$TXT Created by KAMAROWSKI,ROBERT A. at NORTH-FLORIDA.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Tuesday, 09/05/06 at 14:08 ============================================================================= Run Date: OCT 03, 2006 Designation: XT*7.3*102 Package : XT - TOOLKIT Priority: Mandatory Version : 7.3 SEQ #81 Status: Released Compliance Date: NOV 03, 2006 ============================================================================= Subject: Removal of VPM and RTL. Category: - Print Template - Data Dictionary - Routine Description: ============ 1. This patch removes all options, routines and files associated with the following options: VPM VAX/ALPHA Capacity Management ... Move Host File to Mailman Response Time Log Menu ... These programs within the Kernel Toolkit package no longer function, and they have been replaced with the RUM, SAGG and CM Tools packages. The following namespace options and routines will be removed: XUCM* XUCS* XURTL* [XTCM DISK2MAIL] - option XTCMXTCMFILN - routine The following FileMan compatible files will have both the data dictionary and data deleted: Global ^XUCM CM SITE PARAMETERS (#8986.095) VPM RESPONSE TIME DATA (#8986.098) CM SITE NODENAMES (#8986.3) CM SITE DISKDRIVES (#8986.35) CM METRICS (#8986.4) CM DISK DRIVE RAW DATA (#8986.5) CM NODENAME RAW DATA (#8986.51) CM DAILY STATISTICS (#8986.6) Global ^%ZRTL RESPONSE TIME (#3.091) RT DATE_UCI,VOL (#3.092) RT RAWDATA (#3.094) The following non-FileMan compatible global will have it's data deleted: ^%ZRTL(3) ^%ZRTL("RTH") ************************************************************* NOTE TO SYSTEM MANAGERS The globals ^XUCM and %ZRTL may be removed from your database after installation of this patch. Please make sure no local routines access these globals before doing so. ************************************************************* The following routines are included in this patch. The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;8.0;KERNEL;**[Patch List]**;Jul 10, 1995 Checksum Routine Old New Patch List XTPOST n/a 5200120 **102** Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums. Test Sites: ANCHORAGE CONNECTICUT HCS LITTLE ROCK NORTH FLORIDA/SOUTH GEORGIA PUGET SOUND TAMPA Installation time will vary according to how much (if any) data is stored in the above listed files. We anticipate about 20 minutes. However, if will run much faster if no data is present, and could run slower if there is a large amount of stored data. An installation example follows: VA MailMan 8.0 service for KAMAROWSKI.ROBERT_A+@NORTH-FLORIDA.MED.VA.GOV You last used MailMan: 06/13/06@09:22 You have 1 new message. Select MailMan Option: NEW MESSAGES AND RESPONSES Subj: XT*7.3*102 [#63641035] 8 Jun 2006 11:41:26 -0500 (EST) 1335 lines From: <"NPM [#43432271]"@FORUM.VA.GOV> In 'IN' basket. Page 1 *New* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $TXT Created by KAMAROWSKI,ROBERT A. at NORTH-FLORIDA.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Thu rsday, 06/08/06 at 11:37 ========================================================================== Run Date: JUN 08, 2006 Designation: XT*7.3*102 Package : XT - TOOLKIT Priority: Mandatory Version : 7.3 Status: Under Development ========================================================================== Subject: Removal of VPM and RTL. Category: - Print Template - Data Dictionary - Routine Description: ============ Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore// Xtract KIDS Select PackMan function: 6 INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE Line 124 Message #63641035 Unloading KIDS Distribution XT*7.3*102 XT*7.3*102 Want to Continue with Load? YES// Loading Distribution... XT*7.3*102 Select PackMan function: Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore// Select OPTION NAME: XPD MAIN Kernel Installation & Distribution System menu KIDS Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Patch Monitor Main Menu ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INstallation 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Installation Option: VERify Checksums in Transport Global Select INSTALL NAME: XT*7.3*102 Loaded from Distribution 6/13/06@09:43:29 => XT*7.3*102 This Distribution was loaded on Jun 13, 2006@09:43:29 with header of XT*7.3*102 It consisted of the following Install(s): XT*7.3*102 DEVICE: HOME// TELNET DEVICE PACKAGE: XT*7.3*102 Jun 13, 2006 9:43 am PAGE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Routine checked, 0 failed. 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Installation Option: Backup a Transport Global Select INSTALL NAME: XT*7.3*102 Loaded from Distribution 6/13/06@09:43:29 => XT*7.3*102 This Distribution was loaded on Jun 13, 2006@09:43:29 with header of XT*7.3*102 It consisted of the following Install(s): XT*7.3*102 Subject: Backup of XT*7.3*102 install on Jun 13, 2006 Replace Loading Routines for XT*7.3*102........................................... Send mail to: KAMAROWSKI,ROBERT A.// KAMAROWSKI,ROBERT A Select basket to send to: IN// And Send to: 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Installation Option: INstall Package(s) Select INSTALL NAME: XT*7.3*102 Loaded from Distribution 6/13/06@09:43:29 => XT*7.3*102 TEST v1 This Distribution was loaded on Jun 13, 2006@09:43:29 with header of XT*7.3*102 It consisted of the following Install(s): XT*7.3*102 Checking Install for Package XT*7.3*102 Install Questions for XT*7.3*102 Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages. You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt. Enter a '^' to abort the install. DEVICE: HOME// TELNET DEVICE Install Started for XT*7.3*102 : Jun 13, 2006@09:43:57 Build Distribution Date: Jun 08, 2006 Installing Routines: Jun 13, 2006@09:43:57 Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: Installing HELP FRAME Installing BULLETIN Installing PRINT TEMPLATE Installing SORT TEMPLATE Installing INPUT TEMPLATE Installing OPTION Jun 13, 2006@09:44:21 Running Post-Install Routine: EN^XTPOST Removing File #8986.095 (CM SITE PARAMETERS) data dictionary and data... Removing File #8986.098 (VPM RESPONSE TIME DATA) data dictionary and data... Removing File #8986.3 (CM SITE NODENAMES) data dictionary and data... Removing File #8986.35 (CM SITE DISKDRIVES) data dictionary and data... Removing File #8986.4 (CM METRICS) data dictionary and data... Removing File #8986.5 (CM DISK DRIVE RAW DATA) data dictionary and data... Removing File #8986.51 (CM NODENAME RAW DATA) data dictionary and data... Removing File #8986.6 (CM DAILY STATISTICS) data dictionary and data... Removing File #3.091 (RESPONSE TIME) data dictionary and data... Removing File #3.092 (RT DATE_UCI,VOL) data dictionary and data... Removing File #3.094 (RT RAWDATA) data dictionary and data... Removing data from non-FileMan compatible global ^%ZRTL(3... Finished! Updating Routine file... Updating KIDS files... XT*7.3*102 Installed. Jun 13, 2006@09:44:37 Install Message sent #63641134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------+ 100% | 25 50 75 | Complete +------------------------------------------------------------+ Install Completed 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Installation Option: Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: XTCMFILN Before: B9733565 After: Delete Routine Name: XTPOST Before: n/a After: B14160974 **102** Routine Name: XUCMBR1 Before: B11856553 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMBR2 Before: B24050990 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMBR3 Before: B21466340 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMBRTL Before: B18429509 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMDSL Before: B6369744 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMFGI Before: B2800266 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMFIL Before: B7344862 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMGRAF Before: B3497663 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMNI2A Before: B24018859 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMNIT Before: B37857732 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMNIT1 Before: B14728794 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMNIT2 Before: B25847784 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMNIT3 Before: B8458307 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMNIT4 Before: B24449843 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMNIT5 Before: B5658527 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMNT3A Before: B19904802 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMPA Before: B12924348 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMPA1 Before: B15275013 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMPA2 Before: B14587744 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMPA2A Before: B14460950 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMPA2B Before: B18972978 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMPOST Before: B2254429 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMPR17 Before: B3140996 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMPRE Before: B4510639 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMTM Before: B20637952 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMTM1 Before: B5921288 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMVPG Before: B8208229 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMVPG1 Before: B10124820 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMVPI Before: B15051693 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMVPM Before: B8166270 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMVPM1 Before: B19236193 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMVPS Before: B11106922 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMVPU Before: B8197358 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMXDR Before: B40015947 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCMXUTL Before: B1662061 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS1E Before: B10291849 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS1R Before: B17846919 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS1RA Before: B19357774 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS1RB Before: B17762652 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS1RBA Before: B8284061 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS2E Before: B11675788 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS2R Before: B11932331 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS2RA Before: B11246903 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS2RB Before: B11943164 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS2RBA Before: B5418886 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS4E Before: B2887482 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS4R Before: B22110098 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS4RB Before: B17033411 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS5E Before: B1351766 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS5EA Before: B16993355 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS6E Before: B1558912 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS6R Before: B11899675 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS8E Before: B4543748 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS8R Before: B21995378 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS8RB Before: B17530362 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS8RG Before: B7114621 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCS8RGA Before: B8882216 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSCDE Before: B5805196 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSCDG Before: B9715939 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSCDGA Before: B6714124 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSCDR Before: B17878748 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSCDRB Before: B13930573 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI001 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI002 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI003 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI004 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI005 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI006 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI007 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI008 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI009 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00A Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00B Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00C Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00D Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00E Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00F Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00G Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00H Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00I Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00J Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00K Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSI00L Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSINI1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSINI2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSINI3 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSINI4 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSINI5 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSINIS Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSINIT Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSLOAD Before: B11332011 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSPRG Before: B7034140 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSRV Before: B7397856 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSTM Before: B10697452 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSTME Before: B22490209 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSUTL Before: B4560649 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSUTL2 Before: B9658957 After: Delete Routine Name: XUCSUTL3 Before: B24545672 After: Delete Routine Name: XURTL Before: B16645744 After: Delete Routine Name: XURTL1 Before: B19790701 After: Delete Routine Name: XURTL2 Before: B9992979 After: Delete Routine Name: XURTL3 Before: B1827993 After: Delete Routine Name: XURTL4 Before: B27431465 After: Delete Routine Name: XURTLC Before: B4940022 After: Delete Routine Name: XURTLK Before: B10626917 After: Delete ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : FORT,WALLY Date Entered : JUN 01, 2006 Completed By: SINGH,GURBIR Date Completed: SEP 28, 2006 Released By : HARROD,PAUL Date Released : OCT 03, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT