============================================================================= Run Date: MAY 05, 2006 Designation: DG*5.3*554 Package : DG - REGISTRATION Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.3 SEQ #611 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUN 19, 2006 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)DG*5.3*425 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*554' (v)DG*5.3*555 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*554' (v)TIU*1*184 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*554' (v)DG*5.3*623 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*554' (v)USR*1*27 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*554' Subject: PATIENT RECORD FLAGS PHASE II Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Informational Description: ============ I. OVERVIEW This patch introduces changes to the Registration V.5.3 package in support of the VHA Directive 2003-048 National Patient Record Flags. This patch is the Registration portion of the Patient Record Flags (PRF) Phase II Project which is a joint effort of both the HDS and PIMS Team. This patch provides the requirement that all Patient Record Flag Assignments are linked to a Text Integration Utilities (TIU) Progress Note. This patch, DG*5.3*554, along with patches TIU*1*184 and USR*1*27, is being released in a single KIDS software distribution. This patch only includes the informational portion of DG*5.3*554. Please refer to the "Software and Documentation Retrieval" and "Installation Instructions" sections of the TIU*1*184 patch description for the instructions on how to acquire, install, and implement the patch software. An additional patch, the CPRS GUI version 26 patch OR*3*215, is also being released to support the Patient Record Flags Phase II project. Associated Remedy Tickets: ------------------------- HD105241: PRF HL7 ERROR ENCOUNTERED II. FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW The following is an overview of the primary functionality that will be delivered in this patch. 1. PATIENT RECORD FLAG MANAGEMENT The Record Flag Management [DGPF RECORD FLAG MANAGEMENT] option is being enhanced to provide the following functionality. a. When this patch is installed, automatic linking of the single Category I (National) Record Flag named "BEHAVIORAL" to the TIU National PRF Category I Progress Note Title will occur. The current TIU National Category I Progress Note Title is: "PATIENT RECORD FLAG CATEGORY I" b. A new user prompt has been added to the Add New Record Flag [DGPF ADD FLAG] action and the Edit Record Flag [DGPF EDIT FLAG] action List Manager user interface screens to associate (link) a TIU PRF Category II Progress Note Title to a PRF Category II (Local) Record Flag name. The new prompt is as shown below: "Enter the Progress Note Title:" c. Ability to display the linked TIU Progress Note Title of both a Category I (National) and Category II (Local) Record Flag. The Display Flag Detail [DGPF DISPLAY FLAG DETAIL] action has had the following new detail line added for the screen display of the Record Flag detail: "Progress Note Title: PATIENT RECORD FLAG CATEGORY I" 2. PATIENT RECORD FLAG ASSIGNMENT The Record Flag Assignment [DGPF RECORD FLAG ASSIGNMENT] option will now provide the following functionality to link a TIU Progress Note to a patient's Record Flag Assignment History Action record. a. Ability for the Text Integration Utilities (TIU) module to link or un-link a TIU Progress Note to a patient's Record Flag Assignment History action record. New Application Programmer Interfaces (API's) have been created to enable this file processing. b. Ability to display the linked TIU Progress Note when viewing the patient's Record Flag Assignment History details. The Display Assignment Details [DGPF DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT DETAIL] action has had the following new detail line added to the assignment history screen display: "Progress Note: PATIENT RECORD FLAG CATEGORY I" 3. DISPLAY OF ACTIVE PATIENT RECORD FLAG ASSIGNMENTS a. The VistA Patient Lookup screen display of a patient's ACTIVE Patient Record Flag Assignment detail, has been enhanced to include the following new detail line to indicate whether or not the PRF Assignment action has been linked to a TIU Progress Note: "Progress Note Linked: YES or NO" 4. PATIENT RECORD FLAG REPORTS Four (4) new PRF report options will be provided within the Record Flag Reports Menu [DGPF RECORD FLAG REPORTS MENU]. a. Assignment Action Not Linked Report [DGPF ACTION NOT LINKED REPORT] A report listing all patient assignment history records that are not linked to a TIU Progress Note. b. Patient Assignments Report [DGPF PATIENT ASSIGNMENT REPORT] A report listing all of a patient's PRF Assignments. c. Assignments Approved by Report [DGPF APPROVED BY REPORT] A report listing all assignments by the APPROVED BY person. d. Assignments by Principal Investigator Report [DGPF PRINCIPAL INVEST REPORT] A report listing all Research Flag type PRF Assignments for the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR person. 5. NEW ACTION CODE FOR EDITING PATIENT RECORD FLAG ASSIGNMENTS a. A new action code, "Entered in Error", can be selected when the user is prompted to "Select an assignment action:" during the Edit Flag Assignment [DGPF EDIT ASSIGNMENT] data entry action. The new prompt selection is as follows: Select one of the following: C Continue Assignment I Inactivate Assignment E Entered in Error b. When the new action code "Entered in Error" is selected, the user will be prompted to edit the assignment narrative and who approved the change prior to filing the update. c. The edit assignment action code "Entered in Error" will not be presented as a selection for use by Category I (National) PRF Assignments until the patch install compliance date has been reached. This will prevent a potential problem of PRF Phase I sites rejecting the "Entered in Error" action code shared from a site that has installed the PRF Phase II software. Category II (Local) PRF Assignments are not affected by this activation date. 6. REDISPLAY OF SCREEN DETAIL PRIOR TO FILING a. The following data entry add and edit actions of the Record Flag Management Menu [DGPF RECORD FLAG MANAGEMENT MENU] option, have been enhanced to re-display all the current record data, including all updates by the User, prior to filing the entry. [DGPF ADD FLAG] Add New Record Flag [DGPF EDIT FLAG] Edit Record Flag b. The following data entry add and edit actions of the Record Flag Assignment Menu [DGPF RECORD FLAG ASSIGNMENT MENU] option, have been enhanced to re-display all the current record data, including all updates by the User, prior to filing the entry. [DGPF ASSIGN FLAG] Assign Flag [DGPF EDIT ASSIGNMENT] Edit Flag Assignment [DGPF CHANGE ASSIGNMENT OWNERSHIP] Change Assignment Ownership 7. Remedy Ticket HD105241: PRF HL7 ERROR ENCOUNTERED Problem: ======= The site has received a PRF HL7 ERROR ENCOUNTERED transmission error bulletin from a non-medical center treating facility that indicates they could not process the transmitted Patient Record Flag assignment update. Resolution: ========== The validation of the patient's treating facilities used for sharing Category I PRF assignments has been enhanced to prevent transmission to a non-medical center treating facility. III. TECHNICAL COMPONENTS The following section describes the technical components of this patch. 1. The following new OPTION(s) will be added. a. Name: DGPF ACTION NOT LINKED REPORT Menu Text: Assignment Action Not Linked Report Description: This option will be used to display or print all of the PRF Assignment History actions that are not linked to a progress note. b. Name: DGPF APPROVED BY REPORT Menu Text: Assignments Approved By Report Description: This option will be used to display or print all of the PRF Assignment History actions for the person who approved the assignment of the record flag to the patient. c. Name: DGPF PATIENT ASSIGNMENT REPORT Menu Text: Patient Assignments Report Description: This option will be used to display or print all PRF Assignments of a patient for Category I or Category II Record Flags. d. Name: DGPF PRINCIPAL INVEST REPORT Menu Text: Assignments by Principal Investigator Report Description: This option will be used to display or print all of the PRF Assignment History actions for a Principal Investigator. Only Research Type record flags will have a Principal Investigator assigned for that flag. 2. The following OPTION will be modified. a. Name: DGPF RECORD FLAG REPORTS MENU Menu Text: Record Flag Reports Menu DESCRIPTION: This menu provides the user with functions to Display or Print Patient Record Flag Assignment Reports. This existing PRF menu option is being transmitted to be used as a link for the new report menu option sub-items. 3. The following new DIALOG FILE (#.84) records will be created. a. DIALOG NUMBER: 261101 TYPE: ERROR SHORT DESCRIPTION: Assignment history not found b. DIALOG NUMBER: 261102 TYPE: ERROR SHORT DESCRIPTION: Assignment not found c. DIALOG NUMBER: 261103 TYPE: ERROR SHORT DESCRIPTION: Not the owner site d. DIALOG NUMBER: 261104 TYPE: ERROR SHORT DESCRIPTION: TIU Document not found e. DIALOG NUMBER: 261105 TYPE: ERROR SHORT DESCRIPTION: Progress note filer error f. DIALOG NUMBER: 261106 TYPE: ERROR SHORT DESCRIPTION: Progress note deletion error g. DIALOG NUMBER: 261107 TYPE: ERROR SHORT DESCRIPTION: Progress note title not associated h. DIALOG NUMBER: 261108 TYPE: ERROR SHORT DESCRIPTION: Flag assignment not assoc with title i. DIALOG NUMBER: 261109 TYPE: ERROR SHORT DESCRIPTION: Progress note already linked 4. The following FIELDS have been added or modified. a. TIU PN TITLE (.07) field, PRF LOCAL FLAG (#26.11) file New Field: ========== Field # Field Name ------- ---------- .07 TIU PN TITLE Enhancement: A new field has been added for storing the pointer to the associated TIU Progress Note Title located in the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION (#8925.1) file. Description: This field contains the Category II Progress Note Title that is associated with this record flag name. b. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S) (2) field, PRF LOCAL FLAG (#26.11) file Modified Multiple Field in Sub-File (#26.112): ============================================== Field # Field Name ------- ---------- .01 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S) Enhancement: A new Field Index "C" has been added to this multiple field to provide for Fileman Lookup & Sorting within the Patient Record Flags system. Description: This multiple field contains the principal investigator(s) names when the Flag TYPE is RESEARCH. c. TIU PN TITLE (.07) field, PRF NATIONAL FLAG (#26.15) file New Field: ========== Field # Field Name ------- ---------- .07 TIU PN TITLE Enhancement: A new field has been added for storing the pointer to the associated TIU Progress Note Title located in the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION (#8925.1) file. Description: This field contains the Category I Progress Note Title that is associated with this record flag name. d. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S) (2) field, PRF NATIONAL FLAG (#26.15) file Modified Multiple Field in Sub-File (#26.152): ============================================== Field # Field Name ------- ---------- .01 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S) Enhancement: A new Field Index "C" has been added to this multiple field to provide for Fileman Lookup & Sorting within the Patient Record Flags system. Description: This multiple field contains the principal investigator(s) names when the Flag TYPE is RESEARCH. e. ACTION (.03) field, PRF ASSIGNMENT HISTORY (#26.14) file Modified Field: =============== Field # Field Name ------- ---------- .03 ACTION Enhancement: A new Action Code has been added to the current set of codes: "5:Entered in Error" Description enhancement: This field contains the event that occurred to create this PRF ASSIGNMENT HISTORY record. Sample events are NEW ASSIGNMENT, CONTINUE, INACTIVATE, REACTIVATE and ENTERED IN ERROR. f. TIU PN LINK (.06) field, PRF ASSIGNMENT HISTORY (#26.14) file New Field: ========== Field # Field Name ------- ---------- .06 TIU PN LINK Enhancement: A new field has been added for storing the pointer to the TIU Progress Note located in the TIU DOCUMENT (#8925) file that is linked to the PRF ASSIGNMENT HISTORY (#26.14) file record. Description: This field contains the IEN of the TIU Progress Note that is linked to this PRF Assignment History record. g. PRF PHASE 2 ACTIVATION (6) field, PRF PARAMETERS (#26.18) file New Field: ========== Field # Field Name ------- ---------- 6 PRF PHASE 2 ACTIVATION Enhancement: A new field has been added to restrict access to specific Patient Record Flags functionality in production environments until all sites have installed the PRF Phase II software. Description: This field contains the date that is used to restrict access to specific Patient Record Flags functionality in production environments until all sites have installed the PRF Phase II software. 5. The following new DATABASE INTEGRATION AGREEMENTS (DBIA) have been added. a. DBIA REFERENCE: 4383 NAME: DGPF ASSIGNMENT LINK TIU PN CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES USAGE: Controlled Subscription ENTERED: MAR 26,2004 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed TYPE: Routine DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this API is to facilitate the retrieval of specific data for an active or inactive Patient Record Flag Assignment to determine whether a TIU Progress Note has been entered for each assignment history record. If the request is not from the Owner Site of the Assignment, no data is returned. b. DBIA REFERENCE: 4384 NAME: DGPF FILE/DELETE TIU PN LINK CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES USAGE: Controlled Subscription ENTERED: MAR 26,2004 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed TYPE: Routine DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this API is to facilitate the Filing (Linking) and Deleting (Un-Linking) of the TIU PN LINK (#.06) field of the PRF ASSIGNMENT HISTORY file (#26.14). The TIU PROGRESS NOTE pointer IEN to the TIU DOCUMENT file (#8925) will be used. c. DBIA REFERENCE: 4386 NAME: DGPF ASSOCIATED FLAG PN TITLE CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION USAGE: Controlled Subscription ENTERED: MAR 29,2004 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed TYPE: File ROOT: TIU(8925.1, DESCRIPTION: This IA will document the fact that in the PRF LOCAL FLAG file (#26.11) and the PRF NATIONAL FLAG file (#26.15), there is a field called TIU PN TITLE (Field #.07) which points to the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION file (#8925.1). The Registration package request permission to store a pointer to the NAME field (#.01) of the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION file (#8925.1). d. DBIA REFERENCE: 4387 NAME: DGPF ASSIGNMENT TIU PN LINK CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION USAGE: Controlled Subscription ENTERED: MAR 29,2004 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed TYPE: File ROOT: TIU(8925, DESCRIPTION: This IA will document the fact that in the PRF ASSIGNMENT HISTORY file (#26.14), there is a field called TIU PN LINK (Field #.06) which points to the TIU DOCUMENT file (#8925). The Registration package request permission to store the pointer IEN of a TIU PROGRESS NOTE to the PRF ASSIGNMENT HISTORY file (#26.14) field (#.06). 6. The following DATABASE INTEGRATION AGREEMENT (DBIA) has been modified. a. DBIA REFERENCE: 3860 NAME: DGPF PATIENT RECORD FLAG CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING BAR CODE MED ADMIN DSS EXTRACTS INPATIENT MEDICATIONS OUTPATIENT PHARMACY USAGE: Controlled Subscription ENTERED: JUL 8,2003 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed TYPE: Routine DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this API is to facilitate the retrieval of specific data that can be used for the displaying of or the reporting of only ACTIVE Patient Record Flag (PRF) Assignment information for a patient. b. This enhancement will add the following two new data elements to the returned closed root reference array: 1. The TIU PN TITLE (#.07) field of the Record Flag name in the PRF LOCAL FLAG (#26.11) or PRF NATIONAL FLAG (#26.15) file. 2. The TIU PN LINK (#.06) field of the patient Assignment History record in the PRF ASSIGNMENT HISTORY (#26.14) file. 7. The following ROUTINE(s) will be added/modified. ROUTINE SUMMARY: ================ The following is a list of the routine(s) included in this patch. The second line of each of these routine(s) will look like: ;;5.3;Registration;**[patch list]**;Aug 13, 1993 Using old logic: CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ============ ============ =========== ========== DG53P554 N/A 5860940 554 DGPFAA2 6366893 7481781 425,554 DGPFAAH 5168790 5512655 425,554 DGPFALF 5994397 6354812 425,554 DGPFALF1 2629978 2757133 425,554 DGPFANF 2660254 2904087 425,554 DGPFAPI 4606964 5743798 425,554 DGPFAPI1 N/A 5391112 554 DGPFAPI2 N/A 4705707 554 DGPFDD 1789200 3797810 425,554 DGPFHLU6 2099373 2235911 425,554 DGPFLF3 13948860 13938963 425,554 DGPFLF4 9716810 8480844 425,554 DGPFLF5 13805445 16856743 425,554 DGPFLF6 6240533 7196393 425,554 DGPFLFD1 7319087 7698877 425,554 DGPFLMA2 9767621 9986642 425,623,554 DGPFLMA3 13904038 16397536 425,623,554 DGPFLMA4 10481453 10714433 425,554 DGPFLMD1 3836660 4413406 425,554 DGPFLMU1 7068089 7598760 425,554 DGPFPARM 796848 1167850 425,554 DGPFRAB N/A 6523969 554 DGPFRAB1 N/A 10461517 554 DGPFRAL N/A 4052946 554 DGPFRAL1 N/A 11809723 554 DGPFRFA 5210803 5452402 425,555,554 DGPFRFA1 8183644 8301291 425,554 DGPFRPA N/A 3630802 554 DGPFRPA1 N/A 7721441 554 DGPFRPI N/A 5189261 554 DGPFRPI1 N/A 6639108 554 DGPFRPI2 N/A 6333248 554 DGPFUT 4153807 4338517 425,554 DGPFUT2 5672217 5781261 425,554 DGPFUT3 N/A 6835605 554 DGPFUT4 N/A 6955096 554 DGPFUT5 N/A 5585586 554 Number of Routines = 38 Using new logic: CHECK1^XTSUMBLD results Routine name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ============ ============ =========== ========== DG53P554 N/A 21363644 554 DGPFAA2 42180474 47055667 425,554 DGPFAAH 30752743 32554418 425,554 DGPFALF 22618813 24023495 425,554 DGPFALF1 9183285 9747173 425,554 DGPFANF 6427977 7058990 425,554 DGPFAPI 34047337 32121180 425,554 DGPFAPI1 N/A 24151608 554 DGPFAPI2 N/A 18390437 554 DGPFDD 5388550 17115421 425,554 DGPFHLU6 6178112 6742118 425,554 DGPFLF3 51672864 51450229 425,554 DGPFLF4 37339881 29613889 425,554 DGPFLF5 50535397 71981378 425,554 DGPFLF6 17883747 24356570 425,554 DGPFLFD1 39735415 42648016 425,554 DGPFLMA2 31940244 33213840 425,623,554 DGPFLMA3 56633981 75304468 425,623,554 DGPFLMA4 36618689 38033813 425,554 DGPFLMD1 11731182 13946993 425,554 DGPFLMU1 40071877 44001072 425,554 DGPFPARM 1696408 3768728 425,554 DGPFRAB N/A 22179980 554 DGPFRAB1 N/A 63522463 554 DGPFRAL N/A 10972020 554 DGPFRAL1 N/A 71927213 554 DGPFRFA 16570169 17792002 425,555,554 DGPFRFA1 41598008 41214587 425,554 DGPFRPA N/A 10216886 554 DGPFRPA1 N/A 35851329 554 DGPFRPI N/A 19041361 554 DGPFRPI1 N/A 29056272 554 DGPFRPI2 N/A 22884103 554 DGPFUT 25005178 25945716 425,554 DGPFUT2 32476578 35502181 425,554 DGPFUT3 N/A 35131526 554 DGPFUT4 N/A 36954590 554 DGPFUT5 N/A 21222419 554 Number of Routines = 38 IV. SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION RETRIEVAL This patch, DG*5.3*554, along with patches TIU*1*184 and USR*1*27, is being released in a single KIDS software distribution. This patch only includes the informational portion of DG*5.3*554. Please refer to the "Software and Documentation Retrieval" and "Installation Instructions" sections of the TIU*1*184 patch description for the instructions on how to acquire, install, and implement the patch software. An additional patch, the CPRS GUI version 26 patch OR*3*215, is also being released to support the Patient Record Flags Phase II project. Routine Information: ==================== Routine Name: DG53P554 Routine Name: DGPFAA2 Routine Name: DGPFAAH Routine Name: DGPFALF Routine Name: DGPFALF1 Routine Name: DGPFANF Routine Name: DGPFAPI Routine Name: DGPFAPI1 Routine Name: DGPFAPI2 Routine Name: DGPFDD Routine Name: DGPFHLU6 Routine Name: DGPFLF3 Routine Name: DGPFLF4 Routine Name: DGPFLF5 Routine Name: DGPFLF6 Routine Name: DGPFLFD1 Routine Name: DGPFLMA2 Routine Name: DGPFLMA3 Routine Name: DGPFLMA4 Routine Name: DGPFLMD1 Routine Name: DGPFLMU1 Routine Name: DGPFPARM Routine Name: DGPFRAB Routine Name: DGPFRAB1 Routine Name: DGPFRAL Routine Name: DGPFRAL1 Routine Name: DGPFRFA Routine Name: DGPFRFA1 Routine Name: DGPFRPA Routine Name: DGPFRPA1 Routine Name: DGPFRPI Routine Name: DGPFRPI1 Routine Name: DGPFRPI2 Routine Name: DGPFUT Routine Name: DGPFUT2 Routine Name: DGPFUT3 Routine Name: DGPFUT4 Routine Name: DGPFUT5 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : MCGINNIS,RONALD P Date Entered : SEP 30, 2003 Completed By: SHETLER,BOB Date Completed: APR 21, 2006 Released By : ALEXANDER,DIANNE Date Released : MAY 05, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included