$TXT Created by THAYER,CHRIS at NPI.FELIX.PROXY-HC-LAB.COM (KIDS) on Thursday, 10/19/06 at 10:16 ============================================================================= Run Date: FEB 09, 2007 Designation: FB*3.5*98 Package : FB - FEE BASIS Priority: Mandatory Version : 3.5 SEQ #91 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAR 12, 2007 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)FB*3.5*65 <<= must be installed BEFORE `FB*3.5*98' (v)FB*3.5*76 <<= must be installed BEFORE `FB*3.5*98' (v)FB*3.5*89 <<= must be installed BEFORE `FB*3.5*98' (v)XU*8*410 <<= must be installed BEFORE `FB*3.5*98' (v)FB*3.5*97 <<= must be installed BEFORE `FB*3.5*98' Subject: NPI ENHANCEMENTS Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 included the requirement that providers receive a centrally controlled National Provider Identifier (NPI). The NPI will be the provider ID utilized in all electronic billing. The NPI will replace the payer issued IDs, and will become mandatory for all payers after May 23, 2008. The NPI being utilized within the Fee Basis Vendor file (#161.2) is the PAY-TO, or BILLING, PROVIDER NPI. Patch FB*3.5*98 sets up the following Fee Basis transactions to include the NPI in the data stream; Medicare Vendor MRA (C1), Pharmacy Vendor MRA (C4), OPT Medical Payment (B3), Pharmacy Payment (B5), and INP Medical Payment (B9). This will allow both Central Fee and VistA Fee to maintain the NPI for Fee Basis vendors in the event it is needed for cost recovery billing to payers. This patch also has included the display of the NPI on the Potential Cost Recovery report. This patch addresses the following New Service Request (NSR): ------------------------------------------------------------- There is no NSR associated with this patch. This patch addresses the following Remedy Ticket(s): ---------------------------------------------------- There are no Remedy Tickets associated with this patch. Documentation Updates: ---------------------- Sites may retrieve the documentation directly via FTP (using BIN mode). The preferred method is to FTP the files from: download.vista.med.va.gov This transmits the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve the documentation directly from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory from a specific server as follows: Albany: ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines: ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City: ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov The following manuals have been updated and are available for download: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FB_35_98_um1.pdf Fee Basis V. 3.5 User Manual - Part 1 (Sections 1-2) FB_35_98_um2.pdf Fee Basis V. 3.5 User Manual - Part 2 (Section 3) FB_35_98_um3.pdf Fee Basis V. 3.5 User Manual - Part 3 (Sections 4-7, Appendices A-H) FB_35_98_Index.pdf Fee Basis V. 3.5 User Manual, Index FB_35_98_AppendixI.pdf Fee Basis V. 3.5 Appendix I FB_35_98_tm.pdf Fee Basis V. 3.5 Technical Manual These manuals will be available for download at the following website 1 to 3 days after National Release of the patch. http://www.va.gov/vdl/Financial_Admin.asp?appID=40 Components Sent With Patch -------------------------- The following is a list of the routines included in this patch. The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**[patch list]**;JAN 30, 1995 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ------- ------------ ----------- ---------- FBAAV0 14595102 14804347 3,4,55,89,98 FBAAV01 6549447 6537690 89,98 FBAAV1 20837819 21066211 10,36,39,98 FBAAV2 5810534 5851329 3,89,98 FBAAV5 14937227 14951463 3,55,89,98 FBAAVD 12272701 12580476 9,98 FBAAVD2 16112087 16690929 9,10,47,65,98 FBAAVD4 N/A 9962541 98 FBMRASVR 18676316 19424646 9,39,50,97,98 FBNPILK N/A 1468064 98 FBPCR 22752063 23509252 12,48,76,98 FBPCR2 16597193 17040986 4,48,55,69,76,98 FBPCR3 12176860 12363492 48,69,98 FBPCR67 12698451 13416416 4,48,55,69,76,98 FBPCR671 11731298 12791563 4,48,55,69,76,98 Total number of routines: 15 Total number of routines modified: 13 Total number of new routines: 2 CHECK1^XTSUMBLD results (new method) Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ------- ------------ ----------- ---------- FBAAV0 38746071 39511584 3,4,55,89,98 FBAAV01 12070120 12040541 89,98 FBAAV1 29225516 29697333 10,36,39,98 FBAAV2 11336306 11520151 3,89,98 FBAAV5 47393581 47766353 3,55,89,98 FBAAVD 25679406 26287832 9,98 FBAAVD2 30603987 31257059 9,10,47,65,98 FBAAVD4 N/A 21494151 98 FBMRASVR 31881185 32449112 9,39,50,97,98 FBNPILK N/A 2424699 98 FBPCR 60871910 63491421 12,48,76,98 FBPCR2 34437431 35427334 4,48,55,69,76,98 FBPCR3 24418678 24986170 48,69,98 FBPCR67 21293709 22170399 4,48,55,69,76,98 FBPCR671 24387802 26341228 4,48,55,69,76,98 Total number of routines: 15 Total number of routines modified: 13 Total number of new routines: 2 The following is a list of fields included in this patch: Field Name (Number) File Name (Number) ------------------- ------------------ NPI (41.01) FEE BASIS VENDOR (161.2) DATE/TIME OF LAST NPI CHANGE (40;.01) FEE BASIS VENDOR (161.2) STATUS (40;.02) FEE BASIS VENDOR (161.2) NPI (40;.03) FEE BASIS VENDOR (161.2) PERSON AFFECTING LAST NPI CHANGE (40;.04) FEE BASIS VENDOR (161.2) The following is a list of templates included in this patch: Template Name Type File Name (Number) ------------- ---- ------------------ FB VENDOR UPDATE Input FEE BASIS VENDOR (#161.2) FBAA EDIT VENDOR Input FEE BASIS VENDOR (#161.2) FBAA NEW VENDOR Input FEE BASIS VENDOR (#161.2) Test Sites: ----------- Battle Creek Heartland West HCS Little Rock Sheridan ================INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ================= If installed during the normal workday, it is recommended that the following selection(s) in the OPTION (#19) file, and all of their descendants be disabled to prevent possible conflicts while running the KIDS Install. Other VISTA users will not be affected. Display,Enter,Edit Demographics [FBAA VENDOR DEMOGRAPHICS] Fee Basis MRA Mail Message Server [FBAA MRA SERVER] Potential Cost Recovery Report [FB PCR] Queue Data for Transmission [FBAA QUEUE DATA FOR TRANS] Re-Transmit MRA's [FBAA REQUEUE MRA] Vendor Enter/Edit [FBCNH VENDOR ENTER/EDIT] Vendor MRA Main Menu [FBAA VENDOR MRA MAIN MENU] Veteran MRA Main Menu [FBAA VETERAN MRA MAIN MENU] Install Time - less than 5 minutes 1. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL --------------------- Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. START UP KIDS Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- Load a Distribution Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Backup a Transport Global Select Installation Option: 3. Select Installation Option: --------------------------- NOTE: The following are OPTIONAL - (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter FB*3.5*98): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) ------------------ **This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch: a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install b. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//' answer NO c. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//' answer YES d. When prompted 'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' Enter the following options: Display,Enter,Edit Demographics [FBAA VENDOR DEMOGRAPHICS] Fee Basis MRA Mail Message Server [FBAA MRA SERVER] Potential Cost Recovery Report [FB PCR] Queue Data for Transmission [FBAA QUEUE DATA FOR TRANS] Re-Transmit MRA's [FBAA REQUEUE MRA] Vendor Enter/Edit [FBCNH VENDOR ENTER/EDIT] Vendor MRA Main Menu [FBAA VENDOR MRA MAIN MENU] Veteran MRA Main Menu [FBAA VETERAN MRA MAIN MENU] e. When prompted 'Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':. press . Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: FBAAV0 Before: B38746071 After: B39511584 **3,4,55,89,98** Routine Name: FBAAV01 Before: B12070120 After: B12040541 **89,98**,JAN 30, 1995 Routine Name: FBAAV1 Before: B29225516 After: B29697333 **10,36,39,98** Routine Name: FBAAV2 Before: B11336306 After: B11520151 **3,89,98** Routine Name: FBAAV5 Before: B47393581 After: B47766353 **3,55,89,98** Routine Name: FBAAVD Before: B25679406 After: B26287832 **9,98** Routine Name: FBAAVD2 Before: B30603987 After: B31257059 **9,10,47,65,98** Routine Name: FBAAVD4 Before: n/a After: B21494151 **98** Routine Name: FBMRASVR Before: B31881185 After: B32449112 **9,39,50,97,98** Routine Name: FBNPILK Before: n/a After: B2424699 **98** Routine Name: FBPCR Before: B60871910 After: B63491421 **12,48,76,98** Routine Name: FBPCR2 Before: B34437431 After: B35427334 **4,48,55,69,76,98** Routine Name: FBPCR3 Before: B24418678 After: B24986170 **48,69,98** Routine Name: FBPCR67 Before: B21293709 After: B22170399 **4,48,55,69,98** Routine Name: FBPCR671 Before: B24387802 After: B26341228 **4,48,55,69,76,98** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : WHITE,DARLENE Date Entered : APR 10, 2006 Completed By: ROBBINS,BRADLEY Date Completed: FEB 07, 2007 Released By : JACKSON,SHERYL Date Released : FEB 09, 2007 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT