$TXT Created by SHUMWAY,GARY at DEVCUR.FO-SLC.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Monday, 07/09/07 at 13:53 ============================================================================= Run Date: JUL 31, 2007 Designation: ORRC*1*7 Package : ORRC - CARE MANAGEMENT Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #5 Status: Released Compliance Date: AUG 31, 2007 ============================================================================= Subject: ORRC*1*7 Dashboard Coexistence, JRE 1.4.2_12, 508 Category: - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Routine - Other Description: ============ Associated patches: (v)ORRC*1*2 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ORRC*1*7' (v)ORRC*1*3 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ORRC*1*7' (v)ORRC*1*5 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ORRC*1*7 Note: The plugins from the prior patches need not be installed. This patch enhances the functionality of the Care Management application by supporting the coexistence of the Clinician and the Nurse Dashboards. The patch also makes sure that the Care Management application launches only with JRE1.4.2.12. If this JRE version is not found, the application will display an error message to the user and not launch. NOTE: You do not need to uninstall any other JRE versions that are installed on the client. In support of Section 508 Standards, Subpart B, 1194.21, paragraph (i), a theme choice for users with limited color perception is also included in this patch. In addition, this patch introduces several fixes to enhance the 508 compliance of the Care Management application. Known Issue - Disappearing links ================================ Due to JRE1.4.2_12, the text of many links becomes "whited out" after clicking once. A dotted box is displayed to show the location of the link and links are still usable. This issue is related to the version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE); it occurs in all versions of JRE1.4.2 that are higher than JRE1.4.2_01. JRE 1.4.2_01 with which the application was originally tested, didn t have a links problem, but had several other problems. After careful analysis, it was found that each JRE had its pros and cons, but JRE1.4.2_12 was the most compatible version. The links issue was classified as a low priority issue compared to the other issues. Remediation After you click a link, sometimes the link text disappears, and a dotted box is displayed. You can still click on the box to invoke the link. Also you may click in the pane that contains the link to restore the text. Dashboard Coexistence: ====================== This allows the users to work in the Clinician and Nurse Dashboards at the same time. During the testing of Care Management's original release, there were issues identified when a user navigated from a Clinician Dashboard to the Nurse Dashboard and vice versa. At that time, it was recommended not to include both the Clinician Dashboard and the Nurse Dashboard as concurrent perspectives. The options that supported assignment of these perspectives were removed from the nationally distributed software. The patch introduces the following three options for the dashboard coexistence: 1. ORRCMM CM ALL has been added. This gives access to the Clinician Dashboard, Nurse Dashboard, SignList and QueryTool perspectives. 2. ORRCMM CLINICIAN NURSE has been added. This provides access to the Clinician Dashboard, Nurse Dashboard, and SignList perspectives. 3. ORRCMM TROUBLESHOOTER has been added. This provides access to the Clinician Dashboard, Nurse Dashboard, SignList, QueryTool and RPC Logger perspectives. Typically, this should be used by IRM personnel only, for troubleshooting purposes. This patch fixes the following issues when both the Clinician and Nurse perspectives are assigned using the above three options: 1. Dashboard Refresh: When you switch from one dashboard to the other, the "headlights" do NOT get updated correctly. 2. List Update: The list criteria changes do not reflect when you switch to the other dashboard. 3. List Persistence: The lists are loaded when the Desktop starts and the lists are saved when the desktop is shut down. This is related to #2 above. It is not certain which list gets persisted, the modified one or the original. 4. If a list is added or deleted in one Dashboard perspective, the patient lists in the other dashboard do not stay in sync. Launch with JRE1.4.2_12 ======================= Care Management has seen many Remedy tickets that are related to the JRE version on the client. After detailed analysis it was concluded that the JRE1.4.2_12 is the most compatible version. To fix this, the application launcher, HealtheVetDesktop.exe, has been modified to ensure that the application launches only with JRE1.4.2_12. The launcher will now search the registry for JRE1.4.2_12. If JRE 1.4.2_12 is not found, an error message will be shown that the required JRE was not found and the user should contact the system administrator. NOTE: You do not need to uninstall any other JRE versions that are installed on the client. OTHER BUGS FIXED ================ 1. The List Editor popup is slow when the number of lists increase. 2. The selected element in the patient list has the same foreground or background colors as a non-selected element. 3. Empty PRF popups are not displayed for the patients who do not have PRFs. 4. The application logging was broken since the original release. 5. The repackaging of the VistALink 1.5 caused the Desktop logging functionality to fail for VistALink logging. This has been fixed and now sites can enable logging when required for debugging purposes by including the following line in the config.settings file: Foundations Logger Value=DEBUG 6. Logging functionality has been provided for an additional package, as requested by the VistALink team. To enable this logging, when required for debugging purposes, sites should include the following line in the config.settings file: Network Logger Value=DEBUG 7. The version of the client can now be checked by looking at the version field of the plug-in named "CareManagement Client." 8. If there is a client-server mismatch, there will be a popup error message and the application will not start. 9. An intermittent error with ORWUDT failure was found during SQA testing. The timeout for the synchronous RPC calls was increased from 30 seconds to 5 minutes to handle this. 508 ==== Theme change: A 508-compliance feature for those with limited color perception is enabled by providing a theme choice alternative that uses symbols in the patient list to convey information that is otherwise conveyed via headlight color. For example, a blue round headlight that conveys the meaning of "normal" may be indistinguishable from a grey round headlight that conveys the meaning of "normal acknowledged." The alternative theme uses "X" and a checkmark, respectively, to convey these meanings. Following are the symbols and their meanings: * Critical X Normal checkmark Normal Acknowledged This new theme is called Current Windows Theme. The default is the HealtheVet Desktop theme. The desired theme can be selected from the Tools -> Options -> Desktop. Other 508 fixes: This patch addresses the following 508 issues in the Dashboard Patient list panel and the Patient list selector menu: 1. Readability: JAWS announces the table coordinates but does not read the cell contents of, for example, Patient Name. JAWS now reads the column heading and all cell contents including the Patient Name. 2. Headlights: JAWS announces the table coordinates but does not read the cell contents for information that is conveyed by headlight color and hover tips. JAWS now conveys both criticality (formerly conveyed by headlight color exclusively) and tooltip content (formerly conveyed by hover tips exclusively). a.Criticality for Task is announced as "High Priority" when the headlight is red. b.Tooltip content for all columns announces the number of items along with the column-name/item-type. 3. Empty Cells: Empty cells should be announced as empty. JAWS formerly did not acknowledge an empty cell but now announces the number of items as zero, along with the column-name/item-type. 4. NumberOfEntries: Reader should announce number of table items/rows; number of Results, Tasks, Events, SignItems. When the cell holding the patient name has the focus, JAWS now announces the sequence of the patient along with the total number of patients in the list. For example, in a list of 40 patients loaded in the table where the 4th Patient Name in the list has the focus, JAWS will include in its announcement "4 of 40." 5. JAWSAnnouncements: JAWS does not announce the availability of Patient List selector or that Alt+P selects it. JAWS now announces: - "Patient List Selector is now selected. Upon leaving, use Alt P to return." - The selected Patient List in the context of a Combo Box object-the Patient List Selector. - The sequence number of the Patient List in focus along with the number of Patient Lists in the object. For example, in a list of 9 Patient Lists available for selection in the Patient List Selector where the 2nd Patient List has the focus, JAWS will include in its announcement "2 of 9." Please note that the Patient List Selector only gets the focus the first time the user enters each Dashboard. Otherwise, focus is acquired using Alt+P as announced. 6. Readability of the Sensitive Patient Dialog: The "sensitive patient" dialog is not perceived by the reader in the Dashboard. Jaws can now traverse the dialog by tabs and reads the "Restricted Record dialog" on the dashboard. The default button for the initial focus is still on the "NO" button, to avoid any erroneous access of the record. REMEDY TICKETS ADDRESSED ======================== HD0000000123250 HD0000000115047 HD0000000092172 HD0000000129139 HD0000000173792 HD0000000172267 M COMPONENTS INCLUDED: ====================== ROUTINE: ======= ORRCY7 PARAMETERS ========== XHD PRISM DESKTOP THEME OPTIONS: ======== ORRCMM CLINICIAN NURSE ORRCMM CM ALL ORRCMM TROUBLESHOOTER ORRCMP DASH CLINICIAN ORRCMP DASH NURSING ORRCMP QUERY TOOL ORRCMP RPC LOGGER ORRCMP SIGN LIST XHDXC DESKTOP Java COMPONENTS INCLUDED: ========================= All Java COMPONENTS MODIFIED: ========================= Plug-in changes: gov.va.med.hds.cd.mum.test_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.cd.mum_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.cd.prism.core_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.cd.spectrum_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.clinicaldata.ui_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.cd.config.ui_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.querytool.ui_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.task_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.dashboard.nurse.ui_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.cd.config.dev_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.dashboard.common.ui_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.dashboard.nurse.core_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.dashboard.clinician.core_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.dashboard.common.core_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.cd.runtime.core_1.7.0 gov.va.med.hds.cd.m.core_1.7.0 gov.va.med.caremanagement.version_1.7.0 DISTRIBUTION: ============= This patch is distributed in two parts: an M distribution and Java plug-ins. 1. The M distribution is included as a PackMan attachment to this message. 2. The plug-ins and the auto install zip are distributed via ORRC_1_7.ZIP and ORRCAUTOINSTALL_1_7.ZIP, respectively. The .zip files are available for download in BINARY format from the following FTP servers: OIFO FTP Address Directory VistA Site download.vista.med.va.gov. anonymous.software Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov anonymous.software Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov anonymous.software Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov anonymous.software INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: =========================== It is strongly recommended that you install this patch in a test environment before installing it in production. You should install this patch at non-peak hours. Installation should take less than 5 minutes. Users may remain on the system during installation. M Install ========= 1. Use the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE option on the PackMan menu. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation menu. 3. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter ORRC*1.0*7): a. Backup a Transport Global b. Compare Transport Global to Current System c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global 4. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the package ORRC*1.0*7 5. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//' respond with 'YES' 6. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//' respond NO. 7. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//', respond NO. Java Plugins Install ==================== 1. Unzip the file ORRC_1_7.ZIP into the HEVD directory on the Healthevet server. If prompted with: This folder already contains a file named 'client/HealtheVetDesktop.exe'. Would you like to replace the existing file? Reply Yes to All NOTE: When unzipping, regardless of the application used to unzip, please be sure that the application is set to use folder names so that the files included in the zip are extracted to the appropriate folders. 2. Unzipping the ORRC_1_7.ZIP file into the HEVD directory will: a. Install the plug-ins in the plugins directory b. Place files named config_1.7.0.xml and testconfig_1.7.0.xml in the HEVD root directory c. Replace the previous example.settings file with the new example.settings file in the HEVD root directory. 3. Delete the config_old.xml and testconfig_old.xml files from the HEVD directory if they currently exist. 4. To make the plug-ins active, rename the current configuration xml file; e.g., rename config.xml file to config_old.xml and rename the config_1.7.0.xml file to config.xml. NOTE: If you are installing the plug-ins into a test environment rename the current testconfig.xml file to testconfig_old.xml and rename the testconfig_1.7.0.xml to testconfig.xml. 5. There is no need to modify the configuration settings file; e.g., config.settings, for proper installation of this patch. 6. The launch file HealtheVetDesktop.exe has been updated with this patch. You will need to replace the existing HealtheVetDesktop.exe on each client with the new one. Please refer to the Install Guide for the manual or autoinstall process. If you used autoinstall in the past, you should move the following dictionaries on the HeVD server under a backup directory before using the auto install distributed with this patch: applications/ utl/ etc/ etc/cminstall.bat construct.bat doc/ 7. This version of the HealtheVetDesktop.exe requires JRE1.4.2_12. You may get this from the Sun website, as described in the manual install section. If you are using the autoinstall, the script will install the JRE for you. NOTE: You do not need to uninstall any other JRE versions that are installed on the client. 8. When you are satisfied with the functionality continued in this patch, you may delete the old configuration xml files (config_old.xml) created in #4 and backup directory created in #6. AutoInstall ============ The instructions for this install are inside the ORRC_AUTOINSTALL_1_7.ZIP in the file named 'doc/Care Management Install Script'. The automated install instructions can also be found in the installation guide ORRCIG.pdf. DOCUMENTATION DISTRIBUTION: =========================== Sites may retrieve the documentation directly via FTP (using BIN mode). The preferred method is to FTP the files from: download.vista.med.va.gov This transmits the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve the documentation directly from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory from a specific server as follows: Albany: ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov anonymous.software Hines: ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov anonymous.software Salt Lake City: ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov anonymous.software FIRST AVAILABLE SERVER download.vista.med.va.gov anonymous.software Filename Description ======== =========== ORRCIG.PDF Care Management Installation Guide ORRCUM.PDF Care Management User Manual ORRCTM.PDF Care Management Technical Manual The documents may also be retrieved from the VHA Software Document Library (VDL) at the following hyperlink: http://www.va.gov/vdl/ ROUTINE SUMMARY: =============== The following is a list of the Routine(s) included in this patch. The second line of each of these routine(s) will look like this: ;;1.0;CARE MANAGEMENT;**[patch list]**;Jul 15, 2003 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ============ ============ =========== ========== ORRCY7 NA 1011982 7 Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;1.0;CARE MANAGEMENT;**[Patch List]**;Jul 15, 2003;Build 32 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: ORRCY7 Before: n/a After: B1627643 **7** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : PURI,CHARU Date Entered : AUG 03, 2006 Completed By: GRAZIANI,ROBERT Date Completed: JUL 27, 2007 Released By : PASTERNOCK,JOY Date Released : JUL 31, 2007 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT