$TXT Created by THOMAS,GAIL at MNTVBB.FO-ALBANY.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Monday, 04/10/06 at 14:50 ============================================================================= Run Date: MAY 23, 2006 Designation: EC*2*81 Package : EC - EVENT CAPTURE Priority: Mandatory Version : 2 SEQ #75 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUN 23, 2006 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)EC*2*80 <<= must be installed BEFORE `EC*2*81' Subject: EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE UPDATE Category: - Routine Description: ============ This patch updates the EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE (#725) file: it modifies 10 CPT (#4) fields, modifies 9 description fields (#.01), and adds 6 new procedure records. NOTE: The new EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE Number could exist in some sites environment. If the EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE Number exists, then the system will not add the new numbers, it will keep what the sites have on file. ASSOCIATED REMEDY: =================== 1. HD0000000135140: Event Capture Product Request ASSOCIATED E3R(s): ================== N/A PARTICIPATING TEST SITES: ========================= Little Rock, AR Cheyenne, WY West LA, CA REMEDY OVERVIEW: ================= 1. HD0000000135140: Event Capture Product Request Problem: -------- A request was made to update the VistA Event Capture EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE (#725) file. Resolution: ----------- The changes were submitted by the Decision Support Office (DSO) to be implemented upon release of the patch. This patch updates the EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE (#725) file: it modifies 10 CPT (#4) fields (CPT Code), modifies 9 description fields (#.01), and adds 6 new procedure records. Resolution Detail: 1-4 below: (1) The new entries that will be added to file #725 are: Natl # Description CPT Code ------ ----------- -------- SP545 THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE, GROUP 97150 SP546 EDUC & TRAINING, IND, 30 MIN 98960 SP547 EDUC & TRAINING 2-4 PT, 30 MIN 98961 SP548 EDUC & TRAINING 5-8 PT, 30 MIN 98962 SP549 L8624 LITHIUM BAT,CIDEV,EARLVL L8624 SP550 V5095 SEMI-IMPLNT MIDEAR HRDV V5095 (2) The following CPT codes updates will be made in file #725: Natl # Description Old CPT Code New CPT Code ------ ----------- ------------ ------------ CH065 CH065 FUNERAL-PC 10M 99499 CH084 CH084 POST DEATH FAM CNSL-PC 10M 99499 SP506 A5119 SKIN PROTECTIVE WIPES A5119 A5120 SP531 L8620 CI BATTERY, LITHIUM L8620 L8623 (3) The following description names updates will be made in file #725: Natl # Old Description New Description Code ------ --------------- ---------------- NU157 FOOT EXAM EA 10MIN FOOT ASSESSMENT EA 10MIN SP038 INITIAL ACOUSTIC DEV FIT/ORIENT INITIAL ACOUSTIC DEVICE FIT SP107 HEARING AID FITTING/ORIENTATION, MON INITIAL HEARING AID FIT, MON SP108 HEARING AID FITTING/ORIENTATION, BIN INITIAL HEARING AID FIT, BIN SP449 FOLLOW-UP ACOUSTIC DEVICE FITTIN/G FOLLOW-UP ACOUSTIC DEV FIT ORIENTATION SP450 FOLLOW-UP HEARING AID FITTING/ FOLLOW-UP HEARING AID FIT, MON ORIENTATION, MON SP451 FOLLOW-UP HEARING AID FITTING/ FOLLOW-UP HEARING AID FIT, BIN ORIENTATION, BIN SP506 A5119 SKIN PROTECTIVE WIPES A5120 SKIN BARRIER WIPE/SWAB SP531 L8620 CI BATTERY, LITHIUM L8623 LITHIUM ION BAT,CIDEVBDY (4) After the updates to the EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE (#725) file are made, the patch performs an inspection of the EC EVENT CODE SCREENS (#720.3) file. Any active EC EVENT CODE SCREENS (#720.3) file record which points to an inactive EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE (#725) file record, or to an inactive CPT (#81) file record, will be identified. The results of the inspection are placed in a MailMan message and sent to the user that performs the patch installation. Example of the MailMan message: Please forward this message to your local DSS Site Manager or Event Capture ADPAC. A review of the EC EVENT CODE SCREENS file (#720.3) was done after installation of patch EC*2*81 which updated the EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE file (#725). This message provides the results of that review. The EC EVENT CODE SCREENS file (#720.3) records indicated below point to an inactive record in the EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE file (#725) or to an inactive record in the CPT file (#81). The user should use the Inactivate Event Code Screens [ECNACT] option to inactivate the Event Code Screen. If necessary, a new Event Code Screen can be created using a currently active CPT code or National Procedure. The National Procedure for the following Event Code Screen (500-3-4-245) is inactive or will soon be inactive -- Location: ALBANY Category: JAP EVALUATE DSS Unit: JAP TEST UNIT Procedure: FOCUSED COGNITIVE EVALUATION, LEVEL 1 (SP019) Inactivation Date: OCT 01, 2003 The CPT procedure for the following Event Code Screen (500-3-4-90844) is inactive -- Location: ALBANY INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================== This patch may be run with users on the system, but it is recommended that it be queued to run after normal business hours. Installation will take less than 5 minutes. Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours. 1. Use the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE option on the PackMan menu. 2. From the Kernel Installation & Distribution System menu, select the Installation menu. 3. From this menu, you may select to use the following options (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter EC*2.0*81) a. Backup a Transport Global - this option will create a backup message of any routines exported with the patch. It will NOT backup any other changes such as DDs or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - this option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when the patch is installed. It compares all components of the patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - this option will ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. d. Print Transport Global - this option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. 4. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the package EC*2.0*81. 5. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//" respond NO. 6. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//" respond NO. 7. You may delete the routines EC2P81PT, EC725U40 and EC725U41 from your production system after the patch has been successfully installed and verified (reinstalling the patch will produce another Mailman message which can be used to verify all of the changes are made). NOTE: Details of the changes applied by this patch are provided during the installation and may also be reviewed with the Install File Print option on the Utilities menu in the Kernel Installation and Distribution System. ROUTINE SUMMARY: ================ The following is a list of the routine(s) included in this patch. The second line of each of these routine(s) will look like: ;;2.0; EVENT CAPTURE ;**[patch list]**;8 May 96 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ============ ============ =========== ========== EC2P81PT N/A 8574274 81 EC725U40 N/A 5241250 81 EC725U41 N/A 4380370 81 Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: EC2P81PT Before: n/a After: B31161837 **81** Routine Name: EC725U40 Before: n/a After: B15949867 **81** Routine Name: EC725U41 Before: n/a After: B14964723 **81** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : THOMAS,GAIL Date Entered : MAR 14, 2006 Completed By: BOWEN,MARY JANE Date Completed: MAY 23, 2006 Released By : STRICKLAND,JOAN C Date Released : MAY 23, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT