$TXT Created by MORGAN,BRIAN at MNTVMM.FO-ALBANY.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Wednesday, 01/05/05 at 14:32 ============================================================================= Run Date: JAN 05, 2005 Designation: DG*5.3*628 Package : DG - REGISTRATION Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.3 SEQ #548 Status: Released Compliance Date: JAN 20, 2005 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)DG*5.3*513 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*628' (v)DG*5.3*564 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*628' Subject: REMOVE AO LOCATION BULLETIN Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The compliance date for installation of this patch has been shortened * * to 1/20/05. Patch DG*5.3*628 will allow VistA sites to accept the * * HEC-overridden enrollment decisions without causing an inconsistency. * * This patch must be installed prior to the HEC patch IVMB*2*815. Due * * to the fact that the HEC cannot install their enhancements until ALL * * sites have completed installation of the VistA patches, OI Staff will * * monitor compliance. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The HVE Phase II project released a bulletin to provide notification when the AO Location changed at HEC. Based on a request from the Central Business Office, the bulletin is no longer needed. The functionality being released in this patch will prevent the AO Location bulletin from being sent. Based on an enhancement request by the Health Eligibility Center to allow manual correction of enrollment statuses when erroneous information is entered in error, this patch will be disabling the EGT upload consistency check in VistA. This action will prevent Application Error (AE) HL7 message responses from going back to the HEC when an enrollment status correction is made. This patch addresses the following E3R(s): ------------------------------------------ There are no E3Rs associated with this patch. This patch addresses the following NOIS message(s): --------------------------------------------------- MAD-0904-41595 HVE PHASE II - INCORRECT A/O BULLETIN MAD-0904-41154 DG*5.3*451 MWV-1004-20052 HVE PHASE II - INCORRECT A/O BULLETINS BIR-1104-30107 HVE PHASE II - INCORRECT AO BULLETINS Test Sites: ----------- El Paso Memphis Iron Mountain Software Documentation Retrieval: ================================= Sites may retrieve the documentation directly using FTP from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following OI Field Offices: Albany: ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines: ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City: ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov The following documentation will be available: File Name Description --------- ----------- DG_5_3_P628_REG_UM.PDF Revised PIMS ADT User Manual, Registration Menu Module Note: Use Binary mode when transferring the .PDF file. The .PDF files can be read on a PC using the Adobe Acrobat Reader program. The VistA Documentation Library [VDL] contains all end-user manuals. ================INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ================= This patch can be loaded with users on the system. Install Time - 1 minute 1. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL --------------------- Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. DISABLE ROUTINE MAPPING (DSM for Open VMS sites only) ----------------------- Disable routine mapping on all systems for the routines listed in step 3 below. NOTE: If the routines included in this patch are not currently in your mapped routine set, please skip this step. 3. COMPONENTS SENT WITH PATCH ------------------------ The following is a list of the routines included in this patch. The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.3;Registration;**[patch list]**;Aug 13, 1993 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ============ ============ =========== ========== DGENUPL7 9861479 9980481 232,367,397,417,379 431,513,628 DGENUPL9 3963864 3964058 232,378,451,564,628 4. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- Load a Distribution Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Backup a Transport Global Select Installation Option: 5. Select Installation Option: -------------------------- NOTE: The following are OPTIONAL - (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter DG*5.3*628): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 6. Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) ---------------- **This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch: a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. b. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//' answer NO (unless otherwise indicated) c. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//' answer NO (unless otherwise indicated) 7. REBUILD MAPPED ROUTINE(S) (DSM for Open VMS sites only) ------------------------- Optional - Include the routines distributed with this patch in the mapped routine set. NOTE: This step is only necessary if you performed step 2 or if you wish to include the routines in your mapped set. Routine Information: ==================== Routine Name: - DGENUPL9 Routine Checksum: Routine Name: - DGENUPL7 Routine Checksum: ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : MORGAN,BRIAN Date Entered : OCT 13, 2004 Completed By: MOORE,TERRY D Date Completed: JAN 05, 2005 Released By : GROOMS,ANTHONY E Date Released : JAN 05, 2005 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT