 **85,96,123,142,187** Routine Name: YTRPWRP Before: B16819326 After: B16938121 **71,76,96,60,187** Routine Name: YTS Before: B16658002 After: B17238208 **37,54,60,187** Routine Name: YTSCMIXG Before: B34567569 After: B37594567 **174,187** Routine Name: YTSMCMI4 Before:B255055663 After:B246584185 **151,187** Routine Name: YTSMCMIA Before: B87778744 After: B83434083 **151,187** Routine Name: YTSMCMIB Before: B25025022 After: B24756919 **151,187** Routine list of preceding patches: 23, 49, 53, 60, 142, 151, 174, 181 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : JUL 29, 2021 Completed By: Date Completed: FEB 14, 2022 Released By : Date Released : FEB 16, 2022 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT