$TXT Created by FORT,WALLY at NXT.KERNEL.FO-OAKLAND.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Thursday, 07/28/05 at 16:44 ============================================================================= Run Date: AUG 17, 2005 Designation: XT*7.3*90 Package : XT - TOOLKIT Priority: Mandatory Version : 7.3 SEQ #76 Status: Released Compliance Date: SEP 17, 2005 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)XT*7.3*75 install with patch `XT*7.3*90' Subject: XTLATSET EVS update Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary Description: ============ Patch Tracking #: 39390201 Test Sites: Cache Conversion sites. Blood Bank Clearance: 8/26/2004 The XTLATSET routine has been updated to work with Cache/VMS. To help consolidated sites that make the UCI name the sites 3 letter NOIS code, if the UCI name is not 'VAH', XTLATSET will prefix the file names it uses with the UCI name. If the UCI is TST then the file name would come out like this SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]TST_LT_LOAD.COM SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]TST_LT_PTR.DAT SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]TST_TSC_LOAD.COM The patch has a updated "DEVICE" file (#3.5) entry for field "VMS DEVICE TYPE" (#63). It works with a updated SYS$MANAGER:SYSPRINT.COM file that HSITES is installing at the new Cache/VMS sites. STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #3.5 -- DEVICE FILE JUL 19,2004@10:05:36 STORED IN ^%ZIS(1, (126 ENTRIES) SITE: SF CIOFO, KERNEL PATCH ACCOUNT DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5,63 VMS DEVICE TYPE VMS;3 SET 'n' FOR NOT SPOOLED; 'y' FOR YES SPOOLED; 'm' FOR HOSTSYNC/NOWRAP; 'l' FOR LAB INSTRUMENT; 'w' FOR NOWRAP; 'p' FOR PASTHRU/NOWRAP; LAST EDITED: JUN 17, 2004 HELP-PROMPT: Will this device use VMS spooling or other special device settings DESCRIPTION: This is a flag that is passed into the file LT_PTR.DAT by the routine XTLATSET to select how this port should be setup in VMS by the SYS$MANAGER:SYSPRINT.COM file when it runs. Routine Summary The following routines are included in this patch. The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;7.3;TOOLKIT;**[Patch List]**;Apr 25, 1995 Checksum Routine Old New Patch List XTLATSET 7732051 8256711 **11,75,90** List of preceding patches: 75 Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums. ========================================================================= Installation: >>>Users may remain on the system. >>>TaskMan does *not* need to be stopped. 1. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This option will load the KIDS package onto your system. 2. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your system. You now need to use KIDS to install the Transport global. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following options: Verify Checksums in Transport Global Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Backup a Transport Global 3. Users can remain on the system. This patch can be queued and installed at any time. TaskMan can remain running. 4. Installation will take less than 2 minutes. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following option: Install Package(s) 'XT*7.3*90' ========= Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO ========================================================================= Routine Information: ==================== Routine Name: - XTLATSET Routine Checksum: ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : FORT,WALLY Date Entered : MAR 29, 2004 Completed By: SINGH,GURBIR Date Completed: AUG 16, 2005 Released By : HARROD,PAUL Date Released : AUG 17, 2005 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT