$TXT Created by WOLF,ED at MNTVBB.FO-ALBANY.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Friday, 02/23/07 at 14:00 ============================================================================= Run Date: JUL 16, 2007 Designation: PX*1*183 Package : PX - PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #140 Status: Released Compliance Date: AUG 16, 2007 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PX*1*143 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PX*1*183' (v)PX*1*161 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PX*1*183' Subject: PCE FIXES Category: - Routine Description: ============ This patch addresses four issues related to the Patient Care Encounter (PCE) module that were reported on the Remedy tickets listed below. ASSOCIATED REMEDY TICKETS: ========================= 1) HD123432 - IBDF UTIL MAINT UTILITY PROBLEM 2) HD135534 - IB MT NIGHT COMP erroring out with ENCEVENT+10~PXKENC 3) HD136528 - Warning on Patient Death 4) HD173398 - Event Capture Issue ASSOCIATED NSR(s): ================== N/A PARTICIPATING TEST SITES: ========================= Chillicothe, OH Philadelphia, PA Biloxi, MS REMEDY OVERVIEW: ================ 1) HD123432 - IBDF UTIL MAINT UTILITY PROBLEM Problem: ======= An error occurred when attempting to use code PX SELECT IMMUNIZATION while running Maintenance Utility for Active/Inactive Codes [IBDF UTIL MAINTENANCE UTILITY] option for clinics, see an example below. Select OPTION NAME: IBDF REPORTS MENU Reports and Utilities Select Reports and Utilities Option: MU Maintenance Utility for Active/Inactive Codes Sort by [C]linics, [G]roups, [F]orms: (C/G/F): CLINICS// (Individual) Select Clinic: ALL// EMPLOYEE HEALTH (EVEN) Select another Clinic: Select Type of Code to Display: 86 PX SELECT IMMUNIZATIONS TYPE=SELECTION ...OK? Yes// (Yes) Any inactive entry in the IMMUNIZATION (#9999999.14) file contributed to a syntax error because of the following line of code: TESTIMM+8 in routine PXAPIIB: I $P($G(^AUTTIMM(X,0)),"^",7) S Y=$P(^AUTTEDT(X,0),"^") K X The second global reference should have been to the IMMUNIZATION (#9999999.14) file and not to the EDUCATION TOPICS (#9999999.09) file. Solution: ========= The code has been corrected to refer to the same file. I $P($G(^AUTTIMM(X,0)),"^",7) S Y=$P(^AUTTIMM(X,0),"^") K X ============ 2) HD135534 - IB MT NIGHT COMP erroring out with ENCEVENT+10~PXKENC Problem: ======= If PCE DBIA1889-F was called and an expected VISITIEN was not passed, a syntax error occurred in routine PXKENC because, even if the VISITIEN is a required parameter, there was no code that would stop execution in that situation. The current code: ENCEVENT(VISITIEN,DONTKILL) ;Create the ^TMP("PXKENC",$J, array of all the ; information about one encounter. ;Parameters: ; VISITIEN Pointer to the Visit (#9000010) ; DONOTKILL is 1 if the output array is not to be killed before used ; and 0 or null if the array is to be killed (cleaned out) ; ; The encounter is returned in the array ; ^TMP("PXKENC",$J,pointer to visit) ; I '$D(^AUPNVSIT(VISITIEN)) Q ; evaluated VISITIEN parameter without anticipation that it could be NULL, and if NULL was improperly passed then an error was generated. Solution: ======== The following line of code was added to quit if NULL is passed, in the same way as if a invalid VISITIEN was passed: ENCEVENT(VISITIEN,DONTKILL);Create the ^TMP("PXKENC",$J, array of all the ; information about one encounter. ;Parameters: ; VISITIEN Pointer to the Visit (#9000010) ; DONOTKILL is 1 if the output array is not to be killed before used ; and 0 or null if the array is to be killed (cleaned out) ; ; The encounter is returned in the array ; ^TMP("PXKENC",$J,pointer to visit) ; I $G(VISITIEN)'>0 Q ;PX/183 I '$D(^AUPNVSIT(VISITIEN)) Q NOTE: It is important for all subscribing packages to evaluate if the required VISITIEN has a valid entry in the VISIT (#9000010) file but this is the current requirement of DBIA1889-F. =========== 3) HD136528 - Warning on Patient Death Problem: ======== In PCE Encounter Data Entry options (see the INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS section of patch description for list), if a patient with death remarks in the REMARKS (#.091) field of the PATIENT (#2) file is accessed then other patients were processed by switching through Action: 'SP'- Select New Patient, then the death remarks are randomly displayed with a patient to whom they do not belong. The problem was primarily caused by array segment DIR("A",1)="WARNING "_VADM(7) that is included with ^DIR call used to display the REMARKS (#.091) field, if applicable. Any action that killed or 'newed' DIR array before executing a new ^DIR call was working fine but if, for example, a new ^DIR call was made for a patient that did not have any remarks, then the previous patient's remarks were wrongly displayed. VADM(7) represents a patient's remarks, and for the dead patient those remarks, for example, look something like "[PATIENT DIED ON 4/1/05]". Even if VADM array was properly initiated and VADM(7) did not contain any value, segment DIR("A",1) still existed. Solution: ======== Subroutine PAT1 of routine PXCEPAT was modified to use the NEW command for DIR array, preventing any DIR segment from carrying over. Also in subroutine NEWPAT two calls to subroutine PATKILL were added for cleaning the processed patient data. Any patient remarks are displayed properly with the patient to whom they belong. =========== 4) HD173398 - Event Capture Issue Problem: ======== There are conditions under which visits have to be displayed depending on a PCE option being used. Users are not aware of these conditions because they are not included in the user documentation. Routine PXCEPAT includes these conditions, and any ancillary visits are not displayed on PCE Encounter Data Entry [PCE ENCOUNTER DATA ENTRY] option except PCE Data Entry Supervisor. The ancillary visits can be also viewed in PCE Encounter Viewer [PXCE ENCOUNTER VIEWER] option. Patient Care Encounter (PCE) V. 1.0 User Manual August 1996 Patch PX*1*124 (Revised September 2005), while describing PCE Encounter Data Entry [PXCE ENCOUNTER DATA ENTRY] option does not include information about differences in PCE Encounter Data Entry options. It is likely this was done for a purpose not to be able to see and modify ancillary visits from PCE unless you have a supervisor privilege. In the same PXCE Supervisor menu it can be assigned to a desired, responsible person, not necessarily a supervisor. PCE Encounter Viewer [PXCE ENCOUNTER VIEWER] option may be used if it is desired to view visits, including ancillary ones. Ancillary visits are identified by 'A' in the Encounter Type field of the Visit file. FIELD NAME: ENCOUNTER TYPE FLD NUMBER: 15003 NODE;PIECE: 150;3 DATA TYPE: Set of Codes P:PRIMARY O:OCCASION OF SERVICE S:STOP CODE A:ANCILLARY C:CREDIT STOP If the ENCOUNTER TYPE (#15003) field in the VISIT (#9000010) file entry is "A"- ANCILLARY then this visit is skipped from being displayed in PCE Encounter Data Entry options except option: PCE Encounter Data Entry - Supervisor [PXCE ENCOUNTER ENTRY SUPER]. This issue will be addressed by including additional information about PCE Encounter Data Entry options, and about PCE Encounter Viewer [PXCE ENCOUNTER VIEWER] functionality. Please note the current description of PCE Encounter Data Entry - Supervisor: "Assign PCE Encounter Data Entry - Supervisor to users who can document a clinical encounter and can also delete any encounter entries, even though they are not the creator of the entries." As you can see there is nothing about a privilege of seeing ancillary visits under that option and not under someone else's. Solution: ======== Patient Care Encounter (PCE) V. 1.0 User Manual August 1996 Patch PX*1*124 (Revised September 2005) will be updated by providing modified information about functionality of different PCE Data Entry options. On page 73: "Assign PCE Encounter Data Entry - Supervisor to users who can document a clinical encounter and can also delete any encounter entries, even though they are not the creator of the entries. This option allows also, contrary to all other PXCE Encounter Data Entry, to display, and even modify ancillary encounters so it should be assigned with caution." After table 'List by Encounters', page 12 the following paragraph will be added: "List by Encounters includes ancillary encounters only if the process starts either through PCE Encounter Data Entry Supervisor or PXCE Encounter Viewer." INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================== Users can be on the system during the installation of this patch but it is recommended to install it during non-peak time/few users on the system. Installation should take less than 1 minute. 1. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL --------------------- Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN] Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution 3. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter PX*1.0*183): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will NOT backup any other changes such as DDs or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when the patch is installed. It compares all components of the patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. d. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. 4. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the package PX*1.0*183. a. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONS during the install? YES//" respond NO. b. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//" respond YES. When prompted "Enter options you wish to mark as "Out of Order":" enter the following option: PCE Encounter Data Entry [PXCE ENCOUNTER DATA ENTRY] PCE Encounter Data Entry and Delete [PXCE ENCOUNTER ENTRY & DELETE] PCE Encounter Data Entry without Delete [PXCE ENCOUNTER ENTRY NO DELETE] PCE Encounter Data Entry - Supervisor [PXCE ENCOUNTER ENTRY SUPER] PCE Encounter Viewer [PXCE ENCOUNTER VIEWER] When prompted "Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':" enter . c. When prompted "Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60): 0//" accept default '0' minutes. d. Print the install process to a designated printer for your records. ROUTINE SUMMARY: ================ The following is a list of the routine(s) included in this patch. The second line of each of these routine(s) will look like: ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**[patch list]**;Aug 12, 1996;Build 1 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ============ ============ =========== ========== PXAPIIB 1387457 1387716 183 PXCEPAT 7295275 7417487 1,5,14,30,70 147,160,161,183 PXKENC 6277624 6302919 15,22,73,108,143 183 Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: PXAPIIB Before: B5736008 After: B5736603 **183** Routine Name: PXCEPAT Before: B30169766 After: B30450430 **1,5,14,30,70,147,160,161,183** Routine Name: PXKENC Before: B23222675 After: B23516097 **15,22,73,108,143,183** Routine list of preceding patches: 143, 161 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : WOLF,ED Date Entered : DEC 08, 2006 Completed By: TSAIMEUCHONG,BRENDA Date Completed: JUL 11, 2007 Released By : CANNEDY,JOELLEN Date Released : JUL 16, 2007 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT