$TXT Created by ORMSBY,SKIP at NXT.KERNEL.FO-OAKLAND.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Monday, 06/19/06 at 05:32 ============================================================================= Run Date: JUN 19, 2006 Designation: XU*8*424 Package : XU - KERNEL Priority: EMERGENCY Version : 8 SEQ #340 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUN 26, 2006 ============================================================================= Subject: XUSEC ISO USER REPORT Category: - Print Template - Sort Template - Other Description: ============ Description: A Data Access Inventory for Veterans Affairs VistA systems has been directed by the Secretary for Department of Veteran's Affairs. The facility Information Security Officer (ISO) has been tasked to forward data to VA OI&T no later than June 28, 2006. This patch includes 1 sort template, 1 print template, 3 functions and an option to facilitate the collection of a portion of the data required for the report. Please coordinate with your ISO. This patch is an aid to completing the VHA Data Access Inventory Spreadsheet. It will not be able to fully populate all fields for all staff at your facility, but can be used to help. The patch extracts data for population in the spreadsheet located at: http://vaww.vhaco.va.gov/vadatarisk/docs/DataAccessInventory.XLS which is the official data submission form. If your facility has already developed processes for gathering this information, use of this option is not required. Output will need to be captured and placed in a MS Excel spreadsheet. Output will pull information on active users who have VA Kernel access to the VistA system. *Important note: ================ If the "User Last Name" entry has an asterisk"*" in front of the name, that indicates the user's Social Security Number(SSN) starts with five(5) leading zeros(0). New FUNCTIONS ============= NAME: XUSEC ISO ARTIFICIAL MUMPS CODE: S X=$S($E($P($G(^VA(200,D0,1)),"^",9),1,5)["00000":1,1:0) DATE-VALUED: NO NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS: 0 EXPLANATION: WILL BRING A 1 BACK IF THIS PERSON HAS 5 LEADING ZEROS IN THEIR SSN OR A 0 IF NOT NAME: XUSEC ISO VISITED MUMPS CODE: S X=+$$ACTIVE^XUSER(D0) DATE-VALUED: NO NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS: 0 EXPLANATION: Will bring back a 1 if this person is an active user on the system. NAME: XUSEC ISO ZZD OUT MUMPS CODE: S X=$E($P($G(^VA(200,D0,0)),"^",1),1,2),X=$S(X["ZZ":1,X["zz":1,X[" XX":1,X["xx":1,1:0) DATE-VALUED: NO NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS: 0 EXPLANATION: BRINGS BACK A 1 IF NAME STARTS WILL ZZ OR zz OR XX OR xx. New SORT TEMPLATE ================= NAME: XUSEC ISO ACTIVE USER SORT SORT BY: @NUMBER// (NUMBER not null) WITHIN NUMBER, SORT BY: @XUSEC ISO VISITED=1;L1// (XUSEC ISO VISITED=1 ) WITHIN XUSEC ISO VISITED=1, SORT BY: @PRIMARY MENU OPTION]"";L1// (P RIMARY MENU OPTION]"""") New PRINT TEMPLATE ================== NAME: XUSEC ISO ACTIVE USER PRINT FIRST PRINT FIELD: W $P($P($G(^DIC(4,+$P($G(^XTV(8989.3,1,"XUS")),"^",17 ),0)),"^",1)," VAM",1)_" LEGACY"// THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT FIELD: "VHA";X// THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT FIELD: SETPARAM(XUSEC ISO ARTIFICIAL,"ZZ");X// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: 10.1:// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: SETPARAM((#1),"ZZZ")// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: S X=$S(DIPA("ZZ")=0:DIPA("ZZZ"),1:"* "_DIPA("ZZZ")) W X;X// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: GIVEN (FIRST) NAME;X// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: MIDDLE NAME;X// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: SUFFIX;X// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT NAME COMPONENTS FIELD: // THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT PAID EMPLOYEE FIELD: PAID EMPLOYEE:// THEN PRINT PAID EMPLOYEE FIELD: OCCUPATION SERIES CODE;X// THEN PRINT PAID EMPLOYEE FIELD: // THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT FIELD: S X="" N ZX S ZX=0 F S ZX=$O(^VA(200,D0,2,ZX)) Q:'ZX N ZXX S ZXX=+$P(^VA(200,D0,2,ZX,0),U) S:+ZXX>0 X=X_$P($G(^DIC(4,+ZXX,0) ),U)_","// THEN PRINT FIELD: N Z S Z=$L(X,",") W $P(X,",",1,(Z-1));X// THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// THEN PRINT FIELD: ";";X// New OPTION ========== NAME: XUSEC ISO ACTIVE USER EXTRACT MENU TEXT: Special Active User Excel output TYPE: print DESCRIPTION: This option will produce a special excel formated output. DIC {DIP}: VA(200, L.: 0 FLDS: [XUSEC ISO ACTIVE USER PRINT] BY: [XUSEC ISO ACTIVE USER SORT] TIMESTAMP OF PRIMARY MENU: 60430,57352 UPPERCASE MENU TEXT: SPECIAL ACTIVE USER EXCEL OUTP Example: ======== Select OPTION NAME: XUSEC ISO ACTIVE USER EXTRACT Special Active User Excel output Special Active User Excel output DEVICE: 0;132;99999 TELNET [your report will show up here] Post Install Instructions 1. Assign the menu option, XUSEC ISO ACTIVE USER EXTRACT[Special Active User Excel output], to facility ISO or designee. 2. Have the ISO run the output to the screen and capture the output data to a file per the terminal emulator software at your site. 3. End data capture. 4. Open MS Excel. Click on Data, choose Import External Data, Import Data. 5. Enter the file name data was collected to in Step 3. 6. Text Import Wizard will open. Choose Delimited, Next; Choose Semicolon, Next; Click on Finish. Documentation Changes ===================== -None- Blood Bank Clearance ==================== Clearance - JUN 15, 2006 EFFECT ON BLOOD BANK FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Patch XU*8*424 contains changes to a package referenced in VHA OI SEPG SOP 192-023 Review of VISTA Patches for Effects on VISTA Blood Bank Software. This patch does not alter or modify any VistA Blood Bank software design safeguards or safety critical elements functions. RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patch XU*8*424 have no effect on Blood Bank software functionality, therefore RISK is none. Remedy Ticket ============= None. Thanks to Test Sites ==================== MANCHESTER, NH PROVIDENCE, RI SALISBURY, NC Routine Summary: ================ See the "Routine Information" section for details. The "B" in front of the checksum denotes that the value was derived by using CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Installation Instructions: ========================== This patch can be installed with VISTA users online. However, it is recommended that it be Queued for a time of generally least activity. TaskMan does not need to be STOPPED or placed in a WAIT state and installation should take less than a minute. 1. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This option will load the KIDS package onto your system. 2. The patch has now been loaded into a transport global on your system. You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global. 3. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following options: Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Backup a Transport Global 4. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following option: Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) Select INSTALL NAME: XU*8.0*424 ========== Answer 'NO' to ' Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install?' Answer 'NO' to 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? Answer 'NO' to 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : FOLLENSBEE,DENNIS Date Entered : JUN 15, 2006 Completed By: SINGH,GURBIR Date Completed: JUN 19, 2006 Released By : TILLIS,LEWIS Date Released : JUN 19, 2006 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT