$TXT Created by FORT,WALLY at REL.KERNEL.ISC-SF.VA.GOV (DIFROM) on TUESDAY, 01/23/96 at 12:58 ============================================================================= Run Date: FEB 09, 1996 Designation: XU*8*16 Package : XU - KERNEL Priority: Mandatory Version : 8 SEQ #14 Status: Released ============================================================================= Subject: DEVICE PASSWORD problem Category: - Routine Description: ============ A problem was reported with the use of DEVICE PASSWORD and uparrowing out causing a error at +38^XUS3. Also the device password was echoed to the screen and both issues have been fixed. NOIS: ALX-1295-70827 When "reactivating a user" it wasn't consistent if the allocate security keys question would be asked. Now the question will be asked unless the user times-out. The XUREACT USER form has also been modified. NOIS: WAS-1195-21062 Fix to a problem on MSM systems with the Kernel Broker. Updates to the forms XUREACT USER and XUEDIT CHARACTERISTICS routine new checksum XUS 7377133 XUSERNEW 6789632 XUSG 3379203 XUSRB 10223365 ========================================================================= Installation: 1. These routines are usually mapped on systems that allow mapping, so you will need to disable mapping for the effected routines. 2. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This option will load the KIDS package in this message onto your system. 3. Answer NO to the question: 'Shall I preserve what is on disk in a separate back-up message ?' 4. From the 'Installation Menu' of the KIDS menu, run the option 'Verify Checksums in Transport Global' and verify that all routines have the correct checksum. 5. Inhibit users from login into the system. Then wait 60 seconds, any users should be thru the logon by this time. Users can be on the system they just can't be login-on. 6. From the 'Installation Menu' of the KIDS menu, run the option 'Install Package(s)' Select the package 'XU*8.0*16' and proceed with install. 9. If you are a MSM site move the routines to the other servers. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set. 10. Enable user's login. ========================================================================= $END TXT