============================================================================= Run Date: FEB 17, 2006 Designation: PRC*5.1*79 Package : PRC - IFCAP Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.1 SEQ #80 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAR 30, 2006 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PRC*5.1*11 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*79' (v)PRC*5.1*16 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*79' (v)PRC*5.1*21 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*79' (v)PRC*5.1*22 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*79' (v)PRC*5.1*40 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*79' (v)PRC*5.1*58 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*79' (v)PRC*5.1*59 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*79' (v)PRC*5.1*63 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*79' (v)PRC*5.1*77 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*79' (v)PRC*5.1*81 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*79' Subject: ENHANCED FPDS REPORT FROM VISTA Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Input Template - Data Dictionary - Other Description: ============ *************************** IMPORTANT NOTE ************************** * * * This patch is being implemented in a phased approach and * * coordinated with end-user training for your facility. The * * software is contained in a host file and instructions for the * * retrieval of the file from the secured directory will be provided * * to your facility by the EVS Financial Systems Team after your * * users receive training. * * * * Warning: Do not attempt to install this patch until you have * * received approval from the FPDS Project Team. * * * ********************************************************************* This patch will assist VA Medical Centers in complying with new requirements for reporting VistA procurement information to the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) at the Austin Automation Center (AAC). IFCAP users will see significant changes to the Process Purchase Card Menu [PRCH PROCESS PC], and the Delivery Orders Menu [PRCH DELIVERY ORDER MENU]. The changes are specific to the gathering of information for the FPDS report. Users of the menus listed above will see new fields with suggested defaults when creating Purchase Orders. The gathering of information for the FPDS report will be required for these two types of orders. Among the changes implemented by this patch is the ability of users to create a Purchase Order (PO) for the procurement of services, along with products (items from the IFCAP ITEM MASTER file (#441)). To this effect, new Product Service Codes (PSC) and Federal Supply Classification (FSC) codes are being added to IFCAP. The Product Service Codes are applicable only to services and will not be allowed to be used for products (goods). IFCAP users will not be allowed to add a Product Service Code to any item whether it is a non-recurring item, or an entry from the ITEM MASTER file (#441). In addition, during the creation of a PO, the assignment of Federal Supply Classification codes to items and Product Service Codes to services will be enforced. A new feature introduced by this patch is the creation of an HL7 message populated with a summary of the procurement information from a PO. The HL7 message will be generated and sent out by a background process once the PO has received the electronic signature required for its obligation. A record of the HL7 message will be kept in the global ^XTMP with a duration of 7 days. Sites are advised to ensure that the option 'Clean old Job Nodes in XUTL' has been scheduled to run on a regular basis in order to keep the global ^XTMP from growing. Also, a mail message will be sent to the creator of the PO and the approving official (if required) as a receipt of the message sent to the AAC. The message can be used as a reference for troubleshooting purposes if a particular PO is reported as not received by the AAC. ****Users can delete the received mail messages at their convenience. While the Purchasing Agent menu has been modified to include some additional fields for the FPDS report, no default answers for the new fields have been added. For these users, the reporting of FPDS information will depend on the Source Code used during the creation of the PO. Rationale --------- The Chief Information Officer for the Office of Acquisition and Materiel Management (OA&MM) in Austin has asked Health Systems Design & Development (HSD&D) to develop an automated Individual Contract Action Report (ICAR), which can be downloaded from local VistA servers to the Austin Automation Center (AAC). This enhancement would provide an electronic means of transmitting procurements directly into the Federal Procurement Data Center (FPDC). History ------- The FPDS provides a comprehensive mechanism for assembling, organizing, and presenting contract placement data for the Federal Government. Federal agencies report data to the Federal Procurement Data Center (FPDC), which collects, processes, and disseminates official statistical data on Federal contracting. The OA&MM presently receives contract data from VHA facilities to their FPDS server in Austin. Every month, local Contract Office staff use the Summary of Contract Action Report (SOCAR) from IFCAP, along with custom reports from the Prosthetics module, and manually enter the data into the FPDS server. The SOCAR contains a summary of all contract actions $25,000 and less. All contract actions greater than $25,000 are entered separately into FPDS. New FPDS requirements mandate that federal agencies report individual contract actions of $25,000 or less through an ICAR. This patch addresses the following New Service Request (NSR): ------------------------------------------------------------- 20040414 - FPDS ICAR from VistA This patch addresses the following Remedy Ticket(s): ---------------------------------------------------- HD0000000055475 - Purchase Order Issue Overview of Remedy Ticket(s): ----------------------------- HD0000000055475 - Purchase Order Issue Problem: -------- While updating FPDS information, the user gets caught in a loop trying to choose a 'Possible Preference Program' code. This occurs with the selection of Y1 for the 'Competitive Status'. Resolution: ----------- When the user selects a 'Competitive Status' of Y1, they may now choose the 'Possible Preference Program' code of 'O'. Documentation Updates: ---------------------- Sites may retrieve the documentation directly via FTP (using BIN mode). The preferred method is to FTP the files from: download.vista.med.va.gov This transmits the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve the documentation directly from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory from a specific server as follows: Albany: ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines: ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City: ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov The following manuals have been updated and are available for download: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IFCP5_1DELIVERY_ORDERS.PDF IFCAP V. 5.1 Delivery Order User's Guide IFCP5_1PURCHASE_CARD.PDF IFCAP V. 5.1 Purchase Card User's Guide IFCP5_1PURCHASING_AGENT.PDF IFCAP V. 5.1 Purchasing Agent User's Guide IFCP5_1CP_CLERK.PDF IFCAP V. 5.1 Control Point Clerk User's Guide IFCP5_1CP_OFFICIAL.PDF IFCAP V. 5.1 Control Point Official User's Guide IFCP5_1ACCOUNTING_TECH.PDF IFCAP V. 5.1 Accounting Technician User's Guide IFCP5_1TECH_MANUAL.PDF IFCAP V. 5.1 Technical Manual These manuals will be available after release of the patch on the following link. http://www.va.gov/vdl/Financial_Admin.asp?appID=42 Components Sent With Patch -------------------------- The following is a list of the routines included in this patch. The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.1;IFCAP;**[patch list]**;Oct 20, 2000 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results (Old) Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ------- ------------ ----------- ---------- PRCFFMO1 8950116 9497024 58,79 PRCHAAC NEW 15081645 79 PRCHAAC1 NEW 12239128 79 PRCHAAC2 NEW 4266589 79 PRCHAAC3 NEW 1746161 79 PRCHAAC4 NEW 642346 79 PRCHAMYB 9102166 9862096 79 PRCHFPD2 7426852 9275795 79 PRCHFPDE 13094847 15702412 79 PRCHFPDS 9546143 9462845 16,59,79 PRCHFPDT NEW 8793229 79 PRCHMA 24561796 24904745 21,79 PRCHMA1 13859905 15947147 22,40,79 PRCHNPO 21376963 22192565 7,11,79 PRCHNPO1 15975069 18567148 16,79 PRCHNPO4 24124521 27307411 51,56,81,79 PRCHNPO7 15113311 20660927 79 PRCHSF 8878520 9154237 79 Total number of routines - 18 Total number of routines modified - 12 Total number of new routines - 6 CHECK1^XTSUMBLD results (New) Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ------- ------------ ----------- ---------- PRCFFMO1 27927158 30163295 58,79 PRCHAAC NEW 50165629 79 PRCHAAC1 NEW 40562807 79 PRCHAAC2 NEW 9125363 79 PRCHAAC3 NEW 3333811 79 PRCHAAC4 NEW 961225 79 PRCHAMYB 21381966 24352836 79 PRCHFPD2 8879894 13159078 79 PRCHFPDE 19100429 27053598 79 PRCHFPDS 19656558 19866900 16,59,79 PRCHFPDT NEW 16950937 79 PRCHMA 75866962 78026253 21,79 PRCHMA1 41774432 46254767 22,40,79 PRCHNPO 53015242 57667755 7,11,79 PRCHNPO1 25133084 36217028 16,79 PRCHNPO4 57782504 65934358 51,56,81,79 PRCHNPO7 32081660 58672235 79 PRCHSF 13526295 14539655 79 Total number of routines - 18 Total number of routines modified - 12 Total number of new routines - 6 The following is a list of files included in this patch: UP SEND DATA USER DATE SEC. COMES SITE RSLV OVER FILE # NAME DD CODE W/FILE DATA PTS RIDE ------ ------------------------ ------------------------------------ 420.51 REASON NOT COMPETED YES NO YES ADD NO NO 420.52 SOLICITATION PROCEDURE YES NO YES ADD NO NO 420.53 EXTENT COMPETED YES NO YES ADD NO NO 420.54 EVALUATED PREFERENCE YES NO YES ADD NO NO 420.55 EPA DESIGNATED PRODUCT YES NO YES ADD NO NO 420.6 CODE INDEX YES NO YES MERG NO NO 441 ITEM MASTER YES NO NO NO Partial DD: subDD: 441 fld: 2 DATA SCREEN: 441.2 FEDERAL SUPPLY CLASSIFICAT YES NO YES MERG NO NO 441.3 FSC GROUP TITLES YES NO YES MERG NO NO 442 PROCUREMENT & ACCOUNTING YES NO NO NO TRANSACTIONS 442 PROCUREMENT & ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS YES NO NO NO Partial DD: subDD: 442 fld: 8 fld: 117 fld: 118 fld: 119 fld: 120 fld: 121 fld: 122 fld: 123 fld: 124 fld: 125 fld: 126 fld: 127 fld: 128 fld: 129 fld: 130 fld: 131 fld: 132 fld: 133 subDD: 442.01 fld: 8 DATA SCREEN: 443.6 AMENDMENTS YES NO NO NO Partial DD: subDD: 443.61 fld: 8 DATA SCREEN: 444 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION YES NO NO NO Partial DD: subDD: 444.019 fld: 4 DATA SCREEN: The following is a list of templates included in this patch: Template Name Type File Name ------------- ---- --------- PRCH DELIVERY ORDER Input 442 PRCH DELIVERY ORDER AMEND Input 443.6 PRCH DETAILED PURCHASE CARD Input 442 PRCH NEW DEL FPDS Input 442 PRCH NEW PC FPDS Input 442 PRCH NEW PO FPDS Input 442 PRCH PC DIRECT DELIVERY Input 442 PRCH PURCHASE CARD AMEND Input 443.6 PRCH2138 Input 442 PRCHAMT89 NEW Input 442 PRCHLINE Input 443.6 PRCHQ RFQ REQUEST Input 444 PRCHSIMP Input 442 PRCH OBLIGATED 1358 LIST Sort 442 PRCH OBLIGATED 1358 LIST Print 442 The following is a list of options included in this patch: Option Name Type New/Modified ----------- ---- ------------ PRCEC PRINT PO FROM 1358 Print New PRCH EDIT SIMPLIFIED ORDER Run Routine Modified PRCH ENTER SIMPLIFIED ORDER Run Routine Modified The following is a list of protocols included in this patch: Protocol Name New/Modified ------------- ------------ PRC_IFCAP_01_EV_AAC New PRC_IFCAP_01_SU_AAC New The following is a list of HL7 application parameters included in this patch: HL7 Application Parameter: New/Modified ------------------------- ------------ AAC_FPDS New VISTA_IFCAP New The following is a list of logical links included in this patch: HL Logical Link New/Modified --------------- ------------ IFCAP_FPDS New Test Sites: ----------- Fayetteville NC Houston Long Beach Nashville White City ================INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ================= ***************************************** | PLEASE NOTE: | | THIS PATCH MUST BE INSTALLED DURING | | OFF-PEAK HOURS. SITES MUST MAKE SURE | | THAT ALL NEW AND REQUIRED HL7 LINKS | | ARE ENABLED AFTER INSTALLATION OF | | THIS PATCH. | ***************************************** If installed during the normal workday, it is recommended that the following selection(s) in the OPTION (#19) file, and all of their descendants be disabled to prevent possible conflicts while running the KIDS Install. Other VistA users will not be affected. Control Point Clerk's Menu [PRCSCP CLERK] Combined A&MM Menus [PRCHUSER MASTER] Control Point Official's Menu [PRCSCP OFFICIAL] Funds Distribution & Accounting Menu [PRCF MASTER] IFCAP Application Coordinator Menu [PRCHUSER COORDINATOR] Purchase Card Menu [PRCH PURCHASE CARD MENU] Delivery Orders Menu [PRCH DELIVERY ORDER MENU] Install Time - less than 15 minutes ************** PRE-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ************** Using the instructions that you have received, retrieve and place the following host file on your system before installing this KIDS distribution: IFCP5_1P79.KID The KIDS build is an ASCII file. Please select ascii format prior to downloading. *********************************************************** 1. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Load a Distribution 2. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL --------------------- Select Installation Option: Load a Distribution (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter the appropriate directory and IFCP5_1P79.KID) When prompted "Want to continue with Load?//", answer YES 3. Select Installation Option: --------------------------- NOTE: The following are OPTIONAL - (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter PRC*5.1*79): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) ------------------ **This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch: a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. b. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//' Answer NO. After you have completed the Post-Installation Instructions, you will need to manually start the menu rebuild process, unless your system does this in a nightly TaskMan process. c. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//' answer NO d. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// answer YES e. When prompted 'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' Enter the following options: Control Point Clerk's Menu [PRCSCP CLERK] Combined A&MM Menus [PRCHUSER MASTER] Control Point Official's Menu [PRCSCP OFFICIAL] Funds Distribution & Accounting Menu [PRCF MASTER] IFCAP Application Coordinator Menu [PRCHUSER COORDINATOR] Purchase Card Menu [PRCH PURCHASE CARD MENU] Delivery Orders Menu [PRCH DELIVERY ORDER MENU] f. When prompted 'Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' press . ************** POST-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ************** 1. Add the new menu option [PRCEC PRINT PO FROM 1358] to the following IFCAP menus: 1358 Request Menu [PRCEC 1358 FCP PROCESSING] FPDS Reports Menu [PRCHOUT FPDS RPT] Accounting Technician Menu [PRCFA ACCTG TECH] a. From programmer mode proceed as follows: >D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment Terminal Type set to: C-VT100 Select OPTION NAME: EVE Systems Manager Menu FM VA FileMan ... Application Utilities ... Capacity Management ... Core Applications ... Device Management ... Information Security Officer Menu ... Menu Management ... Operations Management ... Programmer Options ... Spool Management ... Taskman Management ... User Management ... Select Systems Manager Menu Option: MENU Management Edit options Key Management ... Secure Menu Delegation ... Restrict Availability of Options Option Access By User List Options by Parents and Use Fix Option File Pointers Help Processor ... OPED Screen-based Option Editor Display Menus and Options ... Menu Rebuild Menu ... Out-Of-Order Set Management ... See if a User Has Access to a Particular Option Show Users with a Selected primary Menu Select Menu Management Option: EDIT OPTIONs Select OPTION to edit: PRCEC 1358 FCP PROCESSING 1358 Request Menu NAME: PRCEC 1358 FCP PROCESSING Replace MENU TEXT: 1358 Request Menu// PACKAGE: IFCAP// OUT OF ORDER MESSAGE: NOT AVAILABLE ============= LOCK: REVERSE/NEGATIVE LOCK: DESCRIPTION: This is the top level menu used by the Fund Control Points for processing of the 1358 document. Edit? NO// TYPE: menu// HEADER: ENTRY ACTION: EXIT ACTION: Select ITEM: PRCEC PRINT 1358// ITEM: PRCEC PRINT 1358// SYNONYM: DISPLAY ORDER: Select ITEM: PRCEC PRINT PO FROM 1358 Print Obligated 1358s ======================== Are you adding 'PRCEC PRINT PO FROM 1358' as a new MENU (the 10TH for this OPT ION)? No// Y (Yes) MENU SYNONYM: SYNONYM: DISPLAY ORDER: Select ITEM:^ b. Repeat for each IFCAP menu listed in step 1. c. Enable the menu options disabled previously: Select Display Menus and Options Option: Edit options Key Management ... Secure Menu Delegation ... Restrict Availability of Options Option Access By User List Options by Parents and Use Fix Option File Pointers Help Processor ... OPED Screen-based Option Editor Display Menus and Options ... Menu Rebuild Menu ... Out-Of-Order Set Management ... See if a User Has Access to a Particular Option Show Users with a Selected primary Menu Select Menu Management Option: EDIT options Select OPTION to edit: PRCEC 1358 FCP PROCESSING 1358 Request Menu NAME: PRCEC 1358 FCP PROCESSING Replace MENU TEXT: 1358 Request Menu// PACKAGE: IFCAP// OUT OF ORDER MESSAGE: NOT AVAILABLE// @ SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE? Y (Yes) LOCK: ^ Select OPTION to edit: 2. From Programmer mode, invoke the HL7 Main menu to set up the following fields for the HL7 client (sender): MNT>D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment Terminal Type set to: C-VT100 Select OPTION NAME: HL MAIN MENU HL7 Main Menu Event monitoring menu ... Systems Link Monitor Filer and Link Management Options ... Message Management Options ... Interface Developer Options ... Site Parameter Edit HLO HL7 (Optimized) MAIN MENU ... Select HL7 Main Menu Option: INTERFAce Developer Options EA Application Edit EP Protocol Edit EL Link Edit VI Validate Interfaces Reports ... Select Interface Developer Options Option: EL Link Edit NODE: IFCAP_FPDS LLP TYPE: TCP READ TIMEOUT: 60 TCP/IP ADDRESS: TCP/IP PORT: 8090 TCP/IP SERVICE TYPE: CLIENT (SENDER) PERSISTENT: NO RETENTION: 60 3. The HL7 listener for this patch is the multi-listener in use at the site. Verify your local Vitria box is set up to send transactions associated with this interface to the port where this multi-listener resides, normally port 5000. **************************************************************** * After you have completed the Post-Installation Instructions,* * you will need to manually start the menu rebuild process, * * unless your system does this in a nightly TaskMan process. * **************************************************************** Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: PRCFFMO1 Before: B27927158 After: B30163295 **58,79** Routine Name: PRCHAAC Before: After: B47377544 **79** Routine Name: PRCHAAC1 Before: After: B40562807 **79** Routine Name: PRCHAAC2 Before: After: B9125363 **79** Routine Name: PRCHAAC3 Before: After: B3333811 **79** Routine Name: PRCHAAC4 Before: After: B961225 **79** Routine Name: PRCHAMYB Before: B21381966 After: B24352836 **79** Routine Name: PRCHFPD2 Before: B8879894 After: B13159078 **79** Routine Name: PRCHFPDE Before: B19100429 After: B27053598 **79** Routine Name: PRCHFPDS Before: B19656558 After: B19866900 **16,59,79** Routine Name: PRCHFPDT Before: After: B16950937 **79** Routine Name: PRCHMA Before: B75866962 After: B78026253 **21,79** Routine Name: PRCHMA1 Before: B41774432 After: B46254767 **22,40,79** Routine Name: PRCHNPO Before: B53015242 After: B57667755 **7,11,79** Routine Name: PRCHNPO1 Before: B25133084 After: B36217028 **16,79** Routine Name: PRCHNPO4 Before: B57782504 After: B65934358 **51,56,81,79** Routine Name: PRCHNPO7 Before: B32081660 After: B58672235 **79** Routine Name: PRCHSF Before: B13526295 After: B14539655 **79** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : RODRIGUEZ,CESAR Date Entered : OCT 29, 2004 Completed By: ROBBINS,BRADLEY Date Completed: FEB 14, 2006 Released By : NELSON,VICKI M Date Released : FEB 17, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included