$TXT Created by BECKWITH,RALPH at DEV.DEV.FO-HINES.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Tuesday, 04/25/06 at 15:10 ============================================================================= Run Date: SEP 21, 2006 Designation: RMPR*3*128 Package : RMPR - PROSTHETICS Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #102 Status: Released Compliance Date: OCT 15, 2006 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)RMPR*3*90 <<= must be installed BEFORE `RMPR*3*128' (v)RMPR*3*108 <<= must be installed BEFORE `RMPR*3*128' (v)RMPR*3*120 <<= must be installed BEFORE `RMPR*3*128' Subject: INST IEN DISPLAY, ISSUE/INVENTORY UPDATE PROBLEM, UNDEF-CREATE 2529-3 REQ Category: - Routine Description: ============ 1. UNDEF ITM+9^RMPR29 - variable rmtype NULL 2. Institution IEN appears instead of station number on PSAS HCPCS HISTORY and Nightly PCE Background mail message 3. Inventory does not always update correctly with quantity issued ASSOCIATED E3R(s): ================== N/A Remedy: ====== 1. HD133799 UNDEF ITM+9^RMPR29 - variable rmtype NULL 2. HD126296 Institution IEN appears instead of station number on PSAS HCPCS HISTORY and Nightly PCE Background mail message. 3. HD132824 Inventory does not always update correctly with quantity issued Test Sites: ========== Boston West LA West Palm Remedy Overview: ================ 1. UNDEF ITM+9^RMPR29 - variable rmtype NULL Problem: -------- Getting undefined error from RMPR29 @ ITM+9 when user up-arrows at transaction type during Creating 2529-3 Request. Resolution: ----------- Modify routine RMPR29 to handle the up-arrow escape request from user during Transaction Type response. 2. Institution IEN appears instead of station number on PSAS HCPCS HISTORY and Nightly PCE Background mail message Problem: -------- When the station number is different from the Institution IEN in file 4, the PSAS HCPCS HISTORY and mail message from the Nightly PCE Background task print the IEN instead of the external station number. Resolution: ----------- Modify routine RMPRSE21 to print the external station number on the PSAS HCPCS HISTORY and modify routine RMPRPCEA to print the external station number on the mail message from the Nightly PCE Background job. 3. Inventory does not always update correctly with quantity issued Problem: -------- When issuing stock and using the scanned item number the option will allow a quantity entered exceeding the scanned item on hand, thereby causing a discrepancy between the HCPC/Location on hand and runnning balance for item. Resolution: ----------- Modify routines RMPRPIYI, RMPRPIYJ and RMPRPIYS to check the scanned items on hand by location and not allow quantity entry to exceed that limit. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION: ======================== This patch was created with Kernel V8 KIDS and should be installed into your production UCI. It can be installed anytime. Complete installation will take 5 minutes or less. Installation procedures are the same for Cache. Users should NOT be on the system during installation. Follow these instructions: 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the option 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' and verify that all routines have the correct checksums. 3. From the 'Installation' menu of KIDS, user the option 'Install Package(s)'. Select the package 'RMPR*3.0*128 and proceed with the install. 4. You may queue this patch for install. Users may be on the system during patch install. 5. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//', respond NO. 6. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Schedule Options, Menu Options and Protocols? YES//', respond YES. When prompted to select the options you would like to place out of order, enter the following: RMPR OFFICIAL Prosthetic Official's Menu Routine Summary: =============== The following routines are included in this patch. The second line of the routines will look like: ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**[patch list]**;Feb 09, 1996 CHECK^XTSUMBLD results Routine Before Patch After Patch Patch List ------- ---------- --------- -------- RMPR29 10796911 10726083 12,41,62,128 RMPRPCEA 10903377 11077754 62,82,78,114, 120,128 RMPRPIYI 13058114 13071489 61,128 RMPRPIYJ 5348592 5835944 61,128 RMPRPIYS 13432159 13499925 61,108,128 RMPRSE21 12665278 12878522 36,62,77,92, 90,128 Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: RMPR29 Before: B32511441 After: B32625638 **12,41,62,128** Routine Name: RMPRPCEA Before: B52102527 After: B52809233 **62,82,78,114,120,128** Routine Name: RMPRPIYI Before: B60353445 After: B60374802 **61,128** Routine Name: RMPRPIYJ Before: B18204956 After: B18984837 **61,128** Routine Name: RMPRPIYS Before: B84190403 After: B84869709 **61,108,128** Routine Name: RMPRSE21 Before: B28209992 After: B29249805 **36,62,77,92,90,128** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : BECKWITH,RALPH Date Entered : MAR 31, 2006 Completed By: HEFFERNAN,COREY Date Completed: SEP 20, 2006 Released By : DIETRICH,JON Date Released : SEP 21, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT