$TXT Created by HSU,RAYMOND at NXT.KERNEL.FO-OAKLAND.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Tuesday, 03/07/06 at 13:30 ============================================================================= Run Date: MAY 25, 2006 Designation: HL*1.6*120 Package : HL - HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN Priority: Mandatory Version : 1.6 SEQ #103 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUN 25, 2006 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)HL*1.6*89 <<= must be installed BEFORE `HL*1.6*120' (v)HL*1.6*93 <<= must be installed BEFORE `HL*1.6*120' (v)HL*1.6*108 <<= must be installed BEFORE `HL*1.6*120' (v)HL*1.6*109 <<= must be installed BEFORE `HL*1.6*120' (v)HL*1.6*125 <<= must be installed BEFORE `HL*1.6*120' Subject: Country Code and header issues Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ This patch enhances the COUNTRY CODE FILE (#779.004) and the following functions: 1. The new DD of COUNTRY CODE FILE (#779.004) looks as: STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #779.004 -- COUNTRY CODE FILE MAR 1,2006@09:55:35 PAGE 1 STORED IN ^HL(779.004, (228 ENTRIES) SITE: SF CIOFO, KERNEL PATCH ACCOUNT UCI: NXT,NXT (VERSION 1.6) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per VHA Directive 2005-044, this file has been "locked down" by Data Standardization (DS). The file definition (i.e. data dictionary) shall not be modified. All additions, changes and deletions to entries in the file shall be done by Enterprise Reference Terminology (ERT) using the Master File Server (MFS), provided by Common Services (CS). Creating and/or editing locally defined fields in the file are not permitted. Use of locally defined fields that were created prior to the VHA Directive's 2005-044 effective date shall not be supported. This file is a table of country codes that are used by the Messaging System when building message header segments. This file should not be modified locally. IDENTIFIED BY: DESCRIPTION (#2)[R] POINTED TO BY: COUNTRY CODE field (#7) of the HL7 APPLICATION PARAMETER File (#771) CROSS REFERENCED BY: VUID(AVUID), CODE(B), POSTAL NAME(C), DESCRIPTION(D) INDEXED BY: VUID & MASTER ENTRY FOR VUID (AMASTERVUID) 779.004,.01 CODE 0;1 FREE TEXT (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>3!($L(X)<1)!'(X'?1P.E) X LAST EDITED: JAN 11, 2006 HELP-PROMPT: The code for the country. Answer must be 1-3 characters in length. DESCRIPTION: The three-character alpha identifying code. The alpha 3 code for the USA is "USA". PRE-LOOKUP: I $G(DIC(0))["L",'$D(XUMF) K X D EN^DDIOL("Entries must be edited via the Master File Server ( MFS).","","!?5,$C(7)") DELETE TEST: 1,0)= D:'$D(XUMF) EN^DDIOL("Entries must be inactivated via the Master File Server (MFS).","", "!?5,$C(7)") I $D(XUMF) LAYGO TEST: 1,0)= D:'$D(XUMF) EN^DDIOL("Entries must be added via the Master File Server (MFS).","","!?5,$ C(7)") I $D(XUMF) CROSS-REFERENCE: 779.004^B 1)= S ^HL(779.004,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^HL(779.004,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA) 779.004,1.1 NUMERIC CODE SDS;1 FREE TEXT (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>3!($L(X)<3)!'(X?3N) X LAST EDITED: JAN 11, 2006 HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 3 numeric digits. DESCRIPTION: The three-digit numeric identifying code. The numeric code for the USA is "840". 779.004,1.2 FIPS CODE SDS;2 FREE TEXT (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>2!($L(X)<2)!'(X?2A) X LAST EDITED: JAN 11, 2006 HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 2 characters in length. DESCRIPTION: The code assigned to this nation by US Government standard FIPS 10-4. The FIPS code for the USA is "US". 779.004,1.3 POSTAL NAME SDS;3 FREE TEXT INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>100!($L(X)<3) X LAST EDITED: JAN 26, 2006 HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 3-100 characters in length. DESCRIPTION: The name used as the destination country for mail sent from the United States to this country. CROSS-REFERENCE: 779.004^C 1)= S ^HL(779.004,"C",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^HL(779.004,"C",$E(X,1,30),DA) 779.004,2 DESCRIPTION 0;2 FREE TEXT (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>100!($L(X)<1) X LAST EDITED: FEB 28, 2006 HELP-PROMPT: The name of the country. Answer must be 1-100 characters in length. CROSS-REFERENCE: 779.004^D^MUMPS 1)= S ^HL(779.004,"D",$E($$UP^XLFSTR(X), 1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^HL(779.004,"D",$E($$UP^XLFSTR(X), 1,30),DA) 779.004,99.98 MASTER ENTRY FOR VUID VUID;2 SET (Required) '0' FOR NO; '1' FOR YES; LAST EDITED: JAN 11, 2006 DESCRIPTION: This field identifies the Master entry for a VUID associated with a Term/Concept. UNEDITABLE RECORD INDEXES: AMASTERVUID (#65) 779.004,99.99 VUID VUID;1 FREE TEXT (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: S X=+X K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<1)!'(X?1.20N) X LAST EDITED: JAN 11, 2006 HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 1-20 digits in length. DESCRIPTION: VHA Unique ID (VUID). A unique meaningless integer assigned to reference terms VHA wide. UNEDITABLE NOTES: XXXX--CAN'T BE ALTERED EXCEPT BY PROGRAMMER CROSS-REFERENCE: 779.004^AVUID 1)= S ^HL(779.004,"AVUID",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^HL(779.004,"AVUID",$E(X,1,30),DA) 3)= This cross-reference is by VUID. This cross-reference is by VUID. RECORD INDEXES: AMASTERVUID (#65) 779.004,99.991EFFECTIVE DATE/TIME TERMSTATUS;0 DATE Multiple #779.00409 (Add New Entry without Asking) LAST EDITED: JAN 11, 2006 DESCRIPTION: Describes the pair Status and Effective Date/Time for each reference term. 779.00409,.01 EFFECTIVE DATE/TIME 0;1 DATE (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: S %DT="ESTX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X LAST EDITED: JAN 11, 2006 DESCRIPTION: This is the date/time when the Status of the reference term was established. UNEDITABLE CROSS-REFERENCE: 779.00409^B 1)= S ^HL(779.004,DA(1),"TERMSTATUS","B", $E(X,1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^HL(779.004,DA(1),"TERMSTATUS","B", $E(X,1,30),DA) This cross-reference is by Effective Date/Time. 779.00409,.02 STATUS 0;2 SET (Required) '1' FOR ACTIVE; '0' FOR INACTIVE; LAST EDITED: JAN 11, 2006 DESCRIPTION: The Status of a reference term is either 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE'. If 'ACTIVE', then the term will be accessible by end-users to document a particular patient event. If 'INACTIVE', then the term will only be accessible by the application to display legacy data. UNEDITABLE 779.004,100 VERSION 1;0 POINTER Multiple #779.00401 779.00401,.01 VERSION 0;1 POINTER TO HL7 VERSION FILE (#771.5) (Required) LAST EDITED: SEP 28, 1994 HELP-PROMPT: The version(s) of the standard in which this country code is used. CROSS-REFERENCE: 779.00401^B 1)= S ^HL(779.004,DA(1),1,"B",$E(X,1, 30),DA)="" 2)= K ^HL(779.004,DA(1),1,"B",$E(X,1, 30),DA) FILES POINTED TO FIELDS HL7 VERSION (#771.5) VERSION:VERSION (#.01) File #779.004 Record Indexes: AMASTERVUID (#65) RECORD REGULAR IR SORTING ONLY Short Descr: This cross-reference identifies the Master entry for a VUID. Description: If multiple entries have the same VUID in the file, this cross-refernce can be used to identify the Master entry for a VUID associated with a Term/Concept. Set Logic: S ^HL(779.004,"AMASTERVUID",$E(X(1),1,30),X(2),DA)="" Kill Logic: K ^HL(779.004,"AMASTERVUID",$E(X(1),1,30),X(2),DA) Whole Kill: K ^HL(779.004,"AMASTERVUID") X(1): VUID (779.004,99.99) (Subscr 1) (Len 30) (forwards) X(2): MASTER ENTRY FOR VUID (779.004,99.98) (Subscr 2) (forwards) INPUT TEMPLATE(S): PRINT TEMPLATE(S): CAPTIONED USER #0 SORT TEMPLATE(S): FORM(S)/BLOCK(S): 2. Deleted entry "US" from the COUNTRY CODE FILE. 3. Entry "USA" remains in the file with data updated. 4. Add other countries entries to the COUNTRY CODE FILE. 5. The patch introduces the processing mode component (2nd component of MSH-11) by passing the Processing mode data as HLP("PMOD") into the API,GENERATE^HLMA() 6th parameter, HLP array. 6. The patch allows the receiving facility data to be passed as HLP("REC-FACILITY") to the API, GENERATE^HLMA() 6th parameter, HLP array. 7. Add new code in routine HLCSAS for MPI direct connect server for Cache/VMS. 8. Correct the component separator problem when the Application ACK uses different component separator from the one of the original incoming message. 9. Fixed a duplicate commit ACK bug for Application ACK. 10. API, $$ESCAPE^HLCSHDR1, to escape delimiters. 11. API, $$DEESCAPE^HLTPCK2A, to de-escape delimiters. 12. Escape delimiters for sending and receiving application for outgoing messages. 13. De-escape delimiters for sending and receiving application for incoming messages. 14. Modified code for checking the 1st component of sending facility of the incoming message. 15. Clean variables for incoming filer when it starts to process a new message. Test sites: =========== San Francisco VAMC North Chicago VAMC Palo Alto's (Livermore/Menlo Park/Palo Alto) REMEDY: ===== None INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (takes fewer than 10 minutes): ========================= 1. Confirm that the file VA_030199.dat of Accu-Med has a date equal to or greater than March 2006. It is imperative to have the Accu-Med Message Definition File update completed before installing this patch. (Accu-Med web site: www.accu-med.com) 2. Users are allowed to be on the system during the installation. 3. Disable the HL7 TCPIP services for the multi-listeners running on all nodes in the cluster, for example: ISC6A1> TCPIP TCPIP> DISABLE SERVICE HLS5000CACHE 4. AXP SITES: Review your mapped routine set. If the routine listed in the ROUTINE SUMMARY section is mapped, it should be removed from the mapped set at this time. 5. Shutdown all Logical Links, incoming and outgoing filers using the Filer and Link Management options listed below: Stop All Messaging Background Processes [HL STOP ALL] 6. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This option will load the KIDS package onto your system. 7. This patch is now loaded into a transport global on your system. The next step is to use KIDS to install the Transport global. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following options: Verify Checksums in Transport Global Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Backup a Transport Global Install Package(s) When using the Install Package(s) menu option to install the patch build, you will be asked several questions. The questions, and the answers you should supply, are shown below. INSTALL NAME: Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONS during the install? Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? 8. AXP Sites: After the patch has been installed, rebuild your map set, if necessary. 9. Start up all Logical Links and incoming and outgoing filers using the Filer and Link Management Option's 'Restart/Start All Links and Filers [HL TASK RESTART]' menu option. (Note those links that do not have "autostart" enabled will need to be restarted manually.) 10. Enable the HL7 TCPIP services for the multi-listeners, for example: ISC6A1> TCPIP TCPIP> ENABLE SERVICE HLS5000CACHE Routine Summary: ================ The following is a list of the routine(s) included in this patch. The second line of each of these routine(s) will look like: ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**[patch list]**;Oct 13, 1995 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results: Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List -------- ------------ ------------ ----------- HLCSAS 3066068 3155084 43,89,120 HLCSHDR1 7809108 10719055 19,57,59,72,80,93,120 HLMA2 9077478 9334972 19,43,57,58,64,65,76, 82,91,94,109,120 HLPAT120 new 1502083 120 HLTF 10575030 10587742 1,19,43,55,109,120 HLTP3 15499984 16315620 19,43,57,58,59,66,69,109, 115,108,116,117,125,120 HLTP31 2840931 3793606 57,58,66,109,120 HLTP4 8299234 9888069 19,57,59,91,109,116,117,125,120 HLTPCK1 4452787 8421534 8,36,59,120 HLTPCK2 3962788 7531833 19,59,120 HLTPCK2A 16266205 8315888 19,57,59,66,108,120 HLTPCK2B new 14866240 120 HLUTIL2 5486507 5498928 19,43,57,59,120 Note: Routine HLPAT120 will be automatically deleted after installation and will not be able to verify the checksum after the install. Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: HLCSAS Before: B11637057 After: B12656721 **43,89,120** Routine Name: HLCSHDR1 Before: B24058167 After: B53997699 **19,57,59,72,80,93,120** Routine Name: HLMA2 Before: B37613049 After: B40932802 **19,43,57,58,64,65,76,82,91, 94,109,120** Routine Name: HLPAT120 Before: n/a After: B4889907 **120** Routine Name: HLTF Before: B49383239 After: B49703549 **1,19,43,55,109,120** Routine Name: HLTP3 Before: B58207834 After: B72235579 **19,43,57,58,59,66,69,109,115, 108,116,117,125,120** Routine Name: HLTP31 Before: B7900636 After: B13120490 **57,58,66,109,120** Routine Name: HLTP4 Before: B32742130 After: B45154182 **19,57,59,91,109,116,117,125,120** Routine Name: HLTPCK1 Before: B7916664 After: B31754890 **8,36,59,120** Routine Name: HLTPCK2 Before: B8648558 After: B34416614 **19,59,120** Routine Name: HLTPCK2A Before: B64758614 After: B27212258 **19,57,59,66,108,120** Routine Name: HLTPCK2B Before: n/a After: B63390233 **120** Routine Name: HLUTIL2 Before: B29017820 After: B29544975 **19,43,57,59,120** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : HSU,RAYMOND JL Date Entered : JUL 21, 2004 Completed By: SINGH,GURBIR Date Completed: MAY 11, 2006 Released By : GAYFIELD,LISA Date Released : MAY 25, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT