$TXT Created by THEROUX,JOHN at MNTVBB.FO-ALBANY.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Tuesday, 07/25/06 at 16:00 ============================================================================= Run Date: SEP 22, 2006 Designation: DG*5.3*696 Package : DG - REGISTRATION Priority: EMERGENCY Version : 5.3 SEQ #634 Status: Released Compliance Date: SEP 29, 2006 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)DG*5.3*432 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*696' (v)DG*5.3*678 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*696' (v)DG*5.3*683 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*696' Subject: PROBLEMS WITH CENSUS AND PATIENT TREATMENT FILE Category: - Routine - Input Template - Data Dictionary Description: ============ This patch fixes a problem with the combat vet field used in screen 801 in the PTF Load/Edit option, fixes the transmission date on retransmitted transactions, permits closing a record when the patient has a single legal name, and refines the handling of the PTF census date file. ASSOCIATED Remedy Tickets: ========================= 1) HD 122651 PTF Program Problem 2) HD 111003 Retransmitted PTF doesn't update data 3) HD 88984 PTF does not allow single legal name 4) HD 150355 Duplicate Census Date duplicate: HD 150465 ASSOCIATED E3R(s): ================== N/A PARTICIPATING TEST SITES: ========================= Cheyenne, WY West LA, CA Togus, ME DATA DICTIONARY CHANGES: ======================== File 45, field 7.4 ------------------ From: ^DD(45,7.4,0)=TRANSMISSION DATE^DCJ8,0X^^ ; ^S X=$S($D(^DGP(45.83,"C",D0)):$N(^D GP(45.83,"C",D0,0)),1:""),X=$S($D(^DGP(45.83,+X,"P",D0,0)):$P(^(0),U,2),1: "") To: ^DD(45,7.4,0)=TRANSMISSION DATE^DCJ8,0X^^ ; ^S X=$S($D(^DGP(45.83,"C",D0)):$O(^D GP(45.83,"C",D0,0)),1:""),X=$S($D(^DGP(45.83,+X,"P",D0,0)):$P(^(0),U,2),1: "") File 46.1, field .08 -------------------- From: ^DD(46.1,.08,0)=COMBAT VET^S^Y:YES;N:NO;^0;8^Q To: ^DD(46.1,.08,0)=COMBAT VET^S^1:YES;0:NO;^0;8^Q COMPONENTS INCLUDED IN BUILD: ============================= Input Template: DG801 REMEDY OVERVIEW: =============== 1) HD 122651 - PTF Program Problem Problem: ======== a) When entering a CPT code in Screen 801, this message can be received: "No CPT record has been filed because no CPT codes were filed." This occurs when there are fewer than 18 records in the INPATIENT CPT CODE file #46. b) When the CPT record is sent to PCE, the response to the "Was treatment related to combat?" prompt is not sent properly. Solution: ========= a) Routine DGPTFM3 was modified to New the "I" variable. b) The input transform for the COMBAT VET field #.08 in the INPATIENT POV file #46.1 was changed from a YES/NO set to a 1/0 set. Pre-init routine DG696PRE will effect the change. Also post-init routine DG696PST will rewrite any record in file #46.1 that has a "Y" or "N" for field #.08 to have a 1 or 0. The input template DG801 was changed. Finally, routine DGPTFM was modified so the display of the 801 screens will not be affected by these changes. 2) HD 111003 - Retransmitted PTF doesn't update data Problem: ======== When a PTF record is reopened, data is updated, and the record is retransmitted, the file still shows the original transmission date instead of the new transmission date. Solution: ========= In the input transform for the TRANSMISSION DATE field #7.4 in the PATIENT TREATMENT FILE #45, the command $N has been replaced with $O. Pre-init routine DG696PRE will effect the change. 3) HD 88984 - PTF does not allow single legal name Problem: ======== Users are unable to close a PTF record if the patient's legal name is one word (no first or middle name in the system). Solution: ========= If the patient's last name is followed by a comma and patient has no first name, editing for the presence of a first name will be bypassed. Routines DGPTR1 and DGPT101 were modified. 4) HD 150355 Duplicate Census Date Problem: ======== Certain sites have reported problems with the PTF Census Date file (#45.86) having duplicate records or a closeout date other than the 19th. Solution: ========= Although we have not been able to reproduce the conditions that led to these problems, we have changed the software to lessen the chance of it happening, or at least to become aware of it as it happens. Routine DGPTCO1 was modified. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: =========================== This patch may be run with users on the system. Installation will take less than 10 minutes. 1. Use the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE option on the PackMan menu to unload the KIDS distribution included with this message. NOTE: If the required patches are not installed, the transport global will be removed. If the transport global is removed you will need to repeat this step. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation menu. 3. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter DG*5.3*696): a. Compare Transport Global to Current System - this option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when the patch is installed. It compares all components of the patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.). b. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - this option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. c. Print Transport Global - this option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. d. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. 4. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the package DG*5.3*696. 5. When prompted ' Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//', respond NO. 6. When prompted,' Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', respond Yes. When prompted,'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':', enter: PTF Menu [DG PTF MENU] When prompted,'Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':', press enter. ROUTINE SUMMARY: ================ The following is a list of the routine(s) included in this patch. The second line of each of these routine(s) will look like: ;;5.3;Registration;**[patch list]**;Aug 13, 1993 Using old logic: CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ============ ============ =========== ========== DG696PRE N/A 1610965 696 DG696PST N/A 406265 696 DGPT101 6068045 6139225 8,164,180,247, 415,678,696 DGPTCO1 7963296 7856987 136,383,432,696 DGPTFM 21965856 22029697 510,517,590,594, 606,635,683,696 DGPTFM3 8947315 8947891 517,590,594,635, 696 DGPTR1 17423869 17530075 58,247,338,342, 423,415,565,678, 696 Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: DG696PRE Before: n/a After: B1987231 **696* Routine Name: DG696PST Before: n/a After: B701411 **696* Routine Name: DGPT101 Before: B13150561 After: B13245456 **8,164,180,247,415,678,696** Description of Changes: DGPT101.INT.1 |"PATVEE"|DGPT101.INT.1 ************************************************************************** ***** DGPT101.INT.1 +2 ;;5.3;Registration;**8,164,180,247,415,678,696**;Aug 13, 1993 ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPT101.INT.1 +2 ;;5.3;Registration;**8,164,180,247,415,678**;Aug 13, 1993 --------------------------------------- DGPT101.INT.1 +31 I DGPTFI'?.U&(DGPTFI'=" ")!((DGPTMI'?1U)&(DGPTMI'=" ")) S DGPTERC=1 06 D ERR G:DGPTEDFL EXIT ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPT101.INT.1 +31 I DGPTFI'?.U!((DGPTMI'?1U)&(DGPTMI'=" ")) S DGPTERC=106 D ERR G:DGP TEDFL EXIT ************************************************************************** ***** Routine Name: DGPTCO1 Before: B23976970 After: B25546385 **136,383,432,696** Description of Changes: DGPTCO1.INT.1 |"PATVEE"|DGPTCO1.INT.1 ************************************************************************** ***** DGPTCO1.INT.1 +1 DGPTCO1 ;ALB/MJK - Census Status Report ; 5/2/05 2:41pm +2 ;;5.3;Registration;**136,383,432,696**;Aug 13, 1993 ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTCO1.INT.1 +1 DGPTCO1 ;ALB/MJK - Census Status Report ; 5/30/01 11:26am +2 ;;5.3;Registration;**136,383,432**;Aug 13, 1993 --------------------------------------- DGPTCO1.INT.1 +107 N DGIEN,DGCLOSE,DGACT,ERR ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTCO1.INT.1 +107 N DGIEN,DGCLOSE --------------------------------------- DGPTCO1.INT.1 +109 S DGIEN=$O(^DG(45.86,"B",+$G(DGIEN),0)) +110 S ERR=0 +111 I 'DGIEN S ERR=1 D ERR Q ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTCO1.INT.1 +109 S DGIEN=$O(^DG(45.86,"B",+$G(DGIEN),0)) Q:'DGIEN --------------------------------------- DGPTCO1.INT.1 +113 S DGCLOSE=$P($G(^DG(45.86,DGIEN,0)),U,2) +114 I 'DGCLOSE S ERR=1 D ERR Q +115 I $E(DGCLOSE,6,7)'=19 S ERR=1 +116 S DGACT=$P($G(^DG(45.86,DGIEN,0)),U,4) +117 I 'DGACT S ERR=1 +118 I ERR D ERR Q ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTCO1.INT.1 +111 S DGCLOSE=$P($G(^DG(45.86,DGIEN,0)),U,2) Q:'DGCLOSE --------------------------------------- DGPTCO1.INT.1 +122 N DA,DIE,DR,DGYR,DGMONTH,DGSTRT,DGENDT,ERR,FDA,IEN696,ERR696 ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTCO1.INT.1 +115 N DA,DIE,DR,DGYR,DGMONTH,DGSTRT,DGENDT,DO,DIC,ERR,X,Y --------------------------------------- DGPTCO1.INT.1 +124 S DA=DGIEN,DIE="^DG(45.86,",DR=".04////0" D ^DIE ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTCO1.INT.1 +117 S DA=DGIEN,DIE="^DG(45.86,",DR=".04////0" D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA --------------------------------------- DGPTCO1.INT.1 +132 ;S DIC="^DG(45.86,",X=DGENDT,DIC(0)="" K DO D FILE^DICN K DIC +133 ;I Y'>0 S ERR=1 D ERR Q +134 ;S DIE="^DG(45.86,",DA=+Y,DR=".02////"_DGCLOSE_";.03////2970331;.04 ////1;.05////"_DGSTRT +135 ;D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA +136 S FDA(696,45.86,"?+1,",.01)=DGENDT +137 S FDA(696,45.86,"?+1,",.02)=DGCLOSE +138 S FDA(696,45.86,"?+1,",.03)=2970331 +139 S FDA(696,45.86,"?+1,",.04)=1 +140 S FDA(696,45.86,"?+1,",.05)=DGSTRT +141 D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA(696)","IEN696","ERR696") +142 I $D(ERR696) S ERR=1 D ERR ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTCO1.INT.1 +125 S DIC="^DG(45.86,",X=DGENDT,DIC(0)="" K DO D FILE^DICN K DIC +126 I Y'>0 S ERR=1 D ERR Q +127 S DIE="^DG(45.86,",DA=+Y,DR=".02////"_DGCLOSE_";.03////2970331;.04/ ///1;.05////"_DGSTRT +128 D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA --------------------------------------- DGPTCO1.INT.1 +145 D BMES^XPDUTL("Problem with PTF CENSUS DATE File (#45.86).") +146 D BMES^XPDUTL("Please notify your Supervisor !!.") ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTCO1.INT.1 +131 D BMES^XPDUTL("Problem with PTF CENSUS DATE File (#45.86) Update.") +132 D BMES^XPDUTL("Please contact your ADP Coordinator.") ************************************************************************** ***** Routine Name: DGPTFM Before: B44316891 After: B44706868 **510,517,590,594,606,635,683,696** Description of Changes: DGPTFM.INT.1 |"PATVEE"|DGPTFM.INT.1 ************************************************************************** ***** DGPTFM.INT.1 +2 ;;5.3;Registration;**510,517,590,594,606,635,683,696**;Aug 13, 1993 ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTFM.INT.1 +2 ;;5.3;Registration;**510,517,590,594,606,635,683**;Aug 13, 1993 --------------------------------------- DGPTFM.INT.1 +69 .;I I'=7 W ":",$S($P(DGINFO,U,($S(I<3:I+2,I=3:2,1:I+1))):"YES",1:"N O"),! +70 .;I I=7 W ":",$S($P(DGINFO,U,8)="Y":"YES",1:"NO"),! +71 .W ":",$S($P(DGINFO,U,8)="Y":"YES",1:"NO"),! ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTFM.INT.1 +69 .I I'=7 W ":",$S($P(DGINFO,U,($S(I<3:I+2,I=3:2,1:I+1))):"YES",1:"NO "),! +70 .I I=7 W ":",$S($P(DGINFO,U,8)="Y":"YES",1:"NO"),! ************************************************************************** ***** Routine Name: DGPTFM3 Before: B16699199 After: B16822857 **517,590,594,635,696** Description of Changes: DGPTFM3.INT.1 |"PATVEE"|DGPTFM3.INT.1 ************************************************************************** ***** DGPTFM3.INT.1 +2 ;;5.3;Registration;**517,590,594,635,696**;Aug 13, 1993 ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTFM3.INT.1 +2 ;;5.3;Registration;**517,590,594,635**;Aug 13, 1993 --------------------------------------- DGPTFM3.INT.1 +37 N I ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTFM3.INT.1 ************************************************************************** ***** Routine Name: DGPTR1 Before: B25729227 After: B25846829 **58,247,338,342,423,415,565,678,696** Description of Changes: DGPTR1.INT.1 |"PATVEE"|DGPTR1.INT.1 ************************************************************************** ***** DGPTR1.INT.1 +2 ;;5.3;Registration;**58,247,338,342,423,415,565,678,696**;Aug 13, 1 993 ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTR1.INT.1 +2 ;;5.3;Registration;**58,247,338,342,423,415,565,678**;Aug 13, 1993 --------------------------------------- DGPTR1.INT.1 +28 LOGIC ;;X'?.N^X'?.A&(X'=" ")^X'=" "^X'?.N&(X'=" ")^X'?.A&(X'=" ")^0^X'?.N &(X'="X")^X'=" "&(X'="P")^X="E"^X="Y"^X=" "^X'="A"&(X'=" ")^(X'?.A)&(X'?. N)&(X'=" ")^(X'?.N)&('$P(DG0,U,4))^((T1)&(X'=" "))!(('T1)&(X'?.N)&('$P(DG 0,U,4))) ................... |"PATVEE"|DGPTR1.INT.1 +28 LOGIC ;;X'?.N^X'?.A^X'=" "^X'?.N&(X'=" ")^X'?.A&(X'=" ")^0^X'?.N&(X'="X") ^X'=" "&(X'="P")^X="E"^X="Y"^X=" "^X'="A"&(X'=" ")^(X'?.A)&(X'?.N)&(X'=" ")^(X'?.N)&('$P(DG0,U,4))^((T1)&(X'=" "))!(('T1)&(X'?.N)&('$P(DG0,U,4))) ************************************************************************** ***** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : THEROUX,JOHN Date Entered : JAN 03, 2006 Completed By: BOWEN,MARY JANE Date Completed: SEP 22, 2006 Released By : FLANAGAN,PATTY Date Released : SEP 22, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT