$TXT Created by MO,SELINA at DEV.DEV.FO-HINES.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Monday, 03/20/06 at 09:47 ============================================================================= Run Date: APR 27, 2006 Designation: RA*5*67 Package : RA - RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE Priority: Mandatory Version : 5 SEQ #59 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAY 28, 2006 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)RA*5*59 <<= must be installed BEFORE `RA*5*67' (v)RA*5*63 <<= must be installed BEFORE `RA*5*67' Subject: OUTPATIENT PROCEDURE WAIT TIME REPORT Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Other - Data Dictionary Description: ============ This patch will add another measure of timeliness to the Radiology application. This new measure will calculate elapsed days from the Date Desired of the ordered procedure to the Examination Date of the procedure. Thus, after the installation of this patch, there will be two measures of timeliness : (1) from Exam Date/Time to Report Transcribed Date/Time and from Exam Date/Time to Report Verification Date/time, (2) from Desired Date to Exam Date <-- new ------------ Menu Changes ------------ This new measure will be displayed in a summary report and a detail report that are generated from one option. There are no additional data entry, mail groups, nor background task jobs required to generate these reports. The option and sub-menu to invoke these reports will be new. The current Performance Indicator menu will be deleted and its 3 options will be moved under a new sub-menu, "Verification Timeliness". Previous menu structure for Performance Indicator ------------------------------------------------- Management Reports Menu [RA MGTRPTS] Performance Indicator [RA PERFORMIN MENU] <--deleted by install Enter/Edit OUTLOOK mail group [RA PERFORMIN MAIL GROUP ENTRY] Run Previous Month's Summary Report [RA PERFORMIN TASKLM] Summary/Detail report [RA PERFORMIN RPTS] New menu structure for Timeliness Reports ----------------------------------------- Management Reports Menu ... [RA MGTRPTS] Timeliness Reports ... [RA TIMELINESS MENU] <--new Outpatient Procedure Wait Time [RA TIMELINESS OUTPATIENT MENU] <--new Summary/Detail report [RA TIMELINESS REPORT] <--new Verification Timeliness [RA TIMELINESS VER MENU] <--replacement Enter/Edit OUTLOOK mail group [RA PERFORMIN MAIL GROUP ENTRY] Run Previous Month's Summary Report [RA PERFORMIN TASKLM] Summary/Detail report [RA PERFORMIN RPTS] The 'Performance Indicator' [RA PERFORMIN MENU] option will be automatically deleted by the installation process. --------------- Display changes --------------- The Performance Indicator report titles are changed. "Summary Performance Indicator Report" is replaced by "Summary Verification Timeliness Report". "Detail Performance Indicator Report" is replaced by "Detail Verification Timeliness Report". The following spelling and punctuation errors have been corrected for options formerly under the 'Performance Indicator' menu option : In the 'Summary/Detail report' [RA PERFORMIN RPTS] option, the second ":" after the "ending date" has been removed. For example, Previous -------- Enter ending date: : (1/1/2005 - 4/2/2005): New --- Enter ending date: (1/1/2005 - 2/1/2005): In the 'Summary/Detail report' [RA PERFORMIN RPTS] option, for a Detail report, the "Sort report by"'s "Cateory of Exam" is replaced by "Category of Exam". In the 'Enter/Edit OUTLOOK mail group' [RA PERFORMIN MAIL GROUP ENTRY] option, the help text for "Select PERF INDC SMTP E-MAIL ADDRESS" has "info on SMTP addrseses". This will be replaced by "info on SMTP addresses". The Detail report under the former 'Performance Indicator' menu's 'Summary/Detail report' option will allow "^" out of viewing the report on screen. It will display "Press RETURN to continue or "^" to exit.", instead of just "Press RETURN to continue." The blank page that used to appear before the former Performance Indicator reports (summary and detail) will be suppressed in the renamed Verification Timeliness reports. A blank page may or may not print after the renamed Verification Timeliness reports, depending upon the site's device and terminal type setup. The same blank page suppression is used in the Outpatient Procedure Wait Time reports. -------------- Remedy tickets -------------- This patch also fixes a bug reported in Remedy Tickets #110069 and #116641, where the Performance Indicator Detail Report rounded up the decimal hours to the next higher integer. This patch will truncate the decimal from the hours. The updated manuals described in the next section include corrections to various documentation problems reported in Remedy Ticket #105290. -- Documentation -- Two manuals have been updated for this patch: User Manual (RA5_0UM.PDF) Tech Manual (RA5_0TM.PDF) They can be found in the following [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE] directories: PREFERRED ADDRESS ------------------------- First available ftp server download.vista.med.va.gov SPECIFIC FIELD OFFICE FTP ADDRESS --------------------- ------------------------ Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov -- Test Sites -- 1. Lexington 2. Louisville 3. Tennessee Valley Healthcare System 4. NCHCS (Martinez) 5. VISN 2 The second line of the routine now looks like: ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**[Patch List]**;Mar 16, 1998 Integrity checking tools: CHECK^XTSUMBLD Name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ---------------------------------------------------------------- RAPM 12241305 12338905 37,44,48,67 RAPM1 23248543 23356027 37,44,48,59,67 RAPM2 17659455 18324494 37,44,48,63,67 RAPM3 22768793 23512430 37,44,63,67 RAPMW N/A 12313888 67 RAPMW1 N/A 8062920 67 RAPMW2 N/A 19389534 67 CHECK1^XTSUMBLD Name Before Patch After Patch Patch List ---------------------------------------------------------------- RAPM 64632251 65396557 37,44,48,67 RAPM1 44212144 44346167 37,44,48,59,67 RAPM2 84935283 88209551 37,44,48,63,67 RAPM3 83282213 87160204 37,44,63,67 RAPMW N/A 51657519 67 RAPMW1 N/A 25951443 67 RAPMW2 N/A 61073726 67 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ========================= The install time for this patch should take less than 5 minutes, and may take longer if you choose to rebuild Menu Trees at this time. Menu trees must be rebuilt, because the Management Report menu and its submenus will be changed. Please check with your IRM supervisor regarding when to rebuild Menu Trees. All Radiology users should be off the system during the installation. NOTE: MailMan and Kernel patches must be current on the target system to avoid problems loading and installing this patch. 1. If the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them. 2. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of your PackMan menu to load the KIDS distribution onto your system. 3. On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS), select the 'Installation' menu. From this menu you may choose the following options prior to installing this patch: a. Backup a Transport Global - this option will create a backup message of any routines exported with the patch. It will NOT backup any other changes such as data dictionaries or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - this option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when the patch is installed. It compares all components of the patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.) c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - this option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routine that is in the transport global. 4. Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu. When prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter: RA*5.0*67. When prompted for "Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//", answer according to your facility's policy concerning the rebuilding of menu trees. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//", respond NO. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options and Menu Options? YES//", respond YES. When prompted "Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out of Order':", enter the following to disable all Rad/Nuc Med options: RA* When prompted "Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out of Order':", enter the following to disable all Rad/Nuc Med protocols: RA* 5. Verify that the patch installation completed correctly by using the KIDS 'Utilities...' [XPD UTILITY] option 'Install File Print' [XPD PRINT INSTALL FILE] and selecting this patch (RA*5.0*67). 6. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set. Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: RAPM Before: B64632251 After: B65396557 **37,44,48,67** Routine Name: RAPM1 Before: B44212144 After: B44346167 **37,44,48,59,67** Routine Name: RAPM2 Before: B84935283 After: B88209551 **37,44,48,63,67** Routine Name: RAPM3 Before: B83282213 After: B87160204 **37,44,63,67** Routine Name: RAPMW Before: n/a After: B51657519 **67** Routine Name: RAPMW1 Before: n/a After: B25951443 **67** Routine Name: RAPMW2 Before: n/a After: B61073726 **67** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : MO,SELINA Date Entered : OCT 14, 2005 Completed By: PATRICK,PAT Date Completed: APR 26, 2006 Released By : HINES,RICK Date Released : APR 27, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT