$TXT Created by CORONA,JOSE at DEVVCC.FO-ALBANY.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Thursday, 11/02/06 at 09:19 ============================================================================= Run Date: NOV 21, 2006 Designation: ECX*3*92 Package : ECX - DSS EXTRACTS Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #89 Status: Released Compliance Date: DEC 05, 2006 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)ECX*3*80 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ECX*3*92' (v)EC*2*72 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ECX*3*92' (v)ECX*3*89 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ECX*3*92' (v)ECX*3*90 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ECX*3*92' (v)FH*5.5*7 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ECX*3*92' (v)PSO*7*245 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ECX*3*92' (v)ECX*3*95 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ECX*3*92' (v)ECX*3*96 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ECX*3*92' Subject: DSS FY 2007 ENHANCEMENTS Category: - Data Dictionary - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Print Template - Routine Description: ============ *********************** IMPORTANT NOTE ********************************** This patch ONLY applies to DSS sites that have installed DSS EXTRACTS V3.0 (dated DEC 22,1997 on the second line of routines) and are prepared to begin extracts for FY2007 data. This patch ALSO allows transmitting FY2007 DSS data to AAC upon installation, so be sure to check with AAC before transmitting data for FY2007. Please ensure that the DSS Site Manager obtains a copy of this patch description. ************************************************************************** Overview ======== The Decision Support System (DSS) Support Office specifies yearly enhancements to the current DSS VistA package to improve the collection of information needed for cost and workload management reporting. In order to accomplish this objective, additional data will be added to the current extracts, current definitions and collection of data will be modified, and the process will be streamlined by eliminating superfluous extracts. Nutrition Extract ================= New extract, worksheets, menu options and files have been created and it allows Decision Support Systems (DSS) teams to extract data from the Nutrition Patient file (#115). The extract will only pull outpatient data. Non-patient data will not be extracted. Add Nutrition Extract (NUT) As A Menu Option ============================================ A new menu option entitled Nutrition Extract [ECX NUT] has been added to the Package Extracts [ECXMENU] Menu, which is located on the Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] Menu, it allows the DSS sites to run the new NUTRITION EXTRACT. NUTRITION EXTRACT file ====================== A new Nutrition Extract file (#727.832) has been created to store the nutrition extract records. A.) FILE NAME:------------- NUTRITION EXTRACT B.) FILE NUMBER:----------- 727.832 C.) NUM OF FLDS:----------- 58 D.) DATA GLOBAL:----------- ^ECX(727.832, DSS-NUT Mail Group ======================= A new mail group 'DSS-NUT' has been created for the purpose of receiving messages related to the generation and transmission of the NUTRITION EXTRACT. Nutrition and Food Service (N&FS) Configuration Set-up Required For The DSS EXTRACT LOG File (#727) ========================================================================== The configuration set-up required for entries to the DSS EXTRACT LOG file (#727) has been created for the new NUTRITION EXTRACT. The DSS EXTRACT LOG file (#727) contains data about the extracts from VistA packages. Each entry includes the date of the extract, the package for which the extract was run, the date range covered by the extract, and the number of records sent. Data is entered into this file by the extract routines at the time extracts are run or transmitted to Austin Automation Center (AAC). Data in this file may be viewed by appropriate options within the DSS package. N&FS Configuration Set-up Required For The DSS EXTRACT DEFINITIONS File (#727.1) ======================================================================= The configuration set-up required for entries to the DSS EXTRACT DEFINITIONS file (#727.1) has been created for the NUTRITION EXTRACT entries. The DSS EXTRACT DEFINITIONS file (#727.1) provides a mechanism for sites to tailor the running of package extracts by defining the frequency (daily, weekly, or monthly) with which the extracts will run and the number of days in the past for which data will be extracted. The EXTRACT NAME field (#.01) and the FILE NUMBER field (#1) are national standard entries, exported with the file, and should not be edited locally. N&FS Configuration Set-up For The DSS EXTRACT File (#728) ============================================================= The configuration set-up required for entries to the DSS EXTRACT file (#728) has been completed for the NUTRITION EXTRACT entries. This file contains various data extract information utilized by the DSS Extracts software. This data includes the last date an extract was run, the Austin queue receiving the extract data, and extract setup information. Add LAST DATE NUT Field To The DSS EXTRACT File (#728) ======================================================= The DSS EXTRACT file (#728) has been modified to add a new field entitled LAST DATE NUT. This field reflects the last date the NUTRITION EXTRACT was generated. If the extract has already been generated, this shall prevent the user from generating the NUT extract for the same timeframe. This date is set by the extract routine and should not be manipulated via FileMan. Add NUT STATUS Field To The DSS EXTRACT File (#728) =================================================== The DSS EXTRACT file (#728) has been modified to add a new field entitled NUT STATUS. This field is used to inform the user that the NUT extract is presently running. The data type code value is R = Running. Add NUT As A Selection On The Feeder Keys Print Menu Option ============================================================ The Feeder Keys Print [ECXFEKEY] Menu option was modified to add NUT as a new selection. This allows the user to print the list of Feeder Keys for the NUTRITION EXTRACT. Example Of The Current Feeders Keys Print Menu Selection Screen: Print list of Feeder Keys: Select : 1. CLI 2. ECS 3. LAB 4. NUR 5. NUT 6. PHA 7. RAD 8. SUR Enter a list or range of numbers (1-8): Add The NUTRITION EXTRACT To The Existing Transmission Management Menu Options ======================================================================= The following existing menu options that are used in the Transmission and Management of the DSS extracts, was modified to include the NUTRITION EXTRACT. The NUTRITION EXTRACT is now selectable from the following Transmission Management Menu Options: Purge Data from Extract Files [ECXPURG]: (Allows the user to purge extracts) Review a Particular Extract for Transmission [ECX EXTRACT LOG REVIEW]: (Displays a view of an extract's characteristics: name of extract, number of records in the extract, date generated, etc.) Summary Report of Extract Logs [ECX EXTRACT LOG SUMMARY]: (Allows the user to print a summary report from the DSS EXTRACT LOG file (#727) - Summary of the extracts that have been generated) Transmit Data from Extract Files [ECXTRANS]: (Allows the user to transmit a series of mail messages containing data from an individual extract to the AAC) Enter/Edit Nutrition Product Worksheet [ECX NUT PRO EDIT] ========================================================== A new menu option entitled Nutrition Product Worksheet [ECX NUT PRO EDIT] was added to the Nutrition Worksheets [ECX NUTRITION WORKSHEETS] menu in the DSS Maintenance [ECX MAINTENANCE] Menu, which is located on the Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] Menu. This new menu option allows DSS site teams to assign standardized DSS Product values to each Production Diet, Supplemental Feeding, Tube Feeding and Standing Order. Print Nutrition Product Worksheet [ECX NUT PRO PRINT] ===================================================== A new menu option entitled Print Nutrition Product Worksheet [ECX NUT PRO PRINT] was added to the Nutrition Worksheets [ECX NUTRITION WORKSHEETS] menu in the DSS Maintenance [ECX MAINTENANCE] Menu, which is located on the Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] Menu. This option allows the DSS site teams to print the standardized DSS Product (Feeder Key) values assigned to each Production Diet, Supplemental Feeding, Tube Feeding and Standing Order. This new report is divided into four sections: PRODUCTION DIETS, SUPPLEMENTAL FEEDINGS, TUBE FEEDINGS and STANDING ORDERS. Enter/Edit Nutrition Division Worksheet [ECX NUT DIV EDIT] ============================================================= A new menu option entitled Enter/Edit Nutrition Division Worksheet [ECX NUT DIV EDIT] was added to the Nutrition Worksheets [ECX NUTRITION WORKSHEETS] menu in the DSS Maintenance [ECX MAINTENANCE] Menu, which is located on the Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] Menu. This option allows DSS site teams to assign standardized Division values from the INSTITUTION file (#4) to all locally named Production and Delivery locations. Print Nutrition Division Worksheet [ECX NUT DIV PRINT] ====================================================== A new menu option entitled Print Nutrition Division Worksheet [ECX NUT DIV PRINT] was added to the Nutrition Worksheets [ECX NUTRITION WORKSHEETS] menu in the DSS Maintenance [ECX MAINTENANCE] Menu, which is located on the Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] Menu. This option allows DSS site teams to print the standardized Division values from the INSTITUTION file (#4) associated to all the locally named Production and Delivery locations. Production Division Code ======================== The method used to derived the PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE value was changed for the following extracts: ADMISSION (ADM) EXTRACT File (#727.802) CLINIC (CLI) EXTRACT File (#727.827) QUASAR (ECQ) EXTRACT File (#727.825) PHARMACY IV DETAIL (IVP) EXTRACT File (#727.819) PHYSICAL MOVEMENT (MOV) (TRANSFER AND DISCHARGE) Extract File (#727.808) MENTAL HEALTH (MTL) EXTRACT File (#727.812) PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT File (#727.81) UNIT DOSE PRESCRIPTION (UDP) EXTRACT File (#727.809) REQUESTING PROVIDER FOR BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT File (#727.829) ================================================================= The BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT file (#727.829) was modified to add VistA field (#25) entitled REQUESTING PROVIDER. This field is extracted from the PROVIDER field (#6.5) located in the ACCESSION file (#68) multiple. The value of this field is prefixed with a '2'. Important Note: The ACCESSION file (#68) is purged every 90 days so sites need to be made aware of this limitation and need to run their extract within the 90-day timeframe. REQUESTING PROVIDER PERSON CLASS FOR BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT File (#727.829) ================================================================== The BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT file (#727.829) was modified to add VistA field (#26) entitled REQUEST PROVIDER PERSON CLASS. This field contains the VA code associated with the active person class of the Requesting Provider. UNIT MODIFIED FOR BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT File (#727.829) ========================================================== The BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT file (#727.829) was modified to add VistA field (#23) entitled UNIT MODIFIED. The value is retrieved from the BLOOD PRODUCT file (#66) field (#14) MODIFIED BEFORE RELEASE. Possible field values. 'Y' = Yes 'N' = No Null UNIT MODIFICATION FOR BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT File (#727.829) ============================================================== The BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT file (#727.829) was modified to add VistA field (#24) entitled UNIT MODIFICATION. This field contains the appropriate coded value to indicate the modifications performed on the unit of blood that was transfused. This field is a combination of values retrieved from the MODIFICATION CRITERIA field (#.06) and MODIFY TO field (#3) of the BLOOD PRODUCT file (#66). This field can have a maximum length of 6 characters with possible combined values of: " D = DIVIDED " P = POOLED " W = WASHED " F = FROZEN " L = LEUKOCYTE POOR " R = REJUVENATED " G = DEGLYCEROLIZED " I = IRRADIATED " S = SEPARATED Modify REACTION TYPE In the BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT File (#727.829) ==================================================================== The logic used to obtain the value for the REACTION TYPE field (#16) located in the BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT file (#727.829) was modified to obtain the first ten characters of the short name of the Transfusion Reaction Type. The value is derived from the TRANSFUSION REACTION TYPE field (#.11) of the TRANSFUSION RECORDS sub file (#63.017) of the LAB DATA file (#63) which is a pointer to field (#.01) of the Blood Bank Utility file (#65.4). Add PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE To The BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT File (#727.829) ================================================================== The BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT file (#727.829) was modified to add a new VistA field (#27) entitled PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE. The PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE is retrieved from DIV field (#26) located in the ACCESSION file (#68). Important Note: The ACCESSION file (#68) is purged every 90 days. Sites need to be made aware of this limitation and need to run their extract within the 90-day timeframe. Add Pharmacy Edit and Edit Log Menu Option ========================================== A Pharmacy Edit and Edit Log option [ECX PHA EDIT] was added to the DSS Maintenance [ECX MAINTENANCE] Menu. This new menu option expands to include two new sub-menu options entitled Pharmacy Volume Edit [ECX PHA VOL EDIT] and Pharmacy Volume Edit Log [ECX PHA VOL EDIT LOG]. Pharmacy Volume Edit Option ============================= A new Pharmacy Volume Edit [ECX PHA VOL EDIT] option was created to edit pharmacy (PRE, IVP and UDP) records without depending on the pharmacy staff. This new option allows corrections along with auditing to the pharmacy extract records when problems are encountered after the extracts are run. Pharmacy Volume Edit Log Option =============================== The Pharmacy Volume Edit Log [ECX PHA VOL EDIT LOG] option was created as an audit log to track changes made via the Pharmacy Volume Edit. DSS site teams can run this report to see who has made changes to the pharmacy extract records. ENCOUNTER NUMBER Logic In The PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT file (#727.81) ======================================================================= The ENCOUNTER NUMBER logic in the PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT file (#727.81) was modified so that if the MAIL field (#12) value is equal to '1' then the IN OUT PATIENT INDICATOR logic is bypassed and an outpatient encounter number with SSN+ Date of Service + Stop Code (which is 160) is created. IN OUT PATIENT INDICATOR Logic In The PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT file (#727.81) ====================================================================== The IN OUT PATIENT INDICATOR logic was modified so that if the MAIL field (#12) value equal to '1' then the IN OUT Code value for this encounter shall be set to 'O' (for Outpatient). Print DSS Lab Test Datasheet [ECXLARP] ====================================== The Print DSS Lab Test Datasheet [ECXLARP] option was modified to allow more space between each column being reported. Changes were done to the ECX LAB TEST PRINT and ECX LAB TEST HEADER template. The length of each of the following columns was adjusted as follows: " Result Test ID Number - length = 6 " DSS Lab Test Name - length = 25 " Local Lab Test Name - length = 25 " Source - length = 6 " Specimen - length = 15 " Reporting Units - length = 10 " LMIP(s)/Wkld Code(s) - length = 10 EMERGENCY RESPONSE INDICATOR (ERI) ================================== A field entitled emergency response indicator was added to the following extracts: ADMISSION (ADM) EXTRACT File (#727.802), ERI Field (#76) CLINIC (CLI) EXTRACT File (#727.827), ERI Field (#86) QUASAR (ECQ) EXTRACT File (#727.825), ERI Field (#83) EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT File (#727.815), ERI Field (#83) PHARMACY IV DETAIL (IVP) EXTRACT File (#727.819), ERI Field (#80) LABORATORY (LAB) EXTRACT File (#727.813), ERI Field (#38) BLOOD BANK (LBB) EXTRACT File (#727.829), ERI Field (#22) PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT File (#727.81), ERI Field (#84) PROSTHETICS (PRO) EXTRACT File (#727.826), ERI Field (#75) RADIOLOGY (RAD) EXTRACT File (#727.814), ERI Field (#43) SURGERY (SUR) EXTRACT File (#727.811), ERI Field (#77) UNIT DOSE PRESCRIPTION (UDP) EXTRACT File (#727.809), ERI Field (#75) NUTRITION DIAGNOSIS =================== A field entitled Nutrition Diagnosis was added to the following extracts: QUASAR (ECQ) EXTRACT File (#727.825), NUTRITION DIAGNOSIS Field (#89) EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT File (#727.815), NUTRITION DIAGNOSIS Field (#89) AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR ============================== A field entitled agent orange indicator was added to the following extracts: ADMISSION (ADM) EXTRACT File (#727.802), AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR, Field (#77) QUASAR (ECQ) EXTRACT File (#727.825), AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR, Field (#84) EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT File (#727.815), AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR, Field (#84) PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT File (#727.81), AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR, Field (#85) PROSTHETICS (PRO) EXTRACT File (#727.826), AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR, Field (#76) SURGERY (SUR) EXTRACT File (#727.811), AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR, Field (#78) AGENT ORANGE STATUS =================== A field entitled AGENT ORANGE STATUS was added to the following extract: MENTAL HEALTH (MTL) EXTRACT File (#727.812), AGENT ORANGE STATUS Field (#61) Environmental Contaminants ========================== A field entitled ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS was added to the following extracts: PHARMACY IV DETAIL (IVP) EXTRACT File (#727.819), ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS Field (#81) PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT File (#727.81), ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS Field (#89) UNIT DOSE PRESCRIPTION (UDP) EXTRACT File (#727.809), ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS Field (#76) ENCOUNTER EC ============ A field entitled ENCOUNTER EC was added to the following extracts: ADMISSION (ADM) EXTRACT File (#727.802), ENCOUNTER EC Field (#78) QUASAR (ECQ) EXTRACT File (#727.825), ENCOUNTER EC Field (#85) EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT File (#727.815), ENCOUNTER EC Field (#85) PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT (#727.81), ENCOUNTER EC Field (#86) PROSTHETICS (PRO) EXTRACT File (#727.826), ENCOUNTER EC Field (#77) RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR ============================= A field entitled RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR was added to the following extracts: ADMISSION (ADM) EXTRACT File (#727.802), RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR Field (#81) QUASAR (ECQ) EXTRACT File (#727.825), RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR Field (#88) EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT File (#727.815), RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR Field (#88) PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT File (#727.81), RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR Field (#90) PROSTHETICS (PRO) EXTRACT File (#727.826), RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR Field (#80) ENCOUNTER MILITARY SEXUAL TRAUMA (MST) ====================================== A field entitled ENCOUNTER MST was added to the following extracts: ADMISSION (ADM) EXTRACT File (#727.802), ENCOUNTER MST Field (#80) QUASAR (ECQ) EXTRACT File (#727.825), ENCOUNTER MST Field (#87) EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT File (#727.815), ENCOUNTER MST Field (#87) PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT File (#727.81), ENCOUNTER MST Field (#88) PROSTHETICS (PRO) EXTRACT File (#727.826), ENCOUNTER MST Field (#79) Encounter Head/Neck Cancer ========================== A field entitled ENC HEAD/NECK CA was added to the following extracts: ADMISSION (ADM) EXTRACT File (#727.802), ENC HEAD/NECK CA Field (#79) CLINIC (CLI) EXTRACT File (#727.827), ENC HEAD/NECK CA Field (#87) QUASAR (ECQ) EXTRACT File (#727.825), ENC HEAD/NECK CA Field (#86) EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT File (#727.815), ENC HEAD/NECK CA Field (#86) PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT File (#727.81), ENC HEAD/NECK CA Field (#87) PROSTHETICS (PRO) EXTRACT File (#727.826), ENC HEAD/NECK CA Field (#78) SURGERY (SUR) Extract File (#727.811), ENC HEAD/NECK CA Field (#79) Pharmacy Encapsulation ====================== Modifications were made to implement the new Pharmacy Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs). All existing references (direct global reads/writes, VA FileMan reads/writes) to all pharmacy application files are to be replaced with Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs). These APIs are now supported Integration Agreements on FORUM. Three of the DSS extracts are impacted: PRE, IVP and UDP. PSS^PSO59 ALL^PSJ59P5 The following routines were modified to use the new Pharmacy APIs: " ECXDEPT " ECXPIVDN Modify INTERPRETING RADIOLOGIST In The RADIOLOGY (RAD) EXTRACT File (#727.814) =================================================================== The logic to retrieve the value for INTERPRETING RADIOLOGIST was modified so that it no longer displays the prefix '2' when the field value for INTERPRETING RADIOLOGIST value is NULL. UDP/IVP Source Audit Report Option ============================================ A new menu option entitled UDP/IVP Source Audit Report [ECX PHA UDP/IVP SOURCE AUDIT] was added to the DSS Maintenance [ECX MAINTENANCE] Menu, located on the Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] Menu. SERVICE CONNECTED RX For PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT File (#727.81) ========================================================================= The PRESCRIPTION (PRE) EXTRACT file (#727.81) was modified to add VistA field (#91) entitled SERVICE CONNECTED RX. This field indicates whether a prescription is for a service connected condition. This field is retrieved from the PRESCRIPTION file (#52), SERVICE CONNECTED field (#116). Possible field values: 'Y' = Yes 'N' = No CLINIC EXTRACT File (#727.803) ============================== CLINIC EXTRACT file (#727.803) is obsolete hence the file will be deleted via the ECX30P92 post installation routine included in this patch. Dental (DEN) Extract Audit Menu Option ====================================== The Dental (DEN) Extract Audit [ECX DEN SOURCE AUDIT] Menu option has been removed from the Extract Audit Reports [ECX SOURCE AUDITS] Menu. The [ECX DEN SOURCE AUDIT] option was also locked to prevent sites from using this option in the future. SAS Dental Audit Report Menu Option =================================== The SAS Dental Audit Report [ECX SAS DENTAL] Menu option has been removed from the SAS Extract Audit Reports [ECX SAS AUDITS] Menu. The [ECX SAS DENTAL] option has also be locked to prevent sites from using this option in the future. DEN Selection From The Feeder Keys Print Menu Option ==================================================== The DEN option, which is a selection on the Feeder Keys Print [ECXFEKEY] Menu option, has been removed since the DEN extract is no longer being generated. Sorting of the DSS Extract Log Statistics ========================================= The DSS Extract Log Statistics, which is generated by the DSS Extract Log List [ECX EXTRACT LOG SUMMARY] option, has been modified to change the sorting criteria. The DSS Extract Log Statistics has been changed to sort by VistA Package (extract name). LBB Pre-Extract Audit Report ============================ The LBB Pre-Extract Audit Report [ECX LBB PRE-EXTRACT] that is located on the DSS Maintenance [ECX MAINTENANCE] Menu, via the Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] Menu has been modified. The IPD and IP columns have been removed and the fields in the report have been reformatted. Components Sent With Patch -------------------------- PRINT TEMPLATE, MAIL GROUP, ROUTINE, OPTION, SECURITY KEY ROUTINE SUMMARY: ================ The following is a list of the routine(s) included in this patch. The second line of each of these routine(s) will look like: ;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;**[patch list]**;Dec 22, 1997 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ============ ============ =========== ========== ECX30P92 N/A 2811532 92 ECXADM 6672774 7476076 1,4,11,8,13 24,33,39,46,71 84,92 ECXDEPT 4714239 4743731 46,92 ECXEC 8929179 9618737 11,8,13,24,27 33,39,46,49,71 89,92 ECXFEKEY 17794907 19632840 10,11,8,40,84 92 ECXLABN 7558244 7747193 1,11,8,13,28 24,30,31,32,33 39,42,46,70,71 80,92 ECXLBB 6906123 9781405 78,84,90,92 ECXLOG 7762830 8158211 84,95,92 ECXMTL 8455709 8602558 24,30,33,39,46 49,71,82,84,92 ECXNUT N/A 11191132 92 ECXNUT1 N/A 4415388 92 ECXNUTDE N/A 2076773 92 ECXNUTDP N/A 3858864 92 ECXNUTPE N/A 1833553 92 ECXNUTPP N/A 3660328 92 ECXOPRX 17484254 20255324 10,11,8,13,24 30,33,38,39,46 49,71,81,84,92 ECXOPRX1 N/A 3866701 92 ECXPHAA N/A 9271488 92 ECXPHAU N/A 3144537 92 ECXPHVE N/A 2078734 92 ECXPIVDN 17920927 22295759 10,11,8,13,24 33,39,46,49,71 84,96,92 ECXPLBB 8301788 8217985 78,92 ECXPRO 7695536 8730229 9,13,15,21,24 33,39,46,71,92 ECXQSR 13441916 15186283 11,8,13,26,24 34,33,35,39,43 46,49,64,71,84 92 ECXRAD 9951850 10295744 11,8,13,16,24 33,39,46,71,84 92 ECXSCX1 13300710 13290091 8,28,24,27,29 30,31,33,84,92 ECXSCX2 3527602 3572041 39,46,49,71,84 92 ECXSCXN 15167966 15313480 24,27,29,30,31 32,33,39,46,49 52,71,84,92 ECXSURG 11133323 11719192 1,11,8,13,25 24,33,39,41,42 46,50,71,84,92 ECXTREX 4849107 4856242 49,71,84,92 ECXUD 12437210 12889528 10,8,24,33,39 46,49,71,84,92 ECXUTL2 12832434 12846691 8,13,23,24,33 35,39,46,71,84 92 ECXUTL3 9527329 9676080 11,24,32,33,35 37,39,42,46,92 ECXUTL4 6853915 6895327 39,41,46,49,78 ECXUTL5 4540827 4889104 71,84,92 ECXUTL6 N/A 2679728 92 Total number of routines - 36 Total number of routines modified: 24 Total number of new routines: 12 Total number of deleted routines: 0 The following is a list of files included in this patch: UP SEND DATA USER DATE SEC. COMES SITE RSLV OVER FILE # NAME DD CODE W/FILE DATA PTS RIDE ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 727.1 EXTRACT DEFINITIONS NO NO YES MERG NO 727.802 ADMISSION EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.808 PHYSICAL MOVEMENT EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.809 UNIT DOSE LOCAL EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.81 PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.81 SURGERY EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.812 MENTAL HEALTH EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.813 LABORATORY EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.814 RADIOLOGY EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.815 EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.819 IV DETAIL EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.825 QUASAR EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.826 PROSTHETICS EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.827 CLINIC EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.829 BLOOD BANK EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 727.832 NUTRITION EXTRACT YES YES NO NO 728 DSS EXTRACTS YES YES NO NO 728.45 DSS NUTRITION PRODUCT WORKSHEET YES YES NO NO 728.46 DSS NUTRITION DIVISION WORKSHEET YES YES NO NO The following is a list of fields included in this patch: Field Name (Number) File Name (Number) ------------------- ------------------ PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE (#60) ADMISSION EXTRACT (#727.802) ERI (#76) ADMISSION EXTRACT (#727.802) AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR (#77) ADMISSION EXTRACT (#727.802) ENCOUNTER EC (#78) ADMISSION EXTRACT (#727.802) ENC HEAD/NECK CA (#79) ADMISSION EXTRACT (#727.802) ENCOUNTER MST (#80) ADMISSION EXTRACT (#727.802) RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR (#81) ADMISSION EXTRACT (#727.802) PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE (#32) PHYSICAL MOVEMENT EXTRACT (#727.808) PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE (#28) UNIT DOSE EXTRACT (#727.809) ERI (#75) UNIT DOSE EXTRACT (#727.809) ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS (#76) UNIT DOSE EXTRACT (#727.809) PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE (#68) PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (#727.81) ERI (#84) PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (#727.81) AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR (#85) PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (#727.81) ENCOUNTER EC (#86) PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (#727.81) ENC HEAD/NECK CA (#87) PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (#727.81) ENCOUNTER MST (#88) PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (#727.81) ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS (#89) PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (#727.81) RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR (#90) PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (#727.81) SERVICE CONNECTED RX (#91) PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (#727.81) PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE (#57) SURGERY EXTRACT (#727.811) ERI (#77) SURGERY EXTRACT (#727.811) AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR (#78) SURGERY EXTRACT (#727.811) ENC HEAD/NECK CA (#79) SURGERY EXTRACT (#727.811) PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE (#45) MENTAL HEALTH EXTRACT (#727.812) AGENT ORANGE STATUS (#61) MENTAL HEALTH EXTRACT (#727.812) ERI (#38) LABORATORY EXTRACT (#727.813) ERI (#43) RADIOLOGY EXTRACT (#727.814) ERI (#83) EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (#727.815) AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR (#84) EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (#727.815) ENCOUNTER EC (#85) EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (#727.815) ENC HEAD/NECK CA (#86) EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (#727.815) ENCOUNTER MST (#87) EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (#727.815) RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR(#88) EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (#727.815) NUTRITION DIAGNOSIS (#89) EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (#727.815) PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE (#41) IV DETAIL EXTRACT (#727.819) ERI (#80) IV DETAIL EXTRACT (#727.819) ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS (#81) IV DETAIL EXTRACT (#727.819) PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE (#69) QUASAR EXTRACT (#727.825) ERI (#83) QUASAR EXTRACT (#727.825) AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR (#84) QUASAR EXTRACT (#727.825) ENCOUNTER EC (#85) QUASAR EXTRACT (#727.825) ENC HEAD/NECK CA (#86) QUASAR EXTRACT (#727.825) ENCOUNTER MST (#87) QUASAR EXTRACT (#727.825) RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR (#88) QUASAR EXTRACT (#727.825) NUTRITION DIAGNOSIS (#89) QUASAR EXTRACT (#727.825) ERI (#75 PROSTHETICS EXTRACT (#727.826) AGENT ORANGE ENC INDICATOR (#76) PROSTHETICS EXTRACT (#727.826) ENCOUNTER EC (#77) PROSTHETICS EXTRACT (#727.826) ENC HEAD/NECK CA (#78) PROSTHETICS EXTRACT (#727.826) ENCOUNTER MST (#79) PROSTHETICS EXTRACT (#727.826) RADIATION ENCOUNTER INDICATOR (#80) PROSTHETICS EXTRACT (#727.826) PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE (#68) CLINIC EXTRACT (#727.827) ERI (#86) CLINIC EXTRACT (#727.827) ENC HEAD/NECK CA (#87) CLINIC EXTRACT (#727.827) REACTION TYPE (#16) BLOOD BANK EXTRACT (#727.829) ERI (#22) BLOOD BANK EXTRACT (#727.829) UNIT MODIFIED (#23) BLOOD BANK EXTRACT (#727.829) UNIT MODIFICATION (#24) BLOOD BANK EXTRACT (#727.829) REQUESTING PROVIDER (#25) BLOOD BANK EXTRACT (#727.829) REQUEST. PROVIDER PERSON CLASS (#26) BLOOD BANK EXTRACT (#727.829) PRODUCTION DIVISION CODE (#27) BLOOD BANK EXTRACT (#727.829) SEQUENCE NUMBER (#.01) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) YEAR MONTH (#1) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) EXTRACT NUMBER (#2) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) FACILITY (#3) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) PATIENT NO. - DFN (#4) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) SSN (#5) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) NAME (#6) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) IN/OUT PATIENT INDICATOR(#7) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) DAY (#8) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) TIME (#9) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) TREATING SPECIALTY (#10) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ORDERING PROVIDER (#11) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ORDERING PROVIDER PERSON CLASS (#12) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER (#13) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) PRIMARY CARE PRV PERSON CLASS (#14) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) PRIMARY CARE TEAM (#15) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) MASTER PATIENT INDEX (#16) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) DATE OF BIRTH (#17) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) SEX (#18) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) RACE 1 (#19) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ETHNICITY (#20) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) VETERAN (#21) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ENROLLMENT STATUS (#22) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ENROLLMENT LOCATION (#23) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ENROLLMENT CATEGORY (#24) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ENROLLMENT PRIORITY (#25) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ELIGIBILITY (#26) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) PERIOD OF SERVICE (#27) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) AGENT ORANGE STATUS (#28) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) AGENT ORANGE LOCATION (#29) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) RADIATION STATUS (#30) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS (#31) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) MST STATUS (#32) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) HEAD & NECK CANCER INDICATOR (#33) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) POW STATUS (#34) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) POW LOCATION (#35) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) PURPLE HEART INDICATOR (#36) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) MEANS TEST (#37) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) STATE CODE (#38) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) COUNTY CODE (#39) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ZIP+4 (#40) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) OBSERVATION PATIENT INDICATOR (#41) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) RRTP, PRRTP, SAARTP INDICATOR (#42) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ENCOUNTER NUMBER (#43) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) PATIENT DIVISION (#44) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) FOOD PRODUCTION DIVISION(#45) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) DELIVERY DIVISION (#46) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) PRODUCT FEEDER KEY (#47) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) FOOD PRODUCTION FACILITY(#48) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) DELIVERY LOCATION TYPE (#49) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) DELIVERY FEEDER LOCATION(#50) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) QUANTITY (#51) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) CBOC STATUS (#52) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) USER ENROLLEE (#53) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) PATIENT TYPE (#54) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) CV STATUS ELIGIBILITY (#55) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) NATIONAL PATIENT RECORD FLAG (#56) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ERI (#57) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) ADMISSION DATE (#58) NUTRITION EXTRACT (#727.832) LAST DATE NUT (#71) DSS EXTRACTS (#728) NUT STATUS (#72) DSS EXTRACTS (#728) NAME (#.01) DSS NUTRITION PRODUCT WORKSHEET (#728.45) DIET (#.01) DSS NUTRITION PRODUCT WORKSHEET (728.451) ASSIGNED PRODUCT (#1) DSS NUTRITION PRODUCT WORKSHEET (728.451) LOCATION NAME (#.01) DSS NUTRITION DIVISION WORKSHEET (728.46) ASSIGNED DIVISION (#1) DSS NUTRITION DIVISION WORKSHEET (728.46) The following is a list of templates included in this patch: Template Name Type File Name (Number) ------------- ---- ------------------ ECX LAB TEST PRINT Print DSS LAB TESTS (#727.2) The following is a list of options included in this patch: Option Name Type New/Modified ----------- ---- ------------ ECX MAINTENANCE Menu Modified ECX NUT DIV EDIT Routine New ECX NUT DIV PRINT Routine New ECX NUT PRO EDIT Routine New ECXNUT PRO PRINT Routine New ECX NUTRITION WORKSHEETS Menu New ECX PHA EDIT Routine New ECX PHA UDP/IVP SOURCE AUDIT Routine New ECX PHA VOL EDIT Routine New ECX PHA VOL EDIT LOG Routine New ECXMENU Menu Modified ECXNUT Routine New The following is a list of mail groups included in this patch: Mail Group Option ---------- ------ DSS-NUT Send to Site The following is a list of security keys included in this patch: Security Key Option ------------ ------ ECXPVE Send to Site Test Sites: ----------- Central Texas HCS Chillicothe VAMC Little Rock VAMC Cheyenne VAMC DOCUMENTATION RETRIEVAL ======================= The software for this patch is being distributed through the National Patch Module. This patch is being distributed as KIDS build. Sites may retrieve the documentation directly using FTP from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following Office of Information (OI) Field Offices: Albany: ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines: ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City: ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov The following files will be available: File Name Format Description --------- ------ ----------- DSS_3_FY2007_EF.PDF BINARY Extract Format Guide in PDF Format DSS_3_FY2007_UM.PDF BINARY User Manual in PDF Format DSS_3_FY2007_TM.PDF BINARY Technical Manual in PDF Format * Note: Use Binary mode when transferring .PDF files. The .PDF files can be read on a pc using Acrobat Reader program. Pre/Post Installation Overview ------------------------------ As part of the installation a post install routine will run and it will remove the dental extract audit options that are no longer needed. Also CLINIC EXTRACT file (#727.803) will be deleted by the post installation routine. In order to successfully run extracts for Nutrition and Food Service, nutrition products and divisions need to be mapped using the Nutrition Worksheets [ECX NUTRITION WORKSHEETS] option in the Maintenance [ECX MAINTENANCE] menu. ================INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ================= If installed during the normal workday, it is recommended that the following selection(s) in the OPTION (#19) file, and all of their descendants be disabled to prevent possible conflicts while running the KIDS Install. Other VISTA users will not be affected. Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] Install Time - less than 5 minutes 1. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL --------------------- Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- Load a Distribution Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Backup a Transport Global Select Installation Option: 3. Select Installation Option: --------------------------- NOTE: The following are OPTIONAL - (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter ECX*3.0*92): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) ------------------ **This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch: a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//' Answer YES unless your system does this in a nightly TaskMan process. b. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//' answer NO c. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//' answer YES d. When prompted 'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' Enter the following options: Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] e. When prompted 'Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' press . Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: ECX30P92 Before: n/a After: B5149361 **92** Routine Name: ECX803 Before: B6931902 After: Delete Routine Name: ECX8031 Before: B129367 After: Delete Routine Name: ECX8032 Before: B136042 After: Delete Routine Name: ECXADM Before: B30252904 After: B34859559 **1,4,11,8,13,24,33,39,46,71,84,92** Routine Name: ECXDEPT Before: B18943322 After: B19340272 **46,92** Routine Name: ECXEC Before: B34277990 After: B37877116 **11,8,13,24,27,33,39,46,49,71,89,92** Routine Name: ECXFEKEY Before: B43028983 After: B48332216 **10,11,8,40,84,92** Routine Name: ECXLABN Before: B25958397 After: B27015743 **1,11,8,13,28,24,30,31,32,33, 39,42,46,70,71,80,92** Routine Name: ECXLBB Before: B15257792 After: B31084346 **78,84,90,92** Routine Name: ECXLOG Before: B20803539 After: B21884702 **84,95,92** Routine Name: ECXMTL Before: B32017303 After: B33423758 **24,30,33,39,46,49,71,82,84,92** Routine Name: ECXNUT Before: n/a After: B26867365 **92** Routine Name: ECXNUT1 Before: n/a After: B17707422 **92** Routine Name: ECXNUTDE Before: n/a After: B4229451 **92** Routine Name: ECXNUTDP Before: n/a After: B12489432 **92** Routine Name: ECXNUTPE Before: n/a After: B4744677 **92** Routine Name: ECXNUTPP Before: n/a After: B13036661 **92** Routine Name: ECXOPRX Before: B71625093 After: B47824586 **10,11,8,13,24,30,33,38,39,46, 49,71,81,84,92** Routine Name: ECXOPRX1 Before: n/a After: B7057662 **92** Routine Name: ECXPHAA Before: n/a After: B42962189 **92** Routine Name: ECXPHAU Before: n/a After: B8648371 **92** Routine Name: ECXPHVE Before: n/a After: B4185725 **92** Routine Name: ECXPIVDN Before: B64318986 After: B62997730 **10,11,8,13,24,33,39,46,49,71, 84,96,92** Routine Name: ECXPLBB Before: B18243786 After: B18084926 **78,92** Routine Name: ECXPRO Before: B26189015 After: B30601078 **9,13,15,21,24,33,39,46,71,92** Routine Name: ECXQSR Before: B56207579 After: B55551464 **11,8,13,26,24,34,33,35,39,43, 46,49,64,71,84,92** Routine Name: ECXRAD Before: B29447080 After: B31411970 **11,8,13,16,24,33,39,46,71,84,92** Routine Name: ECXSCX1 Before: B65910787 After: B67082358 **8,28,24,27,29,30,31,33,84,92** Routine Name: ECXSCX2 Before: B7985175 After: B8207597 **39,46,49,71,84,92** Routine Name: ECXSCXN Before: B53183889 After: B53946151 **24,27,29,30,31,32,33,39,46, 49,52,71,84,92** Routine Name: ECXSURG Before: B54498715 After: B58013169 **1,11,8,13,25,24,33,39,41,42, 46,50,71,84,92** Routine Name: ECXTREX Before: B11339972 After: B11364992 **49,71,84,92** Routine Name: ECXUD Before: B44193841 After: B47464345 **10,8,24,33,39,46,49,71,84,92** Routine Name: ECXUTL2 Before: B68550952 After: B68980292 **8,13,23,24,33,35,39,46,71,84,92** Routine Name: ECXUTL3 Before: B59140421 After: B60329558 **11,24,32,33,35,37,39,42,46,92** Routine Name: ECXUTL4 Before: B40678058 After: B41093966 **39,41,46,49,78,92** Routine Name: ECXUTL5 Before: B26003920 After: B30147564 **71,84,92** Routine Name: ECXUTL6 Before: n/a After: B12024330 **92** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : CORONA,JOSE Date Entered : MAR 08, 2006 Completed By: WOEHRLE,MARGARET Date Completed: NOV 08, 2006 Released By : STRICKLAND,JOAN C Date Released : NOV 21, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT