Heading (S/C): INTEGRATION REFERENCES LIST Replace DEVICE: 0;p-dec;80;999999 SSH VIRTUAL TERMINAL INTEGRATION REFERENCES LIST OCT 11,2016 16:13 PAGE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: 1 IA #: 1 DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA1 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 1 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: Protocol Menu VARIABLES: XQOR TYPE: Used VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Set, when an option with type protocol menu is encountered, to the internal number of the option before execution is turned over to OE/RR. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City DATE ACTIVATED: JAN 01, 2000 NUMBER: 2 IA #: 2 DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA2 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 2 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: MENUMAN VARIABLES: XQUIT TYPE: Used VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Tells menuman to quit if a premenu action failed. Since OE/RR also executes premenu actions for protocols, OE/RR needs to tell Menuman to quit when execution is returned. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 3 IA #: 3 DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA3 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Using the following variables: DT= Date DTIME = Read timeout DUZ = User and paramaters in the DUZ array STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10501791 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 4 IA #: 4 GLOBAL ROOT: XUTL( DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA4-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 4 ID: XUTL( GLOBAL REFERENCE: XUTL('ORUM' GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Used to store protocols menus so thy don't have to be rebuilt everytime . STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 5 IA #: 5 FILE NUMBER: 19 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(19, DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA5-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 5 ID: DIC(19, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(19,... GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Used to access options and their fields. ^ STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 6 IA #: 6 DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA6-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following variables are killed only: D0,DI,DIG,DIH,DIU,DIV,& DIQ DIROUT - Is used as a quick exit when ^^ is entered at prompts. DLAYGO - is used for calls to Fileman. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 7 IA #: 7 GLOBAL ROOT: %ZOSF( DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA7 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 7 ID: %ZOSF( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Uses variables DX and DY to call %ZOSF and global %ZOSF to get system specific variables. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 8 IA #: 8 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: OR1 NAME: DBIA8 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 8 ID: OR1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: KERNEL 6.5 USES/HAS INCLUDED ADD^OR1 & AFT^OR1 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ADD COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: AFT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: KERNEL (parent) ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 9 IA #: 9 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA9 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 9 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: KERNEL AND TOOLKIT USES VA NAMESPACE FOR ^VA(200, PERSON FILE. STATUS: Pending DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 13368155 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: KERNEL (parent) ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TOOLKIT ISC: Oakland EDITOR: DUBINSKY,VADIM NUMBER: 10 IA #: 10 FILE NUMBER: 40.5 GLOBAL ROOT: HOLIDAY( DATE CREATED: MAR 12, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA10 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 10 ID: HOLIDAY( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: USE OF THE HOLIDAY FILE, ^HOLIDAY STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 11 IA #: 11 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( & LRT(67, DATE CREATED: MAR 20, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA11 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 11 ID: DPT( & LRT(67, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(dfn,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: SEX LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: DATE OF BIRTH LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: MARITAL STATUS LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: RACE LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .07 FIELD NAME: OCCUPATION LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .08 FIELD NAME: RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .09 FIELD NAME: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .091 FIELD NAME: REMARKS LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .092 FIELD NAME: PLACE OF BIRTH [CITY] LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .093 FIELD NAME: PLACE OF BIRTH [STATE] LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .14 FIELD NAME: CURRENT MEANS TEST STATUS LOCATION: 0;14 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .096 FIELD NAME: WHO ENTERED PATIENT LOCATION: 0;15 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .097 FIELD NAME: DATE ENTERED INTO FILE LOCATION: 0;16 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .081 FIELD NAME: DUPLICATE STATUS LOCATION: 0;18 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .082 FIELD NAME: PATIENT MERGED TO LOCATION: 0;19 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .083 FIELD NAME: CHECK FOR DUPLICATE LOCATION: 0;20 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(dfn,.11) FIELD NUMBER: .111 FIELD NAME: STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] LOCATION: .11;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .112 FIELD NAME: STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] LOCATION: .11;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .113 FIELD NAME: STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] LOCATION: .11;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .114 FIELD NAME: CITY LOCATION: .11;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .115 FIELD NAME: STATE LOCATION: .11;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .116 FIELD NAME: ZIP CODE LOCATION: .11;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .117 FIELD NAME: COUNTY LOCATION: .11;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .1112 FIELD NAME: ZIP+4 LOCATION: .11;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(dfn,.13) FIELD NUMBER: .131 FIELD NAME: PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE] LOCATION: .13;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .132 FIELD NAME: PHONE NUMBER [WORK] LOCATION: .13;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(dfn,.01,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ALIAS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: ALIAS SSN LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Use of variable pointers to DPT & REFFERAL File. Uses following patient nodes: Address Node .11 Phone node .13 Field 1, Alias subfile 0 Node STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ONCOLOGY ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 12 IA #: 12 DATE CREATED: MAR 21, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA12 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 12 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: USE OF FILE 63 NODE "LR" AND ^LRDPT FOR DEATH INFORMATION STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ONCOLOGY ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 13 IA #: 13 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: MAR 21, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA13 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 13 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(dfn,.35) FIELD NUMBER: .351 FIELD NAME: DATE OF DEATH LOCATION: .35;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Write & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .352 FIELD NAME: DEATH ENTERED BY LOCATION: .35;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Write & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PATIENT NODE .35 - DEATH INFO USED TO STUFF ^LR( GLOBAL. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 14 IA #: 14 DATE CREATED: FEB 23, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: GMRVUT0 NAME: DBIA14 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 14 ID: GMRVUT0 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Obtain vitals information. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 15 IA #: 15 FILE NUMBER: 70 GLOBAL ROOT: RADPT( DATE CREATED: FEB 23, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA15-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 15 ID: RADPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: RAO(75.1,'AS', GENERAL DESCRIPTION: RADIOLOGY PATIENT FILE CROSS REFERENCE STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 16 IA #: 16 FILE NUMBER: 130 GLOBAL ROOT: SRF( DATE CREATED: FEB 26, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SURGERY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA16 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 16 ID: SRF( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .04 FIELD NAME: SURGERY SPECIALTY LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .09 FIELD NAME: DATE OF OPERATION LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,.1) FIELD NUMBER: .14 FIELD NAME: SURGEON LOCATION: .1;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,14,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: OTHER PREOP DIAGNOSIS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: PAIRED ORGAN LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DIAGNOSIS COMMENTS LOCATION: 1;0 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,15,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: OTHER POSTOP DIAG'S LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: PAIRED ORGANS LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DIAGNOSIS COMMENTS LOCATION: 1;0 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,13,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: OTHER OPERATIVE PROCEDURES LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1.5 FIELD NAME: OP CODE COMMENTS LOCATION: 1;0 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: COMPLETED LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE LOCATION: 2;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,12,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1.15 FIELD NAME: SURGEON'S DICTATION LOCATION: 12;0 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Word processing GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,31) FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME OF DICTATION LOCATION: 31;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 39 FIELD NAME: DATE OF TRANSCRIPTION LOCATION: 31;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,'OP') FIELD NUMBER: 27 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL OP CODE LOCATION: OP;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,33) FIELD NUMBER: 32 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL PRE-OP DIAGNOSIS LOCATION: 33;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,34) FIELD NUMBER: 34 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL POST-OP DIAG LOCATION: 34;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,'VER') FIELD NUMBER: 43 FIELD NAME: CASE VERIFICATION LOCATION: VER;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,9,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 49 FIELD NAME: SPECIMENS AND CULTURES LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Multiple GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF('B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Used to access data. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Surgery file (130). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 17 IA #: 17 FILE NUMBER: 405 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPM( DATE CREATED: MAR 12, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA17-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 17 ID: DGPM( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM(D0, FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: TRANSFER FACILITY LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 99 FIELD NAME: DIAGNOSIS LOCATION: DX;D1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('ATID'_TT,DFN,INVERSE DT,DA) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Movement types will be determined by traversing the following cross-reference: ^DGPM("ATID"_TT,DFN,INVERSE DT,DA), where TT represents code for movement types: 1 - admissions 2 - transfers 3 - discharges 6 - treating speciality NOTE: DA is used to call ^VADPT GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('APCA', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Direct Global Read of the APCA cross-reference on Patient, Admission/Check-In and Movement Date/Time, for sorting data for Health Summary reports. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('ATID1', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Direct Global Read of the ATID1 cross-reference on Transaction, Patient and Movement Date/Time, for sorting data for Health Summary reports. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('ATS', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Direct Global Read of the ATS cross-reference on Patient, Admission/Check-In, Movement Date/Time and Treating Specialty, for sorting data for Health Summary reports. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PATIENT MOVEMENT FILE (405). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 17805506 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 18 IA #: 18 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA18 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 18 ID: SC( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SC(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: ABBREVIATION LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Hospital Location file (44) STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 19 IA #: 19 FILE NUMBER: 40.7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(40.7, DATE CREATED: JAN 29, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA19 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 19 ID: DIC(40.7, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(40.7,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Pointer to determine Stop Code. Stop Code name used on reports, bulletins. FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: AMIS REPORTING STOP CODE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used on error-checking validation report to find 700 (non-credit) codes, used on bulletin, used to screen out '900' entries on look-up. FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: INACTIVE DATE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used on error-checking validation report to find Radiology/Nuc Med procedures pointing to inactive stop codes. Used to screen out inactive selections on look-up. FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: COST DISTRIBUTION CENTER LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used in sort criteria and heading on Radiology CDR report. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 19427782 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE ISC: Hines NUMBER: 20 IA #: 20 DATE CREATED: MAY 07, 1987 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDACS NAME: DBIA20 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 20 ID: SDACS STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN3 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Used to enter clinic stops. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REHAB MEDICAL SERVICES ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 21 IA #: 21 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: DEC 08, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA21 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 21 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,DENT) FIELD NUMBER: 220 FIELD NAME: DENTAL CLASSIFICATION LOCATION: DENT;1 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: A code indicating the level of elegibility for Dental Care. FIELD NUMBER: 220.1 FIELD NAME: DENTAL ELIGIBILITY EXPIRATION LOCATION: DENT;2 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The exiration date of Dental eligibility, if there is one. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Fields 220 and 220.1 of the Patient Files were established for Dental use and Dental will begin using them. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DENTAL ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 22 IA #: 22 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA22 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 22 ID: SC( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SC(D0,'S') FIELD NUMBER: 1900 FIELD NAME: ALL LOCATION: S;0 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The following routines will use the ("S") sub-tree of the Hospital Location File to access Patients by clinic location (^SC(DO,"S"): GMTSPL, GMTSPD, AND GMTSPNJ STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 23 IA #: 23 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: JAN 18, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA23 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 23 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT('CN', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Non-clinic locations, patients lists are generated by visiting the "CN" cross-reference of ^DPT( STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 24 IA #: 24 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA24 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 24 ID: SC( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SC(D0,'S', FIELD NUMBER: 1900 FIELD NAME: ALL LOCATION: S;0 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: ^SC(DO,"S" is referenced for Action Profiles STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 25 IA #: 25 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: SEP 18, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA25 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 25 ID: PSDRUG( GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSDRUG(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: GENERIC NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Reference to ^PSDRUG, Read only to .01 field, drug name. The data referenced is stored in pointer format in ^YS(615.2, Seclusion/Restraint. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Salt Lake City EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@12:39 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 26 IA #: 26 GLOBAL ROOT: XUTL( DATE CREATED: MAY 08, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA26 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 26 ID: XUTL( GLOBAL REFERENCE: XUTL('OR',$J,'PSG', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Use of ^XUTL("OR",$J,"PSG", Even if OE/RR has not been installed. This makes the options for Inpatient Medications independently invokable. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 27 IA #: 27 FILE NUMBER: 45 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPT( DATE CREATED: JUL 17, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA27 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 27 ID: DGPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,70) FIELD NUMBER: 79 FIELD NAME: DXLS LOCATION: 70;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Version 4.0 fo Mental Health references field 79, DXLS in the PTF File (^DGPT). The reference is read-only and used for display. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 28 IA #: 28 DATE CREATED: MAR 21, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: DGUTL NAME: DBIA28 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 28 ID: DGUTL GENERAL DESCRIPTION: *****TEMPORARY SUPPORTED CALL FOR IFCAP V2 TEST SITES ONLY***** call to ZIS^DGUTL STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ZIS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: DURATION: Till completion of IFCAP, version 2, testing. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: IFCAP ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 29 IA #: 29 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: FEB 13, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA29 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 29 ID: DD( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routines LRWU5 & LRWU7 Do direct sets to the Data Dictionary. The routines allow the user to add a new Data Name or Antibiotic without giving programmer access. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 30 IA #: 30 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: NOV 14, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA30-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 30 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: SEX LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: DATE OF BIRTH LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .09 FIELD NAME: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.1) FIELD NUMBER: .1 FIELD NAME: WARD LOCATION LOCATION: .1;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.101) FIELD NUMBER: .101 FIELD NAME: ROOM-BED LOCATION: .101;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.103) FIELD NUMBER: .103 FIELD NAME: TREATING SPECIALTY LOCATION: .103;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.104) FIELD NUMBER: .104 FIELD NAME: PROVIDER LOCATION: .104;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.35) FIELD NUMBER: .351 FIELD NAME: DATE OF DEATH LOCATION: .35;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT('BS', GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT('BS5', GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT('CN', GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT('SSN', STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 31 IA #: 31 FILE NUMBER: 42 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(42, DATE CREATED: NOV 14, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA31-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 31 ID: DIC(42, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(42,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: SERVICE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 44 FIELD NAME: HOSPITAL LOCATION FILE POINTER LOCATION: 44;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 32 IA #: 32 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: NOV 14, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA32 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 32 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Inpatient Medic ations will be referenceing the following files & fields: FILE 2 401 ADMISSION DATE/TIME subfile & all fields 2 TRANSFER DATE/TIME " " 5 TREATING SPECIALTY " " 57.1 HEIGHT 57.2 WEIGHT 53 REACTIONS 55 GENERIC DRUG subfile 57 ALLERGIES/DISORDERS subfile X-REF "AA","AD","AT" EXPIRED AS OF THE RELEASE OF MAS 5 STATUS: Expired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 33 IA #: 33 FILE NUMBER: 42 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(42, DATE CREATED: NOV 14, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA33 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 33 ID: DIC(42, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Inpatient Medications will be referencing the following files & fields: FILE 42 2 ROOM subfile & all fields 2 BED " " X-REF "B" on ROOM-BED FILE 42.3 TRANSFER TYPE EXPIRED AS OF THE RELEASE OF MAS 5. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 34 IA #: 34 FILE NUMBER: 50.5 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(50.5, DATE CREATED: JUN 10, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA34-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 34 ID: PS(50.5, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Direct references are made to the globals to get allergy information. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 35 IA #: 35 DATE CREATED: MAR 22, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA35 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 35 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Variables VADM & VAIN are used when calling ^VADPT Global ^DIC(16 is used to lookup person requesting orders and to print attending physician. Routines OERR^VADPT & INP^VADP are used to get patient variables. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 36 IA #: 36 FILE NUMBER: 42 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(42, DATE CREATED: MAR 22, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA36-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 36 ID: DIC(42, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ^DIC(42 Used to get link to file 44 for inpatients STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 37 IA #: 37 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: MAR 22, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA37 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 37 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.101) FIELD NUMBER: .101 FIELD NAME: TREATING SPECIALTY LOCATION: .101;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,'PA', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: For patient allergies. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,'PI', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: For patient allergies. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,'PF', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: For patient allergies. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,'PG', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: For patient allergies. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT('CN', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Cross reference used for ward reports. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Uses the variable DFN and the following globals: ^DPT(DFN,.101 for Treating Specialty ^DPT(DFN,"PA" for patient allergies ^DPT(DFN,"PI" " " ^DPT(DFN,"PF" " " ^DPT(DFN,"PG" " " ^DPT "CN" X-Reference for ward reports STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 17388791 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 38 IA #: 38 DATE CREATED: MAY 23, 1988 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA38 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 38 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Cardiology package exports Lab Codes for Cardiology. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES NUMBER: 39 IA #: 39 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: JAN 23, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA39 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 39 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.3) FIELD NUMBER: .301 FIELD NAME: SERVICE CONNECTED? LOCATION: .3;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.31) FIELD NUMBER: .313 FIELD NAME: CLAIM NUMBER LOCATION: .31;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.36) FIELD NUMBER: .361 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE LOCATION: .36;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.362) FIELD NUMBER: .36205 FIELD NAME: RECEIVING A&A BENEFITS? LOCATION: .362;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .36235 FIELD NAME: RECEIVING A VA PENSION? LOCATION: .362;14 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.29) FIELD NUMBER: .291 FIELD NAME: DATE RULED INCOMPETENT LOCATION: .29;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .293 FIELD NAME: RATED INCOMPETENT? LOCATION: .29;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.31) FIELD NUMBER: .312 FIELD NAME: CLAIM FOLDER LOCATION LOCATION: .31;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,'DA',ADN,1) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: DATE OF DISCHARGE Duration: Till version 5 of MAS. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: AMIE uses the following: INP^VADPT to get inpatient information STATUS: Expired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 40 IA #: 40 FILE NUMBER: 16 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(16, DATE CREATED: FEB 10, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA40 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 40 ID: DIC(16, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: File 16 (old Person File) exported with version 3 of Patient Funds. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED PATIENT FUNDS ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 41 IA #: 41 GLOBAL ROOT: DIBT( DATE CREATED: JUN 06, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA41 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 41 ID: DIBT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine DGABTP30 (background job) sets the ^DIBT global. The routine checks for sort templates, specifically [DGPMABSENCES] & [DGPMAB30], through the crossreference, and uses the template's IFN to set node ^DIBT(IFN,1,MOVEMENT IFN) for selected records. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 42 IA #: 42 FILE NUMBER: 4 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(4, DATE CREATED: JUN 06, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA42 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 42 ID: DIC(4, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: LAYGO to the Institution File is allowed through an option in the MCCR module. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 43 IA #: 43 FILE NUMBER: 442 GLOBAL ROOT: PRC(442, DATE CREATED: JUN 18, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA43 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 43 ID: PRC(442, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRC(442,'B',STATION #) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Gets - IFCAP station number with a call to ^PRCFSITE with PRCF("X") ="S" Uses - the IFCAP Station Number to determine whether an obligation number entered by the user exists in IFCAP. Done by doing $D(^PRC(442,"B",STATION NUMBER-OBLIGATION)). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 44 IA #: 44 FILE NUMBER: 43 GLOBAL ROOT: DG(43, DATE CREATED: JUN 26, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA44 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 44 ID: DG(43, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(43,1,'VERSION') FIELD NUMBER: 999 FIELD NAME: VERSION LOCATION: VERSION;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Checks ^DG(43,1,"VERSION") to determine which version of MAS is running. Migrate to the "VR" node of the DD when made available in Fileman (expected in version 18). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ONCOLOGY ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 45 IA #: 45 FILE NUMBER: 43 GLOBAL ROOT: DG(43, DATE CREATED: JUN 26, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA45 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 45 ID: DG(43, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(43,1,'VERSION') FIELD NUMBER: 999 FIELD NAME: VERSION LOCATION: VERSION;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Checks ^DG(43,1,"VERSION") to determine which version of MAS is running. Migrate to the "VR" node of the DD when made available in Fileman (expected in version 18). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed NUMBER: 46 IA #: 46 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: OR1 NAME: DBIA46 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 46 ID: OR1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ADD^OR1 AND AFT^OR1 are necessary integration links between OE/RR & Kenrel STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ADD COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: AFT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: KERNEL ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 47 IA #: 47 FILE NUMBER: 41.9 GLOBAL ROOT: DG(41.9, DATE CREATED: JUL 25, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA47 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 47 ID: DG(41.9, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(41.9,D0,C,D1,1) FIELD NUMBER: 102 FIELD NAME: OPERATING BEDS LOCATION: 1;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used for lookups. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 48 IA #: 48 FILE NUMBER: 80.2 GLOBAL ROOT: ICD( DATE CREATED: JUL 25, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DRG GROUPER CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA48 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 48 ID: ICD( GLOBAL REFERENCE: ICD(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: WEIGHT LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used for lookups. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Salt Lake City DBA Comments: 07-17-14 DT: ICR is retired upon release of ICD*18.0*57 (6-17-14 release) for ICD10 Conversion - replaced by ICR 5747. DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 17, 2014@07:44 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ROWE,KIMBALL NUMBER: 49 IA #: 49 FILE NUMBER: 3.7 GLOBAL ROOT: XMB(3.7, or XMBA( DATE CREATED: AUG 07, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: MAILMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA49 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 49 ID: XMB(3.7, or XMBA( GLOBAL REFERENCE: XMB(3.7,.5,2,'B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: This reference will change to XMBA( in MailMan 7.2. I recommend using FM provided roots to avoid need to when a site changes from 7.1 to 7.2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The only package granted a DBA to extract data from MailMan's file 3.7 is Albany's Site Installation Report. References and extracts data from ^XMB global. $O's thru the Postmaster's basket, ^XMB(3.7,.5.2."B" ,to get IFN for SIR.AADOMAIN.EXT basket, then $O's thru messages in the basket & extracts data into a FM file. DURATION: Till next version of Fileman (v.18) when filegram and mail server functionality is available. If this DBA is NOT OUT-OF-DATE and to be deleted, please note change suggested below. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: FEB 24, 1995 MAIL MESSAGE: 13945404 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SOFTWARE INSTALLATION REPORT ISC: Albany EDITOR: WILLIAMSON,ROBERT E NUMBER: 50 IA #: 50 FILE NUMBER: 420.1 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCD(420.1, DATE CREATED: OCT 17, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA50 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 50 ID: PRCD(420.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCD(420.1,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: DMMS Points to and reads the .01 field (cost center) of file 420.1 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 51 IA #: 51 FILE NUMBER: 720 DATE CREATED: OCT 22, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA51 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 51 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The .01 field of file 720, "B" crossreference has been modified to be 50 characters rather than the standard 30. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 52 IA #: 52 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: JUN 10, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA52 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 52 ID: PSDRUG( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The "B" cross reference on the .01 field of the Drug File is 40 characters rather than the standard 30. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 53 IA #: 53 FILE NUMBER: 52 GLOBAL ROOT: PSRX( DATE CREATED: DEC 02, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA53 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 53 ID: PSRX( GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: PATIENT LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: PROVIDER LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: DRUG LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: QTY LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 11 FIELD NAME: MAIL/WINDOW LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: UNIT PRICE OF DRUG LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: DAYS SUPPLY LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: DSS reads the entire zero node into a local variable. The above fields are then used. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,2) FIELD NUMBER: 20 FIELD NAME: DIVISION LOCATION: 2;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 22 FIELD NAME: FILL DATE LOCATION: 2;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,1,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QTY LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: MAIL/WINDOW LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: DIVISION LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1.1 FIELD NAME: DAYS SUPPLY LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1.2 FIELD NAME: CURRENT UNIT PRICE OF DRUG LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: PROVIDER LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: DSS reads the entire zero node into a local variable. The above fields are then used for REFILLS. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,P,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: MAIL/WINDOW LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .04 FIELD NAME: QTY LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .09 FIELD NAME: DIVISION LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .041 FIELD NAME: DAYS SUPPLY LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .042 FIELD NAME: CURRENT UNIT PRICE OF DRUG LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: PROVIDER LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: DSS reads the entire zero node into a local variable. The above fields are used for PARTIAL FILLS. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,IB) FIELD NUMBER: 106 FIELD NAME: IB NUMBER LOCATION: IB;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,1,D1,IB) FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: IB NUMBER LOCATION: IB;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: DSS Extracts references the following data from the PRESCRIPTION file(#52). For the extract date range, DSS uses the following cross references: "AD" cross reference ^PSRX("AD",DATE,D0,REFILL# or 0 for NEW RX "AL" cross reference ^PSRX("AL",DATE,D0,REFILL# or 0 for NEW RX "AM" cross reference ^PSRX("AM",DATE,D0,PARTIAL_REFILL# "AR" cross reference ^PSRX("AR",DATE,D0,FILL# This agreement will be retired on 12/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSO*7*213. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of December 1, 2006. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: DEC 01, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 22372797 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 54 IA #: 54 DATE CREATED: JUL 05, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA54 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 54 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MAS version 4.7 will be exporting the following: Routine PRCASVC3 FILE 430.4 AR BILL NUMBER FILE wit input template PRCAF COMMON SERIES Following options make the indicated forgien calls: OPTION ACTION DGCR FILLING SUPERVISOR MENU calls COUNT^PRCAUT2 DGCR BILLING CLERK MENU calls COUNT^PRCAUT2 DGCR RETURNED BILL LIST calls RETN^PRCALST DGCR CANCEL BILL calls CANCEL^PRCASVC1 Return of edited bill calls REL^PRCASVC STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MCCR BACKBILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 55 IA #: 55 GLOBAL ROOT: DOPT( DATE CREATED: NOV 28, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA55 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 55 ID: DOPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Since the use of ^DOPT has a long and honored history, it may be permitted to be used until further notice. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: The first subscript is the name of the routine (e.g., ^DOPT("IBCMENU", ...) The second subscript is a sequential number. The data is 0-node >> "Billing option^1N^16^16" Following sequential nodes >> only the first piece is filled in, and Fileman line-tags the entry points for the option based on the numerical subscript. NUMBER: 56 IA #: 56 GLOBAL ROOT: DOPT( DATE CREATED: NOV 28, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA56 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 56 ID: DOPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Given the longstanding history of the use of ^DOPT, scheduling may continue to use it. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 57 IA #: 57 FILE NUMBER: 130 GLOBAL ROOT: SRF( DATE CREATED: DEC 04, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SURGERY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA57 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 57 ID: SRF( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PATIENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .04 FIELD NAME: SURGERY SPECIALTY LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .011 FIELD NAME: IN/OUT-PATIENT STATUS LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,.1) FIELD NUMBER: .14 FIELD NAME: SURGEON LOCATION: .1,4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,.2) FIELD NUMBER: .21 FIELD NAME: ANES CARE START TIME LOCATION: .2;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .22 FIELD NAME: TIME OPERATION BEGAN LOCATION: .2;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .23 FIELD NAME: TIME OPERATION ENDS LOCATION: .2;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .24 FIELD NAME: ANES CARE END TIME LOCATION: .2;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .205 FIELD NAME: TIME PAT IN OR LOCATION: .2;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .232 FIELD NAME: TIME PAT OUT OR LOCATION: .2;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,6,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ANESTHESIA TECHNIQUE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL TECH LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,13,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: OTHER OPERATIVE PROCEDURES LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,13,D1,2) FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE (CPT) LOCATION: 2;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,OP) FIELD NUMBER: 26 FIELD NAME: PRIN OPERATIVE PROCEDURE LOCATION: OP;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 27 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL OP CODE LOCATION: OP;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,8) FIELD NUMBER: 50 FIELD NAME: DIVISION LOCATION: 8;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF('AC', FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: DATE OF OPERATION FIELD DESCRIPTION: X-REF ON DATE OF OPERATION (FIELD 9) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTERIM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 58 IA #: 58 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: NOV 27, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA58 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 58 ID: VA(200, GLOBAL REFERENCE: VA(200,D0,.11) FIELD NUMBER: ALL FIELD DESCRIPTION: All address information FIELD NUMBER: VA(200,D0,.13) FIELD NAME: ALL FIELD DESCRIPTION: All phone information. GLOBAL REFERENCE: VA(200,D0,5) FIELD NUMBER: 29 FIELD NAME: SERVICE/SECTION LOCATION: 5;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 28 FIELD NAME: MAIL CODE LOCATION: 5;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: VA(200,D0,1) FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: DOB LOCATION: 1;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTERIM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 59 IA #: 59 FILE NUMBER: 68 GLOBAL ROOT: LRO(68, DATE CREATED: MAY 25, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA59-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 59 ID: LRO(68, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: - ECT namspaced option runs routine ^LRUPACA Enter ACTION: S DIC=68,DIC(0)="QEAM" D ^DIC K DIC I Y>0 S LRAA=+Y, LRAA(1)=$P(Y,U,2) - ECT namespaced option runs routine ^LRCAPS. - Refences file 68 Accession (read only) 2 DATE .01 DATE 1 ACCESSION NUMBER .01 LRDFN 11 TESTS .01 TESTS STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTERIM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 60 IA #: 60 DATE CREATED: DEC 11, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PSOHCSUM NAME: DBIA60-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 60 ID: PSOHCSUM GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Version 1 of Health summaries exports and calls routine PSOHCSUM. It is exported as routine GMTSPSZO and renamed if needed. Health Summary post-inits check the environment for existance of PSOHCSUM. - If PSOHCSUM does not exist or is an earlier version than 6, GMTSPSZO is renamed PSOHCSUM. - If PSOHCSUM exists and is version 6 or greater, no changes are made. ^GMTSPSO is the component driver, which sets up the context and calls the extract routine prior to printing. ^PSOHCSUM extracts data from the pharmacy files for use with the Health Summary. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 61 IA #: 61 FILE NUMBER: 36 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(36, DATE CREATED: NOV 05, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA61 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 61 ID: DIC(36, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(36,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MAS may request Social Work to use an MAS supplied utility for future versions. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SOCIAL WORK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 62 IA #: 62 FILE NUMBER: 214.6 GLOBAL ROOT: NURSA(214.6, DATE CREATED: OCT 22, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NURSING SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA62 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 62 ID: NURSA(214.6, GLOBAL REFERENCE: NURSA(214.6,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CLASSIFICATION DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: CATEGORY LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: ENTERED BY LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: CLASSIFIER LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: NURS LOCATION LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: NURSING BED SECTION LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Subject to version 2.5 purge allowing 6 months data only. DSS uses the "B" cross reference on the CLASSIFICATION DATE/TIME field. Global: ^NURSA(214.6,"B",DATE,D0) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 63 IA #: 63 FILE NUMBER: 221 GLOBAL ROOT: DENT(221, DATE CREATED: OCT 22, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DENTAL CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA63 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 63 ID: DENT(221, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DENT(221,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: PATIENT (POINTER) LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .5 FIELD NAME: DENTAL PROVIDER LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .3 FIELD NAME: STATION.DIVISION LOCATION: 0;40 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4.5 FIELD NAME: PATIENT CATEGORY LOCATION: 0;19 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: SCREENING/COMPLETE EXAM LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6.2 FIELD NAME: INTERDISCIPLINARY CONSULT LOCATION: 0;42 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6.4 FIELD NAME: EVALUATION LOCATION: 0;43 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6.6 FIELD NAME: PRE AUTH/2ND OPINION EXAM LOCATION: 0;44 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6.7 FIELD NAME: SPOT CHECK EXAM LOCATION: 0;27 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6.8 FIELD NAME: SPOT CHECK DISCREPANCY # LOCATION: 0;45 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: ADMIN PROCEDURE LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7.1 FIELD NAME: COMPLETIONS/TERMINATIONS LOCATION: 0;41 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: X-RAYS EXTRAORAL # LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: X-RAYS INTRAORAL # LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 11 FIELD NAME: PROPHY NATURAL DENTITION LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 12 FIELD NAME: PROPHY DENTURE LOCATION: 0;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 14 FIELD NAME: NEOPLASM CONFIRMED MALIGNANT # LOCATION: 0;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: NEWPLASM REMOVED # LOCATION: 0;16 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 16 FIELD NAME: BIOPSY/SMEAR # LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: FRACTURE # LOCATION: 0;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 19 FIELD NAME: OTHER SIGNIF. SURG. (CVT) LOCATION: 0;20 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 21 FIELD NAME: SURFACES RESTORED # LOCATION: 0;22 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 22 FIELD NAME: ROOT CANAL THERAPY # LOCATION: 0;23 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 23 FIELD NAME: PERIODONTAL QUADS (SURGICAL) # LOCATION: 0;24 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 24 FIELD NAME: PERIO QUADS (ROOT PLANE) # LOCATION: 0;25 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 25 FIELD NAME: PATIENT ED. (CTV) LOCATION: 0;26 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 27 FIELD NAME: INDIVIDUAL CROWNS # LOCATION: 0;28 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 28 FIELD NAME: POST & CORES # LOCATION: 0;29 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 29 FIELD NAME: FIXED PARTIALS (ABUT) # LOCATION: 0;30 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 30 FIELD NAME: FIXED PARTIALS (PONT ONLY) # LOCATION: 0;31 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 31 FIELD NAME: REMOVABLE PARTIALS # LOCATION: 0;32 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 32 FIELD NAME: COMPLETE DENTURES # LOCATION: 0;33 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 33 FIELD NAME: PROSTHETIC REPAIR # LOCATION: 0;34 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 34 FIELD NAME: SPLINTS & SPEC. PROCS. (CTV) LOCATION: 0;35 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 35 FIELD NAME: EXTRACTIONS # LOCATION: 0;36 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 36 FIELD NAME: SURGICAL EXTRACTIONS # LOCATION: 0;37 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 37 FIELD NAME: OTHER SIGNIFICANT TREAT (CTV) LOCATION: 0;38 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 38 FIELD NAME: OPERATING ROOM LOCATION: 0;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: In addition to the field references as indicated below, a direct global read of the 'B' Cross Reference may be made in the DENTAL TREATMENT (AMIS) file. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 25450725 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 64 IA #: 64 FILE NUMBER: 392.4 GLOBAL ROOT: DGBT(392.4, DATE CREATED: AUG 21, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: BENEFICIARY TRAVEL CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA64 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 64 ID: DGBT(392.4, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGBT(392.4,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MODE OF TRANSPORTATION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Fee Basis points to this file. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 65 IA #: 65 FILE NUMBER: 70 GLOBAL ROOT: RADPT( DATE CREATED: OCT 22, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: RAD/NUC MED PATIENT file data extract ORIGINAL NUMBER: 65 ID: RADPT( CREATOR: CEBELINSKI,GREGORY GLOBAL REFERENCE: RADPT(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: RADPT(D0,'DT',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: EXAM DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: HOSPITAL DIVISION LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: IMAGING LOCATION LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: TYPE OF IMAGING LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: RADPT(D0,'DT',D1,'P',D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: RADIOLOGY PROCEDURE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: WARD LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: SERVICE LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 13 FIELD NAME: DIAGNOSTIC CODE LOCATION: 0;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 14 FIELD NAME: REQUESTING PHYSICIAN LOCATION: 0;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: EXAM STATUS LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL CLINIC LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 12 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY INTERPRETING RESIDENT LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD NUMBER: 26 FIELD NAME: CREDIT METHOD LOCATION: 0;26 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field indicates the type of credit this location receives for examinations. This field is populated automatically by the system at the time an exam is registered based on the Credit Method entered for the Imaging Location where the exam is registered. If only the interpretation as done at this facility, code 1 should be used. If the exam was performed at this facility, but the interpretation was done elsewhere, code 3 should be used. If both the exam and interpretation were done at this facility, code 0 should be used. If the entire exam was done outside the facility and exam data is being entered for the purposes of record-keeping only, code 2 should be used. FIELD NUMBER: 27 FIELD NAME: VISIT LOCATION: 0;27 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field links the examination of a patient to a specific visit. The VISIT field points to the VISIT (#9000010) file which contains a record of all patient visits at health care facilities or by health care providers, including direct outpatient and clinic visits, as well as inpatient encounters. FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: REPORT TEXT LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The REPORT TEXT field is a pointer data type which links a radiology study to a radiology report record in the RAD/NUC MED REPORTS file (#74). GLOBAL REFERENCE: RADPT(D0,'DT',D1,'P',D2,'M',D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MODIFIERS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: RADPT(D0,'DT',D1,'P',D2,'CMOD',D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: 135 FIELD NAME: CPT MODIFIERS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: RADPT(D0,'DT',D1,'P',D2,'H', FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CLINICAL HISTORY FOR EXAM LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This Integration Agreement allows subscribers to read data from the NAME (#.01) field (top-level, DINUMed) and agreed to fields associated with the REGISTERED EXAMS (#70.02) and EXAMINATIONS (#70.03) sub-files. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 56562528 KEYWORDS: RAD - REGISTERED EXAMS KEYWORDS: RAD - EXAMINATIONS KEYWORDS: RAD - PROCEDURE MODIFIERS 70.1 KEYWORDS: RAD - CPT MODIFIERS 70.3135 KEYWORDS: RAD - CLINICAL HISTORY 70.13 KEYWORDS: RAD - PATIENT (file: #70) KEYWORDS: RAD - EXAM DATE 70.02 KEYWORDS: DSS RAD KEYWORDS: VPS RAD SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: DSS uses the "AR" cross reference on the EXAM DATE field. Global: ^RADPT("AR",DATE,DFN,REV_DATE) DSS uses the "B" cross reference on the EXAM DATE field. Global: ^RADPT(DFN,"DT","B",DATE,REV_DATE) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: NETWORK HEALTH EXCHANGE ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: IMAGING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VA POINT OF SERVICE (KIOSKS) DBA Comments: Patch # associated with change to ICR is ECX*3*136. It's scheduled to be released on 11/1/12. 06/24/13-MM-OPENED FOR EDITING. 7/19/13-MM: ICR was updated by Greg adding the Visit (#27) field in the Examinations (#70.03) multiple. New field was added for this year's DSS update. DSS is being asked to provide encounter related information (specifically whether or not the encounter is service connected). They will take the VISIT file pointer and make a call to PCE that will return the SC related indicator. Greg indicated it is not an issue for all subscribers to access the Visit field. Dave Naber concurred with the changes for DSS. Associated patch for this change is ECX*3*144. 10/9/14-MC: Added VPS as a subscriber at the request of Carolyn Wheless and approved by Greg Cebelinski for VPS*1*4. VPS needs to return a patient radiology/imaging request to VetLink, including fields 2,3,and 17 from file #70.03 and field 2 from file #70.02. 10/9/14-MC: Deactivated for editing and added Greg Cebelinski as the editor. Greg contacted me and said he needed to make edits to this ICR prior to VPS being added as a subscriber. VPS has been removed as a subscriber while Greg makes his modifications. 10/9/14-MC:Greg Cebelinski has completed his modifications to this ICR. He added a read w/FILEMAN for the REPORT TEXT (70.03-0 node; piece 17). Greg also added VPS as a subscriber to the ICR during his modifications. I have activated the ICR and removed Greg as the editor. DATE ACTIVATED: OCT 09, 2014 DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 12, 2012@09:23 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: CEBELINSKI,GREG WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARVEY,JULIE DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 27, 2012@11:00 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: CEBELINSKI,GREG WITH CONCURRENCE OF: CEBELINSKI,GREG DATE/TIME EDITED: JUN 24, 2013@11:30 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: CEBELINSKI,GREG WITH CONCURRENCE OF: CEBELINSKI,GREG DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 19, 2013@15:06 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: CEBELINSKI,GREG WITH CONCURRENCE OF: CEBELINSKI,GREG DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 19, 2013@15:21 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: CEBELINSKI,GREG WITH CONCURRENCE OF: NABER,DAVE DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 09, 2014@12:22 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: WHELESS,CAROLYN WITH CONCURRENCE OF: CEBELENSKI,GREG NUMBER: 66 IA #: 66 FILE NUMBER: 16 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(16, DATE CREATED: NOV 25, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA66 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 66 ID: DIC(16, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Part of file 16 is exported with IFCAP THIS AGREEMENT SHOULD END BY LATE 1992. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: IFCAP ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 67 IA #: 67 FILE NUMBER: 60 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(60, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File NAME: LAB TEST NAMES, PANELS, REFERENCE VALUES ORIGINAL NUMBER: 67 ID: LAB(60, CREATOR: MCCORMACK,JOHN GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: TYPE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,1,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: REFERENCE LOW LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: REFERENCE HIGH LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: UNITS LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9.2 FIELD NAME: THERAPEUTIC LOW LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9.3 FIELD NAME: THERAPEUTIC HIGH LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,9,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: VERIFY WKLD CODE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,'C', GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,2,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: LAB TEST LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Contains the test that are members of a panel. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,.1) FIELD NUMBER: 51 FIELD NAME: PRINT NAME LOCATION: .1;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,'B' GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,'AB', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Allows direct global read of "AB" cross-reference which contains listing of tests and the panels they are members. LAB(60,"AB",file #60 ien,file #60 panel parent,ien of entry multiple) where: file #60 ien = file #60 internal entry number. file #60 panel parent = file #60 ien of panel it's a member. ien of entry multiple = sequence number of test within panel Example: LAB(60,"AB",5072,5073,2)="" Lab Test with ien 5072 is a member of panel test with ien 5073 and it's sequence within the panel is 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Allows access to several group of fields in LABORATORY TEST file (#60). STATUS: Other DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 13509026 KEYWORDS: PANELS KEYWORDS: LAB TEST SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MRSA INITIATIVE REPORTS SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 4/23/09 EDITOR: MCCORMACK,JOHN DBA Comments: CHANGED FROM PRIVATE TO CONTROLLED DUE TO MRSA DATE/TIME EDITED: JUN 08, 2009@12:22 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: MCDEARMON,JAMES DATE/TIME EDITED: JUN 08, 2009@12:23 ACTION: USAGE CHOICE CHANGED AT THE REQUEST OF: MCDEARMON,JAMES DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 14, 2010@15:04 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: MCCORMACK,JOHN NUMBER: 68 IA #: 68 DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: UNIT DOSE PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PSJEEU0 NAME: DBIA68-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 68 ID: PSJEEU0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ^GMTSPSG is the component driver, which sets up the context and calls the extract routine prior to printing. ^PSJEEU0 extracts data from the pharmacy files for use with the health summary. If ^PSJEEU0 is not available (i.e., Inpatient Meds package not yet installed), then ^GMTSPSGE is called, which accesses the same fields as ^PSJEEU0. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PSJEEU0 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 69 IA #: 69 DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IV PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PSJEEU0 NAME: DBIA69-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 69 ID: PSJEEU0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ^PSJEEU0 routine available in version 3 of Inpatient Medications Package will be used to extracts data from the pharmacy files for use with the health summary. If ^PSJEEU0 is not available (i.e., Inpatient Meds package not yet installed), then ^GMTSPSIE is called, which accesses the same fields as ^PSJEEU0. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PSJEEU0 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 70 IA #: 70 DATE CREATED: FEB 01, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA70 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 70 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Version 1 of Health Summaries exports a partial DD for the Lab Orders File (#60), which includes a new whole-file cross-reference named "D", which indexes the file by Patient, Collection date and Specimen #. In addition, the routines LROW2A, LRORDST, LRORDST1 and LROC, which have been modified to execute the SET and KILL logic for the "D" cross-reference, are renamed and exported in the following manner: LROW2A as GMTSLRZ1, LRORDST as GMTSLRZ2, LRORDST1 as GMTSLRZ3 and LROC as GMTSLRZ4. When the post-init routine, GMTSPOST is run, it renames the GMTSLRZ* routines as their corresponding LRO-namespaced routines as outlined above, if and only if the following conditions are met: 1. The Laboratory Package is installed. 2. The installed version of Lab is NOT less than 5.0. 3. The installed version of Lab IS less than 5.1. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 71 IA #: 71 DATE CREATED: FEB 01, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA71 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 71 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Laboratory Package developers have granted the Health Summary team permission to add the application group "GMTS" to ^DIC(60, when file 60, the Laboratory test file, exists. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 72 IA #: 72 DATE CREATED: FEB 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA72 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 72 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Permission has been granted for Health Summary to export the routines: ORF4 as GMTSORF4 and ORF5 as GMTSORF5. GMTSPOST, the Health Summary post-init, will rename the GMTSORF* routines as their ORF* counterparts, if and only if ORF4 is not found in the UCI by execution of ^%ZOSF("TEST"). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 73 IA #: 73 DATE CREATED: FEB 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DIETETICS CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA73 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 73 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Permission has been granted for Health Summary to export the routine: FHWHEA as GMTSFHWZ GMTSPOST, the Health Summary post-init, will rename GMTSFHWZ as FHWHEA, if and only if FHWHEA is not found in the UCI by execution of ^%ZOSF("TEST"). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 74 IA #: 74 FILE NUMBER: 121 GLOBAL ROOT: GMR(121, DATE CREATED: FEB 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PROGRESS NOTES CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA74-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 74 ID: GMR(121, GLOBAL REFERENCE: 121 FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME OF PROGRESS NOTE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: TITLE LOCATION: 1;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: AUTHOR LOCATION: 1;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4.1 FIELD NAME: SIGNATURE IN CHART LOCATION: 1;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: COSIGNER LOCATION: 5;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: 121.01 FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: TEXT LOCATION: 10;0 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: 121.03 FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: COMMENTS/CORRECTIONS LOCATION: 70;0 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Agreement has been made for Health Summary to access specific fields in the Generic Progress Notes files. - The cross-references ^GMR(121,"AJ2" and "AC", are traversed. - Globals accessed are: ^GMR(121, Generic Progress Notes STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10637844 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 75 IA #: 75 FILE NUMBER: 606 GLOBAL ROOT: YSP(606, DATE CREATED: FEB 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA75-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 75 ID: YSP(606, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Agreement has been made for Health Summary to access the following fields in the Mental Health Progress Notes files. - The cross-reference ^YSP(606,"AC", is traversed. - Globals accessed are: ^YSP(606, Progress Notes - The following fields are accessed: ^YSP(606, 606 .03 DATE/TIME OF PROGRESS NOTE 606 1 TYPE OF PROGRESS NOTE 606 2 AUTHOR 606.01 .01 TEXT 606.02 .01 SUBJECTIVE 606.021 .01 OBJECTIVE 606.022 .01 ASSESSMENT 606.023 .01 PLANS 606 30 DXLS 606 31 DISCHARGE BED SECTION 606.032A .01 OTHER DIAGNOSES 606.033 .01 OPERATIONS/PROCEDURES 606.034 .01 INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO PATIENT 606.04 .01 EMOTIONAL STATE 606.041 .01 BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 606.042 .01 SOCIAL STATUS 606.043 .01 REHABILITATION POTENTIAL 606.044 .01 EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL 606.045 .01 DEGREE OF DANGER - SELF/OTHERS 606.046 .01 ABNORMAL PHYSICAL FINDINGS 606.047 .01 INIT IMPRESSION/PROVISIONAL DX 606.048 .01 STATEMENT OF TREATMENT PLANNED 606.03 .01 COMMENTS/CORRECTIONS STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 76 IA #: 76 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: MAR 12, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA76 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 76 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: For MAS versions preceeding 5: The following cross references are used to access ADT information ^DPT(D0,"DA","AA", Admissions ^DPT(D1,"DA",D0,2,"ATT" Transfers ^DPT(D1,"DA",D0,"T", Treating specialties The DGLOS routine will be used to get the length of stay. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 77 IA #: 77 FILE NUMBER: 115 GLOBAL ROOT: FHPT( DATE CREATED: FEB 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DIETETICS CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA77 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 77 ID: FHPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following fields will be accessed to get patient food allergies: ^FHPT( 115 DIETETICS PATIENT .1 Food Allergies STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 78 IA #: 78 DATE CREATED: FEB 05, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA78 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 78 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Vitals Package developers have granted the Health Summary team permission to add the application group "GMTS" to ^DIC(120.51, when file 120.51, the Vital Type file, exists. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 79 IA #: 79 DATE CREATED: FEB 05, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA79 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 79 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Permission has been granted for Health Summary to export the routines: XQOR as GMTSXQ01 XQOR1 as GMTSXQ02 XQOR2 as GMTSXQ03 XQOR3 as GMTSXQ04 XQOR4 as GMTSXQ05 XQORM as GMTSXQ06 XQORM1 as GMTSXQ07 XQORM2 as GMTSXQ08 XQORM3 as GMTSXQ09 XQORM4 as GMTSXQ10 XQORM5 as GMTSXQ11 XQORMX as GMTSXQ12 XQORO as GMTSXQ13 GMTSPOST, the Health Summary post-init, will rename GMTSXQ* as the corresponding XQOR* routines if and only if the version of XQOR found in the account is less than 6.52. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 80 IA #: 80 FILE NUMBER: 690 GLOBAL ROOT: MCAR(690, DATE CREATED: FEB 05, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA80-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 80 ID: MCAR(690, GLOBAL REFERENCE: MCAR(690,'AC' GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This DBIA documents references to the MEDICAL PATIENT file (#690). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 30446053 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: The Health Summary exports and calls the routine GMTSMCPS, which generates the output for the Health Summary Medicine component. The following fields and cross references are being referenced: ^MCAR(690, Medical Patient File Uses "AC" cross reference SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 5/12/2011 DATE/TIME EDITED: MAY 12, 2011@11:36 NUMBER: 81 IA #: 81 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: FEB 05, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PATIENT FILE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA81 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 81 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Health Summary "Adverse Reaction/Allergies" Component refers to some fields marked with * for eventual removal: ^DPT( 2 PATIENT File 2.57 *Allergies/Disorders 2.55 *Generic Drug ^DIC(57, Allergy/Disorder File (#57) ^PSDRUG( Drug File (File #50) When the new Allergies package is disseminated we will be converting to accessing allergies from that package. Until that time we would like to continue gathering this information from the Patient File. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 82 IA #: 82 DATE CREATED: MAY 15, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: XQORM NAME: DBIA82 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 82 ID: XQORM GENERAL DESCRIPTION: To facilitate selection and collection of multiple items, a call is made to EN^XQORM with XQORM as a required variable in addition to the variables supported from ^XQOR (see supported references). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 83 IA #: 83 DATE CREATED: JUL 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDACS NAME: DBIA83 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 83 ID: SDACS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Lab uses suported call EN3^SDACS for adding stop codes. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN3 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 84 IA #: 84 DATE CREATED: JUL 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDACS NAME: DBIA84 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 84 ID: SDACS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Pharmacy uses EN3^SDACS for adding stop codes. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN3 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 85 IA #: 85 FILE NUMBER: 195.4 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(195.4, DATE CREATED: JUL 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA85-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 85 ID: DIC(195.4, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. Activation interface 2. Make an appointment Checkin/unscheduled visit 3. Cancel an appointment 4. Changing clinic names 1. Use of the Record Tracking System Parameter file # 195.4 SD calls RT if the field 'MAS INTERFACE STATUS' is 'UP' ^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")=1^ 2. When a clinic appointment is made if the appointment is 'today' or if the Record Tracking System Parameter 'Batch requests' is set to 'No' or if records are requested for an unscheduled visit. A. An entry is made in the Requested Records file #190.1 ^RTV(190.1,n) by a call from RT^SDUTL to a tasked job QUE^RTQ or RT^SDI B. After the entry is added to the Requested Records file #190.1 an entry is made in Parent Record Request field of the Patient subfield of the Hospital Location file #44 ^SC(n,"S",,,,"RTR")=n^ by a return call from CREATE+11^RTQ2 to RTSET^SDUTL 3. When a clinic appointment is canceled: If there is a Requested Records entry in file #190.1 the status is changed to 'canceled' by a call RTV(190.1,n)=^^^^^x^ from RT+2^SDUTL to CANCEL^RTQ2. 4. When the name of a clinic is changed the corresponding names of entries in the Pull List file #194.2 are changed by a trigger on the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44. Clinic ^SC(1,0)=DJones Medical Clinic^ ^RTV(194.2,n)=Dr Jones Medical Clinic [04/01/91]^ Clinic names are changed in a compiled input template. To insure the use of this trigger the following action is taken: The Record Tracking package includes the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44 so that the SDB template is re-compiled when the Record Tracking package is initialized. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 86 IA #: 86 DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDUTL NAME: DBIA86 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 86 ID: SDUTL GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Create Requests for Records and Pull lists from clinic appointments: Record Tracking queues a task which parses the scheduling global for Record Tracking 'Borrowers' ie 'Clinics' which have appointments in a date range and creates Requested Records and Pull list entries for patients with appointments. IF there is a clinic appointment: An entry is made in the Pull list file #194.2 with a name derived from the clinic name SC(1,0)=Dr Jones Clinic^ RTV(194.2,n)=Dr Jones Clinic [04/01/91]^ An entry is made in the Requested Records file #190.1 ^RTV(190.1,n) After the entry is added to the Requested Records file #190.1 an entry is made in Parent Record Request field of the Patient subfield of the Hospital Location file #44, ^SC(n,"S",,,,"RTR")=n^, by a call from CREATE+11^RTQ2 to RTSET^SDUTL STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: RTSET SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 87 IA #: 87 FILE NUMBER: 41.1 GLOBAL ROOT: DGS(41.1, DATE CREATED: JUL 10, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA87-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 87 ID: DGS(41.1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: SCHEDULED ADMISSION FILE: Loops through ARSV x-ref and looks at RESERVATION DATE/TIME field. (routine YSCEN) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 88 IA #: 88 DATE CREATED: AUG 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: GRECC CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA88-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 88 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. The 'DG' package for MAS v5.1 will be exporting the following Generic Code Sheet input templates: a. DG AMS1 AMIS from file 2100 b. DG AMS1 AMIS 334 from file 2100 c. DG AMS1 AMIS 336 from file 2100 d. DG AMS1 AMIS 345 from file 2100 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 89 IA #: 89 FILE NUMBER: 411 GLOBAL ROOT: PRC(411, DATE CREATED: AUG 08, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA89 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 89 ID: PRC(411, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to File 411, ADMIN. ACTIVITY SITE PARAMETER, following fields: field 15 HOSPITAL STREET ADDR.1 field 16 HOSPITAL STREET ADDR.2 field 17 HOSPITAL CITY field 18 HOSPITAL STATE field 19 HOSPITAL ZIP field 19.2 HOSPITAL PHONE STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 12037950 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham DBA Comments: MENTAL HEALTH REMOVED AS SUBSCRIBER 6.30.08 AS PER RANDY MORTON DATE/TIME EDITED: JUN 30, 2008@13:00 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER DELETED AT THE REQUEST OF: MORTON,RANDY NUMBER: 90 IA #: 90 FILE NUMBER: 52 GLOBAL ROOT: PSRX( DATE CREATED: DEC 02, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File NAME: DBIA90-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 90 ID: PSRX( GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: ISSUE DATE LOCATION: 0;13 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: PATIENT STATUS LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: CLINIC LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: DRUG LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: QTY LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: DAYS SUPPLY LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: # OF REFILLS LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: SIG LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: UNIT PRICE OF DRUG LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 100 FIELD NAME: STATUS LOCATION: 0;15 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,2) FIELD NUMBER: 22 FIELD NAME: FILL DATE LOCATION: 2;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: ICR may use a direct global read to get the FILL DATE. FIELD NUMBER: 26 FIELD NAME: EXPIRATION DATE LOCATION: 2;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,1,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: REFILL DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: ICR may use a direct global read to get the REFILL DATE. FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QTY LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1.1 FIELD NAME: DAYS SUPPLY LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1.2 FIELD NAME: CURRENT UNIT PRICE OF DRUG LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,3) FIELD NUMBER: 101 FIELD NAME: LAST DISPENSED DATE LOCATION: 3;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Amended November 1, 1993. Amended August 30, 1994. Amended October 28, 1997. This agreement will be retired on 12/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSO*7*213. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of December 1, 2006. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: DEC 01, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 25328395 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MYHEALTHEVET SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE NUMBER: 91 IA #: 91 FILE NUMBER: 60 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(60, DATE CREATED: SEP 11, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA91-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 91 ID: LAB(60, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: TEST COST LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: SUBSCRIPT LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: LOCATION (DATA NAME) LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,'B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The 'B' cross-reference is used to locate patient data by the specific Laboratory Test Name. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,'C', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The 'C' cross-reference is used to locate the Laboratory Test Name when all data for a selected patient is being evaluated based on the Location (DATA NAME) for a particular result GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,2) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: This is a check used in DIC('S') for LAB TESTS INCLUDED IN PANEL in the following manner: S DIC("S")="I '$D(^LAB(60,+Y,2))" S DIC("?")="The lab test may not be a panel of tests." S DIC="60",DIC(0)="AEQMZ" F D ^DIC Q:Y=-1 D STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 11757790 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL REMINDERS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MRSA INITIATIVE REPORTS SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 4/23/09 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH MANAGEMENT PLATFORM DBA Comments: 1/27/16-MC: Added EHMP as a subscriber to ICR at the request of Raymond Blank and approval of Carol Anzaldua for HMP 2.0 DATE/TIME EDITED: JUN 08, 2009@12:21 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: MCDEARMON,JAMES DATE/TIME EDITED: JAN 27, 2016@10:28 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BLANK,RAYMOND WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ANZALDUA,CAROL NUMBER: 92 IA #: 92 FILE NUMBER: 45 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPT( DATE CREATED: SEP 11, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA92 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 92 ID: DGPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: ADMISSION DATE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: SUFFIX LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: STATUS LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 11 FIELD NAME: TYPE OF RECORD LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PATIENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Field need added for CIRN GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,70) FIELD NUMBER: 70 FIELD NAME: DISCHARGE DATE LOCATION: 70;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 71 FIELD NAME: DISCHARGE SPECIALTY LOCATION: 70;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 72 FIELD NAME: TYPE OF DISPOSITION LOCATION: 70;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79 FIELD NAME: DXLS LOCATION: 70;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.16 FIELD NAME: ICD 2 LOCATION: 70;16 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.17 FIELD NAME: ICD 3 LOCATION: 70;17 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.18 FIELD NAME: ICD 4 LOCATION: 70;18 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.19 FIELD NAME: ICD 5 LOCATION: 70;19 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.201 FIELD NAME: ICD 6 LOCATION: 70;20 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.21 FIELD NAME: ICD 7 LOCATION: 70;21 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.22 FIELD NAME: ICD 8 LOCATION: 70;22 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.23 FIELD NAME: ICD 9 LOCATION: 70;23 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.24 FIELD NAME: ICD 10 LOCATION: 70;24 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 73 FIELD NAME: OUTPATIENT TREATMENT LOCATION: 70;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 80 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS LOCATION: 70;11 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Field need added for CIRN GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'M',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: LOSING SPECIALTY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: ICD 1 LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: ICD 2 LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: ICD 3 LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: ICD 4 LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: ICD 5 LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: MOVEMENT DATE LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Accessed via 'AM' cross-reference FIELD NUMBER: 11 FIELD NAME: ICD 6 LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 12 FIELD NAME: ICD 7 LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 13 FIELD NAME: ICD 8 LOCATION: 0;13 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 14 FIELD NAME: ICD 9 LOCATION: 0;14 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: ICD 10 LOCATION: 0;15 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'P',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 1 LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 2 LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 3 LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 4 LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 5 LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'S',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: SURGERY/PROCEDURE DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 1 LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 2 LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 3 LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 11 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 4 LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 12 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 5 LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT('B',X,DA) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Eligible records will be determined by using the 'b' cross reference to determine matches with patients. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Amended October 28, 1997. fields DGPT(D0,0) .01 and DGPT(D0,70) 80 added for CIRN 11/24/98 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 25328407 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL INFO RESOURCE NETWORK ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LEXICON UTILITY SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: The Lexicon Package needs to be able to query files 45 for the purpose of DRG calculation to verify that versioned data is correct. Effctive with LEX*2.0*80. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MASTER PATIENT INDEX VISTA SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: MPI is requesting global read access to the 'B' cross reference and FileMan read access to the Admission Date (#2) and Discharge Date (#70) fields to support the validity of date of death of patients. MPI needs access to the PTF file to search for records that may be non-VA care (FEE) related. This ICR provides the needed data elements to search through the global to find such records as the FEE entries are not complete PTF records. The application will look for activity that could indicate the patient is not deceased as of a given date. If the date of death is defined and after the proposed date of death or an admission date is defined after the proposed date of death, the record is logged for additional follow up. The PTF file is used for this validity check to check for both VA and Fee Basis inpatient activity. DBA Comments: 07/10/13 DLT: Added LEXICON UTILITY as subscriber, effective with LEX*2.0*80. 10/5/16-MM: Added Master Patient Index VistA as a subscriber to ICR #92 for MPIF*1.0*64. Processed as documentation on with the following information supporting the project team's request for subscription to the ICR: MPI is requesting global read access to the 'B' cross reference and FileMan read access to the Admission Date (#2) and Discharge Date (#70) fields to support the validity of date of death of patients. MPI needs access to the PTF file to search for records that may be non-VA care (FEE) related. This ICR provides the needed data elements to search through the global to find such records as the FEE entries are not complete PTF records. The application will look for activity that could indicate the patient is not deceased as of a given date. If the date of death is defined and after the proposed date of death or an admission date is defined after the proposed date of death, the record is logged for additional follow up. The PTF file is used for this validity check to check for both VA and Fee Basis inpatient activity. DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 10, 2013@11:54 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: VILLELLA,ROSS DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 05, 2016@11:58 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: ZEIGLER,ED NUMBER: 93 IA #: 93 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: FEB 17, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA93-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 93 ID: SC( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SC(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: STOP CODE NUMBER LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 11757796 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MYHEALTHEVET SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: Added 2/15/13 for MHV*1.0*10. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH MANAGEMENT PLATFORM SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: HMP processes syncs the data from a patient visit in VistA with the HMP JSON Data Source . As part of this sync process, HMP is accessing the Hospital Location File (#44) to retrieve the Stop Code information for the Clinic using the GETS^DIQ FileMan API. DBA Comments: 2/15/13 DT: MHV was added as subscriber. The MHV*1.0*10 patch introduces the new access. 7/11/16-MM: Added eHMP as a subscriber to ICR #93 for MBAA*1.0. HMP processes syncs the data from a patient visit in VistA with the HMP JSON Data Source . As part of this sync process, HMP is accessing the Hospital Location File (#44) to retrieve the Stop Code information for the Clinic using the GETS^DIQ FileMan API. DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 15, 2013@16:44 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: MARRI,NAGARAJA WITH CONCURRENCE OF: SCHUSTER,BARBARA DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 11, 2016@11:30 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BURKHALTER,PHIL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: REESE,DARRYL NUMBER: 94 IA #: 94 DATE CREATED: SEP 23, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA94 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 94 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: As a requirement for the AMIE C&P (phase III), Central Office requested that we report lab and X-ray results in conjunction with the examination. After speaking with Troy about such a venture and attempting to procure an agreement to make calls to the Radiology package, it was decided that it would be better for them to write a special routine for AMIE purposes. I have initially set this up under my DVBC national name space and will rename it (using Kernel tools) to RAUTL3 which is its true name. However, before doing this I check to see if it already exists. As the package cannot function without this and some sites may not have the latest Radiology package up (v 4.0, I think) by the time it is sent out nationally (probably 1/92), I have been advised by Troy to request an agreement to export this and rename it. This would be required just for the initial release. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 95 IA #: 95 FILE NUMBER: 63 GLOBAL ROOT: LR( DATE CREATED: SEP 24, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA95-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 95 ID: LR( GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CH', GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI', GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request an agreement with the lab developers for usage of the following: Cross-references: CH xref in ^LR MI xref in ^LR STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: COMPENSATON AND PENSION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 96 IA #: 96 DATE CREATED: FEB 21, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NURSING SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: NURSAWL0 NAME: DBIA96 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 96 ID: NURSAWL0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: (1)NURSING SERVICE Nursing Workload/AMIS 1106 DIRECT CALL TO YOUR ROUTINE Direct call to routine EN1^NURSAWL0 to print 'Nursing Workload/ AMIS 1106 Report'. NUR*2.2*20 will insure that the routine is there, ECT*1.05*2 will set up the proper global root before calling the routine. (2)NURSING SERVICE Nursing Personnel Inquiry REFERENCING FIELDS FROM YOUR FILE IMS will determine global root by using ^DIC(210,0,"GL") and will then use a VA FileMan EN^DIQ call to display all fields in file 210 (Nurs Staff). Patch ECT*1.05*1 sets up the proper global root. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN1 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTERIM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 97 IA #: 97 FILE NUMBER: 730 GLOBAL ROOT: ECC(730, DATE CREATED: AUG 26, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA97-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 97 ID: ECC(730, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The DSS developers have agreed that the IMS developers may export file 730 (NATIONAL SERVICE) with data and field 730 (NATIONAL SERVICE) in file 49 (SERVICE/SECTION) with no data. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTERIM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 98 IA #: 98 DATE CREATED: MAR 20, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA98-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 98 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Version 5.1 of the laboratory package has a temporary agreement for the following: 1) To save system $Z variables in local variables for storage in our error trap. When Kernel release their error trapping system, Lab will convert to the Kernel supported methodology. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 99 IA #: 99 FILE NUMBER: 730 GLOBAL ROOT: ECC(730, DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA99 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 99 ID: ECC(730, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The agreement consists of the following: 1) Credentials Tracking package will include the field GENERAL PRIVILEGE (#747) and associated data in the National Service fle (#730). 2) Credentials Tracking will export the National Service file (#730). This export will only install the data dictionary for file 730 if the dictionary does not exist on the system. If file 730 does exist, Credentials Tracking will not overwrite the data dictionary. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CREDENTIALS TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 100 IA #: 100 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: SEP 25, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA100 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 100 ID: VA(200, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The agreement consists of the following: 1) The Credentials Tracking module will incorperate fields in the NEW PERSON file within the field number range of 747-747.999. Data node for these fields will be in the QAR namespace (ex. QAR1, QAR17, etc). Sub-data dictionary numbers will be within the 200.0747-200.074799999 range. The right is reserved to use the QAR and AQAR prefix for any cross-reference indicies. 2) The Credentials Tracking module will export a "clean" partial data dictionay for file 200. This partial will include only the 747 number spaced fields and the .01 name field. The partial was created in an environment that contained only the 747 numberspaced fields and a partial of the .01 name field. The .01 name field contains only the basic field definition, "B" cross- reference (only), and the input transform. All other fields and information were deleted. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CREDENTIALS TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 101 IA #: 101 FILE NUMBER: 453 GLOBAL ROOT: PRSP(453, DATE CREATED: AUG 26, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PAID CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA101 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 101 ID: PRSP(453, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The agreement consists of the following: 1) Credentials Tracking module will include fields in the 747-747.999 number range. 2) Credentials Tracking will export the APPLICANT file (#453) partial data-dictionary. The partial will include only fields in the 747-747.999 number range, and those other fields in the APPLICANT file that Credentials Tracking is dependant upon. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CREDENTIALS TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 102 IA #: 102 FILE NUMBER: 221 GLOBAL ROOT: DENT(221, DATE CREATED: NOV 09, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DENTAL CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA102-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 102 ID: DENT(221, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following fields are accessed in a read-only manner: ^DENT(221 DENTAL TREATMENT (AMIS) File 4.5 PATIENT CATEGORY 5 BED SECTION 6 SCREENING/COMPLETE EXAM 6.2 INTERDISCIPLINARY CONSULT 6.4 EVALUATION 6.6 PRE AUTH/2ND OPINION EXAM 6.8 SPOT CHECK DISCREPANCY # 6.7 SPOT CHECK EXAM 7 ADMIN PROCEDURE 7.1 COMPLETIONS/TERMINATIONS 8 X-RAYS EXTRAORAL # 10 X-RAYS INTRAORAL # 11 PROPHY NATURAL DENTITION 12 PROPHY DENTURE 14 NEOPLASM CONFIRMED MALIGNANT # 15 NEOPLASM REMOVED # 16 BIOPSY/SMEAR # 17 FRACTURE # 19 OTHER SIGNIF. SURG. (CTV) 21 SURFACES RESTORED # 22 ROOT CANAL THERAPY # 23 PERIODONTAL QUADS (SURGICAL) # 24 PERIO QUADS (ROOT PLANE) # 25 PATIENT ED. (CTV) 27 INDIVIDUAL CROWNS # 28 POST & CORES # 29 FIXED PARTIALS (ABUT) # 30 FIXED PARTIALS (PONT ONLY) # 31 REMOVABLE PARTIALS # 32 COMPLETE DENTURES # 33 PROSTHETIC REPAIR # 34 SPLINTS & SPEC. PROCS. (CTV) 35 EXTRACTIONS # 36 SURGICAL EXTRACTIONS # 37 OTHER SIGNIFICANT TREAT (CTV) 38 OPERATING ROOM 39 FACTOR (NOT USED) 61 DATE RELEASED Eligible records will be determined by using the "E" cross reference to determine matches with patients in the Immunology Case Registry. Records which have a value in field #61, DATE RELEASED, will be accessed. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 103 IA #: 103 FILE NUMBER: 130 GLOBAL ROOT: SRF( DATE CREATED: JUL 28, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SURGERY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: SURGERY file (#130) ORIGINAL NUMBER: 103 ID: SRF( CREATOR: MONOSKY,ALAN GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PATIENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: OPERATING ROOM LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .04 FIELD NAME: SURGERY SPECIALTY LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .09 FIELD NAME: DATE OF OPERATION LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .011 FIELD NAME: IN/OUT-PATIENT STATUS LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: DSS reads the entire zero node into a local variable. The fields above are used. GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,.1) FIELD NUMBER: .14 FIELD NAME: SURGEON LOCATION: .1;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .164 FIELD NAME: ATTEND SURG LOCATION: .1;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: DSS reads the entire .1 node into a local variable. The fields above are used. GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,.2) FIELD NUMBER: .21 FIELD NAME: ANES CARE START TIME LOCATION: .2;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .22 FIELD NAME: TIME OPERATION BEGAN LOCATION: .2;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .23 FIELD NAME: TIME OPERATION ENDS LOCATION: .2;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .24 FIELD NAME: ANES CARE END TIME LOCATION: .2;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .205 FIELD NAME: TIME PAT IN OR LOCATION: .2;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .232 FIELD NAME: TIME PAT OUT OR LOCATION: .2;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .203 FIELD NAME: TIME PAT IN HOLD AREA LOCATION: .2;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .234 FIELD NAME: OR CLEAN START TIME LOCATION: .2;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .236 FIELD NAME: OR CLEAN END TIME LOCATION: .2;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: DSS reads the entire .2 node into a local variable. The fields above are used. GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,.3) FIELD NUMBER: .34 FIELD NAME: ANESTHESIOLOGIST SUPVR LOCATION: .3;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .31 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL ANESTHETIST LOCATION: .3;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,1,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PROSTHESIS ITEM LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: From the PROSTHESIS INSTALLED multiple (.47). GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,1,D1,1) FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY LOCATION: 1;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,1.1) FIELD NUMBER: 1.17 FIELD NAME: ADMIT PAC(U) TIME LOCATION: 1.1;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1.18 FIELD NAME: PAC(U) DISCH TIME LOCATION: 1.1;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,6,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ANESTHESIA TECHNIQUE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL TECH LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: From the ANESTHESIA TECHNIQUE multiple (.37). GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,8) FIELD NUMBER: 50 FIELD NAME: DIVISION LOCATION: 8;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,13,D1,2) FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: OTHER PROCEDURE CPT CODE LOCATION: 2;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: From the OTHER PROCEDURES multiple (.42). GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,30) FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: CANCEL DATE LOCATION: 30;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,NON) FIELD NUMBER: 118 FIELD NAME: NON-OR PROCEDURE LOCATION: NON;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 119 FIELD NAME: NON-OR LOCATION LOCATION: NON;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 121 FIELD NAME: TIME PROCEDURE BEGAN LOCATION: NON;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 122 FIELD NAME: TIME PROCEDURE ENDED LOCATION: NON;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 123 FIELD NAME: PROVIDER LOCATION: NON;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 124 FIELD NAME: ATTEND PROVIDER LOCATION: NON;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: DSS reads the entire NON node into a local variable. The fields above are used. GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,OP) FIELD NUMBER: 27 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL PROCEDURE CODE LOCATION: OP;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 26 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL PROCEDURE LOCATION: OP;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: DSS reads the entire OP node into a local variable. The field above is used. GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,OPMOD,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 28 FIELD NAME: PRIN. PROCEDURE CPT MODIFIER LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,13,D1,MOD,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: OTHER PROCEDURE CPT MODIFIER LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,CON) FIELD NUMBER: 35 FIELD NAME: CONCURRENT CASE LOCATION: CON;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The CONCURRENT CASE (#35) field was added to this ICR in support of the FY14 Annual Sustainment patch ECX*3*144. Access to the CONCURRENT CASE field will not be reliable after a site has implemented Surgery Quality and Workflow Manager (SQWM), patch SR*3*180. The handling of concurrent cases is different in SQWM than in VistA Surgery. After SQWM implementation, concurrent case information must be accessed by other means yet to be determined as of the date of adding the CONCURRENT CASE field to this ICR. GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,50,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .213 FIELD NAME: ANES CARE TIME BLOCK LOCATION: 50;0 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The ANES CARE TIME BLOCK multiple was added to this ICR in support of the DSS FY17 Annual Sustainment Patch ECX*3*161. The ANES CARE MULTIPLE START TIME and ANES CARE MULTIPLE END TIME fields are used in calculating the patient's total anesthesia time. FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ANES CARE MULTIPLE START TIME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: ANES CARE MULTIPLE END TIME LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The DSS Extracts SURGERY EXTRACT file (#727.811) contains a field, CASE NUMBER, which is a pointer to the SURGERY file (#130). DSS Extracts has permission to execute direct global reads of the 'B' Cross Reference on the SURGERY file (#130). DSS uses the "ADT" and "AC" cross references on the DATE OF OPERATION field: Global: ^SRF("ADT",DFN,DATE) Global: ^SRF("AC",DATE,IEN)=DFN STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 30358729 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS DBA Comments: 10/24/13-DT: Activated ICR, where the concurrent case field (#35) will be extracted for use in DSS, effective with the ECX*3*144 patch. The Surgery Quality and Workflow Manager (SQWM), patch SR*3*180 is under development at the time of this ICR activation, which could impact this ICR. The SQWM and DSS packages will work together in the future to ensure the extracts can access concurrence case data. Stakeholders on 10/24/13 are Danny Reed, Mike Montali, and David Naber. 10/17/13-DT: Added Alan as editor. 12/8/15-MC: Added Inpatient Medications as a subscriber at the request of Mohamed Anwer and approved by Alan Monosky. Inpatient Medications added as a part of the Pharmacy Interface Automation (PIA) project, patch PSJ*5*317. Usage of ICR also changed from Private to Controlled. 6/29/16-DT: Deactivated and added David Naber as editor, with concurrence by Mike Montali and Alan Monosky. As part of the update to the Decision Support Software (DSS) annual enhancement patch, ECX*3*161, DSS is requesting access to the ANES CARE TIME BLOCK (#.213) multiple within the SURGERY (#130) file. Currently, DSS is a subscriber to ICR #103, that covers use of a number of fields within the SURGERY file. We need to update the ICR to include access to the ANES CARE MULTIPLE START TIME (#.01) and the ANES CARE MULTIPLE END TIME (#1) fields within the ANES CARE TIME BLOCK multiple. The global reference for this is ^SRF(130,D0,50,D1,0). David would like to have both fileman and direct global read access to this specific node, to be consistent with the current ICR field access. Where possible, DSS uses FileMan calls to retrieve data from fields within a file. The Managerial Cost Accounting Office (MCAO) is aware of the SQWM project and accepts the fact that these fields may not contain data if a site has already installed SQWM and that data is not provided by the SQWM interface. 07/19/16-DT: Activated ICR #103. David Naber asked for FileMan and direct read access to be consistent with the type of access already allowed within this ICR. Where possible, he uses FileMan calls to retrieve data from fields within a file. DATE ACTIVATED: OCT 24, 2013 DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 17, 2013@12:38 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MONOSKY,ALAN DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 24, 2013@16:17 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MONOSKY,ALAN DATE/TIME EDITED: DEC 08, 2015@07:28 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: ANWER,MOHAMED WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MONOSKY,ALAN DATE/TIME EDITED: JUN 29, 2016@16:48 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MONTALI,MIKE DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 19, 2016@17:24 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MONOSKY,ALAN NUMBER: 104 IA #: 104 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA104-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 104 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: #2 Patient file .35 node STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 105 IA #: 105 DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA105 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 105 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Record Tracking: - ^RTV(190.1,"AD" Record Tracking option: RT RPT-RETRIEVAL STATS If the option is removed from the Record Tracking Menu then the following entry and exit action needs to be added: ENTRY ACTION: D OVERALL^RTPSET EXIT ACTION: D KILL^RTPSET The above references will be made from the QIP1RTP* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the record tracking developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 106 IA #: 106 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA106 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 106 ID: PSDRUG( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. Routine QIP3POLY reads the following fields: In file 50, DRUG .01 - GENERIC NAME 2 - VA CLASSIFICATION 3 - DEA, SPECIAL HDLG STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T NUMBER: 107 IA #: 107 FILE NUMBER: 130 GLOBAL ROOT: SRF( DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SURGERY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA107-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 107 ID: SRF( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PATIENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .04 FIELD NAME: SURGERY SPECIALTY LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .09 FIELD NAME: DATE OF OPERATION LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: In file 130, SURGERY, the "AC" cross reference (on field .09, DATE OF OPERATION) is accessed: ^SRF("AC",$E(DATE,1,7),DA)=$P(^SRF(DA,0),"^") GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,.1) FIELD NUMBER: .14 FIELD NAME: SURGEON LOCATION: .1;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .165 FIELD NAME: ATTENDING CODE LOCATION: .1;16 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,.2) FIELD NUMBER: .22 FIELD NAME: TIME OPERATION BEGAN LOCATION: .2;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .23 FIELD NAME: TIME OPERATION ENDS LOCATION: .2;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .205 FIELD NAME: TIME PAT IN OR LOCATION: .2;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .232 FIELD NAME: TIME PAT OUT OR LOCATION: .2;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,6,0) FIELD NUMBER: .37 FIELD NAME: ANESTHESIA TECHNIQUE LOCATION: (M 130.06) ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,6,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ANESTHESIA TECHNIQUE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,10,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1.14 FIELD NAME: INTRAOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS LOCATION: (M 130.13) ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,10,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: COMPLICATION CATEGORY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,13,0) FIELD NUMBER: .42 FIELD NAME: OTHER PROCEDURES LOCATION: (M 130.16) ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,13,D1,2) FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: OTHER PROCEDURE CPT CODE LOCATION: 2;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,16,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1.16 FIELD NAME: POSTOP COMPLICATION LOCATION: (M 130.22) ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,16,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .5 FIELD NAME: COMPLICATION CATEGORY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DATE COMP NOTED LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,30) FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: CANCEL DATE LOCATION: 30;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,31) FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: SCHEDULED START TIME LOCATION: 31;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 11 FIELD NAME: SCHEDULED END TIME LOCATION: 31;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 18 FIELD NAME: CANCEL REASON LOCATION: 31;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,NON) FIELD NUMBER: 118 FIELD NAME: NON-OR PROCEDURE LOCATION: NON;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRF(D0,OP) FIELD NUMBER: 26 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL PROCEDURE LOCATION: OP;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 27 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL PROCEDURE CODE LOCATION: OP;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following references will be made from the QIP3SR* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the surgery developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 11832137 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 108 IA #: 108 FILE NUMBER: 211.4 GLOBAL ROOT: NURSF(211.4, DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NURSING SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA108-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 108 ID: NURSF(211.4, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: NURS LOCATION FILE #211.4 .01 Name The above references will be made from the QIP4* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the nursing developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 109 IA #: 109 FILE NUMBER: 62.05 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(62.05, DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA109-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 109 ID: LAB(62.05, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(62.05,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: URGENCY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The above references will be made from the QIP5* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the lab developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 110 IA #: 110 DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA110-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 110 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following option will be placed on the QUIC menu structure: SDM - Make Appointment STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 111 IA #: 111 DATE CREATED: MAY 14, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGAINP3 NAME: DBIA111-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 111 ID: DGAINP3 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: 1) AMIS Segments 334-341 This entry point prints the inpatient AMIS segments 334-341 for a select month/year. If the variable DGMYR is not defined, the user will be prompted for the AMIS month/year to print. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTERIM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 112 IA #: 112 DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDROUT2 NAME: DBIA112 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 112 ID: SDROUT2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Display a patient's eligibility and disabilities the same way MAS does on the routing sheet.. The subroutine DIS^SDROUT2 make several global references: ^DPT(DFN,.372, ^DG(391, ^DIC(31, STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DIS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 113 IA #: 113 FILE NUMBER: 80.1 GLOBAL ROOT: ICD0( DATE CREATED: NOV 09, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA113-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 113 ID: ICD0( GLOBAL REFERENCE: ICD0(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CODE NUMBER LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 11757796 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 114 IA #: 114 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: AUG 24, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA114 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 114 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Checks 1st piece of the .35 node for death STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 115 IA #: 115 FILE NUMBER: 195.4 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(195.4, DATE CREATED: AUG 24, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA115-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 115 ID: DIC(195.4, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Use of the Record Tracking System Parameter file # 195.4. RA calls RT if the field 'RADIOLOGY INTERFACE STATUS' is 'UP', ^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")=^1, and checks if the record tracking radiology application is defined . $D(^DIC(195.4,1,"RAD")) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 14682303 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 116 IA #: 116 FILE NUMBER: 70 GLOBAL ROOT: RADPT( DATE CREATED: AUG 24, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA116 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 116 ID: RADPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: With Record Tracking implementaion, records may be created for for all the entries in Radiology Patient file. When using the Record Tracking (radiology application) the routines RTSM1 and RTSM3 look at the Radiology Patient file #70 ^RADPT(dfn,0) => ^RT(n,0)=dfn;DPT(^ to create entries in the Records file #190 for each radiology patient when initializing records. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 117 IA #: 117 FILE NUMBER: 55 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(55, DATE CREATED: NOV 14, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File NAME: DBIA117 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 117 ID: PS(55, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(55,D0,5,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ORDER NUMBER LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: MED ROUTE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: TYPE LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: SCHEDULE TYPE LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .25 FIELD NAME: ORIGINAL ORDER NUMBER LOCATION: 0;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 12 FIELD NAME: DOSE LIMIT LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 39 FIELD NAME: *TOTAL UNITS DISPENSED LOCATION: computed ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: calculated by X $P(^DD(55.06,39,0),U,5,99) GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(55,D0,5,D1,2) FIELD NUMBER: 26 FIELD NAME: SCHEDULE LOCATION: 2;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: START DATE/TIME LOCATION: 2;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 34 FIELD NAME: STOP DATE/TIME LOCATION: 2;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(55,D0,5,D1,1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DISPENSE DRUG LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: UNITS PER DOSE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(55,DFN,5,'AUS', GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 12/31/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*101. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. All fields and x-refs in file 55 have global read access by the subscribing packages. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of December 31, 2006. Amended August 30, 1994. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: DEC 31, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 25328344 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@13:06 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 118 IA #: 118 FILE NUMBER: 70 GLOBAL ROOT: RADPT( DATE CREATED: NOV 09, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA118-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 118 ID: RADPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: RADPT(D0,'DT',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: EXAM DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The ICR package may use a direct global read to get the EXAM DATE value. GLOBAL REFERENCE: RADPT(D0,'DT',D1,'P',D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: RADIOLOGY PROCEDURE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: EXAM STATUS LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: RADPT(D0,'DT',D1,'P',D2,'M',D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MODIFIERS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Amended October 28, 1997. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 25328389 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 119 IA #: 119 GLOBAL ROOT: %ZTSCH( DATE CREATED: OCT 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA119 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 119 ID: %ZTSCH( GLOBAL REFERENCE: %ZTSCH('RUN') GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine PRCFQ uses the following extrinsic function to determine whether Taskman is runnig: TM() ;extrinsic function--is taskman running? N ZTH,ZTR S ZTH=$H,ZTR=$S(^%ZTSCH("RUN"))#2:^("RUN"),1:"") Q ZTH-ZTR*86400+$P(ZTH,",",2)-$P(ZTR,",",2)<500 Till otherwise agreed, or release of Kernel 8 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: IFCAP ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 120 IA #: 120 FILE NUMBER: 195.4 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(195.4, DATE CREATED: AUG 24, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA120-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 120 ID: DIC(195.4, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(195.4,1,'UP') GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. Use of the Record Tracking System Parameter file # 195.4: DG calls RT if the field 'MAS INTERFACE STATUS' is 'UP' ^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")=1^ STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 121 IA #: 121 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: PATIENT FILE DATE CREATED: SEP 05, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA121 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 121 ID: PATIENT FILE GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD(2,.351,1,6, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: APSJD X-reference on field .351, DATE OF DEATH, of file 2, PATIENT not used for sorting or look up. The code is: set: S XX=X,X="PSJADT" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I S X=XX D END^PSJADT kill: Q The event driver messages are not displayed. ^DD(2,.351,1,6,0) = 2^APSJD^MUMPS ^DD(2,.351,1,6,1) = S XX=X,X="PSJADT" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I S X=XX D END^PSJ ADT ^DD(2,.351,1,6,2) = Q ^DD(2,.351,1,6,"%D",0) = ^^2^2^2910806^ ^DD(2,.351,1,6,"%D",1,0) = Pharmacy cross-reference for notification upon entry/deletion of date of ^DD(2,.351,1,6,"%D",2,0) = death information. ^DD(2,.351,1,6,"DT") = 2910806 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 122 IA #: 122 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: OCT 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA122 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 122 ID: VA(200, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Fields in the NEW PERSON File for OE/RR 100.11 PRIMARY OE/RR MENU 100.12 PRIMARY ORDER MENU 100.13 PRIMARY ORDER DISPLAY FORMAT 100.14 PRIMARY WARD 100.15 PRIMARY PATIENT LIST 100.16 SELECT PATIENT DEFAULT 100.17 PRIMARY CLINIC 100.18 DEFAULT CLINIC START DATE 100.19 DEFAUTL CLINIC STOP DATE 100.21 SUMMARY DEFAULT 100.22 PATIENT LIST ORDER 100.23 PATIENT LIST PROCESS 100.24 PRIMARY PROFILE MENU 100.25 PRIMARY PROVIDER 100.26 PRIMARY SPECIALTY 100.27 NEW ORDERS DEFAULT STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 20477561 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 123 IA #: 123 FILE NUMBER: 736 GLOBAL ROOT: QIP(736, DATE CREATED: OCT 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA123 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 123 ID: QIP(736, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Following fields point to file 736 (QUIC SORT FILE) field 2 (SITE NATIONAL) in file 59 (PHARMACY SITE) field 12 (SITE) in file 1900.1 (CLOZARIL REPORTS) In addition, since the extended clozaril patch may go to test sites before the QUIC package does, and since the test sites will almost certainly be different, file 736 will be exported (with data) with the extended clozaril patch. We understand that there is at least one field in file 736 that is not to be sent to the sites, but only to the national data base and we agree not to send that field to the sites. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 31276619 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 124 IA #: 124 DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PSOCPVW NAME: DBIA124-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 124 ID: PSOCPVW GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine PSOCPVW is called by Integrated Billing to display information from the Prescription file (52) to provide a full profile of the prescription that caused the Co-Pay Charges. Input Variable: X $P1: RX Entry Number. The pointer to the Prescription file. $P2: Refill. The second piece is delimited by a colon is optional, if defined is expected to be the entry number of the refill multiple that caused the charges if the charges were created by a refill. Output Writes pertinent data from the prescription file for the requested entry in captioned format. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PSOCPVW VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Requires X = "RXN^fill #" e.g. X="3007^2" means second refill of RX in ^PSRX(3007, . "3007^0" would mean oringinal fill. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 125 IA #: 125 DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBARX NAME: DBIA125-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 125 ID: IBARX GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This private agreement between PSO and IB will allow for PSO to notify IB when an Outpatient Medication Co-payment bill needs to be created, updated, or cancelled. It will also allow PSO to cancel or update a potential charge. There are also entry points for PSO to verify that a patient is subject to Pharmacy Co-payment and allow PSO to check the status of a Co-payment charge. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 33578419 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: XTYPE COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Supported for Outpatient Pharmacy for determining eligibility for Co-payment and correct IB ACTION TYPE. VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Service. Pointer to Service/Section file (49) for Pharmacy service $P2: Patient. Pointer to Patient file (2) (DFN) VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Success. Returns 1 if successful or -1 if unsuccessful determination $P2: If unsuccessful error code VARIABLES: Y(action type,n) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: sub: First subscript. New Action Types for Service, pointer to IB ACTION TYPE file (350.1). sub: Second subscript. Value n (n = 0, 1, or 2) where 0 indicates this action type not billable, 1 indicates it is billable, 2 indicates that additional information is needed $P1: Action Type. Pointer to the IB ACTION TYPE file (350.1) $P2: Unit Cost. The dollar charge for one unit $P3: Service. Pointer to Service/Section file (49) for service that can use this action type COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: NEW COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Supported for Outpatient Pharmacy to process charges for new, renew, or refilled prescriptions VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Service. Pointer to Service Section file (49) $P2: Patient. Pointer to the Patient File (2) (DFN) $P3: Action Type. Pointer to the IB Action Type file (350.1) $P4: User. Pointer to New Person file (200) (DUZ) VARIABLES: X(n) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: sub: First subscript. Any value, same value is returned in Y(n) $P1: Softlink. Link to prescription file for entry causing charges in the format of: file number:entry pointer;[node:sub-entry;node:sub-entry...] $P2: Units. The number of units to be charged VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Success flag. Returns 1 if successful, -1 if unsuccessful $P2: Grand Total. Sum of total charges if successful, error code if unsuccessful VARIABLES: Y(n) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: sub: First subscript. Any value, same value as passed in X(n) $P1: IB Action Entry. Pointer to Integrated Billing file 350 $P2: Total Charges. Charges for this entry $P3: AR Charge ID. Accounts receivable Charge ID (Bill Number), name field from Accounts Receivable file (430) $P4: Cap met flag (1=yes,0=no) $P5: Full or Partial bill ("F", "P" or "") $P6: Exempt (1=exempt,0=non-exempt,-1=copay off) $P7: IEN from file 354.71 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: CANCEL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Supported for Outpatient Pharmacy to remove charges for one new, renewed, or refilled prescription. VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Service. Pointer to the Service/Section file for Pharmacy service $P2: Patient. Pointer to the Patient File (2) (DFN) $P3: Null $P4: User. Pointer to the New Person file (200) (DUZ) VARIABLES: X(n) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: sub: First subscript. Any value, same value as returned in Y(n) $P1: Integrated Billing Action. Action to be canceled, pointer to the Integrated Billing Action file (350) $P2: Charge Removal Reason. Reason for the cancellation pointer to the IB Charge Removal Reasons file (350.3) VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Success flag. Returns 1 if successful, -1 if unsuccessful $P2: Error Code. Error code from IB Error file (350.8) if unsuccessful, Null if successful VARIABLES: Y(n) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Integrated Billing Action. IB Action that is the result of the cancellation, pointer to Integrated Billing Action file (350) if successful or -1^error code if unsuccessful $P2: Error Code. Error code from IB Error file (350.8) if unsuccessful, Null if successful COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: UPDATE COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: To update charges when the days supply has been edited to change the number of units to be charged. (Note: for audit purposes this call actually cancels the most recent charges and processes new charges for the current amount) VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Service. Pointer to the Service/Section file for Pharmacy service $P2: Patient. Pointer to the Patient File (2) (DFN) $P3: Action Type. Pointer to the IB Action Type file (350.1) $P4: User. Pointer to the New Person file (200) (DUZ) VARIABLES: X(n) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: sub: First subscript. Any value, same value is returned in Y(n) $P1: Softlink. Link to prescription file for entry causing charges in the format of: file number:entry pointer;[node:sub-entry;node:sub-entry...] $P2: Units. The number of units to be charged $P3: Integrated Billing Action. Action to be canceled, pointer to the Integrated Billing Action file (350) $P4: Charge Removal Reason. Reason for the cancellation pointer to file 350.3 VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Success flag. Returns 1 if successful, -1 if unsuccessful $P2: Error Code. Error code from IB Error file (350.8) if unsuccessful, Null if successful VARIABLES: Y(n) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Integrated Billing Action. IB Action that is the result of the cancellation, pointer to Integrated Billing Action file (350) if successful or returns -1 if unsuccessful $P2: Total charge this entry $P3: AR bill number $P4: Cap met flag (1=yes,0=no) $P5: Full or Partial bill ("F", "P" or "") $P6: Exempt (1=exempt,0=non-exempt,-1=copay off) $P7: IEN from file 354.71 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: STATUS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This entry point will return the status of an entry in file 350. Call with $$STATUS^IBARX(ien from 350). Output will be: 0 = not a valid 350 ien 1 = Billed 2 = Cancelled 3 = Updated COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: CANIBAM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This entry point will allow to cancel a potential charge that has not been charged. VARIABLES: X(n) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: sub: First subscript. Any value, same value as returned in Y(n) $P1: IEN from file 354.71 $P2: Charge Removal Reason. Reason for the cancellation pointer to the IB Charge Removal Reasons file (350.3) VARIABLES: Y(n) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: 0 or any positive number for OK or -1 for not accepted $P2: If not accepted, error message COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: UPIBAM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This entry point will cancel current potential charge and create updated potential charge entry. VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: Service. Pointer to Service Section file (49) $P2: Patient. Pointer to the Patient File (2) (DFN) $P3: Action Type. Pointer to the IB Action Type file (350.1) $P4: User. Pointer to New Person file (200) (DUZ) VARIABLES: X(n) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: sub: First subscript. Any value, same value is returned in Y(n) $P1: Softlink. Link to prescription file for entry causing charges in the format of: file number:entry pointer;[node:sub-entry;node:sub-entry...] $P2: Units. The number of units to be charged $P3: IEN from file 354.71 to be updated $P4: Charge Removal Reason. Reason for the cancellation pointer to the IB Charge Removal Reasons file (350.3) VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: 1 if success, -1 if error $P2: If error, error message VARIABLES: Y(n) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: $P1: New IEN from file 354.71 if success, -1 if error $P2: If error, error message SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 126 IA #: 126 DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBOLK NAME: DBIA126 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 126 ID: IBOLK STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENB COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Supported for Accounts Receivable to print a brief profile of prescription entries that caused the AR transaction. Input Variable: X $P1: AR Transaction Number. The AR Transaction number, the pointer to file 433. Output Writes one line profile for each Integrated Billing Action that caused the AR Transaction (may be more than one) VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENF COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Supported for Accounts Receivable to print a full inquiry of prescription entries that caused the AR Transaction. Input Variable: X $P1: AR Transaction Number. The AR Transaction number, the pointer to file 433. Output Writes a full inquiry for each Integrated Billing Action that caused the AR Transaction (may be more than one). This will include the information from the brief profile plus the data printed by routine PSOCPVW from the prescription file VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 127 IA #: 127 DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCASER NAME: DBIA127-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 127 ID: PRCASER GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PRCASER This routine is used for setting up or establishing a new charge (bill) for a debtor. When calling this routine, a new charge (pharmacy Co-Pay, etc, should be added to the patients account. Input Variable: X $P1: Site. This is the site number the charge is being created by. For example: 503, 516, etc. This is the station number field from the Institution file (4). $P2: Service. This is the service that is creating the bill. This is the pointer to the Service/Section file (49). $P3: Category Number. This is the AR Category that the charge should fall under. This is the pter to the AR Category file (430.2). $P4: Debtor. This is the debtor that the charge should fall under. This is a variable pointer to the following files: Vendor, Person, Insurance, Institution. For Pharmacy Co-Pay the debtor should be the patient in the format of "36;DPT(" whe re 36 is the internal number of the patient in the patient file. $P5: Fiscal Year. Fiscal Year charge should be charged to. $P6: Amount. Must be zero or greater and less than 9999999.99. $P7: User. The person who created the charge. Pointer to the User file (3). $P8: Date charge generated. This is the internal VA FileMan date the charge was issued. Output Variable: Y (if no error is encountered) P1: Internal Bill Number. This is the internal file number from the Accounts Receivable file (430). $P2: Charge ID. This is the .01 field from the Accounts Receivable file (430) and will be 10 characters in length. $P3: Transaction Number. Since an "OPEN" bill may already exist and can be used, it may be necessary to add this charge to an already existing bill as a transaction, then this would be the pointer value to the AR Transaction file (433). Howev er, if a new bill is set up for the current charges then this piece equals zero. Variable: Y (if error is encountered) $P1: Error Indicator. -1 . $P2: Error Code. This is the error code from the IB Action Error file. $P3: Additional Text. If additional text is required to describe the error it is in the third piece. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PRCASER VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Output SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 128 IA #: 128 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: NOV 20, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA128-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 128 ID: VA(200, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: New Bill and Edit Bill options have been modified to prompt the user "Edit Debtor Address" after he/she has entered/edited the bill. This prompt as well as the Edit AR Debtor Address option allow edits to the NEW PERSON and INSTITUTION file. The fields edited include: for NEW PERSON file ^VA(200, 1) .111 - Street Address 1 2) .112 - Street Address 2 3) .113 - Street Address 3 4) .114 - City 5) .115 - State 6) .116 - Zip Code 7) .131 - Phone The edits would also be transposed in the PERSON file (^DIC(16)). Please keep in mind that "all users" with access to the Billing menu will be able to edit the debtor address fields (option 2). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 129 IA #: 129 DATE CREATED: NOV 21, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PSOEXDT NAME: DBIA129 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 129 ID: PSOEXDT GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Call to STAT^PSOEXDT: The routine expects the 0 node of the prescription in RX0, the 2 node of the prescription in RX2 and returns the printable form of the prescription status in ST. The call will be abandonded when Health Summary provides the clinical information. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: STAT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 130 IA #: 130 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: DEC 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA130-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 130 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read only access to the following Files, Fields, & X-References: FILE : Patient (2) FIELDS : Receiving A&A Benefits (.36205) Eligibility Status Date (.3612) Agerncy/Allied Country (.309) Receiving Housebound Benefits (.36215) Rated Disabilities (.3721) *stipulation* *this is being requested by other packages and may be incorporated into VADPT at which time we will ask packages to use the utility STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM NUMBER: 131 IA #: 131 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: DEC 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA131-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 131 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 'Status of the clinic appointment' field in ^DPT('S' node will be used to determine appointment status. If the status of the appointment is active and not an inpatient visit, it will be counted as an outpatient visit for social work totals. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SOCIAL WORK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 132 IA #: 132 DATE CREATED: DEC 05, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA132-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 132 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: DGPM MOVEMENT EVENT DRIVER For movements other than 'death': The Inpatient inits send out the protocol 'PSJ OR PAT ADT' which is 'hooked' to the MAS protocol 'DGPM MOVEMENT EVENTS'. 'PSJ OR PAT ADT' uses the PSJADT routines to take the appropriate actions. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 133 IA #: 133 DATE CREATED: DEC 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA133 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 133 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The data for fields *Allergy/Disorders (57) and *Generic Drug (55) of the Patient (2) file will be converted by the Allergy Tracking System V2.2 and moved into the Patient Allergies (120.8) file. The data in the the two fields will be deleted after it is converted. The two DD's for the two fields, 55 and 57, will be deleted also. The Allergy Tracking System is using +$G(^DG(43,1,"VERSION")) to check for the version number of MAS currently installed at the site. If this value is less than 5, the INIT process will abort. The Allergy Tracking System is hanging the GMRA DGPM MARK CHART protocol off the DGPM MOVEMENT EVENTS protocol. The code that is executed from the GMRA DGPM MARK CHART protocol sets up a TaskManager job if appropriate. The input variables expected by the GMRA DGPM MARK CHART protocol are: DFN = IFN of patient in Patient file. DGPMP = Zeroth node in Patient Movements file prior to whatever MAS action has taken place. DGPMA = Zeroth node in Patient Movements file after whatever MAS action has taken place. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines EDITOR: TRAXLER,FRANK NUMBER: 134 IA #: 134 DATE CREATED: DEC 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DIETETICS CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA134 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 134 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The data for the Food Allergies (.1) field of the Dietetics Patient (115) file will be converted by the Allergy Tracking System V2.2 and moved into the Patient Allergies (120.8) file. The data in the the field will be deleted after it is converted. The DD's for field .1 will be deleted also. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 18823360 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines EDITOR: TRAXLER,FRANK NUMBER: 135 IA #: 135 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: DEC 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA135 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 135 ID: DD( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD('VERSION') GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Allergy Tracking System is using +$G(^DD("VERSION")) to check for the version number of the VA FileManager currently installed at the site. If this value is less than 18, the INIT process will abort. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 136 IA #: 136 DATE CREATED: JAN 27, 2004 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: GMTSLROE NAME: DBIA136 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 136 ID: GMTSLROE STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 37802529 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: XTRCT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: The input variables are: DFN = IFN of patient in Patient file. SEX = Sex of patient. GMTS1 = Inverse end date of search for lab orders. GMTS2 = Inverse start date of search for lab orders. MAX = Maximum number of lab orders to be extracted The data is returned in the following array: ^UTILITY("LRO",$J,IDT,SN_FN)=CDT^TST^SPC^URG^OS^MD^ODT^ACC^RDT^COL^CD where: IDT = Inverse collection date/time of order. SN = IFN in Specimen # (1) multiple of Lab Order Entry (69) file. FN = IFN in Test (6) multiple of Specimen# (1) multiple of (69) Lab Order Entry(69) file. CDT = Collection date/time of order. TST = Lab test ordered. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. SPC = Specimen for lab order. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. URG = Urgency of lab order. OS = Status of lab order. MD = Provider. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is the external printable form. ODT = Date/Time lab ordered. ACC = Accession number of lab order. RDT = Date/Time results for this lab order available. COL = Lab or ward collect. CD = IFN in Lab Order Entry (69) file. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: SEX TYPE: Input VARIABLES: GMTS1 TYPE: Input VARIABLES: GMTS2 TYPE: Input VARIABLES: MAX TYPE: Input VARIABLES: ~TMP("LRO",$J, TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: IA 532 permits setting this global. It's an output from XTRCT. It may be killed before calling and after use after the call. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING NUMBER: 137 IA #: 137 DATE CREATED: DEC 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: ORVOM NAME: DBIA137 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 137 ID: ORVOM GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The ORVOM utility from Order Entry/Results Reporting(OE/RR) V2.15 is used to create the GMRAO* routines to export the GMRA DGPM MARK CHART protocol used by the Allergy Tracking System V2.2. These GMRAO* routines will not be included in the integrity checker routine GMRANTEG created by Kernel. These routines will run correctly under any version of OE/RR, including the verified V1.96. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 138 IA #: 138 DATE CREATED: DEC 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PSOHCSUM NAME: DBIA138 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 138 ID: PSOHCSUM STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JAN 12, 1994 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PSOHCSUM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: The Allergy Tracking System V2.2 uses a call to ^PSOHCSUM to extract data pertaining to outpatient pescriptions. A call to ^%ZOSF("TEST") is made to check for the existence of PSOHCSUM before it is called. The input variables are: DFN = IFN of patient in Patient file. PSOBEGIN = The date/time to begin the search for prescriptions. The data is returned in the following arrays: ^UTILITY("PSOO",$J,IFD,0)=ID^FD^DR^PR^ST^RX^QT^RF^IF^CF^EX ^UTILITY("PSOO",$J,IFD,1)=SIG where: IFD = Inverse last fill date of Rx. ID = Issue date of Rx. FD = Last fill date of Rx. DR = Drug in Rx. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. PR = Provider. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. ST = Status of Rx. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal representation and B is external printable form. RX = Rx number. QT = Quantity of DRG in Rx. RF = Number of refills remaining. IF = IFN.of Rx in Prescription (52) file. CF = Cost/Fill. EX = Expire/Cancel date of Rx. SIG = Medication instruction for this Rx. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: PSOBEGIN TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 139 IA #: 139 DATE CREATED: DEC 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PSJEEU0 NAME: DBIA139 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 139 ID: PSJEEU0 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENHS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: The Allergy Tracking System V2.2 uses a call to ENHS^PSJEEU0 to extract data pertaining to inpatient med orders. The ^%ZOSF("TEST") global is used to test for the existence of the PSJEEU0 routine before it is called. The input variables are: DFN = IFN of patient in Patient file. PSJEDT = The date to begin the search for orders. The data is returned in two arrays: Unit dose data is returned in the following array: ^UTILITY("PSG",$J,IDT)=SDT^FDT^DRG^PR^ST^DO^MR^SCH^SCT where: IDT = Inverse start date of order. SDT = Start date of order. FDT = Stop date of order DRG = Drug ordered. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is the external printable form. PR = Provider. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. ST = Status of order. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal representation and B is external printable form. DO = Dosage of drug ordered. MR = Medication route of drug ordered. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. SCH = Administration schedule of order. SCT = Schedule type of SCH. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal representation and B is external printable IV data is returned in the following arrays: ^UTILITY("PSIV",$J,-SDT,0)=SDT^FDT^PR^ST^IR^SCH Array of additives in order: ^UTILITY("PSIV",$J,-SDT,"A",Number)=ADT^STR Array of solutions in order: ^UTILITY("PSIV",$J,-SDT,"S",Number)=SOL^VOL where: SDT = Start date of order. FDT = Stop date of order PR = Provider. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is the external printable form. ST = Status of order. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal representation and B is external printable form. IR = Infusion rate of order. SCH = Administration schedule of order. ADT = One additive of order. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. STR = Strength of additive ADT in order. SOL = One solution of order. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. VOL = Volume of solution SOL in order. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: PSJEDT TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines EDITOR: TRAXLER,FRANK NUMBER: 140 IA #: 140 DATE CREATED: JAN 07, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PRCSUT NAME: DBIA140-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 140 ID: PRCSUT GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. EN3^PRCSUT - Checks for Fund Control Point user authorization access. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN3 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 141 IA #: 141 DATE CREATED: JAN 07, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCSDIC NAME: DBIA141 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 141 ID: PRCSDIC GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ^PRCSDIC - Routine to perform lookup into File 410 (Control Point Activity). Variables: DIC DIC(0) DIC("A") STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PRCSDIC VARIABLES: DIC TYPE: Input VARIABLES: DIC(0) TYPE: Input VARIABLES: DIC('A') TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 142 IA #: 142 FILE NUMBER: 31 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(31, DATE CREATED: JAN 23, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HINQ CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA142-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 142 ID: DIC(31, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(31,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES NUMBER: 143 IA #: 143 DATE CREATED: FEB 05, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA143 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 143 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: HINQ v4 inits will transfer data from field 14.9 in File 3 to field 14.9 in File 200. STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HINQ ISC: Albany NUMBER: 144 IA #: 144 FILE NUMBER: 19.1 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(19.1, DATE CREATED: FEB 18, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA144 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 144 ID: DIC(19.1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A patch (pre-release of Inpatient Meds V4) containing new keys will add the new keys to File #19.1, field .01 name. Then based on the present version, it will preload key holders for the new keys into the 'Holder' multiple (19.12) For Inpatient Medications V4 only. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 145 IA #: 145 DATE CREATED: MAR 05, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: OR2 NAME: DBIA145-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 145 ID: OR2 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: In rtn GMRPNA, the user's input is accepted, if in the form ^^XXX, X is set equal to the requested protocol, N ORVP and set ORVP to the current patient in the usual form ("#;DPT("), and D EN^OR2. All GMRP variables required to be intact upon return.are newed. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 146 IA #: 146 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: MAR 11, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA146 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 146 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This request is for permission to access some information from the DPT global directly. The data needed is the 'Other Income' field which is not returned from VADPT. This data is used by social work service with other monetary benefits information as an income screen for newly admitted patients. The data is accessed from piece 9 of the .362 DPT node. When the MB entry point of VADPT is restructed and this information included, it's agreed a patch will be issued to replace the direct access a VADPT entry point call. DURATION: Till otherwise agreed, and VADPT contains "other income". STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SOCIAL WORK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 147 IA #: 147 DATE CREATED: MAR 11, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA147-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 147 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. The REQUEST/CONSULTATION file, 123, has a variable pointer field called "Results" which points to the following fields. 691 Echo Field 1506 RELEASE CODE Field 1511 MARK FOR DELETION 691.1 Cardiac Catheterization Field 1506 RELEASE CODE Field 1511 MARK FOR DELETION 691.5 Electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG) Field 1506 RELEASE CODE Field 1511 MARK FOR DELETION 691.6 Holter Field 1506 RELEASE CODE Field 1511 MARK FOR DELETION 691.7 Exercise Tolerance Test Field 1506 RELEASE CODE Field 1511 MARK FOR DELETION 691.8 Electrophysiology (EP) Field 1506 RELEASE CODE Field 1511 MARK FOR DELETION 694 Hematology Field 1506 RELEASE CODE Field 1511 MARK FOR DELETION 698 Generator Implant 698V1 V Lead Implant 698.2 A Lead Implant 698.3 Pacemaker Surveillance 699 Endoscopy/Consult Field 1506 RELEASE CODE Field 1511 MARK FOR DELETION 700 Pulmonary Function Tests Field 1506 RELEASE CODE Field 1511 MARK FOR DELETION 701 Rheumatology STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 148 IA #: 148 DATE CREATED: MAR 12, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: ORU1 NAME: DBIA148 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 148 ID: ORU1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Health Summary calls PATIENT^ORU1 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PATIENT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES NUMBER: 149 IA #: 149 FILE NUMBER: 50.416 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(50.416, DATE CREATED: MAR 25, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NATIONAL DRUG FILE CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA149-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 149 ID: PS(50.416, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(50.416,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Use FileMan call to look-up entry using the "P" cross-reference. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSN*4*94. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. The Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) package will point to the Drug Ingredient (50.416) file. Also, ART can do lookups on this file using the 'P' cross-reference. ART will do a direct global read on the NAME field (.01). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 18469959 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@12:54 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 150 IA #: 150 DATE CREATED: MAR 26, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NATIONAL DRUG FILE CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PSNNGR NAME: PSNNGR ORIGINAL NUMBER: 150 ID: PSNNGR GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) package can use the PSONGR utility from the Outpatient Pharmacy package. This utility will return all of the primary ingredients to an entry in the Drug (50) file. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 18469944 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PSONGR VARIABLES: PSODA TYPE: Both VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Input/Output = Internal entry number in File 50. VARIABLES: PSOID TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: VA generic name pointer_"A"_VA product name pointer VARIABLES: TMP("PSO",$J,IFN) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: ^TMP("PSO",$J,IFN)=PI where: IFN = internal entry number in file 50.416 of primary ingredient. PI = Primary ingredient name. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 151 IA #: 151 DATE CREATED: MAR 26, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NATIONAL DRUG FILE CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PSNNGR NAME: PSNNGR ORIGINAL NUMBER: 151 ID: PSNNGR GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) package can use the PSNNGR utility from the National Drug File package. This utility will return all of the primary ingredients to an entry in the National Drug (50.6) file. The ART package will use the DISPDRG entry point, if it exists, otherwise ART will call the routine from the top (i.e., D ^PSNNGR). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 18469936 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PSNNGR VARIABLES: PSNDA TYPE: Both VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Input/Output = Internal entry number in File 50.6. VARIABLES: PSNID TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: VA generic name pointer_"A"_VA product name pointer VARIABLES: TMP("PSN",$J,IFN) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: ^TMP("PSN",$J,IFN)=PI where: IFN = internal entry number in File 50.416 of primary ingredient. PI = Primary ingredient name. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DISPDRG VARIABLES: PSNDA TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Internal entry number to File 50.6. VARIABLES: PSNVPN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Internal entry number of the VA PRODUCT NAMES (#7) multiple in File 50.6. VARIABLES: TMP("PSNDD",$J,K) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: ^TMP("PSNDD",$J,K)=DI where: K = internal entry number to the Drug Ingredients (#50.416) file DI = the NAME of the File 50.416 entry SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 152 IA #: 152 DATE CREATED: APR 01, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: DGPMUTL NAME: DBIA152 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 152 ID: DGPMUTL GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A call to WARD^DGPMUTL, to find the ward at discharge, in the routine QIP1DIS. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: WARD SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 153 IA #: 153 FILE NUMBER: 741 GLOBAL ROOT: QA(741, DATE CREATED: APR 20, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: QUALITY ASSURANCE INTEGRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA153-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 153 ID: QA(741, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to find patients who have had a QA occurrence which was refered to peer review associated with a particular admission. File 741 QA OCCURRENCE SCREEN The B cross reference Field 1 DATE REVIEWER (MULTIPLE) Field .01 REVIEW LEVEL Field 11 STATUS STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EXTERNAL PEER REVIEW ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 154 IA #: 154 DATE CREATED: APR 27, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGYEPRP NAME: DBIA154 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 154 ID: DGYEPRP GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. CallS EN^DGYEPRP and AUTO^DGYEPRP entry points.The EN entry point is used by a option to print an external peer review report and AUTO entry point is used to by an option to autoque the report. There are no input variables to the entry points. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: AUTO SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EXTERNAL PEER REVIEW ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 155 IA #: 155 FILE NUMBER: 60 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(60, DATE CREATED: APR 29, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA155 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 155 ID: LAB(60, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A large number of users have requested that Health Summary's Chemistry and Hematology component appear in a manner analogous to the interim report. Health Summary has modified the code to look at: 1.) The PRINT ORDER field in file 60, and use it or the record number divided by 1000000, to determine the print sequence. 2.) The PRINT CODE FIELD (#53) of file 60 to format lab results STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 156 IA #: 156 DATE CREATED: MAY 21, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA156 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 156 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Clinical Warnings hooks from within MAS are needed to call PN at an appropriate time in the patient lookup process to display any warnings that may exist. That code has been developed, but not released yet by the MAS pkg. In order to beta test PN along with OE/RR and for internal Verification, two routines,DGSEC and DPTLK, have been modified in the GMRP namespace and released to the test sites/ISCs. In the post-init, DGSEC and DPTLK will be renamed in lowercase, and then the GMRP hooks installed. Documentation for the editing of the Post-Selection Action field of file #2 will also be provided. AMENDMENT TO DBIA #156 DATED 10/7/93: This agreement was originally written to allow Progress Notes to export the routines DGSEC and DPTLK to its Beta test sites and to its verifying ISC; the MAS developers had added the hooks required to call the Clinical Warnings portion of Progress Notes at the appropriate time in a patient look-up, but this code was not in the field yet. It has since been verified and released. Version 5.2 of MAS and Progress Notes no longer exports them. This agreement is updated to simply provide maintenance of those hooks in the Registration pkg until otherwise agreed; Progress Notes will maintain the entry point ENPAT^GMRPNCW called from ^DGSEC. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 157 IA #: 157 DATE CREATED: MAY 21, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA157 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 157 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: As a standing integration agreement, the Progress Notes pkg (GMRP) will support the entry point ENPAT^GMRPNCW for the use of MAS in the Patient Warnings application. A line was inserted after Q^DGSEC to invoke this entry point if the rtn GMRPNCW is present in the system. Lines DGSEC+2 and CHKDFN+2^DPTLK were also modified somewhat to accomodate this call, as well as the Post-Selection Action of the Patient file (#2). The function of ENPAT^GMRPNCW sets flag (GMRPEN) which turns on Patient Warnings (CWAD) which lists directly under the patient's name on a ^DIC lookup the most recent Crisis Notes, Clinical Warning note, Allergy information, and/or Directive note in the form "C: date time"; a secondary menu option exists to allow users to view the text of these notes at their convenience. No variables are to be returned to MAS, and the only variable required to be received is the patient DFN in Y. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 158 IA #: 158 FILE NUMBER: 70 GLOBAL ROOT: RADPT( DATE CREATED: JUN 02, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA158 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 158 ID: RADPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following fields are used from the Radiology package for determining radiology procedures that use contrast media that were associated with complications: To determine procedures performed for a date range: "AR" cross-reference on the EXAM DATE field - 70.02,.01 To determine procedure performed and whether or not contrast media was used, and if so, was there a complication: Field Global Reference Name ------- --------------------- ------- 2 70.03,2 RADIOLOGY PROCEDURE 3 70.03,3 EXAM STATUS 10 70.03,10 CONTRAST MEDIA USED 16 70.03,16 COMPLICATION 9 71,9 CPT .01 71.03,.01 AMIS CODE .01 78.1,.01 COMPLICATION The above references will be made from the QIP1Q46 routine which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the radiology developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 159 IA #: 159 FILE NUMBER: 741 GLOBAL ROOT: QA(741, DATE CREATED: JUN 02, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OCCURRENCE SCREEN CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA159-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 159 ID: QA(741, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following references will be made from the QIP4QAO* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the occurrence screen developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. #741 QA OCCURRENCE SCREEN file .01 Date 4 Ward/Clinic 11 Status 10 Reviewer (multiple) .01 Review Level 4 Findings STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 160 IA #: 160 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: JUN 08, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA160-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 160 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.21) FIELD NUMBER: .211 FIELD NAME: K-NAME OF PRIMARY NOK LOCATION: .21;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The name of the primary next-of-kin for this applicant. FIELD NUMBER: .212 FIELD NAME: K-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT LOCATION: .21;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a primary next-of-kin is specified, the relationship of that person to the applicant. FIELD NUMBER: .218 FIELD NAME: K-ZIP CODE LOCATION: .21;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a primary next-of-kin is specified, the zip code in which his/her city lies. FIELD NUMBER: .219 FIELD NAME: K-PHONE NUMBER LOCATION: .21;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a primary next-of-kin is specified, that person's telephone number. FIELD NUMBER: .2125 FIELD NAME: K-ADDRESS SAME AS PATIENT'S? LOCATION: .21;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: 'Y' if the next-of-kin should be contacted at the same address and phone number as the applicant, otherwise 'N'. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.211) FIELD NUMBER: .2191 FIELD NAME: K2-NAME OF SECONDARY NOK LOCATION: .211;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a primary next-of-kin is specified, the secondary next-of-kin name. FIELD NUMBER: .2192 FIELD NAME: K2-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT LOCATION: .211;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a secondary next-of-kin is specified, the relationship of that person to the applicant. FIELD NUMBER: .2198 FIELD NAME: K2-ZIP CODE LOCATION: .211;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a secondary NOK is specified, the zip code for the city in which that person resides. FIELD NUMBER: .2199 FIELD NAME: K2-PHONE NUMBER LOCATION: .211;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a secondary NOK is specified, e telephone number at which that person may be reached. FIELD NUMBER: .21925 FIELD NAME: K2-ADDRESS SAME AS PATIENT'S? LOCATION: .211;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: 'Y' if the secondary NOK should be contacted at the same address and phone number as the applicant, otherwise 'N'. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.34) FIELD NUMBER: .341 FIELD NAME: D-NAME OF DESIGNEE LOCATION: .34;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The name of the person designated by the applicant to receive his/her personal effects. FIELD NUMBER: .342 FIELD NAME: D-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT LOCATION: .34;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a designee is specified, the relationship of that person to the applicant. FIELD NUMBER: .348 FIELD NAME: D-ZIP CODE LOCATION: .34;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a designee is specified, the zip code for the city in which s/he resides. FIELD NUMBER: .349 FIELD NAME: D-PHONE NUMBER LOCATION: .34;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a designee is specified, the telephone number at which that person may be reached. FIELD NUMBER: .3405 FIELD NAME: D-DESIGNEE SAME AS NOK? LOCATION: .34;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If a primary NOK is defined, 'Y' if that person is also the designee appointed by the applicant, otherwise 'N' for no. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.321) FIELD NUMBER: .32102 FIELD NAME: AGENT ORANGE EXPOS. INDICATED? LOCATION: .321;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: For this veteran applicant, 'Y' if s/he was exposed to the chemical agent orange, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. FIELD NUMBER: .32103 FIELD NAME: RADIATION EXPOSURE INDICATED? LOCATION: .321;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: For this veteran applicant, 'Y' if s/he was exposed to ionizing radiation while in the military, 'N' if not exposed, or 'U' if unknown. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.322) FIELD NUMBER: .32201 FIELD NAME: PERSIAN GULF SERVICE? LOCATION: .322;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: If the patient served in the Persian Gulf during the war (anytime after August 2, 1990), 'Y'. If the patient did not serve in the Persian Gulf during this timeframe, 'N'. 'U" if this information could not be obtained from the patient. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Pulling over the following MAS data: PATIENT (#2) file: ^DPT(D0,.21) (#.211) K-NAME OF PRIMARY NOK Direct Global Read (#.212) K-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT Direct Global Read (#.218) K-ZIP CODE Direct Global Read (#.219) K-PHONE NUMBER Direct Global Read (#.2125) K-ADDRESS SAME AS PATIENT'S? Direct Global Read ^DPT(D0,.211) (#.2191) K2-NAME OF SECONDARY NOK Direct Global Read (#.2192) K2-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT Direct Global Read (#.2198) K2-ZIP CODE Direct Global Read (#.2199) K2-PHONE NUMBER Direct Global Read (#.21925) K2-ADDRESS SAME AS PATIENT'S? Direct Global Read ^DPT(D0,.34) (#.341) D-NAME OF DESIGNEE Direct Global Read (#.342) D-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT Direct Global Read (#.348) D-ZIP CODE Direct Global Read (#.349) D-PHONE NUMBER Direct Global Read (#.3405) D-DESIGNEE SAME AS NOK? Direct Global Read ^DPT(D0,.321) (#.32102) AGENT ORANGE EXPOS. INDICATED? Read w/FileMan (#.32103) RADIATION EXPOSURE INDICATED? Read w/FileMan ^DPT(D0,.322) (#.32201) PERSIAN GULF SERVICE? Read w/FileMan STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 27335179 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ONCOLOGY ISC: Hines NUMBER: 161 IA #: 161 DATE CREATED: JUN 08, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA161 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 161 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1.) A conversion rtn will copy the data found in ^YSP(606) into ^GMR(121) in the proper format. If pointers to file #16 still exist, they will be re-pointed to file #200. If version 5 is present, the codes for signature will also be converted. NO data will be automatically deleted by this process!! 2.) Documentation for the archive, purge the deletion, thru Fileman, of Files #606 & #606.5 will be provided. Also documentation for replacing the YSPN* options with GMRPN* options wherever they occur, to assure continued user access to the data. All YSPN*, GMRPN*, and YSMOVP (move Crisis Note to PN) options will be disabled for the duration of the conversion; when finished, the GMRPN* and YSMOVP options will be re-enabled and the YSPN* options will remain disabled with a message referencing the GMRPN options. Documentation will also be provided for deletion, at the sites disgression, of the old Mental Health options that will no longer be needed. 3.) When the conversion is completed, two Mental Health rtns will be updated to allow uninterrupted user access to the data: YSPP8 will be updated to check ^GMR(121) for the date of the most recent note on a given patient, and YSMV1 will be updated to transfer moving Mental Health Crisis Notes and Messages to the ^GMR(121) global from the ^YSP(606) global. These rtns will be exported as GMRPYSP8 and GMRPYSMV respectively, and renamed in the YS namespace 4.) Pointer to file #627.5, DSM-III-R Code.in field #30, DXLS, to ensure compatibility of this field in file 606. 5.) An optional tool to be run before the conversion, is a utility that will allow a site to edit the titles in the MH file (#606) before running the conversion. It has two entry points, one to generate a FileMan listing of all currently used MH titles and the other to edit the titles not desired in the new file. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 162 IA #: 162 FILE NUMBER: 63 GLOBAL ROOT: LR( DATE CREATED: JUN 08, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA162 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 162 ID: LR( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Accessing the ^LR global as follows: 1) Searching the ^LR - cross references: "ASP","ACY","AEM","AAU" 2) Accessing the Topography and Morphology multiples: ^LR(D0,"SP",D1,0) - (0;1) "SP",D1,2,D2,0)) - (0;1) "SP",D1,2,D2,2,D3,0) - (0;1) 3) The same nodes for ^LR(D0,"CY") AND ^LR(D0,"EM") 4) Also the Autopsy nodes: ^LR(D0,"AU") - ("AU";1) "AU",D1,0) - (0;1) "AU",D1,2,D2,0) - (0;1) Accessing malignancies, AND the date of the test. This information is temporarily stored in the Oncology Patient file. The date of the test possibly being the date of diagnosis. In addition I should note that if the Casefinding Lab Report is printed all these nodes are accessed for the report data for each patient that has been previously "found" in a search. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ONCOLOGY ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 163 IA #: 163 FILE NUMBER: 78.3 GLOBAL ROOT: RA(78.3, DATE CREATED: JUN 08, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA163-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 163 ID: RA(78.3, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: For Automatic Casefinding Radiology: Oncology looking at: ^RA(78.3 for a defined diagnostic code containing the word Malignancy... Check the ^RADPT("AR") cross-reference for date. Look at; ^RADPT(D0,"DT",D1,"P",D2,0) NODES for procedures which have the diagnostic code found above in ^RA(78.3 - we capture those patients and the date of the "suspicious procedures" STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ONCOLOGY ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 164 IA #: 164 DATE CREATED: JUN 04, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: GMTS NAME: DBIA164 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 164 ID: GMTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: In order to facilitate displaying Allergy alerts and data, a call is made to Health Summary to use components there for all the alerts -- Allergies, Crisis notes, Clinical Warning notes, and Advance Directive notes. In rtn GMRPNCW, GMTSPRM is set to the appropriate abbreviation, i.e. CN=Crisis Notes, CW=Clinical Warnings and Advance Directives, and ADR=Allergies; GMTSTITL is set to an appropriate heading for the HS report, depending on the value of GMTSPRM. A call is then made to D ENCWA^GMTS to print the report of alerts selected to view by the user. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENCWA VARIABLES: GMTSPRM TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING NUMBER: 165 IA #: 165 DATE CREATED: JUN 15, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: OR2 NAME: DBIA165-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 165 ID: OR2 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Consult/Request Tracking review screens use a "Select Action: " prompt at the bottom of each screen, similiar to OE/RR. Once a protocol item is selected at the "Select Action: " prompt, the response is analyzed by the GMRCUP routine to see if the response is prefixed with "^^" for navigation to protocols outside of the immediate protocol menu being provided. If "^^" was prefixed to a protocol name the GMRCUP1 routine will setup the following variables, ORVP and X=PROTOCOL TEXT and call EN^OR2. This entry point envokes the protocol jumped to. Upon completion of the protocol, the routine control is returned to the C/RT package. VARIABLES: ORVP TYPE: Input VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 166 IA #: 166 DATE CREATED: JUN 10, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA166 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 166 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Four components of the Health Summary package use data from the Progress Notes package -- Progress Notes, Brief Progress Notes, Crisis Notes and Clinical Warnings display components. There are structural changes to the Progress Notes global in the new version, they are reflected in changes to three Health Summary routines that access this data. Request permission to send these routines out with the tape containing the new global structure and routines for Progress Notes; they will be saved in the GMRP namespace, and in the post-init routine, using the code provided in the Kernel %ZOSF nodes, they will be saved at the site under the given Health Summary names. The routines are GMTSPN, GMTSPNE, GMTSCW. This agreement is for current release only. This release only. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 167 IA #: 167 FILE NUMBER: 19 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(19, DATE CREATED: JUN 15, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA167 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 167 ID: DIC(19, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. Agreement to point to the Option File from the Request Services File (123.5). This will be used to establish security for service updating based on the option entered. Two special options are distributed with the Consult/Request Package which are specific to the Packages users for Pharmacy and Medicine. The GMRC initialization process sets up the option/service relationships for IRM in the Request Services File (123.5). 2. Agreement to use the XQY and XQY0 variables to determine which option the user used to get to the "Select Action: " logic for a given service. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 168 IA #: 168 FILE NUMBER: 6 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(6, DATE CREATED: JUN 16, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA168 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 168 ID: DIC(6, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: DSS extracts information from a number of DHCP files. In many of the extracts, provider information is one of the data elements. Because this information is being shipped out of DHCP, we opted to send pointer values rather than names. Since most packages currently point to file 6 and will ultimately point to 200 and since we don't want to try to coordinate releases with all packages, we have chosen to send data in the form of pointer-file. We are looking at the second "P" piece of the second "^" piece of the zero node of the DD for the field in question. Till supported call is available. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 169 IA #: 169 DATE CREATED: JUN 17, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: XQORM NAME: DBIA169-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 169 ID: XQORM GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Consult/Request Tracking package populates the Protocol File (101) with protocol items representing responses to prompts. These responses are selectable via calls to the Menu Utility, XQORM, routines. For example, "Select Action: ", "Place of Consultation: ", and "Urgency: " prompts all use the XQORM routines to handle the users response. Variable, XQORM("NO^^"), has been added for those responses that it is inappropriate to "^^" jump. Variables set to call XQORM XQORM=variable pointer to Protocol File (101) entry. The Protocol File entries specified are all Protocol Menu Type entries.(e.g., GMRCPLACEM - INPATIENT is the Protocol Name of a distributed Protocol Menu used at "Place of Consultation: " prompts.) XQORM("NO^^")="" When defined, this variable tells XQORM not to allow "^^" jumping at the prompt. XQORM(0)=This controls the display and prompting of the menu. XQORM(0) may contain a number, and/or letters A,D, and F. If there is a number, it must always be at the beginning of the string. The parameters do the following: #: maximum number of selections allowed. If there is no number, as many selections as menu items are allowed. A: The user will be prompted to make a selection. D: The menu will be displayed. F: Selection will NOT be saved in ^DISV. For example, XQORM(0)="2A" will allow the user to make a maximum of two selections. The menu will not be displayed (unless a ? is typed), and the selections will be saved in ^DISV. XQORM("A")=Text here will be used as the select prompt. XQORM("B")=Text here will be used as the default menu selection. XQORM("?")=MUMPS code that replaces the standard help. XQORM("S")=(Not used by Consult/Request Tracking) MUMPS code that will screen the items on the menu. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: XQORM VARIABLES: XQORM TYPE: Input VARIABLES: XQORM() TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 170 IA #: 170 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: JUN 17, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA170 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 170 ID: VA(200, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Agreement is made to allow the AMIE package to make references to ^VA(200,DA(1),2,DA) directly. Generally lookup into ^VA(200 is blessed. Any changes to security/access information is NOT blessed. Such items of concern are: NAME, FILEMANAGER ACCESS, ACCESS CODES, VERIFY CODES, PRIMARY & SECONDARY MENUS, SECURITY KEYS, and FILE ACCESS list. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 171 IA #: 171 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: JUN 17, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA171 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 171 ID: DD( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD(133.028,.01,0) GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD(139.21,.01,0) GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1.) The SURGERY SITE PARAMETERS file contains a multiple titled REQUIRED FIELDS FOR SCHEDULING which containg fields that must be entered prior to allowing a surgical case to be scheduled. This field points to the global ^DD(130, allowing selection of filed names. ^DD(133.028,.01,0) = REQUIRED FIELDS FOR SCHEDULING^P130'^DD(130,^0;1^Q 2.) The same concept is used in the RISK MODEL LAB TEST file excep we're pointing to the DDs for one of the lab files or sub-files. ^DD(139.21,.01,0) = LABORATORY DATA NAME^M*P63'X^DD(63.04,^0;1^S DIC("S")="I Y>1" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 172 IA #: 172 DATE CREATED: JUN 17, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: ECXUD1 NAME: DBIA172-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 172 ID: ECXUD1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: DSS Extracts needs data from the Inpatient Medications package which cannot be extracted from any file. The Inpatient Medications team has agreed to modify two routines (PSGPLF and PSGAMSA) to call, after executing %ZOSF("TEST"), routine ECXUD1 to place data into a DSS file for future extract by DSS. The requested data is placed in the ECUD variable, which the ECXUD1 routine uses to store the data in the UNIT DOSE EXTACTS file (#720.904). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 34591057 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ECXUD1 VARIABLES: ECUD TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Variable ECUD contains the following pieces of data: 1. DFN of the patient for whom the drug was dispensed. 2. Date drug was dispensed in FileMan format (no time). 3. The IEN of the drug dispensed. 4. Units dispensed. For example: number of tablets. 5. The IEN of the ward location for the patient. Pointer to file #42. 6. The IEN of the provider who placed the order. 7. Cost of the units dispensed. 8. Order Start Date/Time in FileMan format. 9. The IEN of the order number. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS NUMBER: 173 IA #: 173 DATE CREATED: JUN 17, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA173 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 173 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The MAS package will carry along the HINQ mini inits when it installs MAS v5.2. The HINQ mini inits (DVBY*) are a collection of routines that will install a new edit template field into the HINQ edit template (DVBHINQ UPDATE) which is part of the patient file. The entry point to call is ^DVBYCHK . This routine will check to ensure the proper version of the HINQ package is installed (V4.0). If at least 4.0 is not installed the init will not be run. Installation notes will be provided to the MAS developers for inclusion into the MAS release notes. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HINQ ISC: Albany NUMBER: 174 IA #: 174 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: JUN 18, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA174 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 174 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(DFN,.372) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: RATED DISABILITIES (VA) ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DISABILITY % ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: SERVICE CONNECTED ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Direct global access to patient file, Field .3721--Rated Disabilities (VA). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 33089108 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUASAR ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES NUMBER: 175 IA #: 175 DATE CREATED: JUN 18, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA175 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 175 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PDX routines will be exported with MAS 5.2. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 176 IA #: 176 GLOBAL ROOT: DG( DATE CREATED: JUN 18, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA176 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 176 ID: DG( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PDX uses direct access to ^DG global. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 177 IA #: 177 DATE CREATED: JUN 18, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA177 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 177 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Progress Notes has permission to place the XUSESIG option on one of its menus during export. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 178 IA #: 178 DATE CREATED: JUN 18, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA178 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 178 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: OR/RR has permission to place the XUSESIG option on one of its menus during export. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 179 IA #: 179 DATE CREATED: JUN 18, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDACS NAME: DBIA179 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 179 ID: SDACS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Radiology uses supported call EN3^SDACS for adding stop codes. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN3 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 180 IA #: 180 DATE CREATED: JUN 18, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DIU NAME: DBIA180 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 180 ID: DIU GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Surgery uses the entry point DI^DIU as follows: Prior to entry, the following input variables must be supplied: DI = file number N = 0 X = null (or you can set it to any combination of "WC.01" where W" will screen out word-processing fields, "C" will screen out computed fields, and ".01" will screen out the .01 field at both top and subfile levels.) At the end, all variables set by Surgery will be killed, and in addition, %,C,DA,DDH,DI,DIC,DISYS,I,J and Y will be killed. After calling this routine, varible N will tell how many levels down you went into subfiles (0 is top level, 1 is 1 level down, etc.). The I array will tell the subscript for each multiple level at which the data is located (ex., I(1) for first level down, I(2) for second). The J array will tell the subfile number at each multiple level (ex.,J(1) for first level down, J(2) for second). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DI VARIABLES: DI TYPE: Input VARIABLES: N TYPE: Input VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES: I TYPE: Output VARIABLES: J TYPE: Output SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 181 IA #: 181 DATE CREATED: JUN 19, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: ORUHDR NAME: DBIA181-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 181 ID: ORUHDR STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EXT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Displays a standard header for detailed order displays. If calling this from within OE/RR, it is not necessary to kill the returned variables. OE/RR will kill them. REQUIRED VARIABLES: ORIFN RETURNED VARIABLES: ORAGE,ORIO ORANSI,ORDOB, ORFT,ORHI,ORIFN, ORNP,ORL,ORPD, ORPNM,ORPV,ORSEQ, ORSEX,ORSSN,ORTIT, ORTS,ORVP,ORWARD VARIABLES: ORIFN TYPE: Both VARIABLES: ORAGE TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORIO TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORANSI TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORDOB TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORFT TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORHI TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORNP TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORL TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORPD TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORPNM TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORPV TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORSEQ TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORSEX TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORSSN TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORTIT TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORTS TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORVP TYPE: Output VARIABLES: ORWARD TYPE: Output COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PGBRK COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Displays "Press return to continue or "^" to escape" at page breaks. REQUIRED VARIABLES none RETURNED VARIABLES: DIROUT,OREND VARIABLES: DIROUT TYPE: Output VARIABLES: OREND TYPE: Output SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 182 IA #: 182 DATE CREATED: JUL 14, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DIP1 NAME: DBIA182 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 182 ID: DIP1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: DGPTFMO1 AT LINE 17 ISSUES A CALL TO N^DIP1. This is currently being renegotiated to use a supported reference that will be available in version 21 of Fileman. V21 will still have the entry point N^DIP1, but it is recommended that the new supported reference be used when available. STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version MAIL MESSAGE: 11021087 GOOD ONLY FOR VERSION: 5.3 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: N SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 183 IA #: 183 DATE CREATED: JUL 16, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PSOSD1 NAME: DBIA183 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 183 ID: PSOSD1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Health Summary will use the entry point DFN^PSOSD1, which can be called with DFN and PSTYPE=1, to print the Action Profile. NOTE: This DBIA has been replaced by DBIA #1281. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: OCT 09, 1998 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DFN VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: PSTYPE TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 184 IA #: 184 DATE CREATED: JUL 16, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PSOSD1 NAME: DBIA184 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 184 ID: PSOSD1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: OE/RR will use the entry point DFN^PSOSD1, which can be called with DFN and PSTYPE=1, to print the Action Profile. NOTE: This DBIA has been replaced by DBIA #1281. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: OCT 09, 1998 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DFN VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: PSTYPE TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 185 IA #: 185 FILE NUMBER: 131.7 GLOBAL ROOT: SRS( DATE CREATED: JUL 16, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SURGERY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA185-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 185 ID: SRS( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRS('B',+LOC,ORLOC) GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An E3R has been issued, asking to modify the Health Summary Print by location option to allow selection of an Operating Room, and to queue the selected Health Summary Type to print for all patients scheduled for surgery in that OR on a user-specified date. To that end, the Print by Location driver has been modified to look at the "B" cross reference of the Operating Room File (i.e., ^SRS("B",+LOC,ORLOC)) to get the record number of the selected OR, and then traverse the "AOR" cross reference of the Surgery File (i.e., ^SRF("AOR",+ORLOC,SDT,SRN) to get the record number of each surgery. It then visits the zero-node of each Surgery record to get the patient, whom it adds to the list of patients for Health Summaries to be printed. Health Summary makes direct references to the above cited globals and cross references. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 186 IA #: 186 DATE CREATED: JUL 22, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGINPW NAME: DBIA186-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 186 ID: DGINPW GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Means Test Billing Conversion. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 187 IA #: 187 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: JUL 22, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA187-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 187 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Integrated Billing uses the following functions, routines, files and fields: 2 DPT PATIENT FILE .01 NAME-- Used for sorting and printed on a patients Check-off Sheet and on the 'Unbilled BASC codes for insured Patients' report, returned by function PT, function created to replace DEM^VADPT call .363 PRIMARY LONG ID-- Returned by function PT, function created to replace DEM^VADPT call .364 PRIMARY SHORT ID-- Returned by function PT, function created to replace DEM^VADPT call 2.98 (1900) APPOINTMENT SUBFILE 3-- STATUS-- Used to determine if Check-off sheet should be printed 9.5-- APPOINTMENT TYPE Printed on a patients Check-off Sheet .3721(2.04) RATED DISABILITIES SUBFILE printed on a patients Check-off Sheet if SERVICE CONNECTED is true .01 RATED DISABILITIES 2 DISABILITY % 3 SERVICE CONNECTED ^DPT(patient file)-- "ADIS"-- ^IBOVOP1: xref on login date/time - "DIS"-- ^IBOVOP1: disposition node - 0;2 STATUS - 0;3 TYPE OF BENEFIT APPLIED FOR - 0;7 DISPOSITION - "S"-- ^IBECEA, ^IBOVOP, ^IBOVOP1 check appointments for a C&P - "ACS"-- ^IBOVOP: means test status - .311 node-- ^IBEHCFA: insured's info PATIENT, #2-- "CN" cross-reference Billing of all current Category C clients. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL REMINDERS SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: added 5/14/09 DATE/TIME EDITED: MAY 14, 2009@14:03 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: REDINGTON,PATRICK WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MULLER,RICHARD NUMBER: 188 IA #: 188 DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDAMBAE4 NAME: DBIA188-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 188 ID: SDAMBAE4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: STATUS^SDAMBAE4-- Incorporated current Ambulatory Procedure active status into a CPT status function that also includes BASC and AMA status STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: STATUS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 189 IA #: 189 DATE CREATED: AUG 03, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: DGPMDDCF NAME: DBIA189 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 189 ID: DGPMDDCF GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Record Tracking routines RTDPA31,RTSM and ^DD(195.9,.01,"V",,2) 'Ward location variable pointer screen' call WIN^DGPMDDCF with DO=IFN of WARD LOCATION FILE to screen inactive wards as borrowers/file areas. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: WIN SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 190 IA #: 190 DATE CREATED: AUG 06, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: GMRAPEM0 NAME: DBIA190-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 190 ID: GMRAPEM0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Medicine package has the permission of the Allergy Tracking System developers to use the following items from ATS V2.2. EN2^GMRAPEM0: This entry point is to be used by the Medicine package to enter data into the Allergy Tracking System. The input variable is DFN (pointer to file 2). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN2 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING NUMBER: 191 IA #: 191 DATE CREATED: AUG 18, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PSOPS NAME: DBIA191-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 191 ID: PSOPS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ^PSOPS: This entry point(and re-entry point) is the functional Pharmacy Patient profile. This tool is used for acquisition of display only data for use in Rheumatology reports. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES NUMBER: 192 IA #: 192 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA192 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 192 ID: DD( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: FileMan agrees that Quality Improvement Checklist can call the following routine occurrences of ^DD references: ROUTINE OCCURRENCES OF ^DD REFERENCES: QIPEXT+2: I $D(QIPCUS) W !!,"This option displays the report specifications",!,"for the QUIC",$P($P(";"_$P (^DD(738.1,1,0),"^",3),";"_QIPCUS_":",2)," ;")," extract report(s).",! G EN QIPEXTR+9: I $D(QIPCUS) S PNAME=$P($P(";"_$P(^DD(738.1,1,0),"^",3), CUS_": ",2),";") QIPEXTR+18: K LOC,NAME,PM,PNAME S LOC=^QIP(738.1,OPTN,0),NAME=$P (LOC,"^"),PM=$P(LOC,"^",2),PNAME=$P($P(";"_$P(^DD(738.1,1,0),"^",3), ";"_PM_":",2),"; ") QIPEXTU1+21: W !?10,$J(CNT,2),". ",NAME," - ",$P($P(";"_$P(^DD (738.1,1,0),"^",3),";"_PM_":",2),";")_$S($G(^QIP(738.1,OPTN,"NA")) &(QIP'="V"):" <>",1:"") GLOBAL LISTINGS OF THE REFERENCED DDs: ^DD("42",".03","0")="SERVICE^RSX^M:MEDICINE;S:SURGERY;P:PSYCHIATRY; NH:NHCU;NE:NEUROLOGY;I:INTERMEDIATE MED;R:REHAB MEDICINE;SCI:SPINAL CORD INJURY;D:DOMICILIARY;B:BLIND REHAB;NC:NON-COUNT;^0;3^Q" ^DD("738.1","1","0")="PARENT MENU^RS^L:LABORATORY;M:MAS;N:NURSING; P:PHARMACY;S:SURGERY;Q:QUALITY MANAGEMENT;R:RADIOLOGY;^0;2^Q" STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 193 IA #: 193 DATE CREATED: SEP 15, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCANRU NAME: DBIA193 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 193 ID: PRCANRU GENERAL DESCRIPTION: To activate the data extraction process of the Accounts Receivable package, the MCCR National Database - Field Component, using indirection, will issue the following call using parameter passing: D EN1^PRCANRU(PRQDAT,PRQSTR,PRQIDN,.PRQERR) Where: PRQDAT is a pieced variable, with ^ as the piece delimiter, as follows: site number ^ batch number ^ from date ^ to date PRQSTR is a variable which defines a global root where the package extraction routine will place the data according to the format below. PRQIDN is a unique identifier number PRQERR is an error flag which will be set to "1 DATA COLLECTION ABORTED". The extract routine must reset this variable so it evaluates to zero as an indicator that the extraction process ran to completion. Data is stored using the global root as follows: PRQSTR_","_criteria#1_"-"_criteria#2)=#count^$amount for example: ^TMP("PRQ","2020D611","1-1")=50^25000 The actual line of code in the MCCR National Database - Field Component will appear as: D @(extractor entry point) D DRIVER^PRQSD. Finally, the code for invoking the routine will exist as an entry in the MCCR Collections Routine file. The AR package may directly enter an extractor routine into the MCCR Collection Routines file (file #466), as part of its installation procedure. The entry must include routine name and status, and proper cross-references for these two fields. The routine name should include a "#" character to indicate the proper position of the "^". Status may be either active or inactive. Inactive extractors will not be invoked by the MCCR National Database software. The following extractor will be entered during installation of the MCCR National Database - Field Component: EN1#PRCANRU(PRQDAT,PRQSTR,PRQIDN,.PRQERR). This entry may be modified, or other entries added, in subsequent AR releases with prior notification to, and concurrence of, the San Francisco ISC. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN1 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MCCR NATIONAL DATABASE ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 194 IA #: 194 FILE NUMBER: 63 GLOBAL ROOT: LR( DATE CREATED: SEP 15, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA194 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 194 ID: LR( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Risk Assessment module of the Surgery package contains options that locate and store lab test values for certain lab tests, which are later transmitted to the Surgery Risk Assessment database at Hines for eventual analysis. These options allow for the automatic input of pre-operative and post-operative lab test values into the Surgery file. Each lab test and its associated specimen is defined in one of the Surgery package files along with the site-specific 'Data Name(s)' associated with each test. The information in this file is used to locate the latest pre-operative test value within 30 days of the operation and the highest and/or the lowest test value within 30 days after the operation. The following files within the LABORATORY package are pointed to by Surgery: - File 61 (TOPOGRAPHY FIELD) - File 63 (LAB DATA) Sub-File 63.04 (CHEM, HEM, TOX, RIA, SER, etc.) Surgery reads data in the following fields within file 63 (LAB DATA): - 63.04,.01 - DATE/TIME SPECIMEN TAKEN Global Reference: ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME,0), piece #1 The INVERSE DATE/TIME subscript is determined by looping through ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME) for the inverse date/time range based on the date/time of operation and the date/time of operation +/- 30 days (minus 30 days for pre-operative data or plus 30 days for post-operative data). - 63.04,.03 - DATE REPORT COMPLETED Global Reference: ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME,0), piece #3 - 63.04,.05 - SPECIMEN TYPE Global Reference: ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME,0), piece #5 - 63.04,* All LAB TEST fields associated with Risk Assessment Global Reference: ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME,DATA NAME), piece #1 The DATA NAME subscript is determined by looping through ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME,DATA NAME) checking for a match with site specific Risk Assessment lab test data names stored in the Surgery package. Because the Surgery package will be making direct reference to data in the Laboratory namespace, we request a Database Integration Agreement with the developers of the Laboratory package permitting Surgery to reference the above mentioned Laboratory data structures. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 195 IA #: 195 DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDROUT2 NAME: DBIA195 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 195 ID: SDROUT2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Display a patient's eligibility and disabilities the same way MAS does on the routing sheet. The subroutine DIS^SPROUT2 makes several global references: ^DPT(DFN,.372, ^DG(391, ^DIC(31, STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DIS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 196 IA #: 196 FILE NUMBER: 62.5 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(62.4, DATE CREATED: SEP 24, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA196-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 196 ID: LAB(62.4, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Medicine Package has permission from the Lab developers for read and write access to the ^LA node for the purpose of LSI autoinstrument interfacing. The Medicine Package has permission from the Lab developers for creating entries in the Autoinstrument file for the purpose of LSI autoinstrument interfacing. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES NUMBER: 197 IA #: 197 FILE NUMBER: 61.6 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(61.6, DATE CREATED: OCT 07, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA197 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 197 ID: LAB(61.6, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Oncology is granted LAYGO access to the SNOMED Occupational File in Laboratory. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ONCOLOGY ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 198 IA #: 198 FILE NUMBER: 410 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCS(410, DATE CREATED: NOV 24, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA198 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 198 ID: PRCS(410, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: In an effort to provide a receiving mechanism for Controlled Substances module, several look-ups and pointers are necessary for an interim interface. For Purchase Order receipts, a lookup to PROCUREMENT & ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS file 442, screened by cost center [822400] is used. For Issue Receipts, a lookup occurs, screened by cost center [822400], in CONTROL POINT ACTIVITY file 410. A connection between the DRUG file 50 and ITEM MASTER file 441 is crucial for posting receipt information. This may be a one-to-many relationship and therefore involves the creation of a multiple IFCAP ITEM NUMBER field (#50.0441) in the DRUG file 50 pointing to the ITEM MASTER file 441. This field includes an input transform similar to that found in the NDC field in the ITEM MASTER file 441 preventing the linking of the same item to more than one drug. It also includes an 'AB' whole file cross-reference. Pointer to CONTROL POINT ACTIVITY file 410 Pointer to ITEM MASTER file 441 Pointer to PROCUREMENT & ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS file 442 References information (Read only) from CONTROL POINT ACTIVITY file 410 .01 TRANSACTION NUMBER 10 ITEM .01 LINE ITEM NUMBER 1 DESCRIPTION 2 QUANTITY 3 UNIT OF PURCHASE 5 REPETITIVE (PR CARD) NO. 6 STOCK NUMBER 7 EST. ITEM (UNIT) COST 13 QUANTITY POSTED (WHSE) 14 QUANTITY REC'D (PRIMARY) IFCAP files are used solely to gather and display receipt information and so the Controlled Substances files 58.8 and 58.81 can accumulate a receipt history. DURATION: Till otherwise agreed, when the GIP & Drug Accountability interf ace is available STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 199 IA #: 199 FILE NUMBER: 736 GLOBAL ROOT: QIP(736, DATE CREATED: DEC 04, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA199-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 199 ID: QIP(736, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1) The ALPHA PROJECT DATA file (#734) would like to point to File 736, QUIC SORT DATA file. .01 VAMC in File 734 is a dinum pointer to File 736. 2) ALPHA routines access the following QUIC fields in a read-only manner: File 736 QUIC SORT DATA .01 STATION NAME STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ALPHA ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 200 IA #: 200 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: DEC 14, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA200 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 200 ID: VA(200, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The ADP USER file 497.2 may have its top level .01 field DINUMed to the NEW PERSON file 200. The ADP USER file is limited to distribution to the ISCs. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADP PLANNING (PLANMAN) ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 201 IA #: 201 DATE CREATED: DEC 15, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: EXTERNAL PEER REVIEW CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: QIEQA NAME: DBIA201 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 201 ID: QIEQA GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine DGYEPRN makes a call to $$QA^QIEQA($P(DGPT0,"^"),$P(DPT0,"^",2).$P(DGPT70,"^")). Resolving the $P functions it equates to $$QA^QIEQA(DFN,ADM,DIS). DFN=patient, ADM=admit date, DIS=discharge date. The function checks to see if the patient was referred to peer review in the QA application. (See DBIA # 153 for agreement between EPRP and QA for global access.) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$QA SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 202 IA #: 202 DATE CREATED: JAN 21, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: RTUTL3 NAME: DBIA202 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 202 ID: RTUTL3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: IRT has permission to call in the following RT routines: MED^RTUTL3 calls LATEST^RTUTL3 where the doc is LATEST^RTUTL3 input variable is RTE entity DFN_";DPT(" output RTDATA=volume^borrower^phone/room#^date/time charged RT = internal record number. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: MED VARIABLES: RT TYPE: Output VARIABLES: RTE TYPE: Input VARIABLES: RTDATA TYPE: Output COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: LATEST VARIABLES: RTE TYPE: Input VARIABLES: RTDATA TYPE: Output VARIABLES: RT TYPE: Output SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INCOMPLETE RECORDS TRACKING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EXTERNAL PEER REVIEW ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 203 IA #: 203 FILE NUMBER: 162.1 GLOBAL ROOT: FBAA(162.1, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 2006 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: FEE BASIS CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: FEE BASIS PHARMACY INVOICE ORIGINAL NUMBER: 203 ID: FBAA(162.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: FBAA(162.1,'AA' GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The AA cross reference. It is defined as FBAA(162.1,"AA",date_certified,patient,da(1),da) where date_certified is the DATE CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT (#15) patient is the PATIENT (4) da(1) is the IEN of the FEE BASIS PHARMACY INVOICE da is the IEN of the PRESCRIPTION NUMBER multiple GLOBAL REFERENCE: FBAA(162.1,D0,RX,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 6.5 FIELD NAME: AMOUNT PAID LOCATION: 0;16 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 30789452 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 204 IA #: 204 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA204 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 204 ID: SC( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read Only access to the Hospital Location File (#44), Field 1900 (Appointment), to read scheduling information from the global ^SC(D0,S,D1,1,D2,0). The information read will be stored in a Prosthetics package file and used in the quarterly compilation of AMIS reports. Read access to the ^SC(D0,"I") node to check the inactivate date (field #2505) and the re-activate date (field #2506) to allow Prosthetics to Select an active Clinic when entering Prosthetics Clinics in the Prosthetics Site Parameter File. Until V. 6.0 of Registration. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 205 IA #: 205 FILE NUMBER: 723 GLOBAL ROOT: ECC(723, DATE CREATED: JAN 29, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA205 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 205 ID: ECC(723, GLOBAL REFERENCE: ECC(723, FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Version 3.0 of the Surgery software had permission to export the MEDICAL SPECIALTY file (#723) with data in the inits. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 206 IA #: 206 DATE CREATED: JAN 29, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PSIVACT NAME: DBIA206 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 206 ID: PSIVACT GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Surgery package has permission to invoke the entry point DCOR^PSIVACT, which is exported as part of the Inpatient Meds package. This entry point allows surgery to discontinue all of a specific patient's IV orders, and is documented in the version 4.0 Inpatient Meds will continue to support this entry point until agreed. When DCOR^PSIVACT is invoked DFN, must be set to the IEN for the patient whose orders are to be discontinued. DCOR^PSIVACT uses the following variables: ON1, PSIVRES, PSIVREA, PSIVDFN,PSIVON, PSIVLN. These variables are killed upon exit from the utility. DFN is unchanged. In setting up the call to DCOR^PSIVACT, Surgery sets DFN and PSIVRES. The other variables mentioned are set within PSIVACT. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DCOR VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: ON1 TYPE: Used VARIABLES: PSIVRES TYPE: Input VARIABLES: PSIVREA TYPE: Used VARIABLES: PSIVDFN TYPE: Used VARIABLES: PSIVON TYPE: Used VARIABLES: PSIVLN TYPE: Used SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 207 IA #: 207 DATE CREATED: FEB 03, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: LRRP2 NAME: DBIA207 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 207 ID: LRRP2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Surgery is granted a database integration agreement with Laboratory allowing Surgery to make a call to LRRP2 by executing %ZOSF("TEST"), then calling LRRP2. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 208 IA #: 208 DATE CREATED: FEB 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PSSGIU NAME: PSSGIU ORIGINAL NUMBER: 208 ID: PSSGIU GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Surgery package is given formal permission from Inpatient Medications to make calls to the routine PSGIU to mark and unmark entries in the DRUG file (#50) for anesthesia use. The entry points ENS^PSGIU and END^PSGIU are the same entry points Surgery Version 2.12 has been using and we want to continue using them in Version 3.0. Both entry points are documented in the Inpatient Medications Technical Manual for Version 4.0. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Entry point to mark drug for anesthesia use Surgery package sets variables PSIUDA and PSIUX prior to calling ENS^PSIGU. VARIABLES: PSIUDA TYPE: Input VARIABLES: PSIUX TYPE: Input COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: END COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Entry point to unmark drug for anesthesia use. Surgery package sets variables PSIUDA and PSIUX prior to calling END^PGIGU. VARIABLES: PSIUDA TYPE: Input VARIABLES: PSIUX TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 209 IA #: 209 FILE NUMBER: 50.6 GLOBAL ROOT: PSNDF( DATE CREATED: FEB 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NATIONAL DRUG FILE CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA209 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 209 ID: PSNDF( GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSNDF(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: VA GENERIC NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This is the VA Generic name of drug 3-64 characters in length. GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: This file contains a list of available drug products. It includes specific information for each product, including trade name, NDC number, manufacturer , VA Drug Class code, dosage form, route of administration, strength, units, ingredients, ingredient strength and units, package code, package size, package type, VA Product Name, and VA Generic Name. The NDF software attempts to match products from this file with products in the local DRUG file. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSNDF(D0,2,D1,3,D2,4,D3,5,D4,6,D5,7,D6,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NDC LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This is the NDC (National Drug Code) of this product. FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: VA PRODUCT NAME POINTER LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This is the entry number in the VA Product Name multiple of this product. GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: This is the NDC (National Drug Code) multiple. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSNDF(D0,5,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: VA PRODUCT NAMES LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This is the VA Product Name. GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: This is the VA Product Name multiple. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Drug Accountability is granted this agreement to connect the DRUG (#50) file to the ITEM MASTER (#441) file to make use of a look-up to the NATIONAL DRUG (#50.6) file. If a selected DRUG file entry has a NATIONAL DRUG FILE ENTRY (#20), a beloved path is followed to the NDC (#1) multiple in the NATIONAL DRUG (#50.6) file. The user is allowed to check as many of these NDCs as they choose for a match in the ITEM MASTER (#441) file. GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #50 -- DRUG FILE STORED IN ^PSDRUG( SITE: BIRMINGHAM ISC (#14) (VERSION 6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^PSDRUG(D0,0)=(#.01) GENERIC NAME [1F] ^ ^PSDRUG(D0,441,0)=^50.0441P^^ (#441) IFCAP ITEM NUMBER ^PSDRUG(D0,441,D1,0)= (#.01) ITEM NUMBER [1P] ^ ^PSDRUG(D0,ND)= (#20) NATIONAL DRUG FILE ENTRY [1P] ^ GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #50.6 -- NATIONAL DRUG FILE 02/11/93 STORED IN ^PSNDF( (2269 ENTRIES) SITE: BIRMINGHAM ISC (#14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^PSNDF(D0,0)= (#.01) VA GENERIC NAME [1F] ^ ^PSNDF(D0,2,D1,3,D2,4,D3,5,D4,6,D5,7,0)=^50.67^^ (#1) NDC ^PSNDF(D0,2,D1,3,D2,4,D3,5,D4,6,D5,7,D6,0)= (#.01) NDC [1F] ^ Drug Accountability/Inventory Interface v3.0 interfaces with the prime vendor invoice data. It uses the 12-digit NDC to match the invoice's line items to drugs in the DRUG file (#50) if the NDC is not in the DRUG file. If the NDC is found in the "NDC" cross-reference, the VA PRODUCT NAME POINTER field (#3) is read to locate the VA PRODUCT NAMES field (#7). The DRUG file's "VAPN" cross-reference is traversed to determine if any drugs have the same VA product name. If so, the drugs are used as a suggested possible match to the line item. GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #50.6 -- NATIONAL DRUG FILE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSS REFERENCED BY: NDC(NDC) ^PSNDF(D0,2,D1,3,D2,4,D3,5,D4,6,D5,7,D6,0)= (#.01) NDC [1F] ^^^ (#3) VA ==>PRODUCT NAME POINTER [4N] ^ ^PSNDF(D0,5,0)=^50.68A^^ (#7) VA PRODUCT NAMES ^PSNDF(D0,5,D1,0)= (#.01) VA PRODUCT NAMES [1F] ^ STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 24917100 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY ISC: Birmingham EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T NUMBER: 210 IA #: 210 FILE NUMBER: 66 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(66, DATE CREATED: FEB 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA210 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 210 ID: LAB(66, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Surgery package is granted permission from the Laboratory package to read from the BLOOD PRODUCT file (#66) for purposes of storing the blood components requested for surgical cases. Surgery will point to the BLOOD PRODUCT file (#66), using a screen which looks at the CAN BE REQUESTED field (#.15) to allow selection of only those blood products that have been flagged for patient use. In summary, Surgery will READ only, the NAME field (#.01) and the CAN BE REQUESTED field (#.15) of the BLOOD PRODUCT file (#66). The BLOOD PRODUCT file is stored in ^LAB(66). The NAME is stored in $P(^LAB(66,DA,0),"^") where DA is the internal entry number in the file for the blood product. The CAN BE REQUESTED information is stored in $P(^LAB(66,DA,0),"^",15). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 211 IA #: 211 FILE NUMBER: 60 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(60, DATE CREATED: FEB 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA211-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 211 ID: LAB(60, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: SUBSCRIPT LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: LOCATION (DATA NAME) LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,10) FIELD NUMBER: 504 FIELD NAME: CIS TEST CODE LOCATION: 10;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Accessed to support CIS interface, e.g., EMTEK STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 212 IA #: 212 FILE NUMBER: 59 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(59, DATE CREATED: FEB 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA212 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 212 ID: PS(59, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(59, FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 33589377 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 213 IA #: 213 DATE CREATED: FEB 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA213 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 213 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Permission is granted for Controlled Substances to: Export AR/WS files 58.16 AOU INVENTORY TYPE 58.17 AOU ITEM LOCATION 58.2 AOU INVENTORY GROUP (partial file) .01 NAME 2 GROUP DESCRIPTION 3 NARCOTIC AREA OF USE (NAOU) .01 NARCOTIC AREA OF USE (NAOU) 1 INVENTORY TYPE .01 INVENTORY TYPE 2 SORT KEY "CS" X-REF ON NARCOTIC AREA OF USE (NAOU) Pointer to AOU INVENTORY TYPE file 58.16 Pointer to AOU ITEM LOCATION file 58.17 GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #58.16 -- AOU INVENTORY TYPE FILE STORED IN ^PSI(58.16, (4 ENTRIES) SITE: BIRMINGHAM ISC (#14) ^PSI(58.16,D0,0)= (#.01) NAME [1F] ^ ^PSI(58.16,D0,1,0)=^58.18^^ (#1) TYPE DESCRIPTION ^PSI(58.16,D0,1,D1,0)= (#.01) TYPE DESCRIPTION [1W] ^ GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #58.17 -- AOU ITEM LOCATION FILE STORED IN ^PSI(58.17, (2 ENTRIES) SITE: BIRMINGHAM ISC (#14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^PSI(58.17,D0,0)= (#.01) ITEM ADDRESS CODE [1F] ^ ^ (#.5) CODE EXPANSION ==>[3F] ^ GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #58.2 -- AOU INVENTORY GROUP FILE STORED IN ^PSI(58.2, (2 ENTRIES) SITE: BIRMINGHAM ISC (#14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^PSI(58.2,D0,0)= (#.01) NAME [1F] ^ ^PSI(58.2,D0,2,0)=^58.23^^ (#2) GROUP DESCRIPTION ^PSI(58.2,D0,2,D1,0)= (#.01) GROUP DESCRIPTION [1W] ^ ^PSI(58.2,D0,3,0)=^58.29P^^ (#3) NARCOTIC AREA OF USE (NAOU) ^PSI(58.2,D0,3,D1,0)= (#.01)NARCOTIC AREA OF USE (NAOU)[1P]^(#2)SORT KEY ==>[2N] ^ ^PSI(58.2,D0,3,D1,1,0)=^58.291PA^^ (#1) INVENTORY TYPE ^PSI(58.2,D0,3,D1,1,D2,0)= (#.01) INVENTORY TYPE [1P] ^ STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 214 IA #: 214 DATE CREATED: FEB 22, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA214 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 214 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following is entered as DBIA until the next version of DA: All components indentified in this integration request involve reading from IFCAP files. Drug Accountability does not write to any IFCAP files. Looking toward an interface with the IFCAP Generic Inventory Package, Drug Accountability (PSA) begins the process with a Connection Menu. The PSAINIT creates in the DRUG file (#50) a multiple (#50.0441) pointing to the IFCAP ITEM MASTER file (#441), enabling a direct link between the DRUG file (#50) and the ITEM MASTER file (#441). The first connecting tool provided in the Connection Menu is a sub- menu using the National Drug Code (NDC) to attempt matching entries. In the ITEM MASTER file (#441), the NDC field (#4) is located in the VENDOR multiple (#6). This field has an input transform that prevents a user from using the same NDC for more than one ITEM MASTER file entry. In studying an ITEM MASTER file from a local site, it was discovered that there were several entries in their ITEM MASTER file that did possess the same NDC. Since this situation might lead a connector to link a drug to a potentially less active item, the first option in the NDC Menu is the NDC Duplicates Report (ITEM file). This report loops through the NDC ("F") x-ref in #441. If more than one item contains the same NDC and is not inactive (field #16, '$G(^PRC(441,D0,3))), the duplicates are listed. The report displays the NDC that has more than one item attached to it, the item numbers attached, their SHORT DESCRIPTION (#.05), and the VENDOR (#6) => VENDOR file (#440,#1) that contains the duplicated NDC. The second item on the NDC Menu is the Report Potential NDC Matches option. This report loops through the active, unlinked (to #441) entries in the DRUG file (#50) that have an NDC. If a corresponding NDC is found in the "F" x-ref in the ITEM MASTER file (#441), the NDC and drug name are listed from the DRUG file (#50) and the ITEM NUMBER (#.01) and DESCRIPTION (#.1) listed from the ITEM MASTER file (#441). Using the ITEM NUMBER ("AB") x-ref in the DRUG file (#50), a check is made to see if the matched ITEM MASTER file entry is already linked to another DRUG file entry. If so the user is informed of the existing connection. Using this same loop and display criteria, the Controlled Connection by NDC Match allows the user the opportunity to actually link matched entries. If the user approves the displayed match, a ^DIE stuff of the item number into the item multiple (#50.0441) in the DRUG file occurs. Likewise, the Automated DRUG/ITEM file link by NDC option uses the same loop and display criteria and the ^DIE stuff for all matches in the loop. In the event that the user requires more information about a selected drug from either the DRUG file or the ITEM MASTER file before linking, the Inquire/Compare DRUG file/ITEM file option is available. This option uses a FM inquire with a no-link pointer jump from the DRUG file to the ITEM MASTER file via the NDC "F" x-ref in #441. The user selects the drug from the DRUG file and along with corresponding info from the DRUG file the DESCRIPTION (#.1), NSN (#5), NDC (VENDOR (#6),#4) by which the jump occurred, and from that same VENDOR multiple the UNIT COST (#1), UNIT OF PURCHASE (#1.5), DATE OF UNIT PRICE (#2.5), PACKAGING MULTIPLE (#1.6), calculated unit cost = UNIT COST (#1)/DISPENSE UNITS PER ORDER UNIT from the DRUG file, VENDOR (#.01), CREATED BY (#15), and with a jump to #200 their OFFICE PHONE NUMBER. Using this same jump, the DRUG file/ITEM file Comparison Report displays the same data with the user selecting a range of drugs from the DRUG file. The FSN Menu functions similar to the NDC Menu. The Report Potential FSN Matches option loops through the active, unlinked (to #441) entries in the DRUG file that have an FSN. If a corresponding NSN is found in the "BA" x-ref in the ITEM MASTER file, the FSN and drug name are listed from the DRUG file and the ITEM NUMBER (#.01) and DESCRIPTION (#.1) listed from the ITEM MASTER file. Using the ITEM NUMBER ("AB") x-ref in the DRUG file, a check is made to see if the matched ITEM MASTER file entry is already linked to another DRUG file entry. If so the user is informed of the existing connection. Using this same loop and display criteria the Controlled Connection by FSN Match option allows the user to actually link matched entries. If the user approves the displayed match, a ^DIE stuff of the item number into the item multiple (#50.0441) in the DRUG file occurs. Likewise, the Automated DRUG/ITEM File Link by FSN option uses the same loop and display criteria and the ^DIE stuff for all matches in the loop. The Single Drug Match option uses both the NDC and FSN/NSN tools described previously to offer a connection for a single selection from the DRUG file. If a link to an ITEM MASTER file entry already exists, it is displayed to the user and they may edit the connection in the DRUG file. Using the ITEM NUMBER multiple pointer (#50.0441) in the DRUG file, the user can also do look-ups to the ITEM MASTER file via available x-refs (NSN (BA), SHORT DESCRIPTION (C), VENDOR STOCK # (D), or NDC (F)) in order to select additional connections. The Report of Unlinked DRUG/ITEM File Entries lists active drugs from the DRUG file which do not yet have any entries in the ITEM NUMBER multiple (#50.0441). The Connect Unlinked DRUG/ITEM file Entries option loops through these unlinked entries and offers all the tools described in the Single Drug Match option to perform the links. The Active, Unlinked Drugs in the ITEM File option allows the user to select a purchase date from which to consider an ITEM MASTER file drug active. It then loops through the ITEM MASTER file and when an entry's FSC (#2) = 6505 (Federal Supply Classification for drugs), is not an INACTIVATED ITEM? (#16), is not linked to a drug('$O(^PSDRUG,"AB",ITEM,"")), has an entry in the FCP (#1) multiple, and has within at least one FCP entry, an entry in the PURCHASE ORDER (#1) multiple, the P.O. DATE(s) (#442,#.1) are checked against the user selected purchase date. For entries that pass this criteria, the ITEM NUMBER (#.01), SHORT DESCRIPTION (#.05), NSN (#5), LAST VENDOR ORDERED (#9), NDC (#6,#4) (for the LAST VENDOR ORDERED), and the DESCRIPTION (#.1) are displayed. The Display Connected Drug option allows the user to print both a vendor catalog for a selected item as well as a procurement history. The user selects an entry from the DRUG file. If it is connected to more than one entry in the ITEM MASTER file the user is asked to select one of the connected entries from the ITEM NUMBER multiple (#50.0441). From the ITEM MASTER file, the ITEM NUMBER (#.01), SHORT DESCRIPTION (#.05),and NSN are displayed. If the selected ITEM MASTER file entry has only one VENDOR (#6) or has a MANDATORY SOURCE (#10), then that vendor is displayed along with the VENDOR STOCK # (#3), NDC (#4), PACKAGING MULTIPLE (#1.6), UNIT OF PURCHASE (#1.5), UNIT COST (#1), MINIMUM ORDER (#8), DATE OF UNIT PRICE (#2.5), and REQUIRED ORDER MULTIPLE (#9). If there is more than one vendor for the item, the LAST VENDOR ORDERED (#9) is displayed as well as each available vendor sorted by DATE OF UNIT PRICE (#2.5), beginning with the most recent date. For each vendor the PACKAGING MULTIPLE (#1.6), UNIT OF PURCHASE (#1.5), UNIT COST (#1), DATE OF UNIT PRICE(#2.5), and whether or not the vendor has a current contract is listed. The contract verification is made by looping through the CONTRACT NUMBER multiple (#6) in the VENDOR file (#440) and checking the EXPIRATION DATE (#1). If there is an entry in the FCP (#1) multiple for the selected item and any of the FCP entries have an entry in their PURCHASE ORDER (#1) multiple, the user is offered a procurement history. They can enter a date from which they wish to view the history. They must also select an FCP. For each purchase order that passes the criteria, the PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER (#.01), VENDOR (#5), P.O. DATE (#.1), QUANTITY (#40,#2) (LINE ITEM NUMBER located using the "AE" x-ref in the ITEM (#40) multiple), UNIT OF PURCHASE (#3), TOTAL COST(#15), and QUANTITY PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED (#11) are displayed. Average ordered/month, total ordered, and total cost are also listed. If the MANDATORY SOURCE (#10) for the selected item is flagged in the VENDOR file (#440) with an "S" in the SUPPLY WHSE. INDICATOR (#.05), then the user is informed that the Supply Warehouse is the mandatory source. Using the "AD" x-ref in the INVENTORY TRANSACTION file (#445.2) a check is made for any distribution by the warehouse of this item. If procurement history exists, the user is informed and allowed to enter a date from which to view the history. By looping through the "AD" x-ref in #445.2 and checking the TRANSACTION ID (#1)?1"R".N and the DATE POSTED (#2.5) is not less than the user entered date, a history is displayed. From the INVENTORY TRANSACTION file (#445.2), the DATE POSTED (#2.5), TRANSACTION/P.O. NUMBER (#410), -QUANTITY (#6), PACKAGING UNIT (#5), SELLING UNIT PRICE (#8), and OTHER INVENTORY POINT AFFECTED (#14) are displayed. The Unposted Procurement History and Posted Drug Procurement History options are an effort to restore some of the drug accountability lost with the disappearance of the LOG 036 report. For the Unposted Procurement History, the user is asked to select a month to review. A loop through the PROCUREMENT & ACCOUNTING TRANSACTION file (#442), using the P.O. DATE ("AB") x-ref collects PO's for the user selected month. If the COST CENTER (#2) = 822400 (Pharmacy) and the SUPPLY STATUS (#.5)>14 & <45 (basically ordered), the PO's are sorted into ^TMP by Station/FCP. For each Station/FCP the PO's are listed, displaying PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER (#.01), P.O. DATE (#.1), FCP(#1), VENDOR (#5), and TOTAL AMOUNT (#91). While looping through these PO's another ^TMP is created, sorted by the DESCRIPTION (#1) of each ITEM (#40) on each PO. The user is asked if they would like to print item totals. If so, an alphabetical listing occurs displaying each ITEM's (#40) DESCRIPTION (#1) and REPETITIVE (PR CARD) NO. (#1.5) and each PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER (#.01), P.O. DATE (#.1), FCP (#1), QUANTITY (#40,#2), ACTUAL UNIT COST (#40,#5), and TOTAL COST (#40,#15). Finally, the user is if they would like a list of high dollar items. They are invited to enter a cut-off dollar amount and each item exceeding that amount is listed beginning with the highest total cost. The total cost was determined by totaling the TOTAL COST (#40,#15) amounts for each item listed in the previous display and building a ^TMP to sort from high to low. Each ITEM's (#40) DESCRIPTION (#1), total TOTAL COST (#15), and Station/FCP is shown. The Posted Drug Procurement History option uses the TYPE OF INVENTORY POINT ("AC") x-ref in the GENERIC INVENTORY file (#445) to locate a "W" or the warehouse inventory. A loop through the INVENTORY ITEM (#1) multiple, using the ITEM NO. (#.01) to check in the ITEM MASTER (#441) file for a FSC (#2) = 6505 (Federal Supply Classification for drugs) isolates the warehouse drugs in ^TMP. Looping through ^TMP a check is made using the INVENTORY POINT ("AD") x-ref in the INVENTORY TRANSACTION (#445.2) file to isolate items that have had distribution (TRANSACTION ID (#1)?"R".N) and fall within the user selected month (DATE POSTED (#2.5)). These transactions are sorted by the OTHER INVENTORY POINT AFFECTED (#14) and the OTHER INVENTORY POINT AFFECTED (#14) , -QUANTITY (#6), QUANTITY (#410,#10,#2) obtained by using the TRANSACTION /P.O. NUMBER (#445.2,#410), PACKAGING UNIT (#5), SELLING UNIT PRICE (#8), total cost (-QUANTITY (#6) * SELLING UNIT PRICE (#8)), DATE POSTED (#2.5), and TRANSACTION/P.O. NUMBER (#410). Similar to the Unposted Procurement History, a high dollar sort is also offered. As stated in the opening paragraph, the Connection Menu lays the groundwork for an interface with the IFCAP Generic Inventory Package. Phase two of this process is contained in a Pharmacy Location Menu. With this menu the Pharmacy user will create and edit the parameters of a Drug Accountability location such as Inpatient, Outpatient, or a Combined (IP/OP) operation. The purpose of the interface is to allow the receiving that occurs in the Inventory Package to pass the converted dispensing unit quantity of a connected drug (ITEM/DRUG file) from a Generic Inventory point (#445) to a Drug Accountability location (#58.8). To establish a direct link between these two files, a PRIMARY INVENTORY POINT field exists in the DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY STATS file (#58.8). This field points to the GENERIC INVENTORY file (#445) uses the TYPE OF INVENTORY POINT (#.7) = "P" and COST CENTER (#.9) = 822400 (Pharmacy) fields as screens. The input transform also contains a call to ^PSAUTL where the "E" x-ref in #58.8 is checked to prevent the linking of one primary inventory point to more than one DA location. The Set up/edit a Pharmacy Location option allows the user to edit this link. If a DA location (#58.8)is linked to an Inventory point (#445), the INVENTORY ITEMS (#1) are checked both against the "AB" x-ref in the DRUG (#50) file and the "C" x-ref in the DA (#58.8) file to see if all Inventory items are tracked in DA. If not the user is given the ability (^DIE) to add Inventory items to the DA location. The Display Location option shows the PRIMARY INVENTORY POINT (#11) currently linked to the selected DA location. The Inventory Interface sub-menu contains three report options and a populate option. The Report of Inventory items' link to DRUG file displays from a selected GENERIC INVENTORY point (#445), selection screened by COST CENTER (#.9) = 822400 and TYPE OF INVENTORY POINT (#.7) = "P", the ITEM NO. (#445,#1,#.01), either the DESCRIPTION (#.7) or from the ITEM MASTER file (#441), the SHORT DESCRIPTION (#.05)and if connected the DRUG (#50) name. The Loadable Inventory Items Report operates exactly the same, however, only lists connected items. The Populate Pharmacy Location with Inventory items option uses the same criteria and if a connected drug within an inventory point does not yet exist in the DRUG (#10) multiple in the selected DA location (#58.8), a ^DIE stuff occurs with a list of drugs loaded displayed at a user selected device. The Display Drugs Not Loaded in Primary option loops through the DRUG (#10) multiple in a selected DA location (#58.8) and using the "AB" x-ref in the DRUG (#50) file, checks the "AE" x-ref in the GENERIC INVENTORY (#445) file for the existance of each drug in the linked Primary Inventory Point. Those drugs not found in the Inventory point are displayed along with their ITEM MASTER (#441) file NUMBER (#.01) and SHORT DESCRIPTION (#.05). CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---DRUG FILE (#50) VERSION: 6 STORED IN: ^PSDRUG( 01/26/93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSS REFERENCED BY: ITEM NUMBER(AB) FILE STRUCTURE FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME .001 NUMBER (NJ5,0), [ ] .01 GENERIC NAME (RF), [0;1] 6 FSN (F), [0;6] 12 ORDER UNIT (P51.5'), [660;2] 13 PRICE PER ORDER UNIT (NJ7,2), [660;3] 14.5 DISPENSE UNIT (F), [660;8] 15 DISPENSE UNITS PER ORDER UNIT (NJ4,0), [660;5] 16 PRICE PER DISPENSE UNIT (NJ6,2), [660;6] 17 SOURCE OF SUPPLY (F), [660;7] 31 NDC (FX), [2;4] 100 INACTIVE DATE (D), [I;1] 441 IFCAP ITEM NUMBER (Multiple-50.0441), [441;0] .01 ITEM NUMBER (M*P441'X), [0;1] CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---ITEM MASTER FILE (#441)UCI: LTL,VAA STORED IN: ^PRC(441, 01/26/93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSS REFERENCED BY: SHORT DESCRIPTION(AC) INACTIVATED ITEM?(AD) NUMBER(B) NSN(BA) NSN(BB) SHORT DESCRIPTION(C) VENDOR STOCK #(D) NDC(F) NSN(G) FILE STRUCTURE FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME .01 NUMBER (RNJ6,0X), [0;1] .05 SHORT DESCRIPTION (RFX), [0;2] .1 DESCRIPTION (Multiple-441.02), [1;0] .01 DESCRIPTION (W), [0;1] 1 FCP (Multiple-441.03), [4;0] .01 FCP (RFX), [0;1] 1 PURCHASE ORDER (Multiple-441.04), [1;0] .01 PURCHASE ORDER (P442'X), [0;1] 3 PREFERRED VENDOR (*P440'), [0;3] 2 FSC (RP441.2'), [0;3] 5 NSN (FX), [0;5] 6 VENDOR (Multiple-441.01), [2;0] .01 VENDOR (MP440X), [0;1] 1 UNIT COST (RNJ10,3), [0;2] 1.5 UNIT OF PURCHASE (RP420.5'), [0;7] 1.6 PACKAGING MULTIPLE (RNJ6,0), [0;8] 2 CONTRACT (NJ6,0XO), [0;3] 2.2 CONTRACT EXP. DATE (CJ8), [ ; ] 2.5 DATE OF UNIT PRICE (RD), [0;6] 3 VENDOR STOCK # (FX), [0;4] 4 NDC (FX), [0;5] 8 MINIMUM ORDER (NJ6,0), [0;12] 9 REQUIRED ORDER MULTIPLE (NJ6,0), [0;11] 9 LAST VENDOR ORDERED (P440'), [0;4] 10 MANDATORY SOURCE (*P440'), [0;8] 14 DATE ITEM CREATED (D), [0;9] 15 CREATED BY (P3'), [0;11] 16 INACTIVATED ITEM? (S), [3;1] CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---VENDOR FILE (#440) UCI: LTL,VAA STORED IN: ^PRC(440, 01/26/93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSS REFERENCED BY: SUPPLY WHSE. INDICATOR(AC) NAME(AD) INACTIVATED VENDOR(AE) NAME(B) SYNONYM(C) FILE STRUCTURE FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME .001 NUMBER (NJ6,0), [ ] .01 NAME (RFX), [0;1] .05 SUPPLY WHSE. INDICATOR (SX), [0;11] 6 CONTRACT NUMBER (Multiple-440.03), [4;0] .01 CONTRACT NUMBER (MFX), [0;1] 1 EXPIRATION DATE (RD), [0;2] CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---NEW PERSON FILE (#200) VERSION: 6.5 STORED IN: ^VA(200, 01/27/93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE STRUCTURE FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME .01 NAME (RFX), [0;1] .132 OFFICE PHONE (F), [.13;2] CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---PROCUREMENT & ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS FILE (#442) STORED IN: ^PRC(442, 01/27/93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSS REFERENCED BY: P.O. DATE(AB) FCP(AC) ISSUE VOUCHER NO.(SUPPLY)(AD) FILE STRUCTURE FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME .01 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER (RFX), [0;1] .1 P.O. DATE (RDX), [1;15] .5 SUPPLY STATUS (*P442.3'), [7;1] 1 FCP (RFX), [0;3] 2 COST CENTER (FX), [0;5] 5 VENDOR (R*P440X), [1;1] 40 ITEM (Multiple-442.01), [2;0] .01 LINE ITEM NUMBER (RMNJ2,0X), [0;1] 1 DESCRIPTION (Multiple-442.05), [1;0] .01 DESCRIPTION (W), [0;1] 1.5 REPETITIVE (PR CARD) NO. (*P441'X), [0;5] 2 QUANTITY (RNJ9,2), [0;2] 3 UNIT OF PURCHASE (RP420.5'X), [0;3] 5 ACTUAL UNIT COST (RNJ9,2X), [0;9] 11 QUANTITY PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED (NJ9,2), [2;8] 15 TOTAL COST (RNJ9,2), [2;1] 91 TOTAL AMOUNT (RNJ10,2), [0;15] CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---INVENTORY TRANSACTION FILE (#445.2) STORED IN: ^PRCP(445.2, 01/27/93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSS REFERENCED BY: DATE POSTED(ABEG) ITEM NO.(AC) INVENTORY POINT(AD) ITEM NO.(AE) INVENTORY POINT(ANXT) INVENTORY POINT(B) TRANSACTION/P.O. NUMBER(C) TRANSACTION ID(T) FILE STRUCTURE FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME .01 INVENTORY POINT (RP445'), [0;1] 1 TRANSACTION ID (RF), [0;2] 2.5 DATE POSTED (D), [0;17] 5 PACKAGING UNIT (F), [0;6] 6 QUANTITY (NJ6,0), [0;7] 8 SELLING UNIT PRICE (NJ11,3), [0;9] 14 OTHER INVENTORY POINT AFFECTED (P445'), [0;18] 410 TRANSACTION/P.O. NUMBER (F), [0;19] CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---GENERIC INVENTORY FILE (#445) STORED IN: ^PRCP(445, 01/27/93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSS REFERENCED BY: DISTRIBUTION POINT(AB) TYPE OF INVENTORY POINT(AC) INVENTORY USER(AD) ITEM NO.(AE) ABBREVIATED NAME(AF) KEEP PERPETUAL INVENTORY?(AG) INVENTORY POINT(B) INVENTORY POINT(C) FILE STRUCTURE FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME .01 INVENTORY POINT (RFX), [0;1] .7 TYPE OF INVENTORY POINT (R*SX), [0;3] .9 COST CENTER (P420.1'), [0;7] 1 INVENTORY ITEM (Multiple-445.01), [1;0] .01 ITEM NO. (MP441'X), [0;1] CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY STATS FILE (#58.8) STORED IN: ^PSD(58.8, 01/27/93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSS REFERENCED BY: DRUG(C) PRIMARY INVENTORY POINT(E) FILE STRUCTURE FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME .01 PHARMACY LOCATION (RF), [0;1] 10 DRUG (Multiple-58.8001), [1;0] .01 DRUG (MR*P50'X), [0;1] 11 PRIMARY INVENTORY POINT (*P445'X), [0;6] This DBIA is effective until 18 months following Drug Accountability V2.0. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT NUMBER: 215 IA #: 215 DATE CREATED: FEB 24, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA215 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 215 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Export Drug Accountability files 58.8 DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY STATS 58.81 DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY TRANSACTION 58.16 AOU INVENTORY TYPE 58.83 CS COMPLETION STATUS 58.82 CS ORDER STATUS 58.86 CS DESTRUCTION 58.84 DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY TRANSACTION TYPE TEMPORARY FOR V1.0. STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 218 IA #: 218 FILE NUMBER: 45.3 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(45.3, DATE CREATED: MAR 04, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA218-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 218 ID: DIC(45.3, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(45.3, FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CODE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: SPECIALTY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DEPARTMENT CODE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING EDITOR: PAJERSKI,JAN NUMBER: 219 IA #: 219 DATE CREATED: MAR 04, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INCOMPLETE RECORDS TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGJSUM NAME: DBIA219 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 219 ID: DGJSUM GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A DBIA with INCOMPLETE RECORD TRACKING is granted for the following: Purpose: To allow the IRT file to be updated automatically with data generated through the Discharge Summary or Test Integration Utilities Package whenever a discharge or other deficiency type summary is dictated, transcribed, signed or reviewed. Distribution of the IRT interface routine: DGJSUM. Responsibilities: It will be the Albany IRMFO's responsibility to maintain the interface routine DGJSUM and make sure that it functions properly to lookup, create and update IRT records. The Salt Lake IRMFO will be responsible to make sure that the entry points to DGJSUM are accessed in an appropriate manner with good data being passed. If any modification to either package is made that will affect the functionality of this interface, then it will be necessary for the IRMFO responsible for the change to communicate with the other IRMFO in order to resolve any issues. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 22888248 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: CHECK COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Access to CHECK^DGJSUM(DFN,DGJTDT,DGJPARM,DGJIRTDA,DGJT,DGJFLG,DJGSUM) to check to see if the IRT package is enabled. If it is enabled to find and return a pointer to the matching IRT record for the given Patient and Admission. When a matching IRT record isn't found, a new record will need to be created. This entry point will be passed the DFN, Discharge Date (DGJTDT), pointer to the IRT record (DGJIRTDA) if previously passed to the Discharge Summary file, and an array (DGJT) with Division (DGJT("DIV")), Admission IFN (DGJT("AD#")), Ward (DGJT("WARD")), and Treating Specialty (DGJT("TS")). In addition, the IRT TYPE OF DEFICIENCY may be passed in DGJTYP (parameter is optional.) The default value will be "DISCHARGE SUMMARGY". Parameter passing by reference will return the IRT parameter (DGJPARM) which contains a number greater than zero in the first piece if IRT is enabled and a number greater than zero in the 3rd piece if Review Discharge Summary Required is enabled, the pointer to the IRT record (DGJIRTDA) and a Flag (DGJFLG) equal to 1 if a new record is created. In all cases, this entry point will be accessed to check to see if the IRT package is enabled and if so retrieve the pointer to the IRT record. If the IRT package isn't enabled or a pointer to the IRT record isn't returned then no other entry points will be accessed to update the IRT file. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EDIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Access to EDIT^DGJSUM(DGJIRTDA,DGJVDD,DGJVDB,DGJVDT,DGJVTB,DGJPARM) to update the following fields in the IRT record: Date Dictated, Dictated By, Date Transcribed, and Transcribed by. This entry point will be passed Date Dictated (DGJVDD) , Dictated By (DGJVDB), Date Transcribed (DGJVDT) and Transcribed By (DGJVTB), as well as the following variables returned from the entry point described in item #1: the pointer to the IRT record (DGJIRTDA) and the IRT parameter (DGJPARM). Nothing needs to be returned. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: SIGUP COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Access to SIGUP^DGJSUM(DGJIRTDA,DGJDS,DGJSB,DGJDR,DGJRB,DGJPARM) to update the following fields in the IRT record: Date Signed and Signed By, Date Reviewed and Reviewed By. This entry point will be passed Date Signed (DGJDS), Signed By (DGJSB), Date Reviewed (DGJDR) and Reviewed By (DGJRB). If the IRT package parameter is set to review Discharge Summaries (determine by 3rd field of DGJPARM being greater than 1, then Date Reviewed and Reviewed By will be passed with what is in the Discharge Summary record other wise the "@" will be passed. The following variables returned from the entry point described in item #1 will also be passed: the pointer to the IRT record (DGJIRTDA) and the IRT parameter (DGJPARM). Nothing is returned. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DCSDEL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Access to DCSDEL^DGJSUM(DGJIRTDA,DGJPARM) to delete the following fields in the IRT file: Date Dictated, Dictated By, Date Transcribed, Transcribed by, Date Signed, Signed By, Date Reviewed, and Reviewed By. This entry point will be passed the pointer to the IRT record (DGJIRTDA) and the IRT parameter (DGJPARM) returned from the entry point described in item #1. Nothing is returned. This is necessary in case a Discharge Summary is accidently entered for the wrong admission or patient. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DISCHARGE SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City EDITOR: RUBIN,ALICE NUMBER: 220 IA #: 220 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: MAR 24, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA220 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 220 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Outpatient Pharmacy has permission to edit fields in Patient File (#2): Outpatient Pharmacy has used two input templates, PSO OUTPT and PSO OUTPTA in the Patient File (#2) since about 1984. PSO OUTPT template edits the following fields: .03,.09,.111:.116, .131, 148, .172, .12105, .1211:.1213, .1219 and .091. PSO OUTPTA template edits the following fields: .12105, .1211:.1213, .1219 and .1214:.1218. The MAS developers have agreed to allow the Outpatient Pharmacy package to edit these fields using the above input templates under the following conditions: 1. Patch per ZIP+4. There will soon be two new zip+4 fields associated with Permanent and Temporary Address fields that should be used instead of the zip code fields listed above. 2. MAS developers will provide a utility to edit the above information and with the next release of Outpatient Pharmacy I will use their utility. Outpatient Pharmacy developers agree to the above stated conditions of use. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 221 IA #: 221 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: MAY 24, 1999 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA221-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 221 ID: PSDRUG( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. All fields and x-refs in file 50 have global read access by the subscribing packages. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of June 1, 2006. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 25907838 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: BAR CODE MED ADMIN ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Dallas SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Dallas SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: NATIONAL DRUG FILE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL REMINDERS EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T NUMBER: 222 IA #: 222 FILE NUMBER: 81 GLOBAL ROOT: CPT FILE DATE CREATED: APR 02, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: CPT/HCPCS CODES CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA222-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 222 ID: CPT FILE GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD(81,0,'ID',2) GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The DD for the CPT file (81) includes the following node which causes the CPT code description to be displayed when a lookup is done on the CPT file: ^DD(81,0,"ID",2)="W " ",$P(^(0),U,2) I $D(SRSITE) D ^SROCPT" Part 1: An agreement is established for Surgery to call ^DD(81,0,"ID",2). This DD node will remain in place to assist with CPT lookups from within the Surgery package. Surgery will be responsible for support of the conditional call to ^SROCPT. Part 2: In the routine SROCPT, the DESCRIPTION multiple is accessed (READ only). Surgery has permission to read the DESCRIPTION sub-fields. Each description for a CPT code is stored in ^ICPT(X,"D",Y,0) where X is the internal entry for the CPT code and Y is the internal entry for the description. The Surgery package loops through ^ICPT(X,"D",Y,0) to get all the descriptions for a CPT code. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham DBA Comments: REPLACED BY 5405 DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 02, 2009@17:00 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL NUMBER: 223 IA #: 223 FILE NUMBER: 58.8 GLOBAL ROOT: PSD(58.8, DATE CREATED: APR 21, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA223 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 223 ID: PSD(58.8, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Outpatient Pharmacy is given permission by Controlled Substances to make the following calls: GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #58.8 -- DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY STATS FILE 2/26/93 --------------------------------------------- STORED IN ^PSD(58.8 SITE: ISC BIRMINGHAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^PSD(58.8,D0,0)= (#20) OUTPATIENT SITE [10P] ^ STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 224 IA #: 224 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: APR 21, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA224 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 224 ID: VA(200, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Outpatient Pharmacy is given permission by Kernel to make calls to the following: GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTINARY #200 -- NEW PERSON FILE 2/25/93 STORED IN ^VA(200, SITE: ISC BIRMINGHAM (VERSION 6.5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ^VA(200,D0,PS)= (#53.1) AUTHORIZED TO WRITE MED ORDERS [1S] ^ (#53.2) ==>DEA# [2F] ^ (#53.3) VA# [3F] ^ (#53.4) INACTIVE DATE [4D] ^ ==>(#53.5) PROVIDER CLASS [5P] ^ (#53.6) PROVIDER TYPE [6S] ^ ==>(#53.7) REQUIRES COSIGNER [7S] ^ (#53.8) USUAL COSIGNER ==>[8P] ^ (#53.9) REMARKS/COMMENTS [9F] ^ ^VA(200,D0,PS1,0)=^200.541P^^ (#54.1) LICENSING STATE ^VA(200,D0,PS1,D1,0)= (#.01) LICENSING STATE [1P] ^ ^VA(200,D0,PS2,0)=^200.55P^^ (#54.2) STATE ISSUING DEA NUMBER ^VA(200,D0,PS2,D1,0)= (#.01) STATE ISSUING DEA NUMBER [1P] ^ ^VA(200,D0,TPB)= (#53.91) NON-VA PRESCRIBER [1S] ^ (#53.92) EXCLUSIONARY ==>CHECK PERFORMED [2S] ^ (#53.93) DATE EXCLUSIONARY LIST ==>CHECKED [3D] ^ (#53.94) ON EXCLUSIONARY LIST [4S] ^ (#53.95) ==>TAX ID [5F] ^ (#53.96) EXCLUSIONARY CHECKED BY [6P:200] ^ STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING NUMBER: 225 IA #: 225 DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA225-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 225 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Prosthetics has permission from MAS to call the following: Addition of the Prosthetics Protocol RMPR SCHED EVENT as an item on the SDAM APPOINTMENTS EVENTS Protocol in File 101. Below is a display of the RMPR SCHED EVENT protocol: RMPR SCH EVENT ITEM TEXT: Prosthetics Scheduling file update TYPE: action PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS Updates the Prosthetics Scheduling Events file whenever an appointment is created or updated. The Clinic must be in the Prosthetics Site Parameter file before the Prosthetics files can be updated by MAS. ENTRY ACTION: D ^RMPRSC SDAM APPOINTMENT EVENTS ITEM TEXT: Appointment Event Driver TYPE: extended action CREATOR: POSTMASTER This extended action contains all the actions that need to be performed when an action is taken upon an appointment, such as checking in. ITEM: SDAM LATE ENTRY SEQUENCE: 2 ITEM: IBACM OP LINK SEQUENCE: 1 ITEM: RMPR SCH EVENT SEQUENCE: 3 TIMESTAME: 55576,33406 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 226 IA #: 226 DATE CREATED: MAY 03, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: DGPTFCR NAME: DBIA226-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 226 ID: DGPTFCR STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: OCT 23, 2006 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: CREATE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS ISC: Albany DBA Comments: JSH/10-23-2006 Retired at the agreement of Zach Fain and Bob Yorty DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 23, 2006@06:00 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: FAIN,ZACHARY WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BAUMANN,SCOTT NUMBER: 227 IA #: 227 FILE NUMBER: 445 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCP(445, DATE CREATED: MAY 05, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA227-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 227 ID: PRCP(445, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Prosthetics is granted permission to make the following calls to the IFCAP package (GIP and 1358 Modules). As stated below this is until the next version of either IFCAP or Prosthetics. For GIP (Items 1 - 3): Item 1 is needed so that we can check to see if an item that is being returned from loan is in an inventory point, so that it can be placed back into inventory. Item 2 is needed to so that we can do a lookup to make sure that the user returning a loaned item is an Inventory User. Item 3 is needed so that we can make sure that the user returning an item is an Inventory User for that particular Inventory Point. Item 1 Description: Read Only access to File #445, GENERIC INVENTORY, to look at the cross-referenced node ^PRCP(445,"AE",ITEM#,DA). Item 2 Description: Read Only access to File #445, GENERIC INVENTORY, so that we can look at the "AD" cross-reference in the file. Item 3 Description: Read Only access File #445, field 6, INVENTORY USER. Item 5 DIC lookup on File #445 Generic Inventory. Read access only to the .01 field. The variable PRCPPRIV may be set by Prosthetics. STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 228 IA #: 228 FILE NUMBER: 353.1 GLOBAL ROOT: IBE(353.1, DATE CREATED: MAY 12, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA228-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 228 ID: IBE(353.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: IBE(353.1,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CODE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 229 IA #: 229 DATE CREATED: MAY 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DIWE NAME: DBIA229-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 229 ID: DIWE GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan V7 has permission to make the following calls to FileMan: 1. MailMan has a special way of calling the FileMan editor. It calls EN^DIWE and supplies DWPK, DWLW, DIA, DIC and DIA("P"). The way that MailMan calls DIWE allows a slightly different set of functionalities. The transfer command is defaulted to use the 3.9 (Message) file if no file is specified. DWPK forces automatic wrapping of text at DWLW number of characters. Because of this the variable DC must have the appropriate value and MailMan kills it to may sure it is undefined. DWLW and DWPK have recently been released along with EN^DIWE as a callable entry point, but the use of DIC and DIA together still provide to MailMan special functionality in the FileMan line editor, namely the ability to transfer lines of text in from other messages that the user is the sender or a recipient of. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN VARIABLES: DWPK TYPE: Input VARIABLES: DWLW TYPE: Input VARIABLES: DIA TYPE: Input VARIABLES: DIC TYPE: Input VARIABLES: DIA('P') TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 230 IA #: 230 DATE CREATED: MAY 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA230 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 230 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan V7 has permission to make the following calls to Kernel: 1. The modules affected by this agreement are in the namespace: o Device Handler (ZIS* & %ZIS*, not ZISL* & %ZISL*) 2. REQ^%ZTLOAD is called in the following manner to ensure a back-up task exists if this one should fail: I $L(ION) S ZTIO(1)="D",ZTIO=ION D REQ^%ZTLOAD The result of this call leaves the task in the IO queue for the device it is running on (and no other, even if the device is a member of a hunt group). 3. The Kernel Site Parameters file contains fields that are used by modules in Kernel other than MailMan. The MailMan development team will maintain the file and will reserve fields and field numbers in the range of 3000 to 3999 for the use of this module. No alpha subscripts will be used by non-MailMan kernel packages without agreement from the MailMan development team except for those already in use and noted below. The exception to the above are nodes beginning with the Kernel namespace (ZI) which is reserved for this kernel packages and cross references beginning with any letter, but having the above namespace immediately follow that letter (EG. AZI5). Any changes to this file require the notification of the MailMan development team. A method for ensuring that the distribution of the file by MailMan will then be negotiated. The fields that are currently in use and are not *'ed for removal within 18 months are: (#=multiple) Field Number # Description node;piece 31.1 Max spool lines SPL;1 31.2 Max spool documents SPL;2 31.3 Max spool doc life SPL;3 4. By agreement files 3.51, Spool Document [in ^XMB(3.51,] and file 3.519, Spool Data [in ^XMBS(3.519,] can continue to exist in the MailMan namespaced globals. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 231 IA #: 231 DATE CREATED: MAY 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA231 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 231 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan V7 has permission to make the following calls from Kernel Task Manager V7: 1. The Kernel modules that this document refers to are: o Task Management (ZTM* and %ZTM*) 2. REQ^%ZTLOAD is called in the following manner to ensure a back-up task exists if this one should fail: I $L(ION) S ZTIO(1)="D",ZTIO=ION D REQ^%ZTLOAD The result of this call leaves the task in the IO queue for the device it is running on (and no other, even if the device is a member of a hunt group). 3. The routine XMS5 tries to confirm that tasks exist by looking at: $D(^%ZTSK(task,0)) ==> if the node exists the task exists $D(^%ZTSCH("TASK",task)) ==> If the node exists, the task is running "12345AG"[%ZTSCH("TASK",.1) $D(^%ZTSCH("IO",device,$h,task)) ==> The task is scheduled 4. MailMan 7 looks at ^%ZTSK(task,"C",0) for a count of the times the task has run. The next version will not use this any more. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 232 IA #: 232 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: MAY 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA232 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 232 ID: VA(200, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Inpatient Medications package requests a DBA exemption to allow the .01 field of the INPATIENT USER PARAMETERS file (53.45) to point to the NEW PERSON file (200). This file contains fields that are used by Inpatient Medications to store data used in the order entry process, and has been DINUMED to the NEW PERSON file as recommended in the peer review, to allow these fields to be more easily moved to 200 if necessary in a future release. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 233 IA #: 233 DATE CREATED: MAY 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA233 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 233 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MAILMAN has permission to make the following calls to VA Fileman: 1. FileMan has a special way of using the XMD interface and it also has special calls into the XMP series of routines so that it can load INITs directly into a message during a DIFROM. As such the variable DIFROM effects that way some of these routines work so that the DIFROM procedure can use them to enter data and routines reiteratively into messages. o In the routine XMD, if $D(DIFROM) security keys are not ignored. o In the routine XMD, if $D(DIFROM) will cause a call to XMD at either tag EN1 or tag EN2 to quit after text is added to a message, but before the message is delivered. o In the routine XMD, if $D(DIFROM) before delivery, security will be added automatically by a call to XMASEC. o In the routine XMASEC, if $D(DIFROM) security is forced onto the message. o In the routine XMP, if $D(DIFROM) the string " (DIFROM)" is added to the 1st line of the PackMan message to show how it was created. o In the routine XMPH a special prompt is provided where DIFROM loading into a message causes special help for the programmer. 2. Kernel modules to which this document refers are (even if they are at some point separated from the Kernel and become independent modules of their own): FileMan (DI*) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 234 IA #: 234 DATE CREATED: MAY 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA234 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 234 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Mailman is given permission to make the following calls to Kernel: 1. CHK^XM is an entry point set aside only for calls external from MailMan. It is used by KERNEL routines to notify users of new messages for a user during logon or as invoked from MenuMan. XMDUZ is used if supplied, otherwise DUZ is a pointer to the user's Mailbox. The symbol table of the caller is changed as the code currently stands. Y is output as a count of new messages. % and D are also used and not killed by MailMan. The Kernel security routine will continue to use this entry point, which also is necessary to make sure that ^TMP("XMY",$J) is cleaned out on login and ensures that when job numbers are reused after reboot, there is not data in ^TMP("XMY",$J) to include recipients from old mail sessions in currently generated bulletins that come from outside of MailMan. An example is the 'Dropping into Programmer Mode bulletin'. 2. ^XM may be called in order to offer MailMan as a service directly to users on logon. 3. The XMUSER and XMMGR menus may be used in high level menu structures. 4. Kernel modules to which this document refers are (even if they are at some point separated from the Kernel and become independent modules of their own) are System security (XU* and XT*). 5. Kernel security and user related modules currently can call NEW^XM to set up an new user's or reactivated user's mail box. The entry point uses the variables I, Y and K destructively. If it is called for a user who is being reactivated, that user will not receive responses to messages he is a recipient of and were created before his reinstatement, unless he is explicitly forwarded them, or he 'owns' the original message in one of his mail boxes. 6. XMPC is called by the Kernel routine comparer. All the proper set-up has been done and MailMan will coordinate any changes in this area with the programmer responsible for Kernel Utilities. 7. Kernel directly references the 5th piece of the Mail Basket multiple of the Mail Box file (3.7) to get the number of messages in a mail basket. 8. Kernel directly references the 6th piece of the zero node of the Mail Box file (3.7) to get the number of new messages in a mail box 9. There are some data fields in the Mail Box file (3.7) that are not used in MailMan. They are used by sign-on security and should be maintained by sign-on security routines also. field # Description node;piece 20 Last Sign-on Date/Time .1;1 21 Last Terminal Type Used .2;1 22 Already Signed On To Devices 100 (multiple) 10. The Kernel Site Parameters file contains fields that are used by modules in Kernel other than MailMan. The MailMan development team will maintain the file and will reserve fields and field numbers in the range of 1000 to 1999 for the use of this kernel module. No alpha subscripts will be used by non-MailMan kernel packages without agreement from the MailMan development team except for those already in use and noted below. The exception to the above are nodes beginning with the namespaces (XU amd XT) which are reserved for non-MailMan kernel packages and cross references beginning with any letter, but having the above namespaces immediately follow that letter (EG. AXT5). Any changes to this file require the notification of the MailMan development team. A method for ensuring that the distribution of the file by MailMan will then be negotiated. Field Number # Description node;piece 11 Auto-generate access codes 3;1 12 User char Template 3;2 202 Default number of attempts XUS;2 203 Default lock-out time XUS;3 204 Default Multiple sign-ons XUS;4 205 Ask device at sign-on XUS;5 209 Default type-ahead XUS;9 211 Bypass Device lock-out XUS;10 212.1 Device to audit 4.33 (subfile) 240 INTRO text INTRO STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 235 IA #: 235 DATE CREATED: JUN 02, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: MCCR BACKBILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: DGCRNS NAME: DBIA235 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 235 ID: DGCRNS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Call ^DGCRNS and DISP^DGCRNS to get and display the names of all current insurance carriers for a Veteran. Until approx. 18 mo. after release of MCCR V2 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Next Version COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DGCRNS COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DISP SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 236 IA #: 236 DATE CREATED: JUN 15, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PSOSD1 NAME: DBIA236 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 236 ID: PSOSD1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PIMS (MAS) users often have a need to print a Drug Profile after printing the 10-10. PIMS, therefore, is given permission from Outpatient Pharmacy to allow PIMS to call the line tag DFN^PSOSD1. This call allows tasked or non-tasked Drug Profile printout. NOTE: This DBIA has been replaced by DBIA #1281. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 20550437 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DFN VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: the internal entry number for the Patient File) [Required] VARIABLES: PSTYPE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: (1 for Action Profile, 0,null, or undefined for Informational) VARIABLES: PSDAYS TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: (The number of days which will cut canceled and expired Rx's from the profile. If this variable is not defined, a default of 45 will be used). SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 237 IA #: 237 DATE CREATED: JUN 15, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PSOSD2 NAME: DBIA237-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 237 ID: PSOSD2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Integrated Billing is given permission from Outpatient Pharmacy to call HD^PSOSD2 and PAT^PSOSD for the purpose of printing the Action Profile and the Information Profile in batch. CONDITIONS: The entry points may only be used in an approved fashion. The following subroutine uses the entry points in an acceptable manner: RXPROF ;For printing the Outpatient Pharmacy Action Profile or the ;Information Profile for a single patient whose DFN is defined. ;Does not ask for the device nor close the device. ;INPUTS: ;PSDAYS = number of days to print the medication profile for ;PSTYPE=1 for the Action Profile, =0 for the Information Profile ;DFN ; N IBDFN,ADDR,ADDRFL,CLASS,CNDT,DRUG,HDFL,I,II,J,L,LINE,P,PAGE, PSDOB,PSII X,PSNAME,PSOI,PSSN,PSIX,PGM,PRF,PSDATE,VAL,VAR,RX, RX0,RX2,ST,ST0,PSDAY,RF,RFS,PSOPRINT,X1,X2,ZTSK,X,Y,PSII,PSDT,LMI S IBDFN=DFN S X1=DT,X2=-PSDAYS D C^%DTC S (PSDATE,PSDAY)=X S LINE="" F I=1:1:132 S LINE=LINE_"-" S PAGE=1 D HD^PSOSD2,PAT^PSOSD W @IOF S DFN=IBDFN Q STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: HD SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 238 IA #: 238 FILE NUMBER: 70 GLOBAL ROOT: RADPT( DATE CREATED: JUN 15, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA238-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 238 ID: RADPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: RADPT(D0,0) GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Radiology has agreed for AMIE to make the following calls: GLOBAL REF. NODE;PIECE USAGE ^RADPT 0 Zero node check STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 239 IA #: 239 FILE NUMBER: 4.3 GLOBAL ROOT: XMB(1, DATE CREATED: JUN 15, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: MAILMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA239-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 239 ID: XMB(1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: XMB(1,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DOMAIN NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 240 IA #: 240 FILE NUMBER: 63 GLOBAL ROOT: LR( DATE CREATED: JUN 15, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA240-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 240 ID: LR( GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CH', GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI', GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Laboratory Package has given permission to AMIE to make the following calls: GLOBAL REF. NODE;PIECE USAGE ^LR( "CH";11 Current Agreement number 95 "MI";11 Current Agreement number 95 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 241 IA #: 241 FILE NUMBER: 4 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(4, DATE CREATED: JUN 15, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA241-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 241 ID: DIC(4, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(4,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(4,D0,99) FIELD NUMBER: 99 FIELD NAME: STATION NUMBER LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 242 IA #: 242 DATE CREATED: JUN 15, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: GMTSDVR NAME: DBIA242-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 242 ID: GMTSDVR GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PIMS (MAS) users often have a need to print a Health Summary after printing the 10-10. PIMS, therefore, is given permission for a database integration agreement with Health Summary to allow PIMS to call the line tag ENXQ^GMTSDVR. This call allows tasked or non-tasked Health Summary printout. Prior to the call, the following two variables will be defined: STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENXQ VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: (the internal entry number for the Patient File) VARIABLES: GMTSTYP TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: (the internal entry number for the desired Health Summary type) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 244 IA #: 244 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: JUN 15, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: AMIE Access to Patient File Fields ORIGINAL NUMBER: 244 ID: DPT( CREATOR: FAIRBROTHER,EILEEN GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ALL FIELDS ACCESSIBLE TO AMIE THROUGH THIS AGREEMENT ARE BASED ON FILEMAN CALLS ONLY. AMIE has permission from PIMS to make the following calls: GLOBAL REF. NODE;PIECE USAGE ^DPT( .11;1 Street address line 1 .11;2 Street address line 2 .11;3 Street address line 3 .11;4 City .11;5 State .11;6 Zip Code .11;7 County .11;8 Province .11;9 Postal Code .11;10 Country .11;12 Zip+4 .13;1 Residence PhoneNumber .13;2 Work Phone Number .29;1 Date Ruled Incompetent (VA) .29;2 Date Ruled Incompetent(CIVIL) .29;12 Rated Incompetent .3;1 Service Connected .31;2 Claim Folder Location .31;3 Claim Number .32;4 Service Discharge Type [LAST] .32;5 Service Branch [LAST] .32;6 Service Entry Date [LAST] .32;7 Service Separation Date [LAST] .36;1 Primary Eligibility Code .36;2 Eligibility Status Date .361;1 Eligibility Status .362;12 Receiving A&A Benefits .372;1 Rated Disabilities VA .372;2 Disability Percentage .372;3 Service Connected "DIS"; Disposition Log-in Date "S";1 Appointment Clinic "S";16 Appointment Type Directly edits the following fields in the Patient file: .02 SEX .03 DOB .09 SSN .111 Street Address 1 .1112 ZIP+4 .112 Street Address 2 .113 Street Address 3 .114 City .115 State .116 Zip Code .117 County .1171 Province .1172 Postal Code .1173 Country .131 Phone Number Res. .132 Phone Number Work .301 Service Connected .302 Ser. Con. Percentage .313 Claim Number .312 Claim Folder Location .323 Period of Service .324 Service Discharge Type [LAST] .325 Service Branch [LAST] .326 Service Entry Date [LAST] .327 Service Separation Date [LAST] .3611 Eligibility Status .361 Primary Eligibility Code .525 POW Status Indicated .3612 Elig. Status Dat 1901 Veterab Yes/No -Editing of the permanent address information .111;.1112;.112;.113;.114;.115;.116; .1112;.117;.1171;.1172; .1173;.131; .132; - Fields .1171, .1172, .1173 (Province, Postal Code, Country) will be set using FM input template(s) -AMIE also has LAYGO access to the Patient file per agreement with the MAS SIUG. Following release of patch DG*5.3*797, AMIE/CAPRI will use FileMan to edit the following fields of File 2, Subfile .3216, Military Service Episode multiple: .01 Service Entry Date .02 Service Separation Date .03 Service Branch .06 Service Discharge Type STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed KEYWORDS: AMIE KEYWORDS: DPT KEYWORDS: FILE 2 KEYWORDS: PATIENT FILE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany DATE ACTIVATED: DEC 08, 2010 DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 19, 2010@14:30 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: FAIRBROTHER,EILEEN WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MULLER,RICHARD DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 02, 2010@15:20 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: FAIRBROTHER,EILEEN WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MULLER,RICHARD DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 18, 2010@12:31 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: FAIRBROTHER,EILEEN DATE/TIME EDITED: DEC 08, 2010@15:00 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: FAIRBROTHER,EILEEN NUMBER: 245 IA #: 245 DATE CREATED: JUN 28, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA245 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 245 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Engineering version 7.0 has permission to export the following: FILE 446.4 BARCODE PROGRAM with two entries (ENNX and ENPM) FILE 446.6 SPECIALTY COMMANDS with one entry (TRAKKER 9440) These files and entries are necessary for uploading equipment data from portable bar code readers into the Engineering database. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ENGINEERING ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 246 IA #: 246 DATE CREATED: JUN 28, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA246 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 246 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Version 4.0 of IFCAP will call an Engineering routine whenever an Engineering work order is entered into the SORT GROUP of a Control Point Activity Transaction (Field 49 of File 410). The effect of this call will be to enter a pointer to the Control Point Activity Transaction in the Work Order File and to update the work order status. MUMPS cross-reference AR on Field 49 of File 410 will call ACCX^ENLIB2. Before calling this foreign routine, the IFCAP cross-reference will make sure that ^ENG("VERSION") is greater than 6.4. This insures the existence of the foreign routine. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ENGINEERING ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 247 IA #: 247 FILE NUMBER: 3.9 GLOBAL ROOT: XMB(3.9, DATE CREATED: DEC 01, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: MAILMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA247 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 247 ID: XMB(3.9, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Refenences to the MESSAGE File (3.9) ^XMB(3.9,i,0) Field .01 Subject ^XMB(3.9,i,2,j,0) Field 3 Text STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 248 IA #: 248 FILE NUMBER: 4.2 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(4.2, DATE CREATED: DEC 01, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: MAILMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA248 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 248 ID: DIC(4.2, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ROES acesses the following entities in Kernel: 1) DOMAIN - DIC 4.2 ^DIC(4.2,i,0) Field .01 Name (Cross-reference) ^DIC(4.2,"B",NAME,i) Name 2) KERNEL SITE PARAMETERS - DIC 4.3 ^XMB(1,1,0) Field .01 Domain Name 3) SECURITY KEY - DIC 19.1 (Cross-reference) ^XUSEC(KEY,DUZ) Field 2 Holder STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE NUMBER: 249 IA #: 249 DATE CREATED: FEB 01, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA249 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 249 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Kernel is adding the field "COORDINATOR' to the Service/Section File. It will be field 16000 located at node 16000. The field will be exported with Kernel V7 in a post-init, and the entire file for a 'virgin' install. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: KERNEL ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 250 IA #: 250 FILE NUMBER: 130 GLOBAL ROOT: SRF( DATE CREATED: JUL 20, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SURGERY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA250 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 250 ID: SRF( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Occurrence Screen has permission from Surgery to make the following calls: Cross References on file 130: AC - DATE OF OPERATION ADT - DATE OF OPERATION Fields: subscript;piece 130,.01 PATIENT 130,.011 IN/OUT-PATIENT STATUS (0;12) 130,.03 MAJOR/MINOR (0;3) 130,.09 DATE OF OPERATION (0;9) 130,10 SCHEDULED START TIME (31;4) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OCCURRENCE SCREEN ISC: Hines NUMBER: 251 IA #: 251 FILE NUMBER: 3.5 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(3.5, DATE CREATED: JUL 20, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA251-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 251 ID: DIC(3.5, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Clinical Monitoring System and Kernel have entered into an agreement for access to the following data: The "B" cross-reference of the device file. (To check that a free- text pointer value is still valid.) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines NUMBER: 252 IA #: 252 FILE NUMBER: 69 GLOBAL ROOT: LRO(69, DATE CREATED: JUL 20, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA252-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 252 ID: LRO(69, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Cross References on file 69 - LAB ORDER ENTRY AN - DATE/TIME RESULTS AVAILABLE STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines NUMBER: 253 IA #: 253 FILE NUMBER: 142 GLOBAL ROOT: GMT(142, DATE CREATED: JUL 26, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA253-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 253 ID: GMT(142, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Integrated Billing has permission from Health Summary to make the following calls: 1) Permission to do lookups on the HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE file (# 142) and to store the IEN in an Integrated Billing file. 2) If ENX^GMTSDVR does not exist (version 2.5 or latter not installed), permission to print Health Summaries by: a) Accessing the file HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE (# 142), fields NAME (# .01) and TITLE (# .02), to obtain the title to be used. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE NUMBER: 254 IA #: 254 FILE NUMBER: 52 GLOBAL ROOT: PSRX( DATE CREATED: JUL 26, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA254 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 254 ID: PSRX( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Drug Accountability has permission from Outpatient Pharmacy for the following: To collect dispensing data, the Drug Accountability ^PSAOP* routines loop through the "AL" (original & refills), "AJ" (return to stock), "AM" & "AN" (partials), and "AR" (status) x-refs in the PRESCRIPTION (#52) file. A date/time is stored as a starting point for each drug. Using these x-refs, the 6th piece of ^PSRX(D0,0) is checked to see if the drug is stocked in a Drug Accountability location and the 9th piece of ^PSRX(D0,2) is checked for Outpatient site. Quantity for original prescriptions, the 7th piece of ^PSRX(D0,0) is used. For refills, the 4th piece of ^PSRX(D0,1,D1,0) is used. For partials, the 4th piece of ^PSRX(D0,P,D1,0) is used. GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #52 -- PRESCRIPTION FILE STORED IN ^PSRX( (VERSION 6.0) -------------------------------------------------------------- CROSS REFERENCED BY: RETURNED TO STOCK(AJ),RETURNED TO STOCK(AJ1) RELEASED DATE/TIME(AL), RELEASED DATE/TIME(AL1), RELEASED DATE/TIME(AM), RETURNED TO STOCK(AN), ^PSRX(D0,0)= (#.01) RX # [1F] ^ (#6) DRUG [6P] ^ (#7) QTY [7N] ^PSRX(D0,1,0)=^52.1DA^^ (#52) REFILL ^PSRX(D0,1,D1,0)=^ (#1) QTY [4N] ^ (#14) RETURNED TO STOCK[16D] ==>^ (#17) RELEASED DATE/TIME [18D] ^PSRX(D0,2)=^(#20) DIVISION [9P] ^(#31) RELEASED DATE/TIME[13D] ==>^ (#32.1) RETURNED TO STOCK[15D] ^ ^PSRX(D0,P,0)=^52.2DA^^ (#60) PARTIAL DATE ^PSRX(D0,P,D1,0)=^(#.04) QTY [4N] ^(#5)RETURNED TO STOCK [16D] ==>^ (#8) RELEASED DATE/TIME [19D] ^ STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 28390681 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 255 IA #: 255 GLOBAL ROOT: DD(301.5, DATE CREATED: JUL 28, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA255 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 255 ID: DD(301.5, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: IVM is granted permission from FM Integration to make the following calls: Permission to add cross-references to the PATIENT file. The cross- references have set and kill logic as follows: S IVMX=X,X="IVMPXFR" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") D:$T DPT^IVMPXFR S X=IVMX K IVMX The code in IVMPXFR looks as follows: DPT ; Update transmit status if patient file fields are updated ; N DFN S DFN=+DA I '$D(^DPT(DFN,0)) Q D IVM Q ; IVM ; check to see if patient needs to be retransmitted N DA,I,NODE,X Q:'$D(^IVM(301.5,"B",DFN)) F DA=0:0 S DA=$O(^IVM(301.5,"B",DFN,DA)) Q:'DA D .S X=$G(^IVM(301.5,DA,0)) .S $P(^IVM(301.5,DA,0),"^",3)=0 .F I=0:0 S I=$O(^DD(301.5,.03,1,I)) Q:'I I $G(^(I,0))'["TRIGGER" D ..S X=1 X ^DD(301.5,.03,1,I,2) ; kill xfr ..S X=0 X ^DD(301.5,.03,1,I,1) ; set xfr Q Permission is also given to execute the DD nodes. At this point, there is a single MUMPS cross-reference on the .03 field (TRANSMISSION STATUS) of the IVM PATIENT file (301.5). Its logic is: set I X=0 S ^IVM(301.5,"ATR",0,DA)="" kill I X=0 K ^IVM(301.5,"ATR",0,DA) The purpose is just to flag the record as needing to be transmitted and have the cross-reference only set for those that require transmission. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ISC: Albany NUMBER: 256 IA #: 256 DATE CREATED: JUL 28, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA256 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 256 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Health Summary has permission to add the "GMTS" application group to file 71, Radiology Procedures, in order to allow selection of specific procedures to be displayed by the Selected Radiology Component of Health Summary. Only verified results may be printed, although results with the report status Released/Unverified may be viewed through Health Summary. Unverified reports may not be viewed or printed through Health Summary, in compliance with the Radiology Package's specifications. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 257 IA #: 257 DATE CREATED: JUL 28, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBCNS NAME: DBIA257 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 257 ID: IBCNS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: IVM is given permission from IB to use the following code (routine IVMUFNC): N DGCRINDT,DGCRINS,IBINDT,IBINS,X S X="IBCNS" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I $T S:$G(IVMDT) IBINDT=IVMDT D ^IBCNS G IN SQ ; for IB 2.0 and higher S X="DGCRNS" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I $T S:$G(IVMDT) DGCRINDT=IVMDT D ^DGCRNS ; remove when IB 2.0 is required INSQ Q $S($D(IBINS):IBINS,$D(DGCRINS):DGCRINS,1:"") IVM needs this code to determine whether the patient has insurance. If he does not, he is automatically sent to IVM for verification. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ISC: Albany NUMBER: 258 IA #: 258 DATE CREATED: JUL 28, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA258 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 258 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Scheduling package of PIMS v5.3 is granted permission by the Record Tracking package for the following: 1. Permission to access following options: o RT MAS-CHART-PROFILE -- Profile of Charts o RT MAS-CHART-REQUEST -- Chart Request o RT MAS-FILL-NEXT -- Fill Next Clinic Request o RT MAS-RE-CHARGE -- Re-charge a Chart 2. The above options will be available under 'Appointment Management' option only if the MAS INTERFACE STATUS field of the OVERALL PARAMETERS entry in the RECORD TRACKING SYSTEM PARAMETERS file is set to 'UP'. The following check will be made: IF +$G(^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")... STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 259 IA #: 259 DATE CREATED: AUG 03, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCPUX1 NAME: DBIA259 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 259 ID: PRCPUX1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Drug Accountability, V2.0, has established agreement with IFCAP to make the following calls: IFCAP inventory provides a Primary Inventory Point with the SPECIAL INVENTORY POINT TYPE = "D" for Drug Accountability, the ability to update a Drug Accountability Location with all receiving activity. IFCAP has added two new fields to the INVENTORY ITEM multiple in the GENERIC INVENTORY file (#445), the DISPENSING UNIT and DISPENSING UNIT CONV FACTOR. Each item that a Primary Inventory Point receives, the IFCAP routines PRCPPOL1, PRCPWPL4, PRCPWPP3, and PRCPUUIW call EN^PSAGIP to update drug accountability. It is here that Drug Accountability is called (EN^PSAGIP) passing the Primary Inventory Point, the item, the quantity*dispensing unit conv factor, the PO#, the CP transaction #, the inventory transaction #, and the total price and in some cases the NDC. Drug Accountability adds each item received to a temporary global. After the receipt is processed, the IFCAP routines PRCPAWI1, PRCPPOL1, PRCPWPL5, and PRCPWPP3 call EX^PSAGIP to complete the drug accountability update. At this time a task is started, looping through the temporary global and either updating the Drug Accountability Location or building and sending a mailman message listing those items that could not be updated and why. In version 2.0 of Drug Accountability the cost center screen on the Primary Inventory pointer in the DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY STATS file (#58.8) has been replaced with the "D" for special inventory type. Also the IFCAP security variable, PRCPPRIV is used to enable this pointer. ^DD(58.8445,.01,0) = PRIMARY INVENTORY POINT(S)^M*P445'X ^PRCP(445,^0;1^S PRCPPRIV=1,DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,20)=""D""" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K PRCPPRIV K:Y<0 X S:$D(X) DINUM=X Wherever available, calls to IFCAP extrinsics have replaced Drug Accountability version 1.0 look-ups to ^PRC globals. The IFCAP inventory routine PRCPUX1 is called extensively throughout the Drug Accountability package at the following line tags: UNITVAL(V1,V2,V3) ; unit per issue for values passed as follows ; v1=packaging multiple, v2=units da, ; v3=delimiter; UNITCODE(V1) ; get 2 character unit code from file 420.5 ; for entry v1; NSN(V1) ; return nsn for item v1; DESCR(V1,V2) ; description from inventory point or item ; master file for item v2 and inventory point ; v1; INVNAME(V1) ; inventory point name for inventory point v1; VENNAME(V1) ; return vendor name for da;global (445 or ; 440). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 13824110 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: UNITVAL(V1,V2,V3) COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: UNITCODE(V1) COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: NSN(V1) COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DESCR(V1,V2) COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: INVNAME(V1) COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: VENNAME(V1) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 260 IA #: 260 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: AUG 09, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA260 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 260 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT('ARCDTH', GENERAL DESCRIPTION: REQUEST: "ARCDTH" CROSS-REFERENCE ON DATE OF DEATH FIELD IN PATIENT FILE FILE NUMBER: 2 FILE NAME: PATIENT FIELD NUMBER: .351 FIELD NAME: DATE OF DEATH CROSS REF NUM: 7 CROSS REF NAME: "ARCDTH" TYPE: MUMPS NOT USED FOR SORTING OR LOOKUP SET STATEMENT: S RCX=X,X="RCAMDTH" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") S X=RCX K RCX I D SET^RCAMDTH KILL STATEMENT: S RCX=X,X="RCAMDTH" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") S X=RCX K RCX I D ERR^RCAMDTH NO-DELETION MESSAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DEATH NOTIFICATION DESCRIPTION: This cross-reference is used to notify the Accounts Receivable package (v4 or higher) of a patient's death so that the patient's account may be reviewed for appropriate action. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 261 IA #: 261 DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDM NAME: DBIA261-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 261 ID: SDM GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The option HBHC Appointment uses the MAS routine ^SDM as the Run Routine, and employs SDM^SDKILL in the exit action. Select OPTION to edit: HBHC APPOINTMENT Make Appointment NAME: HBHC APPOINTMENT// MENU TEXT: Make Appointment// PACKAGE: HOSPITAL BASED HOME CARE// DESCRIPTION: 1>This option utilizes the MAS Scheduling Option, Make Appointment [SDM], 2>for entry of appointment data. The Exit Action on this option runs a 3>routine that creates records in the HBHC Visit File (HBHC(632)) using 4>the appointment data entered. Only data for clinics contained in the 5>HBHC Clinic File (HBHC(631.6)) will be added to the HBHC Visit File. EDIT Option: TYPE: run routine// ENTRY ACTION: D:$T(HDLKILL^SDAMEVT)]"" HDLKILL^SDAMEVT EXIT ACTION: D SDM^SDKILL K ORACTION,ORVP,XQORQUIT W !!,"Adding entries to the visit file..." D WAIT^DICD,^HBHCAPPT D:$T(HDLKILL^SDAMEVT)]"" HDLKILL^SDAMEVT Replace ROUTINE: SDM// STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HOSPITAL BASED HOME CARE ISC: Hines NUMBER: 262 IA #: 262 DATE CREATED: AUG 09, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA262 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 262 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: DataBase Integration Agreement between IFCAP V4.0 package and FileMan V19.0 for the use of and the KILLing of a local FileMan variable in an Input Template. The IFCAP Input Template uses the FileMan local variable D1 in the input transform for field #40 in File #423, the CALM/LOG CODE SHEET file. The local variable D1 is used as a counter for the multiple field 423.05, subfield .01. IFCAP uses the counter within the Input Template to ensure that no more than 10 entries are made into the code sheet for this multiple. Prior to prompting the user for entries into this field, the FileMan variable D1 is KILLed. The reason or reasons for KILLing the FileMan local variable D1 and subsequently using D1 as a counter have been obscured in the history of IFCAP development. The variable D1 is the internal record number within the multiple; it is stored as piece 3 of the file or subfile header. It is not necessarily accurate as the count of entries within the multiple. For example, the user may make one or more deletions within the template, reducing the number of entries. The user could then add more entries to the multiple. This scenario could possibly increase the internal record number (D1) to a number greater than 9, when there may actually be fewer than 9 entries. Based on the input transform, the user would not be able to make the additional entries, although in reality, more entries should be allowed. In addition, piece 4 of the file or subfile header contains the number of records in the file and/or subfile. Once again, this number cannot be guaranteed as the accurate number of records in the file or subfile. The use of D1 is an existing convention that has been in place for several versions of IFCAP. We request the Integration Agreement with FileMan to continue this use for IFCAP V4.0. The Input Templates are used in the creation of CALM code sheets. Since FMS will be replacing CALM, the use of the FileMan local variable will be needed until all sites have converted from CALM to FMS. The next planned release of IFCAP V5.0 will replace this function. INTEGRATION POINT: 1. The IFCAP Input Template PRCFA TT982.00 FIRST EDIT FIELD: .1///CLM// THEN EDIT FIELD: S Y=4// THEN EDIT FIELD: STATION NUMBER// THEN EDIT FIELD: TRANSACTION TYPE// THEN EDIT FIELD: TRANSACTION DATE// THEN EDIT FIELD: REFERENCE NUMBER// THEN EDIT FIELD: YALD CODE// THEN EDIT FIELD: K D1// THEN EDIT FIELD: REC STA OR FCP// THEN EDIT FIELD: REC STA OR FCP// THEN EDIT FIELD: 1ST QTR AMOUNT// THEN EDIT FIELD: 2ND QTR AMOUNT// THEN EDIT FIELD: W !," "// THEN EDIT FIELD: 3RD QTR AMOUNT// THEN EDIT FIELD: I X="$" S Y=""// THEN EDIT FIELD: 4TH QTR AMOUNT// THEN EDIT FIELD: 998///$// 2. The Input Transform Using the FileMan Variable STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #423.05 -- REC STA OR FCP SUB-FILE 05/20/93 PAGE 1 STORED IN ^PRCF(423, (811 ENTRIES) SITE: IFA UCI: DVA,IFA DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ---------------------------------------------------------------- 423.05,.01 REC STA OR FCP 0;1 FREE TEXT (Multiply asked) INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>3!($L(X)<3)!'(X?3N) X Q:'$D(X) I $D(D1),D1>9 W " ONLY 10 ENTRIES PER CODE SHEET ARE PERMITTED",*7 K X LAST EDITED: MAR 21, 1986 HELP-PROMPT: ANSWER MUST BE 3 CHARACTERS IN LENGTH DESCRIPTION: This is the 3 character receiving station or fund control point. NOTES: XXXX--CAN'T BE ALTERED EXCEPT BY PROGRAMMER 3. FileMan Local Variable D1 When working below the main level of the file, DIE maintains the references to the file hierarchy being handled in the variables DA and Dn (D0, D1, etc) in which n varies according to the level of the file hierarchy. DA always contains the item number of the record being handled. Dn indicates the item numbers in the file hierarchy. D0 contains the main level record number; D1 contains the first sub-file level sub-record number and D2 contains the second sub-file level sub-record number. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: IFCAP ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 263 IA #: 263 DATE CREATED: AUG 10, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Supported TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: VAFHLPID NAME: DBIA263-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 263 ID: VAFHLPID STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 34237578 KEYWORDS: HL7 KEYWORDS: PID COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$EN(DFN,VAFSTR,VAFNUM,PTID) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Function call returns the standard HL7 PID segment for a given patient ** Warning ** This function makes external calls to VADPT. Non-namespaced variables may be altered. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to entry in PATIENT file (#2) VARIABLES: VAFSTR TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: String of requested fields separated by commas (ex: 1,2,3) VARIABLES: VAFNUM TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Sequential number for SET ID (sequence 1). Default value is '1'. VARIABLES: PTID TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Flag denoting which Patient ID (sequence 3) to use 0 - Use DFN formatted as data type CK (default) 1 - Use ICN 2 - Use DFN formatted as data type CX 3 - Use SSN (with dashes) VARIABLES: VAFPID(1) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: If the returned string is longer than 245 characters, the remaining characters will be returned in VAFPID(1). VAFPID(1) will not be set if the returned string is less than 245 characters. VARIABLES: Assumed Variables TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Call assumes that all HL7 variables returned from INIT^HLTRANS are defined NUMBER: 264 IA #: 264 DATE CREATED: AUG 10, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA264 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 264 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: VA FileMan has permission to export the Package file and to update entries in the Package file for exporting and importing packages. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 265 IA #: 265 DATE CREATED: AUG 17, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA265 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 265 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Clinical Monitoring System and MAS for read access to the following fields and cross-references. FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 .001 2.98 APPOINTMENT STATUS PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 3 2.98 PURPOSE OF VISIT PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 9 2.98 APPOINTMENT TYPE PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 9.5 2.98 APPT. CANCELLATION REASON PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 16 2.98 CLINIC PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 .01 2.98 (The above fields related to field 1900 will be eliminated with the scheduling redesign.) COVERED BY HEALTH INSURANCE? PATIENT 1 .3192 2 DATE OF DEATH PATIENT 1 .351 2 DISPOSITION PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 6 2.101 LOG IN DATE/TIME PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 .01 2.101 LOG IN STATUS PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 1 2.101 LOG OUT DATE/TIME PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 5 2.101 REASON FOR LATE DISPOSITION PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 8 2.101 SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE PATIENT 1 .302 2 SERVICE CONNECTED? PATIENT 1 .301 2 SPINAL CORD INJURY PATIENT 1 57.4 2 TYPE OF BENEFIT APPLIED FOR PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 2 2.101 TYPE OF CARE APPLIED FOR PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 2.1 2.101 TYPE OF MOVEMENT PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .04 405 WARD LOCATION PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .06 405 TRANSACTION TYPE PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .02 405 ROOM-BED PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .07 405 ADMITTED FOR SC CONDITION? PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .11 405 ADMITTING REGULATION PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .12 405 ATTENDING PHYSICIAN PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .19 405 DIAGNOSIS [SHORT] PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .1 405 FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .09 405 MAS MOVEMENT TYPE PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .18 405 MOVEMENT DATE/TIME PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .01 405 PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .08 405 PATIENT PTF 1 .01 45 PTF ADMISSION DATE PTF 1 2 45 PTF DISCHARGE DATE PTF 1 70 45 PTF DISCHARGE SPECIALTY PTF 1 71 45 PTF DRG PTF 1 9 45 PTF DXLS PTF 1 79 45 PTF ICD 10 PTF 1 79.24 45 PTF ICD 2 PTF 1 79.16 45 PTF ICD 3 PTF 1 79.17 45 PTF ICD 4 PTF 1 79.18 45 PTF ICD 5 PTF 1 79.19 45 PTF ICD 6 PTF 1 79.201 45 PTF ICD 7 PTF 1 79.21 45 PTF ICD 8 PTF 1 79.22 45 PTF ICD 9 PTF 1 79.23 45 PTF PROCEDURE 1 PTF 1 45.01 45 PTF PROCEDURE 2 PTF 1 45.02 45 PTF PROCEDURE 3 PTF 1 45.03 45 PTF PROCEDURE 4 PTF 1 45.04 45 PTF PROCEDURE 5 PTF 1 45.05 45 PTF TYPE OF DISPOSITION PTF 1 72 45 PTF WARD AT DISCHARGE PTF 1 2.2 45 SURGERY/PROCEDURE DATE PTF 1 401 45 2 .01 45.01 OPERATION CODE 1 PTF 1 401 45 2 8 45.01 OPERATION CODE 2 PTF 1 401 45 2 9 45.01 OPERATION CODE 3 PTF 1 401 45 2 10 45.01 OPERATION CODE 4 PTF 1 401 45 2 11 45.01 OPERATION CODE 5 PTF 1 401 45 2 12 45.01 MAS MOVEMENT TRANSACTION TYPE MAS MOVEMENT TRANSACTION TYPE 1 .01 405.3 NAME DISPOSITION 1 .01 37 NAME FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY 1 .01 45.7 FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY SERVICE 1 2 45.7 NAME MAS MOVEMENTT TYPE 1 .01 405.2 NAME APPOINTMENT TYPE 1 .01 409.1 CODE NUMBER ICD DIAGNOSIS 1 .01 80 CODE NUMBER ICD OPERATION/PROCEDURE 1 .01 80.1 PATIENT HOSPITAL LOCATION 1 1900 44 2 2 44.001 3 .01 44.003 CROSS REFERENCES: DATE OF BIRTH PATIENT XREF: ADOB SEX PATIENT XREF: ASX DATE OF ENROLLMENT PATIENT XREF: AEB DATE OF DEATH PATIENT XREF: AEXP1 LOG IN DATE/TIME PATIENT XREF: ADIS DATA GLOBAL HOSPITAL LOCATION XREF: ^SC(D0,"S",D1,1,D2,... ^ ^ | |-- PATIENT |-- APPOINTMENT CLOSE OUT DATE PTF CLOSE OUT XREF: AC DATA GLOBAL PTF XREF: ^DGPT(D0,"S",D1,... ^ |-- SURGERY/PROCEDURE DATE STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines NUMBER: 266 IA #: 266 FILE NUMBER: 409.61 GLOBAL ROOT: SD( DATE CREATED: AUG 25, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Supported TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: LIST TEMPLATE FILE ORIGINAL NUMBER: 266 ID: SD( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SD(409.61, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The List Template file 409.61 may be populated with entries that are namespaced (following the same principles as with the Option file). Refer to List Manager documentation for current export utilities. Entries should not be made to this file other than through VA FileMan and the export utilities. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed NUMBER: 267 IA #: 267 DATE CREATED: AUG 25, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA267 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 267 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The PDX team is granted permission to add the following protocols to the protocol file ^ORD(101. We also request permission to use all generic protocols as listed in the List Managers development guide. The protocol names are: 1 VAQ ADD PATIENT Add Patient 2 VAQ ADD/EDIT REQUEST Add/Edit Request 3 VAQ CHANGE PATIENT Change Patient 4 VAQ COPY REQUEST Copy Request 5 VAQ CREATE REATE REQUEST Create Request 6 VAQ DIS ALL SEGMENT Display all 7 VAQ DIS SELECTED SEG Display Selected 8 VAQ DIS1 (MENU) List Request Options 9 VAQ DISPLAY PDX Display PDX 10 VAQ DISPLAY SELECT Select Entry 11 VAQ DUPLICATE Select Entry 12 VAQ LOAD DATA Load Data (all) 13 VAQ LOAD EDIT Load/Edit 14 VAQ LOAD FIELD Load Field(s) 15 VAQ NEW PATIENT New Patient 16 VAQ PDX1 (MENU) CUSTOM ENTRIES FOR PDX1 17 VAQ PDX11 (MENU) MENU FOR DISPLAY SEGMENT 18 VAQ PDX12 (MENU) MENU OPTIONS FOR PDX DISPLAY 19 VAQ PDX2 (MENU) CUSTOM ENTRIES FOR PDX2 20 VAQ PDX3 (MENU) custom entries for PDX3 21 VAQ PDX4 (MENU) VAQ PDX4 MANUAANUAL PROCESS 22 VAQ PDX5 (MENU) VAQ LED STATUS MENU 23 VAQ PDX6 (MENU) VAQ LED DIFFERENCES MENU 24 VAQ PDX7 (MENU) VAQ LED ADD PT MENU 25 VAQ PDX8 (MENU) VAQ LED POSSIABLE MATCH MENU 26 VAQ PDX9 (MENU) OPTIONS MENU FOR PDX REQUEST 27 VAQ PROCESS MANUAL Procecess Manual 28 VAQ PROCESS REJECT Reject W/Comment 29 VAQ PROCESS RELEASE Release W/Comment 30 VAQ TRANSMIT REQUEST Transmit Request STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 268 IA #: 268 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: AUG 25, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA268-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 268 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SEE DESCRIPTION GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The PDX team has permission to access the MAS Duplicate Checker, DPTDUP. This routine will be used as a filter in adding new or selecting existing patients. The following fields are accessed by PDX for extract, display, edit and load. [ MINIMAL ] Following is a list of fields used when creating a new patient. Note: Temporary address is only filled in if active and dates valid. FILE NO. FIELD NO NONODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2 .01 0;1 NAME .02 0;2 SEX .03 0;3 DATE OF BIRTH .05 0;5 MARITAL STATUS .08 0;8 RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE .09 0;9 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER .111 .11;1 STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] .112 .11;2 STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] .113 .11;3 STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] .114 .11;4 CITY .115 .11;5 STATE .116 .11;6 ZIP CODE .117 .11;7 COUNTY .131 .13;1 PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE] .301 .3;1 SERVICE CONNECTED? .302 .3;2 SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE .323 .32;3 PERIOD OF SERVICE .361 .36;1 PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE 391 TYPE;1 TYPE 1901 VET;1 VETERAN (Y/N)? .12105 .121;9 TEMPORARY ADDRESS ENTER/EDIT? .1211 .121;1 TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 1] .12111 .121;11 TEMPORARY ADDRESS COUNTY .12112 .121;12 TEMPORARY ZIP+4 .1212 .121;2 TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 2] .1213 .121;3 TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 3] .1214 .121;4 TEMPORARY CITY .1215 .121;5 TEMPORARY STATE .1216 .121;6 TEMPORARY ZIP CODE .1217 .121;7 TEMPORARY ADDRESS START DATE .1218 .121;8 TEMPORARY ADRESS END DATE .1219 .121;10 TEMPORARY PHONE NUMBER [ MAS ] Following is the list of the MAS fields PDX extracts. These fields are compared agianst the local database and the differences are displayed. The user is given the choice to update the local data with the PDX data. (Read/Write Access) FILE NO. FIELD NO NODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2 .01 0;1 NAME .02 0;2 SEX .03 0;3 DATE OF BIRTH .05 0;5 MARITAL STATUS .07 0;7 OCCUPATION .08 0;8 RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE .09 0;9 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER .091 0;10 REMARKS .092 0;11 PLACE OF BIRTH [CITY] .093 0;12 PLACE OF BIRTH [STATE] .111 .11;1 STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] .112 .11;2 STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] .113 .11;3 STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] .114 .11;4 CITY .115 .11;5 STATE .116 .11;6 ZIP CODE .117 .11;7 COUNTY .1211 .121;1 TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 1] .1212 .121;2 TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 2] .1213 .121;3 TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 3] .1217 .121;7 TEMPORARY ADDRESS START DATE .1218 .121;8 TEMPORARY ADDRESS END DATE .1219 .121;10 TEMPORARY PHONE NUMBER .131 .13;1 PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE] .132 .13;2 PHONE NUMBER [WORK] .152 .15;2 INELIGIBLE DATE .153 .15;3 MISSING PERSON DATE .1651 INE;1 INELIGIBLE TWX SOURCE .1653 INE;3 INELIGIBLE TWX CITY .1654 INE;4 INELIGIBLE TWX STATE .1656 INE;6 INELIGIBLE VARO DECISION .1657 INE;7 MISSING PERSON TWX SOURCE .1658 INE;8 MISSING PERSON TWX CICITY .1659 INE;9 MISSING PERSON TWX STATE .211 .21;1 K-NAME OF PRIMARY NOK .212 .21;2 K-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT .213 .21;3 K-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] .214 .21;4 K-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] .215 .21;5 K-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] .216 .21;6 K-CITY .217 .21;7 K-STATE .218 .21;8 K-ZIP CODE .219 .21;9 K-PHONE NUMBER .2191 .211;1 K2-NAME OF SECONDARY NOK .2192 .211;2 K2-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT .2193 .211;3 K2-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] .2194 .211;4 K2-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] .2195 .211;5 K2-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] .2196 .211;6 K2-CITY .2197 .211;7 K2-STATE .2198 .211;8 K2-ZIP CODE .2199 .211;9 K2-PHONE NUMBER .2401 .24;1 FATHER'S NAME .2402 .24;2 MOTHER'S NAME .2403 .24;3 MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME .251 .25;1 SPOUSE'S EMPLOYER NAME .252 .25;2 SPOUSE'S EMP STREET [LINE 1] .253 .25;3 SPOUSE'S EMP STREET [LINE 2] .254 .25;4 SPOUSE'S EMP STREET [LINE 3] .255 .25;5 SPOUSE'S EMPLOYER'S CITY .256 .25;6 SPOUSE'S EMPLOYER'S STATE .257 .25;7 SPOUSE'S EMP ZIP CODE .258 .25;8 SPOUSE'S EMP PHONE NUMBER .301 .3;1 SERVICE CONNECTED? .302 .3;2 SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE .3025 .3;11 RECEIVING VA DISABILITY? .303 .3;3 AMOUNT OF VA DISABILITY .306 .3;6 MONETARY BEN. VERIFY DATE .307 .3;7 INELIGIBLE REASON .3111 .311;1 EMPLOYER NAME .31115 .311;15 EMPLOYMENT STATUS .3112 .311;2 GOVERNMENT AGENCY .3113 .311;3 EMPLOYER STREET [LINE 1] .3114 .311;4 EMPLOYER STREET [LINE 2] .3115 .311;5 EMPLOYER STREET [LINE 3] .3116 .311;6 EMPLOYER CITY .3117 .311;7 EMPLOYER STATE .3118 .311;8 EMPLOYER ZIP CODE .3119 .311;9 EMPLOYER PHONE NUMBER .312 .31;2 CLAIM FOLDER LOCATION .313 .31;3 CLAIM NUMBER .32101 .321;1 VIETNAM SERVICE INDICATED? .32102 .321;2 AGENT ORANGE EXPOS. INDICATED? .32103 .321;3 RADIATION EXPOSURE INDICATED? .32104 .321;4 VIETNAM FROM DATE .32105 .321;5 VIETNAM TO DATE .32107 .321;7 AGENT ORANGE REGISTRATION DATE .32109 .321;9 AGENT ORANGE EXAM DATE .3211 .321;10 AGENT ORANGE REGISTRATION # .32111 .321;11 RADIATION REGISTRATION DATE .3212 .321;12 RADIATION EXPOSURE METHOD .322 .32;2 SERVICE VERIFICATION DATE .323 .32;3 PERIOD OF SERVICE .324 .32;4 SERVICE DISCHARGE TYPE [LAST] .325 .32;5 SERVICE BRANCH [LAST] .326 .32;6 SERVICE ENTRY DATE [LAST] .327 .32;7 SERVICE SEPARATION DATE [LAST] .328 .32;8 SERVICE NUMBER [LAST] .329 .32;9 SERVICE DISCHARGE TYPE [NTL] .3291 .32;10 SERVICE BRANCH [NTL] .3292 .32;11 SERVICE ENTRY DATE [NTL] .3293 .32;12 SERVICE SEPARATION DATE [NTL] .3294 .32;13 SERVICE NUMBER [NTL] .3295 .32;14 SERVICE DISCHARGE TYPE [NNTL] .3296 .32;15 SERVICE BRANCH [NNTL] .3297 .32;16 SERVICE ENTRY DATE [NNTL] .3298 .32;17 SERVICE SEPARATION DATE [NNTL] .3299 .32;18 SERVICE NUMBER [NNTL] .331 .33;1 E-NAME .3311 .331;1 E2-NAME OF SECONDARY CONTACT .3312 .331;2 E2-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT .3313 .331;3 E2-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] .3314 .331;4 E2-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] .3315 .331;5 E2-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] .3316 .331;6 E2-CITY .3317 .331;7 E2-STATE .3318 .331;8 E2-ZIP CODE .3319 .331;9 E2-PHONE NUMBER .332 .33;2 E-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT .333 .33;3 E-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] .334 .33;4 E-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] .335 .33;5 E-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] .336 .33;6 E-CITY .337 .33;7 E-STATE .338 .33;8 E-ZIP CODE .339 .33;9 E-PHONE NUMBER .341 .34;1 D-NAME OF DESIGNEE .342 .34;2 D-RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT .343 .34;3 D-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] .344 .34;4 D-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] .345 .34;5 D-STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] .346 .34;6 D-CITY .347 .34;7 D-STATE .348 .34;8 D-ZIP CODE .349 .34;9 D-PHONE NUMBER .361 .36;1 PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE .3611 .361;1 ELIGIBILITY STATUS .3612 .361;2 ELIGIBILITY STATUS DATE .3614 .361;4 ELIGIBILITY INTERIM RESPONSE .3615 .361;5 ELIGIBILITY VERIF. METHOD .3616 .361;6 ELIGIBILITY STATUS ENTERED BY .362 .36;2 DISABILITY RET. FROM MILITARY? .36205 .362;12 RECEIVING A&A BENEFITS? .3621 .362;1 AMOUNT OF AID & ATTENDANCE .36215 .362;13 RECEIVING HOUSEBOUND BENEFITS? .3622 .362;2 AMOUNT OF HOUSEBOUND .36225 .362;15 RECEIVING SOCIAL SECURITY? .3623 .362;3 AMOUNT OF SOCIAL SECURITY .36235 .362;14 RECEIVING A VA PENSION? .3624 .362;4 AMOUNT OF VA PENSION .3625 .362;5 AMOUNT OF MILITARY RETIREMENT .36255 .362;16 RECEIVING MILITARY RETIREMENT? .3626 .362;6 AMOUNT OF GI INSURANCE .36265 .362;17 GI INSURANCE POLICY? .3627 .362;7 AMOUNT OF SSI .36275 .362;19 RECEIVING SUP. SECURITY (SSI)? .3628 .362;8 AMOUNT OF OTHER RETIREMENT .36285 .362;18 TYPE OF OTHER RETIREMENT .3629 .362;9 AMOUNT OF OTHER INCOME .368 .36;8 SERVICE DENTAL INJURY? .369 .36;9 SERVICE TEETH EXTRACTED? .525 .52;5 POW STATUS INDICATED? .526 .52;6 POW CONFINEMENT LOCATION .527 .52;7 POW FROM DATE .528 .52;8 POW TO DATE .5291 .52;11 COMBAT SERVICE INDICATED? .5292 .52;12 COMBAT SERVICE LOCATION .5293 .52;13 COMBAT FROM DATE .5294 .52;14 COMBAT TO DATE 57.4 57;4 SPINAL CORD INJURY 391 TYPE;1 TYPE 1010.15 1010.15;5 RECEIVED VA CARE PREVIOUSLY? 1010.151 1010.15;1 MOST RECENT DATE OF CARE 1010.152 1010.15;2 MOST RECENT LOCATION OF CARE 1010.153 1010.15;3 2ND MOST RECENT DATE OF CARE .21011 .21;11 K-WORK PHONE NUMBER .211011 .211;11 K2-WORK PHONE NUMBER .381 .38;1 ELIGIBLE FOR MEDICAID? .3221 .322;1 LEBANON SERVICE INDICATED? .3222 .322;2 LEBANON FROM DATE .3223 .322;3 LEBANON TO DATE .3224 .322;4 GRENADA SERVICE INDICATED? .3225 .322;5 GRENADA FROM DATE .3226 .322;6 GRENADA TO DATE .3227 .322;7 PANAMA SERVICE INDICATED? .3228 .322;8 PANAMA FROM DATE .3229 .322;9 PANAMA TO DATE .32201 .322;10 PERSIAN GULF SERVICE? .322011 .322;11 PERSIAN GULF FROM DATE .322012 .322;12 PERSIAN GULF TO DATE .322013 .322;13 ENV CONTAM INDICATED? .322014 .322;14 REGISTRATION DATE .322015 .322;15 EXAM DATE .322016 .322;16 SOMALIA SERVICE INDICATED? .322017 .322;17 SOMALIA FROM DATE .322018 .322;18 SOMALIA TO DATE .304 .3;4 P&T .305 .3;5 UNEMPLOYABLE .3012 .3;12 SC AWARD DATE .293 .29;12 RATED INCOMPETENT? .292 .29;2 DATE RULED INCOMPETENT (CIVIL) .291 .29;1 DATE RULED INCOMPETENT (VA) .36205 .362;12 RECEIVING A&A BENEFITS? .36215 .362;13 RECEIVING HOUSEBOUND BENEFITS? .36235 .362;14 RECEIVING A VA PENSION? .3025 .3;11 RECEIVING VA DISABILITY? .36295 .36295;20 TOTAL ANNUAL VA CHECK AMOUNT .36265 .362;17 GI INSURANCE POLICY? .3626 .362;6 AMOUNT OF GI INSURANCE .34011 .34;11 D-WORK PHONE NUMBER .2514 .25;14 SPOUSE'S OCCUPATION .2515 .25;15 SPOUSE'S EMPLOYMENT STATUS 1010.154 1010.15;4 2ND MOST RECENT LOCATION 1901 VET;1 VETERAN (Y/N)? .33011 .33;11 E-WORK PHONE NUMBER .331011 .331;11 E2-WORK PHONE NUMBER .1112 .11;12 ZIP+4 .12105 .121;9 TEMPORARY ADDRESS ENTER/EDIT? .12111 .121;11 TEMPORARY ADDRESS COUNTY .12112 .121;12 TEMPORARY ZIP+4 .382 .38;2 DATE MEDICAID LAST ASKED FILE NO. FIELD NO NODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2.04 .01 0;1 RATED DISABILITIES (VA) 2 0;2 DISABILITY % 3 0;3 SERVICE CONNECTED FILE NO. FIELD NO NODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2.001 .01 0;1 ENROLLMENT CLINIC FILE NO. FIELD NO NODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2.16 .01 0;1 MISSING OR INELIGIBLE FILE NO. FIELD NO NODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2.01 .01 0;1 ALIAS 1 0;2 ALIAS SSN FILE NO. FIELD NO NODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2.05 .01 0;1 SERVICE CONNECTED CONDITIONS .02 0;2 PERCENTAGE FILE NO. FIELD NO NODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2.101 .01 0;1 LOG IN DATE/TIME 2 0;3 TYPE OF BENEFIT APPLIED FOR 3 0;4 FACILITY APPLYING TO 20 2;1 NEED RELATED TO OCCUPATION 23 2;4 NEED RELATED TO AN ACCIDENT [ ELIGIBILITY ] FILE NO. FIELD NO NODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2.0361 .01 0;1 ELIGIBILITY [ DENTAL ] Extract the five most recent FILE NO. FIELD NO NODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2.11 .01 0;1 DATE OF DENTAL TREATMENT 2 0;2 CONDITION 3 0;3 DATE CONDITION FIRST NOTICED [ APPOINTMENT ] Extract the five most recent FILE NO. FIELD NO NODE;PIECE DESCRIPT 2.98 .01 0;1 CLINIC 3 0;2 STATUS 9 0;7 PURPOSE OF VISIT 9.5 0;16 APPOINTMENT TYPE The PDX development team has permission to access ^DPT (directly) for the verification of a valid DFN. This is done extensively through out PDX. Other places ^DPT is accessed directly. a) $O thru eligibility multiple b) $O thru appointments multiple c) $O thru dental appointments multiple STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 269 IA #: 269 FILE NUMBER: 58.1 GLOBAL ROOT: PSI(58.1, DATE CREATED: AUG 26, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA269 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 269 ID: PSI(58.1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Version 2.0 of Drug Accountability will require previous installation of Automatic Replenishment/Ward Stock version 2.3. The ^PSGWUAS routine contains a call to ^PSARWS. ^PSARWS will traverse the ^PSI(58.5,"AMIS") x-ref to update the AR/WS dispensing in Drug Accountability. Using the sixth subscript, a look-up is made to ^PSI(58.1,D0,"SITE") to determine the Inpatient Site. GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #58.1 -- PHARMACY AOU STOCK FILE STORED IN ^PSI(58.1, (1 ENTRY) SITE: BIRMINGHAM ISC (#14) ------------------------------------------------------------ ^PSI(58.1,D0,SITE)= (#4) INPATIENT SITE [1P] ^ STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 270 IA #: 270 FILE NUMBER: 52.6 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(52.6, DATE CREATED: AUG 26, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA270-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 270 ID: PS(52.6, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Drug Accountability will use the IV STATS (#50.8) file to update IV dispensing activity in a Drug Accountability Location. To correctly identify the DRUG (#50) file entry a look up is first made to the IV ADDITIVES (#52.6) and/or the IV SOLUTION (#52.7) files. Looping through ^PS(50.8,D0), all IV Rooms are checked. Looping through ^PS(50.8,D0,2,D1), dates are checked. Looping through ^PS(50.8,D0,2,D1,2,D2), drugs are checked with support from the "AC" x-ref. Looping through ^PS(50.8,D0,2,D1,2,D2,3,D3), ward is checked. It is here that, if a match occurs, $P($G(^PS(50.8,D0,2,D1,2,D2,3,D3,0)),U,2)-$P($G(^(0)),U,5) is used to update the balance in Drug Accountability. GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #52.6 -- IV ADDITIVES FILE STORED IN ^PS(52.6, (1 ENTRY) SITE: BIRMINGHAM ISC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CROSS REFERENCED BY: GENERIC DRUG(AC) ^PS(52.6,D0,0)= (#1) GENERIC DRUG [2P] STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 271 IA #: 271 DATE CREATED: AUG 27, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA271-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 271 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following routines and file entries will be exported by PDX with version 1.5: IBAPDX IBAPDX0 IBAPDX1 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 272 IA #: 272 FILE NUMBER: 394.61 GLOBAL ROOT: VAT(394.61, DATE CREATED: AUG 27, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA272-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 272 ID: VAT(394.61, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: a) The following fields are referenced by the global directly, NOT by a fileman call. - PDX Transaction File (394.61) field # .03 Patient Name STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 273 IA #: 273 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: AUG 30, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA273-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 273 ID: PSDRUG( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. #50 DRUG FILE ^PSDRUG( To maintain backward compatibility with Outpatient Pharmacy V5.6 50,623001 DALLAS COMMENTS 623001;1 FREE TEXT 50,623002 LAB TEST MONITOR 623002;1 POINTER TO LABORATORY TEST FILE (#60) 50,623003 MONITOR MAX DAYS 623002;2 NUMBER 50,623004 SPECIMEN TYPE 623002;3 POINTER TO TOPOGRAPHY FIELD FILE (#61) 50,623008 MONITOR ROUTINE 623008;1 FREE TEXT To maintain compatibility with Outpatient Pharmacy V6.0 50,17.2 LAB TEST MONITOR CLOZ;1 POINTER TO LABORATORY TEST FILE (#60) 50,17.3 MONITOR MAX DAYS CLOZ;2 NUMERIC 50,17.4 SPECIMEN TYPE CLOZ;3 POINTER TO TOPOGRAPHY FIELD FILE (#61) 50,17.5 MONITOR ROUTINE CLOZ1;1 FREE TEXT STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 17748169 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Albany EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@12:40 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 274 IA #: 274 DATE CREATED: SEP 09, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: GMTSLTR NAME: DBIA274 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 274 ID: GMTSLTR GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Progress Note users have asked that notes printed for a given location begin the print with big letter identification of location. Since Health Summary has such lovely code for accomplishing this, and since PN already relies on HS routines (to display the text of patient warnings), PN is relying on HS code to print the big letters. Specifically, PN 2.5 is issuing a patch in which routine GMRPNP1 news GMTSLTR, and checks for the existence of routine GMTSLTR and calls it if exists, with GMTSLTR =a four letter string. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: GMTSLTR VARIABLES: GMTSLTR TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 275 IA #: 275 FILE NUMBER: 101 GLOBAL ROOT: ORD(101, DATE CREATED: SEP 09, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA275-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 275 ID: ORD(101, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Purpose: Request an integration agreement between the Discharge Summary Team and the OE/RR Team at the Salt Lake ISC for Discharge Summary version 1.0: 1. to access protocol descriptions by direct reference to the ^ORD(101, and 2. permission to call ^XQORM as described below. Description: To allow the user to get a detailed description of the actions that are executable from each of our menu-type protocols, we need to be able to $ORDER through the subscript ^ORD(101,DO,10,D1,0) to get sub-fields #1 (ITEM) and # 3 (SEQUENCE) of the 101.01 multiple for each ITEM. Then get field #1 (ITEM TEXT) and #3.5 (DESCRIPTION) for each PROTOCOL encountered in the ITEM MULTIPLE for a given menu. To allow the user to retrieve Discharge Summaries into the review screen based on Signature Status and Search Category (e.g., by PATIENT, PROVIDER, or TREATING SPECIALTY), we need to be able to execute a DIC call on file 101 to retrieve the zero node of a record and to reference field # 24 (SCREEN) in order to set up the local variables to be used to execute the ^XQORM call. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DISCHARGE SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 276 IA #: 276 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: SEP 09, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA276-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 276 ID: PSDRUG( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. Mental Health V. 5.0 references the following Outpatient pharmacy files and fields: File #50 - Drug Field #.01 - Generic Name - ^PSDRUG(D0,0) piece 1 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Dallas EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@12:41 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 277 IA #: 277 FILE NUMBER: 13 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(13, DATE CREATED: SEP 13, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA277-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 277 ID: DIC(13, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: File #13 - Religion Field #.01 - Name - ^DIC(13,D0,0) piece 1 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Dallas NUMBER: 278 IA #: 278 FILE NUMBER: 211.6 GLOBAL ROOT: NURSF(211.6, DATE CREATED: SEP 13, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NURSING SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA278 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 278 ID: NURSF(211.6, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Mental Health V. 5.0 references the 'Nurs Tour of Duty' file: File #211.6 - Nurs Tour of Duty Field #.01 - Tour of Duty - ^NURSF(211.6,D0,0) piece 1 "B" X-Ref - Tour of Duty STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Dallas NUMBER: 279 IA #: 279 DATE CREATED: SEP 13, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA279 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 279 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Mental Health V. 5.0 no longer contains its own Progress Notes options, but references within two Mental Health options the newly released 'generic' Progress Notes Package. Verbal agreement with the Progress Notes developer has been made. Approval to include within the Mental Health menu options references to the Progress Notes package options have been agreed upon, these menu options replace the old MentalHealth Progress Notes option. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Dallas NUMBER: 280 IA #: 280 FILE NUMBER: 80 GLOBAL ROOT: ICD9( DATE CREATED: SEP 13, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DRG GROUPER CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA280 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 280 ID: ICD9( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: We are requesting that a sharing agreement be established between the Hospital Based Home Care software and the Global ^ICD9( for the following fields. ********************************************************** ******* Fields ******************************************** ********************************************************** FIELD .01 (node: 0, piece: 1) TYPE OF ACCESS READ GLOBAL ^ICD9( STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HOSPITAL BASED HOME CARE ISC: Hines DBA Comments: 07-17-14 DT: ICR is retired upon release of ICD*18.0*57 (6-17-14 release) for ICD10 Conversion - replaced by ICR 5747. DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 17, 2014@07:49 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ROWE,KIMBALL NUMBER: 282 IA #: 282 DATE CREATED: SEP 20, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCS58 NAME: DBIA282-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 282 ID: PRCS58 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN3 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Checks for Fund Control Point user authorization access. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 283 IA #: 283 DATE CREATED: OCT 05, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA283 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 283 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Electronic Signature encode created for IFCAP V4.0 for the Electronic Signature codes will work with AR V3.7 code sheet creator without having to modifiy any AR routines. The exception to the above is, the 'Forward IRS Offsets to Austin' option in the AR package. This option is used thru the 15th - 21st days of the month. Since this option generates code sheets in the background AR uses the PRCAOFF2 routine to create code sheets. This one routine is not compatible with IFCAP V4.0 AR plans to create a patch (not to be released till IFCAP V4.0 is released) to include the change. This patch was forwarded to the IFCAP V4.0 test sites and were considered as test sites for the AR patch. Since the sites have until the 21st of the month to send the IRS code sheets, this patch should not delay the implementation plans for IFCAP V4.0. The patch number is PRCA*3.7*17 IFCAP version 4 will export this routine in the IFCAP namespace as routine PRC4OFF2 and renamed back to PRCAOFF2 during the pre- initialization routine. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: IFCAP ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 284 IA #: 284 FILE NUMBER: 340 GLOBAL ROOT: RCD(340, DATE CREATED: OCT 05, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA284 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 284 ID: RCD(340, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Data Dictionary integration - IFCAP calls to AR IFCAP FILES FIELD - RELATION TO IFCAP CALM/LOG Code Sheet File 423 VA IDENT NO. Field 1005.17 (1005;17) - points to the AR Debtor File (#340) Procurement & Accounting Transaction File 442 Debtor Field 5.1 (1;16) - points to the AR Debtor File 340 Purchase Order Number Field .01 (0;1) - Executable Help checks for AR variable $D(PRCAREF) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: IFCAP ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 285 IA #: 285 FILE NUMBER: 442 GLOBAL ROOT: PRC(442, DATE CREATED: SEP 02, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA285-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 285 ID: PRC(442, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Also see DBIA's 804-810 Most of the calls below are interfaces between AR and IFCAP for the creation of CALM code sheets. After all of the sites convert to FMS, these calls will no longer be needed. These calls will need to be supported in future versions of the packages or until all of the sites convert to FMS. Integration agreements between IFCAP and AR for use of tje IFCAP Vendor File 440 will be needed through-out the life of the AR package. The AR routine calls to IFCAP to support the CALM code sheets. Fields that AR routines set and/or reference in the Procurement & Accounting Transaction File (#442) of IFCAP include: 442,.01 - Purchase Order Number (0;1) 442.09 - Obligation Data sub-file 442.09,.01 - TT/DATE/REF (0;1) 442.09,1 - Obligated By (0;2) 442.09,3 - Code Sheet Number (0;4) 442,.1 - P.O. Date (1;15) 442,.02 - Method of Processing (0;2) 442,5.1 - Debtor (1;16) 442,19 - Agent Assigned P.O. (12;4) 442,19.2 - Date P.O. Assigned (12;5) 442,102 - Document Identifier/Common No. (18;3) Fiscal Year sub-file 430.01, Pat Ref. No. Field 430.01,2 (0;3) - points to Procurement & Accounting Transaction File (#442) STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 286 IA #: 286 FILE NUMBER: 4.2 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(4.2, DATE CREATED: OCT 05, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: MAILMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA286 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 286 ID: DIC(4.2, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan v 7.1 will invoke a QA conversion in MailMan's post init. It will manipulate the fields as follows: DBIA for MailMan with the QUALITY ASSURANCE SITE PARAMETERS file (#740). This DBIA is for the purpose of a post-init conversion of two free-text pointers to the DOMAIN file (#4.2). Read/write access to the following fields: 740,740.02 EWS DOMAIN (0;3) 740,740.04 NQADB DOMAIN (0;5) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY ASSURANCE INTEGRATION ISC: Hines NUMBER: 287 IA #: 287 DATE CREATED: OCT 05, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: FEE BASIS CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: FBAAUTL3 NAME: DBIA287 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 287 ID: FBAAUTL3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: IFCAP needs to determine the appropriate header for FEE code sheets based on the version of Fee Basis. In the past the header was altered by a coordinated patch between the two packages. A new call has been added, in fee, which will eliminate the need for patches. IFCAP version 4 will be using the following function call to determine the codesheet header. If the routine FBAAUTL3 does not exist the header will be FEN. Otherwise the following call, being sent with version 3 of Fee Basis will return the appropriate header (FEE or FEN). $$HDR^FBAAUTL3() STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$HDR SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: IFCAP ISC: Washington/Silver Spring SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS CLAIMS SYSTEM SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED JUNE 2009 DATE/TIME EDITED: JUN 11, 2009@19:09 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: DEWAYNE,ROBERT WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BAUMANN,SCOTT NUMBER: 288 IA #: 288 DATE CREATED: OCT 05, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: GMTSLOAD NAME: DBIA288-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 288 ID: GMTSLOAD GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Discharge Summary adds two new components to the HS Component file (#142.1), which present detailed and brief Discharge Summary information, while respecting Time and Occurrence limits. These are added by the Discharge Summary post-init as record #'s 57 and 58, and you can see them in either the SIUG or OE/RR accounts. The post-init also adds these components to the GMTS HS ADHOC OPTION Health Summary Type by calling the subroutine ENPOST^GMTSLOAD, and installs the routines GMRDHSDS as GMTSDS and GMRDHSDB as GMTSDSB (these are the driver routines for the respective components). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENPOST SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DISCHARGE SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 289 IA #: 289 DATE CREATED: OCT 12, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA289-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 289 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Manage Security Keys [GMRD KEY -------1 Allocation of Security Keys MANAGEMENT] [XUKEYALL] |---------------------------------2 De-allocation of Security Keys | [XUKEYDEALL] |---------------------------------3 Delegate keys [XQKEYDEL] |---------------------------------4 Remove delegated keys | [XQKEYRDEL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |---------------------------------5 List users holding a certain key [XQSHOKEY] Discharge Summary will export the above menu until a corresponding delegatable menu is provided in Kernel. Discharge Summary will indicate in its manuals (User, Technical, and Security), references to the appropriate Kernel chapters, and indicate that keys cannot be allocated (for end user use) until they are delegated to the person doing the allocating. And IRM must delegate individual keys before a delegated key can be delegated or allocated. DURATION: Till otherwise agreed--UNTIL KERNEL CHANGES MENU STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DISCHARGE SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 290 IA #: 290 FILE NUMBER: 3.5 GLOBAL ROOT: %ZIS(1, DATE CREATED: OCT 12, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA290-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 290 ID: %ZIS(1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ============================================================= Field 33, Unauthorized Claim Printer, in file 161.4 (Fee Basis Site Parameters file) references the device (%ZIS(1) and terminal type (%ZIS(2) files in the Input transform (extrinsic function), Executable help (routine call) and Screen. Fee routine is FBUCDD1. The Screen is: S DIC("S")= "S Z=$G(^%ZIS(1,+Y,""SUBTYPE"")),Z=$G(^%ZIS(2,Z,0)) I $E($P(Z,U),1)=""P""K Z" Global references in the routine calls are: %ZIS(1,"B" %ZIS(1,ien,0 (XHELP only) %ZIS(1,ien,"SUBTYPE" %ZIS(1,ien,1 (XHELP only) %ZIS(2,ien,0 where $E(0 node,1)="P" is checked STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CMOP ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS CLAIMS SYSTEM SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 7/14/2009 DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 14, 2009@18:04 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BAUMANN,SCOTT WITH CONCURRENCE OF: FORT,WALLY NUMBER: 291 IA #: 291 GLOBAL ROOT: DD(142.1, DATE CREATED: OCT 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA291 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 291 ID: DD(142.1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Allergy Tracking System V3.0 uses ^DD(142.1,0,"VR") to determine which version of the Health Summary package is currently running. This information is needed to determine which array will be returned by the GMTSLROE and GMTSLRSE utilities. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 292 IA #: 292 DATE CREATED: OCT 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: GMTSLROE NAME: DBIA292 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 292 ID: GMTSLROE GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Allergy Tracking System V3.0 uses a call to XTRCT^GMTSLROE to extract lab order data. A call to ^%ZOSF("TEST") is used to check for the existence of this routine on the system before it is called. The input variables are: DFN = IFN of patient in Patient file. SEX = Sex of patient. GMTS1 = Inverse end date of search for lab orders. GMTS2 = Inverse start date of search for lab orders. MAX = Maximum number of lab orders to be extracted The data is returned in the following array: @REF@("LRO",$J,IDT,SN_FN)=CDT^TST^SPC^URG^OS^MD^ODT ^ACC^RDT^COL^CD where: REF = "^UTILITY" if Health Summary V1.2, or "^TMP" if Health Summary V2.5+. IDT = Inverse collection date/time of order. SN = IFN in Specimen # (1) multiple of Lab Order Entry (69) file. FN = IFN in Test (6) multiple of Specimen # (1) multiple of Lab Order Entry (69) file. CDT = Collection date/time of order. TST = Lab test ordered. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. SPC = Specimen for lab order. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. URG = Urgency of lab order. OS = Status of lab order. MD = Provider. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. ODT = Date/Time lab ordered. ACC = Accession number of lab order. RDT = Date/Time results for this lab order available. COL = Lab or ward collect. CD = IFN in Lab Order Entry (69) file. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: XTRCT VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: SEX TYPE: Input VARIABLES: GMTS1 TYPE: Input VARIABLES: GMTS2 TYPE: Input VARIABLES: MAX TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 293 IA #: 293 DATE CREATED: OCT 18, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: GMTSLRSE NAME: DBIA293 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 293 ID: GMTSLRSE GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Allergy Tracking System V3.0 uses a call to XTRCT^GMTSLRSE to extract lab results. A call to ^%ZOSF("TEST") is used to check for the existence of this routine on the system before it is called. The input variables are: LRDFN = IFN of patient in Lab Data (63) file. SEX = Sex of patient. GMTS1 = Inverse end date of search for lab results. GMTS2 = Inverse start date of search for lab results. MAX = Maximum number of lab results to be extracted TEST = IFN of lab test which results are sought in Laboratory Test (60) file. The data is returned in the following array: @REF@("LRS",$J,NUM,IDT)=DDT^SPC^TST^RSL^FLG^UNT^LO^HI where: REF = "^UTILITY" if Health Summary V1.2, or "^TMP" if Health Summary V2.5+. NUM = Order (1 to MAX). IDT = Inverse draw date/time of result. DDT = Draw date/time of result. SPC = Specimen for lab order. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. TST = Lab test ordered. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. RSL = Numeric result of test. FLG = Reference flag (H,*H,L,*L). UNT = Unit of measure (external format). LO = Reference/Therapeutic Lower bound. HI = Reference/Therapeutic Upper bound. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10432620 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: XTRCT VARIABLES: LRDFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: SEX TYPE: Input VARIABLES: GMTS1 TYPE: Input VARIABLES: GMTS2 TYPE: Input VARIABLES: MAX TYPE: Input VARIABLES: TEST TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 294 IA #: 294 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: OCT 21, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA294 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 294 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A DBIA is established between the Hospital Based Home Care system and the Patient file (#2), for read access to the following. ***************************************************************** ********** FIELDS *********************************************** ***************************************************************** FIELD NODE PIECE TITLE ----------------------------------------------------------------- .01 0 1 Name .02 0 2 Sex .03 0 3 Date of Birth .05 0 5 Marital Status .06 0 6 Race .131 .13 1 Phone Number [Residence] .323 .32 3 Period of Service .361 .36 1 Primary Eligibility Code All seven fields in the .11 node (address information). **************************************************************** In addition reference is made to "^DPT(IEN,"S"," in the routine HBHCCAN. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HOSPITAL BASED HOME CARE ISC: Hines NUMBER: 295 IA #: 295 DATE CREATED: OCT 21, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA295 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 295 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Integration Agreement Request between Toolkit (all versions) and Kernel (all versions). Toolkit and Kernel agree that both packages shall distribute all routines and data for M operating system interfaces (e.g. ZOSF, ZOSV*, ZTBK). These two packages also agree that both shall distribute the function library as designated by the routine namespace XLF. Toolkit and Kernel also agree that the menus, XUPROG, XTMENU, and XUCM MAIN, can be attached to the Kernel menu EVE. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TOOLKIT ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 296 IA #: 296 FILE NUMBER: 50.8 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(50.8, DATE CREATED: OCT 21, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA296 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 296 ID: PS(50.8, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Outpatient Pharmacy 6.0v will be printing a management report. In order to complete the report, we need to read ^PS(50.8 (IV STATS FILE). We are reporting the outpatient ward's number of dispensed units, average cost of the dispensed units, and the total costs of the dispensed units. To obtain this data, we need to read the 0 node in subfile 50.804, the Average Drug Cost Per Unit field (#4) on the 0 node piece 5 in subfile 50.805, the Dispensed Units (Ward) field (#2) on the 0 node piece 2 in the subfile 50.808, and the B cross-reference in subfile 50.808. GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #50.8 -- IV STATS FILE STORED IN ^PS(50.8, SITE: BIRMINGHAM ISC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^PS(50.8 D0,2,D1,1,0)=^50.804P^^ (#1) WARD ^PS(50.8,D0,2,D1,2,D2,0)=^^^^ (#4) AVERAGE DRUG COST PER UNIT [5N] ^PS(50.8,D0,2,D1,2,D2,3,D3,0)=^ (#2) DISPENSED UNITS (WARD) [2N] ^ STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 297 IA #: 297 DATE CREATED: OCT 25, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA297-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 297 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The routine GMTSPDX will be exported by version 1.5 of PDX. Installation of GMTSPDX will only be done if the routine does not exist on the installing system. A partial data dictionary for the HEALTH SUMMARY PARAMETERS file (#142.99) will be exported by version 1.5 of PDX. The partial data dictionary will export the SPOOL DEVICE NAME field (#.04). The PDX application is grynted permission to include instructions for editing the GMTS IRM/ADPAC PARAMETER EDIT option. These instructions explain how to add the SPOOL DEVICE NAME field to the existing DR string contaioed in the DR {DIE} field (#51). The PDX application is granted pesmission to included instructions for editing the SPOOL DEVICE NAME field (#.04) of the HEALTH SUMMARY PARAMETERS file (#142.99) using the GMTS IRM/ADPAC PARAMETER EDIT option. These instructions explain how to enter the name of the spooling device used at the installing facility. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 11803215 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 298 IA #: 298 FILE NUMBER: 394.61 GLOBAL ROOT: VAT(394.61, DATE CREATED: OCT 25, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA298-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 298 ID: VAT(394.61, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Health Summary application is granted read access to the following fields and, if listed, their associated cross references: File Field Node;Piece Description (Field name) X-Refs ------ ----- ---------- ------------------------------ ------ 394.61 .01 0;1 Transaction Number B .03 0;3 Patient Ptr STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 299 IA #: 299 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: OCT 25, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA299-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 299 ID: DD( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The PDX (V 1.5) application is granted read access to the DD and DIC globals to accomplish the following tasks: 1) See DBIA 821 2) Get node a field/multiple is stored on $P($P(^DD(FILE,FIELD,0),"^",4),";",1) 3) Get field name $P(^DD(FILE,FIELD,0),"^",1) 4) Determine if a field is date valued $P(^DD(FILE,FIELD,0),"^",2)["D" 5) Determine if a subfile is a word processing field $P(^DD(SUBFILE,.01,0),"^",2)["W" 6) Determine what file a field points to +$P($P(^DD(FILE,FIELD,0),"^",2),"P",2) 7) Determine if a file is a subfile $G(^DD(FILE,0,"UP"))'="" 8) Determine main file number for a subfile $G(^DD(SUBFILE,0,"UP")) 9) Determine main field number for a subfile $O(^DD(MAINFILE,"SB",SUBFILE,"")) 10) Determine subfile number +$P(^DD(FILE,FIELD,0),"^",2) 11) Check for valid file number $D(^DD(FILE)) 12) Check for valid field number $D(^DD(FILE,FIELD)) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 300 IA #: 300 DATE CREATED: OCT 25, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBRFN NAME: DBIA300 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 300 ID: IBRFN GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine call to SVDT^IBRFN returns service dates for a specific bill. Input Variable: BN, bill number (external form) VDT, name of array to hold outpatient visit dates, pass by value if needed. Output Variable: _________________________________________________________________ | Piece | Bill not found | Inpatient | Outpatient |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 2 | -- | event Date | Event Date | 3 | -- | stmt from date | stmt from Date | 4 | -- | stmt to date | stmt to Date | 5 | -- | LOS (I) | LOS (I) | 6 | -- | # of visit date |# of visit date ----------------------------------------------------------------- all are internal form, any piece may be null if not defined for the bill array containing outpatient visit dates as subscripts/no data, if VDT passed by value. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: SVDT VARIABLES: BN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: VDT TYPE: Both SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 301 IA #: 301 DATE CREATED: OCT 25, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBRFN1 NAME: DBIA301 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 301 ID: IBRFN1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine Call to STMT^IBRFN1 to pass clinical data to AR for the patient statement. INPUT VARIABLE: TRAN, AR Transaction Number, the pointer file 433. OUTPUT VARIABLE: Returns ^TMP("IBRFN1",$J,n)=1^2^3^4^5^6^7^8, where _________________________________________________________________ | | Transaction Type |___________ |____________________________________________________ | Piece | Pharmacy |Outpatient | Inpatient |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 | IB REF # | IB REF # | IB REF # | 2 | Rx # | Visit Date | Adm Date | 3 | Drug | -- | Bill From Date | 4 | Day Supply | -- | Bill To Date | 5 | Physician | -- | Disc Date | 6 | Quantity | -- | -- | 7 |Fill/Refill Date | -- | -- | 8 | Charge Amt | Charge Amt | Charge Amt ----------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: STMT VARIABLES: TRAN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: AR TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 302 IA #: 302 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: OCT 25, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA302-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 302 ID: PSDRUG( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of June 1, 2006. The PDX application is granted read access to the following fields and, if listed, their associated cross references: File Field Node;Piece Description (Field name) X-Refs ----- ----- ---------- ------------------------------ ------ 50 .01 0;1 GENERIC NAME B 20 ND;1 NATIONAL DRUG FILE ENTRY STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T NUMBER: 303 IA #: 303 FILE NUMBER: 60 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(60, DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA303-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 303 ID: LAB(60, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: LOCATION (DATA NAME) LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(60,D0,.2) FIELD NUMBER: 400 FIELD NAME: DATA NAME LOCATION: .2;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: QUIC is granted an integration agreement with Laboratory to obtain the rate of completion of at least one Glycosalated Hemoglobin measurement within one year for diabetic patients on a medication regimen. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 304 IA #: 304 DATE CREATED: OCT 27, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBRUTL NAME: DBIA304 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 304 ID: IBRUTL GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Call to routine IB^IBRUTL to find if there are any IB Actions on hold for this bill. Input Variables: IEN - internal entry number of bill (#399) internal entry number of bill (#430) RETN (OPT) - want array of IB Actions? 1=yes, 0=no if yes, returns IBA(num)=ibn Output Variable: 1=Yes, 0=N0 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: IB COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: IB(IEN,RETN) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AR (ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE) ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 305 IA #: 305 FILE NUMBER: 4.281 GLOBAL ROOT: %ZISL(4.281, DATE CREATED: OCT 27, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA305 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 305 ID: %ZISL(4.281, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan should be allowed the use of the %ZISL file as follows: MailMan uses the 4.281 file whose global root is ^%ZISL(4.281, to facilitate InterUCI transfers. This file is part of the MailMan file set. MailMan may distribute and use this file. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 306 IA #: 306 DATE CREATED: OCT 27, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBRREL NAME: DBIA306 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 306 ID: IBRREL GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This option allows the agent cashier to release 'holds' on Means Test Bills. ENTRY ACTION: D ^IBRREL STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AR (ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE) ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 307 IA #: 307 DATE CREATED: OCT 27, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBCF13 NAME: DBIA307 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 307 ID: IBCF13 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine call to REPRNT^IBCF13 to print 2nd and 3rd notice UB-82's. INPUT VARIABLES: PRCASV("ARREC")=internal number of bill PRCASV("NOTICE")=number of notice OUTPUT VARIABLES: IBAR("ERR")=ERROR MESSAGE IBAR("OKAY")=1 normal finish, 0 not finished STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 14033597 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: REPRNT VARIABLES: PRCASV() TYPE: Input VARIABLES: DGCRAR() TYPE: Output VARIABLES: IBAR() SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 308 IA #: 308 DATE CREATED: OCT 27, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBOAMS NAME: DBIA308 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 308 ID: IBOAMS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This option prints totals of Revenue Code amounts by Rate Type to collect data for AMIS Segments 295 and 296. ENTRY ACTION: D ^IBOAMS K DTOUT STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 14033597 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AR (ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE) ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 309 IA #: 309 DATE CREATED: OCT 27, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBCAMS NAME: DBIA309 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 309 ID: IBCAMS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine call to IBCAMS to determine amis segment for reimbursable insurance bills. 249 = NSC - outpatient 292 = SC - inpatient 293 = SC - outpatient 297 = NSC - inpatient INPUT VARIABLE: X = internal entry number in #399. OUTPUT VARIABLE: Y= amis segment number or -1 if can't determine. (With the 1st release 18 months) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 14033597 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: IBCAMS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 310 IA #: 310 DATE CREATED: OCT 27, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBRFN NAME: DBIA310 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 310 ID: IBRFN GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine call to MESS^IBRFN to return an error message from File 350.8. INPUT VARIABLE: Y=error code - from File 350.8 (piece 3) OUTPUT: error message from piece 2 file 350.8. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: MESS(Y) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AR (ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE) ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 311 IA #: 311 FILE NUMBER: 45.7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(45.7, DATE CREATED: NOV 01, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA311-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 311 ID: DIC(45.7, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Discharge Summary package has permission to access the Patient Information Management System package in the following ways: 1. The Discharge Summary contains a field which is a pointer to the Facility Treating Specialty File (#45.7), to keep track of the Treating Specialty from which a patient was discharged (for searches and sorts). This field value is set to the treating specialty returned by the IN5^VADPT call. 2. Discharge Summary allows the user to do a lookup to get all Discharge Summaries for a given treating specialty by signature status and dictation date. To do this query we need to identify the treating specialty, using a ^DIC call with DIC=45.7, DIC(0)="AEMQ", DIC("A")="TREATING SPECIALTY". STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DISCHARGE SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 312 IA #: 312 FILE NUMBER: 45 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPT( DATE CREATED: NOV 01, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA312-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 312 ID: DGPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Discharge Summary has permission to access the Patient Information Management System package in the following ways: 1. Upon record creation, Discharge Summary will perform a screened look-up on the PTF File to associate the new discharge summary with a valid admission. The screening logic will exclude Census PTF records. Discharge Summary also offers a site parameter to allow selection of Open PTF records only. To that end, the DIC("S") screen will make direct reference to the ^DGPT( global as follows: S DIC=45,DIC(0)=$S($D(GMRDBG):"MXZ",1:"IEZ") ; Exclude "Census" PTF records S DIC("S")="I +$P(^DGPT(+Y,0),U,11)=1" ; If an admission date has been specified, find the corresponding ; PTF record S:$D(GMRDADT) DIC("S")=DIC("S")_",($P($P(^DGPT(+Y,0),U,2),""."")=G MRDADT)" ; If site allows OPEN PTF selection only, then exclude closed or ; transmitted records S:+$P(GMRDPRM0,U,8) DIC("S")=DIC("S")_",'$P(^DGPT(+Y,0),U,6)" where GMRDBG is a boolean flag, indicating that the look-up is being called non-interactively, with a patient SSN and admission date, GMRDADT is the patient's admission date, as dictated by the physician, to be passed in by the non-interactive call, and GMRPRM0 is the zero-node of the GMRD PARAMETERS FILE (#128.99), the eighth piece of which specifies whether the site will allow selection of open PTF records only. Note that this screen will always refer to the 11th piece of the zero node of the PTF record to exclude non-PTF types, and will conditionally refer to the 2nd and 6th pieces, to match the admission date and exclude non-open records, as the site specifies. 2. The Discharge Summary database contains a field that is a pointer to the PTF file (#45), which is stored upon creation of the discharge summary record. 3. Discharge Summary calls the documented IN5^VADPT entry-point to get information on the patient. Using the PTF record number retained in our database, the input variable VAIP("E") is set to the value of field #2.1 (INTERNAL Admission #), which is obtained by a call to EN^DIQ1 after setting DIC=45, DR=2.1, and DA = PTF record number. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DISCHARGE SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 313 IA #: 313 FILE NUMBER: 393 GLOBAL ROOT: VAS(393, DATE CREATED: NOV 01, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA313 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 313 ID: VAS(393, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Discharge Summary has permission to reference the Incomplete Records File (#393), from the GMR REPORTS FILE (#128), IRT RECORD field (#.13). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DISCHARGE SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 314 IA #: 314 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: NOV 01, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA314-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 314 ID: DD( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: To support the table-driven upload of transcribed text to various DHCP files, the Discharge Summary application has permission to access the Data Dictionary and File of Files in the following ways: 1. In order to allow the site to specify the target file, fixed-field header elements, and word-processing field for each report type, Discharge Summary version 1 will make several references to either the File of Files or ^DD(. These are ONLY done in setting up a ^DIC call (to look-up a given field in the target file), or in screening logic (e.g., to exclude the programmer at the site from choosing a non-Word-Processing field in the target file as the destination for the body of a report). Needless to say, NO SETs or KILLs are ever executed on any of FileMan's supporting data structures (i.e., ^DD( or ^DIC(). All hard-coded references to ^DIC( or ^DD( are made from within the following code: GMRDUPAR ; SLC/JER - Upload Parameter Edit ;4/23/93 14:53 ;;1.0V2;Discharge Summary;;Sep 02, 1993 MAIN ; Controls branching N DIC,DA,DIE,DLAYGO,DR,GMRDPRM0,GMRDPRM1,GMRDPRM3,GMRDUSRC,GMRD1ST,X,Y D:'$D(GMRDPRM0) SETPARM^GMRDLIBE W !,"First edit Division-wide upload parameters:",! S (DIC,DLAYGO)=128.99,DIC(0)="AEMQL",DIC("A")="Select DIVISION: " D ^DIC K DLAYGO Q:+Y'>0 S DA=+Y S DIE=128.99,DR="[GMRD UPLOAD PARAMETER EDIT]" D ^DIE D SETPARM^GMRDLIBE W !!,"Now edit the REPORT TYPE file:",! F D Q:+$G(Y)'>0 . N GMRDREP,GMRDX . S DIC="^GMR(128.1,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC("A")="Select REPORT TYPE: " . I $D(^DISV(DUZ,DIC)),'$D(GMRD1ST) S DIC("B")=$G(^DISV(DUZ,DIC)), GMRD1ST=1 . D ^DIC K DIC Q:+Y'>0 S DA=+Y,GMRDREP=Y,GMRDREP(0)=Y(0) . S DIE=128.1,DR="[GMRD UPLOAD PARAMETER EDIT]" . D ^DIE S Y=1 . I $D(^GMR(128.1,+DA,"HEAD"))>9!($D(^GMR(128.1,+DA,"ITEM"))>9) D . . W !!,"The header for the ",$P(GMRDREP,U,2)," Report type is now defined as:" . . I $P(GMRDPRM0,U,16)="D" D DHDR^GMRDTHLP(.GMRDREP,GMRDPRM0,GMRDPRM1) . . I $P(GMRDPRM0,U,16)="C" D CHDR^GMRDTHLP(.GMRDREP,GMRDPRM0,GMRDPRM1) . . W ! Q TXTFLD(TFILE,GMRDFLT) ; Get Text Field # from ^DD(Target file #, N DIC,X,Y S DIC="^DD("_TFILE_",",DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC("A")="Select TARGET TEXT FIELD : " S DIC("S")="I +$$ISWP^GMRDUPAR(TFILE,+Y)" I $D(GMRDFLT) S DIC("B")=GMRDFLT D ^DIC G:+Y'>0 TXTFLDX S Y=+Y_";"_$P($P(Y(0),U,4),";") TXTFLDX Q Y ISWP(TFILE,TFLD) ; Is a given field a Word-processing type field N X,Y S Y=0 I +$P(^DD(TFILE,TFLD,0),U,2)>0 D . N SFILE S SFILE=+$P(^DD(TFILE,TFLD,0),U,2) . S Y=$S($P(^DD(SFILE,.01,0),U,2)="W":1,1:0) Q Y 2. The input transform for the TARGET FILE field (#.05) in the GMR REPORT TYPE file, which is a pointer to the File of Files, assures that only files which include the "GMRD" application group may be chosen for inclusion in the upload. This was done to assure that the site could not inadvertently choose an inappropriate target file (NOTE: the only file exported with this Application Group is the GMR REPORTS FILE (#128), where Discharge Summaries themselves are housed). The input transform looks like this: S DIC("S")="I $D(^DIC(+Y,""%"",""B"",""GMRD""))" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DISCHARGE SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 315 IA #: 315 DATE CREATED: NOV 01, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCS58 NAME: DBIA315-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 315 ID: PRCS58 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Utility Call #1 entry point is EN1^PRCS58. Input variables: Required - None Optional - 'PRCS("X")' set to the full Obligation Number (3 character station number, a dash, 6 character obligation number. IE 503-C97211. - 'PRCS("A")' set to the prompt to be displayed to the user. (IE Select Obligation Number: ) - 'PRCS("TYPE")="FB"' Output variables: Y (Y=-1 no good) Piece Data ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Internal Entry number of Obligation in IFCAP file 2 Obligation Number (full number, includes station number) 3 Control Point (3 numbers, space, description) 4 Appropriation symbol 5 Cost Center (number, space, description) 6 Sub-account 1 7 Sub-account 1 Amount 8 Sub-account 2 9 Sub-account 2 Amount Process: If PRCS("X") variable is defined, there will be NO user dialogue. The utility will use the variable as the lookup value (Obligation Number). If the variable is NOT defined, there will be user dialogue to determine the Obligation Number. VARIABLES: PRCS() TYPE: Input VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Output COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Utility Call #2 entry point is EN2^PRCS58. Input variables: PRCS("TYPE")="FB" Required - 'X' will contain the following: Piece Data --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Obligation Number (full) 2 Date/Time (Internal format) 3 Authorized Amount (If this is a commitment) 4 Payment Amount (If this is a Payment) 5 Reference Number (for Fee this will either be the batch number or the 7078 sequence number) 6 Comment (up to 78 characters) 7 Interface ID (free text) 8 Complete Payment Flag Output variables - 'Y' Process: If 'Y' is equal to 1, transaction was posted. If +Y=0 nothing was posted and 'Y' will contain the error message VARIABLES: PRCS() TYPE: Input VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Output COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN3 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Input Variables: 'PRCS("X")' set equal to the full Obligation Number 'PRCS("TYPE")="FB"' Output Variables: 'Y' Process: If 'Y' is equal to 1, the 1358 is open and available for posting 0 If 'Y' is equal to -1, 1358 is not available for posting VARIABLES: PRCS() TYPE: Input VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Output SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS CLAIMS SYSTEM SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 1/6/2009 DATE/TIME EDITED: JAN 06, 2009@13:00 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BAUMANN,SCOTT WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ANTHONY,MARY DATE/TIME EDITED: JAN 06, 2009@13:02 ACTION: USAGE CHOICE CHANGED AT THE REQUEST OF: BAUMANN,SCOTT WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ANTHONY,MARY NUMBER: 316 IA #: 316 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: NOV 01, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA316-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 316 ID: DD( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD(D0,.02,'V', GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD('KWIC') GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. When a new file is configured for use with MTLU, the variable-pointer 'ENTRY' field is automatically updated in the LOCAL KEYWORD and LOCAL SHORTCUT files to reflect the new file. This must be handled via DIC/DIE calls with DIC/DIE being set to ^DD(file,.02,"V", It is fully compatible with the interactive way of creating variable pointer type fields. 2. MTLU uses the string maintained in ^DD("KWIC"). There is currently no way of retrieving this information without directly referencing this node. As stated there is currently no way of extracting data stored in the node except by direct global hit. *Amendment 5/11/94* Toolkit DBIA 316 has been amended to include the $order of ^DD in line QU+5^XTLKEFOP. This code identifies the variable pointer prefix associated with the selected lookup file and was inadvertently ommitted. S XTLKY=Y,XTLKPF=+$O(^DD(8984.2,.02,"V","B",+Y,"")) G:'XTLKPF KL S XTLKPF=$P(^DD(8984.2,.02,"V",XTLKPF,0),U,4),XTLKUT=1 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TOOLKIT ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 317 IA #: 317 DATE CREATED: NOV 02, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: VALM1 NAME: DBIA317-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 317 ID: VALM1 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PRTLQ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: this was used so PDX output would format like printing from List manager COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PRTLS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: same as PRTLQ COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: SAVE COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: save variables for queue SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 318 IA #: 318 DATE CREATED: NOV 03, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA318 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 318 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: See DBIA #315. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 319 IA #: 319 DATE CREATED: NOV 02, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCSP13 NAME: DBIA319 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 319 ID: PRCSP13 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Version 7.0 of the Engineering Work Order Module will call IFCAP to display Control Point Activity information related to specific Engineering work orders. Routine ^ENWOD will call ^PRCSP13. Before calling this foreign routine, ^ENWOD will execute ^%ZOSF("TEST") to make sure that ^PRCSP13 exists. Upon entry into ^PRCSP13, local variable DA must contain the internal entry number of the Control Point Activity that is to be displayed. Local variable DA is not returned by ^PRCSP13. If local variables DIWL, DIWR, and/or DIWF are defined when the call to ^PRCSP13 is made, they will not be preserved. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PRCSP13 VARIABLES: DA TYPE: Input VARIABLES: DIWL TYPE: Used VARIABLES: DIWR TYPE: Used VARIABLES: DIWF TYPE: Used SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ENGINEERING ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 320 IA #: 320 DATE CREATED: NOV 23, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA320 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 320 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An integration agreement is approved to use the VA FileMan undocumented variable DIWESUB. This variable will be set in the Enter/Edit option of all objects and sub-objects of the ADP Plan Manager Version 10 software. The variable will be used in conjunction the a VA FileMan call to EN^DIWE for users to edit both the Initiative Description and the Equipment Justification. When using the full screen editor to edit word processing fields, the entire screen is blanked, and could be potentially confusing to the user. In all cases the variable will be set immediately prior to the call to EN^DIWE, and will be killed immediately afterword. Following is a short sample of the code which is used to edit the Initiative Description. EDIT; S DIWEPSE=1 S DIC="^PRAPIN(PRASTN,""IN"",PRASIN,""ID""," S DWLW="75",DWPK="1" S DIWESUB="Description" D EN^DIWE K DIWESUB STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADP PLANNING ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 321 IA #: 321 FILE NUMBER: 757.01 DATE CREATED: DEC 01, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: MODIFY 'B' XREF OF 757.01 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 321 CREATOR: ROWE,KIMBALL GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The FM team grants the request of the Clinical Lexicon package to modify the "B" index of file 757.01 as follows: S ^GMP(757.01,"B",$E($$UP^XLFSTR(X),1,63),DA)="" K ^GMP(757.01,"B",$E($$UP^XLFSTR(X),1,63),DA) It is further agreed that the following tools will not be used with this file: DIFROM, COMPARE/MERGE and TRANSFER. These tools rely on an unmodified 'B' index to function properly. Using the modified 'B' index of file 757.01 along with any of the named tools may produce unexpected results. STATUS: Expired DURATION: Next Version EXPIRATION DATE: APR 03, 2007 GOOD ONLY FOR VERSION: LEXICON 1.0 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LEXICON UTILITY ISC: Salt Lake City DBA Comments: JSHARVEY 20070403/ SET ICR TO EXPIRE AFTER CLINICAL LEXICON V1.0 CLONED ICR 321 INTO ICR 4494 AND DESIGNATED 4494 GOOD FOR LEXICON V2.0 AND BEYOND. AS PER KIMBALL ROWE DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 03, 2007@16:56 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARVEY,JULIE NUMBER: 322 IA #: 322 FILE NUMBER: 45.7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(45.7, DATE CREATED: DEC 07, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA322 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 322 ID: DIC(45.7, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: DSS is granted permission to make the following call: After callilng IN5^VADPT using the first ^ piece of VAIP(8) Read access to the following field. File Field Name Global Location ---- ----- ---- -------- 45.7 1 Specialty 0;2 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 323 IA #: 323 FILE NUMBER: 3.2 GLOBAL ROOT: %ZIS(2, DATE CREATED: DEC 16, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA323-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 323 ID: %ZIS(2, GLOBAL REFERENCE: %ZIS(2,D0, FIELD NUMBER: 110 FIELD NAME: OPEN PRINTER PORT LOCATION: 10;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 111 FIELD NAME: CLOSE PRINTER PORT LOCATION: 11;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: To support bar code label printing and downloading/uploading, the Controlled Substances package has found it necessary to develop hardware specific parameters for the TERMINAL TYPE and DEVICE file. Centralized procurements of Hewlett Packard and Kyocera laser printers and Intermec trakkers have steered this package toward the use of these hardware types. As testing has proceeded, the need to accurately communicate complex strings for insertion into the TERMINAL TYPE file has proved difficult. An l misinterpreted as a 1, a 0 mininterpreted as a O, or an inadvertant space or lack thereof all can render a device inoperable. It is therefore agreed that IRM utility routines (PSDTER*) be exported which would allow ^DIC look-ups to the TERMINAL TYPE and DEVICE files, ^DIR verification of the selections, and ^DIE stuffs to the necessary fields identified as follows: GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #3.2 -- TERMINAL TYPE FILE STORED IN ^%ZIS(2, (VERSION 7.1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^%ZIS(2,D0,0)= (#.01) NAME [1F] ^ ^%ZIS(2,D0,1)= (#1) RIGHT MARGIN [1N] ^ (#2) FORM FEED [2F] ^ (#3) PAGE ==>LENGTH [3N] ^ ^%ZIS(2,D0,1)= (#4) BACK SPACE [4F] ^ ^%ZIS(2,D0,2)= (#6) OPEN EXECUTE [E1,245K] ^ ^%ZIS(2,D0,9)= (#99) DESCRIPTION [1F] ^ ^%ZIS(2,D0,10)= (#110) OPEN PRINTER PORT [E1,245K] ^ ^%ZIS(2,D0,11)= (#111) CLOSE PRINTER PORT [E1,245K] ^ ^%ZIS(2,D0,BAR0)= (#61) BAR CODE OFF [E1,245F] ^ ^%ZIS(2,D0,BAR1)= (#60) BAR CODE ON [E1,245F] ^ STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 324 IA #: 324 DATE CREATED: DEC 23, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBEFUNC NAME: DBIA324 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 324 ID: IBEFUNC GENERAL DESCRIPTION: IVM has permission to use the following routine call in the Integrated Billing (IB) package: Means Test Billing module: $$IGN^IBEFUNC(Appt Type, Visit Date) The call is being made to determine if a patient may be billed the Means Test Outpatient copayment, given the visit date and the appointment Type for the visit. Function Call: $$IGN^IBEFUNC(Appt Type, Visit Date) Input Parameters: Appt Type: Pointer to file #409.1, APPOINTMENT TYPE. For a specific patient appointment, this specifies the type of appointment (Regular, Research, Employee,.) Visit Date: Fileman date. For a specific patient appointment, this is the date of the appointment. Output from the call: 1 : On the specified date, for an appointment with the specified appointment type, Means Test billing should be IGNORED (so the Means Test copay should NOT be billed) 0 : On the specified date, for an appointment with the specified appointment type, Means Test billing should NOT be IGNORED (so the Means Test copay SHOULD be billed) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$IGN(,) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ISC: Albany NUMBER: 325 IA #: 325 DATE CREATED: DEC 23, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: VADPT2 NAME: DBIA325-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 325 ID: VADPT2 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ADM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Used to determine if a patient is an inpatient on a specified date. Input: variable VAINDT: The date being used to check if the patient was an inpatient. variable DFN: Pointer to the PATIENT in file #2. Output: variable VADMVT: if null (""), then the patient was not an inpatient on VAINDT. otherwise, VADMVT is positive and points to the patient's admission in the PATIENT MOVEMENT (#405) file, so the patient is an inpatient on VAINDT. VARIABLES: VAINDT TYPE: Input VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: VADMVT TYPE: Output SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VISIT TRACKING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: added 10/31/2011 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VIRTUAL PATIENT RECORD SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH MANAGEMENT PLATFORM DBA Comments: 5/24/2012-VPR added as subscriber for patch VPR*1*1. 10/16/12-MM: Added Scheduling as a subscriber for SD*5.3*595. During development of SD*5.3*595, VMP team discovered a reference to VADPT2 that was not covered by an ICR. We also discovered the PIMS Technical Manual lists ADM~VADPT2 as a supported reference. 7/12/13-MM: Added Clinical Case Registries as a subscriber. Connie Ray was reviewing ICRs for CCR and noticed this reference was not covered by an ICR. No additional review was done. It is believed CCR has been using this API since 2006 and as noted in the DBA comments from 10/16/12, this API is listed as a supported reference in the PIMS Technical Manual. 11/18/15-MM: Added Enterprise Health Mgmt Platform as a subscriber to ICR #325. The ICR team does not currently have a Registration resource to review ICR requests. However this ICR has many subscribers and is listed in the PIMS Technical Manual has a supported ICR. Phil reviewed the code and indicated the supported API IN5^VADPT is used to retrieve the inpatient information. ADM^VADPT2 is called first to determine the inpatient status on the specified date. 1/22/16-MC: VPS planned to release the make/cancel appointment functionality in the VPS namespace.The project team requested subscription to or created new ICRs to give the project team access to the files and APIs necessary for this functionality. The ICR team, MASS project team resource, VistA Scheduling Enhancement project resource, and Julie Harvey agreed that the make/cancel functionality belonged in the Scheduling/SD namespace. Keith Cox disapproved the ICRs indicating the ICRs could not be approved unless the namespacing of the software was corrected. VPS could not meet this requirement and indicated the make/cancel appointment functionality is no longer in scope for VPS*1*6. Requests for ICRs #325, 483,557,723,2065,2437,6232,6233,and 6297 were withdrawn. DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 31, 2011@11:13 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: JUERGENSMEYER,BRIAN WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARVEY,JULIE DATE/TIME EDITED: MAY 24, 2012@11:23 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BUECHLER,MELANIE WITH CONCURRENCE OF: YORTY,BOB DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 16, 2012@09:02 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: CURTIS,RIC WITH CONCURRENCE OF: KOPECKY,STEVE DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 12, 2013@13:48 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: RAY,CONNIE DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 18, 2015@16:46 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BURKHALTER,PHIL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ICR,TEAM NUMBER: 326 IA #: 326 FILE NUMBER: 9000011 GLOBAL ROOT: AUPNPROB( DATE CREATED: JAN 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA326 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 326 ID: AUPNPROB( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following is the Problem File as it has been designed for the DHCP Problem List Application. STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #9000011 -- PROBLEM FILE 2/9/94 STORED IN ^AUPNPROB( (VERSION 2.0V2) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ----------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains patient specific problems entered by the various providers of service. The PATIENT NAME field (.02) is a backward pointer to the IHS PATIENT file. This file contains one record for each problem for each patient, therefore, the KEY field (.01) is duplicated. As of March 17, 1986 the FACILITY must be entered prior to the NUMBER. If the NUMBER is entered without previously entering the FACILITY the "AA" index is created with no FACILITY pointer. DD ACCESS: @ DEL ACCESS: @ IDENTIFIED BY: PATIENT NAME (#.02),FACILITY (#.06),NMBR (#.07) POINTED TO BY: PROBLEM field (#.01) of the PROBLEM LIST AUDIT File (#125.8) CROSS REFERENCED BY: NMBR(AA), PATIENT NAME(AATOO), FACILITY(AATOO2), PATIENT NAME(AC), STATUS(ACTIVE), PATIENT NAME(ACTIVE1), FACILITY(AV1), DIAGNOSIS(AV9), DIAGNOSIS(B), PROBLEM(C) 9000011,.01 DIAGNOSIS 0;1 POINTER TO ICD DIAGNOSIS FILE (#80) (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: S DIC("S")="I 1 Q:$G(DUZ(""AG""))=""V"" I $E(^(0))'="E", $P(^(0),U,9)="""" Q:$P(^(0),U,10)="""" I $P(^(0),U,10)=AUPNSEX" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE, X=+Y K:Y<0 X LAST EDITED: JAN 10, 1994 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the ICD Code for this problem. DESCRIPTION: This is the ICD coded diagnosis of the narrative entered describing this problem. TECHNICAL DESCR: The DHCP Problem List application derives its entries from a lookup into the Clinical Lexicon Utility rather than the ICD Diagnosis file. If the term selected from the CLU is not coded to ICD, then code 799.99 "Other Unknown or Unspecified Cause, NEC" will be used here in order to be able to create a new entry. This field may later be edited. SCREEN: S DIC("S")="I 1 Q:$G(DUZ(""AG""))=""V"" I $E(^(0))'="E", $P(^(0),U,9)="""" Q:$P(^(0),U,10)="""" I $P(^(0),U,10)=AUPNSEX" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE, X=+Y K:Y<0 X EXPLANATION: Cannot be an E code or an inactive code and must be appropriate for the sex of the Patient. CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011^B 1)= S^AUPNPROB("B",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^AUPNPROB("B",$E(X,1,30),DA) CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011^AV9^MUMPS 1)= S:$D(APCDLOOK) DIC("DR")="" 2)= Q Controls the behaviour of the input templates used by IHS to populate and maintain this file. 9000011,.02 PATIENT NAME 0;2 POINTER TO PATIENT/IHS FILE (#9000001) (Required) LAST EDITED: SEP 9, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the name of the patient for whom this problem has been observed. DESCRIPTION: This is the patient for whom this problem has been observed and recorded. UNEDITABLE CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011^AC 1)= S ^AUPNPROB("AC",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^AUPNPROB("AC",$E(X,1,30),DA) CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011^AATOO^MUMPS 1)= I $P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U,6)]"",$P(^(0),U,7)]" " S X1=$P($P(^(0),U,7),"."),X2=$P($P(^(0),U,7), ".",2),^AUPNPROB("AA",X,$P(^(0),U,6)," "_$E("00 0",1,4-$L(X1)-1)_X1_"."_X2_$E("00",1,3-$L(X2)-1 ),DA)="" K X1,X2 2)= I $P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U,6)]"",$P(^(0),U,7)]" " S X1=$P($P(^(0),U,7),"."),X2=$P($P(^(0),U,7), ".",2) K ^AUPNPROB("AA",X,$P(^(0),U,6)," "_$E(" 000",1,4-$L(X1)-1)_X1_"."_X2_$E("00",1,3-$L(X2) -1),DA),X1,X2 Allows problem retrieval by patient, facility, and problem number (Nmbr); the number is used as a string in " 000.00" format to assure a consistent ordering. CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011^ACTIVE1^MUMPS 1)= S:$L($P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U,12)) ^AUPNPROB("ACTIVE",X,$P(^(0),U,12),DA)="" 2)= K:$L($P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U,12)) ^AUPNPROB("A CTIVE",X,$P(^(0),U,12),DA) Allows problem retrieval by patient and status, in order of entry. 9000011,.03 DATE LAST MODIFIED 0;3 DATE (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: S %DT="EX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:DTX) X LAST EDITED: JUL 6, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: TYPE A DATE BETWEEN 1900 AND TODAY DESCRIPTION: This is the last date/time this problem was changed. SOURCE OF DATA: 018/PRCOND 9000011,.04 CLASS 0;4 SET 'P' FOR PERSONAL HISTORY; 'F' FOR FAMILY HISTORY; LAST EDITED: OCT 7, 1987 HELP-PROMPT: If this problem is historical, indicate if it is Personal or Family history. DESCRIPTION: This flag is used by the IHS Problem List to indicate if this problem is documented for historical purposes. TECHNICAL DESCR: VA sites using the DHCP Problem List application will not be prompted for this information. 9000011,.05 PROVIDER NARRATIVE 0;5 POINTER TO PROVIDER NARRATIVE FILE (#9999999.27) (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: S DIC(0)=$S($D(APCDALVR):"LO",1:"EMQLO") D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X LAST EDITED: NOV 28, 1988 HELP-PROMPT: Enter a description of this patient's problem. DESCRIPTION: This contains the actual text used by the provider to describe this problem. SCREEN: S DIC(0)=$S($D(APCDALVR):"LO",1:"EMQLO") EXPLANATION: OLD LOOKUP 9000011,.06 FACILITY 0;6 POINTER TO LOCATION FILE (#9999999.06) (Required) LAST EDITED: JAN 10, 1994 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the location at which this problem was first observed and recorded. DESCRIPTION: This is the facility at which this problem was originally observed and documented. UNEDITABLE CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011^AV1^MUMPS 1)= Q 2)= Q No longer in use. CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011^AATOO2^MUMPS 1)= I $P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U,2)]"",$P(^(0),U,7)]" " S X1=$P($P(^(0),U,7),"."),X2=$P($P(^(0),U,7), ".",2),^AUPNPROB("AA",$P(^(0),U,2),X," "_$E("00 0",1,4-$L(X1)-1)_X1_"."_X2_$E("00",1,3-$L(X2)-1 ),DA)="" K X1,X2 2)= I $P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U,2)]"",$P(^(0),U,7)]" " S X1=$P($P(^(0),U,7),"."),X2=$P($P(^(0),U,7), ".",2) K ^AUPNPROB("AA",$P(^(0),U,2),X," "_$E(" 000",1,4-$L(X1)-1)_X1_"."_X2_$E("00",1,3-$L(X2) -1),DA),X1,X2 Allows problem retrieval by patient, facility, and problem number (Nmbr); the number is used as a string in " 000.00" format to assure a consistent ordering. 9000011,.07 NMBR 0;7 NUMBER (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: K:+X'=X!(X>999.99)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."3N.N) X Q:'$D (X) K:$D(^AUPNPROB("AA",$P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U,2 ),$P(^(0),U,6)," "_$E("000",1,4-$L($P(X,".",1)) -1)_$P(X,".",1)_"."_$P(X,".",2)_$E("00",1,3-$L( $P(X,".",2))-1))) X LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: TYPE A NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND 999.99 DESCRIPTION: This is a number which, together with the Patient (#.02) and Facility (#.06) fields, serves as a unique identifier for this problem. Up to 2 decimal places may be used to indicate that a problem is a result of, or related to, another problem. SOURCE OF DATA: 018/PRNUMB NOTES: XXXX--CAN'T BE ALTERED EXCEPT BY PROGRAMMER CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011^AA^MUMPS 1)= S ^AUPNPROB("AA",$P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U,2),$P (^(0),U,6)," "_$E("000",1,4-$L($P(X,".",1))-1)_ $P(X,".",1)_"."_$P(X,".",2)_$E("00",1,3-$L($P(X ,".",2))-1),DA)="" 2)= K ^AUPNPROB("AA",$P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U,2),$P (^(0),U,6)," "_$E("000",1,4-$L($P(X,".",1))-1)_ $P(X,".",1)_"."_$P(X,".",2)_$E("00",1,3-$L($P(X ,".",2))-1),DA) Allows problem retrieval by patient, facility, and problem number (Nmbr); the number is used as a string in " 000.00" format to assure a consistent ordering. 9000011,.08 DATE ENTERED 0;8 DATE (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: S %DT="EX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:DTX) X LAST EDITED: MAR 7, 1988 HELP-PROMPT: TYPE A DATE BETWEEN 1900 AND TODAY DESCRIPTION: This is the date this problem was entered into this file. SOURCE OF DATA: 018/PREDAT UNEDITABLE 9000011,.12 STATUS 0;12 SET (Required) 'A' FOR ACTIVE; 'I' FOR INACTIVE; LAST EDITED: JUL 6, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the current status of this problem, active or inactive. DESCRIPTION: This is the current activity status of this problem, whether active or inactive; if more detail is needed, a notation may be filed with this problem. SOURCE OF DATA: 018/PRSTAT CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011^ACTIVE^MUMPS 1)= S:$P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U,2) ^AUPNPROB("ACTIVE ",+$P(^(0),U,2),X,DA)="" 2)= K ^AUPNPROB("ACTIVE",+$P(^AUPNPROB(DA,0),U, 2),X,DA) Allows problem retrieval by patient and status, in order of entry. 9000011,.13 DATE OF ONSET 0;13 DATE INPUT TRANSFORM: S %DT="E" D ^%DT S X=Y K:DTX) X LAST EDITED: JUN 13, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: TYPE A DATE BETWEEN 1880 AND TODAY DESCRIPTION: This is the approximate date this problem appeared, as precisely as known. 9000011,1.01 PROBLEM 1;1 POINTER TO EXPRESSIONS FILE (#757.01) LAST EDITED: JUL 28, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the problem observed for this patient. DESCRIPTION: This field contains the standardized text stored in the Clinical Lexicon for this problem. CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011^C 1)= S ^AUPNPROB("C",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^AUPNPROB("C",$E(X,1,30),DA) 9000011,1.02 CONDITION 1;2 SET 'T' FOR TRANSCRIBED; 'P' FOR PERMANENT; 'H' FOR HIDDEN; LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 DESCRIPTION: This reflects the current condition of this entry, whether transcribed by a clerk from the paper chart, entered or verified by a provider, or marked as removed from the patient's list. TECHNICAL DESCR: This flag is used internally by the DHCP Problem List; entries having an H in this field have been "deleted" and are maintained for historical use but are generally ignored. If the parameter "Verify Transcribed Entries" is turned on in File #125.99, entries made by a clerk will have a T here, and a flag will appear on the clinician's display of the list. P entries have been entered or verified by a provider. 9000011,1.03 ENTERED BY 1;3 POINTER TO NEW PERSON FILE (#200) LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the name of the current user. DESCRIPTION: This is the user who actually entered this problem into this file. 9000011,1.04 RECORDING PROVIDER 1;4 POINTER TO NEW PERSON FILE (#200) LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the name of the provider responsible for the recording of this data. DESCRIPTION: This is the provider who either directly entered this problem into the file or requested it be entered, and is initially responsible for this problem's inclusion on the problem list. 9000011,1.05 RESPONSIBLE PROVIDER 1;5 POINTER TO NEW PERSON FILE (#200) LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the name of the local provider treating this problem. DESCRIPTION: This is the provider currently responsible for treating this problem. 9000011,1.06 SERVICE 1;6 POINTER TO SERVICE/SECTION FILE (#49) LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the service to be associated with this problem. DESCRIPTION: This is the service primarily involved in the treatment of this problem; the DHCP Problem List defaults this field to the service defined in File #200 for the Recording Provider of this problem, upon entry of the problem. It may later be used to categorize problems for screening and sorting. 9000011,1.07 DATE RESOLVED 1;7 DATE INPUT TRANSFORM: S %DT="E" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the date this problem became resolved or inactive, as precisely as known. DESCRIPTION: This is the date this problem was resolved or inactivated, as precisely as known. 9000011,1.08 CLINIC 1;8 POINTER TO HOSPITAL LOCATION FILE (#44) INPUT TRANSFORM: I $P(^(0),U,3)="C" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X LAST EDITED: DEC 23, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the clinic in which the patient is being seen for this problem. DESCRIPTION: This is the clinic in which this patient is being seen for this problem. The problem list may be screened based on this value, to change one's view of the list. SCREEN: I $P(^(0),U,3)="C" EXPLANATION: Only clinics are allowed here. 9000011,1.09 DATE RECORDED 1;9 DATE INPUT TRANSFORM: S %DT="E" D ^%DT S X=Y K:DTX) X LAST EDITED: JAN 11, 1994 HELP-PROMPT: TYPE A DATE BETWEEN 1900 AND TODAY DESCRIPTION: This is the date this problem was originally recorded, either online or in the paper chart; it may be the same as, or earlier than, the Date Entered. 9000011,1.1 SERVICE CONNECTED 1;10 SET '1' FOR YES; '0' FOR NO; LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: If this problem is service connected, enter YES here. DESCRIPTION: If the patient has service connection on file in the DHCP Patient file #2, this problem specifically may be flagged as being service connected. TECHNICAL DESCR: This data will be prompted for in the DHCP Problem List only if the patient is indicated for service connection. Non-VA sites will not be prompted for this information. 9000011,1.11 AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE 1;11 SET '1' FOR YES; '0' FOR NO; LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter YES if this problem is related to exposure to Agent Orange. DESCRIPTION: If this problem is related to a patient's exposure to Agent Orange, it may be flagged here. TECHNICAL DESCR: This data will be prompted for in the DHCP Problem List only if a patient has Agent Orange exposure indicated. Non-VA sites will not be prompted for this information. 9000011,1.12 IONIZING RADIATION EXPOSURE 1;12 SET '1' FOR YES; '0' FOR NO; LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter YES if this problem is related to exposure to ionizing radiation. DESCRIPTION: If this problem is related to a patient's exposure to ionizing radiation, it may be flagged here. TECHNICAL DESCR: This data will be prompted for in the DHCP Problem List only if the patient has ionizing radiation exposure indicated. Non-VA sites will not be prompted for this information. 9000011,1.13 PERSIAN GULF EXPOSURE 1;13 SET '1' FOR YES; '0' FOR NO; LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter YES if this problem is related to a Persian Gulf exposure. DESCRIPTION: If this problem is related to a patient's service in the Persian Gulf, it may be flagged here. TECHNICAL DESCR: This data will be prompted for only if a patient has Persian Gulf service indicated. Non-VA sites will not be prompted for this information. 9000011,1.14 PRIORITY 1;14 SET 'A' FOR ACUTE; 'C' FOR CHRONIC; LAST EDITED: FEB 1, 1994 HELP-PROMPT: You may further refine the status of this problem by assigning it a priority; acute problems will be flagged on the list display. DESCRIPTION: This is a flag to indicate how critical this problem is for this patient; problems marked as Acute will be flagged on the Problem List display. 9000011,1101 NOTE FACILITY 11;0 POINTER Multiple #9000011.11 (Add New Entry without Asking) DESCRIPTION: This is the location at which the notes in this multiple originated. 9000011.11,.01 NOTE FACILITY 0;1 POINTER TO LOCATION FILE (#9999999.06) (Multiply asked) LAST EDITED: SEP 9, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the location at which these notes originated. DESCRIPTION: This is the location at which the notes in this multiple originated. CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011.11^B 1)= S ^AUPNPROB(DA(1),11,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=" " 2)= K ^AUPNPROB(DA(1),11,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA) 9000011.11,1101 NOTE 11;0 Multiple #9000011.1111 (Add New Entry without Asking) DESCRIPTION: Each entry in this multiple is a notation appended to a problem for further clarification or information. Data includes a note number and status, the date the note was added, the provider who added it, and the actual text of the note. IDENTIFIED BY: NOTE NARRATIVE(#.03), 9000011.1111,.01 NOTE NMBR 0;1 NUMBER (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: K:+X'=X!(X>999)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X LAST EDITED: JAN 25, 1994 HELP-PROMPT: Type a Number between 1 and 999, 0 Decimal Digits DESCRIPTION: This is the unique note identifier. CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011.1111^B 1)= S ^AUPNPROB(DA(2),11,DA(1),11,"B",$E(X, 1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^AUPNPROB(DA(2),11,DA(1),11,"B",$E(X, 1,30),DA) CROSS-REFERENCE: 9000011.1111^AV9^MUMPS 1)=S:$D(APCDLOOK) DIC("DR")="" 2)= Q Controls the behaviour of the input templates used by IHS to populate and maintain this file. 9000011.1111,.03 NOTE NARRATIVE 0;3 FREE TEXT (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>60!($L(X)<3) X LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 3-60 characters in length. DESCRIPTION: Additional comments may be entered here to further describe this problem. 9000011.1111,.04 STATUS 0;4 SET (Required) 'A' FOR ACTIVE; LAST EDITED: MAY 1, 1990 HELP-PROMPT: If this note is currently ACTIVE, indicate it here. DESCRIPTION: This flag indicates if this note is currently active. 9000011.1111,.05 DATE NOTE ADDED 0;5 DATE INPUT TRANSFORM: S %DT="EX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:DTX) X LAST EDITED: JUL 26, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: TYPE A DATE BETWEEN 1880 AND TODAY DESCRIPTION: This is the date this note was entered into this file. 9000011.1111,.06 AUTHOR 0;6 POINTER TO NEW PERSON FILE (#200) LAST EDITED: MAR 30, 1993 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the name of the provider who authored the text of this note. DESCRIPTION: This is the provider who authored the text of this note. FILES POINTED TO FIELDS EXPRESSIONS (#757.01) PROBLEM (#1.01) HOSPITAL LOCATION (#44) CLINIC (#1.08) ICD DIAGNOSIS (#80) DIAGNOSIS (#.01) LOCATION (#9999999.06) FACILITY (#.06) NOTE FACILITY:NOTE FACILITY (#.01) NEW PERSON (#200) ENTERED BY (#1.03) RECORDING PROVIDER (#1.04) RESPONSIBLE PROVIDER (#1.05) NOTE:AUTHOR (#.06) PATIENT/IHS (#9000001) PATIENT NAME (#.02) PROVIDER NARRATIVE (#9999999.27) PROVIDER NARRATIVE (#.05) SERVICE/SECTION (#49) SERVICE (#1.06) INPUT TEMPLATE(S): APCD FUD PROB OCT 23, 1987 USER #0 PCC Data Entry - Used to edit uncoded ICD diagnoses in the Problem file. PRINT TEMPLATE(S): SORT TEMPLATE(S): STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 327 IA #: 327 FILE NUMBER: .401 GLOBAL ROOT: DIBT( DATE CREATED: JAN 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA327 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 327 ID: DIBT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Laboratory V5.2 (only V5.2) is granted the following exemption: The laboratory is supplying a pre release 5.2 patch. The patch will allow the site to mimic the conversion process required for V5.2 install. As a part of the process a FileMan sort template is created of all providers the software was unable to repoint to VA(200. The creation of the sort template is done with a DIC call and a DR string. We are not aware of a method to load the actual data. Therefore, this function is hard coded. The exemption is only required for the one time conversion process. Listed below is the actual code involved. Please advise of any suggestion you feel will be of benefit. EXCEPT(LRFILE,LRD0) ;- LOGS EXCEPTIONS FROM THE CONVERSIONS OF DATA FROM 6 A ND 16 ; exceptions are put into a SORT template so the the site can ; then use fileman enter edit to correct problems found. ; N DIC,LRSORT,X,Y I '$D(^DIBT("B",LRFILE_"-EXCEPTIONS")) D ADD I '$D(LRSORT) S LRSORT=$O(^DIBT("B",LRFILE_"-EXCEPTIONS",0)) S ^DIBT(LRSORT,1,LRD0)="" Q ; ADD ; add a new sort template to be used for exception logging and editing N X,Y S DIC="^DIBT(",DIC(0)="L",DIC("DR")="2///^S X=""T"";4///^S X=$P(LR FILE," "-"",2);5///^S X=0;" S X=LRFILE_"-EXCEPTIONS" D FILE^DICN S LRSORT=+Y Q STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Dallas NUMBER: 328 IA #: 328 DATE CREATED: JAN 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PSOCOPAY NAME: DBIA328 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 328 ID: PSOCOPAY GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine call to POT^PSOCOPAY to pass the DFN, the internal entry number for the patient and returns a number for 30 days Rx supplies. Input Variable: DFN-the patient's internal entry number Output Variable: X-a number, of 30 day supplies that a patient has for potential bills. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: POT VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: X TYPE: Output SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 329 IA #: 329 DATE CREATED: JAN 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DIP NAME: DBIA329-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 329 ID: DIP STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: PRNT+1^ESPFM S L=1 G EN1^DIP SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: POLICE & SECURITY ISC: Dallas NUMBER: 330 IA #: 330 DATE CREATED: JAN 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PSOHCSUM NAME: PSOHCSUM ORIGINAL NUMBER: 330 ID: PSOHCSUM CREATOR: MONTALI,MICHAEL GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Provides a list of active Rxs (Active/Non-Verified/Hold/Suspend/Provider Hold) and Non-VA MEDS (Not dispensed by VA) sorted in the reverse fill date order for a given DFN. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 18469951 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PSOHCSUM VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: IFN of patient in Patient file. VARIABLES: PSOBEGIN TYPE: Both VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The date/time to begin the search for prescriptions. VARIABLES: ~TMP("PSOO",$J, TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: ^TMP("PSOO",$J) should be killed before and after data is extracted for use. ^TMP("PSOO",$J,IFD,0)=ID^FD^DR^PR^ST^RX^QT^RF^IF^CF^EX^ON^R ISSUE DATE^LAST FILL DATE^DRUG^PROVIDER^STATUS^RX#^QTY^#REFILLS^IFN^COST /FILL^QTY^#REFILLS^IFN^COST/FILL^EXP/CANC DATE^CPRS ORDER#^R where: IFD = Inverse last fill date of Rx. ID = Issue date of Rx. FD = Last fill date of Rx. DR = Drug in Rx. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. PR = Provider. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external printable form. ST = Status of Rx. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal representation and B is external printable form. RX = Rx number. QT = Quantity of DRG in Rx. RF = Number of refills remaining. IF = IFN.of Rx in Prescription (52) file. CF = Cost/Fill. EX = Expire/Cancel date of Rx. ON = Placer order # (CPRS) R = Letter "R" only when the original fill is returned to stock. NON-VA Meds: added with PSO*7*132 ^TMP("PSOO",$J,"NVA",n,0)=orderable item_" "_dose form^status (active or discontinued)^start date(fm format)^cprs order # (ptr to 100)^date/time documented (fm format)^documented by (ptr to 200_";"_.01)^dc date/time(fm format) ^TMP("PSOO",$J,"NVA",n,1,0)=dosage^med route^schedule^drug (file #50_";"_.01)^clinic (file #44_";"_.01) ^TMP("PSOO",$J,"NVA",n,"DSC",nn,0)=statement/explanation ^TMP("PSOO",$J,"NVA",n,"OCK",nn,0)=order checks^overriding provider (ptr to 200_";"_.01) ^TMP("PSOO",$J,"NVA",n,"OCK",nn,"OVR",nnn,0)=override reason VARIABLES: ~TMP("PSOO",$J,IFD,n,0) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: IFD = Inverse last fill date of Rx. SIG = Medication instruction for this Rx. The value of ^TMP("PSOO",$J,IFD,n,0) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MYHEALTHEVET SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 8/26/2010 DBA Comments: JSHarvey/ 20070314 deactivated for edits DATE ACTIVATED: APR 02, 2007 DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 14, 2007@17:02 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: ANWER,MOHAMED WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARVEY,JULIE DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 02, 2007@23:25 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: ANWER,MOHAMED DATE/TIME EDITED: AUG 26, 2010@14:10 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: RIKARD,KENNETH WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ROCHA,MARCELO NUMBER: 331 IA #: 331 DATE CREATED: JAN 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA331 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 331 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An enhancement patch will be issued to add the most recent lab results to the Action Profile. If the pharmacy supervisor wants the lab data printed, he/she selects the new option to select the drug, specimen type, and number of days back to search for lab test results. An option will be added to the pharmacy supervisor's menu. Since only one option and menu item need to be added to the OPTION (#19) file, we would like to add them by using DIC calls. We would prefer not to send inits only to add the option. Checks are made in the routine to assure that the site is running version 6.0, the option is installed only once, there are no other options with the same name, and the supervisor's menu exist. The user may run the routine many times and only install the option and menu item once. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 332 IA #: 332 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: JAN 14, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA332 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 332 ID: VA(200, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Radiology/Nuclear Medicine package is granted this DBIA to use field 53.4 of the New Person File(#200). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE ISC: Hines NUMBER: 333 IA #: 333 FILE NUMBER: 60 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(60, DATE CREATED: JAN 14, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA333-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 333 ID: LAB(60, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Outpatient Pharmacy is granted a temporary integration agreement with Laboratory to obtain results for a given lab test specimen type within a date range. This data may be used many different ways. Current uses are clozapine monitoring, printing on action profile, and drug usage evaluation. GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY #60 -- LABORATORY TEST FILE STORED IN ^LAB(60, SITE: BIRMINGHAM ISC ^-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^LAB(60,D0,0)= (#.01) NAME [1F] ^^^^ (#5) LOCATION (DATA NAME) [5F] ^ ^LAB(60,D0,.2)= (#400) DATA NAME [1P] ^ ^LAB(60,D0,1,D1,0) = ^^^^^^ (#6) UNITS [7F] ^ DURATION: Till next version--LAB will incorporate an HL7 exchange STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Dallas NUMBER: 334 IA #: 334 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: JAN 14, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA334 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 334 ID: VA(200, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Outpatient Pharmacy is granted permission to enter/edit the following fields. File: New Person (#200) Field # Node;Piece Field Name .111 .11;1 STREET ADDRESS 1 .112 .11;2 STREET ADDRESS 2 .113 .11;3 STREET ADDRESS 3 .114 .11;4 CITY .115 .11;5 STATE .116 .11;6 ZIP CODE .131 .13;1 PHONE .132 .13;2 OFFICE PHONE .133 .13;3 PHONE #3 .134 .13;4 PHONE #4 .141 .14;1 ROOM STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 335 IA #: 335 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA335-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 335 ID: SC( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Pharmacy Prescription Practices Prototype is granted this DBIA with Scheduling to make the following calls: I. Direct read access to the SC global. A. ^SC("AC","C",CLINIC) -> Used to obtain a list of all clinics currently in the file. B. ^SC(CLINIC,"S",DATE) -> Used to check for patients scheduled for clinic on a specified date. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 336 IA #: 336 DATE CREATED: JAN 18, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBDF18 NAME: DBIA336 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 336 ID: IBDF18 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Problem List Application is granted permission to use the function calls, "$$GETFORM^IBDF18" and "$$COPYFORM^IBDF18". These calls are used to collect common problem lists defined under the Encounter Form Utility. By replicating the previously entered lists, the clinician is spared duplicate entry. $$GETFORM^IBDF18() Input: NONE Returned:
^ $$COPYFORM^IBDF18(FORM,ARY) Input: FORM= ien of form that has clinic common problem list ARY= Location where clinic common problem list should be copied to. ARY is accessed via indirection, as in @ARY@(1) for the first entry Returns: Length of the list STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$GETFORM COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$COPYFORM(FORM,ARY) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 337 IA #: 337 DATE CREATED: JAN 18, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: GMTSLOAD NAME: DBIA337 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 337 ID: GMTSLOAD GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Problem List Application will produce three (3) Problem List components for the Health Summary Application. These components are: ACTIVE PROBLEMS, INACTIVE PROBLEMS, and FULL PROBLEM LIST. In order to load the new components of the Ad Hoc Summary on to existing systems, the Problem List Application requests permission to use the entry point: ENPOST^GMTSLOAD Input: INCLUDE=0 Returned: Nothing STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENPOST VARIABLES: INCLUDE TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 338 IA #: 338 FILE NUMBER: 142.1 GLOBAL ROOT: GMT(142.1, DATE CREATED: JAN 18, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA338 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 338 ID: GMT(142.1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Problem List Application is granted permission to add three (3) components to the Health Summary Application's Health Summary Component File (142.1). They are: ACTIVE PROBLEMS, INACTIVE PROBLEMS and FULL PROBLEM LIST. The new components will be added in a post-init using ^DIC. The components are installed using code provided to us by the Health Summary developers. FileMan variables DIC, DIC(0), DLAYGO, DINUM, and X are set to add each component to the Health Summary Component file if it's not already there; entry numbers 59-61 were given to the Problem List pkg to use for these components. Once entered into the file, DR is set and DIE called to stuff in the values of the other fields. The following was added on 4/12/94: To support the addition of new components to the Health Summary Application, the following actions are taken in the post-init. 1. Routine GMPLHSPL is renamed to GMTSPLST. 2. The post-init sets ^GMT(142.1,DA,3.5 nodes. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 339 IA #: 339 DATE CREATED: MAY 19, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LEXICON UTILITY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: GMPTDUSR NAME: DBIA339 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 339 ID: GMPTDUSR GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Problem List Application has permission to use the entry point ^GMPTDUSR. This entry point will be used to setup user-specific look-up defaults. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: GMPTDUSR COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Returned: None Global Nodes Set: ^GMP(757.2,,200,DUZ,1) Default filter ^GMP(757.2,,200,DUZ,2) Default display ^GMP(757.2,,200,DUZ,3) Default vocabulary VARIABLES: GMPTAP TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Where GMPTAP = Application Namespace ('GMPL') SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 340 IA #: 340 DATE CREATED: MAY 19, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LEXICON UTILITY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: GMPTSET NAME: DBIA340 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 340 ID: GMPTSET STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: CONFIG(GMPTNS,GMPTSS) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This entry point will be used to setup package-specific defaults and look-up variables. VARIABLES: GMPTNS TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Application Namespace ('GMPL') VARIABLES: GMPTSHOW TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Display, when not defined by the user VARIABLES: GMPTSS TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Any valid subset mnemonic indexed at either ^GMP(757.2,"AA"or ^GMP(757.2,"AB" VARIABLES: DIC('S') TYPE: Output VARIABLES: GMPTSUB TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Vocabulary, when not defined by the user. VARIABLES: GMPTUN TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Unresolved Narratives flag VARIABLES: DIC TYPE: Used VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Set and not killed VARIABLES: DIC(0) TYPE: Used VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Set and not killed VARIABLES: XT* TYPE: Used VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: All XT namespaced variables listed in the programmers API (supported references for the Kernel Toolkit's Multi-Term look-up Utility. These variables are killed after the look-up. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 341 IA #: 341 DATE CREATED: JUN 25, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: SDROUT2 NAME: DBIA341 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 341 ID: SDROUT2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Problem List Application is granted permission from Scheduling to use the entry point "DIS^SDROUT2". This will display a patient's service connected data for the clinician. DIS^SDROUT2 Input: DFN Returned: Display of patient's service-connected data. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DIS VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 342 IA #: 342 FILE NUMBER: 200 GLOBAL ROOT: VA(200, DATE CREATED: JAN 24, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA342 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 342 ID: VA(200, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Problem List Application is granted permission for the addition of the following fields to the NEW PERSON FILE (^VA(200,)). Also granted is permission to read and write to these fields as appropriate. These fields are used to tailor the Problem List Application for individual use. 125 PRIMARY VIEW 125.01 PROBLEM LIST SEARCH FILTER 125.02 PROBLEM LIST DISPLAY CODES 125.03 PROBLEM VOCABULARY 125.1 PROBLEM SELECTION LIST STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 343 IA #: 343 DATE CREATED: JAN 25, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: XQSRV NAME: DBIA343 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 343 ID: XQSRV GENERAL DESCRIPTION: It is agreed that MailMan can call XQSRV for servers. MailMan sends XQSRV: XMZ, XMXX, XMFROM, XMCHAN, XMSEN, XMREC & XMB("TYPE"). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: XQSRV VARIABLES: XMZ TYPE: Input VARIABLES: XMXX TYPE: Input VARIABLES: XMFROM TYPE: Input VARIABLES: XMCHAN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: XMXEN TYPE: Input VARIABLES: XMREC TYPE: Input VARIABLES: XMB('TYPE') TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 344 IA #: 344 FILE NUMBER: 101 GLOBAL ROOT: ORD(101, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA344-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 344 ID: ORD(101, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following DBIA is granted between the Unwinder and OE/RR. Read Access to File 101: The XQOR routines navigate the Protocol file (101). To provide this navigation, XQOR needs read access to File 101. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: UNWINDER ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 345 IA #: 345 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: FEB 02, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA345-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 345 ID: DD( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read only access for the ^DD( Global Read ^DD(FN), where FN is a file number, to determine the existence of a file prior to initiating a look-up (GMPTA4). Read ^DD(757*,FLD in indexing routines to obtain the location (node/piece) of data in Clinical Lexicon files 757-757.3 prior to eXecuting Set/Kill logic (GMPTNDX2). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LEXICON UTILITY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 346 IA #: 346 FILE NUMBER: 8984.1 GLOBAL ROOT: XT(8984.1, DATE CREATED: FEB 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: TOOLKIT CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA346-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 346 ID: XT(8984.1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read only access to ^XT(8984.* globals for $D checks in the Environment Check routine prior to installing the Clinical Lexicon (GMPTIENV). i.e. I '$D(^XT(8984.1)) W !,"Multi-Term Look-Up Untility not found" K DIFQ Q Read/Write access to ^XT(8984.* global in Post-Init routines to setup the Multi-Term Look-Up Utility for the Clinical Lexicon (GMPTIPST). i.e., a. Seeding the Local Look-Up file #8984.4 with the Clinical Lexicon Expression file #757.01, the "AWRD" index and the XTLK^GMPTPRNT display routine. b. Seeding the Synonym file #8984.3 with Cancer as a sample synonym for Carcinoma c. Seeding the Short Cut file #8984.2 with DM II as a sample short cut for Diabetes Mellitus, Non-Insulin Dependent STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LEXICON UTILITY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 347 IA #: 347 DATE CREATED: FEB 07, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: ORVP NAME: DBIA347 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 347 ID: ORVP GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Problem List Application has permission to use of the entry point "IN^OR" for patient selection, using the OE/RR patient lookup engine and resetting of all needed OE/RR patient variables within the OE/RR context. The OE/RR variable ORVP is checked for (via $D) to see if PL was invoked from within OE/RR; if so, and the user wishes to switch to a different patient, this call will pass control to OE/RR to do the prompting and resetting of any important OE/RR patient variables. Problem List only references ORVP on return. It should be noted that the call to IN^OR is only made if the Problem list application is being selected from within the Order Entry application itself. Therefore the PL application simply has a screen to check for ORVP. If it exists it knows that it is within OE/RR and and only calls IN^OR if the SP (select Patient) action is selected before exiting the PL mode. This call updates the variables within OE so that it will not return to the previous patient when PL is exited. OE/RR is responsible for setting and killing all OR variables. IN^OR Input: ORVP Returned: ORVP STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: IN VARIABLES: ORVP TYPE: Both SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 348 IA #: 348 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: FEB 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA348 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 348 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Problem List has permission to access File #2, Field #.32201. This will allow supported reference to draw Persian Gulf duty information from the Patient File. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 349 IA #: 349 DATE CREATED: FEB 17, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: GMTSDVR NAME: DBIA349 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 349 ID: GMTSDVR STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENX COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This entry point is called to print a pre-defined health summary. Radiology uses this call to print a site-defined health summary along with the Radiology Request form. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Patient file record number VARIABLES: GMTSTYP TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Health Summary Type file record number (142) VARIABLES: DIROUT TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: =1 if '^^' is entered. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENXQ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This entry point is called to task the printing of a pre-defined health summary in the following manner: S ZTRTN="ENXQ^GMTSDVR",ZTSAVE("GMTSTYP")="",ZTSAVE("DFN")="" D ^%ZTLOAD VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Patient file record number VARIABLES: GMTSTYP TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Health summary Type file record number (142) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 350 IA #: 350 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: FEB 28, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA350 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 350 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: I. Direct read access to the DPT global. A. ^DPT("SSN") -> Used to obtain a list of all patient SSN's currently on file. These SSN's are then compared to the SSN's on the MPD CDROM to check for visits to other hospitals. B. ^DPT(DFN) -> Used to verify that a patient is in the file. C. ^DPT(DFN,"S",DATE,0) -> Used to verify that a clinic appointment has not been canceled. II. The addition of a Mumps cross-reference to the SSN field for the purpose of setting the SSN in the PPP NEW SSN file. Any new SSN's will be checked at night for visits to other hospitals and then deleted from the PPP NEW SSN file. We suggest the Mumps cross-reference be implemented as follows: SET -> S PPP=X,X="PPPFMX" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") D:$T SNSSN^PPPFMX S X=PPP K PPP KILL -> S PPP=X,X="PPPFMX" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") D:$T KNSSN^PPPFMX S X=PPP K PPP The referenced routines are as follows: SNSSN ; N PPPNOD0,PPPTR N ZTRTN,ZTIO,ZTDTH,ZTDESC,ZTSAVE ; ; Check that this is either an edit or a new entry to avoid ; setting during a re-index of the Patient file. ; PPPOK is defined in the kill logic below if the new entry ; does not equal the old. ; DPTDFN is defined in the Patient Registration routines. ; I ($D(PPPOK))!($D(DPTDFN)) D .S PPPNOD0=$G(^PPP(1020.7,0)) .Q:PPPNOD0="" .; .; Get the File Descriptor Node for updating. .; .S PPPTR=$P(PPPNOD0,"^",4) .; .; Set the entry and the "B" Xref .; .S ^PPP(1020.7,DA,0)=X .S ^PPP(1020.7,"B",X,DA)="" .; .; Update the Descriptor node. .; .S $P(PPPNOD0,"^",3)=DA .S $P(PPPNOD0,"^",4)=PPPTR+1 .S ^PPP(1020.7,0)=PPPNOD0 .; .; Task out the MPD lookup. .; .S ZTRTN="NEWSSN^PPPBLD5" .S ZTIO="" .S ZTDTH=$H .S ZTDESC="NEW SSN/MPD ROUTINE" .S ZTSAVE("PPPSSN")=PPP .S ZTSAVE("PPPIFN")=DA .D ^%ZTLOAD ; K PPPOK Q KNSSN ; N PPPNOD0 ; ; Check that this is an edit and not a re-index. ; I X'=$P($G(^DPT(DA,0)),"^",9) D .S PPPOK=1 .; .; Check that the node currently exists, kill it if it does. .; .I $D(^PPP(1020.7,"B",PPP)) D ..K:$D(^PPP(1020.7,DA)) ^(DA) ..K:$D(^PPP(1020.7,"B",PPP,DA)) ^(DA) ..; ..; If the record count is alredy 0 then quit. ..; ..S PPPNOD0=^PPP(1020.7,0) ..Q:+$P(PPPNOD0,"^",4)=0 ..S $P(PPPNOD0,"^",4)=$P(PPPNOD0,"^",4)-1 ..S ^PPP(1020.7,0)=PPPNOD0 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 14437025 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 351 IA #: 351 FILE NUMBER: 19 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(19, DATE CREATED: FEB 28, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA351-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 351 ID: DIC(19, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read Access to File 19: When an Option that is a protocol (O) or protocol menu (Q) is encountered by menu manager, control is turned over to XQOR. XQOR needs to have read access to File 19 to be able to provide the navigation of these protocols. This agreement would replace DBIA #5, which was between OE/RR and Menu Driver. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: KERNEL ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 352 IA #: 352 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: FEB 28, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA352 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 352 ID: DD( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PCE (PX) is granted permission to execute the DD nodes for completing cross-references in the 9000001 file from within cross-reference logic on the Social Security (.09) field in the Patient file. There is a Regular "B" cross-reference on the .01 field (NAME) of the PATIENT/IHS file (9000001). There is also a Regular "D" cross- reference on the .02 field of the 9000001.41 Health Record Number multiple. Since the fields in the 9000001 file are being populated from during the execution of the Patient File (2) PX09 cross- reference, the DD logic for setting these cross-references is being handled by executing the 9000001 and 9000001.41 DD nodes with the set and kill logic. Routine PXXDPT executes the set logic of the 'B' cross reference of file 9000001, (Patient/IHS File), field .01 (Name). It also executes the set and kill logic of the 'D' whole file cross reference of subfile 9000001.41, (Health Record Fac), field .02 (Health Record No.) In V21 of FileMan, the entry points in ^DIK that reindex cross references are reentrant. Thus, direct execution of set/kill logic will not be necessary. Also PCE's Debugging Utility does a Global Read in the form of '$D(^DD(2,.09,1,800)) to check that the cross reference to update the PATIENT/IHS file (#9000001) exists. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 24853836 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER ISC: Albany NUMBER: 353 IA #: 353 DATE CREATED: FEB 28, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCPUX1 NAME: DBIA353 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 353 ID: PRCPUX1 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$DESCR(X,Y) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Output: Short Description of the item from the ITEM MASTER file. Purpose: The short description describes the name of the Prosthetic device which is being billed on a claim to an Insurance company. VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: pointer to an inventory point in the GENERIC INVENTORY (#445) file. The value of '0' is always passed as this parameter. VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: pointer to an item in the ITEM MASTER (#441) file. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 354 IA #: 354 DATE CREATED: FEB 28, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: GMPLENFM NAME: DBIA354 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 354 ID: GMPLENFM CREATOR: DAVIS,ROBERT STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 34250008 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ACTIVE COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: 1) Permission granted to call ACTIVE^GMPLENFM for the purpose of obtaining a list of the patient's active problems. Requires DFN = ien of patient in File #2 Returns the data in the ^TMP global as follows, at the request of IB - ^TMP("IB",$J,"INTERFACES",DFN,"GMP PATIENT ACTIVE PROBLEMS",#) = Piece 1: Text of problem 2: ICD code of problem 3: Date of Onset in 00/00/00 format 4: "SC" or "NSC" or "", if problem is [not] related to a SC Cond. 5: "Y" or "N" or "", if problem is [not] related to a SC Condition (Pieces 4 and 5 give the same data, just in different formats.) 6: "A" or "I" or "P" or "H" or "M" or "C" or "S" or "L" or "", if problem is related to exposure to Agent Orange, Ionization, Persian Gulf, Head and/or Neck Cancer, Military Sexual Trauma, Combat Veteran, SHAD, Camp Lejeune or null respectively 7: Full text of the special exposure indicated in piece 6, if any where each # is a different problem, 1 - n with n being the total number of active problems; the 0-node is also set to the total (n). COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: SELECT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: 2) Permission granted to call SELECT^GMPLENFM for the purpose of allowing users access to the EXPRESSIONS file to create lists of Clinic Common Problems. SELECT^GMPLENFM is used for the lookup rather than a simple ^DIC call in order to setup the Problem List context for searching the Lexicon. Requires no input values. Returns the entry in the Lexicon Utility selected to add to a form as a commonly selected problem in the ^TMP global as follows, as requested - ^TMP("IB",$J,"INTERFACES","GMP SELECT CLINIC COMMON PROBLEMS") = Piece 1: IEN of problem in Lexicon Utility's Expressions file (#757.01) 2: Text of problem 3: ICD Code of problem, if known SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany DBA Comments: 04/15/16-DT: Added Rob Davis as editor to add Camp Lejeune clinical indicator changes. 4/29/16-DT: Activated after Rob completed edits to correct Piece 6 to display a letter for Camp Lejuene, SHAD, and Combat veteran. This makes the clinical indicators up to date. DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 15, 2016@11:27 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: ENFINGER,MARK WITH CONCURRENCE OF: DAVIS,ROBERT DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 29, 2016@12:58 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: DAVIS,ROBERT WITH CONCURRENCE OF: CHUNG,TERESA NUMBER: 355 IA #: 355 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: MAR 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA355 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 355 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following fields and cross-references: FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER **APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 .001 2.98 **APPOINTMENT STATUS PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 3 2.98 **APPOINTMENT TYPE PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 9.5 2.98 **APPT. CANCELLATION REASON PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 16 2.98 **CLINIC PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 .01 2.98 (The above fields related to field 1900 will be eliminated with the scheduling redesign.) **DATE OF ENROLLMENT PATIENT XREF: AEB STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines NUMBER: 356 IA #: 356 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA356 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 356 ID: SC( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following fields and cross-references. FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER **PATIENT HOSPITAL LOCATION 1 1900 44 2 2 44.001 3 .01 44.003 **DATA GLOBAL HOSPITAL LOCATION XREF: ^SC(D0,"S",D1,1,D2,... ^ ^ | |-- PATIENT |-- APPOINTMENT STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines NUMBER: 357 IA #: 357 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: MAR 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA357 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 357 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following fields and cross-references. FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER DATE OF DEATH PATIENT 1 .351 2 DISPOSITION PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 6 2.101 LOG IN DATE/TIME PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 .01 2.101 LOG IN STATUS PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 1 2.101 LOG OUT DATE/TIME PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 5 2.101 PURPOSE OF VISIT PATIENT 1 1900 2 2 9 2.98 REASON FOR LATE DISPOSITION PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 8 2.101 SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE PATIENT 1 .302 2 SERVICE CONNECTED? PATIENT 1 .301 2 SPINAL CORD INJURY PATIENT 1 $ 57.4 2 TYPE OF BENEFIT APPLIED FOR PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 2 2.101 TYPE OF CARE APPLIED FOR PATIENT 1 1000 2 2 2.1 2.101 CROSS REFERENCES: DATE OF BIRTH PATIENT XREF: ADOB SEX PATIENT XREF: ASX **DATE OF ENROLLMENT PATIENT XREF: AEB DATE OF DEATH PATIENT XREF: AEXP1 LOG IN DATE/TIME PATIENT XREF: ADIS STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines NUMBER: 358 IA #: 358 FILE NUMBER: 405 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPM( DATE CREATED: MAR 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA358 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 358 ID: DGPM( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM( FIELD NUMBER: 200 FIELD NAME: WARD AT DISCHARGE LOCATION: computed field ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following fields and cross-references. FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER TYPE OF MOVEMENT PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .04 405 WARD LOCATION PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .06 405 TRANSACTION TYPE PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .02 405 ROOM-BED PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .07 405 ADMITTED FOR SC CONDITION? PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .11 405 ADMITTING REGULATION PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .12 405 ATTENDING PHYSICIAN PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .19 405 DIAGNOSIS [SHORT] PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .1 405 FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .09 405 MAS MOVEMENT TYPE PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .18 405 MOVEMENT DATE/TIME PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .01 405 PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN PATIENT MOVEMENT 1 .08 405 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING NUMBER: 359 IA #: 359 FILE NUMBER: 45 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPT( DATE CREATED: MAR 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA359 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 359 ID: DGPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER PATIENT PTF 1 .01 & 45 PTF ADMISSION DATE PTF 1 2 45 PTF DISCHARGE DATE PTF 1 70 45 PTF DISCHARGE SPECIALTY PTF 1 71 45 PTF DRG PTF 1 9 45 PTF DXLS PTF 1 79 45 PTF ICD 10 PTF 1 79.24 45 PTF ICD 2 PTF 1 79.16 45 PTF ICD 3 PTF 1 79.17 45 PTF ICD 4 PTF 1 79.18 45 PTF ICD 5 PTF 1 79.19 45 PTF ICD 6 PTF 1 79.201 45 PTF ICD 7 PTF 1 79.21 45 PTF ICD 8 PTF 1 79.22 45 PTF ICD 9 PTF 1 79.23 45 PTF PROCEDURE 1 PTF 1 45.01 45 PTF PROCEDURE 2 PTF 1 45.02 45 PTF PROCEDURE 3 PTF 1 45.03 45 PTF PROCEDURE 4 PTF 1 45.04 45 PTF PROCEDURE 5 PTF 1 45.05 45 PTF TYPE OF DISPOSITION PTF 1 72 45 PTF WARD AT DISCHARGE PTF 1 2.2 45 SURGERY/PROCEDURE DATE PTF 1 401 45 2 .01 45.01 OPERATION CODE 1 PTF 1 401 45 2 8 45.01 OPERATION CODE 2 PTF 1 401 45 2 9 45.01 OPERATION CODE 3 PTF 1 401 45 2 10 45.01 OPERATION CODE 4 PTF 1 401 45 2 11 45.01 OPERATION CODE 5 PTF 1 401 45 2 12 45.01 CROSS REFERENCES: CLOSE OUT DATE PTF CLOSE OUT XREF: AC DATA GLOBAL PTF XREF: ^DGPT(D0,"S",D1,... ^ |-- SURGERY/PROCEDURE DATE STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines NUMBER: 360 IA #: 360 FILE NUMBER: 405.3 GLOBAL ROOT: DG(405.3, DATE CREATED: MAR 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA360 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 360 ID: DG(405.3, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following fields: FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER MAS MOVEMENT TRANSACTION TYPE MAS MOVEMENT TRANSACTION TYPE 1 .01 405.3 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines NUMBER: 361 IA #: 361 FILE NUMBER: 37 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(37, DATE CREATED: MAR 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA361 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 361 ID: DIC(37, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following fields: FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER NAME DISPOSITION 1 .01 37 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines NUMBER: 362 IA #: 362 FILE NUMBER: 45.7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(45.7, DATE CREATED: MAR 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA362 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 362 ID: DIC(45.7, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following fields: FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER NAME FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY 1 .01 45.7 FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY SERVICE 1 2 45.7 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES NUMBER: 363 IA #: 363 FILE NUMBER: 405.2 GLOBAL ROOT: DG(405.2, DATE CREATED: MAR 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA363 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 363 ID: DG(405.2, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(405.2,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: TRANSACTION TYPE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field contains a pointer to the MAS MOVEMENT TRANSACTION TYPE file containing the allowable types of bed control movements (admissions, discharges, transfers, lodger movements, etc.). GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: This file holds all MAS accepted/approved movement types. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following fields: FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER NAME MAS MOVEMENT TYPE 1 .01 405.2 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 25456385 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Dallas SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING NUMBER: 364 IA #: 364 FILE NUMBER: 409.1 GLOBAL ROOT: SD(409.1, DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA364 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 364 ID: SD(409.1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following fields: FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER NAME APPOINTMENT TYPE 1 .01 409.1 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 365 IA #: 365 FILE NUMBER: 80 GLOBAL ROOT: ICD9( DATE CREATED: MAR 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DRG GROUPER CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA365 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 365 ID: ICD9( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following fields: FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER CODE NUMBER ICD DIAGNOSIS 1 0 .01 80 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines DBA Comments: 07-17-14 DT: ICR is retired upon release of ICD*18.0*57 (6-17-14 release) for ICD10 Conversion - replaced by ICR 5747. DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 17, 2014@07:50 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ROWE,KIMBALL NUMBER: 366 IA #: 366 FILE NUMBER: 80.1 GLOBAL ROOT: ICD0( DATE CREATED: MAR 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA366 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 366 ID: ICD0( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the following Fields: FIELDS: ELEMENT FILE DD LEVEL FIELD # DD NUMBER CODE NUMBER ICD OPERATION/PROCEDURE 1 .01 80.1 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL MONITORING SYSTEM ISC: Hines NUMBER: 367 IA #: 367 DATE CREATED: MAR 09, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LIST MANAGER CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: VALM NAME: DBIA367 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 367 ID: VALM GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request: Use of the routine calls REFRESH^VALM and RESET^VALM4:VALMCC Input: none Output: none Purpose: These calls are used to refresh the screen and reset the scrolling area while program control remains within an action (as opposed to performing the same action when exiting an action, which is accomplished by setting VALMBCK="R"). Request permission to set the variable VALM("PROTOCOL"). The purpose of setting this variable is to be able to define the specific protocol to be executed for a list template, as opposed to defining three identical list templates, all with different protocol menus. Resetting VALM("PROTOCOL") resets the protocol menu. This allows having the same list manager definitions for a screen that may have different input capabilities, for example one with input and one just view only actions. RESET^VALM4 can ONLY be called if VALMCC is high(1) The context for these calls are as follows: The calls will be made within a List Manager application, specifically within various options of the Encounter Form Utilities. The reason for making the calls is that we want to be able to display an encounter form in the top part of the screen while having a dialogue with the user in the bottom part of the screen. The problem is that it is necessary to call FileMan at certain points within the dialogue. FileMan assumes it has the entire screen at its disposal, so when it communicates with the user the display#is likely to scroll out of the scrolling area on the bottom of the screen, so the user is unable to read what FileMan displays. To avoid that, what we do is: 1) Everywhere FileMan is called in the situation described above we call FULL^VALM1. That sets the scrolling area to the entire screen. 2) When the problem point is passed and we want to continue the dialogue with the encounter form displayed at the top we call REFRESH^VALM to redraw the screen. Then we call RESET^VALM4 to reset the scrolling area so that the dialogue can occur on the bottom of the screen with the form displayed at the top. VALMCC is an input variable to RESET^VALM4. VALMCC must test true or RESET^VALM4 should not be called. There are dozens of variables that are set by the List Manager, but those are part of the internal workings of the List Manager and are not the concern of this application. There are some List Manager variables that the application is responsible for setting, but those are well documented by the List Manager, i.e., they are not specific to calling these entry points. The context is that the List Manager has been called. Then, from within the List Manager, the user has selected an action, which invokes a protocol. The protocol invokes a routine, which is where those calls are made. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: REFRESH VARIABLES: VALMCC TYPE: Input SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 368 IA #: 368 FILE NUMBER: 80 GLOBAL ROOT: ICD9( DATE CREATED: MAR 09, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DRG GROUPER CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA368 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 368 ID: ICD9( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request to directly reference the following fields in the ICD DIAGNOSIS (#80) file: Field Name (#) Location Reason =================================================================== DIAGNOSIS (3) 0;3 Print and display the diagnosis name USE ONLY WITH SEX (9.5) 0;10 Bill diagnoses appropriate for the patient's sex DESCRIPTION (10) 1;1 Print and display the diagnosis description INACTIVE FLAG (100) 0;9 Only active diagnoses can be billed STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: NOV 15, 2008 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany DBA Comments: email to programmers on May 15, 2007 started 18 month clock. DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 04, 2009@13:30 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARVEY,JULIE NUMBER: 369 IA #: 369 FILE NUMBER: 80.1 GLOBAL ROOT: ICD0( DATE CREATED: MAR 09, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DRG GROUPER CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA369 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 369 ID: ICD0( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request to directly reference the following fields in the ICD OPERATION/PROCEDURE (#80.1) file: Field Name (#) Location Reason =================================================================== OPERATION/PROCEDURE (4) 0;4 Print and display the procedure name INACTIVE DATE (102) 0;11 Only active procedures are billable STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: NOV 15, 2008 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany DBA Comments: email to programmers on May 15, 2007 started 18 month clock. DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 04, 2009@13:35 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARVEY,JULIE NUMBER: 370 IA #: 370 FILE NUMBER: 80.2 GLOBAL ROOT: ICD( DATE CREATED: MAR 09, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DRG GROUPER CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA370 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 370 ID: ICD( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request to store pointers to the DRG (#80.2) file from Integrated Billing. The pointers are needed to retrieve data from the file at the time that claims are generated. Request to directly reference the following fields in the DRG (#80.2) file: Field Name (#) Location Reason =================================================================== NAME (.01) 0;1 Print and display the DRG number DESCRIPTION (1) ^ICD(ien,1,1,0) Print and display the DRG name STATUS: Retired SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham DBA Comments: 07-17-14 DT: ICR is retired upon release of ICD*18.0*57 (6-17-14 release) for ICD10 Conversion - replaced by ICR 5747. DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 17, 2014@07:53 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ROWE,KIMBALL NUMBER: 371 IA #: 371 DATE CREATED: MAR 09, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DRG GROUPER CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: ICDDRG NAME: DBIA371 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 371 ID: ICDDRG CREATOR: MARRI,NAGARAJA STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ICDDRG COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: The routine call is made to calculate interim DRGs to determine the expected length of stay for a visit. Changes were made to this ICR to add the ICDDATE parameter in July 2014. The ICD-10 team's analysis did not find calls to the ICDDRG API in the YS* routine namespace. VARIABLES: ICDEXP TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Did patient expire during episode? VARIABLES: ICDTRS TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Patient transfer to acute facility? VARIABLES: ICDDMS TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Patient have irregular discharge? VARIABLES: ICDDX(1,2,..n)=X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Set of pointers (X) to diagnosis codes in file #80. VARIABLES: ICDPRC(1,2,..n)=X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Set of pointers (X) to procedures in file #80.1. VARIABLES: SEX TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Patient gender (M-Male|F-Female) VARIABLES: ICDPOA(1,2, TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Set of values (Y,N,W,U OR BLANK) corresponding to ICDDX input array to indicate Presence on Admission VARIABLES: ICDDRG TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to assigned DRG in file #80.2 VARIABLES: ICDDATE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The date of service (optional parameter, the default value is DT - today's FileMan date). SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LEXICON UTILITY SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: Lexicon queries files 80 and 80.1, and calculates DRG group to verify that versioned data is correct. Effective with LEX*2.0*80. DBA Comments: 07/26/12 DLT inactivated so Kumar Marri can add the new variable to the existing API. 07/27/12 DLT activated. The changes are from developers of the ICD-10 Class 1 Remediation Project and will be distributed in ICD*18.0*64. SQA testing required these API to be approved. 07/10/13 DLT added LEXICON UTILITY as a subscribing package effective with LEX*2.0*80. 1/22/14-MM: ICD-10 team is requesting to modify ICR #371 to add a new input parameter (ICDDRG). Shavat Shamukhamedov searched Mental Health (YS*) and Lexicon routines for references to the ICDDRG API. Frank Traxler searched his email messages for references to ICR #371, the YS* and YT* routines, DDs, input/print/sort templates, RPCs, options and help frames. He also confirmed the Behavioral Health Lab software is not using the API. It was agreed Mental Health should be removed as a subscriber. 1/28/14-MM: ICR #371 deactivated for editing. Shavkat will be adding a new parameter, ICDDATE. ICD-10 Project team is working on a DG and IB patch to work with the new parameter. Mental Health was deleted as a subscriber when it was determined the application is not using the API. They have tested their software in an account with Lexicon installed without errors. Kim Rowe included in the discussion but did not confirm Shavkat's findings. 7/18/14-DT: Shavkat Shamukhamedov made edits to ICR #371 to reference the optional input variable ICDDATE. This option has always been available to the developers, but was not officially documented in the ICR. The following subscriber package and developer concurred with the ICR changes: Registration Daniel Pendergrass DG*5.3*850 Integrated Billing Amy Harper Lexicon Kimball Rowe (new subscriber as of April 2013) Jeremy Gilmore represents DRG GROUPER. Shavkat is on the ICD10 team. DATE ACTIVATED: JUL 18, 2014 DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 10, 2012@14:11 DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 26, 2012@16:20 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: MARRI,NAGARAJA WITH CONCURRENCE OF: GILMORE,JEREMY DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 27, 2012@17:12 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: MARRI,NAGARAJA WITH CONCURRENCE OF: GILMORE,JEREMY DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 10, 2013@11:46 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: VILLELLA,ROSS DATE/TIME EDITED: JAN 22, 2014@14:04 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER DELETED AT THE REQUEST OF: DAVIS,ROB WITH CONCURRENCE OF: TRAXLER,FRANK DATE/TIME EDITED: JAN 28, 2014@13:53 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: SHAMUKHAMEDOV,SHAVKAT DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 18, 2014@17:46 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: GILMORE,JERRY WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ROWE,KIMBALL NUMBER: 372 IA #: 372 FILE NUMBER: 4 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(4, DATE CREATED: MAR 09, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA372 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 372 ID: DIC(4, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Integrated Billing requests permission to add entries to the INSTITUTION (#4) when creating bills. The user is required to hold the IB SUPERVISOR security key to add entries into file #4. STATUS: Active SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 373 IA #: 373 FILE NUMBER: 660 GLOBAL ROOT: RMPR(660, DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA373 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 373 ID: RMPR(660, GLOBAL REFERENCE: RMPR(660, FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ENTRY DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: PATIENT NAME LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: ITEM LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: VENDOR LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: DELIVERY DATE LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 12 FIELD NAME: SOURCE LOCATION: 0;14 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 14 FIELD NAME: TOTAL COST LOCATION: 0;16 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: HISTORICAL DATA LOCATION: 0;15 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 62 FIELD NAME: PATIENT CATEGORY LOCATION: AM;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 30 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY ICD DIAGNOSIS CODE LOCATION: BA1;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 30.1 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE LOCATION: BA1;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 30.2 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY IONIZED RADIATION LOCATION: BA1;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 30.3 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY SERVICE-CONNECTED LOCATION: BA1;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 30.5 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY MST LOCATION: BA1;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 30.4 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONT. LOCATION: BA1;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 30.6 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY HEAD/NECK CANCER LOCATION: BA1;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 30.7 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY COMBAT VET LOCATION: BA1;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 31 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY ICD DIAGNOSIS CODE 1 LOCATION: BA2;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 31.1 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY AGENT ORANGE 1 LOCATION: BA2;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 31.2 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY IONIZED RADIATION 1 LOCATION: BA2;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 31.3 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY SERVICE-CONNECTED 1 LOCATION: BA2;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 31.4 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONT 1 LOCATION: BA2;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 31.5 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY MST 1 LOCATION: BA2;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 31.6 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY HEAD/NECK CANCER 1 LOCATION: BA2;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 31.7 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY COMBAT VET 1 LOCATION: BA2;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 32 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY ICD DIAGNOSIS 2 LOCATION: BA3;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 32.1 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY AGENT ORANGE 2 LOCATION: BA3;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 32.2 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY IONIZED RADIATION 2 LOCATION: BA3;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 32.3 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY SERVICE-CONNECTED 2 LOCATION: BA3;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 32.4 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY ENVIR. CONT. 2 LOCATION: BA3;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 32.5 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY MST 2 LOCATION: BA3;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 32.6 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY HEAD/NECK CANCER 2 LOCATION: BA3;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 32.7 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY COMBAT VET 2 LOCATION: BA3;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 33 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY ICD DIAGNOSIS 3 LOCATION: BA4;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 33.1 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY AGENT ORANGE 3 LOCATION: BA4;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 33.2 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY IONIZED RADIATION 3 LOCATION: BA4;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 33.3 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY SERVICE-CONNECTED 3 LOCATION: BA4;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 33.4 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY ENVIRON. CONT. 3 LOCATION: BA4;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 33.5 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY MST 3 LOCATION: BA4;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 33.6 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY HEAD/NECK CANCER 3 LOCATION: BA4;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 33.7 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY COMBAT VET 3 LOCATION: BA4;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: RMPR(660,'B',date) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: $O through cross reference to find potentially billable prosthetic items. GLOBAL REFERENCE: RMPR(660,'CT',DATE) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: $O through cross reference to find prosthetic items which may have been delivered to a patient within a specific date range. GLOBAL REFERENCE: RMPR(660,'C', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: $O through the "C" x-ref. GLOBAL REFERENCE: RMPR(660,'AF', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: $O through the "AF" x-ref by date. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 374 IA #: 374 FILE NUMBER: 661 GLOBAL ROOT: RMPR(661, DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA374 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 374 ID: RMPR(661, GLOBAL REFERENCE: RMPR(661,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Field is also pointed to from IB files. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: IFCAP NUMBER: 375 IA #: 375 FILE NUMBER: 424 GLOBAL ROOT: PRC(424, DATE CREATED: SEP 02, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA375 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 375 ID: PRC(424, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRC(424,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: AUTHORIZATION # LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: OBLICATION # LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: TRANSACTION TYPE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: AUTHORIZATION BALANCE LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .07 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .08 FIELD NAME: USER LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .1 FIELD NAME: REFERENCE LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .12 FIELD NAME: AUTHORIZATION AMOUNT LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .13 FIELD NAME: ORIGINAL OBLIGATION AMOUNT LOCATION: 0;13 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRC(424,D0,1) FIELD NUMBER: 1.1 FIELD NAME: COMMENTS LOCATION: 1;1 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRC(424,D0,2) FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: INTERFACE ID LOCATION: 2;2 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRC(424,'AD', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to check for an established obligation number. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request a one time DBA agreement for patch RMRP*2*4. When a Prosthetics New Purchase is initiated the estimated amount of the Purchase is calculated using the %Discount and the total cost for all items or services. On occasion the estimated amount may be a four decimal digit (e.g. 165.4321) after the calculation is done. Once the calculation is completed the New Purchase is posted to IFCAP and a 1358 Daily Record entry is created. When the Prosthetics New Purchase Estimated amount is posted to IFCAP it is rejected by Fileman because the Data Dictionary for the Authorization amount field for file 424 will only accept a two decimal digit number. A incomplete 1358 Daily Record is created and the Authorization number is passed back to the Prosthetics New Purchase. Upon Close out of the Prosthetics Purchase an error message 'Insufficient authorization funds to post payment' is displayed and the Prosthetics Purchase cannot be closed out because the estimated amount was not posted when the Purchase was initiated. Patch RMPR*2*4 corrects this problem by using $JUSTIFY to ensure that the Estimated amount for the initial Prosthetics Purchase is rounded to a two decimal digit. Patch RMPR*2*4 also has a conversion routine that will correct the Phantom 1358 entries and allow the Prosthetics Service to close out purchases associated with the incomplete 1358 Daily Record entries. The Conversion Routine RMPSCON finds all 1358 daily record entries created by the DHCP Prosthetics Package that are missing the authorization balance. Routine RMPSCON reads and updates the following fields in Files #442 (PROCUREMENT AND ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS), 442.3 (PURCHASE ORDER STATUS), 424 (1358 DAILY RECORD FILE), and 424.1 (1358 AUTHORIZATION DETAIL). STATUS: Retired SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 376 IA #: 376 FILE NUMBER: 442.3 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCD(442.3, DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA376 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 376 ID: PRCD(442.3, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCD(442.3,'AC', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Read acces to check if the Procurement and Accounting Transaction has already been completed. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: See DBIA375. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 377 IA #: 377 FILE NUMBER: 424.1 GLOBAL ROOT: PRC(424.1, DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA377 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 377 ID: PRC(424.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRC(424.1,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: AUTHORIZATION AMOUNT LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .04 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: USER LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .08 FIELD NAME: REFERENCE LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .1 FIELD NAME: LAST EDITED BY LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: See DBIA375 STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version GOOD ONLY FOR VERSION: pre-CoreFLS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 378 IA #: 378 FILE NUMBER: 442 GLOBAL ROOT: PRC(442, DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCH58 NAME: DBIA378 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 378 ID: PRCH58 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: See DBIA375 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: BALUP COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Updates field #96 (Estimated 1358 Balance) in file 442. VARIABLES: PODA TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: ien of file 442 VARIABLES: BAL1 TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Authorization Amount. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 379 IA #: 379 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HINQ CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DVBHQZ4 NAME: DBIA379 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 379 ID: DVBHQZ4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This call allows billing clerks to place requests for HINQs for patients with unverified eligibility who are going to be billed. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Points to patient file. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 380 IA #: 380 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCAFN(X) NAME: DBIA380 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 380 ID: PRCAFN(X) GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following function calls are made to the routine PRCAFN. The input X for each call is the internal entry number of an entry in the BILL/CLAIMS (#399) file, which is dinumed to the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (#430) file. Each function will return -1 if a legitimate value cannot be returned. Also note that these functions only work for categories of receivables which are not PATIENT or MEANS TEST PATIENT (except for the PST, PUR, and CATN functions). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$BN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This returns the receivable bill number. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$CAT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This function returns the receivable category (pointer to file #430.2). COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$CLO COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This function returns the date that a receivable was closed (or -1 if the receivable is not closed). COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$ORI COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This function returns the receivable Original Amount. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$PUR COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This function is called by the IB purge routines and is used to determine the date that a receivable was closed out. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$RETN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This function determines whether a bill has the AR Status RETURNED FROM AR (NEW) in Accounts Receivable. The call is made to determine whether a bill has been returned to billing and is thus editable in Integrated Billing. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$STA COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This function returns the receivable status. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$TPR COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This function returns the total paid principal on the receivable. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$PST COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This call is made to retrieve the day of the month that a patient's statement is generated. VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Equals the string DFN_";DPT(" being the pointer to the patient in file #2) COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$CATN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This call is made to retrieve the AR Category name. VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the category in file 430.2 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 381 IA #: 381 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCALST NAME: DBIA381 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 381 ID: PRCALST GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This Accounts Receivable routine is the entry point for the Returned Bill List output. The routine is invoked by the Integrated Billing option IB RETURN BILL LIST. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: RETN SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 382 IA #: 382 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCAUT2 NAME: DBIA382 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 382 ID: PRCAUT2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This routine call displays the number of bills that have been returned to the service from Fiscal. There is no variable input required to make the call. This routine is invoked as an Entry Action of the following Integrated Billing menu options: IB BILLING CLERK MENU IB BILLING SUPERVISOR MENU IB RETURN BILL MENU STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: COUNT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 383 IA #: 383 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCAX(DFN,BEG,END,.ERR) NAME: DBIA383 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 383 ID: PRCAX(DFN,BEG,END,.ERR) GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This call is used in Pharmacy copay exemption processing to cancel Pharmacy copay charges who become exempt from copay. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN1 VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Patient pointer VARIABLES: BEG TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Begin date to cancel Pharmacy copay charges. VARIABLES: END TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: End date to cancel Pharmacy copay charges. VARIABLES: ERR TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Set to 0, used to return an error condition. VARIABLES: ERR TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Free-text error, if an error condition occurs. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 384 IA #: 384 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCASVC6 NAME: DBIA384 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 384 ID: PRCASVC6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This call is made just prior to passing a claim to the Accounts Receivable package. This routine call performs a check on all data required to establish a receivable and passes errors back to Integrated Billing. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PRCASVC6 VARIABLES: PRCASV('BDT') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Date bill generated (fileman date format) VARIABLES: PRCASV('ARREC') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Record # of 430. VARIABLES: PRCASV('DEBTOR') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Debtor (ex.'4;DPT(','3;DIC(36,' OR '3;DIC(4') VARIABLES: PRCASV('PAT') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Patient pointer. VARIABLES: PRCASV('CAT') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Category pointer to 430.2 VARIABLES: PRCASV('FY') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Fiscal year,amount (multiple) (FY^AMOUNT^FY^AMOUNT) VARIABLES: PRCAXV('CARE') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: For only means test c-type of bill two digits: 1st digit :nursing home care 2nd digit :in or outpatient VARIABLES: PRCASV('APR') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Person approved the bill, pointer to 200) VARIABLES: PRCSAV('2NDINS') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: 2nd insurance company (pointer to 36) VARIABLES: PRCASV('3RDINS') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: 3rd ins. company (pointer to 36) VARIABLES: PRCASV('IDNO') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Primary ins. policy number. VARIABLES: PRCASV('GPNO') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Prim. ins. group number. VARIABLES: PRCASV('GPNM') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Prim. ins. group name. VARIABLES: PRCASV('INPA') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Prim. ins. insured patient. VARIABLES: PRCASV('OKAY') TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Flag - bill passes checks. VARIABLES: PRCAERR TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: -1^ERROR CODE to IB ERROR file. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 385 IA #: 385 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCASVC NAME: DBIA385 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 385 ID: PRCASVC GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This call is used to pass a new or returned bill to the Accounts Receivable package. This call is made right after the call D ^PRCASVC6, if that call returns PRCASV("OKAY") as a positive number. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: REL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Input: same as the call to D ^PRCASVC6 Output: same as the call to D ^PRCASVC6 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 386 IA #: 386 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCASVC3 NAME: DBIA386 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 386 ID: PRCASVC3 CREATOR: FIAMENGO,GRACE GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This call sets up a stub receivable in Accounts Receivable. The internal entry number for the receivable is used as the internal entry number of the bill in the BILL/CLAIMS (#399) file. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: SETUP VARIABLES: PRCASV('SER') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: MAS Service pointer in file 49 VARIABLES: PRCASV('SITE') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Station Number VARIABLES: PRCASV('ARREC') TYPE: Both VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the receivable in file 430 With IB*2.0*433/PRCA*4.5*270 Preserve Claim # Patch, this variable was changed from Output to Both. If the user comes from the new CRD option, ARREC will be set to the internal bill# of the copied FROM claim/bill. VARIABLES: PRCASV('ARBIL') TYPE: Both VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Bill number of the receivable. With IB*2.0*433/PRCA*4.5*270 Preserve Claim # Patch, this variable was changed from Output to Both. If the user comes from the new CRD option, ARBIL will be set to the external bill# of the copied FROM claim/bill. VARIABLES: PRCASV('ARCRD') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This variable is a flag indicating that the user came from the new CRD option. CRD is the new Correct Rejected/Denied Claim option introduced with IB*2.0*433/PRCA*4.5*270 - Preserve Claim #. If the user came from CRD (PRCASV('ARCRD')=1),then the original claim/AR# will be assigned an iteration # (ie. -01), and the newly created claim/AR entry will retain the original claim#. VARIABLES: PRCASV('ARITN') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This new variable was introduced w/IB*2.0*433/PRCA*4.5*270-Preserve Claim #. If the user came from the new CRD option (Correct/Reject Denied Claim), this variable will contain the original bill# PLUS the iteration # that needs to be added to the corrected FROM claim/bill# (ie. K00001-01). SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany DATE ACTIVATED: AUG 06, 2010 DATE/TIME EDITED: AUG 05, 2010@11:40 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: MULLER,RICHARD DATE/TIME EDITED: AUG 06, 2010@17:05 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: FIAMENGO,GRACE WITH CONCURRENCE OF: SIMONS,MARY NUMBER: 387 IA #: 387 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCASVC1 NAME: DBIA387 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 387 ID: PRCASVC1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: These calls are made when a bill is cancelled in Integrated Billing. If the receivable has the AR Status of New Bill, Bill Incomplete, or Returned From AR (NEW), the bill is cancelled using the call D CANCEL^PRCASVC1; otherwise, the bill is amended using the call D AMEND^PRCASVC1. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 15779820 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: CANCEL VARIABLES: PRCASV('AMT') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Amended Amount (difference between original amount and the amend ment total amount) VARIABLES: PRCASC('DATE') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Date Bill Amended VARIABLES: PRCASC('BY') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Amended by (points to 200) VARIABLES: PRCASV('ARREC') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the receivable in file 430 VARIABLES: PRCASV('COMMENT') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Comments for the amendment COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: AMEND COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Same input variables as entry point CANCEL. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: STATUS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This call is used to set the Current Status (#8) of a receivable in the Accounts Receivable (#430) file when a CHAMPVA subsistence charge is being created. The Current Status is set to PENDING CALM CODE, if the site is running AR v4.0 (or lower). Otherwise, the Current Status is set to ACTIVE. VARIABLES: PRCASV('ARREC') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This is a pointer to the receivable in file #430 which needs to have the Current Status updated. VARIABLES: PRCASV('STATUS') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This is a pointer to the Current Status in the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TRANS.TYPE (#430.3) file to which the receivable is being updated. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 388 IA #: 388 DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: RCFNO3(X) NAME: DBIA388 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 388 ID: RCFNO3(X) GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This call is used to find the internal entry number for a bill in file #430, so it may be used as input to the function $$PUR^PRCAFN(X). Note that a check is done to determine if the routine RCFN03 exists on the system before the call is made. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$BIEN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Returns the ien for the bill in file 430. VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: AR Bill number. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 389 IA #: 389 FILE NUMBER: 430 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCA(430, DATE CREATED: MAR 15, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA389 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 389 ID: PRCA(430, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCA(430,'B',BN) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Request direct access to the "B" cross reference of the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (#430) file to determine the internal entry number for a receivable [S IEN=$O(^PRCA(430,"B",BN,0))]. This call is made when purging Pharmacy copay charges, in order to determine the input for the function call $$PUR^PRCAFN(IEN). Integrated Billing will no longer need direct access to this cross reference once the routine RCFN03 is available. This routine is checked for and called to get the same information. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCA(430,'AC',STS,BN) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: This cross-reference is used by various reports in the Diagnostic Measures module to retrieve receivables of a specific status, i.e. Active. Some examples of the reports that use this cross-reference are: First Party Follow-up Report, Repayment Plan Follow-up Report, AR Productivity Report, among others. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCA(430,BN,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: BILL NO. LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: DEBTOR LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: CATEGORY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: DATE BILL PREPARED LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: These fields are being displayed in various reports in the Diagnostic Measures module. Some examples of these reports are: Miscellaneous Bills Follow-up report, Repayment Plan report, among others. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCA(430,BN,7) FIELD NUMBER: 71 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL BALANCE LOCATION: 7;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 72 FIELD NAME: INTEREST BALANCE LOCATION: 7;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 73 FIELD NAME: ADMINISTRATIVE COST BALANCE LOCATION: 7;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 74 FIELD NAME: MARSHAL FEE LOCATION: 7;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 75 FIELD NAME: COURT COST LOCATION: 7;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The fields 71-75 are being used in the calculation of the account balance for the patient in two Diagnostic Measures reports: First Party Follow-up and Repayment Plan Follow-up reports. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCA(430,BN,9) FIELD NUMBER: 97 FIELD NAME: PROCESSED BY (SERVICE) LOCATION: 9;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is being displayed by the Miscellaneous Bills Follow-up report. This report belongs to the Diagnostic Measures module. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCA(430,BN,12) FIELD NUMBER: 121 FIELD NAME: DATE SENT TO DMC LOCATION: 12;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used by the First Party Follow-up report in the Diagnostic Measures module. It uses it to identify if a receivable has been referred to DMC. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCA(430,BN,14) FIELD NUMBER: 141 FIELD NAME: DATE BILL REFERRED TO TOP LOCATION: 14;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used by the First Party Follow-up report in the Diagnostic Measures module. It uses it to identify if a receivable has been referred to TOP. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCA(430,BN,6) FIELD NUMBER: 64 FIELD NAME: REFERRAL DATE LOCATION: 6;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used by the First Party Follow-up report in the Diagnostic Measures module. It uses it to identify if a receivable has been referred to RC. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Integrated Billing has permission to reference this file in a ^DIC call to do a look-up on the bill number. It also has permission to access the following fields and cross-references: STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 32843534 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 390 IA #: 390 FILE NUMBER: 442 GLOBAL ROOT: PRC(442, DATE CREATED: MAR 16, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA390 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 390 ID: PRC(442, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRC(442,0) FIELD NUMBER: .07 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY 2237 LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRC(442,7) FIELD NUMBER: .5 FIELD NAME: SUPPLY STATUS LOCATION: 7;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: See DBIA 375. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 391 IA #: 391 FILE NUMBER: 8984.1 GLOBAL ROOT: XT(8984.1, DATE CREATED: MAR 16, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: TOOLKIT CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA391 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 391 ID: XT(8984.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: XT(8984.1,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: ENTRY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: XT(8984.1,'B', GENERAL DESCRIPTION: AMIE v2.6 will be using the MTLU functionality from the Kernel tool kit in order to do a look up on the Disability Condition file (#31). As part of the functionality provided to the users, there needs to be a set of distributed Keywords, Synonyms and short cuts. AMIE would like to distribute these lists in,a post init fashion with little to no user intervention. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 392 IA #: 392 FILE NUMBER: 8984.2 GLOBAL ROOT: XT(8984.2, DATE CREATED: MAR 16, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: TOOLKIT CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA392 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 392 ID: XT(8984.2, GLOBAL REFERENCE: XT(8984.2,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: FREQUENTLY USED NARRATIVE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: ENTRY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: XT(8984.2,'B', GENERAL DESCRIPTION: AMIE v2.6 will be using the MTLU functionality from the Kernel tool kit in order to do a look up on the Disability Condition file (#31). As part of the functionality provided to the users, there needs to be a set of distributed Keywords, Synonyms and short cuts. AMIE would like to distribute these lists in a post init fashion with little to no user intervention. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 393 IA #: 393 FILE NUMBER: 8984.3 GLOBAL ROOT: XT(8984.3, DATE CREATED: MAR 16, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: TOOLKIT CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA393 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 393 ID: XT(8984.3, GLOBAL REFERENCE: XT(8984.3,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: TERM LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: XT(8984.3,'B', GLOBAL REFERENCE: XT(8984.3,D0,1,'B', GENERAL DESCRIPTION: AMIE v2.6 will be using the MTLU functionality from the Kernel tool kit in order to do a look up on the Disability Condition file (#31). As part of the functionality provided to the users, there needs to be a set of distributed Keywords, Synonyms and short cuts. AMIE would like to distribute these lists in a post init fashion with little to no user intervention. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 394 IA #: 394 FILE NUMBER: 8984.4 GLOBAL ROOT: XT(8984.4, DATE CREATED: MAR 16, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: TOOLKIT CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA394 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 394 ID: XT(8984.4, GLOBAL REFERENCE: XT(8984.4,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: AMIE v2.6 will be using the MTLU functionality from the Kernel tool kit in order to do a look up on the Disability Condition file (#31). As part of the functionality provided to the users, there needs to be a set of distributed Keywords, Synonyms and short cuts. AMIE would like to distribute these lists in a post init fashion with little to no user intervention. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 395 IA #: 395 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: MAR 23, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA395 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 395 ID: DD( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD(8984.1,.02,'V', GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD(8984.2,.02,'V', GENERAL DESCRIPTION: VA FileMan grants this integration request. The following calls are allowed within the AMIE package. CHK+13^DVBAPLL S DIC="^DD(8984.1,.02,""V"",",DIC(0)="Z",D="P",X=VAR1 D IX^DIC CHK+19^DVBAPLL S DIC="^DD(8984.2,.02,""V"",",DIC(0)="Z",D="P",X=VAR1 D IX^DIC ADDV+1^DVBAPLL Calls using ^DIC and ^DIE to update the variable pointer field in the Local Keyword and Local Synonym file for use with MTLU. The ^DIE call is fully compatible with the interactive way of creating variable pointer type fields. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 396 IA #: 396 DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: IBCNSP2 NAME: DBIA396 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 396 ID: IBCNSP2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement was updated on 3/3/97 to convert it from an 'Other' type agreement (to support IB v2.0 installation requirements with Fee Basis) to a 'Routine' type agreement to support IB's callable routine IBCNSP2. Please note that this agreement also supercedes agreement DBIA226-C which Fee Basis held with the Registration package. The terms under which IB exported the Fee Basis patch FB*3*5 are listed below, so they are not lost: IB will transport routine FBUINS in routine IB20PT8C, and ZSave as FBUINS during the installation process if version 3 is running and patch 5 has not been installed. Patch 5 of Fee contains the following special instructions: - Do not apply if version 3 of Fee is installed but Version 2 has not been installed. - If version 3 of Fee has been installed, IB 2 will automatically apply this patch. There is no need to apply. - If you install version 2 of IB prior to installing version 3 of Fee, then this patch needs to be applied prior to allowing Fee users back on the system. Verification of FB*3*5 is pending this agreement. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 23159831 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: FEE COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This entry point is called from within the Fee Basis package to add patient insurance policy information for patients. Please note that new insurance policies may be added, but existing patient policy information cannot be edited. This call also allows Insurance Plan information in file #355.3 to be added and edited. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the patient in file #2 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: REG COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This entry point is called from Screen 5 of the Registration process and the 10-10T Registration process to allow patient insurance policy information to be added and edited. This call also allows Insurance Plan information in file #355.3 to be added and edited. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany EDITOR: MINARDI,CHRISTOPHER P NUMBER: 397 IA #: 397 FILE NUMBER: 409.95 GLOBAL ROOT: SD(409.95, DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA397 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 397 ID: SD(409.95, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request to export the following Scheduling files with the release of Integrated Billing v2.0: #409.95 PRINT MANAGER CLINIC SETUP Also request read and write access for all fields in these files. These files are used by the Print Manager to determine which forms should be printed for each clinic. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 398 IA #: 398 FILE NUMBER: 409.96 GLOBAL ROOT: SD(409.96, DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA398 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 398 ID: SD(409.96, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request to export the following Scheduling files with the release of Integrated Billing v2.0: #409.96 PRINT MANAGER DIVISION SETUP Also request read and write access for all fields in these files. These files are used by the Print Manager to determine which forms should be printed for each clinic. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 399 IA #: 399 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA399 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 399 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,'S',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CLINIC LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The appointment clinic is listed on reports and encounter forms. FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: LAB DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine if there was a lab stop associated with the appointment. FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: X-RAY DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine if there was an X-RAY stop associated with the appointment. FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: EKG DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine if there was an EKG stop associated with the appointment. FIELD NUMBER: 21 FIELD NAME: OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER LOCATION: 0;21 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The pointer to the outpatient encounter is used to determine the classification answers for the appointment. FIELD NUMBER: 22 FIELD NAME: ENOUNTER FORMS PRINTED LOCATION: 0;21 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is set by the Encounter Form utilities when a form is printed. FIELD NUMBER: 23 FIELD NAME: ENCOUNTER FORMS AS ADD-ONS LOCATION: 0;22 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is set by the Encounter Form utilities when the form and other reports where printed as add-ons GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: It is understood that these references will need to be changed when Scheduling's new APIs are available. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,'DIS',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 18 FIELD NAME: OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER LOCATION: 0;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The pointer to the outpatient encounter is used to determine the classification answers for the registration. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 400 IA #: 400 FILE NUMBER: 40.7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(40.7, DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA400 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 400 ID: DIC(40.7, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(40.7,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: AMIS REPORTING STOP CODE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The AMIS Reporting Stop Code is printed on several reports FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD DESCRIPTION: This pointer is used to flag clinic stop codes as non-billable. STATUS: Active SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 401 IA #: 401 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA401 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 401 ID: SC( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SC( FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD DESCRIPTION: This pointer is used to associate procedures with clinics, and to flag clinics as non-billable. FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: STOP CODE NUMBER LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Display the stop code associated with the clinic on reports FIELD NUMBER: 2502 FIELD NAME: NON-COUNT CLINIC? (Y OR N) LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Non-count clinics are non-billable FIELD NUMBER: 2503 FIELD NAME: CREDIT STOP CODE LOCATION: 0;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2505 FIELD NAME: INACTIVATE DATE LOCATION: I;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2506 FIELD NAME: REACTIVATE DATE LOCATION: I;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SC(D0,'S',D1,1, FIELD NUMBER: 30 FIELD NAME: ELIGIBILITY OF VISIT LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The visit eligibility is checked before including the visit on reports. FIELD NUMBER: 310 FIELD NAME: APPOINTMENT CANCELLED? LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Cancelled appointments are not billed GENERAL DESCRIPTION: It is understood that these references will need to be changed when Scheduling's new APIs are available. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 23651281 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 402 IA #: 402 FILE NUMBER: 409.68 GLOBAL ROOT: SCE( DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA402 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 402 ID: SCE( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SCE(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine date of encounter FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: PATIENT LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine patient for encounter FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: CLINIC STOP CODE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Can't bill clinic stops related to dental FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: VISIT FILE ENTRY LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Stored for future use FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: PARENT ENCOUNTER LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Cannot bill child encounters FIELD NUMBER: .07 FIELD NAME: CHECK OUT PROCESS COMPLETION LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Make sure check out is complete FIELD NUMBER: .08 FIELD NAME: ORIGINATING PROCESS TYPE LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine type of encounter FIELD NUMBER: .09 FIELD NAME: EXTENDED REFERENCE LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine disposition for registrations FIELD NUMBER: .1 FIELD NAME: APPOINTMENT TYPE LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Must have billable appointment type FIELD NUMBER: .11 FIELD NAME: MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine division of encounter FIELD NUMBER: .12 FIELD NAME: STATUS LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Only checked out encounters are billable GLOBAL REFERENCE: SCE('ADFN',DFN, GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "ADFN" cross-reference is used to look at all encounters for a patient on a specific date. GLOBAL REFERENCE: SCE('B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "B" cross-reference is used to find all outpatient encounters which occurred within a user-specified date range. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This pointer is needed to retrieve data from this file when a claim is being generated. STATUS: Active MAIL MESSAGE: 23720883 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Dallas SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: The variable SDDA will not be supported No direct references to appointments are allowed in the subscriber routine. NUMBER: 403 IA #: 403 DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDCO3 NAME: DBIA403 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 403 ID: SDCO3 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: SET(SDOE) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This call is used to develop a list of providers associated with an outpatient encounter. VARIABLES: SDOE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: POINTER TO AN OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER IN FILE #409.68 VARIABLES: SDPRY(n) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: =1^2, where 1=ptr to provider record in file #409.44 2=ptr to provider in file #200 VARIABLES: SDCNT TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: # of elements in the SDPRY array. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: LIST(.SDPRY) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: There is no variable output from this call. This call displays the list of providers in the SDPRY array. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 404 IA #: 404 DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDCO4 NAME: DBIA404 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 404 ID: SDCO4 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: SET(SDOE) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This call is used to develop a list of diagnoses associated with an outpatient encounter. VARIABLES: SDOE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to an outpatient encounter in file #409.68 VARIABLES: SDDXY(n) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: = 1^2, where 1 = ptr to diagnosis record in file #409.43 2 = ptr to diagnosis in file #80 VARIABLES: SDCNT TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: # of elements in the SDDXY array COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: LIST(.SDDXY) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: There is no variable output from this call. This call displays the list of diagnoses in the SDDXY array. VARIABLES: SDDXY TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The array defined in the call to SET^SDCO4(SDOE) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 405 IA #: 405 DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: SDROUT1 NAME: DBIA405 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 405 ID: SDROUT1 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: There is no variable output from this call. This call is used by the Print Manager to print Routing Slips. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the patient in file #2 VARIABLES: DIV TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: pointer to the division in file #40.8 VARIABLES: SDPARMS('START') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Start Date for appointments VARIABLES: SDPARMS('DO NOT CLOSE') TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: 1=don't close print device SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION NUMBER: 406 IA #: 406 DATE CREATED: JUN 30, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: SDCO21 NAME: DBIA406 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 406 ID: SDCO21 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: CL(DFN,DATE,SDOE,.ARR) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This call is made to determine what classification questions should be asked for a specific patient. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: ptr to patient in file #2 VARIABLES: DATE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: date to determine if classification is active. VARIABLES: SDOE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: encounter for which classification should be asked (optional - we will pass 'null' in all cases) VARIABLES: ARR(n) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: array of classifications that should be asked, where n equals the entry number in the OUTPATIENT CLASSIFICATION TYPE file (#409.41) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: added 2/28/2012 DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 29, 2012@13:44 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARVEY,JULIE NUMBER: 407 IA #: 407 DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: SDCOU2 NAME: DBIA407 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 407 ID: SDCOU2 CREATOR: SCHLEHUBER,CAMERON STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$EX(X,Y) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Output: Is the clinic stop exempt from classification? [1-Yes|0-No] This call is made to determine if an individual clinic stop, which is being billed the Means Test copayment, is exempt from classification. VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to clinic stop code in file #40.7 VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Date on which clinic stop may be exempt. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany DBA Comments: RESTORED FROM RETIRED AS PER ED WOLF DATE ACTIVATED: MAR 15, 2007 DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 15, 2007@21:00 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: WOLF,ED NUMBER: 408 IA #: 408 FILE NUMBER: 409.5 GLOBAL ROOT: SDV( DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA408 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 408 ID: SDV( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SDV(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This date/time is used as the procedure date. FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: DIVISION LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The division is used to select stops within a specified division GLOBAL REFERENCE: SDV('C', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "C" cross-reference is used to look at all stops for a patient. GLOBAL REFERENCE: SDV(D0,'CS',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CLINIC STOP CODE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The stop code is printed on several reports FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: ASSOCIATED CLINIC LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The clinic in which the stop occurred is printed on several reports FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: ELIGIBILITY FOR VISIT LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The eligibility for the stop is printed on several reports FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: APPOINTMENT TYPE LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The appointment type is used to determine if the stop is billable FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The pointer to the outpatient encounter is used to determine the classification answers for the stop GLOBAL REFERENCE: SDV(D0,'CS','B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "B" cross reference is to find all stop codes for a specific patient visit. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: It is understood that these references will need to be changed when Scheduling's new APIs are available. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany NUMBER: 409 IA #: 409 FILE NUMBER: 409.42 GLOBAL ROOT: SDD(409.42, DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA409 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 409 ID: SDD(409.42, GLOBAL REFERENCE: SDD(409.42,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: TYPE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The type indicates the classification: 1 = Agent Orange 2 = Ionizing Radiation 3 = Service Connected 4 = Environmental Contaminants FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: VALUE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The value indicates whether care was related to the specified exposure: 1 = Yes otherwise, No STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 410 IA #: 410 FILE NUMBER: 409.72 GLOBAL ROOT: SD(409.72, DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA410 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 410 ID: SD(409.72, GLOBAL REFERENCE: SD(409.72,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: ACTIVE STATUS LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The status is used to determine if an ambulatory procedure is active GLOBAL REFERENCE: SD(409.72,'AIVDT', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "AIVDT" cross reference is used to determine if an ambulatory procedure is active on a specific date. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 411 IA #: 411 FILE NUMBER: 409.43 GLOBAL ROOT: SDD(409.43, DATE CREATED: APR 04, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA411 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 411 ID: SDD(409.43, GLOBAL REFERENCE: SDD(409.43,'AO', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Request to directly reference the "AO" cross reference of the OUTPATIENT DIAGNOSIS (#409.43) file. The cross reference is used to find all diagnoses associated with an outpatient encounter. The diagnoses are then added to bills. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 412 IA #: 412 FILE NUMBER: 31 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(31, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HINQ CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA412 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 412 ID: DIC(31, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: AMIE v2.6 will use the Disability Condition file extensively in a portion of its new functionality. AMIE will need to change and access the file in various ways that will require an integration agreement. In order to use MTLU to its fullest extent AMIE would need to add a new field 'LONG DESCRIPTION' to the Disability Condition file (#31). This field would be a free text field 1-200 characters, on the '1' node. It would not be a multiple or used during lookup. There would be a MUMPS cross reference (ADVB) in order to enhance an MTLU look up. This MUMPS cross reference would be of the format defined in the Kernel 7.2 Tool Kit manual. Ability to carry the new field in the AMIE init. Ability to populate the LONG DESCRIPTION field during the AMIE post init. Access to the 'C' cross reference and LONG DESCRIPTION field for quick look up and comparison during the post init. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 413 IA #: 413 DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGRPU1 NAME: DBIA413 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 413 ID: DGRPU1 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 36478613 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: QUES(DFN,DGQCODE) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: If DGQCODE="ADD1" then: The edit is to the patient's permanent address. QUES^DGRPU1 will edit the following fields as the patient's permanent address: Field Number Field Name ============ ========== .111 STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] .112 STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] .113 STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] .114 CITY .115 STATE .1112 ZIP+4 .117 COUNTY .131 PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE] .132 PHONE NUMBER [WORK] The permanent address fields are those currently defined by the indicated MAS routines and are subject to change per the redefinition of those fields by that routine. 2) If DGQCODE= ADD4 then: The editing is of the patient's confidential address fields. Fee Basis will be calling QUES^DGRPU1 to allow user editing of the patient's confidential address information in the Patient (#2) file. QUES^DGRPU1(DFN, ADD4 ) will prompt the user for the following fields: Field # Field Name ====== ========= .1411 CONFIDENTIAL STREET [LINE 1] .1412 CONFIDENTIAL STREET [LINE 2] .1413 CONFIDENTIAL STREET [LINE 3] .1414 CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS CITY .1415 CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS STATE .1416 CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS ZIP CODE .1417 CONFIDENTIAL START DATE .1418 CONFIDENTIAL END DATE .14105 CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS ACTIVE? .14111 CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS COUNTY CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS CATEGORY Multiple (#2.141) .01 CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS CATEGORY 1 CONFIDENTIAL CATEGORY ACTIVE VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the patyent in file #2 VARIABLES: DGQCODE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Indicates that QUES^DGRPU1 is to edit the patient's permanent address. VARIABLES: DGCHANGE TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: = 1 if data modified = 0 if data NOT modified To be killed after the call. VARIABLES: DGERR TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Error value. To be killed after the call. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED MED INFO EXCHANGE ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: AMIE may only call with DGQCODE="ADD1" SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: FEE BASIS SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: FEE BASIS may only call with DGQCODE="ADD4" SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING NUMBER: 414 IA #: 414 DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA414 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 414 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request to export the INSURANCE TYPE (#.3121) multiple of the PATIENT (#2) file with the release of Integrated Billing v2.0. This sub-dictionary is maintained in the PATIENT file for Integrated Billing, and may be addressed by Integrated Billing as needed. Integrated Billing agrees to maintain supported references to this data for other applications, as well as Registration. This would.include the "AB" cross reference on the .01 field of the sub-dictionary (^DPT("AB",). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 415 IA #: 415 DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA415 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 415 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The INSURANCE COMPANY (#36) file will now be released exclusively by Integrated Billing unless otherwise agreed upon. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 416 IA #: 416 FILE NUMBER: 37 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(37, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA416 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 416 ID: DIC(37, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(37,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This pointer is used to flag dispositions as non-billable. The disposition name is printed on several outputs. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 417 IA #: 417 FILE NUMBER: 40.8 GLOBAL ROOT: DG(40.8, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA417 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 417 ID: DG(40.8, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(40.8, FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used to associate a charge or procedure with a location. FIELD NUMBER: .07 FIELD NAME: INSTITUTION FILE POINTER LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Display the institution associated with a division. FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: OUTPATIENT ONLY LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine if the location of care was in the hospital or clinic. FIELD NUMBER: .001 FIELD NAME: NUMBER LOCATION: ENTRY IEN ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: FACILITY NUMBER LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 23720883 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL REMINDERS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ONCOLOGY SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: added 8/23/2010 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 5/15/2009 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 9/28/2009 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH MANAGEMENT PLATFORM SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: HMP v.2.0 is using the Institution File Pointer (#.07) field as part of the patient sync process that syncs the data between the local VistA system and the JSON DATA System (JDS). HMP collects admission data including the ward and institution. The HMP code gets the division from the Ward Location File (#42), Division (#.015) field (pointer to Medical Center Division (#40.8) file) and then uses this value to get the value from the Institution File Pointer (#.07) field. $$NS^XUAF4 is used to get the text name and station number for the institution. DBA Comments: 4/11/6-MM: Added HMP as a subscriber to ICR #417 for HMP version 2.0. HMP v.2.0 is using the Institution File Pointer (#.07) field as part of the patient sync process that syncs the data between the local VistA system and the JSON DATA System (JDS). HMP collects admission data including the ward and institution. The HMP code gets the division from the Ward Location File (#42), Division (#.015) field (pointer to Medical Center Division (#40.8) file) and then uses this value to get the value from the Institution File Pointer (#.07) field. $$NS^XUAF4 is used to get the text name and station number for the institution. No Registration knowledgeable resource was available to review this request prior to adding HMP as a subscriber. Documentation only processing. DATE/TIME EDITED: AUG 23, 2010@11:50 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: RIKARD,KENNETH WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MULLER,RICHARD DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 11, 2016@15:27 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BURKHALTER,PHIL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ICR,TEAM NUMBER: 418 IA #: 418 FILE NUMBER: 45 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPT DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA418 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 418 ID: DGPT CREATOR: LOUCK,KEVIN GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PATIENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD DESCRIPTION: This pointer is needed to find the associated PTF record for a claim and extract the required data. FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: ADMISSION DATE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The admission date is used to the end of the date range for a claim FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: FEE BASIS LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine if the PTF update routine must be called (not called for Fee admissions). FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: STATUS LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine if the PTF record has been closed. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,70) FIELD NUMBER: 70 FIELD NAME: DISCHARGE DATE LOCATION: 70;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The discharge date is used to determine the end of the date range for the claim. FIELD NUMBER: 71 FIELD NAME: DISCHARGE SPECIALTY LOCATION: 70;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The discharge specialty is used to determine if the admission is billable. FIELD NUMBER: 72 FIELD NAME: TYPE OF DISPOSITION LOCATION: 70;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The type of disposition is used to determine the discharge status for the claim. FIELD NUMBER: 79 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL DX LOCATION: 70;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS is printed on the Amb Proc check off sheet. FIELD NUMBER: 79.16 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 1 LOCATION: 70;16 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS 1 is printed on the Amb Proc check off sheet. FIELD NUMBER: 79.17 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 2 LOCATION: 70;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS 2 is printed on the Amb Proc check off sheet. FIELD NUMBER: 79.1 FIELD NAME: PROVIDER LOCATION: 70;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.18 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 3 LOCATION: 70;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.19 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 4 LOCATION: 70;19 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.201 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 5 LOCATION: 70;20 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.21 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 6 LOCATION: 70;21 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.22 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 7 LOCATION: 70;22 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.23 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 8 LOCATION: 70;23 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.24 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 9 LOCATION: 70;24 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.25 FIELD NAME: TREATED FOR SC CONDITION LOCATION: 70;25 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT('B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "B" cross-reference is used to find a specific PTF record for a patient. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT('AAD', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "AAD" cross reference is used to find all admissions for a patient within a specified date range. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT('AFEE', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "AFEE" cross reference is used to find all Fee admissions for a patient within a specified date range. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'M',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: LOSING SPECIALTY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The specialty is used to determine if a 501 movement is billable. FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: LEAVE DAYS LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Leave days are used to determine the number of billable days of care. FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: PASS DAYS LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Pass days are used to determine the number of billable days of care. FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: ICD 1 LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: ICD 2 LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: ICD 3 LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: ICD 4 LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: ICD 5 LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: MOVEMENT DATE LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The movement date is used to determine if the 501 movement is within the date range of the bill FIELD NUMBER: 18 FIELD NAME: TREATED FOR SC CONDITION LOCATION: 0;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This flag is used to determine if the 501 movement is billable. FIELD NUMBER: 11 FIELD NAME: ICD 6 LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 12 FIELD NAME: ICD 7 LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 13 FIELD NAME: ICD 8 LOCATION: 0;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 14 FIELD NAME: ICD 9 LOCATION: 0;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: ICD 10 LOCATION: 0;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'M','AM', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "AM" cross reference is used to find all 501 movements based on a specified date range. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'P',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 1 LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 2 LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 3 LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 4 LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 5 LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 6 LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 7 LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 11 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 8 LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 12 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 9 LOCATION: 0;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 13 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 10 LOCATION: 0;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 14 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 11 LOCATION: 0;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 12 LOCATION: 0;16 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 16 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 13 LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 14 LOCATION: 0;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 18 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 15 LOCATION: 0;19 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 19 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 16 LOCATION: 0;20 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 20 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 17 LOCATION: 0;21 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 21 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 18 LOCATION: 0;22 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 22 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 19 LOCATION: 0;23 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 23 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 20 LOCATION: 0;24 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'S',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: SURGERY/PROCEDURE DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The surgery/procedure date is included on the claim. FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 1 LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 2 LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 3 LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 11 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 4 LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 12 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 5 LOCATION: 0;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 13 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 6 LOCATION: 0;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 14 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 7 LOCATION: 0;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 8 LOCATION: 0;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 16 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 9 LOCATION: 0;16 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 10 LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 18 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 11 LOCATION: 0;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 19 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 12 LOCATION: 0;19 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 20 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 13 LOCATION: 0;20 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 21 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 14 LOCATION: 0;21 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 22 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 15 LOCATION: 0;22 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 23 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 16 LOCATION: 0;23 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 24 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 17 LOCATION: 0;24 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 25 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 18 LOCATION: 0;25 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 26 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 19 LOCATION: 0;26 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 27 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 20 LOCATION: 0;27 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,300) FIELD NUMBER: 300.06 FIELD NAME: CURRENT FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT LOCATION: 300;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'M',D1,'P') FIELD NUMBER: 20 FIELD NAME: TRANSFER DRG LOCATION: P;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 24 FIELD NAME: PROVIDER LOCATION: P;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,535,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: LOSING WARD LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: MOVEMENT DATE LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT('AF', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Admission date cross-reference. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT('ADS', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: For discharge date ranges GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,71 FIELD NUMBER: 79.241 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 10 LOCATION: 71;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.242 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 11 LOCATION: 71;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.243 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 12 LOCATION: 71;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.244 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 13 LOCATION: 71;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.245 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 14 LOCATION: 71;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.246 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 15 LOCATION: 71;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.247 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 16 LOCATION: 71;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.248 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 17 LOCATION: 71;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.249 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 18 LOCATION: 71;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.2491 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 19 LOCATION: 71;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.24911 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 20 LOCATION: 71;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.24912 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 21 LOCATION: 71;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.24913 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 22 LOCATION: 71;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.24914 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 24 LOCATION: 71;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 79.24915 FIELD NAME: SECONDARY DX 24 LOCATION: 71;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,82 FIELD NUMBER: 82.01 FIELD NAME: POA PRINCIPAL DX LOCATION: 82;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.02 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 1 LOCATION: 82;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.03 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 2 LOCATION: 82;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.04 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 3 LOCATION: 82;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.05 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 4 LOCATION: 82;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.06 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 5 LOCATION: 82;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.07 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 6 LOCATION: 82;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.08 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 7 LOCATION: 82;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.09 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 8 LOCATION: 82;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.1 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 9 LOCATION: 82;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.11 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 10 LOCATION: 82;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.12 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 11 LOCATION: 82;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.13 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 12 LOCATION: 82;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.14 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 13 LOCATION: 82;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.15 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 14 LOCATION: 82;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.16 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 15 LOCATION: 82;16 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.17 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 16 LOCATION: 82;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.18 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 17 LOCATION: 82;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.19 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 18 LOCATION: 82;19 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.2 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 19 LOCATION: 82;20 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.21 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 20 LOCATION: 82;21 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.22 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 21 LOCATION: 82;22 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.23 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 22 LOCATION: 82;23 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.24 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 23 LOCATION: 82;24 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.25 FIELD NAME: POA SECONDARY DX 24 LOCATION: 82;25 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'M',D1,81 FIELD NUMBER: 81.01 FIELD NAME: ICD 11 LOCATION: 81;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.02 FIELD NAME: ICD 12 LOCATION: 81;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.03 FIELD NAME: ICD 13 LOCATION: 81;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.04 FIELD NAME: ICD 14 LOCATION: 81;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.05 FIELD NAME: ICD 15 LOCATION: 81;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.06 FIELD NAME: ICD 16 LOCATION: 81;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.07 FIELD NAME: ICD 17 LOCATION: 81;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.08 FIELD NAME: ICD 18 LOCATION: 81;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.09 FIELD NAME: ICD 19 LOCATION: 81;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.1 FIELD NAME: ICD 20 LOCATION: 81;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.12 FIELD NAME: ICD 22 LOCATION: 81;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.11 FIELD NAME: ICD 21 LOCATION: 81;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.13 FIELD NAME: ICD 23 LOCATION: 81;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.14 FIELD NAME: ICD 24 LOCATION: 81;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 81.15 FIELD NAME: ICD 25 LOCATION: 81;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'M',D1,82 FIELD NUMBER: 82.01 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 1 LOCATION: 82;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.02 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 2 LOCATION: 82;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.03 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 3 LOCATION: 82;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.04 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 4 LOCATION: 82;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.05 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 5 LOCATION: 82;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.06 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 6 LOCATION: 82;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.07 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 7 LOCATION: 82;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.08 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 8 LOCATION: 82;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.09 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 9 LOCATION: 82;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.1 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 10 LOCATION: 82;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.11 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 11 LOCATION: 82;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.12 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 12 LOCATION: 82;12 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.13 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 13 LOCATION: 82;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.14 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 14 LOCATION: 82;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.15 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 15 LOCATION: 82;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.16 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 16 LOCATION: 82;16 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.17 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 17 LOCATION: 82;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.18 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 18 LOCATION: 82;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.19 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 19 LOCATION: 82;19 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.2 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 20 LOCATION: 82;20 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.21 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 21 LOCATION: 82;21 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.22 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 22 LOCATION: 82;22 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.23 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 23 LOCATION: 82;23 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.24 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 24 LOCATION: 82;24 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 82.25 FIELD NAME: POA FOR ICD 25 LOCATION: 82;25 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'P',D1,1 FIELD NUMBER: 24 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 21 LOCATION: 1;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 25 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 22 LOCATION: 1;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 26 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 23 LOCATION: 1;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 27 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 24 LOCATION: 1;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 28 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE CODE 25 LOCATION: 1;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPT(D0,'S',D1,1 FIELD NUMBER: 28 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 21 LOCATION: 1;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 29 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 22 LOCATION: 1;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 30 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 23 LOCATION: 1;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 31 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 24 LOCATION: 1;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 32 FIELD NAME: OPERATION CODE 25 LOCATION: 1;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: COMPUTED FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: DRG LOCATION: COMPUTED ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Only Integrated Billing has permission to reference this field. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This ICR supports access to PTF (#45) file cross-references and data fields. Data fields may be accessed using a Direct Global Read or with Fileman. NOTE: Existing subscribers to this ICR are grandfathered in for accessing PTF (#45) Diagnosis, Present on Admission (POA), Procedure code, and Surgical code data fields. However, current subscribers are encouraged to use ICR 6130 in the future. ICR 6130 supports the use of PTF Utility API's to access PTF (#45) Diagnosis, Present on Admission (POA) indicators, Procedure code, and Surgical code fields, instead of accessing fields directly or using Fileman. New subscribers should not be added to this ICR if PTF (#45) file data fields may be obtained using the PTF Utility API's supported by ICR 6130. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 29756507 KEYWORDS: PTF KEYWORDS: DGPT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Dallas SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: AR references only the ADMISSION DATE and the DISCHARGE DATE. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ONCOLOGY SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: added 2/25/09 DBA Comments: 09/16/14 DT: Added Kevin Louck as editor.The ICD-10 PTF Modifications project (DG*5.3*884) will be expanding on the work originally done by Alan Skinner for released patch DG*5.3*850. The ICD-10 PTF Modifications project will also be making the changes in IB and Lab to consume and utilize the new fields. 9/18/15-MM: Kevin added a descripiton to the ICR along with the new fields associated with DG*5.3*850 and DG*5.3*884. DG*5.3*884 build included patches DG*5.3*884, LR*5.2*442, ROR*1.5*25, GMTS*2.7*111, IB*2.0*522, and OR*3.0*406. 9/22/15-MM: The ICR team received a request to add Spinal Cord Dysfunction as a subscriber to ICR #418 in June 2012. Alan Skinner provided concurrence but Spinal Cord was never added as a subscriber. ICD-10 PTF Modification Project (Kevin Louck and Tarazia Bennett) indicated Spinal Cord application is being decommissioned and there is no need to add the application as a subscriber to the ICR. Kevin also indicated changes to ICR #418 did not impact Mental Health, Accounts Receivable or Oncology. Subscribing packages IB, Lab and CPRS required remediation to use the new fields being added to the PTF (#45) file. Changes to these packages were released as part of a combined multi-package build in DG*5.3*884 released nationally on 9/2/15. DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 25, 2009@16:29 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: RIKARD,KEN WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MULLER,RICHARD DATE/TIME EDITED: SEP 16, 2014@11:48 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: LOUCK,KEVIN NUMBER: 419 IA #: 419 FILE NUMBER: 405 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPM( DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA419 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 419 ID: DGPM( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This pointer is needed to associate Claims Tracking and special inpatient billing case records with an admission. Movement date/time is displayed on several reports. FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: TRANSACTION LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The transaction type is printed on several reports. FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: PATIENT LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine the patient for the movement FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: WARD LOCATION LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Ward location is printed on several reports. FIELD NUMBER: .09 FIELD NAME: FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Billing for the movement is dependent upon treating specialty. FIELD NUMBER: .11 FIELD NAME: ADMITTED FOR SC CONDITION? LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine if the admission is related to an SC condition. FIELD NUMBER: .16 FIELD NAME: PTF ENTRY LOCATION: 0;16 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine the associated PTF entry for an admission. FIELD NUMBER: .17 FIELD NAME: DISCHARGE/CHECK-OUT MOVEMENT LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine the discharge movement for an admission. FIELD NUMBER: .14 FIELD NAME: ADMISSION/CHECK-IN MOVEMENT LOCATION: 0;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The field is used to find the pointer to the admission movement that is associated with a discharge movement. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('AMV1', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "AMV1" cross-reference is used to find all admissions within a specified date/time range. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('AMV2', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "AMV2" cross-reference is used to find all transfers within a specified date/time range. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('AMV3', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "AMV3" cross-reference is used to find all discharges within a specified date/time range. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('ATID1', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "ATID1" cross-reference is used to find all admissions for a patient. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('ATS', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "ATS" cross-reference is used to find the treating specialty for a patient for a given date/time. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('APTF', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "APTF" cross-reference is used to find the pointer to the admission movement for a specific PTF entry. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('ATID3',DFN, GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "ATID3" cross-reference is used to find all discharges that are associated with a patient (where DFN is a pointer to the patient in file #2). GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM('ATT3', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "ATT3" cross-reference is used to find all discharges which occurred during a user-specified date range. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 23720883 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: BENEFICIARY TRAVEL SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SOCIAL WORK SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MRSA INITIATIVE REPORTS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: LR ADDED 3/21/11 DBA Comments: 12/24/14-MM: Phil Burkhalter from Scheduling Calendar View said the MBAA PATIENT ADMISSIONS RPC is not included in this release of SCV or VAR2. Request can be withdrawn. DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 10, 2009@15:49 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: MCDEARMON,JAMES WITH CONCURRENCE OF: MULLER,RICHARD DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 21, 2011@09:05 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: SMULLEN,GEOFFREY WITH CONCURRENCE OF: KOPECKY,STEVE NUMBER: 420 IA #: 420 DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGMTU NAME: DBIA420 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 420 ID: DGMTU STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DIS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: There is no varible output from this call. The call is used to display to the screen current Means Test information for a patient when creating a bill. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the patient in file #2 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 421 IA #: 421 DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGUTL2 NAME: DBIA421 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 421 ID: DGUTL2 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PLASIH COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This call is used to determine the number of days in an admission which are not billable on a claim. VARIABLES: DGBDT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Begin date of date range VARIABLES: DGEDT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: End date of date range VARIABLES: DGADM TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Admission date VARIABLES: DGPMCA TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to corresponding admission in the Patient Movement (405) file. VARIABLES: DGREC TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Number of days on pass, leave and ASIH for a dage range within an admission. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 422 IA #: 422 DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGPTUTL NAME: DBIA422 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 422 ID: DGPTUTL STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: UPDT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: There is no variable output from this call. The call is used to update the movements on the PTF record before the automatic bill calculator determines the charges for the admission. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the patient in file #2 VARIABLES: PTF TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the PTF record in file 45. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 423 IA #: 423 DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGMTCOU1 NAME: DGMTCOU1 - Medication Copay Exemption API ORIGINAL NUMBER: 423 ID: DGMTCOU1 CREATOR: BRICKER,DENNIS STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 53912657 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$AUTOINFO(DFN) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Output: The following string of characteristics for a patient: 1^2^3^4^5^6^7^8^9^10, where 1 = Pt SC>50% [1-yes|0 or null-no] 2 = Receives Aid & Attendance [1-yes|0 or null-no] 3 = Receives Housebound benefits [1-yes|0 or null-no] 4 = Receives VA Pension [1-yes|0 or null-no] 5 = Receives Military Disability Retirement [1-yes|0 or null-no] 6 = Non-veteran [1-yes|0 or null-no] 7 = Inpatient [1-yes|0 or null-no] (not used by IB) 8 = Former POW veteran [1-yes|0 or null-no] 9 = Unemployable veteran [1-yes|0 or null-no] 10 = Catastrophically Disabled veteran [1-yes|0 or null-no] This call is used to determine if a patient is automatically exempt from Pharmacy copay. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$LST(DFN,DATE,IND) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Output: The following string of characteristics for a patient's Means Test: 1^2^3^4^5, where 1 = Pointer to the test in file #408.31 2 = Date of Test 3 = Test Status Name 4 = Test Status Code 5 = Type of Test used This call is used to determine which Means Test or Copay Test should be used to determine if a patient is exempt from Pharmacy copay based on reported income. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the patient in file #2. VARIABLES: DATE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Desired date to return Means test data VARIABLES: IND TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Indicator to determine what types of tests to use: 1 -> Means Tests only 2 -> Copay Tests only else -> both Means Tests and Copay Tests SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany DBA Comments: 20110303 JSHARVEY - Field " Catastrophically Disabled" veteran added to the returned data string. DATE ACTIVATED: MAR 04, 2011 DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 03, 2011@14:25 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: BRICKER,DENNIS WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ZEIGLER,ED DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 04, 2011@13:11 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: BRICKER,DENNIS WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ZEIGLER,ED NUMBER: 424 IA #: 424 DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGMTU11 NAME: DBIA424 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 424 ID: DGMTU11 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: GETREL(DFN,IND,DATE) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: The call is used to determine the spouse relation so that the spouse name and SSN may be retrieved. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the patient in file 2 VARIABLES: IND TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Indicator to determine what types of dependents toeturn data for (input is always 's' for spouse). VARIABLES: DATE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Desired effective date to return relations data. VARIABLES: DGREL('S') TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the spouse reference in the patient relation file (408.12) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 425 IA #: 425 DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGMTU1 NAME: DBIA425 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 425 ID: DGMTU1 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$NAME(IND) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This function returns the spouse name, which is displayed on a report. VARIABLES: IND TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the spouse reference in the patient relation file (408.12) COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$SSN(IND) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This function returns the spouse Social Security Number, which is displayed on a report. VARIABLES: IND TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the spouse reference in the patient relation file (408.12) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 426 IA #: 426 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA426 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 426 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.11) FIELD NUMBER: .111 FIELD NAME: STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] LOCATION: .11;1 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .112 FIELD NAME: STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] LOCATION: .11;2 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .113 FIELD NAME: STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] LOCATION: .11;3 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .114 FIELD NAME: CITY LOCATION: .11;4 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .115 FIELD NAME: STATE LOCATION: .11;5 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .1112 FIELD NAME: ZIP+4 LOCATION: .11;12 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .117 FIELD NAME: COUNTY LOCATION: .11;7 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.13) FIELD NUMBER: .131 FIELD NAME: PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE] LOCATION: .13;1 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .132 FIELD NAME: PHONE NUMBER [WORK] LOCATION: .13;2 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.121) FIELD NUMBER: .12105 FIELD NAME: TEMPORARY ADDRESS ACTIVE? LOCATION: .121;9 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used to determine if the patient's temporary address should be used on screens and bills. FIELD NUMBER: .1215 FIELD NAME: TEMPORARY STATE LOCATION: .121;5 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used as an indicator that the temporary address exists. FIELD NUMBER: .1211 FIELD NAME: TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 1] LOCATION: .121;1 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .1212 FIELD NAME: TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 2] LOCATION: .121;2 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .1213 FIELD NAME: TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 3] LOCATION: .121;3 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .1214 FIELD NAME: TEMPORARY CITY LOCATION: .121;4 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .1217 FIELD NAME: TEMPORARY ADDRESS START DATE LOCATION: .121;7 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .1218 FIELD NAME: TEMPORARY ADDRESS END DATE LOCATION: .121;8 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .12112 FIELD NAME: TEMPORARY ZIP+4 LOCATION: .121;12 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.22) FIELD NUMBER: .2205 FIELD NAME: EMPLOYER ZIP+4 LOCATION: .22;5 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .2206 FIELD NAME: SPOUSE'S EMP ZIP+4 LOCATION: .22;5 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.25) FIELD NUMBER: .251 FIELD NAME: SPOUSE'S EMPLOYER LOCATION: .25;1 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .252 FIELD NAME: SPOUSE'S EMP STREET [LINE 1] LOCATION: 25;2 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .256 FIELD NAME: SPOUSE'S EMPLOYER'S STATE LOCATION: 25;6 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .258 FIELD NAME: SPOUSE'S EMP PHONE NUMBER LOCATION: 25;8 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Displayed on screens. FIELD NUMBER: .253 FIELD NAME: SPOUSE'S EMP STREET [LINE W] LOCATION: .25;3 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .254 FIELD NAME: SPOUSE'S EMP STREET [LINE 3] LOCATION: .25;4 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .255 FIELD NAME: SPOUSE'S EMPLOYER CITY LOCATION: .25;5 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.3) FIELD NUMBER: .301 FIELD NAME: SERVICE CONNECTED? LOCATION: 3;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used to determine whether to check for SC related movements for claims. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.311) FIELD NUMBER: .3111 FIELD NAME: EMPLOYER NAME LOCATION: .311;1 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .31115 FIELD NAME: EMPLOYMENT STATUS LOCATION: .311;15 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens, and used to determine whether employer data is printed on a claim. FIELD NUMBER: .3116 FIELD NAME: EMPLOYER CITY LOCATION: .311;6 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .3117 FIELD NAME: EMPLOYER STATE LOCATION: .311;7 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Printed on screens and bills FIELD NUMBER: .3119 FIELD NAME: EMPLOYER PHONE NUMBER LOCATION: .311;9 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Displayed on screens FIELD NUMBER: .3113 FIELD NAME: EMPLOYER STREET [LINE 1] LOCATION: .311;3 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .3114 FIELD NAME: EMPLOYER STREET [LINE 2] LOCATION: .311;4 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .3115 FIELD NAME: EMPLOYER STREET [LINE 3] LOCATION: .311;5 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.36) FIELD NUMBER: .361 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE LOCATION: .36;1 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This code is printed on several reports. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.361) FIELD NUMBER: .3611 FIELD NAME: ELIGIBILITY STATUS LOCATION: .361;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This status is used to determine if a HINQ request should be made. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.01,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ALIAS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Displayed on screens. FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: ALIAS SSN LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: SEX LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: DATE OF BIRTH LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: MARITAL STATUS LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .07 FIELD NAME: OCCUPATION LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,'VET') FIELD NUMBER: 1901 FIELD NAME: VETERAN (Y/N)? LOCATION: VET;1 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,DIS,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: FACILITY APPLYING TO LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used to place registration on correct report when printing by division. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,DIS,D1,2) FIELD NUMBER: 20 FIELD NAME: NEED RELATED TO OCCUPATION LOCATION: 2;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used to determine if the registration may be claimed as a Worker's Compensation case. FIELD NUMBER: 23 FIELD NAME: NEED RELATED TO AN ACCIDENT LOCATION: 2;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Used to determine if the registration may be claimed as a Tort Feasor case. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0 FIELD NUMBER: .001 FIELD NAME: NUMBER LOCATION: ENTRY IEN ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This global reference defines direct global access to the internal entry number of each entry in file #2. A full file scan of all entries in file #2 is required to find all patients who were entered into the file (using field #.097, DATE ENTERED INTO FILE) within a user-specified date range. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.38) FIELD NUMBER: .381 FIELD NAME: ELIGIBLE FOR MEDICAID? LOCATION: .38;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is displayed on the First Party Follow-Up Report [IBJD FOLLOW-UP FIRST PARTY] so that the Accounts Receivable clerk conducting follow-up activities knows that the patient has been covered under Medicaid. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 32775542 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 427 IA #: 427 FILE NUMBER: 8 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(8, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA427 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 427 ID: DIC(8, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(8,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Eligibility code name is printed on several reports. FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: VA CODE NUMBER LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The VA code number is printed in place of the eligibility code on one report FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: PRINT NAME LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Eligibility code print name is printed on several reports. FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: MAS ELIGIBILITY CODE LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The MAS eligibility code is used to determine if a patient is a CHAMPVA patient (code=12) FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: INACTIVE LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: TYPE LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The value of the TYPE field is required to determine if a patient is receiving care due to his Veteran or Non-Veteran eligibility. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 32775545 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: DSS EXTRACTS performs a FileMan read on MAS ELIGIBILITY CODE (#8) only. No other fields in the record are accessed. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL INFO RESOURCE NETWORK SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: BENEFICIARY TRAVEL SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 2/28/2012 DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 29, 2012@13:45 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARVEY,JULIE NUMBER: 428 IA #: 428 FILE NUMBER: 11 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(11, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA428 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 428 ID: DIC(11, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(11,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Marital status name is printed on reports, screens, and bills. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 429 IA #: 429 FILE NUMBER: 41.1 GLOBAL ROOT: DGS(41.1, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA429 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 429 ID: DGS(41.1, CREATOR: JUTZI,WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGS(41.1,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PATIENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine the patient who is scheduled for admission FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: RESERVATION DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Determine the scheduled admission date/time FIELD NUMBER: 13 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME CANCELLED LOCATION: 0;13 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine if the scheduled admission has been canceled. FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: ADMITTED LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine if the patient is already admitted. FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: PROVIDER LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGS(41.1,'C', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The "C" cross-reference is used to find all scheduled admissions within a specified date range. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGS(41.1,'B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The 'B' cross-reference is used to find all scheduled admissions associated with a patient. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 23720883 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany EDITOR: JUTZI,WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER DBA Comments: 10/28/14-DT: Added William C. Jutzi as editor to add the ordering provider as an additional field in this existing ICR. DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 28, 2014@13:31 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: JUTZI,WILLIAM NUMBER: 430 IA #: 430 FILE NUMBER: 42.4 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(42.4, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA430 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 430 ID: DIC(42.4, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(42.4,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The specialty name is printed on several reports. FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: SERVICE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The service is used to track changes in jajor bed sections. FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: BILLING RATE BEDSECTION LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The billing rate bedsection is used to determine if a specialty is billable. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10505091 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany DBA Comments: 12/24/14-MM: Scheduling Calendar View asked to be added as a subscriber to this ICR but withdrew this request after it was determined the MBAA PATIENT ADMISSIONS RPC would not be included in the release of MBAA or VAR2 (MBAA*1.0*1). They may also have changed their code to use Fileman. NUMBER: 431 IA #: 431 FILE NUMBER: 43 GLOBAL ROOT: DG(43, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA431 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 431 ID: DG(43, CREATOR: BRICKER,DENNIS GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(43,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 76 FIELD NAME: USE HIGH INTENSITY ON SCREENS LOCATION: 0;36 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine if high intensity should be used on the billing screens. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(43,D0,'TERM',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: EXCLUDE WHICH TERMINAL TYPES LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine if high intensity should be used on the billing screens, based on the terminal type. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(43,D0,'VERSION) FIELD NUMBER: 999 FIELD NAME: VERSION LOCATION: VERSION;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used in the pre-init routine to determine if PIMS v5.3 has been installed. GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(43,D0,'VFA') FIELD NUMBER: 1205 FIELD NAME: VFA START DATE LOCATION: VFA;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The date, January 1,2013, that the Veteran Financial Assessment(VFA) project becomes operational. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 60974980 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: BENEFICIARY TRAVEL SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: Using VERSION(#999) field. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: Using Field (#76) -USE HIGH INTENSITY ON SCREENS Using Field (#77) - EXCLUDE WHICH TERMINAL TYPES DBA Comments: 4/5/13-MM: DG*5.3*858 will be released as a combined build containing DG*5.3*858, IVM*2*154 and EAS*1*106. The VFA Start Date (#1205) field is a new field in the MAS Parameter (#43) file approved by the DBA. The developers for these patches and for IB*2*385 have requested to add a new field to ICR #431 for this project. Integrated Billing is a current subscriber to ICR #431 and will be utilizing this field in IB*2*385. Without package level teams, it can be difficult to find resources to review ICR requests. At this time, we are not aware of a knowledgeable Registration resource to review this request but do not believe additional review by Registration is needed. The patch developers responsible for providing the solution for the Veteran Financial Application project are requesting the modification. 4/9/13-MM: Dennis Bricker (Registration developer) completed modifications to the ICR. Ed reviewed and concurred with the updates. ICR has been re-actived for DG*5.3*858, IVM*2*154, EAS*1*106 and IB*2*385. A release schedule for these patches is not known at this time. 7/15/13-MC: Beneficiary Travel added as subscriber in order to retrieve the new VFA start date needed for the Veterans Financial coding modifications to the B to the Beneficiary Travel package relating to the discontinuance of the Means Test expirations. Patch # DGBT*1.0*24. Part of host file DG*5.3*858 8/12/13-MC: Added IVM and EAS as subscribers to document existing access to those fiel to fields (#76) and (#77). DATE ACTIVATED: APR 09, 2013 DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 05, 2013@10:30 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: BRICKER,DENNIS WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BRICKER,DENNIS DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 09, 2013@15:37 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: ZEIGLER,ED WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BRICKER,DENNIS DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 15, 2013@15:04 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: KOPECKY,STEVE DATE/TIME EDITED: AUG 12, 2013@15:06 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BRICKER,DENNIS NUMBER: 432 IA #: 432 FILE NUMBER: 49 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(49, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA432 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 432 ID: DIC(49, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(49,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Service name is displayed n several screens. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 2/28/2012 DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 29, 2012@13:48 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BEUSCHEL,GARY NUMBER: 433 IA #: 433 FILE NUMBER: 405.3 GLOBAL ROOT: DG(405.3, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA433 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 433 ID: DG(405.3, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(405.3,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The disposition name is printed on several outputs. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION DBA Comments: JSHARVEY/20070122 Original usage was Private. Inclusion of SCID made it Controlled. DATE/TIME EDITED: JAN 23, 2007@23:19 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: SWESKY,JEFF WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARRIS,DONNA DATE/TIME EDITED: JAN 23, 2007@23:20 ACTION: USAGE CHOICE CHANGED AT THE REQUEST OF: SWESKY,JEFF WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARRIS,DONNA NUMBER: 434 IA #: 434 FILE NUMBER: 408.31 GLOBAL ROOT: DGMT(408.31, DATE CREATED: APR 05, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA434 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 434 ID: DGMT(408.31, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGMT(408.31,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE OF TEST LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The date/time is needed to determine the date/time of the RX copay exemption. FIELD NUMBER: .019 FIELD NAME: TYPE OF TEST LOCATION: 0;19 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The type is used to determine if the test is a copay test. FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: PATIENT LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine the patient ofr the copay test. FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: STATUS LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The status of the copay test is used to determine RX copay exemption status. FIELD NUMBER: .04 FIELD NAME: INCOME LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The income is used to determine RX copay exemption status. FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: NET WORTH LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The net worth is used to determine RX copay exemption status FIELD NUMBER: .1 FIELD NAME: ADJUDICATION DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The adjudication date/time is used to determine RX copay exemption hardships. FIELD NUMBER: .14 FIELD NAME: DECLINES TO GIVE INCOME INFO LOCATION: 0;14 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine is not exempt from rx copay based on no available income. FIELD NUMBER: .15 FIELD NAME: DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES LOCATION: 0;15 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Deductible expenses is used to determine rx copay exemption status. FIELD NUMBER: .18 FIELD NAME: TOTAL DEPENDENTS LOCATION: 0;18 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Total Dependents is used to determine the appropriate pension threshold level for rx copay exemptions. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: BENEFICIARY TRAVEL SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE NUMBER: 435 IA #: 435 FILE NUMBER: 50.8 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(50.8, DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA435 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 435 ID: PS(50.8, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(50.8,D0,2,D1,2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: IV DRUG LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: DISPENSED UNITS (IV DRUG) LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: RETURNED UNITS (IV DRUG) LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: DESTROYED UNITS (IV DRUG) LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: AVERAGE DRUG COST PER UNIT LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: DRUG UNIT LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: TYPE LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(50.8,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: IV ROOM LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(50.8,D0,2,D1,2,'AC', STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 436 IA #: 436 FILE NUMBER: 52.6 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(52.6, DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA436 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 436 ID: PS(52.6, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(52.6, FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PRINT NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: GENERIC DRUG LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DRUG UNIT LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: AVERAGE DRUG COST PER UNIT LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 12 FIELD NAME: INACTIVATION DATE LOCATION: I;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: X-REF FIELD NAME: AOI LOCATION: x-ref ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of June 1, 2006. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: BAR CODE MED ADMIN EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T NUMBER: 437 IA #: 437 FILE NUMBER: 52.7 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(52.7, DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA437 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 437 ID: PS(52.7, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(52.7, FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PRINT NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: GENERIC DRUG LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: AVERAGE DRUG COST LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: INACTIVATION DATE LOCATION: I;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: VOLUME LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: X-REF FIELD NAME: AOI LOCATION: x-ref ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of June 1, 2006. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: BAR CODE MED ADMIN EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T NUMBER: 438 IA #: 438 FILE NUMBER: 57.6 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(57.6, DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA438 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 438 ID: PS(57.6, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(57.6,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(57.6,D0,1,D1,1,D2,1,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DRUG LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: DISPENSED AMOUNT LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DISPENSED COST LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: RETURNED AMOUNT LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: RETURNED COST LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 439 IA #: 439 FILE NUMBER: 394.61 GLOBAL ROOT: VAT(394.61, DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA439-A ORIGINAL NUMBER: 439 ID: VAT(394.61, GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.61,'A1AY', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: As the result of changing from a local name space (A1AY) and numbering sequence to a national name space (PPP) and numbering sequence, Pharmacy Prescription Practices v1.0 (PPP) will need to kill and directly set MUMPS cross references in the VAQ - TRANSACTION file. GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.61,D0,SEG,'A1AY2', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: As the result of changing from a local name space (A1AY) and numbering sequence to a national name space (PPP) and numbering sequence, Pharmacy Prescription Practices v1.0 (PPP) will need to kill and directly set MUMPS cross references in the VAQ - TRANSACTION file. GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.61,'PPP', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The cross reference to create this is a MUMPS cross reference on the Current Status field (#.02) of the VAQ - TRANSACTION file (#394.61) This cross reference is used to update information in the PPP FOREIGN FACILITY XREF file (#1020.2). GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.61,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: Transaction Number LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 440 IA #: 440 DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: VAQUPD25 NAME: DBIA439-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 439 ID: VAQUPD25 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EXTARR(...) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Output: 0 - Success (non-display ready) n - Number of lines in display (display ready format) -1^Error_Text - Error Notes: If the segment is not in display ready format ROOT("VALUE",File,Field,Seq)=Data ROOT("ID",File,Field,Seq)=Identifier If the segment is in display ready format ROOT("DISPLAY",LineNumber,0)=Line of display VARIABLES: TRAN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to VAQ - Transaction file VARIABLES: SEG TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to VAQ - Data segment file VARIABLES: ROOT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Where to store the extraction array (full global ref). VARIABLES: OFFSET TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Where to begin placing information (defaults to 0) (Only valid for extractions that are in Display Ready format). SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 441 IA #: 441 DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Supported TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: VAQUIN01 NAME: DBIA439-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 439 ID: VAQUIN01 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PDX(.......) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Output: 0 - ok -1^error text VARIABLES: VAQOPT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: REQ=request, UNS=unsolicited VARIABLES: VAQDFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: IFN of patient in patient file VARIABLES: VAQNM TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Name of patient VARIABLES: VAQISSN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Patient SSN (no dashes) VARIABLES: VAQIDOB TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: patients date of birth (external format) VARIABLES: DOMROOT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: array of domains (full global reference) (ie: PXB.ISC-ALBANY.DOMAIN)=Institution name or null) VARIABLES: SEGROOT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: array of segments (full globlobal reference) (ie: PDX*MIN)=P1^P2 P1 = TIME LIMIT P2 = OCCURRENCE LIMIT VARIABLES: NOTROOT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: array of who to notify (only used for request) VARIABLES: TLIMIT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: time limit for health summary (ie: 1D,12M,5Y) VARIABLES: OLIMIT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: occurrence limit for health summary, up to 5 digits NUMBER: 442 IA #: 442 DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PPPFMX2 NAME: DBIA439-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 439 ID: PPPFMX2 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 14263120 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PDXTRIG(.) VARIABLES: TRANPTR TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to VAQ - TRANSACTION file VARIABLES: MODE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Which 'logic' to use (SET or KILL) 1 = SET (default) 0 = KILL SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE ISC: Albany DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 24, 2009@12:00 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: ANWER,MOHAMED NUMBER: 443 IA #: 443 FILE NUMBER: 394.71 GLOBAL ROOT: VAT(394.71, DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA439-E ORIGINAL NUMBER: 439 ID: VAT(394.71, GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.71,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: Data Segment Name LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.71,C,SEGMENT NAME, FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: Data Segement Name LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Used to extract segment pointer information STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 14263120 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 444 IA #: 444 FILE NUMBER: 394.62 GLOBAL ROOT: VAT(394.62, DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA439-F ORIGINAL NUMBER: 439 ID: VAT(394.62, GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.62,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: Data LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.62,A-SEGMENT, FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: Data LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.62,DATAPTR,VAL, FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: Value LOCATION: VAL;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.62,DATAPTR,SQNCE, FIELD NUMBER: 30 FIELD NAME: Sequence number LOCATION: SQNCE;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Used to extract segment data from data file STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 14263120 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 445 IA #: 445 FILE NUMBER: 394.85 GLOBAL ROOT: VAT(394.85, DATE CREATED: APR 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PATIENT DATA EXCHANGE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA439-G ORIGINAL NUMBER: 439 ID: VAT(394.85, GLOBAL REFERENCE: VAT(394.85,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: Code LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: Status LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Used to extract PDX status STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 14263120 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 446 IA #: 446 FILE NUMBER: 9999999.27 GLOBAL ROOT: AUTNPOV( DATE CREATED: APR 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA446 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 446 ID: AUTNPOV( GLOBAL REFERENCE: AUTNPOV(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NARRATIVE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global R/W & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Access to the IHS Provider Narrative File (^AUTNPOV). Access is defined as the ability to READ to and WRITE from this file. The Problem List Application stores the original problem narrative entered by the clinician in ^AUTNPOV. The natural language narrative, along with the accompanying coded data, is displayed for use by the clinician. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 447 IA #: 447 FILE NUMBER: 9000001 GLOBAL ROOT: AUPNPAT( DATE CREATED: APR 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA447 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 447 ID: AUPNPAT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: AUPNPAT(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field points to the Patient File (#2) and has the same internal file number as that file. Thus, the patient's name is the Patient File (#2) name. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: READ only access to the Patient/IHS File (^AUPNPAT). This file is a subset of the IHS Patient File. It is required to be installed as all VAMCs wishing to use the Problem List Application. Use of this file assures backward compatibility with IHS software. The patient's name and IFN is initially selected from this file. Then used for look-up purposes with the VA's Patient File (^DPT). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 448 IA #: 448 FILE NUMBER: 9000011 GLOBAL ROOT: AUPNPROB( DATE CREATED: APR 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA448 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 448 ID: AUPNPROB( GLOBAL REFERENCE: AUPNPROB(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: PATIENT NAME LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Points to #9000001 PATIENT/IHS FILE GENERAL DESCRIPTION: READ only access to the Patient/IHS File (^AUPNPAT). This file is a subset of the IHS Patient File. It is required to be installed as all VAMCs wishing to use the Problem List Application. Use of this file assures backward compatibility with IHS software. The patient's name and IFN is initially selected from this file. Then used for look-up purposes with the VA's Patient File (^DPT). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROBLEM LIST ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 449 IA #: 449 DATE CREATED: APR 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA449 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 449 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The CPT package currently has five table files which reside in the DIC global. These are as follows: o CPT CATEGORY (#81.1) data is in ^DIC(81.1, o CPT COPYRIGHT (#81.2) data is in ^DIC(81.2, o CPT MODIFIER (#81.3) data is in ^DIC(81.3, o CPT MODIFIER CATEGORY (#81.4) data is in ^DIC(81.4, o CPT SOURCE (#81.5) data is in ^DIC(81.5, STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CPT/HCPCS CODES ISC: Albany NUMBER: 450 IA #: 450 DATE CREATED: MAY 09, 1995 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA450 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 450 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The CPT package would like to make the following integration request with the Scheduling package: Request to export the following scheduling routine change to Scheduling v5.3 with the CPT annual release: Routine Reason ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SDAMBAE3 Update the effective date reference for current release. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 13548805 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CPT/HCPCS CODES ISC: Albany NUMBER: 451 IA #: 451 FILE NUMBER: 409.71 GLOBAL ROOT: SD(409.71, DATE CREATED: APR 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA451 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 451 ID: SD(409.71, GLOBAL REFERENCE: SD(409.71 GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Reason: To populate the Ambulatory Procedure file with all the CPT codes. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 13548805 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CPT/HCPCS CODES ISC: Albany NUMBER: 452 IA #: 452 FILE NUMBER: 409.72 GLOBAL ROOT: SD(409.72, DATE CREATED: APR 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA452 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 452 ID: SD(409.72, GLOBAL REFERENCE: SD(409.72 GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Reason: To populate the Ambulatory Procedure Time Sensitive file with current CPT codes. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 13548805 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CPT/HCPCS CODES ISC: Albany NUMBER: 453 IA #: 453 FILE NUMBER: 121.2 GLOBAL ROOT: GMR(121.2, DATE CREATED: APR 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PROGRESS NOTES CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA453 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 453 ID: GMR(121.2, GLOBAL REFERENCE: GMR(121.2,'B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Direct global read access to the "B" cross-reference will be used to determine the internal entry number for that record. GLOBAL REFERENCE: GMR(121.2,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: PROGRESS NOTE TYPE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Write w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: A "one time only" change to the .01 value of File 121.2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Adverse Reaction Tracking package (ART) needs to be able to check for the existence of the ALLERGY/ADVERSE REACTION entry in the B cross reference in the Generic Progress Notes Title (#121.2) file. The ART v4.0 post-init routine will change the .01 value of this File 121.2 entry to ADVERSE REACTION/ALLERGY. After ART v4.0 is installed, ART will check for the existence of the new value in the B cross reference of File 121.2. Also, ART needs to do a direct global read of the second piece of the zero node of this File 121.2 entry to determine the PROGRESS NOTE TYPE value. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 9938256 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 454 IA #: 454 FILE NUMBER: 121.1 GLOBAL ROOT: GMR(121.1, DATE CREATED: APR 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PROGRESS NOTES CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA453 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 453 ID: GMR(121.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: GMR(121.1,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PROGRESS NOTE TYPE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Direct global access read to determine if entry is GENERAL NOTE. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) package needs to look at first piece of the Generic Progress Notes Type (121.1) file to find the GENERAL NOTE entry. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 9938256 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 455 IA #: 455 DATE CREATED: FEB 13, 1996 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PROGRESS NOTES CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: GMRPART NAME: GMRPART ORIGINAL NUMBER: 455 ID: GMRPART GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) package will use the GMRPART utility to generate a progress note with a title of ALLERGY/ADVERSE REACTION. ART will pass the necessary data, by reference, to the GMRPART routine with the exception of the text of the progress note which will exist in the TMP global (^TMP("GMRP",$J,) at the time GMRPART is called. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 18471036 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: The Progress Note utility call is: $$PN^GMRPART(GMRPDFN,GMRPDUZ,GMRPDT,GMRPTTL,LOC) VARIABLES: GMRPDUZ TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The user's DUZ number (File #200). VARIABLES: GMRPDFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The patient's internal entry number (File #2). VARIABLES: GMRPDT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The date/time (FileMan format) of the Progress Note. VARIABLES: GMRPTTL TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The internal entry number of the Progress Note Title (File #121.2). VARIABLES: LOC TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The internal entry number of the Hospital Location for the patient (File #44). VARIABLES: TMP('GMRP',$J, TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This temporary global contains the text of the Progress Note. VARIABLES: GMRPIFN TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This variable is passed by reference. If GMRPIFN=-1, then no progress note was created. If GMRPIFN=0 then a progress note was created, but not signed. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines NUMBER: 456 IA #: 456 FILE NUMBER: 58.5 GLOBAL ROOT: PSI(58.5, DATE CREATED: APR 12, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA456 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 456 ID: PSI(58.5, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSI(58.5,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSI(58.5,D0,'S',D1,'AMIS',D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: AMIS FIELD LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: DOSES DISPENSED LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DISPENSED COST LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: DOSES RETURNED LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: RETURNS COST LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSI(58.5,D0,'S',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: INPATIENT SITE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSI(58.5,D0,'S',D1,'DRG',D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DRUG LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: MISSING DATA LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSI(58.5,D0,'S',D1,'DRG',D2,'CAT',D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CATEGORY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY DISPENSED LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSI(58.5,'B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: to identify statistics for a selected time frame GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Used to extract the AR/WS statistics for a selected time frame. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 457 IA #: 457 FILE NUMBER: 757.01 GLOBAL ROOT: GMP(757.01, DATE CREATED: APR 26, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LEXICON UTILITY CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Supported TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: CLINICAL LEXICON EXPRESSIONS ORIGINAL NUMBER: 457 ID: GMP(757.01, GLOBAL REFERENCE: GMP(757.01,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DISPLAY TEXT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The Display Text contained in the Clinical Lexicon is the text which will be used in all display/print routines. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Clinical Lexicon Utility will maintain static internal entry numbers (IENs) for the Expression file (#757.01). As a result, this file may be pointed to to retrieve the Display Text (.01) for both current Expressions and formerly used (deleted) Expressions. STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version MAIL MESSAGE: 21276004 GOOD ONLY FOR VERSION: 1.0 NUMBER: 458 IA #: 458 DATE CREATED: APR 25, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: MAGAPI NAME: DBIA458 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 458 ID: MAGAPI GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan 7.1 is permitted to the make calls to MAGAPI routine in the imaging package: STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version MAIL MESSAGE: 10111211 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: MAGFILE COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This entry point is used to get data about an image attached to a mail message. VARIABLES: MAGXX TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: MAGXX is a pointer to the image file. VARIABLES: MAGFILE TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: MAGFILE is an array containing data about the image passed to the MAGFILE routine. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 459 IA #: 459 FILE NUMBER: 2005 GLOBAL ROOT: MAG(2005, DATE CREATED: APR 25, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA459 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 459 ID: MAG(2005, GLOBAL REFERENCE: MAG(2005,0) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan $ORDERs from here to test to see if there are images in the system and if there are none, assumes that imaging is not installed. GLOBAL REFERENCE: MAG(2005,entry,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: Image Name LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DISK & VOL,MAGNETIC LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: FILEREF LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: OBJECT TYPE LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 14 FIELD NAME: COLLECTION DATE LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: FIELD NUMBER: 2.1 FIELD NAME: DISK & VOLUME. - ABSTRACT LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: FIELD NUMBER: 2.2 FIELD NAME: DISK & VOL.: WORM LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement describes data that MailMan can access from the imaging package. STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version MAIL MESSAGE: 36843935 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 460 IA #: 460 FILE NUMBER: 2005.2 GLOBAL ROOT: MAG(2005.2, DATE CREATED: APR 25, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA460 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 460 ID: MAG(2005.2, GLOBAL REFERENCE: MAG(2005.2,entry,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: PHYSICAL REFERENCE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: This file (NETWORK LOCATION) is used to store information about where an image may be found. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan has permission to access file 2005.2 so that it can find where images are and record their position appropriately. STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version MAIL MESSAGE: 10111211 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 461 IA #: 461 FILE NUMBER: 2005.02 GLOBAL ROOT: MAG(2005.02, DATE CREATED: APR 25, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA461 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 461 ID: MAG(2005.02, GLOBAL REFERENCE: MAG(2005.02,entry,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: OBJECT TYPE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Both R/W w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The object type tells the software which software to use to display it. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Before an image can be displayed, the type of file it is stored in must be known. STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version MAIL MESSAGE: 10111211 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 462 IA #: 462 DATE CREATED: MAY 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: MAGAPI NAME: DBIA462 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 462 ID: MAGAPI GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan has permission to call MAGAPI for 3 purposes. STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version MAIL MESSAGE: 10111211 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: SELIM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: SELIM^MAGAPI(x) allows MailMan to select an image from the image file to attach to a message. VARIABLES: Parameter1 TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the image file VARIABLES: y TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The pointer to the image chosen and its name (same as DIC output). COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ERASE COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: ERASE^MAGAPI(x) allows MailMan to erase an image from the screen. VARIABLES: Parameter1 TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Parameter1 is a pointer to the image. file. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EXPORT(X,Y,Z) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Images must be in a special directory so that they can be transmitted across the network. This entry point creates a copy of the image file in that directory. VARIABLES: Parameter1 TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: When this entry point is called Imaging will copy an image into the export directory. VARIABLES: x TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the image file. VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Directory to move an image into. VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the image file. VARIABLES: Z TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Wait flag if set to other than zero. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$EXPORT(X,Y,Z) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 463 IA #: 463 DATE CREATED: MAY 03, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: MAGBAPI NAME: DBIA463 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 463 ID: MAGBAPI GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan has permission to call MAGBAPI so that images that are imported can be moved into a permanent storage location. STATUS: Active MAIL MESSAGE: 10111211 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: $$IMPORT(X) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Causes image file to be moved to a permanent location from the import directory. VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the image file. VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Returned because call is in the form of an extrinsic function. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 464 IA #: 464 DATE CREATED: APR 25, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: MAGOBJ NAME: DBIA464 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 464 ID: MAGOBJ GENERAL DESCRIPTION: MailMan has permission to call MAGOBJ in order to display an image on a screen while a user is reading a message. STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version MAIL MESSAGE: 10111211 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENTRY(X,Y,Z) COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: This entry point displays an image. E.G. ENTRY^MAGOBJ(X,Y,Z) VARIABLES: X TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pointer to the image file. VARIABLES: Y TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: "DISPLAY" is the hardcoded value that is sent. VARIABLES: Z TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: "" is the hardcoded value that is sent. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MAILMAN ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 465 IA #: 465 FILE NUMBER: 52 GLOBAL ROOT: PSRX( DATE CREATED: APR 26, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA465 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 465 ID: PSRX( GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: RX # LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: DRUG LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: QTY LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: UNIT PRICE OF DRUG LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,1,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: REFILL DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QTY LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Pharmacy Benefits Management software will use the prescription file to extract drug statistics for a selected time frame. STATUS: Active MAIL MESSAGE: 10171105 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 466 IA #: 466 DATE CREATED: OCT 20, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: MAGMIM NAME: DBIA466 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 466 ID: MAGMIM GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Medicine package has been given permission by the Imaging package to do the following: Make calls to the ^MAGMIM routine through the ^MCMAG routine. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 9587178 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: MAGMIM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: ^MAGMIM routine allows the set-up of the variables necessary for image capture. The routine is used during the Image Capture option of the various Medicine modules. This option allows the imaging package to associate images with the various Medicine procedures. VARIABLES: MCFILE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This is the file number of the procedure. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: EN1^MAGMIM entry-point is the same as MAGMIM with the expectation that it happens after the editing of a Medicine procedure. VARIABLES: MCFILE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This is the file number for the current procedure. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 467 IA #: 467 DATE CREATED: OCT 20, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: MAGDISP NAME: DBIA467 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 467 ID: MAGDISP GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Medicine package has been given permission by the Imaging package to do the following: Make calls to the ^MAGDISP routine through the ^MCMAG routine. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 9587178 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: MAGDISP COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: ^MAGDISP routine allows the display of images with a Medicine procedure during the printing of that procedure. VARIABLES: MCFILE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This is the file number for the current procedure. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 468 IA #: 468 DATE CREATED: OCT 20, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: MAGSUM NAME: DBIA468 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 468 ID: MAGSUM GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Medicine package has been given permission by the Imaging package to the following: Make calls to the ^MAGSUM routine through the ^MCMAG routine. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 9587178 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: MAGSUM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: ^MAGSUM routine displays a series of patient images. This routine is used during the Summary of Patient Procedures options. VARIABLES: MCFILE TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This is the file number for the current procedure. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 469 IA #: 469 DATE CREATED: OCT 20, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA469 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 469 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Medicine package has permission by the Imaging package to Kill the ^TMP("MAG",$J,"COL") and ^TMP("MAG",$J,"ROW") globals within the Medicine package upon exiting the Summary of Patient Procedures options. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 9587178 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 470 IA #: 470 FILE NUMBER: 2005 GLOBAL ROOT: MAG(2005 DATE CREATED: OCT 20, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IMAGING CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA470 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 470 ID: MAG(2005 GLOBAL REFERENCE: MAG(2005, GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The Medicine package is pointing to File 2005 to reference each Medicine Procedure that has images. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Medicine package has been given permission by the Imaging package to do the following: Point to the Imaging File (#2005) to reference each Medicine Procedure that has images. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 9587178 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 472 IA #: 472 FILE NUMBER: 50.8 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(50.8, DATE CREATED: APR 26, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA472 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 472 ID: PS(50.8, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(50.8,D0,2,D1,2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: IV DRUG LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: DISPENSED UNIT (IV DRUG) LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: RETURNED UNITS (IV DRUG) LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: DESTROYED UNITS (IV DRUG) LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: AVERAGE DRUG COST PER UNIT LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: DRUG UNIT LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: TYPE LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: D&PPM extracts drug data from the IV Statistics file for a selected time frame. STATUS: Active MAIL MESSAGE: 10170723 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 473 IA #: 473 FILE NUMBER: 52.6 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(52.6, DATE CREATED: APR 26, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA473 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 473 ID: PS(52.6, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(52.6,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: GENERIC DRUG LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: D&PPM uses the IV Additives file to obtain the Generic Drug name. STATUS: Retired MAIL MESSAGE: 10170740 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 474 IA #: 474 FILE NUMBER: 52.7 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(52.7, DATE CREATED: APR 26, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA473 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 473 ID: PS(52.7, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(52.7,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: GENERIC DRUG LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Pharmacy Benefits Management uses the IV solutions file to obtain the generic drug name. STATUS: Retired MAIL MESSAGE: 10170762 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 475 IA #: 475 FILE NUMBER: 57.6 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(57.6 DATE CREATED: APR 26, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA475 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 475 ID: PS(57.6 GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(57.6,D0,1,D1,1,D2,1,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DRUG LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: DISPENSED AMOUNT LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DISPENSED COST LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: RETURNED AMOUNT LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: RETURNED COST LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Pharmacy Benefits Management extracts drug usage statistics for a selected time frame from the UNIT DOES PICK LIST STATS file. STATUS: Active MAIL MESSAGE: 10170778 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 476 IA #: 476 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: MAY 10, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA476 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 476 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(DFN,.311) FIELD NUMBER: .31115 FIELD NAME: EMPLOYMENT STATUS LOCATION: .311,15 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(DFN,.31) FIELD NUMBER: .3192 FIELD NAME: COVERED BY HEALTH INSURANCE LOCATION: .31,11 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(DFN,.11) FIELD NUMBER: .115 FIELD NAME: STATE LOCATION: .11,5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .117 FIELD NAME: COUNTY LOCATION: .11,7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .116 FIELD NAME: ZIP CODE LOCATION: .11,6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(DFN,.36) FIELD NUMBER: .361 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE LOCATION: .36,1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(DFM,VET) FIELD NUMBER: 1901 FIELD NAME: VETERAN (Y/N)? LOCATION: VET,1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(DFN,.321) FIELD NUMBER: .32101 FIELD NAME: VIETNAM SERVICE INDICATED? LOCATION: .321,1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .32102 FIELD NAME: AGENT ORANGE EXPOS. INDICATED? LOCATION: .321,2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .32103 FIELD NAME: RADIATION EXPOSURE INDICATED? LOCATION: .321,3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(DFN,.52) FIELD NUMBER: .525 FIELD NAME: POW STATUS INDICATED? LOCATION: .52,5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(DFN,.32) FIELD NUMBER: .323 FIELD NAME: PERIOD OF SERVICE LOCATION: .32,3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(DFN,0) FIELD NUMBER: .14 FIELD NAME: CURRENT MEANS TEST STATUS LOCATION: 0,14 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The DSS operations committee has identified several data elements in the patient file to be extracted and sent to the commercial software. We request read access to these fields. STATUS: Withdrawn DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 477 IA #: 477 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: JUN 13, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA477 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 477 ID: PSDRUG( GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSDRUG(DA,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: GENERIC NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: VA CLASSIFICATION LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: DEA, SPECIAL HDLG LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSDRUG(DA,2) FIELD NUMBER: 31 FIELD NAME: NDC LOCATION: 2;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSDRUG(DA,660) FIELD NUMBER: 16 FIELD NAME: PRICE PER DISPENSE UNIT LOCATION: 660;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 14.5 FIELD NAME: DISPENSE UNIT LOCATION: 660;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The entire 660 node is read into a local variable. The fields above are then used. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSDRUG(DA,ND) FIELD NUMBER: 20 FIELD NAME: NATIONAL DRUG FILE ENTRY LOCATION: ND;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 22 FIELD NAME: PSNDF VA PRODUCT NAME ENTRY LOCATION: ND;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The entire ND node is read into a local variable. The fields above are then used. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. DSS Extracts will reference the following data from the DRUG file (#50). DSS uses the "B" cross reference on the GENERIC NAME field. The DSS Extracts IV EXTRACT DATA file (#728.113) and UNIT DOSE EXTRACT DATA file (#728.904) contain a field, DRUG, which is a pointer to the DRUG file (#50). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@12:43 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 478 IA #: 478 FILE NUMBER: 3.1 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(3.1 DATE CREATED: JUN 13, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA478 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 478 ID: DIC(3.1 GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(3.1,DA,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the .01 field of the title file for provider identificaiton for DSS STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 479 IA #: 479 FILE NUMBER: 40.7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(40.7, DATE CREATED: MAY 02, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA479 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 479 ID: DIC(40.7, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(40.7,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: AMIS REPORTING STOP CODE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Visit Tracking (PIMS/MAS) Entries used by Visit Tracking are passed by package developers making calls to the Visit Tracking package. The Visit Tracking package requests permission to read and point to the following file: Visit File Fields ----------------- #08 Clinic Pointer to the Clinic Stop File #40.7 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10255172 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VISIT TRACKING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 480 IA #: 480 FILE NUMBER: 8 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(8, DATE CREATED: MAY 02, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA480 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 480 ID: DIC(8, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(8,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Visit File Field ---------------- #21 Eligibility Pointer to the Eligibility Code File #8 Visit Tracking software references the Eligibility Code file for the patient's eligibility. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10255182 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VISIT TRACKING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 481 IA #: 481 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA481 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 481 ID: SC( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SC(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: TYPE ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3.5 FIELD NAME: DIVISION ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: STOP CODE ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SC(D0,SL) FIELD NUMBER: 1916 FIELD NAME: PRINCIPAL CLINIC ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Visit Tracking (PIMS/MAS) Entries used by Visit Tracking are passed by package developers making calls to the Visit Tracking package. The Visit Tracking package requests permission to read and point to the following file: Visit File Field ---------------- #22 Hospital Location Pointer to the Hospital Location File #44 Visit Tracking code checks the following fields in the Hospital Location file: Field / Name ----------------------- 2 Type 3.5 Division 8 Stop Code 1916 Principal Clinic STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10255192 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VISIT TRACKING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 482 IA #: 482 FILE NUMBER: 405 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPM( DATE CREATED: MAY 02, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA482 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 482 ID: DGPM( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .27 FIELD NAME: VT ENTRY ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: WARD LOCATION ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Visit Tracking (PIMS/MAS) Entries used by Visit Tracking are passed by package developers making calls to the Visit Tracking package. The Visit Tracking package requests permission to read the following file: File Field ------------------------------------------------ Patient Movement #405 Date/Time #.01 VT Entry #.27 Ward Location #.06 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10255204 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VISIT TRACKING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 483 IA #: 483 FILE NUMBER: 43 GLOBAL ROOT: DG(43, DATE CREATED: MAY 02, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA483 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 483 ID: DG(43, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(43,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 16 FIELD NAME: DOMICILIARY WARDS ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Visit Tracking (PIMS/MAS) Entries used by Visit Tracking are passed by package developers making calls to the Visit Tracking package. The Visit Tracking package requests permission to read the following file: File Field ------------------------------------------------ MAS Parameter #43 Domiciliary Wards #16 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10255209 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VISIT TRACKING ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING DBA Comments: 1/22/16-MC: VPS planned to release the make/cancel appointment functionality in the VPS namespace. The project team requested subscription to or created new ICRs to give VPS access to the files and APIs necessary for this functionality. The ICR team, MASS project team resource, VistA Scheduling Enhancement project reseource, and Julie Harvey agree that the make/cancel functionality belonged in the Scheduling/SD namespace. Keith Cox disapproved the ICRs indicating the ICRs could not be approved unless the namespacing of the software was corrected. VPS could not meet this requirement and indicated the make/cancel appointment functionality is no longer in scope for VPS*1*6. Requests for ICRs #325, 557, 723, 2065, 2437, 6232, 6233, and 6297 were withdrawn. NUMBER: 484 IA #: 484 FILE NUMBER: 40.8 GLOBAL ROOT: DG(40.8, DATE CREATED: MAY 02, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA484 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 484 ID: DG(40.8, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DG(40.8,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .07 FIELD NAME: INSTITUTION FILE POINTER ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Visit Tracking (PIMS/MAS) Entries used by Visit Tracking are passed by package developers making calls to the Visit Tracking package. The Visit Tracking package requests permission to read the following file: File Field -------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Center Division #40.8 Institution File Pointer #.07 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10255219 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VISIT TRACKING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 485 IA #: 485 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: MAY 02, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA485 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 485 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.36) FIELD NUMBER: .361 FIELD NAME: PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,E,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ELIGIBILITY ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Visit Tracking (PIMS/MAS) Entries used by Visit Tracking are passed by package developers making calls to the Visit Tracking package. The Visit Tracking package requests permission to read the following file: STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10255227 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VISIT TRACKING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 486 IA #: 486 DATE CREATED: JUN 24, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PSJEEU0 NAME: PSJEEU0 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 486 ID: PSJEEU0 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 23148159 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ENHS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: List a patient's IV and Unit Dose medications. The output variables for this entry point are: For each Unit Dose order: ^UTILITY("PSG",$J,S1)=P1^P2^P3^P4^P5^P6^P7^P8^P9 where: S1 = The inverse of the start date/time of the order. If this subscript already exists, .000001 is subtracted from the date until it does not equal an existing subscript. P1 = The start date/time of the order. P2 = The stop dat/time of the order. P3 = The drug in the form of: a) If there is more than one dispense drug or a dosage ordered entered for the order - pointer to Orderable Item_:PS(50.7,_;_Orderable Item name_Dose Form b) If there is only one dispense drug and no dosage ordered entered for the order - pointer to Dispense drug_:PSDRUG(_;_Dispense drug name P4 = The provider in the form of - pointer to the New Person file_VA(200_;_name of the provider. P5 = The status of the order in the form of - status code_;_status name. P6 = The dosage ordered in the form of: a) If Orderable Item was sent in P3 - Dosage ordered b) If Dispense Drug was sent in P3 - Units Per Dose entered P7 = The med route of the order in the form of - pointer to the med route file_:PS(51.2,;_med route abbreviation_;_med route name. P8 = The schedule of the order. P9 = The schedule type of the order in the form of - schedule type code_;_schedule type name. For each IV order: ^UTILITY("PSIV",$J,S1,0)=P1^P2^P3^P4^P5^P6 ^UTILITY("PSIV",$J,S1,"A",S2)=P7^P8 ^UTILITY("PSIV",$J,S1,"S",S2)=P9^P10 where: S1 = The inverse of the start date/time of the order. If this subscript already exists, .000001 is subtracted from the date until it does not equal an existing subscript. S2 = A sequential number. P1 = The start date/time of the order. P2 = The stop dat/time of the order. P3 = The provider in the form of - pointer to the New Person file_VA(200_;_name of the provider. P4 = The status of the order in the form of - status code_;_status name. P5 = The infusion rate of the order P6 = The schedule of the order. P7 = An additive of the order in the form of - pointer to the IV Additive file_;_additive name. P8 = The strength of the additive in P7. P9 = A solution of the order in the form of - pointer to the IV Solutions file_;_solution name. P10 = The volume of the solution in P9. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Internal entry number of the patient in the PATIENT file (2) for which orders are to be returned. VARIABLES: PSJEDT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Internal VA Fileman date (opt). If PSJEDT is null, all Inpatient orders active on or after the current date/time are returned. If PSJEDT contains a date, all Inpatient orders active on or after that date are returned. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING NUMBER: 488 IA #: 488 GLOBAL ROOT: DD(8984.1 AND 8984.2 DATE CREATED: MAY 11, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA488 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 488 ID: DD(8984.1 AND 8984.2 GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD(8984.2,.02,'V','B',+Y GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD(8984.1,.02,'V','B',+Y GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. DLL^XTLKMGR: This procedure non-interactively removes an entry from file 8984.4 and the associated variable pointer in the DD of 8984.1 and 8984.2. Line DLL+7 $orders on the variable pointer node to set DA, then ^DIK is called to remove the entry. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10379102 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DLL SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TOOLKIT ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 489 IA #: 489 DATE CREATED: SEP 18, 1995 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: VSIT NAME: DBIA489 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 489 ID: VSIT CREATOR: SUPRANO,JENINE GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Interface with Visit Tracking to create Visits. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: VSIT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Entry Point to Find or Create a Visit. VARIABLES: VSIT(0) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: A string of characters that defines how the visit processor will function. F Force adding a new entry. I Interactive mode. E Use patients primary eligibility if not defined on call with VSIT("ELG"). N Allow creation of new visit. D Look back n number of days for match, defaults to one (1). D[] i.e., VSIT(0)="D7" e.g., VSIT(0)="D5" (visit date to visit date - 4) use "D0" to require exact match on visit date and time. M Impose criteria on matching/screening of visits. Uses the VSIT() array: Matching elements must equal their corresponding field. VARIABLES: VSIT(VDT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The date [and time] of the visit. VARIABLES: VSIT(IEN) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: NUMBER (visit internal entry number) VARIABLES: VSIT(CDT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DATE VISIT CREATED (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(TYP) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: TYPE (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(BIL) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: THIRD PARTY BILLED (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(PAT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PATIENT NAME (pointer PATIENT file #9000001) (IHS file DINUMed to PATIENT file #2) VARIABLES: VSIT(INS) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: LOC. OF ENCOUNTER (pointer LOCATION file #9999999.06) VARIABLES: VSIT(SVC) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: SERVICE CATEGORY (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(CLN) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: CLINIC (pointer to CLINIC STOP file) VARIABLES: VSIT(CTR) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DEPENDENT ENTRY COUNTER (number) VARIABLES: VSIT(DEL) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DELETE FLAG (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(LNK) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PARENT VISIT LINK (pointer VISIT file #9000010) VARIABLES: VSIT(MDT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DATE LAST MODIFIED (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(XDT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DATE VISIT EXPORTED (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(MFI) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: MFI STATUS (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(LOS) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Evaluation and Management code pointer to the Type of Visit file (#357.69) VARIABLES: VSIT(COD) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: CHECK OUT DATE&TIME (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(ELG) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: ELIGIBILITY (pointer ELIGIBILITY CODE file #8) VARIABLES: VSIT(LOC) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: HOSPITAL LOCATION (pointer HOSPITAL LOCATION file #44) VARIABLES: VSIT(USR) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: CREATED BY USER (pointer NEW PERSON file #200) VARIABLES: VSIT(OPT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: OPTION USED TO CREATE (pointer OPTION file #19) VARIABLES: VSIT(AMT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: AMOUNT BILLED (number) VARIABLES: VSIT(PRI) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PRIMARY TYPE OF VISIT FLAG. VARIABLES: VSIT(OUT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: OUTSIDE LOCATION (free text) VARIABLES: VSIT(AO) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(SC) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Service connected (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(EC) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PERSIAN GULF EXPOSURE (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(SVP) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: SERVICE PROVIDED (pointer to the service provided file #150.1) VARIABLES: VSIT(IO) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: INPATIENT OUTPATIENT VARIABLES: VSIT(COM) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: COMMENTS (free text) VARIABLES: VSIT(IEN,PAT) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PATIENT NAME (pointer PATIENT file #9000001) (IHS file DINUMed to PATIENT file #2) VARIABLES: VSIT() TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: N^S[^1] where: -1 = -2 = N = S = 1 = VARIABLES: VSIT(,xxx) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: where: = IEN of visit. = Mnemonics for Zero node of visit. VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,BIL) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: THIRD PARTY BILLED (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,CDT) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DATE VISIT CREATED (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,CLN) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: CLINIC (pointer to CLINIC STOP file) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,COD) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: CHECKOUT DATE&TIME (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,CTR) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DEPENDENT ENTRY COUNTER (number) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,DEL) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DELETE FLAG (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,ELG) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: ELIGIBILITY (pointer ELIGIBILITY CODE file #8) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,INS) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: LOC. OF ENCOUNTER (pointer LOCATION file #9999999.06) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,LNK) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PARENT VISIT LINK (pointer VISIT file #9000010) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,LOC) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: HOSPITAL LOCATION (pointer HOSPITAL LOCATION file #44) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,LOS) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT CODE (pointer to the type of visit file (#357.69) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,MDT) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DATE LAST MODIFIED (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,MFI) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: MFI STATUS (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,OPT) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: OPTION USED TO CREATE (pointer OPTION file #19) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,SVC TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: SERVICE CATEGORY (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,TYP) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: TYPE (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,USR) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: CREATED BY USER (pointer NEW PERSON file #200) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,VDT) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The date [and time] of the visit. VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,WIA) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: WALK IN APPOINTMENT (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(WIA) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: WALK IN APPOINTMENT (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(ien,XDT) TYPE: Output VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DATE VISIT EXPORTED (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(HNC) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: HEAD AND NECK CANCER (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(IR) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: IONIZING RADIATION EXPOSURE(set) VARIABLES: VSIT(MST) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: MILITARY SEXUAL TRAUMA (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(CV) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: COMBAT VETERAN (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(SHAD) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PROJ 112/SHAD (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(CLV) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: CAMP LEJEUNE EXPOSURE (set) EDITOR: GEBHART,ALBERTA DBA Comments: 3/21/16-DT: Deactivated per request, originally from Mark Enfinger, then Jenine Suprano. Added Jenine as editor. Changes address Camp Lejeune Project enhancements made to PCE, PX*1.0*207: Added ability to select Encounter or Problem related to CLV. 3/24/16-DT: Activated after CLV added by Jenine Suprano. 3/24/16-DT: Deactivated for Alberta Gebhart from Vista Maintenance Team to get the ICR corrected to reflect Clinical Indicator variables distributed in earlier patches. 3/30/16-DT: Activated #489 after Alberta Gebhart added Head and Neck Cancer (HNC), Combat Veteran(CV), and SHAD clinical indicators to the VSIT nodes. DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 21, 2016@18:27 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: SUPRANO,JENINE WITH CONCURRENCE OF: REDINGTON,PATRICK DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 24, 2016@12:26 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: GEBHART,ALBERTA DATE/TIME EDITED: MAR 30, 2016@12:13 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: GEBHART,ALBERTA NUMBER: 490 IA #: 490 DATE CREATED: SEP 19, 1995 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: vsitoe NAME: DBIA490 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 490 ID: vsitoe GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This is an entry point for getting a list of visits that match defined criteria. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10357969 COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: LST VARIABLES: VDT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Visit Date/Time in FM format. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Patient File Pointer. VARIABLES: PRAM TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: The routine ^VSIT uses extrinsic functions. VSIT(0) will be passed to the parameter PRAM. $$GET(VDT,DFN,PRAM,.VSIT) VSIT(0) A string of characters which defines how the visit processor will function. F - Force adding a new entry I - Interactive mode E - Use pt's primary eligibility if not passed on call w/VSIT("ELG") N - Allow creation of a new visit D - Look back "n" number of days for a match, default is one. e.g. VSIT(0)="D5" (look back 5 days) M - Impose criteria on matching or creation of visits. Used the VSIT("XXX") array: - If trying to match with existing visit, matching elements must equal their corresponding field. - If creating a new visit, will use array elements as defaults or stuff values depending if in interactive mode or not and the exact field. VARIABLES: VSIT TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Array w/mnemonic subscript. VARIABLES: VSIT(IEN) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: NUMBER (internal entry number) VARIABLES: VSIT(VDT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: VISIT/ADMID DATE&TIME (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(CDT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DATE VISIT CREATED (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(TYP) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: TYPE (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(BIL) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: THIRD PARTY BILLED (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(PAT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PATIENT (pointer to PATIENT file #2) (IHS file DINUM'ed to PATIENT file #2) VARIABLES: VSIT(INS) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: LOC.OF ENCOUNTER (pointer to LOCATION file #9999999.06) (IHS file DINUM'ed to INSTITUTION file #4) VARIABLES: VSIT(SVC) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: SERVICE CATEGORY (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(CLN) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: CLINIC (pointer to CLINIC STOP file #40.7) VARIABLES: VSIT(CTR) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DEPENDENT ENTRY COUNTER (number) VARIABLES: VSIT(DEL) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DELETE FLAG (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(LNK) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PARENT VISIT LINK (pointer to VISIT file) VARIABLES: VSIT(MDT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DATE LAST MODIFIED (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(XDT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: DATE VISIT EXPORTED (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(MFI) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: MFI STATUS (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(LOS) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: LEVEL OF SERVICE (pointer to CPT CODE file) VARIABLES: VSIT(COD) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: CHECK OUT DATE & TIME (date) VARIABLES: VSIT(ELG) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: ELIGIBILITY (pointer to ELIGIBILITY CODE file #8) VARIABLES: VSIT(LOC) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: HOSPITAL LOCATION (pointer to HOSPITAL LOCATION file #44) VARIABLES: VSIT(USR) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: CREATED BY USER (pointer to USER file #200) VARIABLES: VSIT(OPT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: OPTION USED TO CREATE (pointer to OPTION file #19) VARIABLES: VSIT(AMT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: AMOUNT BILLED (number) VARIABLES: VSIT(OUT) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: OUTSIDE LOCATION (free text) VARIABLES: VSIT(SC) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: SERVICE CONNECTED (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(AO) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(IR) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: IONIZING RADIATION EXPOSURE (set) VARIABLES: VSIT(EC) TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PERSIAN GULF EXPOSURE (set) COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: VSITAPI() COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: D VSITAPI^VSITOE( DFN, START D/T, END D/T, H.L.,Last) If no START D/T, END D/T,HL, Last--- then all visits for patient in reverse chron order. If START D/T, END D/T are passed but no HL --- then all with in the time range for the patient. If START D/T, END D/T, HL and not Last --- then all for Location If all parameters are passed then last visit for clinic is assumed. Requested returned array in, ^TMP("VSIT",$J, Visit IEN, numerical/chronical order) = "Date Time of visit^location ien;location text^Clinic ien;clinic name^service conneted flag^patient status in/out" All fields will be reported if known, if not known reported as "". It is acknowledged that the visits will be in strict reverse order by date. VARIABLES: DFN TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: PATIENT NAME (pointer PATIENT file #9000001) (IHS file DINUMed to PATIENT file #2) VARIABLES: Start Date/Time TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Start date and or time for looking for a visit. VARIABLES: End Date/Time TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: End date and or time for looking for a visit. VARIABLES: Hospital Location pointer TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: HOSPITAL LOCATION (pointer HOSPITAL LOCATION file #44) VARIABLES: Last Only TYPE: Input VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: Pass "L" for last only for patient NUMBER: 491 IA #: 491 FILE NUMBER: 7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(7 DATE CREATED: JUN 13, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA491 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 491 ID: DIC(7 GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(7,DA,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to the .01 field of the provider class file for provider identification. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10191489 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 492 IA #: 492 FILE NUMBER: 420.1 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCD(420.1, DATE CREATED: JUN 13, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA492 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 492 ID: PRCD(420.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCD(420.1,DA,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: DMMS units must be associated with a cost center to make it possible associate the work for the unit as gathered in DHCP with financial data contained in reports from the AAC. To this end, we request read access to the COST CENTER file (420.1). Currently the CC field is a 6 digit code with the first 4 being Cost Center and the last two being Sub-cost center. Thats how it is broken up to pass to FMS for IFCAP V5.0. Current plans are to increase the code to 8 digits. There are discussions going on between OF&IRM and VAH's CFO's office. At some point IFCAP will be changing the content of the file. When that happens, this DBIA will have to be revisited. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10710527 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 493 IA #: 493 FILE NUMBER: 40.9 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(40.9, DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File NAME: DBIA493 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 493 ID: DIC(40.9, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(40.9,DA,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The patient oriented extracts in DSS distinguish between inpatients and outpatients. To make this distinction, a field in the extract log points to the LOCATION TYPE file (40.9). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10191489 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 494 IA #: 494 FILE NUMBER: 13 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(13, DATE CREATED: JUN 13, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA494 ORIGINAL NUMBER: 494 ID: DIC(13, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(13,DA,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Among the demographic data extracted for DSS, patient religion is one element. To this end, we request read access to the .01 field of the RELIGION file (13) The DSS Extracts ADMISSIONS EXTRACT file (#727.802) and ADMISSION SETUP EXTRACT file (#727.82) contain a field, RELIGION, which is a pointer to the RELIGION file (#13). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10191489 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 500 IA #: 500 FILE NUMBER: 72 GLOBAL ROOT: RA( DATE CREATED: FEB 23, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA15-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 15 ID: RA( GLOBAL REFERENCE: RA(72,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CURRENT EXAM STATUS LOCATION: 1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: EXAMINATION STATUS STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 501 IA #: 501 FILE NUMBER: 74 GLOBAL ROOT: RARPT( DATE CREATED: FEB 23, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA15-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 15 ID: RARPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: RARPT( FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: REPORT STATUS LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: RARPT(D0,"R", FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: REPORT TEXT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: RARPT(D0,"I", FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: IMPRESSION TEXT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: RARPT(D0,"H", FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ADDITIONAL CLINICAL HISTORY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: RADIOLOGY REPORTS FILE STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES NUMBER: 502 IA #: 502 FILE NUMBER: 71 GLOBAL ROOT: RAMIS(71, DATE CREATED: FEB 23, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA15-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 15 ID: RAMIS(71, GLOBAL REFERENCE: RAMIS(71,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: CPT CODE LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: TYPE OF PROCEDURE LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: RADIOLOGY PROCEDURES FILE STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 30358687 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 503 IA #: 503 FILE NUMBER: 71.2 GLOBAL ROOT: RAMIS(71.2, DATE CREATED: FEB 23, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA15-E ORIGINAL NUMBER: 15 ID: RAMIS(71.2, GLOBAL REFERENCE: RAMIS(71.2,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PROCEDURE MODIFIERS FILE STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 504 IA #: 504 FILE NUMBER: 75.1 GLOBAL ROOT: RAO(75.1, DATE CREATED: FEB 23, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA15-F ORIGINAL NUMBER: 15 ID: RAO(75.1, CREATOR: HARVEY,JULIE S GLOBAL REFERENCE: RAO(75.1,'AS', GLOBAL REFERENCE: RAO(75.1, FIELD NUMBER: 1.1 FIELD NAME: REASON FOR STUDY ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: REQUEST STATUS ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 14 FIELD NAME: REQUESTING PHYSICIAN ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 16 FIELD NAME: REQUEST ENTERED DATE/TIME ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 23 FIELD NAME: SCHEDULED DATE (TIME OPTIONAL) ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: RADIOLOGY ORDERS FILE STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 505 IA #: 505 FILE NUMBER: 19.1 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(19.1, DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA5-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 5 ID: DIC(19.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(19.1 GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Used to access security keys. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 506 IA #: 506 FILE NUMBER: 3 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(3, DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA5-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 5 ID: DIC(3, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(3 GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Used to print user name. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 507 IA #: 507 GLOBAL ROOT: XUTL( DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA4-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 4 ID: XUTL( GLOBAL REFERENCE: XUTL('OR',$J GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Used to hold package defined parameters in ^XUTL("OR",$J,package namespace,... This node is killed by menuman when the terminal session ends. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 508 IA #: 508 GLOBAL ROOT: DD( DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA6-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 6 ID: DD( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DD('DD') GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Used to format date. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 509 IA #: 509 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC( DATE CREATED: NOV 07, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA6-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 6 ID: DIC( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Fileman calls. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 510 IA #: 510 GLOBAL ROOT: DISV( DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DISV ORIGINAL NUMBER: 6 ID: DISV( CREATOR: BUESING,GEORGIA GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Used to process 'space-bar return' on user input. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 54147580 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: OE/RR requests the following access to the DISV global. All are ^DISV(DUZ,x where x is defined as follows: The only non-file reference we use is "ORDITM". Read and write. We save under "^DPT" to save the patient looked up through the GUI. Read and write. We retrieve "^GMT(142," to default the last health summary type the user referenced. Read only. There is also a utility routine ORUS which will end up doing a kill, set, or read in DISV. The called utility looks like it can be called in with "^XUTL("OR",$J,"ORLP",","^ORD(100.9,", or multiples from "^OR(100.21,n,sub," where sub is 1, 2, or 10. This one is a carryover from previous versions. Read, write, and delete. READ access allowed. WRITE access allowed in routines ORGUEM, and ORUS1. An example of a set is S ^DISV(DUZ,"^ORD(101,")=+ORGMENU DELETE access allowed in ORUS1. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: KERNEL ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: The Unwinder uses ^DISV(DUZ,"XQORM") to store the items that were selected for spacebar recall. READ and WRITE access to ^DISV(DUZ,"XQORM") allowed. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Dallas SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: Laboratory V 5.2 uses ^DISV(DUZ,"LRACC") and ^DISV(DUZ,"LRAN") to store items. An example is in routine LRACC at line LRACC+4: S:$L(X)>2 ^DISV(DUZ,"LRACC")=X S:X=" " X=$S($D(^DISV(DUZ,"LRACC")): ^("LRACC"),1:"?") READ and WRITE access to ^DISV(DUZ,"LRACC") and ^DISV(DUZ,"LRAN" allowed. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: READ access allowed. Added read access to ^DISV(DUZ,"^TIU("_FILE_",") for TIU*1*197. WRITE access allowed to ^DISV(DUZ,"VALMMENU", SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DISCHARGE SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: READ access allowed. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: READ access allowed. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: IFCAP ISC: Washington/Silver Spring SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: READ access allowed. The inventory package V5 uses the global ^DISV(DUZ,"PRCProutine name", and ^DISV(DUZ,globalnode, to allow the user to press the space bar to select the last response. WRITE access allowed. The reference to ^DISV(DUZ,"PRCProutine", is used to store non-fileman responses to the reader. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: NURSING SERVICE ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: Read access "Till Otherwise Agreed". SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUASAR ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TOOLKIT ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: The parameter tools component of toolkit would like permission to use DISV to allow spacebar-return within the parameter tools edit option. This will allow the most recently selected parameters and entities to be recalled by a user when editing. This information is stored in ^DISV(DUZ,"XPAR01",... SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: WOMEN'S HEALTH ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LEXICON UTILITY ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL REMINDERS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: JSH/10-23-2006 Added per agreement between Skip Ormsby & Jason Hawsey. Health Summary reads global reference ^DISV(DUZ,"^GMT(142,") in order to get the last chosen Health Summary Type. It uses the value found here as the default in the prompt to choose a Health Summary Type. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 5/11/09 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: 04/11/11 Outpatient Pharmacy is providing a standalone option, PSO HRC PROFILE/REFILL, to the Compensation and Pension Record Interchange (CAPRI) package. OP requests read and write access to ^DISV(DUZ,"VALMMENU",x) when the protocol x is PSO PENDING ORDER MENU. The node value for x will be temporarily set to 0 (if it is not, and reset after use to its original value) so as to turn off the display of actions associated with this protocol. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EVENT CAPTURE SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: Event Capture patient data filer sets the following DISV nodes for recall when entering multiple patient records. ^DISV(DUZ,"^ICD9(") is set to recall the last ICD code ^DISV(DUZ,"^VA(200,") is set to recall the last provider SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DRG GROUPER SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: DRG Grouper READ and WRITE access to: ^DISV(DUZ,"^ICD9(")=IEN ^DISV(DUZ,"^ICD0(")=IEN DBA Comments: 20110411 JSHARVEY - reactivated after new option added. 20120229 JSHARVEY - reactivated after additional nodes added for Event Capture 12/30/13 - MM: Added DRG Grouper as a subscriber to ICR #510. Request from Kim: A special lookup routine was developed for ICD-9 (legacy) and ICD-10 which is similar to the Lexicon. Part of the special lookup requires the ability to capture and retrieve the last item referenced when a "space-bar-return" is detected in either file 80 or 80.1 using the ^DISV global. The special lookup routine is ICDEXLK, and the routine containing the reference to DISV is ICDEXLK2. 5/11/16-MM: Updated the Subscribing Package details section for TIU to document the DISV global TIU will be referencing in TIU*1*197. Before: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES Salt Lake City READ access allowed. WRITE access allowed to ^DISV(DUZ,"VALMMENU", After: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES Salt Lake City READ access allowed. Added read access to ^DISV(DUZ,"^TIU("_FILE_",") for TIU*1*197. WRITE access allowed to ^DISV(DUZ,"VALMMENU", DATE ACTIVATED: FEB 29, 2012 DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 23, 2006@16:00 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: HAWSEY,JASON WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ORMSBY,SKIP DATE/TIME EDITED: MAY 11, 2009@11:44 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: CURTIS,RICHARD WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BEUSCHAL,GARY DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 11, 2011@13:24 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: MORRISON,JENNIFER DATE/TIME EDITED: APR 11, 2011@13:57 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: MORRISON,JENNIFER WITH CONCURRENCE OF: HARVEY,JULIE DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 29, 2012@13:46 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BEUSCHEL,GARY DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 29, 2012@14:02 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BEUSCHEL,GARY DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 29, 2012@16:47 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BEUSCHEL,GARY DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 29, 2012@16:49 ACTION: CONTENT CORRECTED AT THE REQUEST OF: NABER,DAVID WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BEUSCHEL,GARY DATE/TIME EDITED: DEC 30, 2013@15:21 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: BEUSCHEL,GARY DATE/TIME EDITED: MAY 11, 2016@14:10 ACTION: CONTENT CORRECTED AT THE REQUEST OF: LAM,ESTELLA WITH CONCURRENCE OF: DIMICELI,RON NUMBER: 511 IA #: 511 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC( DATE CREATED: JUL 27, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: VA FILEMAN CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA6-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 6 ID: DIC( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC('AC',namespace, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ^DIC("AC" - Screen lookup on files of a particular application group. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Dallas SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 512 IA #: 512 DATE CREATED: MAR 12, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGPMLOS NAME: DBIA17-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 17 ID: DGPMLOS STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: DGPMLOS COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: Used to determine Length of Stay. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING NUMBER: 513 IA #: 513 FILE NUMBER: 45.7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(45.7, DATE CREATED: MAR 01, 1994 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA30-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 30 ID: DIC(45.7, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(45.7,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: SPECIALTY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Name of original agreement was BEDSECTION. It appears to be in error The correct name should be SPECIALTY. DCM STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 514 IA #: 514 FILE NUMBER: 42.5 GLOBAL ROOT: DGWAIT( DATE CREATED: NOV 14, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA31-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 31 ID: DGWAIT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGWAIT(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DIVISION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 515 IA #: 515 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: NOV 14, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA31-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 31 ID: SC( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SC(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTO REPLENISHMENT/WARD STOCK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 516 IA #: 516 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: MAR 13, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA34-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 34 ID: PSDRUG( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Direct references are made to the globals to get allergy information. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 517 IA #: 517 FILE NUMBER: 57 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(57 DATE CREATED: MAR 13, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA34-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 34 ID: DIC(57 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Direct references are made to the globals to get allergy information. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 518 IA #: 518 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA36-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 36 ID: SC( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ^SC( Used to get patient variables STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 519 IA #: 519 FILE NUMBER: 45.7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(45.7, DATE CREATED: MAR 22, 1989 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY (#45.7) File Access ORIGINAL NUMBER: 36 ID: DIC(45.7, CREATOR: WHELESS,CAROLYN GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ^DIC(45.7 Used to lookup treating specialty and print name STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VA POINT OF SERVICE (KIOSKS) SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: VA Point of Service (Kiosks) VPS will use the "B" cross reference on file #45.7 to get the IEN of a Facility Treating Specialty. DBA Comments: 7/14/15-MM: Deactivated ICR #519 for editing by VPS team for VPS*1*15. VPS is implementing the ORQPT SPECIALTIES RPC in the VPS namespace. ICR team requested VPS update the Global Reference section of the ICR to include the fields their project will be referencing. 7/16/15-MM: Changed editors from Linda Berry to Carolyn Wheless. 7/17/15-MM: Added VPS as a subscriber. Moved Subscribing Package Details entered by Carolyn from the details for OE/RR to those for VPS. Changed ICR Name from DBIA36-C to FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY (#45.7) File Access. Activated ICR. DATE ACTIVATED: JUL 17, 2015 DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 14, 2015@09:40 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: BERRY,LINDA WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ICR,TEAM DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 17, 2015@10:27 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BERRY,LINDA WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ICR,TEAM DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 17, 2015@10:31 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: BERRY,LINDA WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ICR,TEAM DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 17, 2015@11:05 ACTION: CONTENT CORRECTED AT THE REQUEST OF: ICR,TEAM WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ICR,TEAM NUMBER: 520 IA #: 520 DATE CREATED: MAY 25, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: LRUPACA NAME: DBIA59-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 59 ID: LRUPACA GENERAL DESCRIPTION: - ECT namspaced option runs routine ^LRUPACA Enter ACTION: S DIC=68,DIC(0)="QEAM" D ^DIC K DIC I Y>0 S LRAA=+Y, LRAA(1)=$P(Y,U,2) SEE DBIA59-A STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTERIM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 521 IA #: 521 DATE CREATED: MAY 25, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: LRCAPS NAME: DBIA59-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 59 ID: LRCAPS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: - ECT namespaced option runs routine ^LRCAPS. - Refences file 68 Accession (read only) 2 DATE .01 DATE 1 ACCESSION NUMBER .01 LRDFN 11 TESTS .01 TESTS SEE DBIA59-A STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTERIM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 522 IA #: 522 FILE NUMBER: 55 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(55, DATE CREATED: DEC 11, 1990 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA60-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 60 ID: PS(55, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(55,D0,P,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PRESCRIPTION PROFILE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(55,DFN,'P','A',DATE, GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Used if active only is indicated. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 12/31/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*101. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. All fields and x-refs in file 55 have global read access by the subscribing packages. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of December 31, 2006 STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: DEC 31, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@13:07 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 523 IA #: 523 FILE NUMBER: 52 GLOBAL ROOT: PSRX( DATE CREATED: DEC 02, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA60-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 60 ID: PSRX( GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: RX # LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: ISSUE DATE LOCATION: 0;13 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: PHYSICIAN LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 6 FIELD NAME: DRUG LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: QTY LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: # OF REFILLS LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: SIG LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 100 FIELD NAME: STATUS LOCATION: 0;15 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 17 FIELD NAME: UNIT PRICE OF DRUG LOCATION: 0;17 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,2) FIELD NUMBER: 26 FIELD NAME: EXPIRATION DATE LOCATION: 2;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,3) FIELD NUMBER: 101 FIELD NAME: LAST FILL LOCATION: 3;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSRX(D0,1,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: REFILL DATE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 12/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSO*7*213. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of December 1, 2006. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: DEC 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 524 IA #: 524 FILE NUMBER: 61 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(61, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA67-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 67 ID: LAB(61, CREATOR: BUECHLER,MELANIE K GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(61,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: SNOMED CODE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4.1 FIELD NAME: COLLECTION SAMPLE LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL REMINDERS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VIRTUAL PATIENT RECORD SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH MANAGEMENT PLATFORM DBA Comments: 5/24/12-VPR added as a subscriber for VPR*1.0. Collection Sample (#4.1) field added to ICR. 11/19/15-MC: Added EHMP as a subscriber for HMP 2.0 DATE ACTIVATED: MAY 24, 2012 DATE/TIME EDITED: AUG 01, 2011@22:36 ACTION: DEACTIVATED FOR EDITS AT THE REQUEST OF: BUECHLER,MELANIE DATE/TIME EDITED: MAY 24, 2012@15:03 ACTION: APPROVED AT THE REQUEST OF: BUECHLER,MELANIE WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ANZALDUA,CAROL DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 19, 2015@13:06 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BURKHALTER,WILLAIM WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ANZALDUA,CAROL NUMBER: 525 IA #: 525 FILE NUMBER: 63 GLOBAL ROOT: LR( DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA67-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 67 ID: LR( GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CH',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: DATE REPORT COMPLETED LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME SPECIMEN TAKEN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: SPECIMEN TYPE LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: ACCESSION LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .11 FIELD NAME: REQUESTING LOCATION LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CH',D1,1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: COMMENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CH',D1,2...x) FIELD NUMBER: x FIELD NAME: TEST RESULT ~ FLAG LOCATION: Piece 1,2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME SPECIMEN TAKEN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .03 FIELD NAME: DATE REPORT COMPLETED LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: SITE/SPECIMEN LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: MICROBIOLOGY ACCESSION LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .08 FIELD NAME: WARD LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .055 FIELD NAME: COLLECTION SAMPLE LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,1) FIELD NUMBER: 11.5 FIELD NAME: BACT RPT STATUS LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 11.58 FIELD NAME: SPATUM SCREEN LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 11.57 FIELD NAME: URINE SCREEN LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 11.51 FIELD NAME: STERILITY CONTROL LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,5) FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: PARASITE RPT STATUS LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,8) FIELD NUMBER: 19 FIELD NAME: MYCOLOGY RPT STATUS LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,11) FIELD NUMBER: 23 FIELD NAME: TB RPT STATUS LOCATION: 11;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 24 FIELD NAME: ACID FAST STAIN LOCATION: 11;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 25 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY LOCATION: 11;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,16) FIELD NUMBER: 34 FIELD NAME: VIROLOGY REPORT STATUS LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: GRAM STAIN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,3,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ORGANISM LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,3,D2,2.0001...x) FIELD NUMBER: x FIELD NAME: ANTIBIOTIC LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: x.1 FIELD NAME: INTERP LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: x.2 FIELD NAME: SCREEN LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,4,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: BACT RPT REMARK LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,6,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PARASITE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,6,D2,1,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: STAGE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,7,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PARASITE RPT REMARK LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,9,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: FUNGUS/YEAST LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,10,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MYCOLOGY RPT REMARK LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,12,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MYCOBACTERIUM LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,13,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: TB RPT REMARK LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,17,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: VIRUS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,18,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: VIROLOGY RPT REMARK LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: ABO GROUP LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: RH TYPE LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,1.6,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: TRANSFUSION DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: COMPONENT LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .07 FIELD NAME: UNITS POOLED LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME SPECIMEN TAKEN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: SURGICAL PATH ACC # LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .11 FIELD NAME: REPORT RELEASE DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,.1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: SPECIMEN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: GROSS DESCRIPTION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1.1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ORGAN/TISSUE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,2,D2,2,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MORPHOLOGY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,2,D2,2,D3,1,D4,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ETIOLOGY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,2,D2,4,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,3,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ICD DIAGNOSIS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME SPECIMEN TAKEN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: ACCESSION # LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .11 FIELD NAME: REPORT RELEASE DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,.1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: SPECIMEN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: GROSS DESCRIPTION LOCATION: 1;0 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,1.1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION LOCATION: 1;0 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CYTOPATH ORGAN/TISSUE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,2,D2,1,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DISEASE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,2,D2,2,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MORPHOLOGY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,2,D2,2,D3,1,D4,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ETIOLOGY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,2,D2,4,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,2,D2,3,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ICD DIAGNOSIS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,1.4,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CYTOPATHOLOGY DIAGNOSIS LOCATION: 1.4;0 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,1.2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: RELEASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,1.2,D2,1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: DESCRIPTION LOCATION: 1;0 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,3,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ICD DIAGNOSIS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CY',D1,.2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: BRIEF CLINICAL HISTORY LOCATION: .2;0 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,.2,0) GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,.2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: BRIEF CLINICAL HISTORY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1.2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1.2,D2,1,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DESCRIPTION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1.3,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: FROZEN SECTION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1.4,D2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: SURGICAL PATH DIAGNOSIS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,6,D2,1,D3,1,D4,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: COMMENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,9,D2,1,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: COMMENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,12,D2,1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: COMMENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,12,D2,2.0001...X) FIELD NUMBER: X FIELD NAME: SUSCEPTABILITIES LOCATION: X;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,14,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ANTIBIOTIC(for SERUM LEVEL) LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: DRAW TIME LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: CONC(ug/ml) LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,15,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: 19.6 FIELD NAME: MYCOLOGY SMEAR/PREP LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,24,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: 15.51 FIELD NAME: PARASITOLOGY SMEAR/PREP LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,31,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: 11.52 FIELD NAME: STERILITY RESULTS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,99) FIELD NUMBER: .99 FIELD NAME: COMMENT ON SPECIMEN LOCATION: 99;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,3,D2,1,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: COMMENT LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,25,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: 11.7 FIELD NAME: BACTERIOLOGY SMEAR/PREP LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME SPECIMEN TAKEN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: ACCESSION # LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .11 FIELD NAME: REPORT RELEASE DATE LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,.1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: SPECIMEN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,.2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: BRIEF CLINICAL HISTORY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: GROSS DESCRIPTION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,1.1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,1.2,D2,1,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DESCRIPTION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,1.2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,1.4,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: EM DIAGNOSIS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: EM ORGAN/TISSUE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,2,D2,2,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MORPHOLOGY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,2,D2,2,D3,1,D4,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ETIOLOGY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,2,D2,4,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PROCEDURE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,3,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ICD9CM CODE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,2,D2,1,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DISEASE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,.2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .013 FIELD NAME: BRIEF CLINICAL HISTORY ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Check 3rd piece of Multiple header to see if data exists. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,1.1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1.1 FIELD NAME: MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Check 3rd piece of Multiple header to see if data exists. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,1.2,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1.2 FIELD NAME: SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Check 3rd piece of Multiple header to see if data exists. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'EM',D1,1.4,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1.4 FIELD NAME: EM DIAGNOSIS ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Check 3rd piece of Multiple header to see if data exists. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,.2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .013 FIELD NAME: BRIEF CLINICAL HISTORY ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Check 3rd piece of Multiple Header to see if data exists. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: GROSS DESCRIPTION ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Check 3rd piece of Multiple header to see if data exists. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1.2,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1.2 FIELD NAME: SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Check 3rd piece of Multiple header to see if data exists. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1.3,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1.3 FIELD NAME: FROZEN SECTION ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Check 3rd piece of multiple header to see if data exists. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1.4,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1.4 FIELD NAME: SURGICAL PATH DIAGNOSIS ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Check 3rd piece of Multiple header to see if data exists. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'SP',D1,1.1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1.1 FIELD NAME: MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Check 3rd piece of Multiple header to see if data exists. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This DBIA needed to be updated for HS 2.7 to include additional data for several of the HS components. This was done on June 12, 1995. For the next version of either Lab or Health Summary a LAB API will need to be set up to access this data. ^TMP("LRA",$J, may be Set and Killed during collection of field data. ditto ^TMP("LRCY",$J, ditto ^TMP("LRM",$J, STATUS: Active DURATION: Next Version MAIL MESSAGE: 13509026 GOOD ONLY FOR VERSION: LAB 5.2 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: WOMEN'S HEALTH SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL REMINDERS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MRSA INITIATIVE REPORTS SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: ADDED 4/23/09 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: NATIONAL HEALTH INFO NETWORK SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VIRTUAL PATIENT RECORD DBA Comments: 5/24/12-VPR added as subscriber for VPR*1.0. Left NHIN as subscriber. DATE/TIME EDITED: JUN 08, 2009@12:20 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: MCDEARMON,JAMES DATE/TIME EDITED: SEP 16, 2010@11:02 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BUECHLER,MELANIE DATE/TIME EDITED: MAY 24, 2012@15:36 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BUECHLER,MELANIE WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ANZALDUA,CAROL NUMBER: 526 IA #: 526 FILE NUMBER: 61.2 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(61.2, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA67-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 67 ID: LAB(61.2, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(61.2,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING NUMBER: 527 IA #: 527 FILE NUMBER: 65 GLOBAL ROOT: LRD(65, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA67-E ORIGINAL NUMBER: 67 ID: LRD(65, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRD(65,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: UNIT ID LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: EXPIRATION DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .07 FIELD NAME: ABO GROUP LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .08 FIELD NAME: RH TYPE LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .11 FIELD NAME: VOLUME (ml) LOCATION: 0;11 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .16 FIELD NAME: DIVISION LOCATION: 0;16 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRD(65,D0,4) FIELD NUMBER: 4.1 FIELD NAME: DISPOSITION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRD(65,D0,8) FIELD NUMBER: 8.3 FIELD NAME: DONATION TYPE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRD(65,D0,2,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME UNIT ASSIGNED LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRD(65,D0,2,D1,1,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .04 FIELD NAME: XMATCH RESULT LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRD(65,'AP', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: PATIENT XMATCHED/ASSIGNED GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement allows the Health Summary package to look at specified fields in the Lab Package in order to display Blood Bank related information on a patient. Amended 7-18-97 to include field .16, DIVISION on some reports. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City EDITOR: MURCH,CLAUDETTE NUMBER: 528 IA #: 528 FILE NUMBER: 66 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(66, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA67-F ORIGINAL NUMBER: 67 ID: LAB(66, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(66,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .02 FIELD NAME: ABBREVIATION LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: BLOOD PRODUCT FILE GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Note: This IA will become void upon the release of VBECS. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING NUMBER: 529 IA #: 529 FILE NUMBER: 61.1 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(61.1, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA67-G ORIGINAL NUMBER: 67 ID: LAB(61.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(61.1,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 15935779 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 530 IA #: 530 FILE NUMBER: 62.05 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(62.05, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA67-H ORIGINAL NUMBER: 67 ID: LAB(62.05, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(62.05,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: URGENCY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 15935779 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 531 IA #: 531 FILE NUMBER: 68 GLOBAL ROOT: LRO(68, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA67-I ORIGINAL NUMBER: 67 ID: LRO(68, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRO(68,D0,1,D1,1,D2,.2) FIELD NUMBER: 15 FIELD NAME: ACCESSION LOCATION: .2;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRO(68,D0,1,D1,1,D2,4,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: TESTS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: COMPLETE DATE LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 15935779 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 532 IA #: 532 FILE NUMBER: 69 GLOBAL ROOT: LRO(69, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA67-J ORIGINAL NUMBER: 67 ID: LRO(69, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRO(69,D0,1,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: LAB,IMM OR WARD COLLECT LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME ORDERED LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: PROVIDER LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 8 FIELD NAME: REPORT ROUTING LOCATION LOCATION: 0;7 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRO(69,D0,1,D1,1) FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME OF COLLECTION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRO(69,D0,1,D1,3) FIELD NUMBER: 21 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME RESULTS AVAILABLE LOCATION: 3;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRO(69,D0,1,D1,2,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: TEST/PROCEDURE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: URGENCY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: ACCESSION DATE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: ACCESSION AREA LOCATION: 0;4 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 4 FIELD NAME: ACCESSION NUMBER LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LRO(69,'D', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Get patient LRDFN. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Data is passed in ^TMP("LRO",$J, which may be killed before and after its use. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 15935779 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH MANAGEMENT PLATFORM DBA Comments: 11/16/15-MC: Added EHMP as a subscriber to ICR 532 at the request of William (Phil) Burkhalter and approval of Carol Anzaldua. Carol also approved ICR usage to be changed from private to controlled subscription. DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 16, 2015@09:09 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BURKHALTER,WILLIAM WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ANZALDUA,CAROL NUMBER: 533 IA #: 533 FILE NUMBER: 55 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(55, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA68-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 68 ID: PS(55, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 12/31/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*101. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. All fields and x-refs in file 50 have global read access by the subscribing packages. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of December 31, 2006. The following fields are accessed from ^PS( and ^PSDRUG( in a read-only manner: For verified orders: ^PS( 55 PHARMACY PATIENT FILE 55.06 1 Provider 3 Medicinal Route (pointer to ^PS(51.2,) 7 Schedule Type 10 Start Date/Time 26 Schedule 28 Status 34 Stop Date/Time 55.07 .01 Drug (pointer to ^PSDRUG() 1 Dosage Ordered The following cross-references are used: ^PS( 55.06 "AUS" Stop Date/Time STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: DEC 31, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@13:08 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 534 IA #: 534 FILE NUMBER: 53.1 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(53.1, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA68-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 68 ID: PS(53.1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: For non-verified orders: ^PS( 53.1 1 Provider 3 Medicinal Route 7 Schedule Type 10 Start Date/Time 26 Schedule 28 Status 25 Stop Date/Time 53.11 .01 Drug 1 Dosage Ordered The following cross-references are used: ^PS( 53.1 "AC" Stop Date/Time STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 535 IA #: 535 FILE NUMBER: 55 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(55, DATE CREATED: NOV 14, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA69-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 69 ID: PS(55, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 12/31/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*101. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. All fields and x-refs in file 55 have global read access by the subscribing packages. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of December 31, 2006. The following fields are accessed from ^PS( and ^PSDRUG( in a read-only manner: ^PS(55, PHARMACY PATIENT FILE 55.01 .02 Start Date/Time .03 Stop Date/Time .06 Physician .08 Infusion Rate .09 Schedule 100 Status 55.02 .01 Additive (Pointer to ^PS(52.6,) .02 Strength 55.11 .01 Solution (Pointer to ^PS(52.7,) 1 Volume STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: DEC 31, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@13:12 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 536 IA #: 536 FILE NUMBER: 52.6 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(52.6, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA69-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 69 ID: PS(52.6, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. ^PS(52.6, IV ADDITIVE FILE 52.6 .01 Additive Name STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@13:05 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 537 IA #: 537 FILE NUMBER: 52.7 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(52.7, DATE CREATED: JAN 31, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA69-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 69 ID: PS(52.7, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. ^PS(52.7, IV SOLUTION FILE 52.7 .01 Solution Name STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T NUMBER: 538 IA #: 538 FILE NUMBER: 121.1 GLOBAL ROOT: GMR(121.1, DATE CREATED: FEB 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PROGRESS NOTES CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA74-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 74 ID: GMR(121.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: 121.1 FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PROGRESS NOTE TYPE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Health Summary is accessing fields in the Generic Progress Notes Type file, GMR(121.1, to retrieve the Title for display on various components. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 10637844 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 539 IA #: 539 FILE NUMBER: 606.5 GLOBAL ROOT: YSP(606.5, DATE CREATED: FEB 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA75-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 75 ID: YSP(606.5, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Agreement has been made for Health Summary to access the following fields in the Mental Health Progress Notes files. - Globals accessed are: ^YSP(606.5, Prgress Note Type - The following fields are accessed: ^YSP(606.5, 606.5 .01 TYPE STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 540 IA #: 540 FILE NUMBER: 699 GLOBAL ROOT: MCAR(699, DATE CREATED: FEB 05, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA80-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 80 ID: MCAR(699, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Health Summary exports and calls the routine GMTSMCPS, which generates the output for the Health Summary Medicine component. The following fields and cross references are being referenced: ^MCAR(699, Endoscopy File Fields: 1 Procedure 20 Summary STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 541 IA #: 541 FILE NUMBER: 694 GLOBAL ROOT: MCAR(694, DATE CREATED: FEB 05, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA80-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 80 ID: MCAR(694, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Health Summary exports and calls the routine GMTSMCPS, which generates the output for the Health Summary Medicine component. The following fields and cross references are being referenced: ^MCAR(694, Hematology File Fields: 2 Procedure 1.5 Summary STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 542 IA #: 542 FILE NUMBER: 697.2 GLOBAL ROOT: MCAR(697.2, DATE CREATED: FEB 05, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA80-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 80 ID: MCAR(697.2, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Health Summary exports and calls the routine GMTSMCPS, which generates the output for the Health Summary Medicine component. The following fields and cross references are being referenced: ^MCAR(697.2, Procedure Location File Fields: .01 Name 1 Global Location Uses "C" cross reference on Global Location field. The "C" cross reference could result in pointing to global locations in the Global Location field which currently contains global roots for the range on files from ^MCAR(691, through ^MCAR(699,. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH SUMMARY ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 543 IA #: 543 FILE NUMBER: 190.1 GLOBAL ROOT: RTV(190.1, DATE CREATED: JUL 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA85-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 85 ID: RTV(190.1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. Activation interface 2. Make an appointment Checkin/unscheduled visit 3. Cancel an appointment 4. Changing clinic names 1. Use of the Record Tracking System Parameter file # 195.4 SD calls RT if the field 'MAS INTERFACE STATUS' is 'UP' ^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")=1^ 2. When a clinic appointment is made if the appointment is 'today' or if the Record Tracking System Parameter 'Batch requests' is set to 'No' or if records are requested for an unscheduled visit. A. An entry is made in the Requested Records file #190.1 ^RTV(190.1,n) by a call from RT^SDUTL to a tasked job QUE^RTQ or RT^SDI B. After the entry is added to the Requested Records file #190.1 an entry is made in Parent Record Request field of the Patient subfield of the Hospital Location file #44 ^SC(n,"S",,,,"RTR")=n^ by a return call from CREATE+11^RTQ2 to RTSET^SDUTL 3. When a clinic appointment is canceled: If there is a Requested Records entry in file #190.1 the status is changed to 'canceled' by a call RTV(190.1,n)=^^^^^x^ from RT+2^SDUTL to CANCEL^RTQ2. 4. When the name of a clinic is changed the corresponding names of entries in the Pull List file #194.2 are changed by a trigger on the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44. Clinic ^SC(1,0)=DJones Medical Clinic^ ^RTV(194.2,n)=Dr Jones Medical Clinic [04/01/91]^ Clinic names are changed in a compiled input template. To insure the use of this trigger the following action is taken: The Record Tracking package includes the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44 so that the SDB template is re-compiled when the Record Tracking package is initialized. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 544 IA #: 544 DATE CREATED: JUL 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: RTQ NAME: DBIA85-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 85 ID: RTQ GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. Activation interface 2. Make an appointment Checkin/unscheduled visit 3. Cancel an appointment 4. Changing clinic names 1. Use of the Record Tracking System Parameter file # 195.4 SD calls RT if the field 'MAS INTERFACE STATUS' is 'UP' ^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")=1^ 2. When a clinic appointment is made if the appointment is 'today' or if the Record Tracking System Parameter 'Batch requests' is set to 'No' or if records are requested for an unscheduled visit. A. An entry is made in the Requested Records file #190.1 ^RTV(190.1,n) by a call from RT^SDUTL to a tasked job QUE^RTQ or RT^SDI B. After the entry is added to the Requested Records file #190.1 an entry is made in Parent Record Request field of the Patient subfield of the Hospital Location file #44 ^SC(n,"S",,,,"RTR")=n^ by a return call from CREATE+11^RTQ2 to RTSET^SDUTL 3. When a clinic appointment is canceled: If there is a Requested Records entry in file #190.1 the status is changed to 'canceled' by a call RTV(190.1,n)=^^^^^x^ from RT+2^SDUTL to CANCEL^RTQ2. 4. When the name of a clinic is changed the corresponding names of entries in the Pull List file #194.2 are changed by a trigger on the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44. Clinic ^SC(1,0)=DJones Medical Clinic^ ^RTV(194.2,n)=Dr Jones Medical Clinic [04/01/91]^ Clinic names are changed in a compiled input template. To insure the use of this trigger the following action is taken: The Record Tracking package includes the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44 so that the SDB template is re-compiled when the Record Tracking package is initialized. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: QUE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 545 IA #: 545 DATE CREATED: JUL 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: RTQ2 NAME: DBIA85-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 85 ID: RTQ2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. Activation interface 2. Make an appointment Checkin/unscheduled visit 3. Cancel an appointment 4. Changing clinic names 1. Use of the Record Tracking System Parameter file # 195.4 SD calls RT if the field 'MAS INTERFACE STATUS' is 'UP' ^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")=1^ 2. When a clinic appointment is made if the appointment is 'today' or if the Record Tracking System Parameter 'Batch requests' is set to 'No' or if records are requested for an unscheduled visit. A. An entry is made in the Requested Records file #190.1 ^RTV(190.1,n) by a call from RT^SDUTL to a tasked job QUE^RTQ or RT^SDI B. After the entry is added to the Requested Records file #190.1 an entry is made in Parent Record Request field of the Patient subfield of the Hospital Location file #44 ^SC(n,"S",,,,"RTR")=n^ by a return call from CREATE+11^RTQ2 to RTSET^SDUTL 3. When a clinic appointment is canceled: If there is a Requested Records entry in file #190.1 the status is changed to 'canceled' by a call RTV(190.1,n)=^^^^^x^ from RT+2^SDUTL to CANCEL^RTQ2. 4. When the name of a clinic is changed the corresponding names of entries in the Pull List file #194.2 are changed by a trigger on the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44. Clinic ^SC(1,0)=DJones Medical Clinic^ ^RTV(194.2,n)=Dr Jones Medical Clinic [04/01/91]^ Clinic names are changed in a compiled input template. To insure the use of this trigger the following action is taken: The Record Tracking package includes the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44 so that the SDB template is re-compiled when the Record Tracking package is initialized. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: CANCEL SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 546 IA #: 546 FILE NUMBER: 194.2 GLOBAL ROOT: RTV(194.2, DATE CREATED: JUL 09, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA85-E ORIGINAL NUMBER: 85 ID: RTV(194.2, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. Activation interface 2. Make an appointment Checkin/unscheduled visit 3. Cancel an appointment 4. Changing clinic names 1. Use of the Record Tracking System Parameter file # 195.4 SD calls RT if the field 'MAS INTERFACE STATUS' is 'UP' ^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")=1^ 2. When a clinic appointment is made if the appointment is 'today' or if the Record Tracking System Parameter 'Batch requests' is set to 'No' or if records are requested for an unscheduled visit. A. An entry is made in the Requested Records file #190.1 ^RTV(190.1,n) by a call from RT^SDUTL to a tasked job QUE^RTQ or RT^SDI B. After the entry is added to the Requested Records file #190.1 an entry is made in Parent Record Request field of the Patient subfield of the Hospital Location file #44 ^SC(n,"S",,,,"RTR")=n^ by a return call from CREATE+11^RTQ2 to RTSET^SDUTL 3. When a clinic appointment is canceled: If there is a Requested Records entry in file #190.1 the status is changed to 'canceled' by a call RTV(190.1,n)=^^^^^x^ from RT+2^SDUTL to CANCEL^RTQ2. 4. When the name of a clinic is changed the corresponding names of entries in the Pull List file #194.2 are changed by a trigger on the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44. Clinic ^SC(1,0)=DJones Medical Clinic^ ^RTV(194.2,n)=Dr Jones Medical Clinic [04/01/91]^ Clinic names are changed in a compiled input template. To insure the use of this trigger the following action is taken: The Record Tracking package includes the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44 so that the SDB template is re-compiled when the Record Tracking package is initialized. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SCHEDULING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 547 IA #: 547 FILE NUMBER: 45 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPT( DATE CREATED: JUL 10, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA87-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 87 ID: DGPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PTF FILE: Looks at 70 node (Discharge and ICD diagnosis info) and M multiple (movement data) and its ICD 1 field. (routine YSCEN32) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 548 IA #: 548 FILE NUMBER: 8 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(8, DATE CREATED: JUL 10, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA87-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 87 ID: DIC(8, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ELIGIBILITY CODE: Looks at .01. (routines: YSCEN23, YSCEN54, YSDGDEM, YSPP1A) Quality: Audiology and Speech Pathology Audit and Review (QUASAR) Package, A&SP CLINIC VISIT File (#509850.6), VISIT ELIGIBILITY Field (#80) points to the ELIGIBILITY CODE File (#8) to accommodate recording, tracking and reporting workload by visit eligibility. Quality: Audiology and Speech Pathology Audit and Review (QUASAR) Package, A&SP CLINIC VISIT File (#509850.6), PATIENT ELIGIBILITY Field (#2) points to the ELIGIBILITY CODE File (#8) to accommodate recording, tracking and reporting workload by patient eligibility. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUASAR ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: WOMEN'S HEALTH ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL REMINDERS NUMBER: 549 IA #: 549 FILE NUMBER: 37 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(37, DATE CREATED: JUL 10, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA87-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 87 ID: DIC(37, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: DISPOSITION FILE: (routine: YSPP4) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 550 IA #: 550 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: JUL 10, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA87-E ORIGINAL NUMBER: 87 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: PATIENT FILE (listed by field or node referenced. If a node is referenced, it will follow in ()s): CLAIM NUMBER and CLAIM FOLDER LOCATION (YSCEN23, YSDGDEM,YSCEN54, and YSPP1) RELIGION (YSCEN23, YSDGDEM, and YSCEN54) ELIGIBILITY CODE (YSCEN23, YSDGDEM, YSCEN54, and YSPP1A) EMERGENCY CONTACT NODE (.33) (YSCEN23, YSCEN54, and YSPP) NEXT OF KIN NODE (.21) (YSPP1) DESIGNEE NODE (.34) (YSPP1) ADDRESS NODE (.11) (YSCEN23 and YSDGDEM) PHONE NODE (.13) (YSCEN23, YSDGDEM, and YSPP) TEMPORARY ADDRESS NODE (.121) (YSCEN23 and YSDGDEM) ELIGIBILITY STATUS NODE (.361) (YSCEN23, YSDGDEM, and YSPP1A) SERIOUSLY ILL (YSDGDEM0) ENROLLMENT MULTIPLE (YSDGDEM0) APPOINTMENT MULTIPLE (YSDGDEM0) DISPOSITION MULTIPLE (YSPP4) INELIGIBLE DATE (YSPP, YSPP1) EMPLOYER NODE (.311) (YSPP1) SERVICE CONNECTED? (YSPP1) SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE (YSPP1) PARENTS' NAMES NODE (.24) (YSPP1) PRIOR CARE RECIEVED NODE (1010.15) (YSPP2) SERVICE RECORD NODE (.32) (YSPP2) AGENCY/ALLIED COUNTRY (YSPP2) COMBAT DATA (.52) (YSPP2) POW DATA (.52) (YSPP2) IONIZING RADIATION DATA (.321) (YSPP2) VIETNAM SERVICE DATA (.321) (YSPP3) AGENT ORANGE DATA (.321) (YSPP3) SERVICE DENTAL INJURY (YSPP3) SERVICE TEETH EXTRACTED? (YSPP3) STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 551 IA #: 551 DATE CREATED: AUG 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: GRECC CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: GECSX5 NAME: DBIA88-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 88 ID: GECSX5 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 1. The 'DG' post-init for MAS v5.1 will be calling the Generic Code Sheet routine A^GECSX5 to re-build the template maps for the input templates listed above. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: A SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 552 IA #: 552 FILE NUMBER: 55 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(55, DATE CREATED: NOV 01, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File NAME: DBIA90-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 90 ID: PS(55, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(55,D0,'P',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PRESCRIPTION PROFILE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(55,DFN,'P','A',DATE, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 12/31/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*101. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of December 31, 2006. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: DEC 31, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 11757785 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@14:39 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 553 IA #: 553 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: NOV 01, 1993 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File NAME: DBIA90-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 90 ID: PSDRUG( GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSDRUG(D0, FIELD NUMBER: 21 FIELD NAME: VA PRODUCT NAME LOCATION: ND;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: GENERIC NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 16 FIELD NAME: PRICE PER DISPENSE UNIT LOCATION: 660;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 20 FIELD NAME: NATIONAL DRUG FILE ENTRY LOCATION: ND;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 25 FIELD NAME: NATIONAL DRUG CLASS LOCATION: ND;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. Amended August 30, 1994. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 11757785 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MYHEALTHEVET EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@12:43 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 554 IA #: 554 FILE NUMBER: 63 GLOBAL ROOT: LR( DATE CREATED: OCT 28, 1997 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA91-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 91 ID: LR( GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'CH',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME SPECIMEN TAKEN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2... FIELD NAME: TEST RESULT~FLAG LOCATION: 0;1-2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Direct global read of DD(63.04 is used to determine laboratory test names. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME SPECIMEN TAKEN LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: SITE/SPECIMEN LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,3,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: ORGANISM LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Direct global read of DD(63.3 and DD(63.3,"GL" nodes [Organism Sub-field]. FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,3,D2,IFN) FIELD NUMBER: 5... FIELD NAME: ANTIBIOTIC~INTERP LOCATION: IFN;1-2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,6,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PARASITE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Direct global read of DD(63.34 and DD(63.34,"GL" nodes [Parasite Sub-field]. GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,6,D2,1,D3,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: STAGE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,9,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: FUNGUS/YEAST LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Direct global read of DD(63.37 and DD(63.37,"GL" nodes [Fungus/Yeast Sub-field]. FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,12,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: MYCOBACTERIUM LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Direct global read of DD(63.39 and DD(63.39,"GL" nodes [Mycobacterium Sub-field]. FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: QUANTITY LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: LR(D0,'MI',D1,17,D2,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: VIRUS LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: Direct global read of DD(63.43 and DD(63.43,"GL" nodes [Virus Sub-field]. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Amended October 28, 1997. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 25328368 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: CCR added as a subscriber on 11/27/13 after developer review found reference to ICR in routine RORUTL10 and believes reference has been in the routine since 2006. EDITOR: TRAXLER,FRANK DBA Comments: 11/27/13 - MM: Clinical Case Registries was added as a subscriber on 11/27/13 when references to the ICR were found in the Technical Manuals and in routine RORUTL10. As of 11/27/13, RORUTL10 has not been patched and it is assumed the request to add CCR as a subscriber was done prior to the release of Clinical Case Registries Version 1.5 in February 2006. No further review - Documentation only processing. DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2013@12:06 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: RAY,CONNIE WITH CONCURRENCE OF: RAY,CONNIE NUMBER: 555 IA #: 555 FILE NUMBER: 61 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(61, DATE CREATED: OCT 28, 1997 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA91-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 91 ID: LAB(61, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(61,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Amended October 28, 1997. Data from the following fields are accessed for read only (Read w/FileMan or Direct Global Read): ^LAB(61 TOPOGRAPHY FIELD File .01 NAME STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 25328622 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 556 IA #: 556 FILE NUMBER: 409.5 GLOBAL ROOT: SDV( DATE CREATED: SEP 11, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File NAME: DBIA93-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 93 ID: SDV( GLOBAL REFERENCE: SDV(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DATE/TIME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SDV(D0,'CS',D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CLINIC STOP CODE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: SDV('C',X,DA) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Eligible records will be determined by using the 'C' cross reference of the SCHEDULING VISITS file to determine matches with patients. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 11757796 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 557 IA #: 557 FILE NUMBER: 40.7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(40.7, DATE CREATED: SEP 11, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA93-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 93 ID: DIC(40.7, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(40.7,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: AMIS REPORTING STOP CODE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: INACTIVE DATE LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(40.7,'C',X,DA) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The C cross-reference is used to determine Stop Code, as a direct global read. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 11757796 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: PCE is the only user of the 'INACTIVE DATE' field. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUASAR ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Dallas SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL REMINDERS ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VA CERTIFIED COMPONENTS - DSSI SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VIRTUAL PATIENT RECORD SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MYHEALTHEVET DBA Comments: 2/15/13 DT: Kumar worked out an agreement with Barbara Schuster from Systems Redesign Scheduling, Access & OPT Services to display stop code number and name in MyHealtheVet patch MHV*1.0*10. Added MyHealtheVet as subscriber. VPR added as a subscriber on 5/18/12 for VPR*1.0. 1/22/16-MC:VPS planned to release the make/cancel appointment functionality in the VPS namespace. The project team requested subscription to or created new ICRs to give the VPS access to the files and APIs necessary for this functionality. The ICR team, MASS project team resource, VistA Scheduling Enhancement project reseource, and Julie Harvey agree that the make/cancel functionality belonged in the Scheduling/SD namespace. Keith Cox disapproved the ICRs indicating the ICRs could not be approved unless the namespacing of the software was corrected. VPS could not meet this requirement and indicated the make/cancel appointment functionality is no longer in scope for VPS*1*6. Requests for ICRs #325, 557, 723, 2065, 2437, 6232, 6233, and 6297 were withdrawn. DATE/TIME EDITED: MAY 18, 2012@15:33 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BUECHLER,MELANIE WITH CONCURRENCE OF: YORTY,BOB DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 15, 2013@16:23 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: MARRI,NAGARAJA WITH CONCURRENCE OF: SCHUSTER,BARBARA DATE/TIME EDITED: FEB 15, 2013@16:24 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED NUMBER: 558 IA #: 558 DATE CREATED: SEP 24, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: LRX NAME: DBIA95-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 95 ID: LRX GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request an agreement with the lab developers for usage of the following: variables: Only those associated with the routines below Routines from indicated entry points: PT^LRX STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: COMPENSATON AND PENSION ISC: Albany SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VA POINT OF SERVICE (KIOSKS) DBA Comments: 10/1/14-MC: Added VPS as a subscriber as requested by Carolyn Wheless and approved by Carol Anzaldua for patch VPS*1*4. VPS will be required to return stored patient specimen data and patient information to VetLink as part of the RPC to access implementation to the VistA Howdy Computerized Phlebotomy Login Process. NUMBER: 559 IA #: 559 DATE CREATED: SEP 24, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: LRRP2 NAME: DBIA95-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 95 ID: LRRP2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Request an agreement with the lab developers for usage of the following: variables: Only those associated with the routines below Routines from indicated entry points: SWITCH^LRRP2 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: SWITCH SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: COMPENSATON AND PENSION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 560 IA #: 560 FILE NUMBER: 49 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(49, DATE CREATED: AUG 26, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA97-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 97 ID: DIC(49, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The DSS developers have agreed that the IMS developers may export file 730 (NATIONAL SERVICE) with data and field 730 (NATIONAL SERVICE) in file 49 (SERVICE/SECTION) with no data. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTERIM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 561 IA #: 561 GLOBAL ROOT: %ZTSK( DATE CREATED: MAR 20, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA98-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 98 ID: %ZTSK( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Version 5.1 of the laboratory package has a temporary agreement for the following: 2) To reference the global %ZTSK directly to display the error trap data. (Rick has been notified of our usage of the %ZTSK global) When Kernel release their error trapping system, Lab will convert to the Kernel supported methodology. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 562 IA #: 562 FILE NUMBER: 220.4 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(220.4, DATE CREATED: NOV 09, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DENTAL CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA102-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 102 ID: DIC(220.4, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(220.4,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: DENTAL BED SECTION LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The following fields are accessed in a read-only manner: ^DIC(220.4 .01 Dental Bed Section STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland NUMBER: 563 IA #: 563 FILE NUMBER: 131.9 GLOBAL ROOT: SRO(131.9, DATE CREATED: JUL 28, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SURGERY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA103-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 103 ID: SRO(131.9, GLOBAL REFERENCE: SRO(131.9,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: DSS EXTRACTS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 564 IA #: 564 FILE NUMBER: 45 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPT( DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File NAME: DBIA104-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 104 ID: DGPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: #45 PTF file ^DGPT("ADS", cross-reference: When using the ^DGPT(PTF,0) node, the software checks the 11th piece for the type of record (i.e., PTF or CENSUS). For example: Q:$P(^DGPT(QI P1IFN,0),U,11)'=1 ". ^DGPT("AAD", cross-reference The following nodes and multiples from File 45: 0 node 70 node 401 multiple 501 multiple 601 multiple Other referenced nodes: ^DGPT(,"S" ^DGPT(,"M","AM" x-ref The internal entry number (D1) of the sub-file entry is obtained (^DGPT(D0,"M",D1)) and used to find the zero node. The zero node of the "M" multiple (^DGPT(D0,"M",D1,0)) contains the movement records (1-1000) for this episode of care. Two pieces of information are obtained from the movement record. First, is the losing specialty (field #2). This field contains the losing bedsection for this movement and is a pointer to the SPECIALTY file (#42.4). If the description of the losing specialty does not contain "NHCU" or "DOMICILIARY", routine execution continues. The second field obtained is the ICD 1 field (#5) which contains the diagnosis responsible for the greatest length of stay in this bedsection. It is a pointer to the ICD DIAGNOSIS file (#80). If the diagnosis is a substance abuse diagnosis, the entry is stored to a temporary file (^TMP) and the patient is listed on the report. All movement records for a patient will be checked until a match is found at which time routine execution will proceed to the next patient. If no matches are found, the patient is not reported and execution proceeds to the next patient. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 27917395 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: MENTAL HEALTH ISC: Dallas NUMBER: 565 IA #: 565 FILE NUMBER: 405 GLOBAL ROOT: DGPM( DATE CREATED: JUN 22, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA104-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 104 ID: DGPM( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DGPM(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .06 FIELD NAME: WARD LOCATION LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The listed references will be made from the QIP1* & QIP3SR* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the PIMS developers (for QIP1*) and surgery developers (for QIP3SR*). Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. To determine the associated admission for perioperative extracts, the following cross-reference is used: ^DGPM("APTT1" STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 12081724 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SURGERY ISC: Birmingham DBA Comments: 12/24/14-MM: Phil Burkhalter from Scheduling Calendar View said the MBAA PATIENT ADMISSIONS RPC is not included in this release of SCV or VAR2. Request can be withdrawn. NUMBER: 566 IA #: 566 FILE NUMBER: 52 GLOBAL ROOT: PSRX( DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA106-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 106 ID: PSRX( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine QIP3POLY reads the following fields: In file 52, PRESCRIPTION 6 - DRUG 101 - LAST DISPENSED DATE Amendment to DBIA 106 approved 10/10/93: QUIC is requesting the following be added to DBIA #106. The additional files/fields will be used to report the rate of completion of at least one Glycosalated Hemoglobin measurement within one year for diabetic patients on a medication regimen. Add under #52 PRESCRIPTION file 100 STATUS STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 567 IA #: 567 FILE NUMBER: 55 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(55, DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA106-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 106 ID: PS(55, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Routine QIP3POLY reads the following fields: In file 55, PHARMACY PATIENT, the cross reference ^PS(55,DFN,"P","A",DATE,RX) The above references will be made from the QIP3POLY routine which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the pharmacy developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. Amendment to DBIA 106 approved 10/10/93: QUIC is requesting the following be added to DBIA #106. The additional files/fields will be used to report the rate of completion of at least one Glycosalated Hemoglobin measurement within one year for diabetic patients on a medication regimen. #55, PHARMACY PATIENT file .01 NAME 55.06,55.02,.01 DISPENSED DRUG 55.06,28 STATUS 55.01,55.02,.01 ADDITIVES 55.01,100 STATUS Cross reference ^PS(55,DFN,5,"AUS",DATE/TIME,DA) With the "AUS" cross reference, I am referencing the DISPENSE DRUG and TATUS (#28) fields. 5,D0,5,D1,0)=^^^^^^^^ (#28) STATUS [9S] ^ (55,D0,5,D1,1,D2,0)= (#.01) DISPENSE DRUG [1P] ^ STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 568 IA #: 568 FILE NUMBER: 52.6 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(52.6, DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA106-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 106 ID: PS(52.6, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(52.6,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: PRINT NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. Amendment to DBIA 106 approved 10/10/93: QUIC is requesting the following be added to DBIA #106. The additional files/fields will be used to report the rate of completion of at least one Glycosalated Hemoglobin measurement within one year for diabetic patients on a medication regimen. #52.6, IV ADDITIVES file .01 PRINT NAME STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T NUMBER: 569 IA #: 569 FILE NUMBER: 132.9 GLOBAL ROOT: SRO(132.9, DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SURGERY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA107-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 107 ID: SRO(132.9, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Custodial package - Surgery: ---------------------------- Routine QIP3SR accesses the following fields: In file 132.9, ATTENDING CODES 1 - CODE The above references will be made from the QIP3SR* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the surgery developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: SEP 07, 1994 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 570 IA #: 570 FILE NUMBER: 210 GLOBAL ROOT: NURSF(210, DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NURSING SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA108-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 108 ID: NURSF(210, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: NURS STAFF FILE #210 .01 Employee Name 3 Assignment (multiple) 1 Service Position 3 Location 5 Status 20 Date of Seperation from Hospital Version 2.5: NURS STAFF FILE #210 .01 Employee Name 5 Status The above references will be made from the QIP4* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the nursing developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 571 IA #: 571 FILE NUMBER: 211.8 GLOBAL ROOT: NURSF(211.8, DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NURSING SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA108-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 108 ID: NURSF(211.8, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: NURS POSITION CONTROL FILE #211.8 .01 Location 2 Occupancy/Transferred Date (Multiple) .03 Service Position 3 Vacancy Date The above references will be made from the QIP4* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the nursing developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 572 IA #: 572 FILE NUMBER: 68 GLOBAL ROOT: LRO(68, DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA109-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 109 ID: LRO(68, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 68 ACCESSION FILE 68.01,.01 DATE 68.02,12 LAB ARRIVAL TIME 68.02,13 DATE/TIEM RESULTS AVAILABLE 68.04,.01 TESTS 68.04,1 URGENCY OF TEST 68,.02 LR SUBSCRIPT 68.02,.01 LRDFN 68.02,1 FILE # 68.02,94 ORDERING LOCATION 68.02,9 DRAW TIME 68.02,13.5 INVERSE DATE 68.05,.01 SPECIMEN The above references will be made from the QIP5* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the lab developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 573 IA #: 573 FILE NUMBER: 61.2 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(61.2 DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA109-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 109 ID: LAB(61.2 GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(61.2,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The above references will be made from the QIP5* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the lab developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 574 IA #: 574 FILE NUMBER: 62.06 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(62.06, DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA109-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 109 ID: LAB(62.06, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(62.06,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: DRUG NODE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The above references will be made from the QIP5* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the lab developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 575 IA #: 575 FILE NUMBER: 63 GLOBAL ROOT: LR( DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA109-E ORIGINAL NUMBER: 109 ID: LR( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 63 LAB DATA 63,.01 LRDFN 63,.02 PARENT FILE 63,.03 NAME 63.04,.01 DATE/TIME SPECIMEN TAKEN 63.3,.01 ORGANISM 63.3,* FIELDS FOR ANTIBIOTICS 63.017,.01 TRANSFUSION DATE/TIME 63.017,.02 COMPONENT 63.017,.08 TRANSFUSION REACTION 63.04,* ALL LAB TEST FIELDS The above references will be made from the QIP5* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the lab developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 576 IA #: 576 FILE NUMBER: 66 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(66, DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA109-F ORIGINAL NUMBER: 109 ID: LAB(66, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(66,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The above references will be made from the QIP5* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the lab developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 577 IA #: 577 FILE NUMBER: 62 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(62, DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA109-G ORIGINAL NUMBER: 109 ID: LAB(62, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(62,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: DEFAULT SPECIMEN LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: The above references will be made from the QIP5* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the lab developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 578 IA #: 578 FILE NUMBER: 60 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(60, DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA109-H ORIGINAL NUMBER: 109 ID: LAB(60, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 60 LABORATORY TEST FILE 60,3 TYPE 60,4 SUBSCRIPT 60,400 DATA NAME The above references will be made from the QIP5* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the lab developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 579 IA #: 579 FILE NUMBER: 61 GLOBAL ROOT: LAB(61, DATE CREATED: OCT 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LAB SERVICE CUSTODIAL ISC: Dallas USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA109-I ORIGINAL NUMBER: 109 ID: LAB(61, GLOBAL REFERENCE: LAB(61,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: The above references will be made from the QIP5* routines which, while belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the lab developers. Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 580 IA #: 580 FILE NUMBER: 40.7 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(40.7, DATE CREATED: JUN 20, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA110-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 110 ID: DIC(40.7, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(40.7,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: AMIS REPORTING STOP CODE LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: - Determining the percentage of no-show visits versus the total number of visits: STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT CHECKLIST ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 581 IA #: 581 DATE CREATED: MAY 14, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: DGANHD3 NAME: DBIA111-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 111 ID: DGANHD3 STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: 2) AMIS Segments 345-346 This entry point prints the inpatient AMIS segments 345-346 for a select month/year. If the variable DGMYR is not defined, the user will be prompted for the AMIS month/year to print. SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTERIM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 582 IA #: 582 FILE NUMBER: 80 GLOBAL ROOT: ICD9( DATE CREATED: APR 21, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: DRG GROUPER CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA113-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 113 ID: ICD9( GLOBAL REFERENCE: ICD9(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CODE NUMBER LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 11757796 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland DBA Comments: 07-17-14 DT: ICR is retired upon release of ICD*18.0*57 (6-17-14 release) for ICD10 Conversion - replaced by ICR 5747. DATE/TIME EDITED: JUL 17, 2014@07:54 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: ROWE,KIMBALL WITH CONCURRENCE OF: ROWE,KIMBALL NUMBER: 583 IA #: 583 DATE CREATED: AUG 24, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: RTPSET NAME: DBIA115-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 115 ID: RTPSET GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Radiology uses a call to APL1^RTPSET to access the RTAPL variable (record tracking system wide application variable) to insure the radiology application of record tracking is set prior to making a record request or displaying record information STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: APL1 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 584 IA #: 584 DATE CREATED: AUG 24, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: RTQ5 NAME: DBIA115-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 115 ID: RTQ5 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: When registering a patient exam, requests for records from the radiology application of Record Tracking can be made by a call from the Radiology/Nuclear Medicine package to ^RTQ5. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 14682303 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE ISC: Hines NUMBER: 585 IA #: 585 DATE CREATED: AUG 24, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: RTRD NAME: DBIA115-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 115 ID: RTRD GENERAL DESCRIPTION: When displaying exam profiles, location and record information is displayed by a call from RT^RAPROQ to ^RTUTL2. Paging assistance is provided by variable RTESC from a call to ESC^RTRD. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ESC SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE ISC: Albany NUMBER: 586 IA #: 586 FILE NUMBER: 71 GLOBAL ROOT: RAMIS(71, DATE CREATED: OCT 30, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA118-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 118 ID: RAMIS(71, GLOBAL REFERENCE: RAMIS(71,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: CPT CODE LOCATION: 0;9 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 10 FIELD NAME: COST OF PROCEDURE LOCATION: 0;10 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: RAMIS(71,'D',X,DA) FIELD NUMBER: 9 FIELD NAME: CPT CODE ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: D cross-reference is used to determine CPT code. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 11757794 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ICR - IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL REMINDERS ISC: Salt Lake City SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: VA POINT OF SERVICE (KIOSKS) DBA Comments: 10/9/14-MC: Added VPS as a subscriber at the request of Carolyn Wheless and approved by Greg Cebelinski for VPS*1*4. VPS needs to return patient radiology/imaging requests to VetLink, including fields 2,3, and 17 from file #70.03 and field 2 from file #70.02 NUMBER: 587 IA #: 587 FILE NUMBER: 71.2 GLOBAL ROOT: RAMIS(71.2, DATE CREATED: OCT 30, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Controlled Subscription TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA118-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 118 ID: RAMIS(71.2, GLOBAL REFERENCE: RAMIS(71.2,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 11757794 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION ISC: Oakland SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: HEALTH MANAGEMENT PLATFORM SUBSCRIBING DETAILS: This functionality is being released in HMP 2.0 DBA Comments: 8/18/16-MC: Added HMP as a subscriber to ICR #587 for HMP 2.0 DATE/TIME EDITED: AUG 18, 2016@10:25 ACTION: SUBSCRIBER ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF: BURKHALTER,WILLIAM WITH CONCURRENCE OF: CEBELINSKI,GREGORY NUMBER: 588 IA #: 588 DATE CREATED: APR 21, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: RECORD TRACKING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: RTQ3 NAME: DBIA120-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 120 ID: RTQ3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 2. When a patient is registered, records may be requested by a call from REFILE+2^DGREG0 to ADM^RTQ3 ^RTV(190.1,n) STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: ADM SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REGISTRATION ISC: Albany NUMBER: 589 IA #: 589 DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA124-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 124 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Export of options PSOCP TRANSACTION and PSOCP RESET COPAY STATUS in version 1 of the Integrated Billing Package.Export of the IB SERVICE/SECTION field of the Pharmacy Site file (59) and the CO-PAY TRANSACTION TYPE, IB NUMBER and REFILL DATE (entire multiple) fields of the Prescription file in version 1 of the Integrated Billing Package. Export of routines PSOCP, PSOCPA, PSOCPB, PSOCPC, PSOCPD, PSOCPVW, PSOLBL, PSONEW, PSONEW3,PSORENW1, PSORXDL, PSORXED, PSORXL, PSOSD0, PSOSD1,PSOSD 2, PSOSULB1, and PSOSULBL. Export PSO NEWSITE input template of the Pharmacy Site file (59). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 590 IA #: 590 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA124-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 124 ID: PSDRUG( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. C. Direct reference to ^PSRX(n,0) and ^PSDRUG(n,0) by Integrated Billing for use to determine prescription number and drug name when calculating the Brief Description field. The MUMPS code to do this is stored in the IB ACTION TYPE file. D. Direct reference to ^PSRX by Integrated Billing to determine if the link between Integrated Billing and the Prescription file is intact. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 591 IA #: 591 FILE NUMBER: 52 GLOBAL ROOT: PSRX( DATE CREATED: DEC 02, 2005 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA124-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 124 ID: PSRX( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Direct reference to ^PSRX(n,0) and ^PSDRUG(n,0) by Integrated Billing for use to determine prescription number and drug name when calculating the Brief Description field. The MUMPS code to do this is stored in the IB ACTION TYPE file. Direct reference to ^PSRX by Integrated Billing to determine if the link between Integrated Billing and the Prescription file is intact. Direct global reads of the ICD DIAGNOSIS multiple's fields. This agreement will be retired on 12/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSO*7*213. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of December 1, 2006. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: DEC 01, 2006 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 592 IA #: 592 FILE NUMBER: 350.1 GLOBAL ROOT: IBE(350.1, DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA125-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 125 ID: IBE(350.1, GLOBAL REFERENCE: IBE(350.1,DA, FIELD NUMBER: .05 FIELD NAME: SEQUENCE LOCATION: 0;5 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: A check is done when deleting a refill of a prescription that has Copay charges to this field, and if this field is not equal to "Cancel", a warning is given to user when deleting the refill that Copay charges must be removed before deleting the refill. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 5. Direct reference to ^IBE(350.1,"B" to automatically determine the IB CHARGE REMOVAL REASON of "RX DELETED" when a prescription is deleted. . 6. Look-up by Outpatient Pharmacy to the IB CHARGE REMOVAL REASON file, as this is passed back to Integrated Billing with cancel transactions. The OUTPATIENT SITE File (#59) has a pointer field to the SERVICE/SECTION File (#49). For Pharmacy Copay to work, this field must match the SERVICE Field (#.04) for pharmacy action types in the IB ACTION TYPE File (#350.1). This is done by checking the "ANEW" cross reference on the SERVICE Field (#.04) in File 350.1 with a Direct Global read: I '$D(^IBE(350.1,"ANEW",pharmacy pointer,1,1))... STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 593 IA #: 593 DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: PRCASER1 NAME: DBIA127-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 127 ID: PRCASER1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This routine is used for making transactions to an already existing bill. This would be used, for example, if a Pharmacy Co-Pay was charged and later canceled because the patient did not receive the RX. INPUT Variable: X $P1: Transaction type. This is the pointer to the Accounts Receivable Trans.Type file (430.3. Currently this program will support two types of transactions: INCREASE ADJUSTMENT Number: 1 DECREASE ADJUSTMENT Number: 21 This piece should be set to the internal value for these types, this may be found by direct accessing the "AC" cross-reference on the Number to determine the internal value. $P2: Amount. This would be the amount of the transaction. This number must be greater than 0 and less than 9999999.99. $P3: Bill Number. This must be the .01 value of the bill from the Accounts Receivable file (430) and must be 10 characters in length. (ex: 503-K10001). $P4: User. this is the person who is making the adjustment. Pointer to the User file (3). $P5: Adjustment Date. This is the internal VA FileMan date when the adjustment occurred. $P6: Reason. This is the free text reason that the adjustment took place (optional). Output Variable: Y $P1: Success flag. Equals 1 if successful, -1 if unsuccessful $P2: Error Code. This is the error code from the IB Error file. $P3: Addition Text. If additional text is required to describe the error then it is in the third piece. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 594 IA #: 594 FILE NUMBER: 430.2 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCA(430.2, DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA127-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 127 ID: PRCA(430.2, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PRCA(430.2,CAT,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CATEGORY LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used by various reports in the Diagnostic Measures module. Some examples of these reports are: First Party Follow-up Report, Miscellaneous Bills Report, among others. FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: ABBREVIATION LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used by various reports in the Diagnostic Measures module. Some examples of these reports are: First Party Follow-up Report, Miscellaneous Bills Report, among others. FIELD NUMBER: 5 FIELD NAME: TYPE LOCATION: 0;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD DESCRIPTION: This field is used by IB in the Diagnostic Measures module. The value in this field is used to classify an AR Category as FIRST PARTY or THIRD PARTY category. Basically, categories of types PATIENT or MEANS TEST PATIENT are considered First Party categories and the others Third Party. Two exceptions to this are the categories EX-EMPLOYEE and CURRENT EMPLOYEE that are always FIRST PARTY categories, independent of their type. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Integrated Billing has permission to access the following fields: STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 32843560 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 595 IA #: 595 FILE NUMBER: 430 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCA(430, DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA127-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 127 ID: PRCA(430, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Look-up of the Accounts Receivable file (430) by Integrated Billing for an option to print by Coarge ID (bill number). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 596 IA #: 596 DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Other DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA127-E ORIGINAL NUMBER: 127 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Export of data, files, functions, options, routines, templates and security keys by Version 1 of Integrated Billing as necessary to successfully implement the Pharmacy Co-pay project as follows: File Data ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (partial) (430) NO ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CATEGORY (430.2) YES ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TRANS.TYPE (430.3) YES ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FORM LETTER (434) YES BATCH TRANSACTION (435) YES AR DEBTOR (412) NO VENDOR (partial) (440) NO Functions PRCADDR1, PRCADDR2, PRCACITY, PRCASTATE, PRCAZIP Security keys PRCAY PAYMENT SUP Options PRCAL LIST MENU Accounts Receivable Status Reports PRCAD REPORT MENU Report Menu for Accounts Receivable PRCA CLERK`MENU Clerk's AR Menu PRCAC TR PAYMENT Enter a Payment Transaction PRCAC PROFILE Profile of Accounts Receivable PRCAE FOLLOW-UP Follow-up Letter Menu PRCAC TRANSACTION Adjustment to Accounts Receivable PRCAC CHANGE Update Accounts Receivable PRCAA SET/AUDIT NEW BILL Audit/Set up a New Accounts Receivable PRCAD RECON CASHIER Agent Cashier Report PRCAL REFER DC DC Pending Referral AR Listing PRCAL REF DOJ DOJ Pending Referral AR Listing PRCAL STATUS LIST Status listing for Bills PRCAB PRINT BILLS New Bill Forms Print PRCAA OLD BILL Establish/Edit Old Bills PRCAC TRANS PROFILE Transaction Profile PRCAL MEANS LIST Means Test AR List PRCAL OTHER LIST Other Category AR List PRCA FORWARD IRS OFFSETS Forward IRS OFFSETs to Austin PRCAY CREATE/EDIT BATCH Create/Edit Payment Batch PRCAT CREATE CALM Create CALM Code Sheet for Other AR Transactions PRCAT LIST NEW TRANSACTION Other Bills pending CALM Transaction (Print) PRCAT PAT REF NUMBER AR (New) Processing PRCAT USER AR - Accounts Receivable Menu PRCAT PAT COMMON Establish PAT Common Number Series PRCAY APPROVE BATCH Approve Batch PRCAY POST TRANS Post an approved batch to A/R PRCAY MASTER Agent Cashier PRCAY BATCH STATUS Batch Status Report PRCAY ENTER A PAYMENT Enter a Payment (Agent Cashier) Routines PRCAAD, PRCABIL, PRCABD, PRCABP1, PRCABP2, PRCABP3, PRCABP31, PRCACLM, PRCADJ, PRCADR, PRCADR1, PRCALST, PRCALT, PRCALT1, PRCAOFF, PRCAOFF2, PRCAPAT, PRCAPAY, PRCAPAY1, PRCAPAY2, PRCAPCL, PRCAPRO, PRCAPTR, PRCAREPT, PRCARLT, PRCASER, PRCASER1 , PRCASTA, PRCASVC3, PRCASVC4, PRCASVC5, PRCAUDT, PRCAUT1, PRCAWO, PRCAY, PRCAYAPP, PRCAYE, PRCAYHLP, PRCAYPT, PRCAYUT, PRCFACX0 Templates Type File --------------------------------------- PRCABILLVEN Input VENDOR PRCA FY ADJ2 BATCH Input AR TRANSACTION PRCA FY ADJ1 Input AR TRANSACTION PRCA FY ADJ2 Input AR TRANSACTION PRCA BATCH PAYMENT Input AR TRANSACTION PRCA PAYMENT Input AR TRANSACTION PRCA OLD SET Input ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PRCA SET Input ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PRCASVC STATUS Input ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PRCASV REL Input ACCOUNTS RECIEVABLE PRCAE AUDIT Input ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PRCAC LOCATE DEBTOR Input ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PRCAY TRANSACTION EDIT Input BATCH TRANSACTION PRCAY BATCH STATUS Print BATCH TRANSACTION PRCAR CASH Print AR TRANSACTION STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 597 IA #: 597 DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Other NAME: DBIA127-F ORIGINAL NUMBER: 127 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Updating of pointer values in data by Version 1 of Integrated Billings post-initialization routine as necessary. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany DBA Comments: JSHARVEY/20081006 - RETIRED NO LONGER NECESSARY DATE/TIME EDITED: OCT 06, 2008@21:18 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: HARPER,AMY WITH CONCURRENCE OF: SURI,ASHWANI NUMBER: 598 IA #: 598 FILE NUMBER: 412 GLOBAL ROOT: PRC(412, DATE CREATED: SEP 02, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIY127-G ORIGINAL NUMBER: 598 ID: PRC(412, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Direct reference to the global ^PRC(412 in the Version 1 post initialization routine to set the STATEMENT DAY field. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 599 IA #: 599 FILE NUMBER: 430.6 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCA(430.6, DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA127-H ORIGINAL NUMBER: 127 ID: PRCA(430.6, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Direct reference to the global ^PRCA(430.6, to add a new entry in version 1 on the post initialization routine. Direct refe rence to global ^PRCA(430.6 to determine and set pointer values in the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CATEGORY file and in the IB ACTION TYPE file in the post initialization routine. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 600 IA #: 600 FILE NUMBER: 430.3 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCA(430.3, DATE CREATED: NOV 06, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA127-I ORIGINAL NUMBER: 127 ID: PRCA(430.3, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Direct reference to global ^PRCA(430.3, to determine the internal number of the decrease adjustment type when doing a decrease adjustment and to determing the internal number of the increase adjustment type when doing an increase adjustment type (required for input to supported call PRCASER1). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING ISC: Albany NUMBER: 601 IA #: 601 FILE NUMBER: 4 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(4, DATE CREATED: NOV 20, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: KERNEL CUSTODIAL ISC: San Francisco USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA128-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 128 ID: DIC(4, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: New Bill and Edit Bill options have been modified to prompt the user "Edit Debtor Address" after he/she has entered/edited the bill. This prompt as well as the Edit AR Debtor Address option allow edits to the NEW PERSON and INSTITUTION file. for the INSTITUTION file ^DIC(4, 1) 4,1.01 - Street Address 1 2) 4,1.02 - Street Address 2 3) 4,1.03 - City 4) 4,.02 - State 5) 4,1.04 - Zip Code 6) 4.03,.03 - Phone Please keep in mind that "all users" with access to the Billing menu will be able to edit the debtor address fields (option 2). STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ISC: Washington/Silver Spring NUMBER: 602 IA #: 602 FILE NUMBER: 8 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(8, DATE CREATED: DEC 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA130-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 130 ID: DIC(8, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read only access to the following Files, Fields, & X-References: FILE: Eligibility Code (DIC 8) FIELDS: Name (.01) ^DIC(8,i,0) Uses the "B" X-reference ^DIC(8,"B",NAME,i) *this is being requested by other packages and may be incorporated into VADPT at which time we will ask packages to use the utility STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed MAIL MESSAGE: 25725771 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 603 IA #: 603 FILE NUMBER: 31 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(31, DATE CREATED: DEC 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: HINQ CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA130-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 130 ID: DIC(31, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read only access to the following Files, Fields, & X-References: FILE: DISABILITY CONDITION (31) ^DIC(31,i,0) Field .01 Name "C" X-ref ^DIC(31,"C",DX CODE,i) Field 2 DX Code (The diagonostic codes that may be used for eligibility determinations for ROES are stored in ^RMPFL(791810.3,. ROES $O's through these disabilities and looks them up in ^DIC 31 using the "C" c ross-reference. The array RMPFL is built to hold the disability conditions found.) *this is being requested by other packages and may be incorporated into VADPT at which time we will ask packages to use the utility STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM NUMBER: 604 IA #: 604 FILE NUMBER: 35 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(35, DATE CREATED: DEC 04, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA130-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 130 ID: DIC(35, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read only access to the following Files, Fields, & X-References: FILE: OTHER FEDERAL AGENCY (35) ^DIC(35,i,0) FIELD .01 NAME *this is being requested by other packages and may be incorporated into VADPT at which time we will ask packages to use the utility STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM NUMBER: 605 IA #: 605 FILE NUMBER: 44 GLOBAL ROOT: SC( DATE CREATED: APR 03, 2003 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: SCHEDULING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA131-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 131 ID: SC( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to File 44 field .01 and Appointment sub-fields 'Clinic Stop Code' and 'Patient Name' STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: SOCIAL WORK ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 606 IA #: 606 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: DEC 05, 1991 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA132-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 132 ID: DPT( GENERAL DESCRIPTION: For a 'death' movement: Inpatient Meds has a MUMPS cross-reference (#6) under DATE OF DEATH field (#.351) of the PATIENT file. This cross-reference also uses the PSJADT routines, first checking for the existence of the routine PSJADT. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 607 IA #: 607 DATE CREATED: JAN 07, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine ROUTINE: PRCS58CC NAME: DBIA140-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 140 ID: PRCS58CC GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 2. ^PRCS58CC - Support for the close/complete action on a 1358 daily record. Variables: PRCSX - 5-piece variable delimited by '^' piece 1 = Internal daily reference no. piece 2 = Date/Time (internal format) piece 3 = Amount of Payment piece 4 = Comments (limited to 78 characters) piece 5 = Completed flag Y - a one or two '^'-piece delimited variable where piece 1 = 0 (zero) or 1 (0ne) piece 2 = a free-text error message. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 608 IA #: 608 FILE NUMBER: 420.5 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCD(420.5, DATE CREATED: JAN 07, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA140-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 140 ID: PRCD(420.5, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 3. Read access to file 420.5 (Unit of Issue) STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 609 IA #: 609 FILE NUMBER: 440 GLOBAL ROOT: PRC(440, DATE CREATED: JAN 07, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA140-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 140 ID: PRC(440, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 4. Prosthetics to have Read, Write, and LAYGO access to files 440 (vendor) and 441 (Item Master), thru options PRCHPC ITEM EDIT and PRCHRC VEN EDIT, restricted through assignment of the RMPRSUPERVISOR key. This key will be issued to a prosthetics clerk who has completed training by Supply Service on the IFCAP conventions and procedures for entering data into the above named files. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 610 IA #: 610 FILE NUMBER: 441 GLOBAL ROOT: PRC(441, DATE CREATED: JAN 07, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA140-E ORIGINAL NUMBER: 140 ID: PRC(441, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 4. Prosthetics to have Read, Write, and LAYGO access to files 440 (vendor) and 441 (Item Master), thru options PRCHPC ITEM EDIT and PRCHRC VEN EDIT, restricted through assignment of the RMPRSUPERVISOR key. This key will be issued to a prosthetics clerk who has completed training by Supply Service on the IFCAP conventions and procedures for entering data into the above named files. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 611 IA #: 611 FILE NUMBER: 410 GLOBAL ROOT: PRCS(410, DATE CREATED: JAN 07, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: IFCAP CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA140-F ORIGINAL NUMBER: 140 ID: PRCS(410, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to file 410 (Control Point Activity) - Access required to check the status of 2237's. STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 612 IA #: 612 FILE NUMBER: 36 GLOBAL ROOT: DIC(36, DATE CREATED: JAN 23, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: INTEGRATED BILLING CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA142-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 142 ID: DIC(36, GLOBAL REFERENCE: DIC(36,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 613 IA #: 613 FILE NUMBER: 2 GLOBAL ROOT: DPT( DATE CREATED: JAN 23, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: REGISTRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA142-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 142 ID: DPT( GLOBAL REFERENCE: DPT(D0,.372,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: RATED DISABILITIES (VA) LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: PROSTHETICS ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 614 IA #: 614 DATE CREATED: MAR 05, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING CUSTODIAL ISC: Salt Lake City USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: OR NAME: DBIA145-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 145 ID: OR STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: IN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: When a user selects to review progress notes through OE/RR, one possible action to take is to select a new patient to review notes for. Rather than have the user return to the original patient upon exiting to OE/RR, I am using a call to D IN^OR to handle selecting a new patient; this call selects a new patient and updates all needed OR variables as well. As this piece of code requires ORVP be defined, I have placed a screen on the selection of the protocol that invokes this code from the Progress Notes review screen: I +XQORNOD(0),$D(ORVP) This eliminates the potential for a user to "^^"-jump to the review screen and error out of the program because ORVP was not defined. (The first piece of XQORNOD(0) holds the IFN of the selected protocol unless it was "^^"-jumped to.) SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 615 IA #: 615 DATE CREATED: MAR 11, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: MCOR NAME: DBIA147-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 147 ID: MCOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 2. This results pointer is updated via calls from the Medicine options which enter/edit results to EN^GMRCR and RESULT^GMRCR, which are documented in the Consult/Request Tracking package. Once the results variable pointer is defined, the Medicine Package has provided Consult/Request Tracking with an entry point PRINT^MCOR which extracts results information and stores them in an ^TMP array for display purposes in OE/RR and Consult/Request Tracking. In order to call PRINT^MCOR the Consult/Request Tracking package must define the following variables. ORACTION=8 GMRCSR=variable pointer to results file GMRCPRNM=Name of procedure type, which should equal one of the Procedure Types in File 697.2, the eighth piece. The call to get the Medicine Results formats the results in ^TMP("MC",$J,... The ^TMP("MC",$J temporary global may be deleted upon completion of use. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: PRINT SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 616 IA #: 616 FILE NUMBER: 697.2 GLOBAL ROOT: MCAR(697.2, DATE CREATED: MAR 11, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: CLINICAL PROCEDURES CUSTODIAL ISC: Washington USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA147-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 147 ID: MCAR(697.2, GLOBAL REFERENCE: MCAR(697.2,D0, FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: GLOBAL LOCATION LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 7 FIELD NAME: PRINT NAME LOCATION: 0;8 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 3. In addition to the interface the Medicine Package has provided, an alternative method for the Medicine Package Users is provided in a stand alone option provided by the Consult/Request Tracking Package. This option functions as follows: - The user selects the Medicine Procedure Type from a Protocol Menu - The service related to the Procedure Type defined in the FILE LINK field in Protocol File is determined - The patient is selected. - Consults/Request for the Service and Patient are displayed. - At the Select Action: prompt, the user may select "AR" for associate results - The PRINT NAME field, in the 8th piece of the ^MCAR(697.2,D0,0) node is the text that the Consults package uses to do a look up on the "BA" cross-reference. The consult package gets the text for the look-up from the Protocol name by removing the "GMRCR " prefix. The result of the "BA" lookup allows us to find the entry in 697.2 that represents the type of procedure that consults is processing. The GLOBAL LOCATION, the 2nd piece of the ^MCAR(697.2,D0,0) global node tells Consults what file to look for the results in. A look-up in the GLOBAL LOCATION file allows the user to "ASSOCIATE RESULTS" with a consult, and provide the Medicine package with the consult it is linked to. - The user is allowed to select from the list of Results in this results file for the Patient. (Using Medicine "C" cross-ref.) - Once a result entry is selected, it may be viewed using the PRINT^MCOR, to verify these are the correct results to associate with the request. - The user is asked if the order status should be updated to 'Completed' (default is yes, if no, ORSTS is incomplete) - The user is asked to enter the name of the clinician responsible for the results. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING ISC: Salt Lake City NUMBER: 617 IA #: 617 FILE NUMBER: 50.6 GLOBAL ROOT: PSNDF( DATE CREATED: FEB 27, 1995 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NATIONAL DRUG FILE CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA149-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 149 ID: PSNDF( GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSNDF(D0,2,D1,0) FIELD NUMBER: 3 FIELD NAME: VA DRUG CLASSIFICATION LOCATION: 0;3 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSNDF(D0,2,D1) GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Direct global read used to $ORDER through the DOSAGE FORM subfield. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSNDF('B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Direct global read access to the "B" cross-reference will be used to get the internal entry number of the entry. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSNDF('T', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Direct global read access to the "T" cross-reference will be used to look up a drug by its TRADE NAME. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSNDF(D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: VA GENERIC NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: VA GENERIC NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: VA GENERIC NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSN*4*94. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. This DBIA retirement only applies to non-pharmacy packages. Pharmacy packages are still allowed to utilize this agreement past the expiration date of June 1, 2006. The Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) package will point to the National Drug (50.6) file. The ART package will do a direct global read of the VA DRUG CLASSIFICATION (3) field of the DOSAGE FORM subfield (2) multiple of the NATIONAL DRUG (50.6) file to get all the VA Drug Classes for an entry, e.g., D0=$O(^PSNDF(DA,2,D0)) ;loop through DOSAGE FORM subfield Drug Class=$P(^PSNDF(DA,2,D0,0),"^",3) The ART package can loop through the "B" and "T" cross-references. The "T" cross-reference is on the TRADE NAME field which is field #2 on the subfile 50.67. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 13620387 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ISC: Birmingham EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T NUMBER: 618 IA #: 618 FILE NUMBER: 50.605 GLOBAL ROOT: PS(50.605, DATE CREATED: FEB 27, 1995 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: NATIONAL DRUG FILE CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File NAME: DBIA149-C ORIGINAL NUMBER: 149 ID: PS(50.605, GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(50.605,D0,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CLASSIFICATION CODE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 1 FIELD NAME: CLASSIFICATION LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CLASSIFICATION CODE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: CLASSIFICATION CODE LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(50.605,'B', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: Direct global read access to the "B" cross-reference will be used to determine the internal entry number for a record. GLOBAL REFERENCE: PS(50.605,'C', GLOBAL DESCRIPTION: DIrect global read access to the "C" cross-reference will be used to lookup an entry by its CLASSIFICATION (#1) value. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSN*4*94. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. The Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) package will point to the VA Drug Class (50.605) file. The ART package can do lookups on this file using the "C" cross-reference. The package can do a direct global read of the the "C" cross-reference node. The ART package will: a. Use the "B" cross-reference of the VA Drug Class (50.605) file to find the internal entry number (IEN) of a record, e. g., IEN=$O(^PS(50.605,"B",Class_Code,"")). b. Use a direct global read on the CLASSIFICATION CODE (.01) field in the VA Drug Class (50.605), e.g., Class_code=$P(PS(50.605,IEN,0),"^"). c. Use a direct global read on the CLASSIFICATION (1) field in the VA Drug Class (50.605), e. g., Class=$P(^PS(50.605,IEN,0),"^",2). STATUS: Retired DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 13620422 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines EDITOR: RUZBACKI,RON T DATE/TIME EDITED: NOV 27, 2007@13:02 ACTION: RETIRED AT THE REQUEST OF: TATUM,WILLIAM NUMBER: 619 IA #: 619 FILE NUMBER: 50 GLOBAL ROOT: PSDRUG( DATE CREATED: FEB 27, 1995 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT CUSTODIAL ISC: Birmingham USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA149-D ORIGINAL NUMBER: 149 ID: PSDRUG( GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSDRUG(DA,0) FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: GENERIC NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: 2 FIELD NAME: VA CLASSIFICATION LOCATION: 0;2 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: GENERIC NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Pointed to FIELD NUMBER: .01 FIELD NAME: GENERIC NAME LOCATION: 0;1 ACCESS: Read w/Fileman GLOBAL REFERENCE: PSDRUG(DA,'ND') FIELD NUMBER: 25 FIELD NAME: NATIONAL DRUG CLASS LOCATION: ND;6 ACCESS: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This agreement will be retired on 6/1/2006. Please do not add any additional code that utilizes this Integration Agreement. APIs have been created that can be used in place of any code needing to make use of this agreement. These APIs were released with patch PSS*1*91. Documentation information can be found in the patch description. In addition, any code that currently utilizes this Integration Agreement must be converted to use the new API's. If any part of this Integration Agreement cannot be satisfied with the APIs, please contact the PRE development team mail group at VHA OI SDD PHARM REENG DEV using Microsoft Outlook. The Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) package will point to the Drug (50) file. The ART package will: a. Use a direct global read on the GENERIC NAME (.01) field of the DRUG (50) file to get the Name of an entry, e.g., Name=$P(^PSDRUG(DA,0),"^"). b. Use a direct global read on the VA CLASSIFICATION (2) field of the DRUG (50) file to get the VA Drug Class of an entry, e.g., VA Class=$P(^PSDRUG(DA,0),"^",2). c. Use a direct global read on the NATIONAL DRUG CLASS (25) field of the DRUG (50) file to get the VA Drug Class of an entry, e.g., Drug Class=$P(^PSDRUG(DA,"ND"),"^",6). In each of these examples DA is an entry in the DRUG (50) file. STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed EXPIRATION DATE: JUN 01, 2006 MAIL MESSAGE: 13620467 SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING ISC: Hines EDITOR: BLOCKER,DAVE NUMBER: 620 IA #: 620 FILE NUMBER: 741.2 GLOBAL ROOT: QA(741.2, DATE CREATED: APR 20, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: QUALITY ASSURANCE INTEGRATION CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED NAME: DBIA153-B ORIGINAL NUMBER: 153 ID: QA(741.2, GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Read access to find patients who have had a QA occurrence which was refered to peer review associated with a particular admission. FILE 741.2 QA OCCURRENCE REVIEW LEVEL Field 1 REVIEW LEVEL NUMBER STATUS: Active DURATION: Till Otherwise Agreed SUBSCRIBING PACKAGE: EXTERNAL PEER REVIEW ISC: Birmingham NUMBER: 621 IA #: 621 FILE NUMBER: 741.1 GLOBAL ROOT: QA(741.1, DATE CREATED: JUN 02, 1992 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: OCCURRENCE SCREEN CUSTODIAL ISC: Chicago USAGE: Private TYPE: File