$TXT Created by GINSBERG,ELIOT at MNTVLL.FO-ALBANY.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Tuesday, 10/24/06 at 11:23 ============================================================================= Run Date: JAN 19, 2007 Designation: DG*5.3*657 Package : DG - REGISTRATION Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.3 SEQ #653 Status: Released Compliance Date: FEB 19, 2007 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)DG*5.3*538 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*657' (v)DG*5.3*570 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*657' (v)DG*5.3*673 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*657' (v)DG*5.3*689 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*657' Subject: UPDATE DATA ENTRY CONSISTENCY CHECKS Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Data Dictionary Description: ============ As part of the Enrollment VistA Changes (EVC) project, this patch (DG*5.3*657) will be updating/adding/deleting consistency checks from the following options: Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT], Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA], Preregistration Menu [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER MENU], and Inconsistency Supervisor Menu [DG CONSISTENCY SUPERVISOR MENU]. This will improve data quality by reducing data inconsistencies. The EVC project is being undertaken to support technology and business changes that are occurring with the implementation of the HEC Enrollment System Redesign (ESR) project. Item #1 - Delete data from certain fields when VETERAN (Y/N)? Field #1901, Patient File #2 changes from 'Yes' to 'No': ====================================================================== On screen 7, when the VETERAN (Y/N)? field is changed from "YES" to "NO", the data values will be deleted (set to Null) in the following fields (all from the PATIENT file #2): Field Name Field # Screen Name Screen --------------------- -------- ----------- ------ POW STATUS INDICATED? .525 POW: 6 POW FROM DATE .527 From: 6 POW TO DATE .528 To: 6 POW CONFINEMENT LOCATION .526 War: 6 MILITARY DISABILITY RETIREMENT .3602 Mil Disab Retirement: 6 DISCHARGE DUE TO DISABILITY .3603 Dischrg Due to Disab: 6 SERVICE CONNECTED? .301 Svc Connected: 7 SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE .302 SC Percent: 7 SC AWARD DATE .3012 SC Award Date: 7 RATED INCOMPETENT? .293 Rated Incomp.: 7 DATE RULED INCOMPETENT (VA) .291 Date (VA): 7 DATE RULED INCOMPETENT (CIVIL) .292 Date (CIVIL): 7 RECEIVING A&A BENEFITS? .36205 Aid & Attendance: 7 RECEIVING HOUSEBOUND BENEFITS? .36215 Housebound: 7 RECEIVING A VA PENSION? .36235 VA Pension: 7 RECEIVING VA DISABILITY? .3025 VA Disability: 7 TOTAL ANNUAL VA CHECK AMOUNT .36295 Total Check Amount: 7 SERVICE CONNECTED CONDITIONS .3731 Service Connected Conditions as stated by applicant 7 Although the following fields in the PATIENT file #2 don't appear on screen 7, they too will be deleted when the VETERAN (Y/N)? field in the PATIENT (#2) file is changed from 'YES' to 'NO'. AMOUNT OF AID & ATTENDANCE .3621 Patient #2 AMOUNT OF HOUSEBOUND .3622 Patient #2 EFF. DATE COMBINED SC% EVAL. .3014 Patient #2 AMOUNT OF VA DISABILITY .303 Patient #2 AMOUNT OF VA PENSION .3624 Patient #2 In addition, when the VETERAN (Y/N)? field is changed from 'YES' to 'No': The PATIENT TYPE (#391) and PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY (#.361) will not be changed automatically. Note: Because the VETERAN was changed from 'YES' to 'NO', it's possible that the eligibility TYPE (#4) of the ELIGIBILITY CODE FILE (#8) will still refer to a veteran. This will result in an inconsistency type # 19 - ELIG/NONVET STAT INCONSISTENT. It is then up to the input user to correctly assign a PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY to remove the inconsistency. If the PATIENT ELIGIBILITIES multiple (#361) contains any of the following: 'SC LESS THAN 50%' or 'SERVICE CONNECTED 50% to 100%' or 'NSC, VA PENSION' or 'AID & ATTENDANCE' or 'HOUSEBOUND' or ALLIED VETERAN', that eligibility will be removed. Item #2 - Create a new consistency check #87 to require one or more rated disabilities when SERVICE CONNECTED? (field #.301) is answered "YES". ====================================================================== A new Consistency Check, #87, will be created. Named, "SC ELIG BUT NO RD CODES", an inconsistency #87 will be generated for the following two sets of conditions: IF SERVICE CONNECTED? (#.301) is answered "YES" And PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE (#.361) is "SC LESS THAN 50%" And SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE (#.302) is 0 or less than 50 And RATED DISABILITIES (#.3721) is Null. IF SERVICE CONNECTED? (#.301) is answered "YES" And PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE (#.361) is "SERVICE CONNECTED 50% TO 100%" And SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE (#.302) is 50 or greater And RATED DISABILITIES (#.3721) is Null. Item #3 - Consistency Check #55 INCOME DATA MISSING will be modified. ====================================================================== The INCOME DATA MISSING inconsistency will no longer be generated for the following conditions: IF SERVICE CONNECTED? (#.301) is YES And PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE (#.361) is "SC<50%" And SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE (#.302) is 10% or greater And RECEIVING A&A BENEFITS? (#.3621) is answered "YES" IF SERVICE CONNECTED? (#.301) is YES And PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE (#.361) is "SC<50%" And SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE (#.302) is 10% or greater And RECEIVING A VA PENSION? (#.36235) is answered "YES" IF TYPE (#391) is "NSC Veteran" And RECEIVING A&A BENEFITS? (#.3621) is answered "YES" IF TYPE (#391) is "NSC Veteran" And RECEIVING A VA PENSION? (#.36235) is answered "YES" Item #4 - Consistency Check #61 INCOMPLETE PHONE NUMBER will be modified. ====================================================================== The Consistency Check INCOMPLETE PHONE NUMBER (#61), which checked for a Null PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE] (#.131) and a Null PHONE NUMBER [WORK] (#.132), will be modified. The check for a Null PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE] (#.131) will be disabled. For the PHONE NUMBER [WORK] (#.132) field, an inconsistency will be generated if the Patient is EMPLOYED FULL TIME, EMPLOYED PART TIME, or SELF EMPLOYED and this field (#.132) is Null. Item #5 - Consistency Check #66 PSEUDO IN USE will be disabled. ====================================================================== The Consistency Check - PSEUDO SSN IN USE (#66): which checked for a Pseudo SSN in the SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (#.09) field - is no longer necessary and is being removed with this patch. For the options Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT], Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA], and Preregistration Menu [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER MENU], if you select a patient by name and the person has a PSEUDO SSN on file, the message "**Pseudo SSN**" will be displayed next to the SSN upon patient lookup. DOCUMENTATION RETRIEVAL ======================= Sites may retrieve the user documentation directly using FTP from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following OI Field Offices: Albany : ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines : ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City : ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov First Available Server : download.vista.med.va.gov (preferred method) The following files will be available: File Name Description --------- ----------- DG_5_3_P657_REG_UM.PDF Update PIMS V. 5.3 Registration User Manual DG_5_3_P657 SADT_UM.PDF Update PIMS V. 5.3 Supervisor ADT User Manual Note: Use Binary mode when transferring the .PDF files. The VistA Documentation Library [VDL] web site contains all end-user manuals. The address is http://www.va.gov/vdl/. This patch addresses the following New Service Request (NSR): ------------------------------------------------------------- There is no NSR associated with this patch. This patch addresses the following Remedy ticket(s): -------------------------------------------------------- HD0000000063610 TAM-0903-31485 55 INCOME MISSING DATA PROBLEM There is a problem with the 55 INCOME DATA MISSING inconsistency when veteran is entered as Primary Eligibility: NSC VA PENSION. It should not ask for income since they are not required to give income but it does Test Sites: ----------- DETROIT, MI (Large) SALT LAKE CITY, UT (Large) MONTANA HCS (Integrated) ================INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ================= If installed during the normal workday, it is recommended that the following selection(s) in the OPTION (#19) file, and all of their descendants be disabled to prevent possible conflicts while running the KIDS Install. Other VISTA users will not be affected. Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Preregistration Menu [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER MENU] Inconsistency Supervisor Menu [DG CONSISTENCY SUPERVISOR MENU] Install Time - less than 5 minutes 1. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL --------------------- Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. COMPONENTS SENT WITH PATCH -------------------------- ROUTINE SUMMARY: ================ The following is a list of the routine(s) included in this patch. The second line of each of these routine(s) will look like: ;;5.3;Registration;**[patch list]**;AUG 13, 1993;Build 3 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ======= ============ =========== ========== DG53657P N/A 5632117 657 DGRP7CC N/A 3462224 657 DGRPC2 14442275 15178570 45,69,108,121,205 218,342,387,470,467 489,505,507,528,451 564,570,657 DGRPC3 8505965 8684039 451,632,673,657 DGRPCE1 34981797 35500118 108,226,470,454,489 505,522,451,632,689 657 DPTLK1 14419464 14564860 32,50,197,249,317 391,244,532,574,620 641,680,538,657 Number of routines in patch: 6 Number of new routines: 2 Number of routines changed: 4 CHECK1^XTSUMBLD (new method) results Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ======= ============ =========== ========== DG53657P N/A 18327297 657 DGRP7CC N/A 9449490 657 DGRPC2 59651485 65148755 45,69,108,121,205 218,342,387,470,467 489,505,507,528,451 564,570,657 DGRPC3 18322459 20051384 451,632,673,657 DGRPCE1 58806369 60025284 108,226,470,454,489 505,522,451,632,689 657 DPTLK1 41327686 42806553 32,50,197,249,317 391,244,532,574,620 641,680,538,657 Number of routines in patch: 6 Number of new routines: 2 Number of routines changed: 4 The following is a list of fields included in this patch: Field Name (Number) File Name (Number) ------------------- ------------------ VETERAN(Y/N)? (#1901) PATIENT (#2) This data dictionary change was to add an M-style cross reference (AN1) that contains triggers to delete data from the fields listed in item # 1 above when the 'VETERAN (Y/N)' field is changed to from 'Yes' to 'No'. 3. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- Load a Distribution Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Backup a Transport Global Select Installation Option: 4. Select Installation Option: --------------------------- NOTE: The following are OPTIONAL - (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter DG*5.3*657): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 5. Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) ---------------- **This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch: a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. b. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//' answer NO (unless otherwise indicated). c. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//' answer YES (unless otherwise indicated) d. When prompted 'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' Enter the following options: Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Preregistration Menu [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER MENU] Inconsistency Supervisor Menu [DG CONSISTENCY SUPERVISOR MENU] d. When prompted 'Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' press . Post Install Instructions It is not necessary to delete the post install routine DG53657P after the installation is finished. Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: DG53657P Before: n/a After: B18327297 **657** Routine Name: DGRP7CC Before: n/a After: B9449490 **657** Routine Name: DGRPC2 Before: B59651485 After: B65148755 **45,69,108,121,205,218,342,387, 470,467,489,505,507,528,451,564, 570,657** Description of Changes: Summary of changes: additional business rules added to module CHECK55 Before: +71 I $P(DGP(.13),"^")=""!($P(DGP(.13),"^",2)="") S X=61 D COMB After: +71 ; DG*5.3*657 BAJ Phone number check modified +72 ; Home phone check is disabled +73 ; Work phone is required only if pt is employed +74 N EMPST +75 S EMPST=","_$P(^DPT(DFN,.311),U,15)_"," +76 I ",1,2,4,"[EMPST,($P(DGP(.13),"^",2)="") S X=61 D COMB Before: +90 I $P(DGP(0),"^",9)["P" S X=66 D COMB After: +95 ; DG*5.3*657 BAJ 11/20/2005 Removed from CC. Pseudo notice appears in Patient List +96 ;I $P(DGP(0),"^",9)["P" S X=66 D COMB +97 ; off Before: After: +178 N PCNT Before: +192 ; After: +200 ; DG*5.3*657 BAJ +201 ; Additional business rules +202 ; Do NOT file inconsistency for the following: +203 ; 1. Service Connected = YES, Eligibility Code is "SC LESS THAN 50% ", SC % is 10-49, A&A = "YES" +204 ; 2. Service Connected = YES, Eligibility Code is "SC LESS THAN 50% ", SC % is 10-49, VA Pension = "YES" +205 ; 3. Patient Type is "NSC Veteran" and A&A = "YES" +206 ; 4. Patient Type is "NSC Veteran" and VA Pension = "YES" +207 ; Arrays elements used: +208 ; .. VAEL(3) $P 1 = SERVICE CONNECTED? $P 2 = SC % +209 ; .. VAEL(6) $P 2 = PATIENT TYPE, "B" INDEX VALUE +210 ; .. VAMB(1) $P 1 = RECEIVING A&A +211 ; .. VAMB(4) $P 1 = RECEIVING VA PENSION +212 I $P(VAEL(1),"^",2)="SC LESS THAN 50%",+VAEL(3) S PCNT=$P(VAEL(3)," ^",2) I PCNT'<10,PCNT'>50 S DGRTN=$S(+VAMB(1):1,VAMB(4):1,1:DGRTN) +213 I $P($G(VAEL(6)),"^",2)="NSC VETERAN" S DGRTN=$S(+VAMB(1):1,VAMB(4) :1,1:DGRTN) Routine Name: DGRPC3 Before: B18322459 After: B20051384 **451,632,673,657** Description of Changes: Description of changes: added module 87 87 ; DG*5.3*657 BAJ 11/24/2005 CC #87 added ; SC Eligibility but no rated Disability Codes ; 1. Svc Connected is answered "YES" ; 2. Eligibility code is either SC < 50% or SC 50-100% ; 3. Svc connected %-age is 0 or greater ; 4. Patient has no rated disabilities ; .. VAEL(1) $P 1 = Primary Eligibility Code $p 2 = Primary Elig Exter nal Value ; .. VAEL(3) $P 1 = SERVICE CONNECTED? $P 2 = SC % ; .. Rated Disabilities : ^DPT(DFN,.372,0) $P 4 is number of records ' ($P($G(^DPT(DFN,.372,0)),"^",4)) is TRUE ; ; Get Eligibility info D ELIG^VADPT ; ; If not svc connected, don't check I '$G(VAEL(3)) D NEXT G @DGLST ; I +VAEL(3)=1!(+VAEL(3)=3) D . Q:$P(VAEL(3),"^",2)<0 . Q:$P(VAEL(3),"^",2)="" . I '($P($G(^DPT(DFN,.372,0)),"^",4)) S X=87 D COMB D NEXT G @DGLST Routine Name: DGRPCE1 Before: B58806369 After: B60025284 **108,226,470,454,489,505,522, 451,632,689,657** Description of Changes: Description of changes: modified edits # 61 and added # 87 Before: +33 61 ;;S:$G(DGER)[",8," Y="@619";.131;.132;@619; After: +34 61 ;;S:$G(DGER)[",8," Y="@619";.132;@619; Before: After: +79 87 ;;D VETTYPE^DGRPE1;D MSG^DGRPE1 S Y=0;@114;K DGRDCHG;D DR^DGRPE1;.3 02;.3721;D EFF^DGRPE1;D:$G(DGRDCHG) BULL^DGRPE1;K DGRDCHG +80 ; Routine Name: DPTLK1 Before: B41327686 After: B42806553 **32,50,197,249,317,391,244,532, 574,620,641,680,538,657** Description of Changes: Summary of changes: added the following code to module SSN Before: After: +159 .; DG*5.3*657 BAJ 11/20 2005 +160 .; display Pseudo SSN alert on list +161 .I SSN?9N1"P" S SSN=SSN_" **Pseudo SSN**" ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : MULLER,RICHARD Date Entered : MAR 15, 2005 Completed By: RUDINGER,NANCY L. Date Completed: JAN 18, 2007 Released By : GROOMS,ANTHONY E Date Released : JAN 19, 2007 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT