$TXT Created by PULEO,ANTHONY at DEVCUR.FO-SLC.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Tuesday, 09/14/04 at 09:44 ============================================================================= Run Date: SEP 27, 2004 Designation: PX*1*123 Package : PX - PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #113 Status: Released Compliance Date: OCT 28, 2004 ============================================================================= Subject: ALLOW INDIVIDUAL HEALTH FACTOR IN HEALTH SUMMARY Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ Description: ============ Currently when running a Health Summary Report that returns Health Factor data, the report may return more occurrences of the Health Factor than what was specified in the report. This was caused by a design issue that counted all Health Factors done on the same day as one occurrence. This patch will now count each individual Health Factor as a single occurrence. When running a Health summary report the user will now also be able to retrieve data for individual Health Factors instead of just data for Health Factor categories. Once GMTS*2.7*63 is installed, sites will be able to run Health Summary Reports for individual Health Factors. New Service Request (NSR): ========================== There is no NSR associated with this patch. NOIS message(s): ================ PUG-0702-52485 H.S. type pulling in more than last occurrence Overview of NOIS Message(s): ============================ Currently when running a Health Summary Report that returns Health Factor data, the report may return more occurrences of the Health Factor than what was specified in the report. This was caused by a design issue that counted all Health Factors done on the same day as one occurrence. This patch will now count each individual Health Factor as a single occurrence. When running a Health summary report the user will now also be able to retrieve data for individual Health Factors instead of just data for Health Factor categories. Test Sites: =========== Tampa Washington D.C. Bronx Puget Sound Northern California ROUTINES: ========= The following routines are included in this patch. The second line looks like: ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**13,123**;Aug 12, 1996 Routine: Old Checksum New Checksum Patch List ======== ============ ============ ========== PXRHS07 3570272 3899784 13,123 Total number of routines - 1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ========================= This patch should be loaded during non-peak hours to minimize disruption to users, who can remain on the system during installation. Installation will take less then 2 minutes. 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. Review your mapped set. If any of the routines are mapped, they should be removed from the mapped set at this time. 3. On the KIDS menu under the 'INSTALLATION' menu, use the following options as desired: Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify checksums in Transport Global Backup a Transport Global 4. On the KIDS menu under the 'INSTALLATION' menu, use the following options to install the patch: Install Packages(s) (PX*1.0*123) 5. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGON's during the install? YES//", respond "NO". 6. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//" respond "NO". 7. If any routines were unmapped as part of step 2, they should be returned to the mapped set once the installation has run to completion. Routine Information: ==================== Routine Name: - PXRHS07 Replace I $D(ITEMS)'>0 D Q . S PXHFC=0 . F S PXHFC=$O(^AUTTHF("AD","C",PXHFC)) Q:PXHFC'>0 D GETVHF(PXHFC,OCCL IM) I $D(ITEMS)>0 D . S PXHFC=0 . F S PXHFC=$O(ITEMS(PXHFC)) Q:PXHFC'>0 D GETVHF(PXHFC,OCCLIM) with I $D(ITEMS)'>0 D Q .S PXHFC=0 .F S PXHFC=$O(^AUTTHF("AD","C",PXHFC)) Q:PXHFC'>0 D GETVHF(PXHFC,OCCLIN) ;Loop through the items array to find hf associate with category and 'individual health factor placed finding into temp array & sort by alpha S ITEM="" F S ITEM=$O(ITEMS(ITEM)) Q:ITEM=:: D .;If a category get all health factors in category. .I $P(^AUTTHS(ITEM,0),U,10)="C" D Q ..;S CATNAME=$P(^AUTTHF(ITEM,0,U) ..;S HFIEN="" ..;F S HFIEN=$O(^AUTTHF("AC",ITEM,HFIEN)) Q:HFIEN="" ..D GETVHF(ITEM,OCCLIM) .;If a factor just process it. .I $P(^AUTTHS(ITEM,0),U,10)="F" D ..S CATIEN=$P(^AUTTHS(ITEM,0),U,3) ..S CATNAME=$P(^AUTTHS(CATIE,0),U,1) ..D PHF(ITEM,OCCLIM) Routine Checksum: CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ------- ------------ ----------- ---------- PXRHS07 3570272 3899784 13,123 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : ERIKSON,REX Date Entered : APR 24, 2003 Completed By: RUDINGER,NANCY L. Date Completed: SEP 24, 2004 Released By : FIELDS-BARNES,JANETTE Date Released : SEP 27, 2004 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT