============================================================================= Run Date: OCT 24, 2006 Designation: PXRM*2*4 Package : PXRM - CLINICAL REMINDERS Priority: Mandatory Version : 2 SEQ #5 Status: Released Compliance Date: NOV 24, 2006 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PXRM*2*5 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PXRM*2*4' Subject: REMOVAL OF OLD-STYLE MRD, BUG FIXES, AND ENHANCEMENTS Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Data Dictionary - Input Template - Print Template - Other Description: ============ General Overview: ================= Patch 4 contains many enhancements and fixes to Clinical Reminders, including removal of MRD function findings and corrections in response to 57 Remedy tickets. -Removal of support for the old-style MRD findings -Restoration and updates of the disclaimer in the Clinical Reminders Health Summary output -New versions of the VA-HTN ASSSSMENT BP >= 140/90, VA-HTN ASSESSMENT BP >=160/100 reminder definition, and VA-MHV INFLUENZA reminders -Six new computed findings -Error trapping enhancements -New function finding (DIFF_DATE) -Changes to the frequency display for CANNOT BE DETERMINED (CNBD) -New finding modifiers, INCLUDE VISIT DATA and USE START DATE -USE COND IN FINDING SEACH changed to USE STATUS/COND IN SEARCH -Major changes to the user interface for patient lists -A new key, PXRM MANAGER, for patient list options -Many improvements to Reminder Reports, including expanded types of patient data that can be included in the Demographic Report -Corrections and enhancements to GEC dialogs and reports, including a new option, Restore or Merge Referrals, in the GEC reports menu -Name and description changes for Reminder Extract Management options See the Release Notes for a complete description. This installation should not be queued; it will be installing some packed reminder definitions and may require selection of replacements for some components. Therefore it is recommended that the person who manages Clinical Reminders is present during the install. A post install routine [POST^PXRMP4I] will execute which does the following: 1. Formats the disclaimer. 2. Checks all reminder definitions for overlapping baseline age ranges and lists any that are found. 3. Restores Location List classes to the new location. 4. Rebuilds the taxonomy expansion for VA-WH BILATERAL MASTECTOMY. 5. Reformats reminder report template service categories. 6. Sets the Patient List TYPE field. 7. Makes sure the CLASS field is National and AUTOMATICALLY PURGE is true for all national Reminder Patient List and Reminder Extract Summary entries and sets INCLUDE PCMM INSTITUTION to true for all VA-* IHD QUERI and VA-*MH QUERI patient lists. 8. Rebuilds the "ENODES" for all the Lab findings in reminder definitions and reminder terms. 9. Installs the following packed reminders: VA-WH BILATERAL MASTECTOMY VA-MST SCREENING VA-GEC REFERRAL CARE RECOMMENDATION VA-MHV INFLUENZA VACCINE VA-QUERI LIST RULE UPDATE VA-GEC REFERRAL CARE RECOMMENDATION VA-GEC REFERRAL NURSING ASSESSMENT VA-*QUERI LIST RULE UPDATES VA-HTN ASSESSMENT BP >=140/90 VA-HTN ASSESSMENT BP >=160/100 10. Populates file #801.55 REMINDER GEC DIALOG ASSOCIATION HISTORY. 11. Updates the web site URLs for all the national MyHealtheVet reminders. 12. Updates the Synonym for all the GEC health factors. 13. Sets INCLUDE DECEASED PATIENTS to true and INCLUDE TEST PATIENTS to false in the national Reminder Extract Definitions. In addition, the install recommends that IB options be placed out of order: IBDF PRINT* IBDF PRINT FORM Therefore, the IRM installer should also notify the IB staff when this patch is to be installed so those folks are aware of the options being disabled for a brief period of time. This patch works in conjunction with GMTS*2.7*75 to restore the display of the disclaimer for the Clinical Reminder Health Summary components. The build is a multi-package build that includes PXRM*2.0* 4 and GMTS*2.7*75. E3Rs incorporated in the patch: ===== 15246 NEW FINDING TYPE - SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT 15489 CHANGES TO REMINDER REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA (PXRM*1.5*6) 15491 REPORTS:SELECT PAST DATE AS EFFECTIVE DATE 15493 ADD MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR REMINDER REPORTS 15533 ADD NEW FIELD TO REMINDER DEFN--REMINDER 'NOTES' 15741 COLLAPSE/EXPAND RELATED DIALOG ELEMENTS AND GROUPS 15758 SUPPRESS CHECKBOX & SEND TEXT TO NOTE (OR*3*173) 15998 DUE REPORT BY PROVIDER 16010 INCREASED DETAIL TO REPORTS 16011 NEED FOR TIME AS A FINDING ATTRIBUTE 16133 START STOP DATES 16149 UTILIZE REMINDER DIALOGS AS COMPONENTS 16675 UPDATE NATIONAL TAXONOMIES ANNUALLY 16832 TEXT INPUT TO JUMP TO SELECTION ITEM 16833 ADD CHOICE FOR 'ALL REQUIRED'--DIALOG GROUPS (OR*3*243) 16929 COMBINED TEAM LIST REPORTS 17158 ADDITIONAL REPORT 17278 ENHANCE USE OF MRD 17307 COLLATERALS SHOWING UP ON REPORTS 17408 PRINT OPTION FOR DIALOG HIERARCHY (ListMan PL) 17742 ALLERGY AS FINDING TYPE 18024 FUTURE PENDING ORDERS 18131 PATIENT LETTER-REMINIDER REPORTS 18224 ADD PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC OPTIONS TO REPORTS 18248 PPD CHANGES FOR REMINDER DIALOGS 18429 CACS--INDEP INSTALL OF PRD FILE IN REM EXCHANGE 18627 ASSIGN CLINICAL REMINDERS BY STOP CODE 19360 RETAIN REMINDER INFO UPON PATIENT DEATH 19485 CHANGE GEC REFERRAL DIALOG 19488 OPEN CLOSED GEC REFERRAL 19508 LIST FOREIGN ORDERABLE ITEMS IN REMINDER INSTALL 19540 PATIENT LIST AND SS# 19560 ADD ADD'L COLUMNS IN REMINDER EXCHANGE 19626 SUPPRESS PXRM COMMENT FIELD W/CHECKBOX SEQUENCE 19843 ADD ELIGIBILITY TO PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS REPORT Remedy Tickets resolved by this patch: ============== 68948, 84724, 85633, 85695, 87364, 89146, 89401, 89472, 89627, 90449, 90823, 90992, 91471, 91682, 92187, 92570, 92761, 92790, 92795, 92802, 92807, 92992, 93292, 93633, 94630, 95523, 98203, 100670, 101723, 105304, 106443, 106498, 109645, 111210, 111345, 113060, 113346, 118893, 122050, 122458, 123240, 123779, 124911, 125171, 127184, 131755, 132065, 132998, 133356, 133774, 134199, 136399, 136439, 138761, 142078, 149570, 153731 Documentation: ============== Updated documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch is available. The preferred method is to FTP the files from download.vista.med.va.gov. This transmits the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as follows: Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov This documentation will be in the form of Adobe Acrobat files. The updated documentation associated with this patch is: Manager Manual: PXRM_2_MM.PDF Clinician Guide: PXRM_2_UM.PDF Technical Manual: PXRM_2_TM.PDF Release Notes: PXRM_2_4_RN.PDF Clinical Reminders documentation can also be found in the VistA Documentation Library: http://www.va.gov/vdl. Please read the documentation BEFORE installation and implementation. This patch is large and contains many new features. Build Components: ================= Below is a listing of the pieces of the build for this patch that will be updated during the install process. Data Dictionary: ================ FILE # NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800 CLINICAL REMINDER PARAMETERS 801.41 REMINDER DIALOG 801.5 REMINDER DIALOG PATIENT ASSOCIATION 801.55 REMINDER GEC DIALOG ASSOCIATION HISTORY 802.4 REMINDER FUNCTION FINDING FUNCTIONS 810.1 REMINDER REPORT TEMPLATE 810.2 REMINDER EXTRACT DEFINITION** 810.3 REMINDER EXTRACT SUMMARY 810.4 REMINDER LIST RULE 810.5 REMINDER PATIENT LIST 810.7 REMINDER EXTRACT COUNTING RULE** 810.8 REMINDER COUNTING GROUP** 810.9 REMINDER LOCATION LIST 811.4 REMINDER COMPUTED FINDINGS 811.5 REMINDER TERM 811.8 REMINDER EXCHANGE 811.9 REMINDER DEFINITION **These files will be renamed during the install to the names shown here. Input Templates: ================ PXRM EDIT PATIENT LIST RULE FILE #810.4 PXRM EDIT REMINDER RULE FILE #810.4 PXRM EDIT RULE SET FILE #810.4 PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING FILE #810.7 PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUP FILE #810.8 PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION FILE #810.2 PXRM EXTRACT FINDING GROUP FILE #810.8 PXRM EXTRACT FINDINGS FILE #810.7 PXRM EXTRACT PARAMETERS FILE #810.2 List Templates: =============== PXRM EXTRACT COUNT RULE EDIT PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUPS PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GRP EDIT PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING RULES PXRM EXTRACT DEF DISPLAY PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION EDIT PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITIONS PXRM EXTRACT HELP PXRM EXTRACT HISTORY PXRM EXTRACT MANAGEMENT PXRM EXTRACT SUMMARY PXRM EXTRACT TRANSMISSIONS PXRM LIST RULE MANAGEMENT PXRM PATIENT LIST CREATION DOC PXRM PATIENT LIST PATIENTS PXRM PATIENT LIST USER PXRM RULE SET TEST Options: ======== PXRM COMPUTED FINDING EDIT PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUPS PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING RULES PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION PXRM EXTRACT MANAGEMENT PXRM EXTRACT MENU PXRM EXTRACT PATIENT LIST PXRM GEC DEBUG REPORTS PXRM GEC2 QUARTERLY ROLLUP PXRM LIST RULE MANAGEMENT PXRM LOCATION LIST EDIT PXRM LOCATION LIST INQUIRY PXRM REMINDER REPORTS PXRM REMINDERS DUE PXRM REVIEW DATES PXRM SPONSOR EDIT PXRM TAXONOMY EDIT PXRM TERM EDIT Mail Groups: ============ GEC2 NATIONAL ROLLUP Print Templates: ================ PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING FILE #810.7 PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUP FILE #810.8 PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION FILE #810.2 PXRM EXTRACT FINDING FILE #810.7 PXRM LOCATION LIST INQUIRY FILE #810.9 PXRM LOCATION LIST LIST FILE #810.9 PXRM PATIENT LIST RULE FILE #810.4 PXRM REMINDER RULE FILE #810.4 PXRM RULE SET FILE #810.4 PXRM SPONSOR INQUIRY FILE #811.6 Protocols: ========== PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUP CREATE PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUP DISPLAY MENU PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUP DISPLAY/EDIT PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUP EDIT PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUP EXIT PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUP MENU PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUP SELECT ENTRY PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING GROUPS PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING RULE CREATE PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING RULE DISPLAY MENU PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING RULE DISPLAY/EDIT PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING RULE EDIT PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING RULE EXIT PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING RULE MENU PXRM EXTRACT COUNTING RULE SELECT ENTRY PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION CREATE PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION DISPLAY MENU PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION DISPLAY/EDIT PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION EDIT PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION EXIT PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION MANAGEMENT PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION MENU PXRM EXTRACT DEFINITION SELECT ENTRY PXRM EXTRACT MANAGEMENT EXIT PXRM EXTRACT MANAGEMENT MENU PXRM EXTRACT PATIENT LIST PXRM EXTRACT SUMMARY EXIT PXRM EXTRACT SUMMARY FINDING TOTALS PXRM EXTRACT SUMMARY MENU PXRM EXTRACT VIEW/SCHEDULE PXRM LIST RULE CHANGE VIEW PXRM LIST RULE CREATE PXRM LIST RULE DISPLAY/EDIT PXRM LIST RULE EXIT PXRM LIST RULE MENU PXRM PATIENT LIST AUTH USER PXRM PATIENT LIST CHANGE VIEW PXRM PATIENT LIST CREATE PXRM PATIENT LIST CREATION DOC PXRM PATIENT LIST DELETE PXRM PATIENT LIST DEMOGRAPHIC PXRM PATIENT LIST DISPLAY PXRM PATIENT LIST EDIT PXRM PATIENT LIST EXIT PXRM PATIENT LIST HEALTH SUMMARY (ALL) PXRM PATIENT LIST HEALTH SUMMARY (INDIVIDUAL) PXRM PATIENT LIST MENU PXRM PATIENT LIST OE/RR PXRM PATIENT LIST PATIENTS MENU PXRM PATIENT LIST RULES PXRM PATIENT LIST USER PXRM PATIENT LIST USER COPY PXRM PATIENT LIST USER CREATE PXRM PATIENT LIST VIEW PXRM RULE SET TEST PXRM7 RECO SERVER Routines: ========= The routine list can be found after the installation instructions. Security Keys: ============== PXRM MANAGER - This is a new security key Host File: ========== This is a multi-package build so it is available only as a host file; the name of the file is PXRM_2_0_4.KID. Sites will retrieve VistA software from the following FTP addresses. The preferred method is to FTP the files from download.vista.med.va.gov. This transmits the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as follows: Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov Installation: ============= This patch can be loaded with users on the system. Installation will take less than 10 minutes. Installation should be coordinated with the person who manages Clinical Reminders at your site and be scheduled during a time of lower system usage. Note: PXRM*2.0*4 will not install if any reminder definitions using the old-style MRD are found. Using the Kernel KIDs menu 1. Use the 'Load a Distribution' option on the KIDS installation menu. When prompted to enter a host file type in PXRM_2_0_4.KID 2. On the KIDS menu under the 'INSTALLATION' menu, use the following options, as desired: Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Backup a Transport Global 3. On the KIDS menu under the 'INSTALLATION' menu, use the following option to install the patch: Install Package(s) (PXRM*2.0*4) 4. During the install KIDS will point out that these files already exist with a different name: 810.2 REMINDER EXTRACT DEFINITION [NEW FILE NAME] *BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE 'REMINDER EXTRACT PARAMETER' AS FILE #810.2! Shall I write over your REMINDER EXTRACT PARAMETER File? YES// 810.7 REMINDER EXTRACT COUNTING RULE [NEW FILE NAME] *BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE 'REMINDER EXTRACT FINDING RULE' AS FILE #810.7! Shall I write over your REMINDER EXTRACT FINDING RULE File? YES// 810.8 REMINDER COUNTING GROUP [NEW FILE NAME] *BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE 'REMINDER FINDING GROUP' AS FILE #810.8! Shall I write over your REMINDER FINDING GROUP File? YES// Take the default of "YES" for each of the "Shall I write over your ..." questions. 5. When prompted "Enter the Coordinator for Mail Group 'GEC2 NATIONAL ROLLUP':", hit enter. 6. When prompted "Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install?" YES// respond 'NO' 7. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//," respond 'NO'. 8. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//," respond 'YES'. When prompted to select the options you would like to place out of order, enter the following: GMTS* PXRM* IBDF PRINT* IBDF PRINT FORM OR CPRS GUI CHART ORS HEALTH SUMMARY When prompted to select the protocols you would like to place out of order, enter the following: ORS AD HOC HEALTH SUMMARY ORS HEALTH SUMMARY PXRM PATIENT DATA CHANGE 9. When prompted "Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60): 0//," respond '0'. This installation should not be queued; it will be installing some packed reminder definitions and may require selection of replacements for some components. Therefore it is recommended that the site's Clinical Reminder Manager is present during the install. 10. The init routines PXRMP4I, PXRMP4I1, and PXRMP4IW may be deleted once the installation has completed. Sample Installation: ==================== Select Installation Option: 6 Install Package(s) Select INSTALL NAME: PXRM*2.0*4 Loaded from Distribution 10/10/06@06:53: 44 => PXRM*2.0*4 build 08/17/2006 ;Created on Aug 17, 2006@15:00:16 This Distribution was loaded on Oct 10, 2006@06:53:44 with header of PXRM*2.0*4 build 08/17/2006 ;Created on Aug 17, 2006@15:00:16 It consisted of the following Install(s): PXRM*2.0*4 GMTS*2.7*75 Checking Install for Package PXRM*2.0*4 Will first run the Environment Check Routine, PXRMP4EC Install Questions for PXRM*2.0*4 Incoming Files: 800 CLINICAL REMINDER PARAMETERS Note: You already have the 'CLINICAL REMINDER PARAMETERS' File. 801.41 REMINDER DIALOG Note: You already have the 'REMINDER DIALOG' File. 801.5 REMINDER DIALOG PATIENT ASSOCIATION Note: You already have the 'REMINDER DIALOG PATIENT ASSOCIATION' File. 801.55 REMINDER GEC DIALOG ASSOCIATION HISTORY Note: You already have the 'REMINDER GEC DIALOG ASSOCIATION HISTORY' File. 802.4 REMINDER FUNCTION FINDING FUNCTIONS (including data) Note: You already have the 'REMINDER FUNCTION FINDING FUNCTIONS' File. I will OVERWRITE your data with mine. 810.1 REMINDER REPORT TEMPLATE Note: You already have the 'REMINDER REPORT TEMPLATE' File. 810.2 REMINDER EXTRACT DEFINITION *BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE 'REMINDER EXTRACT PARAMETER' AS FILE #810.2! Shall I write over your REMINDER EXTRACT PARAMETER File? YES// Y 810.3 REMINDER EXTRACT SUMMARY Note: You already have the 'REMINDER EXTRACT SUMMARY' File. 810.4 REMINDER LIST RULE Note: You already have the 'REMINDER LIST RULE' File. 810.5 REMINDER PATIENT LIST Note: You already have the 'REMINDER PATIENT LIST' File. 810.7 REMINDER EXTRACT COUNTING RULE *BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE 'REMINDER EXTRACT FINDING RULE' AS FILE #810.7! Shall I write over your REMINDER EXTRACT FINDING RULE File? YES// Y 810.8 REMINDER COUNTING GROUP *BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE 'REMINDER FINDING GROUP' AS FILE #810.8! Shall I write over your REMINDER FINDING GROUP File? YES// Y 810.9 REMINDER LOCATION LIST (including data) Note: You already have the 'REMINDER LOCATION LIST' File. I will OVERWRITE your data with mine. 811.4 REMINDER COMPUTED FINDINGS (including data) Note: You already have the 'REMINDER COMPUTED FINDINGS' File. I will OVERWRITE your data with mine. 811.5 REMINDER TERM (including data) Note: You already have the 'REMINDER TERM' File. I will OVERWRITE your data with mine. 811.8 REMINDER EXCHANGE (including data) Note: You already have the 'REMINDER EXCHANGE' File. I will OVERWRITE your data with mine. 811.9 REMINDER DEFINITION Note: You already have the 'REMINDER DEFINITION' File. Incoming Mail Groups: Enter the Coordinator for Mail Group 'GEC2 NATIONAL ROLLUP': [type enter] Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO Checking Install for Package GMTS*2.7*75 Install Questions for GMTS*2.7*75 Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': GMTS* Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PXRM* Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': IBDF PRINT* Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': IBDF PRINT FORM ?? Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': OR CPRS GUI CHART CPRSCh art version Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': ORS HEALTH SUMMARY Healt h Summary Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': ORS AD HOC HEALTH SUMMARY Ad Hoc Health Summary Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': ORS HEALTH SUMMARY Hea lth Summary Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PXRM PATIENT DATA CHANGE PXRM PATIENT DATA CHANGE Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60): 0// Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages. You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt. Enter a '^' to abort the install. DEVICE: HOME// Install Started for PXRM*2.0*4 : Oct 10, 2006@06:59:26 Build Distribution Date: Aug 17, 2006 Installing Routines: Oct 10, 2006@06:59:28 Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^PXRMP4I Saving Location List Classes Renaming extract List Templates Renaming extract options Renaming extract protocols Installing Data Dictionaries: Oct 10, 2006@06:59:31 Installing Data: Oct 10, 2006@06:59:32 Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: Installing SECURITY KEY Installing PRINT TEMPLATE Installing INPUT TEMPLATE Installing MAIL GROUP Installing PROTOCOL Installing LIST TEMPLATE Installing OPTION Oct 10, 2006@06:59:33 Running Post-Install Routine: POST^PXRMP4I Checking reminder definitions for baseline age range overlap Restoring Location List Classes Rebuilding taxonomy expansions and setting adjacent values. Working on taxonomy 62 DONE Reformatting reminder report service categories Setting Patient List TYPE field Setting AUTOMATICALLY PURGE for national Extract Summaries and Patient Lists Setting ENODEs for lab findings. Installing reminder VA-WH BILATERAL MASTECTOMY Installing reminder VA-MST SCREENING Installing reminder VA-GEC REFERRAL CARE RECOMMENDATION Installing reminder VA-MHV INFLUENZA VACCINE Installing reminder VA-*QUERI LIST RULE UPDATES Installing reminder VA-HTN ASSESSMENT BP >=140/90 Installing reminder VA-HTN ASSESSMENT BP >=160/100 Adding data to new file 801.55 Please Wait.....Thank you Re-Setting Heath FactorS Syn. Entries. Updating Routine file... Updating KIDS files... PXRM*2.0*4 Installed. Oct 10, 2006@06:59:50 Install Message sent #187328 Routines: ========= The following is a list of the routines included in this patch. The second line of each routine looks like: ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**[Patch List]**;Feb 04, 2005 Checksums are from CHECK^XTSUMBLD. Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ======= ============ ============ ========== PXRM 6375097 6400148 4 PXRM7API 195274 1278326 4 PXRMAGE 2447072 2752766 4 PXRMCDEF NEW 1128649 4 PXRMCDUE 5783887 5815247 4 PXRMCWH 10440673 10598285 1,4 PXRMDATA 2123207 2434990 4 PXRMDATE 5857392 6485644 4 PXRMDCPY 5854320 6068514 4 PXRMDEDI 5922475 5961802 4 PXRMDEDT 10680551 10787783 4 PXRMDEV 3756337 6770491 4 PXRMDGEN 2510380 2471848 4 PXRMDGPT 8782505 8965425 4 PXRMDIN 2383933 2867447 4 PXRMDISC 379913 659939 4 PXRMDLG4 12726172 13171009 4 PXRMDLG5 7386175 7819159 4 PXRMDLGZ 6667579 6670561 4 PXRMDNVA 2377993 2813752 4 PXRMDOUT 2713708 3297752 4 PXRMDRCL 2655583 2684879 4 PXRMDRGR 7729652 8601378 4 PXRMDRUG 9970397 10050228 4 PXRMEFED 2463971 2520205 4 PXRMEFM 2698381 2799973 4 PXRMEGED 2539258 2609990 4 PXRMEGM 3604144 3640225 4 PXRMEHLP 4920163 5013609 4 PXRMENOD 1438338 977704 4 PXRMEPED 2467735 2488617 4 PXRMEPM 4948272 5025077 4 PXRMERRH 6602244 7388391 4 PXRMETH 10714348 10997606 4 PXRMETH1 3000440 4724184 4 PXRMETHL 1688984 1687520 4 PXRMETM 4770976 4778764 4 PXRMETT 6759103 9123109 4 PXRMETX 11205377 9271082 4 PXRMETXR 10523065 11733578 4 PXRMETXU NEW 2054382 4 PXRMEUT 3438065 8471951 4 PXRMEUT1 NEW 5855000 4 PXRMEXIU 11076209 11478111 4 PXRMEXLC 8487408 9282948 4 PXRMEXLD 12548541 12028233 4 PXRMEXU0 871371 2155230 4 PXRMFF 4952473 4612863 4 PXRMFF0 1248365 1626790 4 PXRMFFAT NEW 244932 4 PXRMFFDB 5845694 6826569 4 PXRMFNFT NEW 7039481 4 PXRMG2E1 8438785 5201932 2,4 PXRMG2E2 6303644 6305169 2,4 PXRMG2E4 5463170 5760329 2,4 PXRMG2M1 4128779 4076382 2,4 PXRMG2R1 9225619 9492213 2,4 PXRMGECJ NEW 17356137 4 PXRMGECK 5177963 5182809 4 PXRMGECL NEW 2733331 4 PXRMGECM 14917944 15336964 4 PXRMGECP 9413963 10065589 2,4 PXRMGECQ 22435387 23708680 4 PXRMGECR 20969526 21924625 4 PXRMGECS 11864521 12026132 4 PXRMGECT 6627943 8137886 4 PXRMGECU 13501127 14075066 4 PXRMGECV 12218339 7299853 4 PXRMGECZ 8578158 8678473 4 PXRMINDC 10402045 10439574 4 PXRMINDD NEW 11714679 4 PXRMINDL 5778040 6807184 4 PXRMINDX 7264752 8253417 4 PXRMINQ 3801622 3803005 4 PXRMINTR 6539664 6810498 4 PXRMLAB 2663223 2727476 4 PXRMLCD NEW 1322059 4 PXRMLCR 5807798 9508537 4 PXRMLHLP 8477139 7081315 4 PXRMLLED 1834632 1008511 4 PXRMLOCF 8197477 10959164 4 PXRMLOCL 3995943 5257090 4 PXRMLOG 9485328 9317083 4 PXRMLOGX 7320969 7276654 4 PXRMLPHS 2642626 1623584 4 PXRMLPOE 3890683 3986750 4 PXRMLPP 6183526 7030874 4 PXRMLPU 10568398 8225337 4 PXRMLRED 5175636 6816165 4 PXRMLRHL 4463027 2630778 4 PXRMLRM 5526353 6061822 4 PXRMMH 5594324 5621879 4 PXRMMHV NEW 1483055 4 PXRMMST 10870143 10940305 4 PXRMOBJ 7485121 7396461 4 PXRMORDR 2851499 3327420 4 PXRMOUTC 8594597 9014746 4 PXRMOUTD 4185802 4519928 4 PXRMOUTM 8263598 9107169 4 PXRMP4EC NEW 2695941 4 PXRMP4I NEW 9210263 4 PXRMP4I1 NEW 18877712 4 PXRMP4IW NEW 17299655 4 PXRMPARS 954442 945666 4 PXRMPCIN 229797 269531 4 PXRMPDEM 3377107 5063304 5,4 PXRMPDR NEW 8939441 4 PXRMPDRP NEW 11871695 4 PXRMPDRS NEW 12480473 4 PXRMPLST 8325642 8354229 4 PXRMPROB 8662159 9027817 4 PXRMPTD1 2258782 2256294 4 PXRMPTD2 1989940 2005293 4 PXRMPTDF 11603033 11883939 4 PXRMPTL 6938461 7125978 4 PXRMPTTR 4866009 5063161 4 PXRMRAD 2614681 2626867 4 PXRMRCPT 5011168 5179224 4 PXRMRDI NEW 4105300 4 PXRMREDF 9647403 9927933 4 PXRMREDT 4258462 5118135 4 PXRMREV 3410409 3829164 4 PXRMRST NEW 1346275 4 PXRMRUL1 1983139 3471818 4 PXRMRULE 11756944 12327240 4 PXRMSPED 1683955 1654527 4 PXRMSTA1 11565022 13729690 4 PXRMSTA2 9356528 8109686 4 PXRMSTAT 1273172 1820529 4 PXRMTAX 11404541 11537143 4 PXRMTAXS 333726 358878 4 PXRMTEDT 905297 995025 4 PXRMTERM 14366039 15252255 4 PXRMTIU 1741741 2618060 4 PXRMTMED 2459652 3081854 1,4 PXRMUTIL 4444915 4451506 4 PXRMVALC 19671846 19058499 4 PXRMVCPT 6510942 6708714 4 PXRMVLST 8246696 8104214 4 PXRMVPOV 6703484 6738936 4 PXRMVSIT 2284586 3188596 4 PXRMXBSY 1858349 1749860 4 PXRMXD 12999365 12857184 4 PXRMXDT1 NEW 11559031 4 PXRMXDUT 6596238 8732290 4 PXRMXEVL NEW 1309135 4 PXRMXGPR 12768077 17663739 4 PXRMXGUT 984542 1106078 4 PXRMXPR 12405702 11458283 4 PXRMXPR1 NEW 5472054 4 PXRMXQUE 2000527 4475117 4 PXRMXSC 1947304 2468232 4 PXRMXSD 6093026 6154428 4 PXRMXSE1 NEW 10087462 4 PXRMXSL1 NEW 16098384 4 PXRMXSL2 NEW 11079623 4 PXRMXSU 9125094 9421935 4 PXRMXT 5510079 5442329 4 PXRMXTA 12006942 10320330 4 PXRMXTD 3650723 3653740 4 PXRMXTE NEW 4784583 4 PXRMXTU 5489069 5450645 4 PXRMXX1 8898269 8652287 4 Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: PXRM Before: B33249471 After: B33753989 **4** Routine Name: PXRM7API Before: B484486 After: B3561001 **4** Routine Name: PXRMAGE Before: B9280961 After: B13089093 **4** Routine Name: PXRMCDEF Before: n/a After: B1896226 **4** Routine Name: PXRMCDUE Before: B27720729 After: B28018765 **4** Routine Name: PXRMCWH Before: B41126222 After: B41378773 **1,4** Routine Name: PXRMDATA Before: B5079313 After: B5652428 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDATE Before: B33183839 After: B43288012 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDCPY Before: B34395580 After: B35646048 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDEDI Before: B23214450 After: B22823576 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDEDT Before: B83023459 After: B83786039 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDEV Before: B14540803 After: B28754110 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDGEN Before: B5981154 After: B5814259 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDGPT Before: B41886287 After: B43220720 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDIN Before: B5008187 After: B6339292 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDISC Before: B699205 After: B1065588 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDLG4 Before: B87058115 After: B90053996 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDLG5 Before: B21959446 After: B23189985 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDLGZ Before: B41119508 After: B41128562 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDNVA Before: B4909635 After: B5718957 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDOUT Before: B5689003 After: B6790272 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDRCL Before: B6266841 After: B6327601 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDRGR Before: B34003604 After: B43133634 **4** Routine Name: PXRMDRUG Before: B53554900 After: B54195557 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEFED Before: B10506200 After: B10643956 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEFM Before: B14152494 After: B14152898 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEGED Before: B10218267 After: B10382097 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEGM Before: B19149178 After: B19306296 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEHLP Before: B23862573 After: B21957169 **4** Routine Name: PXRMENOD Before: B2698430 After: B2553031 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEPED Before: B10031976 After: B10077314 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEPM Before: B29879684 After: B29139356 **4** Routine Name: PXRMERRH Before: B20612060 After: B23062075 **4** Routine Name: PXRMETH Before: B86013314 After: B89915697 **4** Routine Name: PXRMETH1 Before: B8464992 After: B13018351 **4** Routine Name: PXRMETHL Before: B3980814 After: B3978454 **4** Routine Name: PXRMETM Before: B28790537 After: B28395504 **4** Routine Name: PXRMETT Before: B32017348 After: B44639799 **4** Routine Name: PXRMETX Before: B94186280 After: B58362915 **4** Routine Name: PXRMETXR Before: B69131638 After: B73752465 **4** Routine Name: PXRMETXU Before: n/a After: B4055861 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEUT Before: B15115933 After: B48878170 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEUT1 Before: n/a After: B17787361 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEXIU Before: B64736768 After: B67491313 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEXLC Before: B38644142 After: B45607046 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEXLD Before: B92102560 After: B89789485 **4** Routine Name: PXRMEXU0 Before: B1608373 After: B5214971 **4** Routine Name: PXRMFF Before: B19619357 After: B17969546 **4** Routine Name: PXRMFF0 Before: B3725789 After: B5682907 **4** Routine Name: PXRMFFAT Before: n/a After: B889862 **4** Routine Name: PXRMFFDB Before: B36932322 After: B50297267 **4** Routine Name: PXRMFNFT Before: B38775202 After: B38705516 **4** Routine Name: PXRMG2E1 Before: B47935634 After: B23065425 **2,4** Routine Name: PXRMG2E2 Before: B38330452 After: B38360258 **2,4** Routine Name: PXRMG2E4 Before: B11134068 After: B11886015 **2,4** Routine Name: PXRMG2M1 Before: B20412738 After: B19673315 **2,4** Routine Name: PXRMG2R1 Before: B25023497 After: B25500840 **2,4** Routine Name: PXRMGECJ Before: n/a After: B75725828 **4** Routine Name: PXRMGECK Before: B15488888 After: B15693311 **4** Routine Name: PXRMGECL Before: n/a After: B5710145 **4** Routine Name: PXRMGECM Before: B32470765 After: B33651688 **4** Routine Name: PXRMGECP Before: B60301590 After: B63775895 **2,4** Routine Name: PXRMGECQ Before: B72541653 After: B80289381 **4** Routine Name: PXRMGECR Before: B60211031 After: B66172935 **4** Routine Name: PXRMGECS Before: B37211784 After: B39772388 **4** Routine Name: PXRMGECT Before: B19983936 After: B25262357 **4** Routine Name: PXRMGECU Before: B81827553 After: B91128162 **4** Routine Name: PXRMGECV Before: B83846009 After: B44364226 **4** Routine Name: PXRMGECZ Before: B43781893 After: B46355261 **4** Routine Name: PXRMINDC Before: B62711858 After: B63259177 **4** Routine Name: PXRMINDD Before: n/a After: B61787180 **4** Routine Name: PXRMINDL Before: B18607876 After: B23505754 **4** Routine Name: PXRMINDX Before: B28736017 After: B34936278 **4** Routine Name: PXRMINQ Before: B22201857 After: B22208346 **4** Routine Name: PXRMINTR Before: B39010367 After: B41426356 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLAB Before: B7610461 After: B7845306 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLCD Before: n/a After: B2868685 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLCR Before: B22172960 After: B36285554 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLHLP Before: B37539306 After: B22028636 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLLED Before: B7133658 After: B3989594 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLOCF Before: B42996754 After: B66370340 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLOCL Before: B12777737 After: B21905784 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLOG Before: B62069937 After: B57930315 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLOGF Routine Name: PXRMLOGX Before: B66598570 After: B66287455 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLPHS Before: B11542861 After: B5917705 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLPM Routine Name: PXRMLPOE Before: B16752478 After: B17281673 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLPP Before: B29385916 After: B46321797 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLPU Before: B84255172 After: B69127085 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLRED Before: B33734787 After: B50465867 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLRHL Before: B13714734 After: B5896989 **4** Routine Name: PXRMLRM Before: B28391737 After: B33634264 **4** Routine Name: PXRMMH Before: B26141614 After: B26669447 **4** Routine Name: PXRMMHV Before: n/a After: B3798193 **4** Routine Name: PXRMMST Before: B73627674 After: B74220364 **4** Routine Name: PXRMOBJ Before: B23753782 After: B23584122 **4** Routine Name: PXRMORDR Before: B8336351 After: B9484065 **4** Routine Name: PXRMOUTC Before: B27225914 After: B29005432 **4** Routine Name: PXRMOUTD Before: B13066273 After: B14357446 **4** Routine Name: PXRMOUTM Before: B22883770 After: B27278123 **4** Routine Name: PXRMP18E Routine Name: PXRMP18I Routine Name: PXRMP4EC Before: n/a After: B4573891 **4** Routine Name: PXRMP4I Before: n/a After: B70066076 **4** Routine Name: PXRMP4I1 Before: n/a After: B81567254 **4** Routine Name: PXRMP4IW Before: n/a After: B41425248 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPARS Before: B2963494 After: B2984777 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPCIN Before: B481029 After: B551449 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPD Routine Name: PXRMPD1 Routine Name: PXRMPDEM Before: B12427009 After: B22239744 **5,4** Routine Name: PXRMPDR Before: n/a After: B46925206 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPDRP Before: n/a After: B93112998 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPDRS Before: n/a After: B52646601 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPLST Before: B54512537 After: B54076318 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPROB Before: B41801447 After: B44715259 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPTD1 Before: B6516858 After: B6511730 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPTD2 Before: B4847662 After: B4770975 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPTDF Before: B73107946 After: B74692080 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPTL Before: B37275218 After: B39396517 **4** Routine Name: PXRMPTTR Before: B20654890 After: B21604330 **4** Routine Name: PXRMRAD Before: B7335381 After: B7364662 **4** Routine Name: PXRMRCPT Before: B19251574 After: B20161375 **4** Routine Name: PXRMRDI Before: n/a After: B13129062 **4** Routine Name: PXRMREDF Before: B77860562 After: B83881893 **4** Routine Name: PXRMREDT Before: B45031633 After: B59440295 **4** Routine Name: PXRMREV Before: B9233501 After: B10699713 **4** Routine Name: PXRMRST Before: n/a After: B3083518 **4** Routine Name: PXRMRUL1 Before: B4458749 After: B12674426 **4** Routine Name: PXRMRULE Before: B94221434 After: B97735576 **4** Routine Name: PXRMSPED Before: B5739431 After: B6621847 **4** Routine Name: PXRMSTA1 Before: B56609543 After: B72646186 **4** Routine Name: PXRMSTA2 Before: B24782967 After: B23595910 **4** Routine Name: PXRMSTAT Before: B2452073 After: B4309689 **4** Routine Name: PXRMTAX Before: B59501548 After: B60240316 **4** Routine Name: PXRMTAXS Before: B620250 After: B665414 **4** Routine Name: PXRMTEDT Before: B4061244 After: B4554623 **4** Routine Name: PXRMTERM Before: B66487456 After: B73050345 **4** Routine Name: PXRMTIU Before: B2755040 After: B5275428 **4** Routine Name: PXRMTMED Before: B9296986 After: B12460684 **1,4** Routine Name: PXRMUTIL Before: B28846138 After: B28919429 **4** Routine Name: PXRMVALC Before: B66920379 After: B64415082 **4** Routine Name: PXRMVCPT Before: B24963126 After: B26000582 **4** Routine Name: PXRMVLST Before: B43845193 After: B42728225 **4** Routine Name: PXRMVPOV Before: B26108090 After: B26252424 **4** Routine Name: PXRMVSIT Before: B4930472 After: B8397874 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXBSY Before: B3275281 After: B3137765 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXD Before: B83798202 After: B78697890 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXDET Routine Name: PXRMXDT1 Before: n/a After: B54036830 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXDUT Before: B27082591 After: B36214366 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXEVL Before: n/a After: B2049131 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXGPR Before: B86479948 After: B76948185 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXGUT Before: B4000346 After: B4442825 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXPR Before: B93190107 After: B83078518 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXPR1 Before: n/a After: B16927076 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXQUE Before: B7231828 After: B19825120 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXSC Before: B3712143 After: B6596635 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXSD Before: B39129669 After: B37722805 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXSE Routine Name: PXRMXSE1 Before: n/a After: B52743138 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXSEL Routine Name: PXRMXSEO Routine Name: PXRMXSL1 Before: n/a After: B71901899 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXSL2 Before: n/a After: B44572298 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXSU Before: B65528446 After: B67359624 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXT Before: B35066979 After: B32803390 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXTA Before: B71344153 After: B50397705 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXTD Before: B10895439 After: B10909295 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXTE Before: n/a After: B13504501 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXTU Before: B33715633 After: B33168453 **4** Routine Name: PXRMXX1 Before: B36715725 After: B34315133 **4** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : REDINGTON,PATRICK Date Entered : MAR 02, 2005 Completed By: SCHLEHUBER,PAM Date Completed: OCT 18, 2006 Released By : BELSCHWINDER,MICHAEL Date Released : OCT 24, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included