$TXT Created by CZEKAJ,CHERYL at MNTVBB.FO-WASH.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Tuesday, 03/06/07 at 13:55 ============================================================================= Run Date: MAR 22, 2007 Designation: PRC*5.1*98 Package : PRC - IFCAP Priority: EMERGENCY Version : 5.1 SEQ #91 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAR 24, 2007 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PRC*5.1*1 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*98' (v)PRC*5.1*17 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*98' (v)PRC*5.1*27 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*98' (v)PRC*5.1*41 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*98' (v)PRC*5.1*83 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*98' (v)PRC*5.1*84 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*98' (v)PRC*5.1*104 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRC*5.1*98' Subject: Generic Inventory Package (GIP) On-Demand Items (ODI) Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Enhancement () - Print Template - Other Description: ============ ********************!!! ATTENTION IRM !!! ********************* This patch is an EMERGENCY patch due to timing issues related to its installation. **********************!!! ATTENTION IRM !!! ******************* ****************************************************************** * SPECIAL NOTE * * * * DO NOT install this patch when the PRCPLO CLO GIP OPTION, * * PRCHLO CLO PROCUREMENT, PRCP PURGE AUTOMATIC RUN, and * * XU USER TERMINATE OPTIONS are running or are scheduled to * * run via TaskMan. * * * * In addition, if your site runs the options * * PRCP NON-SS ORDER BULIDER or PRCP SUPPLY STA ORDER BUILDER, * * please MAKE SURE these options are NOT running and * * are NOT SCHEDULED to run via TaskMan during patch * * installation. * * * * After the patch is installed, the Post-Installation * * Instructions, Step 3, will direct you to check the scheduled * * times of the following background jobs for possible * * rescheduling: Automatically Set Inventory Open Balances * * [PRCP OPEN BALANCES TASKMAN SET], CLO GIP Reports (CLRS) * * [PRCPLO CLO GIP OPTION], and CLO Procurement Reports (CLRS) * * [PRCHLO CLO PROCUREMENT] * * * ****************************************************************** This patch was developed to handle just-in-case items, or On-Demand Items (ODI), and the tracking of these items in the Generic Inventory Package (GIP) module. ODIs may exist in the primary and secondary inventory points, but not in the Warehouse inventory point. This patch enhances the GIP module to identify and track ODIs, and modifies related inventory reports so the ODI status is displayed. A new option, On-Demand Users Enter/Edit [PRCP ON-DEMAND USERS], will provide the IFCAP Application Coordinator with the ability to assign Inventory Managers the privilege of applying or changing the On-Demand setting of an item in a specific inventory point. This new option, will require the user to hold the new security key, PRCPODI. Only assign the new security key, PRCPODI, to individuals specifically designated by the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) Chief Logistics Officer and the IFCAP Application Coordinator for Logistics Operations. NOTE: Assigning this key incorrectly may result in inappropriate use. The DUZ, the unique identification (ID) for the Inventory Manager designated the privilege of modifying the On-Demand setting, will be stored in a new multiple for the assigned inventory point. The DUZ allows the system to recognize the Inventory Managers permitted to maintain the On-Demand flag for an inventory point. Only a limited number of Inventory Managers will have the privilege of maintaining the On-Demand flag for any given inventory point. Any changes to the On-Demand setting will result in the creation of an audit record containing related change information for the date and time, the user, the reason, and the new setting. The audit file will be subject to purging by the [PRCP PURGE AUTOMATIC RUN] option. The purge will consider anything that is older than the purge interval (currently 13 months); however, the three most recent audit records will be retained. Please note, in order for an inventory point to be included in this purge, the AUTOMATIC PURGE (#7.9) field must be set to 'Y' (YES) by the Inventory Manager. Report Modifications: -------------------- Several reports will also be updated to address problems with performance measures and tracking of inventory. Some reports will be modified to identify ODIs; while other modifications will correlate and display information associated with ODIs from data associated to standard items. The count of items displayed on the Inventory Control Parameters Print [PRCP INV CONTROL PARAM PRINT] was previously pulled from the zero node of the item multiple. With the installation of this patch, the value displayed for the count will be determined by stepping through the multiple. The long supply information on the Stock Status Report [PRCP STOCK STATUS REPORT] has been modified to cover a 90 day period instead of a 270 day period. This change impacts all inventory points, including the Warehouse. Two new reports, On-Demand Audit Activity Report [PRCP ON-DEMAND AUDIT REPORT] and On-Demand Conflicts Report [PRCP ON-DEMAND CONFLICT REPORT], will also be added. CLRS Adjustments: ---------------- Due to the report modifications in the GIP module, adjustments were needed in the Clinical Logistics Report Server (CLRS). These changes include altering the length of the strings being sent and restructuring the files transmitted to accommodate additional data. Two new parameter definitions associated transferring data to the CLRS are being added. One parameter will hold the Domain Name Server or Internet Protocol (IP) address belonging to the CLRS. The other will hold the name of the new Microsoft (MS) Outlook mail group which will receive all messages concerning transaction activity. This MS Outlook mail group is primarily for interested staff external to your site and will not impact the messages currently sent to site staff. Both parameters will be populated automatically through a post-install program run as part of the patch installation. The MailMan messages that report errors when VistA populates the CLRS REPORT STORAGE (#446.7) File have been updated to capture and display other values present at the time of the error. The captured data will be displayed within the text of the message and is intended to assist in the diagnosis of why the error was encountered. Label Revision: -------------- This patch also revises the PRIMARY/SECONDARY LABEL stored in the Custom Label (#446.5) File. When the patch is first installed, the software will automatically re-name the PRIMARY/SECONDARY LABEL to PRE-ODI PRIM/SECONDARY LABEL if the PRIMARY/SECONDARY LABEL is resident on your system and the PRE-ODI PRIM/SECONDARY LABEL does not yet exist. The patch will then install the new version of the PRIMARY/SECONDARY LABEL, which includes the On-Demand designation. Documentation Updates: ---------------------- Sites may retrieve the documentation directly via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (using Binary (BIN) mode). The preferred method is to FTP the files from: download.vista.med.va.gov This transmits the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve the documentation directly from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory via a specific server as follows: Albany: ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines: ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City: ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov The following manuals have been updated and are available for download: Filename Document Name --------------------------------------------------------------------- IFCP5_1APPLICATION_COORD.PDF IFCAP v 5.1 Application Coordinator User's Guide IFCP5_1TECH_MANUAL.PDF IFCAP v 5.1 Technical Manual IFCP5_1GIP.PDF IFCAP v 5.1 Generic Inventory User's Guide IFCP5_1SECURITY_GUIDE.PDF IFCAP v 5.1 Package Security Guide These manuals will be available after release of the patch using the following link: http://www.va.gov/vdl/application.asp?appid=42 This patch addresses the following New Service Request (NSR): ------------------------------------------------------ 20050901 GIP On-Demand Items This patch addresses the following NOIS/Remedy Ticket(s): --------------------------------------------------------- There are no NOIS/Remedy tickets associated with this patch. Overview of NOIS/Remedy Ticket(s): ---------------------------------- N/A Components sent with Patch --------------------------- The following is a list of the routines included in this patch. The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.1;IFCAP;**[Patch List]**; Oct 20, 2000 OLD CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ------- ------------ ----------- ---------- PRC5198P N/A Deleted 98 PRCHLO2 12318889 12497358 83,98 PRCHLO4 9966901 11028674 83,98 PRCHLO4A 7449627 11681975 83,104,98 PRCHLO5 16555006 15886826 83,98 PRCPAGP1 9239776 9728167 1,98 PRCPAGRO 9599879 9664113 98 PRCPAGS1 7337352 7868123 1,98 PRCPAODI N/A 11675310 98 PRCPEIL0 8491552 8966325 98 PRCPEITE 10650239 10877898 1,98 PRCPEITG N/A 3458103 98 PRCPLO 13120616 16949775 83,98 PRCPLO2 12550450 18843593 83,41,98 PRCPLO2A 8569282 15426960 83,98 PRCPLO3 4069122 8314920 83,98 PRCPLO4 7286842 10935571 83,98 PRCPRAIP 9311251 10511757 98 PRCPRAL1 11389179 12743010 98 PRCPRALS 19841792 20486892 98 PRCPRCFP 9900384 10648987 98 PRCPRCTP 11308127 11710121 98 PRCPRIIP 12409514 13886074 98 PRCPRINV 10327000 11366036 98 PRCPRIT0 2063560 2188515 98 PRCPRIT1 15433895 15809650 98 PRCPRODA N/A 11051924 98 PRCPRODM N/A 14206038 98 PRCPRODS N/A 9018850 98 PRCPRSO1 7560539 7936526 98 PRCPRSOH 11859868 12580217 84,83,98 PRCPRSS0 10604074 10583161 98 PRCPRSS1 N/A 13599118 98 PRCPRSSP N/A 14601741 98 PRCPRSSR 15038733 15073208 17,41,98 PRCPRSTK 5958321 5981799 98 PRCPRUS1 15683098 15852398 98 PRCPRUS2 N/A 18461032 98 PRCPRUSE 10745188 10548650 1,27,84,98 PRCPRUSP 5834427 6670089 1,98 PRCPUINV 9988749 10138752 1,98 PRCPURS1 6760513 7609135 98 PRCPUX2 1997087 3686118 98 PRCPXALL 1069059 1165594 98 PRCPXODI N/A 4620180 98 PRCPXTRM 7068261 7461992 98 NEW CHECK1^XTSUMBLD results Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ------- ------------ ----------- ---------- PRC5198P N/A Deleted 98 PRCHLO2 59193374 62073341 83,98 PRCHLO4 83540702 89091376 83,98 PRCHLO4A 41529207 64544632 83,104,98 PRCHLO5 93753886 81680096 83,98 PRCPAGP1 27705278 29394147 1,98 PRCPAGRO 13340275 15045833 98 PRCPAGS1 19591058 21098347 1,98 PRCPAODI N/A 47623250 98 PRCPEIL0 22084013 24762317 98 PRCPEITE 30316508 31335514 1,98 PRCPEITG N/A 7383274 98 PRCPLO 62666305 77921532 83,98 PRCPLO2 29511924 45937677 83,41,98 PRCPLO2A 19078579 60268350 83,98 PRCPLO3 12210109 36921649 83,98 PRCPLO4 15950699 35020662 83,98 PRCPRAIP 14911054 18810373 98 PRCPRAL1 20213439 23523734 98 PRCPRALS 31003101 33007246 98 PRCPRCFP 16613428 19712138 98 PRCPRCTP 18777387 20211721 98 PRCPRIIP 22254891 29831261 98 PRCPRINV 18485386 23141545 98 PRCPRIT0 2448325 2686426 98 PRCPRIT1 24315914 27403400 98 PRCPRODA N/A 28089294 98 PRCPRODM N/A 47898792 98 PRCPRODS N/A 26200620 98 PRCPRSO1 13281855 14821624 98 PRCPRSOH 20391419 24420509 84,83,98 PRCPRSS0 20176757 21505747 98 PRCPRSS1 N/A 38734810 98 PRCPRSSP N/A 33524984 98 PRCPRSSR 26117439 28781841 17,41,98 PRCPRSTK 7437428 8034390 98 PRCPRUS1 20609341 21618591 98 PRCPRUS2 N/A 33114061 98 PRCPRUSE 26472627 26326932 1,27,84,98 PRCPRUSP 14471126 21023718 1,98 PRCPUINV 22443803 22949954 1,98 PRCPURS1 11159948 13383807 98 PRCPUX2 5343186 14304958 98 PRCPXALL 1532150 1737679 98 PRCPXODI N/A 8307389 98 PRCPXTRM 14673562 15984033 98 Total number of routines modified- 36 Total number of new routines - 10 Total number of routines deleted - 1 --- Total number of routines - 46 The following is a list of files included in this patch: UP SEND DATA DATE SEC. COMES SITE RSLV FILE # NAME DD CODE W/FILE DATA PTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 445 GENERIC INVENTORY YES NO NO NO NO Partial DD: subDD: 445.01 fld: .8 subDD: 445.027 subDD: 445.13 446.5 CUSTOM LABEL NO NO YES REPL YES DATA SCREEN: I $P(^PRCT(446.5,+Y,0),"^",1)="PRIMARY/SECONDARY LABEL" 446.7 CLRS REPORT STORAGE FILE YES NO NO NO NO Partial DD: subDD: 446.7 fld: .01 fld: 1 fld: 2 fld: 3 fld: 4 fld: 5 fld: 6 fld: 7 The following is a list of templates included in this patch: Template Type File Name (#) ------------------------- ---- ----------------------- PRCP REPORT:COMPREHENSIVE Print GENERIC INVENTORY (445) The following is a list of options included in this patch: Option Name Type New/Modified ----------- ---- ------------ [PRCHLO CLO PROCUREMENT] run routine Modified [PRCHUSER COORDINATOR] menu Modified [PRCP MANAGER MENU] menu Modified [PRCP ON-DEMAND AUDIT REPORT] run routine New [PRCP ON-DEMAND CONFLICT REPORT] run routine New [PRCP ON-DEMAND USERS] run routine New [PRCP REPORTS MENU] menu Modified [PRCP2 MANAGER MENU] menu Modified [PRCP2 REPORTS MENU] menu Modified [PRCPLO CLO GIP OPTION] run routine Modified [PRCPLO CLO SYSTEM PARAM] run routine Modified The following is a list of security keys included in this patch: Security Key ------------ PRCPODI SEND TO SITE The following is a list of parameters included in this patch: Parameter Definition -------------------- PRC CLRS ADDRESS SEND TO SITE PRC CLRS OUTLOOK MAILGROUP SEND TO SITE Test Sites: ----------- Tennessee Valley Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) Huntington VAMC Lexington VAMC Long Beach Health Care System (HCS) Louisville VAMC Memphis VAMC Mountain Home VAMC ********************!!! ATTENTION IRM !!! ********************* This patch is an EMERGENCY patch due to timing issues related to its installation. **********************!!! ATTENTION IRM !!! ******************* ****************************************************************** * SPECIAL NOTE * * * * DO NOT install this patch when the PRCPLO CLO GIP OPTION, * * PRCHLO CLO PROCUREMENT, PRCP PURGE AUTOMATIC RUN, and * * XU USER TERMINATE OPTIONS are running or are scheduled to * * run via TaskMan. * * * * In addition, if your site runs the options * * PRCP NON-SS ORDER BULIDER or PRCP SUPPLY STA ORDER BUILDER, * * please MAKE SURE these options are NOT running and * * are NOT SCHEDULED to run via TaskMan during patch * * installation. * * * * After the patch is installed, the Post-Installation * * Instructions, Step 3, will direct you to check the scheduled * * times of the following background jobs: Automatically * * Set Inventory Open Balances [PRCP OPEN BALANCES TASKMAN SET] * * CLO GIP Reports (CLRS) [PRCPLO CLO GIP OPTION], and CLO * * Procurement Reports (CLRS) [PRCHLO CLO PROCUREMENT] for * * possible rescheduling. * * * ****************************************************************** ==================INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS =================== It is recommended that the following selection(s) in the OPTION (#19) File, and all of their descendants be disabled to prevent possible conflicts while running the KIDS Install. This will affect your IFCAP users. Other VistA users will not be affected. IFCAP Application Coordinator Menu [PRCHUSER COORDINATOR] Primary Inventory Point Main Menu [PRCP MAIN MENU] Secondary Inventory Point Main Menu [PRCP2 MAIN MENU] Warehouse--General Inventory/Distribution Menu [PRCPW MAIN MENU] Inventory Automatic Purge TaskMan Option [PRCP PURGE AUTOMATIC RUN] Non-SS Order Builder [PRCP NON-SS ORDER BULIDER] Supply Station Order Builder [PRCP SUPPLY STA ORDER BUILDER] CLO GIP Reports (CLRS) [PRCPLO CLO GIP OPTION] CLO Procurement Reports (CLRS) [PRCHLO CLO PROCUREMENT] Deactivate a User [XUSERDEACT] Reactivate a User [XUSERREACT] User terminate event [XU USER TERMINATE] Remove a deactivated user from IFCAP [PRCS TERMINATE] Install Time - less than 10 minutes 1. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL --------------------- Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation Load a Distribution Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Backup a Transport Global Select Installation Option: 3. Select Installation Option: -------------------------- NOTE: The following are OPTIONAL - (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter PRC*5.1*98): From Installation Menu: a. Select "Backup a Transport Global" - will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Select "Compare Transport Global to Current System" - will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Select "Verify Checksums in Transport Global" - will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) ------------------ **This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch: a. Choose the "Install Package(s)" option from Installation Menu to start the patch install. b. When prompted '446.5 CUSTOM LABEL (including data) NOTE: You already have the 'CUSTOM LABEL' Want my data to replace yours? YES// ' answer YES NOTE: In order to get the national version, you must answer YES. Answering NO will prevent unauthorized, customized versions of this label from being overwritten. c. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// ' answer YES NOTE: The new options will not be selectable from the menus until the menu trees are rebuilt. d. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//' answer NO e. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//' answer YES f. When prompted 'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' Enter the following option: IFCAP Application Coordinator Menu [PRCHUSER COORDINATOR] Primary Inventory Point Main Menu [PRCP MAIN MENU] Secondary Inventory Point Main Menu [PRCP2 MAIN MENU] Warehouse--General Inventory/Distribution Menu [PRCPW MAIN MENU] Inventory Automatic Purge TaskMan Option [PRCP PURGE AUTOMATIC RUN] Non-SS Order Builder [PRCP NON-SS ORDER BULIDER] Supply Station Order Builder [PRCP SUPPLY STA ORDER BUILDER] CLO GIP Reports (CLRS) [PRCPLO CLO GIP OPTION] CLO Procurement Reports (CLRS) [PRCHLO CLO PROCUREMENT] Deactivate a User [XUSERDEACT] Reactivate a User [XUSERREACT] User terminate event [XU USER TERMINATE] Remove a deactivated user from IFCAP [PRCS TERMINATE] g. When prompted 'Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' press **************** POST-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS **************** 1. Install File Print Verification ------------------------------- Verify the following messages appear in the Install File Print: Running Pre-Install Routine: BARCODE^PRC5198P CUSTOM LABEL, PRIMARY/SECONDARY LABEL RENAMED TO PRE-ODI PRIM/SECONDARY LABEL. PRE-INSTALL COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY! Running Post-Install Routine: INIT^PRC5198P PRC CLRS ADDRESS successfully set to PRC CLRS OUTLOOK MAILGROUP successfully set to VHACO10FPCLRS@e2k.va.gov NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY LABEL COMPILE COMPLETED. POST-INSTALL COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY! NOTE: The PRIMARY/SECONDARY LABEL is renamed PRE-ODI PRIM/SECONDARY LABEL when the PRE-ODI PRIM/SECONDARY LABEL is not defined. The intent is to save a copy of the PRIMARY/SECONDARY LABEL the first time the patch is installed. 2. Security Key Assignment ----------------------- Assign the PRCPODI key to the IFCAP Application Coordinator for Logistics Operations and individuals specifically designated by the VISN Chief Logistics Officer. NOTE: Assigning this security key to an unauthorized staff member may result in inappropriate use of the On-Demand option which could adversely impact inventory performance measures and the ability to manage inventory as needed. 3. Check the Run-times of Background Processes ------------------------------------------- NOTE: YOU MUST SEQUENCE background processes as listed. Sequence the jobs so one starts after the previous one completes. ALL three jobs MUST COMPLETE prior to the start of the business day. In order to transmit accurate data to the CLRS, it is necessary that no user is in GIP while the background processes are running, EACH process completes before beginning another process, and the processes are executed in the sequence LISTED BELOW. a. Automatically Set Inventory Open Balances [PRCP OPEN BALANCES TASKMAN SET] [PRCP OPEN BALANCES TASKMAN SET] must be scheduled to run before the CLO GIP Reports (CLRS) [PRCPLO CLO GIP OPTION] and CLO Procurement Reports (CLRS) [PRCHLO CLO PROCUREMENT]. You MUST start this process as close to midnight as possible. b. CLO GIP Reports (CLRS) [PRCPLO CLO GIP OPTION] Schedule this processed to start two to three hours after Automatically Set Inventory Open Balances [PRCP OPEN BALANCES TASKMAN SET], item 3a, is scheduled. c. CLO Procurement Reports (CLRS) [PRCHLO CLO PROCUREMENT] Schedule this process at least one hour after CLO GIP Reports (CLRS) [PRCPLO CLO GIP OPTION], item 3b, is started. Be sure to allow enough time for this process to complete before the start of the business day. Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: PRC5198P Before: n/a After: B7872585 **98** Routine Name: PRCHLO2 Before: B59193374 After: B62073341 **83,98** Routine Name: PRCHLO4 Before: B83540702 After: B89091376 **83,98** Routine Name: PRCHLO4A Before: B41529207 After: B64544632 **83,104,98** Routine Name: PRCHLO5 Before: B93753886 After: B81680096 **83,98** Routine Name: PRCPAGP1 Before: B27705278 After: B29394147 **1,98** Routine Name: PRCPAGRO Before: B13340275 After: B15045833 **98** Routine Name: PRCPAGS1 Before: B19591058 After: B21098347 **1,98** Routine Name: PRCPAODI Before: n/a After: B47623250 **98** Routine Name: PRCPEIL0 Before: B22084013 After: B24762317 **98** Routine Name: PRCPEITE Before: B30316508 After: B31335514 **1,98** Routine Name: PRCPEITG Before: n/a After: B7383274 **98** Routine Name: PRCPLO Before: B62666305 After: B77921532 **83,98** Routine Name: PRCPLO2 Before: B29511924 After: B45937677 **83,41,98** Routine Name: PRCPLO2A Before: B19078579 After: B60268350 **83,98** Routine Name: PRCPLO3 Before: B12210109 After: B36921649 **83,98** Routine Name: PRCPLO4 Before: B15950699 After: B35020662 **83,98** Routine Name: PRCPRAIP Before: B14911054 After: B18810373 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRAL1 Before: B20213439 After: B23523734 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRALS Before: B31003101 After: B33007246 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRCFP Before: B16613428 After: B19712138 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRCTP Before: B18777387 After: B20211721 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRIIP Before: B22254891 After: B29831261 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRINV Before: B18485386 After: B23141545 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRIT0 Before: B2448325 After: B2686426 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRIT1 Before: B24315914 After: B27403400 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRODA Before: n/a After: B28089294 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRODM Before: n/a After: B47898792 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRODS Before: n/a After: B26200620 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRSO1 Before: B13281855 After: B14821624 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRSOH Before: B20391419 After: B24420509 **84,83,98** Routine Name: PRCPRSS0 Before: B20176757 After: B21505747 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRSS1 Before: n/a After: B38734810 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRSSP Before: n/a After: B33524984 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRSSR Before: B26117439 After: B28781841 **17,41,98** Routine Name: PRCPRSTK Before: B7437428 After: B8034390 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRUS1 Before: B20609341 After: B21618591 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRUS2 Before: n/a After: B33114061 **98** Routine Name: PRCPRUSE Before: B26472627 After: B26326932 **1,27,84,98** Routine Name: PRCPRUSP Before: B14471126 After: B21023718 **1,98** Routine Name: PRCPUINV Before: B22443803 After: B22949954 **1,98** Routine Name: PRCPURS1 Before: B11159948 After: B13383807 **98** Routine Name: PRCPUX2 Before: B5343186 After: B14304958 **98** Routine Name: PRCPXALL Before: B1532150 After: B1737679 **98** Routine Name: PRCPXODI Before: n/a After: B8307389 **98** Routine Name: PRCPXTRM Before: B14673562 After: B15984033 **98** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : CZEKAJ,CHERYL Date Entered : MAR 01, 2006 Completed By: BURGESS,PATRICIA Date Completed: MAR 22, 2007 Released By : NELSON,VICKI M Date Released : MAR 22, 2007 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT