$TXT Created by CURTIS,RICHARD L at MNTVBB.FO-ALBANY.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Thursday, 01/11/07 at 09:52 ============================================================================= Run Date: MAR 15, 2007 Designation: PX*1*182 Package : PX - PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #139 Status: Released Compliance Date: APR 15, 2007 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PX*1*164 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PX*1*182' (v)PX*1*170 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PX*1*182' Subject: DEFAULT DX DURING APPT CHECK OUT Category: - Routine Description: ============ This patch will fix a problem that currently exists with the default diagnosis code (DX). When checking out an appointment, the user is presented with a default diagnosis code, if one exists for the applicable clinic. When the user accepts the default, the system appears to accept the selection and continues with the check out process. However, the software does not actually accept the default and the appointment is placed in an Action Req/Checked Out status. This patch will also fix a problem which occurs when a user is entering a diagnosis code for a Patient Care Encounter (PCE) procedure. Third, this patch will also fix a problem which occurs when a user is creating and checking out a Standalone Encounter. ASSOCIATED REMEDY TICKETS: ========================== 1) HD119328 - Default DX during Appt Check Out Duplicates: HD120378- Diagnosis code not showing up on check out HD121032- PCE problems HD121971- Clinic is set up with a default diagnosis, but it is not recognized upon check out HD123664- c&p clinics have a default diagnosis code HD129250- Default Diagnosis In Clinic Setup Not Working HD136333- DUPLICATE OF 119328 HD137247- Default DX listed in PCE, but default not accepted. 2) HD165189 - Invalid code when entering diagnosis for PCE procedures 3) HD124680 - User caught in a loop Duplicate: HD143463 - If no PROCEDURE, only option is to DELETE encounter ASSOCIATED NSR(S): ================== N/A PARTICIPATING TEST SITES: ========================= Charleston, SC Oklahoma city, OK Upstate NY HCS REMEDY TICKET OVERVIEW: ======================= 1) HD119328 - Default DX during Appt Check Out duplicates: HD120378- Diagnosis code not showing up on check out HD121032- PCE problems HD121971- Clinic is set up with a default diagnosis, but it is not recognized upon check out HD123664- c&p clinics have a default diagnosis code HD129250- Default Diagnosis In Clinic Setup Not Working HD136333- DUPLICATE OF 119328 HD137247- Default DX listed in PCE, but default not accepted. Problem: -------- When checking out an appointment, the user is presented with a default diagnosis code, if one exists for the applicable clinic. When the user accepts the default, the system appears to accept the selection and continues with the check out process. However, the software does not actually accept the default and the appointment is placed in an Action Req/Checked Out status. If the user views the appointment through the Display Detail [PCE ENCOUNTER DATA ENTRY] option, there is no diagnosis code for the appointment, even though the user accepted the default diagnosis. Resolution: ----------- Routine PXBPPOV will be modified so that the system will properly accept the default diagnosis, when applicable. 2) HD165189 - Invalid code when entering diagnosis for PCE procedures Problem: -------- This is a sporadic problem that only occurs under certain conditions. When a user goes into PCE to edit an existing encounter and they elect to edit the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code they are prompted to enter Diagnosis 1 for the procedure. Once it is entered and all the additional prompts have been answered, they will then be prompted to enter Diagnosis 2 for the encounter. If they enter a partial diagnosis code, such as 123, they will be presented with a list of possible matches. The problem occurs if the user chooses to up-arrow ("^") out at this point. No error occurs, but the Encounter Profile will then display INVALID CODE for the secondary diagnosis. And, a -1 will be stored in the V CPT (#9000010.18) file, where it would normally store the pointer to the ICD DIAGNOSIS (#80) file for the secondary diagnosis code. Resolution: ----------- Routine PXCECPT will be modified to check if the user has entered an up-arrow ("^") at the prompt described above and properly quit without storing the invalid code/pointer. 3) HD143463 - If no PROCEDURE, only option is to DELETE encounter Problem: -------- When a user creates and checks out a Standalone Encounter, if they do not enter a procedure code during the check out interview, they are prompted with: Must have a STOP CODE or a PROCEDURE to complete this action. Do you want to delete this encounter? NO// However, the system does not allow the user to accept the default of "NO" and they are forced to delete the encounter. Resolution: ----------- Routine PXBAPI1 will be modified and a new API added, so that when the user does not enter a Procedure code during the Check Out Interview, the new API will be called and they will be see the same prompt shown above. However, they will now be able to accept the default of "NO" and preserve the encounter in a status of Action Required, or they can answer "YES" and delete the encounter. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================== Users can be on the system during the installation of this patch but because some options will be out of order, it is recommended that it be queued for off-peak hours. Installation should take less than 5 minutes. 1. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL --------------------- Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN] Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution 3. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter PX*1.0*182): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will NOT backup any other changes such as DDs or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when the patch is installed. It compares all components of the patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. d. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. 4. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the package PX*1.0*182. a. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONS during the install? YES//" respond NO. b. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//" respond YES. 1) When prompted "Enter options you wish to mark as "Out of Order":" enter the following option: PCE Encounter Data Entry [PCE ENCOUNTER DATA ENTRY] PCE Encounter Data Entry - Supervisor [PCE ENCOUNTER DATA ENTRY SUPER] PCE Encounter Data Entry and Delete [PXCE ENCOUNTER ENTRY & DELETE] PCE Encounter Data Entry without Delete [PXCE ENCOUNTER ENTRY NO DELETE] 2) When prompted "Enter protocols you wish to mark as "Out of Order":" just press . ROUTINE SUMMARY: ================ The following is a list of the routine(s) included in this patch. The second line of each of these routine(s) will look like: ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**[patch list]**;Aug 12, 1996 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ============ ============ =========== ========== PXBAPI1 9191032 10038254 1,9,23,56,104 111,113,122,116 130,147,151,124 164,182 PXBPPOV 8559280 8602223 11,28,92,121,149 124,170,182 PXCECPT 15276308 15339236 14,27,73,89,112 121,136,124,170 164 182 Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: PXBAPI1 Before: B50290247 After: B57032482 **1,9,23,56,104,111,113,122,116, 130,147,151,124,164,182** Routine Name: PXBPPOV Before: B22000180 After: B22074119 **11,28,92,121,149,124,170,182** Routine Name: PXCECPT Before: B65152198 After: B65495033 **14,27,73,89,112,121,136,124, 170,164,182** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : CURTIS,RICHARD Date Entered : NOV 02, 2006 Completed By: TSAIMEUCHONG,BRENDA Date Completed: MAR 13, 2007 Released By : CANNEDY,JOELLEN Date Released : MAR 15, 2007 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT