$TXT Created by CHAN,ALAN at NXT.KERNEL.FO-OAKLAND.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Wednesday, 06/06/07 at 10:50 ============================================================================= Run Date: SEP 10, 2007 Designation: XT*7.3*80 Package : XT - TOOLKIT Priority: Mandatory Version : 7.3 SEQ #85 Status: Released Compliance Date: OCT 11, 2007 ============================================================================= Subject: GLOBAL BLOCK COUNT FOR CACHE Category: - Routine Description: ============ Patch Tracking #: FORUM message #37138585 Test sites: MONTANA HCS, SAN FRANCISCO VAMC, LITTLE ROCK VAMC, SHREVEPORT VAMC. Blood Bank Clearance: 1/16/2007 Related Remedy Tickets: HD0000000063590 This patch brings in the support for Cache' sites so that they may perform Global Block Counts on subscripted global nodes. Please NOTE that Cache'/VMS Sites will need to save the appropriate precursor routines as the %-namespaced versions in the current installation Namespace/Directory (Installation Instructions, Step 4) The current versions of Cache' that are supported are Cache' 5.0 and 5.2. If you are at a Cache' site running in a distributed Data-Application Server model, please note that this utility does not run on an Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP) Application Server. This utility should only be run on an ECP Data Server. Routines ZTBKC and ZTBKCONT are new to TOOLKIT version 7.3. However, ZTBKC and other ZTBKC* routines have been distributed previously in KERNEL as well as in TOOLKIT 7.2 and may exist on your system. The removal of all ZTBKC* routines in the TOOLKIT 7.3 distribution was simply an oversight. For additional information regarding such missing routines from TOOLKIT 7.3, please refer to informational patch XU*7.1*40. The Global Block Count option [XU BLOCK COUNT] can be used to count the data blocks in a global. An entire global or a subscripted section can be measured (e.g.: ^DIC or DIC(9.2)). The corresponding direct mode utility may be used in programmer mode: D ^%ZTBKC. In addition to the above, the following items were addressed as a result of feedback from current stakeholders/test sites: 1. Additional help for single and double question mark (?) responses at both directory and global prompts. 2. Ability to see a list of current directories at the directory prompt. 3. If no global is selected at the global prompt, the Global Block Count Utility should not proceed to ask for device. 4. Ability to see a list of globals selected. 5. Ability to de-select globals from the list of globals selected. 6. Handle pagination on the report for when all globals are selected. Installation Instructions: ========================== Install Time less than 5 minutes. 1. Users ARE allowed to be on the system during the installation. You DO NOT need to stop TaskMan. All active Kernel Toolkit Block Count processes should be allowed to COMPLETE prior to installing this patch. 2. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This option will load the KIDS (Kernel Installation and Distribution System) package onto your system. 3. The patch has now been loaded into a transport global on your system. On the KIDS menu, select the 'Installation' menu and use the following options: 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Select KIDS OPTION: Install ======= Install Package(s) Select INSTALL NAME: XT*7.3*80 ========= Logons DO NOT need to be inhibited. No Options or Protocols need to be placed out-of-order. Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO == Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//NO == 4. Saving precursor routines to %-namespaced versions: Cache'/vms Sites will need to save the appropriate precursor routines as the %-namespaced versions in the current installation Namespace/Directory (e.g.: ZL ZTBKC ZS %ZTBKC ZL ZTBKCONT ZS %ZTBKC1). Routine Summary Checksums shown are OLD Checksums The following routines are included in this patch. The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;7.3;TOOLKIT;**[patch list]**;Apr 25, 1995 Checksums Routine Old New Patch List ZTBKC n/a 10447341 **80** ZTBKCONT n/a 14435205 **80** Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums. List of preceding patches: none Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: ZTBKC Before: n/a After: B28309117 **80** Routine Name: ZTBKCONT Before: n/a After: B70500658 **80** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : CHAN,ALAN Date Entered : SEP 05, 2003 Completed By: SINGH,GURBIR Date Completed: SEP 06, 2007 Released By : HARROD,PAUL Date Released : SEP 10, 2007 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT